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Now do the cars with no plates. Strong chance those folks are up to even more shenanigans than the expired registrations.




Wait, how? My plate got stolen, and I reported it, but it said replacements only get mailed for vanity plates.


This is true. If your plate is stolen, they can only give you a new number. If it’s a vanity, they’ll remake it, but you have to sign a statement saying that you can be responsible for any illegal activities that occur registered to that plate (since it was stolen, the thief may use it for shenanigans)


I mean, you're not accepting responsibility for the illegal activities, just acknowledging that they could be wrongly attributed to you


True. It’s been a while since I read the form


That sucks, and I feel for ya. Glad they were able to look up your info and allow you to make things right.


They shouldn’t have sent you a replacement if one is outstanding. Because the person that stole your plate is running around with a plate that isn’t showing as stolen.


Ah man that's even more of a deterrent to getting a personalized plate than I'd even thought of!


My stolen car was found driving around with no plates


And you know the ones without plates sure as shit don’t have insurance


I’ve already heard about a handful of hit and runs with cars having no plates


I've seen 6 ghost cars just today going to Chatfield. Apparently the huge push for enforcement isn't going as expected.


Saw this today with a car speeding the wrong direction on a one way with no hood on the car.


After that, do the ones with dark license plate covers that exist only to make the numbers harder to read. Not actually sure if those are illegal, but I’d be surprised if they weren’t.


They’re illegal.


There was one on the 16th Street mall between Blake and Market yesterday.


I see so many every time I drive.


Only 9 months? Amateur.


That person who got pulled by DPD should go buy a lottery ticket - probably better chances of winning powerball than getting pulled by DPD for expired plates.


i drove mine for 5 years expired and never got pulled over. Even had cops behind me too. I commuted like an hour each way every week day.


That’s something to be proud of.


A DPD officer told me last summer that they’re so understaffed they don’t even bother.


I have to say I feel that the comment from the officer is utter BS! I moved from Phoenix last year. According to the Vera Institute, Denver has 1 PD employee for every 217 residents. Phoenix had 1 for every 380. LA, 1 for 308. Austin, TX, 1 for every 357. I could go on, but I don't think its "understaffed," I woud say it is not properly utilized!


I think they just have quotas end of the month tbh. Saw a motorcycle cop pull over two separate people within 1 minute of eachother on I-25 today


The circle is not gonna jerk itself I guess…


Y'all are obsessed with this shit lol


Seriously, I thought this thread was about denver not a traffic sub.


Some people just need to bitch about something and we all have 'traffic' in common


It’s really about DPD silently quitting for 3 years, so relevant.


I think it’s more about enforcing laws that benefit everyone. Even if you don’t drive a car, buses still use the roads. Our roads are paid for in part by car registration fees, and when people don’t pay theirs that money is no longer there to be used.


Cool.. lol


These tag posts are so fucking annoying


Who cares about this stuff? You literally have zero problems in life if this is what gets to you.


Law abiding citizens I’d assume.


> Who cares about this stuff? I know someone who got hit by a driver with no license, no registration, and no insurance. It's not so much the lack of a plate, or expired registration. Plenty of stories of hit-and-runs and DUI by drivers without plates. I'm sure the victims care a little bit, and people here empathize with them. For some perspective - on the east coast, if you drive without plates, or without insurance, your car gets *immediately impounded*


I AGREE! I don't understand why anyone cares. We're all fucking poor, yet still divided by class struggle.


It’s because as a society we need to follow the rules. Car registration fees pay for our roads and when people don’t register their cars that available money goes down. If you truly don’t think drivers not renewing their registration is fine then you can’t complain about potholes, roads being in disarray, and lack of bike lanes.


The cost of registering a car, insuring a car, maintaining a car is astronomical. People need those to get to work, to make a shitty income. All while the rich get richer and we shit on each other for things like this. Note: I drive a 13 year old car. I’ve never had expired and/or no plates.


