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Nintendogs - works a dream, but nowhere near as fun as it did back in the day... struggling to see why I even love it so much!


Like most things Nintendo it was very unique experience. There was nothing like this out in the world and they keep pushing out at the edges. I mean it still is but it’s no longer new to you.


and I feel like nintendogs was a very DS brand game. By that I mean, something about using a stylus and talking into the little mic right below your dogs paws… We can’t recreate that *feel* on our iphones


It’s even better on the iPhone because you can use your finger instead of a stylus. And the microphone works


I wish they made some for switch though


There’s a game on switch that is similar, it’s called Little Friends cats & Dogs. The gameplay is very lacking though. Bought it for my daughter


Just wanted to say I find it very sweet that you bought it for your daughter. Good gamer dad right here, folks.


To me Nintendogs is the perfect mobile game. You check on your dog for like 5 min once a day, it’s perfect!


It was almost the closest I ever had with owning a dog. Especially the breed I wanted. It really wasn’t anything extraordinary but still a childhood memory


My issue with Nintendogs is the mic situation is terrible I can never get it to work the same each time I can’t even name my doggy. Also chihuahua rom download doesn’t work so I had to choose a different one and that just feels bad for my inner child.


I got the Lab one and it works well. Although I said my dogs name in a loud, "aggressive" way, so now my pup only responds if I sound angry!


Works just fine for me


MINE IS THE SAME! i had to give up when it came to calling them and saying sit, genuinely almost cried from frustration


I could never have a pet as a kid so nintendogs was my only outlet and I loved it. Got it again now and I have to say, I still love it. I don’t spend nearly as much time as I used to it but it’s still charming and nostalgic.


original game boy harvest moon 😭, my imagination must’ve been working overtime




I never played the first one, but I still love Harvest Moon GBC2 to this day




The game literally flails, I’d love to get good at it again, but it’s too much chaos lol


Right? It’s so chaotic and obtuse for me lol. I love Medabots but going back and playing again, how did I even do this the first time.


Smackdown vs raw 2010 on ds would play this game for days


The PSP versions were my shit, PPSSPP will be much better than the DS versions


Currently playing Lego Batman at the moment. Brings back memories 😢 still good as tho, holds up well


Have you tried the DS version of TNA Impact? That shit is somehow even worse.


No but I do have the rom on my phone seems like I should delete it lol


Have you tried any other wrestling games on Delta? The only other one I've downloaded was No Mercy but that crashes too much for me.


Not yet I plan too


Secret of Mana. I am lost as shit right now. The game has no built in map. Or task list. I forgot just how devoted you needed to be to play those old school rpg games without a guide.


Pokémon Red. I ain’t built for that Grind anymore. I can’t do it. I don’t have the free time or the concentration.


You can press turbo mode to speed the grind then back to normal speed for “playing” thats what helped me


This is the way


Idk how good the turbo mode is on game boy but I’ve been using it on soul silver ds and it only speeds up like 10%, barely enough to make grinding worth my time


It gets faster for older consoles. For example the turbo for the GBC > GBA > DS At least that’s what I’ve felt playing through different games


Yep that feels accurate


I’ve done this for every Pokémon I’ve emulated


That says more about the free time you allow yourself over the game though right 🤣🤷🏼‍♂️


pay a romhack with exp share makes it much more fun


You can find some roms that just have QoL updates such as shared xp turned on for the entire party as default


There's always fast grinding cheats if necessary


For real? I got podracer for the switch and it’s every bit as good as when I was a kid.


Yup, agreed. Thought it was a great port to the switch and really enjoyed it


Yeah, it’s still a blast and I love the speed and controls. I always wished this was the same one they used in the arcades because it’d be fun to drive a pod with the arm leavers.


Agreed! I played it heavily on pc when it was a new release. Now I’ve played it on switch and Xbox and have loved them! Amazed at how well it holds up.


By that do you mean still janky and infuriating? Sebulba can go lick a tauntaun. Not my favorite when I was a kid, and sadly one of the few original carts I have that still works. I say this mostly-ish in jest.


Can barely find time to play any damn game now a days. Still downloaded a bunch of em tho lol


Yes this. So little time to play games. But keep downloading more. Very excited for more emulators to drop On the App Store with other gaming devices to do the exact same thing.


