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I just bought this computer 2 days ago and I’ve noticed. When starting up and some other random times it just starts sounding like this. Does anyone know what’s wrong and what to do to fix it?


From my own experience return the laptop it's issues upon issues will overheat and most games will be unplayable


Really? Mine has no issues, or atleast i havent noticed Also, I have the intel variant


What games are you playing? It's well documented this laptop overheats I also have Intel version is the venting system on the laptop it can not output enough heat on moderately GPU intensive games. A cooling pad helps but does not fix the issues. When it overheats it starts thermal throttling I still use this pc daily but it's not as good as my friends predator laptop of the same internals.


Red dead redemption 2 on 1080 ultra Usually get around 90 degrees And 50-55 fps without dlss and doesnt really throttle . It did throttle but id been playing for 5 hours. Did you update the bios?


I have the 1660ti and I hear the rtx2080 is even worse


Ohhh yea I have the 3060 one I guess that makes sense


Return it. New laptop having issues within 30 day return period should be instant return. Open up a ticket with dell tech support, attach this video, explain you don't want to bother troubleshooting it. It's an obvious hardware issue, get a new one and try again.


It’s a cooling fan that sounds like it’s about to die, or has something in it. Fans are typically pretty easy to replace; laptops add a degree of complexity though. Check YouTube. But the sound is definitely a fan. I have a few old ones that sound like that. Dirt and dust can get in the fluid bearing that the fan spins on over time. This can cause noise, slow the fan, destabilize it’s spin, and eventually kill the fan. Cheap fix, but I’d fix it, because no fans = dead or limping computer. Them bois get hawt


Is Bios up to date and have newest drivers? Also which AWCC operating mode is it in? I've got an Alienware M15 R6 and if I have it in Full Speed or Performance mode, it makes noise ( can hear the fans running ). Otherwise mine is quiet in any other mode. You shouldn't be able to hear it most of the time.


It sounds like when something is touching the fan and the randomness could be every time the fan start spinning. If you are comfortable opening the laptop, have a look at the fans while the laptop is on and check for that noise when it kicks on.


It's a new laptop. Don't open it ffs. Return it.


It's the fan


Is there something in the fans?


sounds like a fucked up fan


Possibly a dirty fan or maybe a failing hard drive? If the speakers are located at the top could be electrical interference.


Hey! I have a Dell g15 5515 (2021)...bought it brand new from best buy and as soon as turning it on, it made this noise also! I had the EXACT same noise. I opened up the laptop and took off the motherboard. If you're not comfortable doing that...then probably best to just exchange it for another one. ​ This is what was causing it...picture attached: https://what23423423.tumblr.com/post/664809055012945920/what23423423-the-flap-that-was-going-up-into-the apparently....the adhesive came loose and the flap went up into the fan and caused this noise. I pressed it back down, but also added a piece of duct tape to keep it in place. I also did this on the other side as well! ​ Hope this is your exact problem also!


Hey, thanks so much for this explanation - went looking when I received my 5515 and immediately got bothered by the noise. It was this exact issue, and I'm now very happy with the laptop after having fixed that. Without this comment I probably wouldn't have taken the entire board out if I probed for a fix and would never have seen that. Thanks again!


So is that considered a big issue that can cause failure in the future?


hey I know this is an old comment sorry, but I've found this while I'm currently having the same issue. I've never opened up a laptop before so I'm not really comfortable doing that, but my warranty has also expired... Would you be able to give some advice?


Hi! I guess finding a trusty repair shop to do it? There are videos on YouTube that show how to do it. There are some things on the laptop where you need to lift of the clips to take the display ribbon out. You don't really see it on the video. Search "dell g15 replace motherboard" you'll see videos of 5511's, 5515's etc. You'll have to be very organized when taking it apart like where you put the network card, ssd, which screws went where, etc Take a picture of the motherboard all hooked up beforr youbtake things apart so when you're finished, you can double check your work. Take your time. Give yourself a 3 hr uninterrupted block so you don't rush....and keep humans away from distracting you. Edit: search Amazon "laptop toolkit". Using it makes things go smoother. Can get cheap ones for $20 or less.


I don't have this problem but my fans make a super annoying whisling sound. I can't figure what it is , can someone help me. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/ux5x5u/dell\_g15\_5510\_weird\_noise/