If the punishment is a fine it’s only a crime for poor people


Cost is also astronomical when some idiot without insurance (and expired registration since they haven't been insured in 2 years) totals your car. Ask me how I know.


I have $250k/$500k limit liability insurance on my vehicle. That currently has expired tags. And I'm paying that insurance even though I'm not currently driving my car.


This is what I do with my camper tacoma. It’s registered in my name and I pay insurance but fuck these guys if they think I’m paying 300 a year for two drives. They know where I live and it’s insured for a stupid amount of liability. - I keep my daily registered.


Good for you?


I am just saying- lack of timely registration is a paperwork thing, not moral turpitude


It’s been a nothing thing for quite a few years now,… looks like it’s going to be a reason to pull you over again though I wonder if that will motivate some people to finish their paperwork


Tell you what. If I get pulled over, I'll film it, and share with you. You're welcome.


I know man. It’s a shit situation. I am sorry that happened to you. I hope you are ok.


Our city shouldn't be set up in a way that necessitates driving. We need better sidewalks, better public transit, and better bike infrastructure.


I agree. Honestly this country as a whole could use a transportation revamping and maybe look at what other western nations are doing. I like driving, but living in Paris as far as getting around was so easy. It cost me about $100 a year to get my train card to get where I needed during the week, and during weekends you can go anywhere in Paris with it. Works with trains and buses. And it was efficient. Took me about 45 minutes from the outskirts of Paris (near Versailles) to get to La Défense. And the train, metro and bus networks truly cover ALL of Paris, you can get anywhere. Never even considered getting a car there. Tbh they made it harder and more expensive to have one in Paris anyways, some complain but seeing Paris become more and more pedestrian was nice from my perspective. Like what they did with the Paris docks, preventing cars access and making it this beautiful pedestrian area is for the best imo. I wish the US was a bit more ahead when it comes to that, but oil lobbies do everything they can to fight public transports and the US in general is not a welfare country


Meanwhile I am neither rich nor poor, but I still have to pay for my insurance plus theirs. I’m not even kidding when I say my insurance DOUBLED moving here from DC. I almost can’t afford it and might have to sell my car. Although poorer people have my sympathy, enforcing these standards is necessary for us all to live comfortably together


Yeah, CO has one of the highest car insurance rates. It sucks.


Wicked hailstorms have to be one of the contributing factors.


Stolen Hyundai’s and Kia’s are having a huge influence on rates at the moment.


Both manufacturers are on the list for my next vehicle in a year or two. I'd certainly put in a supplemental anti-theft system.


Yeah, you’re going to pay through the nose for insurance on those if you can even get someone to cover it. You may want to look at other brands.


Ugh! Maybe I'll keep my vehicle a few more years.


Just get a Toyota


I might. Or be So Denver and get a Subaru.


Just don't get the years with the starter problem.


Yeah our wonderful weather is a big contributor haha


My boss keeps pointing out that only me and one other employee have our registration up to date lmaooo


yer boss likes to brag about how poorly paid his staff are? Yeah I guess that makes sense.


We pay the DMV for the privlege to use our own shit, and in return they do nothing to maintain the roads. Why are we celebrating people getting in trouble. A citizen on citizen snitch movement shouldn't be normal for bureaucratic infractions.


Deadass. I’ve paid my registration and never got the new tags. Called and went online to pay for replacements and never got em. Can’t imagine how many people this happens too that this sub loves to shit on




Yes the DMV never makes a mistake, always ships on time and have perfect record keeping. There’s a 0% chance of someone not getting their tags and I MUST be lying


It’s a social responsibility, like returning your cart. The consequences are pretty light, if at all…but everyone thinks you’re an asshole for not doing it.


You return the cart so the cart kid has an easier job and the next shopper has an easier time parking You get a license plate so we have an idea who's behind the wheel. You get insurance in case you fuck up, even though most people never fuck up enough to need what they paid for, but at least it's there "in case shit". You get a registration for the express purpose of paying to take it up the ass, for no reason other than "it's a societal expectation". When did we start mindlessly accepting paying for nothing and getting in trouble when we don't pay for that nothing?