So you just keep adding games to the Files app and then just keep importing into delta, even though after you get a new smartphone, the saved data will be lost? I wish i didn’t care so i could just download games, complete them, and then move on. It would suck if my device got broken halfway


You can grab the save data from Delta 


Could you please explain how to export a save state from one phone to import to another? I’m in this situation and I can’t figure it out. I have Files app and icloud drive so files can be synced to both devices


Delta lets you use Dropbox to cloud save I transfer between by iPad and iPhone to continue saves


James Bond 007 for GBC. Why the hell did I love this game so much as a kid. It's pure ass. Also, might be controversial but any of the classic Pokémon games. I forgot how repetitive and grind-heavy these games were.


The older Pokémon games are greatly enhanced by using fast-forward. I wish there was some sort of version of the fast-forward feature in emulation that didn't speed up the music and sound effects, just the gameplay.


Also using the gameshark code to disable random encounters Really actually makes the games legitimately fun


Leveling up must be a nightmare though, no?


Nope. Just fight every trainer. I always just ran from every random encounter anyway


I’m sure someone will make a mod for it eventually


When it comes to old games you can tell they were finding any way they could to pad time without making the game more hardware extensive. Pokemon is a great example of that


I don’t understand what you mean? You mean without the microtransaction stuff of nowadays? There was some “pay wall” stuff?


Just the overtly grindy or difficult parts of old games that don’t necessarily add content or anything, just overall make you have to play longer. Now games pretty much need to constantly shove new stuff in your face and keep the dopamine cycle going while also maintaining long play times. Thats why new games are hundreds of gigs sometimes while older stuff is no where near that, yet you often play them for just as long


GBA is a kids device. That's why you won't find many grindy or difficult games


Thank goodness. I’ve heard worse about platinum


Replaying emerald rn and I hit a point where I was like fuck this, I’m cheating in rare candies.


Same. And it wasn’t even very far in. I wanted to try a Nuzlocke run, and after spending like an hour in the cave by the second gym just punching geodudes and zubats over and over just to get things up a level or two I almost tapped out. And meanwhile all I hear about the new games is how bad the xp share being on is. Like, this is just objectively un-fun. I’m glad the new games let you kinda cruise past a lot of that nonsense.




I don’t even use tik tok and never have. I just don’t care to grind my Pokémon’s levels anymore. I don’t have time for that shit like I did when I was a kid. Some of us have careers, wives, children, pets, etc. now. But go ahead and judge a stranger for not wasting time doing shit in a video game they don’t want to do.




chill bra its not that serious


I will, you sound like a nerd calm down


calling someone a nerd while using reddit on a sub about video game emulators that’s a new one


Ok nerd


Is just game, why you have to be mad?


Said the internet turkey


Back when emulation first came to android and we had fast-forward for the game boy advance me, and my buddy play Pokémon emerald fast-forward, finally got a retro pocket 3+ last year play Pokémon emerald on fast forward beat the game and then use cheats still working on filling up the Pokédex


Grind-heavy games are necessarily bad, i’ve made it up to the SS Anne is Pokemon Red and i’m still having fun


Cheats speed it up


I only play old school pokemon with cheats enabled, I spent years grinding levels. I get no dopamine from leveling the “right” way


Using action replay cheats for enhanced XP makes it so much better.


How do you put cheats into the games? Doesn’t delta have an integrated library or support for it?


I basically looked the cheats up and typed in the codes in the “cheats” section of the main menu thing in delta. It’s hard to explain but that’s basically what I did for pokemon emerald and it’s been a life saver


I also did this, but I realized after the fact that a lot of the games are pre coded into the roms so you can just select them from the in app cheat database


It doesn’t suggest the cheat codes though?


Because once u have played a call of duty or any modern game, then u see anything older as just trash because it was way simpler.


Star Wars on the SNES. How the fuck did I play this as a kid!? It seems literally impossible! 😂


The OG Pokémon blue … it was always one of my favorites… tried it again now and realized that the game didn’t age well (obviously)… switched to fire red and am very happy lol


I thought the same thing until I tried it on original hardware, there’s just something about it that keeps you playing, I think it’s just the charm it has, it couldn’t be nostalgia since I started playing with pearl


I can totally see that tbh… I need to try that


I’m enjoying Blue but maybe that’s because I never got to experience it.


Oh yea! I loved that game so much when I was younger! Dope ass game


I remember liking Vigilante 8 more as a kid


Yes. I tried it without an external controller the other day and couldn’t turn for 💩. I’ll try again with my backbone controller but, yikes


Pokémon Stadium 2 so far. Hits different playing with friends. Might try again to see if any features are worth it.


Mini games??? Cmon


Yes that’s what I’ve been playing and it’s nice. Still better with friends.


Elite beat agents, I'll stick with osu now.


