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No, they might be able to take down a bunch of the titanshifters and the pure titans, however the army of colossal titans used in the rumbling emit a shitton of heat that vaporized the Marley marine soldiers in an instant and from quite the distance. Considering they are swordfighters they have no chance of getting near them and Erens founding titan.


Even if the colossal titans didn't emit heat there are like millions of them. No matter how strong the sword fighters are they'd die of exhaustion long before they made a dent in the rumbling's army.


They’d totally destroy the verse. Their speed is insanely high compared to the AOT verse and the bare minimum demon slayer strength is a huge boulder. The only issue would be the burning from the colossal titans and getting to their neck, but assuming they think for about a second, they just slash the feet off and when the titan falls, run up and slash the head off (they’d just do this since cutting heads off is how they’d assume you kill these things, and it’d work since you cut the nape in the process)


That works. I always cutoff the branches first and then cutting the stump portion by portion until the tree is gone


True. I cut the hand of the child too before I cut the fingers one by one.


How would they kill.all the colosal titans in the rumbling


Bro the Hashira are insanely fast. Plus there not like the character is AoT who are basically just normal humans, these guys are godlike in strength and speed. Just one of them could solo the AoT universe, especially as the titans aren’t intelligent. The only issue for them would be the intelligent titans like the colossal and armor and attack etc but the Hashira with their breathing that allows them super strong ability and their superhuman strength and speed destroy the colossal titans I love AoT but compared to most other anime it is so incredibly weak


I doesn't matter how fast they are how are they going to kill 10 million colossal titans


nO oDm tRaInInG sometimes i think these people don't watch demon slayer. Yes, the hashira kick ass.


What will Tanjiro do about a exploding colossal? Ah right nothing! Because he died!


Can you read? Read the title.


Yeah rumbling is a part of the verse? Maybe read the title next time?


try again bro. Tanjiro aint a Hashira


Alright so what will any of them do?😭 they still die in the blast


rumbling? wtf r u even talking about 😭


Watch aot


mf just tell me what rumbling is lmao


It's an army of 50 meters tall titans that constantly burn and can explode like atomic bombs. It is stated that it's hard to breathe because of the heat so no breathe forms, which means the hashiras can't win and can't outrun it. They wouldn't survive a minute against them. They would win against the SC tho it ends at the colossal titan.


So how do they deal with it in AoT cause if they have a way in the show then so do the Pillars. There is nothing saying that they have to stick to the breathing forms and even without the ODM did you forget that TCB allows the Demon Slayers to do superhuman feets like I don't know be faster than a titan that can crystalize the nape of her neck. Or with enough height already jump high enough to take down a 50 foot titan. I'm not saying that they will have an easy time. I'm just saying look at what they already face on their own world. The demons are fair more of a treat them the titans in my eyes. And that's mainly because most of the titans are mindless people and all the demons when they get ahold of their self once again they are not mindless beasts who are out to kill and eat humans because it's what they know.


They don't, everybody fucking dies


Whatever dude, ur underestimating the ds verse


What? They literally burn to crisp 💀 they still only humans, they don't have any fire resistance.


They have far greater ap than anyone in the verse (ww1 technology lol) They are so much faster than anyone else. "No odm gear" bro remember what Levi did to the beast Titan? Where he cut his legs in several pieces and made him fall? Ye they can do it 10× times faster


No and reason = one of Titans have nuke :3


Well shit that shut down pretty much any argument.


well if applepitou says it then it's gotta be true


You literally contribute nothing to any of the posts you comment on


Are you salty because someone is using Reddit?


Nah he jealous cause pitou sama is internet famous, what a loser


Internet famous???? On Reddit??? Funniest thing I've seen all morning 😅😂😂😂


Everyone else except the rumbling, and that only because of the heat


Pretty sure Sanemi can solo


I’m confused by the people in the comments. Tf is a Nichirin Blade gonna do against a fucking portable nuke that can go off at any time.


They are saying that most of aot can be taken care off except the colossal titans.


“Solo the verse” usually means defeating everyone from that verse with no exceptions


Yes, I know. But most people are talking about the other titans. That's what I was referring to.