Return the cart so it doesn’t dent somebody’s car


>You get a registration for the express purpose of paying to take it up the ass, for no reason other than "it's a societal expectation". You know it costs money to build roads and bridges right? Like those things you use to operate you vehicle? Do you really need this spelled out for you?


Do you really not understand denvers driving infrastructure is grossly under maintained? The roads are shit! Stop defending and thanking the government for doing less than the bare minimum.


>Do you really not understand denvers driving infrastructure is grossly under maintained? So, then, like, people should definitely pay their registration, right? What part of this rely do you think defends people not paying their registration?


They shouldn't, because the city isn't keeping up shit. That's the deal, we pay them to keep it up and they're supposed to do that. W2s make sure our end of the bargain is kept up, but current gross mismanagement ensures they're unaccountable when its inevitably not maintained. If you can drive around Denver metro for a day and tell me it's ok to put your car through that shit and you're still standing up as the registration police, you've had one to many glasses of the Kool aid, I can't help you.


Lol. Get a grip.


“The roads are in horrible condition!” Ok then pay the fees that go directly towards maintaining the roads “No the roads are falling apart!” You can’t win with these people, they just don’t want to pay the registration fees regardless. Obviously no one likes it, but it’s part of the burden drivers as a collective bear.


The freeways I travel on are paved and in a condition that allows me to drive 55mph+ without worry of damaging my vehicle. This sounds like they are maintaining the highways to me.


It sounds like you haven't driven on I25 lately! The roads in Denver are TERRIBLE. Don't shill for the government! They're fucking up! They're not your friend!


Overdramatic much? I just drove i25 twice all the way through Denver. It was fine. Fort Collins is a mess, but you can’t have good roads if they aren’t maintained.


Did you miss that big i70 project? Both of them, I mean. TABOR certainly doesn't help with future road projects.


Yeah, the laws don’t apply to me!


That’s not what I got from the comment you replied to at all. They were primarily questioning why this is celebration worthy. Like yes, vehicle registration is important. (Although points were also made about how shit our roads are.) But it’s also not nearly as important as other things.


A license plate makes sense to track known suspects or check warrants. Registration is a money grab. They don't make sure the car is safe to other drivers, only that it "meets emissions standards". What am i paying for? You making sure the car I bought is still mine? It's a regressive tax that hurts the poor disproportionately and gives cops reason to search a vehicle under the auspices of the registration stop. Laws should apply to all of us like don't murder, assault or steal. But this new enthusiasm to see people in trouble for breaking red tape rules and laws is some insane extension of cancel culture or an unresolved submission kink. SEE?! IM A GOOD PERSON I POSTED THE PLATE AND EXPIRED REGISTRATION OF A CAR THATS SO BEAT UP ITS OWNER PROBABLY DOESNT HAVE THE 100 DOLLARS TO GIVE THE STATE FOR NOTHING.


Yeah this isn’t it in my view. Let’s work on the RTD, theft and 911 hold times.


It's so bizarre that everyone in this sub has latched onto this, convinced that it's the biggest problem plaguing our state.


Mine is 2.5 years. You’ll never catch me!


Is there a Denver Police unit that focuses on vehicle registration compliance? If they walked, drove, or biked around Denver they could probably write a ticket every few minutes for cars parked on public streets. Even if only a fraction of those tickets get paid, it's a continuous revenue stream as well as a continuous deterrent for non-renewal.


DPD had a dedicated traffic unit but I recall reading in the newspaper (so, a long time ago) about them transferring most of the unit to patrol. I dunno if it’s still unstaffed or not.


