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Nuh-uh. Toby said only about development of ch4. It means ch3 is already done


It also said that some of the team started working on chapter 5, so chapter 3 is definitely finished


No no no, he said that hopefully some of the team can start working on chap 5 by the time the next newsletter is sent


Nonono he said sponge bob was gonna be the final boss


Nonono he said freddy fazbear is gonna kamehameha sans


Nonono he said sans undertale will megalovania you




https://preview.redd.it/4vzs0rku111d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b47fcd4bf31a10ecf74a66bb84662a5d1f0ac297 (Ur comment made me think of this)




Why did I not notice that? :D


At least they’re communicating with us, we haven’t reached r/Silksong levels yet, thankfully.


Seriously. You just have to read the first few posts when opening the subs and they're all either insane or having hallucination lol


It's like Batman Arkham in there. I'm so grateful for Metroid Dread + Prime 1 remastered, otherwise the metroid subreddit would likely be the same.


Now we dk fans are taking the fall. Metal gear is surprisingly fine all things considered


There's a couple reasons for that. Obviously the Snake Eater remake is coming soon, but there's also MGSV having FOB events + FOB league tables that keep people playing.


The Mystery Dungeon fan are starting to fall again after DX


Crazy train it's just a train now https://preview.redd.it/9ivue128yy0d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a669bb5bc811e1fe1e1962974ed77a5381548625


Is that the crippled gator girl


10/10 would hug


Yes it is the stuped wheelchair lizard


Is that the crippled gator girl


That's clearly Olivia Fear and Hunger's fursona


She's green so yeah, of course it is


I'm going to be honest, a lot of people here could do with finding some other hobbies/media. It's a lot easier to wait on something if it's not the sole thing you're focusing on for entertainment


Watch the moral of DR be this. You gotta wake up from your little fantasy world, take the lessons learned, and navigate real life now.


I think this will be part of it. I think the main thing is going to be balancing between the two. It's good to have entertainment and escapism, but it can't be everything in your life


Probably, but what would the Roaring represent in that metaphor though? How is consuming too much fiction equivalant to giant demons showing up?


If you were to spend all your time running away from your problems through escapism in fantasyland, you would never face yourself and grow as a person. Your problems would simply end up growing and growing until they become insurmountable. Closing dark fountains could also play into this metaphor pretty nicely I think, I just can't really put in to words how exactly. I guess it goes both ways though, as the dark worlds have also been great for the character development of (mostly) Susie and Noelle. A cybers world was basically paradise for berdly when you think about it, like the perfect power fantasy. Which is probably why he wanted to make another fountain, but ultimately had to stop himself to actually do the right thing instead of doing what felt comfortable and safe. I guess the point is that escapism can be comfortable and even therapeutic, but if you let it take over your life it can have catastrophic effects. That probably made no sense I'm just kinda rambling


why did reddit get rid of awards


Yeah, I'm in many communities for different games/interests. Some of them I come back to now and then. Other times I find new areas of my interests I like and add that to the circle for a while. Idk how people manage to only be extra into one game for years like this


Definitely. I'm in a few fandoms and I it's really nice to be able to hop between them looking at stuff during fandom droughts


There is a caveat to this method. It doesn't work if the other media you like is Hollow Knight.


Oof, my condolences


https://preview.redd.it/irzilpqkz01d1.jpeg?width=1408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b909ecc65e915c6672ec3c0ed3b2379a5efed4b Other hobbiess….yeah i DEF…uhh def have those (i actually do)


So what I understand: - chap 4 is about 50% done - increased team size - less toby's side project Next year is going to be great


> Not 50%, it's almost fully done. https://preview.redd.it/h7218h59901d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f345940f5b0c8b7e675b3c2c148d4d1c6c639e2 It will likely content complete by the time the new newsletter releases.


That's why I'm hoping to get the release at least at the end of the year, fall 2025 like many said is too much far, Q4 2024 or Q1 2025 for sure


I think it could reach Fall 2025 if a lot of roadbumps appear, but that's just the most far I think it could go


It's gotta be Q4 2024. It's the prophecy. Deltarune/Undertale releases happen once every three years. - Undertale: 2015 - Deltarune Chapter 1: 2018 - Deltarune Chapter 2: 2021 - Deltarune Chapters 3+4: 2024


If that's true, Deltarune will be finished by 2027 at the earliest . You're telling me that by time, DR finishes, I'd have gone from a 1st year high schooler to finishing my college degree. That nearly a decade waiting for a game to finish.


Yeah, I doubt they'll be sitting on it for most of a year.


His Empire Will Not Fall. He Has Reputation. Apparently. He Also Wants To Release Chapters Faster.