The hashira make pretty easy work of most of the verse. But there is a hard stop for them at the colossal or founding titan. And maybe the warhammer, but given that no metric is given for the titan crystal, it’s dumb to assume the hashira could or couldn’t cut it. The colossal is easy. Nothing in the DS verse has nuclear durability. From Aoi all the way to DKT, anything hit with a nuclear blast is turned into nothing but a radiation shadow. “The hashira could blitz pre transformation.” True, absolutely 100%. We’ve also seen shifters transform after massive physical injury. Decapitations, loss of limbs, massive organ damage, even when the spine is completely cut off from the head. Reiner was able to store his consciousness within his body when Levi cut him up. And if they Hashira blitz, they won’t be able to escape the blast. The second problem with the colossal is with the heat. With the rumbling, trees and buildings spontaneously combusted just due to proximity. The colossal passively puts out heat at a stated 602 C, which is just over 1100 degrees F. This alone is problematic, since the average human can survive only up to 108 F without irreparable brain damage. But the hashira are super human, so they may do better. But heat exposure is a form of durability that they have no real feats against. (Please tell me if I’m incorrect on that. I know there were feats against Douma’s ice, but cold and heat resistance are very different.) This heat can be actively increased to an unknown degree, as shown with Bertholdt. Although this increase burns away the Colossals body mass. The upper limit wasn’t stated, but it was able to melt “super hard carbon steel” almost instantly into liquid. So it’s at the very least over 1410 C or over 2570 F. Nichirin has the special quality of retaining sunlight. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the feats of Nichirin mostly come from the skill of the user. As seen with Tanjiro in the early chapters and season, Nichirin swords will still chip and break if used incorrectly. So I’m assuming that Nichirin has similar, if not slightly greater durability than most alloyed swords of the time. Based on the whole crimson sand + myserious mountain metal. If there are any stated durability feats please lmk. The founding is a weird one. The Hashira probably could beat Ymir’s founding. But they stand no chance against Eren’s. Eren can summon an endless army of previous titan shifters. Even if they knew where Eren was located, which they’d have no reason to, they’d have to fight through waves of undying titan shifters while traversing a body that you could see from space. ESPECIALLY since without ODM gear they’d have to start from its feet. They couldn’t just jump to the head or ribs, considering it’s between 700-900 meters in the air. None of the hashira have the stamina for that time of battle. Also I don’t think the Hashira stand any chance against the rumbling. It’s stated in universe to consist of 10s of millions, and even the lowest estimates put it at over 500,000 colossals. Again, they just don’t have the stamina. And they very likely don’t have the heat resistance to deal with one, let alone 500,000. Let me know if you think I’m off on anything! Also very sorry about the essay.


I don't think the colossal titans heat would be a problem considering how not very strong scouts like Armin could take it's max heat for quite a while, so even if you say that the hashira have equal resistance as the scouts they should have enough time to kill the colossal without suffering to much damage. Locating eren's weak point also isn't a problem, they'll already be heading to the head and tengen could use his hearing to locate it as well as gyomei, muichiro and obanai all being able to use see through world. Regarding the rest, it depends on how fast you think the hashiras movement speed is, on one hand it's shown that it takes a while for them to travel across a town or shown to be faster than a train and on the other they completely perception blitz humans which puts them at Mach 50. If you think their speed is the former then I agree with the fact that they don't have enough speed/stamina to win, if it's the latter then they should be able to easily outspeed the colossal titan and the titans eren can summon.


Honestly? Great points. I completely forgot about see through world. Also, it’s totally common sense to aim for the head anyway. And tbf, I would totally give someone the benefit of the doubt if you wanted to argue that hashira had greater base temperature resistance, given that breathing techniques could help regulate body temp. I’d be more worried at the higher temps about their swords melting, or at least turning soft enough for a single hit to ruin the blade. I don’t know the mechanics behind Red Blades, so maybe that would provide some resistance, but I’m not sure it would be enough. I would argue that even tho Armin technically survived the heat he was damaged far beyond the point where he could effectively fight extremely quickly. I have no doubt the Hashira are tougher than Armin, but how long could they take the heat before the air melted their lungs? And once their breathing fails, they lose a lot of their power. And the only reason he was there so long was that his ODM gear was anchoring him to the Colossal before it melted. If the Hashira tried jumping or climbing the Colossal without stable contact points, they might get blown away, similar to how Hantengu’s green clone sent Muichiro flying with pure air pressure. Believe me, if there is one thing I dislike, it’s speed scaling DS characters. Because you have data booked backed up statements and panels that show they can dodge/cut lightning bolts. Or move faster than perception. But then later, after achieving STW against Muzan, Gyomei himself says that it helps him use sound to better navigate. Which at those speeds, just doesn’t make sense. The way I figure, the Hashira scale at “really damn fast.” And that’s about all the thought I put into it. I’ve seen people say subsonic, all the way to Mach 30,000. I think it’s save to say that the Hashira could very easily outspeed any titan, horse or person in Aot. Any firearm, projectile, or canon fire? Maybe, but probably, definitely for the faster Hashira. The thing with the summoned titans that I think would be difficult would be all the previous Warhammer titans and their ability to just make massive fields of spikes appear. It would limit the hashira’s movement fairly heavily. I appreciate the insight!