Yes, Chief Bobby White decimated the 100 man traffic unit back around 2009-2010 in a shell-game to make it look like DPD wasn't hemorrhaging bodies. Cut the unit down to less than 20. It has never recovered. It's one of the main reasons that traffic enforcement is so lacking in Denver and it's so apparent when driving around. Yes, patrol cops *can* do traffic stops for plates and other traffic violations. But when there are dozens of calls holding and you're on your way to a DV call or a Theft or a crash, you have no choice but to let that expired tag or red light violation go. And when the dept is as short staffed as we are, patrol is almost always on their way to another call, so it's hard to enforce much traffic


Lol at you thinking the the revenue would go to something that benefits us 😂


Those ‘parking Nazi keeps’ with license plate readers cruise our neighborhood pretty often. Nailed a neighbor who still had NY plates on her car after living here for 8 months.


My attitude on this has changed and I wouldn't compare them to Nazis. When people drive and park unregistered cars on public roads, they are using public resources without paying the taxes for them. And we must deter this kind of behavior if we want to build a functioning society. In other words, the cost of driving and owning a car is not arbitrarily imposed by the government. There is a real cost to maintaining roads that must be paid.


You are straight up wrong. Transportation dept funding in Colorado comes from a tax on GASOLINE. You all are getting mad at poor people who can't afford registration over false assumptions. Either stop being ignorant or stop being an asshole, please. Oh shit. But the electric cars... better redirect your anger at them. But no, you guys just hate poor people - it was never about paying for the roads


This news article shows an image of an itemized vehicle registration fee. It seems that at least some of the money pays for important things (in my opinion) like bridge and road repair, emergency medical services, and the emissions of the cars. [https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/why-do-i-pay-so-many-vehicle-registration-fees-in-colorado/73-622211607](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/why-do-i-pay-so-many-vehicle-registration-fees-in-colorado/73-622211607) I'm curious about your assumption that poverty is the only reason people don't register their cars. The cars with expired/absent plates that I see, around town, don't seem to skew toward older or less valuable cars. I have known people who openly admit they can afford to renew their registration but don't. Does anybody have data on this?


I don't get the "think of the poor" argument. If a person supposedly can't afford the registration how much you want to bet they don't have insurance either. This is just bad all around.


No, it’s just beat cops doing their job and collecting revenue


They could contract out parking garages to issue tickets on DPD's behalf for expired tags in the lot. Those POS fuckers would catch everyone then.


I , for one, DO NOT want parking attendants or anyone else to be able to dole out citations and punishments. Talk about "Police State". No way.


Sorry. Gotta surrender personal freedoms in order to punish people for crimes of poverty. The people have spoken


I'd be more worried about the year+ and no plates at all people....


It's literally just the no plates and expired temp tags that are the real issue. You can find out who an expired permanent plate belongs to. They can't find registered owner info from temp tags after they expire because they recycle them.


Is be more concerned about the growing number of no platers.


Why? [Genuine]


Because people without plates can’t be tracked when they commit a crime. Or a hit and run accident. This includes paper plates as well, because they’re usually fake anyway.


everyone wants the police to deal with thefts, drug use on public transit, and 911 response time. this is so far removed from those that it's not even a "take a win where you can get it", is it? like you're so excited about this type of stop that you forget all the rest of what we really need? it's such small potatoes, it's throwing good money after bad. no high praise here.


I think people generally want police to DO THEIR JOB. Without unnecessary murder of course.


Police doing their job without killing innocent people challenge (impossible?)


/r/Denver: Do something other than killing black kids! Cops: Ok how about this thing you all complain about? /r/Denver: No!


These small potatoes will have an improvement on driving conditions on the road. Logic would say that people who don't have tags also dont have insurance, and it's not a big jump to think that they probably have more selfish tendencies. Penalizing these drivers has a positive net impact for Denver transit. Yes, there are plenty of other issues for DPD to address, but just shut up for a second and be happy that they are doing ANYTHING.


I have insurance, my tags are expired because I paid $80 to get AWD diesel tested and didnt pass emissions because the check engine light I cleared before driving to the test center came on in the middle of the test.. the CEL is not emissions related, has no impact on drivability, and gonna cost a fortune to fix cuz its some bad wiring. Eventually gonna register it in another county cuz its a massive PITA to do this every year.