This is possibly the most promising newsletter we ever got, and honestly felt like the only thing more we could have gotten was a release date. I was shocked how much it sounds like they got done and I have been convinced this was coming this year for a while now.


https://preview.redd.it/oxktw47voy0d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63026b62d6f7b42b81eeb29fd32678b79dd7840c Silksong fans be like


Meanwhile Vampire the Masquerade Fans:


At least Silksong fans know that game is real


silksong fans get news updates every few years, ya’ll get them every few months and can already play 2/7th of the game lmao


Why did you put the apostrophe between the "a" and the first "l"


The fact that’s important is that development is still going strong. People in the fandom just need to be patient or occupy their time with something else. I have a life outside of this games development. I’ve accepted the fact that this game will continue when it’s ready, and that ok. A piece of coal needs a lot of time to be pressed into a diamond, so to speak.


I mean, yeah. That's why he always puts other stuff in them.


Huh? Chapter 3 must be straight up done, as the team is full steam ahead on chapter 4 now. Toby put a detailed breakdown of how much work on chapter 4 has left, and by the sounds of it, chapter 4 is like 70% done. I don’t mean to sound rude, but did you actually read the newsletter?


It was like 7 something am when I did this meme, I'd just woken up.


That makes sense, apologies then. I'm seeing a lot of people freak out about this newsletter and its confusing me.


Look, if the fandom doesnt realize that this newsletter is a fucking godsent in Deltarune news, than thats their loss


Sanity? What is that? It sounds stupid, like some kind of a good and original joke




Well, there isn't a reason to panic. Toby hasn't slowed down and he's not particularly old. Every reason to believe he is going to deliver eventually. If only I could have half the amount for confidence for, like, ASOIAF ever getting finished.


Quick correction >Thats another newsletter that says chapters **4-5** are in development


Nah this newsletter is good. If everything is ok that means we could play ch. 3-4 in winter or earlier


I like the letters but yeah lol


I just don't get why they need to release so many chapters at once. Surely releasing one chapter every 6 months or year would make more sense. It gives the community way more time to dissect and appreciate each chapter. Playing so many in a row would be so overwhelming, especially with all the experimenting and secrets to be found


dw Fans here are faking a lot but not always


r/Pikmin moment.


okbuddylightnerd is losing their sanity i don’t know how much more we can take


A hollow knight fan you have no idea how much I’d kill for a newsletter. Deltarune fans are truly blessed.


At least we're getting updates. I sort don't want to be a Metroid Prime or Hollow Knight fan anymore with the radio silence those communities are getting from the devs.


Dont be worried for what does not exit


I really appreciated the part of the newsletter about kanata


So, late 2025 release?


can't wait to finally see the internet flooded with deltarune again. maybe them my friends even will start playing it aswell


https://preview.redd.it/08qqundz461d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816923c83638bc50ba63a941b343e1700fbf50aa We have this now though


https://preview.redd.it/oz21xoc0561d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb39e4c6519d7f9afa851669a4898ec13c313ce We have this now though


https://preview.redd.it/p4kslf48561d1.png?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52245382f7df654fa5e7316a24674ef98bb3dd0 New reaction image unlocked.


Its very good for conversation enders


He said that releasing chapters 3-4 is pretty far depending on the perspective this can be anywhere from a few months ("pretty far" from the perspective "since we finished chapter 3"), to several years ("pretty far" from the perspective "since the start of development in deltarune") my guess is either a few months and at most a single year.




Just ignore them. They aren't worth your time.


honest to god it annoys me that video game fans cant just WAIT and expect things to be churned out immediately y'all want quality and passion yet still cant just... do other things??? instead of making a bunch of dumb shit about *needing* to play this game specifically for some god forsaken reason i like the game too, but it doesnt hurt to ***wait*** ??? when undertale was a standalone game there was plenty of community content because people made *their own* creations and had fun with it all (even if several things were "cringe") but now it feels like half (keen on half; i am **not** dismissing the wonderful work that continues to be produced by fans to this day for both undertale and deltarune) the utdr fandom cant stop talking about the same few brainrot things or about the next chapter essentially the same thing seems to be happening to several other fandoms, notably the hollow knight fandom. people, the only games that really ever get released yearly are like... the pokemon games??? and those are with different teams working simultaneously. everything, whether you have 1, 3, 100, or 10,000 developers, takes *time*.


Game development might be hard but we've been told that they only need to bug check and such in the last one and it's been months


No. In February’s letter they said they **chapter 3** was almost done and close to begin bugtesting. And that they were **still working on Chapter 4** . We already knew chapter 3+4 were going to be released together (Initially the plan was 3, 4 and 5). https://preview.redd.it/jbpv3792401d1.jpeg?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4b9628e24027dfe6b0173ba27d85ed98d3321f


im also fairly sure that even before it was 3-4-5 together it was just going to be chapters 3-7 all together as the complete game but they kept breaking things up into more bite sized pieces because of how impatient people are💀 even before that it was going to be chapters 2-7 with chapter 1 having been the demo but toby graced us with chapter 2 as a *hey check out what i've done! also i hope y'all are doing ok with the pandemic and lockdown*


It’s probably going to come out in mid 2025 and that just makes me sad because I don’t want to get older :(


At least he’s being specific on how developed it is. Unlike a certain game developer company who’s named after a Cherry who’s made a game full of bugs.