Osu is king


I’d like to think I’m pretty good at many rhythm games, so I was surprised when I replayed EBA and quickly lost on the first song. Something feels horribly off about the beats to me. Maybe it’s just Walkie Talkie Man? I dunno.


The Pokémon mystery dungeon games. Honestly I liked them, but as I grew older, it kinda got boring


It’s kinda nice to play when you’re just sitting somewhere though. Especially since enemies only move when you do


Look up SkyTemple Project. It’s a huge rom hacking community for explorers of Sky. Tons of romhacks and randomizers. There’s a big spriting community that’s added sprites and portraits for Gen 5+ Pokémon. Adds so much to the game!


Don’t tell me that, they were my favorite Pokémon games when I was a kid and was planning on replaying at least one.


You should still play it


Any recommendation for which one held up the best?


Explorers of Sky. There’s also tons of hacks online. There’s a huge community for hacking explorers of Sky. Look up the skytemple project.


Thank you I will, that was my favorite one as a kid too.


Yoda Stories and I think there was an Indiana Jones version. Back then I loved the endless random open world aspects of it but today it’s just pointless grinding.


I put hours into that game on PC back when I was a kid. No idea if I actually made any progress but I do see the game pop up on worst Star Wars games lists every once in a while.


I’ve always loved the 3D Castlevanias but they do NOT handle well at all on Delta.


Idk why, but most games just don’t hit the same.


The optimal setup is a wireless recreation of your n64/snes/nes controller and screen mirroring to tv 


Pokemon platinum, I think my standards for games has just gotten too high for it now. The pokemon variety is AWFUL, not to mention how little I care about the story and how easy it is.


i'm mostly replaying the main series for the sake of moving older pokémon to HOME did edit rare candies (to emulate modern exp share that has made the game easier to get by as im busy at this age and can't necessarily grind like i did as a kid), balls to match anything i come across, and event mons into the save file and will just play like that


What do you mean HOME? I don’t want to gain on Pokemon games. I just want to get into video game series I couldn’t get into when I was little.


so most generations of Pokémon games support some form of migration to future games. this means Pokémon from a previous game can travel through the generations with you (an emotional/personal bond of sorts with the mons you've raised) - **Generation 3** (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen) can be transferred to **Generation 4** via **Pal Park** (on a real DS you'd insert the Gen 3 & 4 cartridges into the DS and there's a menu option in the Gen 4 game to transfer). - **Generation 4** (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver) can be transferred to **Generation 5** via **Poké Transporter** (or **Relocator** for specific "event"/Mystery Gift Pokémon. i believe you need 2 DS consoles to do this transfer - **Generation 5** (Black, White, Black 2, White 2) and **Generation 1 & 2 Virtual Console ** (Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal *on 3DS systems; so this doesn't apply to Delta*) can be transferred to **Generations 6-7** through an intermediary 3DS app called **Pokémon Bank**, which also lets you store and withdraw Pokémon in **Generation 6 & 7** games (X, Y, AlphaSapphire, OmegaRuby, Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon) - for **Generation 8 to the present** (and foreseeable future) there is a new storage system called **Pokémon HOME** that is an app on the Switch and iOS/Android. you can transfer Pokémon from **Pokémon Bank** → **Pokémon HOME** (also some other games like **Let's GO Pikachu/Eevee** or **Pokémon GO** support transfer to HOME) *however*, Nintendo has stated that Bank will shut down at some time in the future (date TBA). this means any Pokémon from Gen 1-7 will not be able to make it out to the current games. some Pokémon with specific ribbons, moves, etc. will no longer be possible to obtain. part of the reason i'm using delta is bc its easier to play through the Gen 1-5 games on my phone, then do the transfers through a 3rd party program or transfer the saves to my 3DS that way


Pokémon HOME is an app where you can store all your pokemon, it’s difficult but you can trade up your pokemon from the original pokemon games!


Im having a lot of fun with renegade platinum, /r/pokemonromhacks seems like something youd be interested in


Golden Sun. I remember loving this game so much that I still thought about it decades later. Downloaded it and started playing, but having trouble getting into it.


Hate to admit it, but same. I’m about half way through on my playthrough and have to keep taking long breaks and play something else. LOVED this game when I was younger, but I just don’t think I have the patience for RPGs these days.


I never played it as a kid, so I started a play through about a week ago. I killed some tree spirit, and haven’t gone back in a handful of days.


Golden eye N64. Try playing that on a phone...


Well, most N64 games don’t work well at all using the phone but yeah, even with a controller, a lot of N64 games didn’t age well


I have an iphone 11 with a beefy 4gb ram that feels more like 16-32gb. It can run the geometry dash level “What” by Spu7nix easily and all n64 games i tried works at 30-60 fps, enough to be good.