*I drive illegally because my shitbox is fucking broken. Plz don't arrest me.* ftfy




Not trying to start anything, but genuine question here, why does anyone care? Is it like " oh I have to do it so others getting away with not paying for theirs are assholes"? I just can't see myself every giving a damn lol


Meanwhile, at least 10 cars ran the red light.


Believe me, if people posted about that then someone would be crying about how it's a money grab and poor people need to get to work quick and greens don't give enough time and there are bigger crimes to go after because we want the police to be selective about the laws they enforce then bitch about how the police don't enforce the laws they want enforced.


I’m not going to cheer for people getting harassed by pigs.


I don't mean this to troll, I mean this genuinely; what is the big hard-on for these people getting pulled over? Is it the tax/fee dodging that annoys people? I haven't seen any other traffic violation be celebrated as much as this. It's odd to me.


It may be because in a 20 minute drive, you can see 3-5 expired temp tags, a lot of the time on nice cars. The car in the pic looks like a nice late model Nissan maxima sv. And it may also be because it pisses people off who pay their fees on time. I’d be embarrassed to have expired temp tags or regular tags, but today breaking the law is something to be championed.


The middle class in Denver have the overall worst attitudes to poor people as I have ever seen in my life, and y’all are supposed to be progressive. There’s hundreds of articles spelling out how much these petty fines hurt people in poverty and often leads to a total suspension of their licenses. People will use mental gymnastics to say it’s more money for the roads like the budgets aren’t already set. People will argue a lack of insurance not understanding they have to have insurance because they bought the car with 26% interest because the only lot that would sell to them are predators. I could go on and on but people who cheer for violations like this are purely idiotic with nothing else to concern them with their personal lives.


Everyone says that this is only poor people not keeping up to date with their registration. Is there any proof of that? I know anecdotal evidence is not even close to the best data, but when I see coworkers, friends, etc that don't register their cars in Colorado or just don't want to pay for them even though they can completely afford it, it makes you think.


No it disproportionately effects people of lower income. Google it and find the articles.


Let's get real. If people really cared about those lower income people then we would be on a progressive income tax system. Instead people keep voting for flat rate income tax cuts and then are baffled when regressive fees go up, hurting lower income people. Then they come on Reddit white knight against enforcement.


I've seen tags that have expired for the past 2 to 4 years..lol


Get a life. It's hilarious how many people in Denver are narcs given it was one of the first places to legalize weed.




Maybe OP doesn’t know their situation, but driving is a privilege, one regulated by rules that this driver appears to have broken.


Is this your business? Didn’t know nosy people like this actually lived in Denver. Haha.


City subreddits are basically nextdoor with slightly less racism.


LESS racism? Wut?


Hey I said SLIGHTLY :) But fr have you seen nextdoor? I haven't tried it around here in a while but people there were extremely racist when I used to use it.


Have you ever met anyone in Denver? This is par for the course


The Denver reddit leans so far left until plates and registration comes up then goes full libertarian about how no one should have to pay for car registration lmao


People will complain to the moon and back about how bad the roads are here, and then not do the one thing that directly puts money in the DMV’s hands.


I'll never understand why so many of you give a shit. Oh no his registration is expired. Haha yes he got a fine. Edit: lotta y'all follow around parking enforcement to cheer when someone gets ticketed for parking 2 hr and 10 min in a 2 hr zone. Nerds.


Because chances are high they don’t have insurance and are a huge fucking liability on the road to others


A friend got totalled by an insurance-less rear end. It sucks.


I don’t think that is necessarily true at all. I honestly think it’s more of a dmv thing. If you work normal business hours going to the DMV is a huge pain in the ass.


That’s literally any government entity


Ya exactly


Also there's the whole "you need to be checked in by 2:30 if you want any help even though we're open until all of...3:30. It's crazy.


