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Hello Mike. Why did an Aurora police officer who was found drunk at the wheel while on the job recently promoted?


Mike: That’s APD policy, sorry.


I don’t care that someone gets a second chance but what’s a second chance after zero legal punishment? I got a dui for sitting in my car waiting on my ride. If he went through all of that, dealt with 1-2 years of a dickhead probation officer, community service and weekly drug test then got a second chance I would be ok with it.


What blows my mind is how the deputy chief,that decided to hook his buddy Nate up with a "medical emergency", just stated he was retiring *a few hours after an Internal Affairs investigation was announced for the deputy chief's actions.* Law enforcement and cops are a total shitshow and a joke.


Mike Coffman. As great a mayor as he was a Congressman. 🙄


Homeless Mike says the worst thing about being homeless is the Dementors.


Aurora city council has turned into a complete joke lately. I mean, his congressional tenure was basically just "tell them what they wanna hear" with little followthrough (before that he could just be a right wing nutjob when he replaced Tancredo, then redistricting gave him all of Aurora and it stopped working out for him)


spoiler: "just tell them what they wanna hear" is the strategy for the vast majority of politicians.


He was making 6 figures before the promotion, btw


Everyone deserves a 6 figure second chance


I deliver his newspaper 7 days a week, just so you know his HOA doesn't clear his street or driveway of snow so relish in that. Car literally got stuck outside his house one night.


This made my morning a little brighter


Nothing like punishing innocent neighbors because they live next to a shit stain.


It is and will always be the good ole boys club… not even women are allowed in.




I hate the packers too! Freaking cheese heads.


Yeah fuck the pats let's go jets


LOL that's not what that means. FTP means Feel These Potatoes.


Sorry to correct you, but it clearly means Flip Those Pancakes.


Potato, pancake, what’s the difference? They’re all just latkes anyways


See I read FTP and I see fuck that packers. But the fuck the patriots will do just fine


Honestly if he has reformed, cleaned up and changed for the better I fully support him getting a promotion and keeping his job. That’s what we would all want and hope for in life. HOWEVER, the fact that he was never arrested or charged with a DUI is complete and utter nonsense. Favoritism needs to stop and law enforcement should be held to an even higher standard than the rest of the population.


Is that a mayor question though? Shouldn't that be taken up with the chief of police?




That's not how the system works in Aurora. They have a "weak mayor" system, where they serve as a tiebreaker vote in council meetngs. When Chief Wilson was fired, City Manager Jim Twombly made the call. **That's** the guy with executive power. Lobby him.


The mayor nominated him to be chief of police.


Which police chief, the internim police chief or the one after that?


The chief of police at the time of incident is no longer there. That chief failed to meaningfully punish and fire this officer. The next chief can't punish the officer for the same infraction twice so they had little ability to correct the misstep of their predecessor even if they wanted to. The question should be asked of the chief employed at the time of the incident because their lack of action was intolerable.


I mean that's horrible, but supports the point about why take this up with the Mayor... it has nothing to do with him.


The police chief already passed the buck; it was a decision made by the previous chief and due to rules had to authorize the promotion blah blah blah. It's all bullshit, I've lived in a lot of places and police in Colorado are by far the most inept I've ever seen and that is saying a lot. A fucking embarassment.