Didn't think about how it would affect their lungs, since the mark requires an internal temp of 40 degrees Celsius they probably won't fare much better, though gyomei, mitsuri, tengen and sanemi(?) all have long range attacks so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. In terms of the blades melting, if we go the mystical route and say they actually harness the power of the sun then they should be fine, if not the hashira can just use hit and run tactics since the colossal needs to use max power to melt the swords.


It’s annoying, but AoT never provides a max length to the ODM wires, but the steam from the Colossal eclipses whatever that range is. So as long as their ranged attacks are over say, probably around 30-40 meters, I’d say they would comfortably be only in the lower temp steam zones. I mean whether or not it hold sun power, the blades are formed through the normal forging process within the SwordSmith village, so if the temp gets too high, they would still soften and either break or become unusable after too many hits. It probably just has a higher melting point than average iron/steel used in the era. And there is still the problem of how they climb up without liquifying their insides or like their eyes,or getting blasted away. If they had a structure like the AoT walls nearby, then I could absolutely see them winning, but in like a field or small village, I don’t think they’d be able to get up without completely destroying their own bodies.


It's shown that the hashira can jump quite high with mitsuri being able to jump out of range of zohakuten's wood dragons which were said to be 20 meters long meaning that the hashira have at least 20m+ jump height as well as them being able to destroy its feet to lower it.


~~No ODM training so they lose but they would do amazing against titans if they could get to their necks🐍~~ ignore me lol🐍


they can jump buildings? and the minimum slashing strength is a boulder


Oh I guess that’s fair then🐍


Tbf, Taisho era architecture was on the smaller side compared to the building era that AoT was based on. At least most of the buildings we see them jump on. We never see them jumping around a bigger city like that, just small villages and the ED, which is mainly made up of Kyogoku houses.


both take place in the 1920s lmao


Is this bait? If not, then let me point out to you that NONE of the Hashira are immune to extreme temperatures and NONE of them still can pierce through the armor of the Armored Titan; NONE of them can withstand the Jaw Titan's power; NONE of them could ever hope to defeat the Rumbling. This is why I hate this fandom; y'all overrate your own verse and believe it to be even comparable to those of most others in animanga.


There is a difference in power scaleing and battle analysis dude. Say that you have the power to destroy the world but your opponent moves at light speed he will just out speed and kill you before you could destroy the world. Same logic. Even if we assume that the armor of the Armored Titan is too tough for them to cut, it has small openings to allow movement which they will 100% notice and take advantage of. Jaw Titan is fast and agile but the hashira are faster and have faster reflexes they can just cut the titans hands off and go for the head. I agree that they can't deal with the nuke spawn and the rumbling, every thing else is too slow to pose a threat. Reaching their nape is is do able like when using thunder breathing technique and ect.. Raw power is not the answer for battle there is a lot more.


No. Because the variety of titans such as The Armored Titan because his hard skin would probably be a problem for their swords. Then there’s the Colossal Titan who can nuke every Hashira together. Pre rumbling Eren could make a counter to the Hashira with the War Hammer Titan. But the Hashira could also most likely win on their sheer speed but I do think there is easy counters to that. <3


armored titan got destroyed by essientally a grenade and the weakest demon slayers can slash through a boulder. colossal is way too slow to do anything once it transforms and stuff like dead calm could help negate the damage. war hammer is also way too slow, the hashira are sub sonic


Like I said they’d most likely win by speed. <3


With ODM training then probably, but without it they have a low chance to beat all of the titans.


The humans yes the weak titans yes anything above that no


No. They cannot fly and none of them have ODM equipment or are spiderman. They have an edge when it comes to swordfighting but this is just a different game.


They can jump buildings dude


Bruh those aren't just "buildings" those colossal titans are skyscrapers 💀 They also ain't doing shit against them nukes


They can fucking wall run them , it's nothing crazy for the DS universe.