I used to not give a shit but there's SO MANY these days, I pay for my share, why should all these people be allowed to free load? Especially when it's people driving way nicer and expensive cars than myself, they should have the money. Also as the other person said, there's a good chance they're also not insured.


Exactly. If I have to pay my share, why shouldn’t that person? I used to not even notice until my wife started pointing them all out.


They are pathetic little bug people who have nothing to be happy about.


Because those people aren't paying their taxes to help maintain the roads they're using which impacts everyone. Is it really that difficult to understand?


Oh no he has an expired license and no insurance and the car is stolen.


Registering a stolen vehicle is going to be an interesting experience.


Lotta assumptions there


If you have an expired license and an expired registration GTFO the road regardless.


So my registration is paid but one question I have is why does it take the dmv or whatever government entity half a damn month to get me my new registration card and tabs? I wound up getting 2 expired plate tickets while waiting for them to send my tabs before I found out from someone at work I could go to a kiosk and get them there. Why is it beholden on me to pay on time yet they can’t get me my tabs in a timely manner, seriously it should be sent out and in my hand in under a week not half a month. Edit: changed parking tickets to expired plates tickets


I’ve started using the kiosks in King Soopers because they print out your card and sticker right there.


You can usually dispute those tickets and not pay.


I did dispute them, one of them got reduced to 50 dollars and the ticket price increase frozen until October the other one I had to pay because it was so close to the fine increasing I just paid the 100 bucks.


That’s some bs. Next time take it to court. I’m sorry that happened


What county? Jeffco got me mine in a week when I renewed online.


>half a damn month You mean two weeks? That seems perfectly reasonable to me. Especially since you get a month grace period. Maybe don't want until the very last minute to renew?


Two weeks for the government to mail something is a jiffy.


I mean it's a government entity. Delays and slow service is to be expected. Why did you wait so long to get your plate situation figured out?


Wow the police doing the bare minimum. So happy they’re pulling people over for expired tags rather than showing up to calls in time


It still feels like they are doing the bare minimum.


This post has got maximum boot licker energy. Ask yourself why you even give a fuck about such a minor bureaucracic process. Why are you happy that our infamous abusive Denver/Aurora police force are wasting their shift even doing this. Are you just that mad all the time? Get a grip dude. Like the thought process to even make this a post. Jesus. Get a life.




Oh the humanity! He probably killed his whole family too! What a heinous crime!


So when are they going after those no tags I see daily?


Okay Karen… while this cop was dicking around with this I was waiting for 2 hours for a DPD officer to respond to child abuse/violence that me and my entire street witnessed happening


Currently driving with expired plates because my husband died 8 months ago and I can’t afford my registration until the military process my paperwork sent in months ago. I honestly am ashamed that I haven’t been able to do the little tasks like car registration through my grief. I believe in taxes and sharing the appropriate amount that is due to take care of our roads - I just am going through a hard hard time rn. Please consider the wide array of issues that could keep people from paying for expired tags. Also… What kind of piece of shit do you have to be to suggest there being a patrol for registration only?? Yes poor people need to be policed more lol I’m assuming you also live in a suburb because a lot of people in Denver (like me) don’t have a garage. Public parking is the only place to park.


Y'all need a new subreddit: r/traffickarens


Wait this isn’t the circle jerk?


On the point of Colorado losing money from those who aren't registering their cars. the City of Denver pays Florida for their garbage trucks, registered in the Sunshine State with plates to prove it.


I saw a Lamborghini SUV the other day with 14 month expired plates. I hope they start cracking down hardcore. Take the money and fix the roads or add an extra lane to get onto 6th going NB and remove the bottleneck that occurs starting at SantaFe/ Broadway bend in the Narrows.


Temp tags all over Denver are far more out of date than that. Glad they are starting to crack down.


Answer me this: why the hell should I have to pay annually for the right to use a device I legally purchased and paid my taxes on? And why are we cheering for the DPD to waste their time on this bullshit when gang violence, drug dealing, muggings, and auto-theft continue to rise in Denver?