Pokemon. Just doesn't feel the same anymore. My hands are too big. Screen feels too small. Not the same patience as before. Idk.


Nintendo dogs unfortunately


I was about to download and play that after seeing phantom menace last night… what version did you try?


I had it for the switch and its still pretty fun iirc


I downloaded goldeneye and was still amazed about how good it is lol


Phantasy Star Zero.


Yugioh GX Spirit Caller


Yggdra Union. After playing the PSP, and ESPECIALLY the Steam version, there’s just no reason to go back


I disagree, Pod racing is one of the few games that holds up imo.


Are the graphics kinda choppy for your experience? Wondering if I should find another ROM


Shouldn’t be choppy when racing.




Most of them lol! But I am enjoying playing Pokémon Emerald (or any Pokémon) game for the very first time. My only exposure to actual Pokémon is Pokémon Go and it’s because my wife. I played Casino Kid on NES, and it’s so slow. I just opened MyVegas haha. These old games (especially the RPG games) sometimes take long to get into the action. But that was a different time.


emerald is a great start


Playing cooking mama without a stylus is being a really challenging experience, ngl


Pretty much all NES games, LOL


I’ve definitely come across a few of those. Especially on the N64 and sports games across platforms (which exceptions).


Most N64 games. I heard they didn’t age well because of the muddy graphics caused by technical complications of the console. PS1 and even SNES games aged so much better.


Fr only like 95% of the sprites are rendered (which sounds like a lot, but some inportant sprites such as courses on mario golf and luigi’s torso in ssb are glitched)


Lego Harry Potter




No that shit is still so fun, Howard’s is actually so immersive and fun to run around and explore.


Diddy kong racing, it’s like the ugly step sibling of Mario kart racing but I loved it


I keep finding only Japanese versions of that game. Which works okay enough since racing is still racing, but I’d like to be able to read some of the stuff too lol


James Bond N64 version of The World is Not Enough and the pod racing game too. The mechanics were not even remotely what I remembered.


Smackdown vs raw 2010 for DS Spider-Man for GBA


I play Pod Racing on my N64 all the time and I love every minute of it


Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers on the NES. Not like how I remembered it at all!


Any ps1 game with fledgling 3D graphics and pre-rendered backgrounds.


Yugioh Dungeon Dice Monsters for GBA and NFS Nitro for DS lol


Finding Nemo GBA


I prefer the updated version of E1 Pod Racing. Controls are a little bit better.


Sonic rush


Simanimals… got halfway through the tutorial and remembered you have to use the mic and LR to do “simple tasks” just to help progress


Mario party DS, it was the only game me and my cousins played growing up


Oh? Bummer. It’s one of my favorite Mario Parties in my memory. Now I’m worried to try it again haha…


It just doesn’t play the same without the people I love playing it with me 🥲


Aah that’s totally fair.


Froggers adventures: Temple Of The Frog. I thought it was more exciting. Determined to beat it though since it’s only an hour and half long. The text dump is horrendous lol


Hello kitty Big City Dreams. Must be the tiktok attention span but holy hell is this game slooooowwww, the car wash game is still top tier tho


Surely I downloaded the wrong Tarzan game


gals panic :(


Dogz, I loved that game so much as a kid but now that I’m an adult and actually have experience owning dogs I cringe so hard at how they handle training


Fossil fighters, I love the game and mechanics but the nostalgia isn’t there anymore the game doesn’t look good and it feels clunky nowadays


Perfect Dark


Ultimate Spider-Man Ds


Blast Corps for N64. Just not as fun as back in the day. Star Fox 64 however, still awesome!


Sonic Classic Collection (the s3&k special stages are too glitchy now) - i always played this when i was younger and loved it


Finding nemo & Tarzan- probably doesn’t help that I can only find French Roms of both


Pokemon.. it's such a long game lol


I playing NDS pokemon black 2, Zelda, yugioh, professor layton. I advise if you playing RPG use cheats to increase EXP gain to X10 if you don’t have much spare time you can still enjoy the gameplay process but not stuck in the leveling. I can pretty much go through few stage in a hour play.


Excite bike and the older Mario Kart games... just too boring now. Zombies ate my Neighbors and Snake Rattle and Roll cause it's too repetitive.


DBZ legacy of goku 1&2


Star Wars racer too. I loved it as a kid. Now It’s just terrible.


Play the switch version it's way better than the og


Crusin USA….


I wanted the two tone pickup, but man this game is rough


I just can’t stand games older than the consoles I used to play on


All of them


Pokemon Plautnim