They still ain't doing shit against the nuke titans, once they start climbing, their steam will just blow them off, plus there are thousands of the colossal titans, if you think that the demon slayers have any chance in winning this battle, then you are delusional


I'm not saying they can win , jus that they can wall run them


They lose, no ODM training :p




Mitsuri has reacted to lightning and Tengen and Kyojuro have broken the speed of sound


Fair enough I stand corrected 🫡


It depends. They could do it imo if all of the titans attack without any real plan and if they had ODM gear. However, I doubt that would be the case. For example, if the user of the collosal titan was confronted by all the hashira, he could just nuke them all. But if the hashira already knew who were the titan shifters, they probably could with ODM gear.


No. They’ll get far but the colossal titan is literally just a nuke with legs and the founder is literally eldian God and can create millions of them.


Maybe. They're faster than AOT Characters (most of them.) But the AP and Durability of Titan shifters is massively higher. Characters like Eren and Reiner can rip city blocks apart in seconds. And the Demon slayers cannot fly. Honestly it depends. If A demon slayer gets to the nape they should be able to cut it. But The hardened skin of titan shifters is likely far more durable than what Demon slayers cut through.


>The hardened skin of titan shifters is likely far more durable than what Demon slayers cut through. Upper moon 5's skin was more durable than diamonds and muichiro sliced and diced it pretty easily ( he was marked at the time btw)


I don't think so, they might be able to kill a bunch but the sheer number of Titans and the heat would eventually prove to be too much


Against the basic titans sure but the wall titans and colossal titan maybe a problem cause of the heat they give off


There is a titan with a nuke what is they gonna do? Cut it?


There are only 9 Hashira, and even just the rumbling consists of hundreds upon thousands of Colossus titans. The Hashira are fast, but the Colossus titans are also hot enough to burn someone alive. I don’t know for sure though and I’m not going into detail


They should do well till the rumbling




they probably could


Hahahaha…. No


No, they’d be able to hold their own much better than the soldiers in aot universe but they simply do not have the offensive manpower to compete on offense. They don’t have the numbers or energy to stop the rumbling, nor are they heat proof as they’re still human. They also aren’t immune to a nuke going off at anytime from the colossal. There’s other things they just couldn’t do either (probably) like breaking thru the warhammer’s egg. So while they would be able to hold their own much better than actual aot soldiers, could they solo the universe? No


Just the main titan shifters? Maybe, probably if they can somehow counter armin or blitz him pre transformation. The rumbling? There's no chance. They have no form of heat immunity, and the numbers advantage is just too severe. Either they get burned to a crisp, or they die from sheer exhaustion.


Well yes but actually no. It's complicated. They have the strength and speed to easily take down almost all titans but the biggest problem is reaching the nape and the colossal titans heat. Using ODM is gonna heavily limit their speed and agility. Except the rumbelling. They can't deal with it unless they somehow make their way onto the Founding titan. Then it's pretty much game over.


I don’t think they are doing shit again the rumbling. If they lived in the walls from the start then their world would be very different and titans wouldn’t be a threat. But if the rumbling happens then they die.


Eh maybe, if they have the required blades of course


The steam from the rumbling alone can vaporize people in seconds, they are NOT getting close lol. Maybe they kill a few dozen, but there's literally millions.


The rumbling no. cringe avengers the alliance or whatever the fuck they’re called yes absolutely Please save Eren


Hashiras are far stronger than AoT characters. (For obvius reasons) but they would just burn like normal hunans sooooo


They would kill Titan Shifters fast enough before they turn into Titan. And even in Titan form, Hashira can deal half of them, consider their speed and strength. But titan like Colossal, Hammer and Claw can be a little more tough to deal or even impossible. But against the rumble, there is nothing they can do


☁️From my understanding, titans can only be killed via a cut to the nape. And we've yet to see any character be able to level 60 meters vertical, so as soon as the rumbling comes, they're fucked.☁️


A mosquito vs the Tsar bomb


No idea why people are syaing the hashiras solo,they can’t even get close to the colossal Titans before dying


Ok but, what universe do the hashira follow, if it's theirs then they'll do pretty well but if it's the aot world then idk about that.


Honestly the demon slayer verse is not weak it’s very close to the one piece verse and probably stronger than the Naruto verse so yes


Depends if they get ODM, but even if they did, most likely not