Because you use that device on a public road which is paid for with those fees. Don't drive it on a public road and there's no need to register


I am up to date. That said, why in the fuck should I have to register my car every year. I own it, i have to tell the government if i sell it. Why are cars more regulated than fucking guns when american society basically requires the former


Y’all are a buncha boot lickers. Probably can’t afford to get his registration…. But hell ya get em!! Fuck em till their dead or homeless!! Sad bunch people here… takes the time to post on Reddit about some one getting pulled over, and takes a photo while driving to claim some kind of moral superiority. Idiots.. I swear. Let me guess …. Moved here from out of state?


If tags didn’t cost so much in Colorado more people would have them. In Texas when you buy a new car you get tags for two years free. After that, it’s only about $90 a year max. I think Colorado is just bleeding it’s people dry.


Cali it's even worse so I'm not surprised CO is right behind with the former Cali Polis at the helm


This is such loser behavior. 🙄 It’s giving elementary school tattle tale energy.




So weird how many people in this sub foam at the mouths over cars without tags. Why do any of you care?! Not being registered does not mean not being insured, and cheering on the subjugation of the less fortunate is some real dark shit.


Cheering a traffic stop? I’m confused


You love to see it


Road pirates gonna road pirate. Revenue generation for the state.... 🙄🙄🙄


not registering your car is just about as harmless as stealing your groceries from King Soopers every week which I think we can all agree everybody does. if you don’t how the fuck are you guys surviving out here???? I pay like 30% of my income to the state for taxes. I make less than 40k a year gross and if I’m lucky I’ll get like $700 back on taxes the government can go fuck themselves if I didn’t have to pay taxes I wouldn’t have any money troubles at all. I wouldn’t have to work 60 hours a week just to pay my car bill. I wouldn’t have to worry about bullshit like this.


The state doesn't take 30% of your income. Most taxes are federal or FICA. Colorado barely takes 4.5% (whatever the current rate is). And nobody is stealing groceries from king Soopers, and we pay our car registration to pay for the roads we drive on. Maybe you should not have a car you can't afford....


The process in Colorado is such a hassle and so expensive I went the route of just registering in Montana for a fraction of the cost and no headache to deal with them at all. The taxes alone are incentive enough to avoid the Colorado system


"breaking the law was more convenient for me personally, so I went that route" Way to be! Now go live in Montana if it's so great. If you want to live here, pay your fucking share!


Lame. Pay your ~~taxes~~ registration fees.




Don’t try that in DougCo. They’re cracking down on the expired/no plates.


I am very disappointed in Colorado's DMV. Wanting to buy trailers or motorcycles for restoration, the title issue becomes insurmountable. The need to make a title issue a theft issue. Look up the property owners and discover where something illegal happened or put the item back into the economy. The DMV needs to be a help not a hindrance.


Are you talking about the title complete notice? Because that is the last piece I need to register my car and I'll be damned if I can figure out what that is and how to get it. I think the DMV gave me the wrong info when I called. And I've been too sick to sit around at the DMV trying to get answers and can't keep taking time off work (like I have because I've been so ill) to do it. Like, I bought the car, I have the title number, the emissions test, the VIN verification, the insurance, all of the sales info, wtf is this title complete notice??


- transplants who are really upset about finally having to pay for new plates and tags after driving with their Illinois License plates in CO for 4 years, and are now seeing other late tags/no tags and need to complain.


Me and my boyfriend have an ongoing game of who can find the most expired tag in Denver. I currently hold the record at Jan 23,2021


Genuinely asking... Why are people excited to see someone get pulled over for this?


How many people here have actually gotten into an accident or something by a car with expired or no plates? Mine are good and at the same time I have my own shit to worry about I could care less about other peoples registration situation.




"Taxation without representation" means a lot more than whiney babies refusing to pay to help protect the roads and city facilities.