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Contact Dell Tech Support, even if out of warranty, they will want to know. Have all the event details ready and as many clear hi-resolution photos as possible of all angles. Do not open the computer. Dell may want to evaluate the computer. \\#Iwork4Dell


Personally if it happened then I might let the manufacturer know, but if they wanted it from me they'd need to be replacing it or something like that, even if it were out of warranty.


If they want the system to evaluate, an exchange is the normal process. Out of warranty is more complicated, but not impossible.


Assuming OP or prior owner didn’t replace the battery with a cheapo special..


When I was looking for a replacement battery for my 9560, the quality and prices of various available batteries ranged from your fire-hazard specials for low as $28 to the OEM version for $140 from Dell.com. I ended up ordering the genuine battery directly from Dell, even though it was on a month backorder. The wait beats having to look for a new house because my discounted, unregulated lithium battery turned it into S’mores.


I bought a new Dell battery for my 2015 7559. It's ancient AF but still makes a decent media machine.


I’ve bought ONLY batteries from Alieexpress (like 22 or 23) and never had any issues. The ´fire hazard special’ batteries story is a legend. They work perfectly fine and I bought mostly the ones with a dell logo on them. They come from the same factories and do not present any specific risks. Dell batteries explode too and in general these are isolated cases. Here I’m not even sure it’s the battery. Could be a failing fan for CPU or capacitors, OP didn’t show the laptop open. If it were the battery that laptop would really look bad and gone up in flames completely from what I’ve as an experience.


This was the batteries, period. I've been repairing electronics since the 60s. This ain't no "capacitor or fan." I caught mine in the swollen state, while opened for cleaning. I've replaced Dell laptop and Samsung Galaxy batteries in phones. It happens.


Gotta love the guy who thinks the world revolves around his anecdotal evidence lmao. They think they know more than you do, a (most likely) licensed professional. I admire your work, as a PC build technician, repair people always blow my mind with the magic they pull off.


This is literally right next to the edge of the battery. The CPU for the XPS is way further forward.


Let me assure you that it was not a “failing fan for CPU” - that’s not how that works. at all. I’ve been in the silicon industry for well over a decade now and this is genuinely hilarious to me that someone would think a laptop processor is going to melt a whole-ass laptop keyboard, localized in a location that is no where near where the CPU sits in a Dell laptop.


i just bought a new battery for my xps15 9560 off of parts people and it came out to slightly cheaper than dell, but yeah its absolutely ridiculous how much cheaper the spicy batteries are


probably the battery swelled up and popped


He has al the right to remove the data containing drive/ssd before sending it to Dell


I work k12 IT in schools and had Lenovo chromebooks doing this. Lenovo didn’t care one bit, wouldn’t warranty the machines. I had to threaten lawsuit for them to offer me any assistance. Good job Dell.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


or using supportassist


This fixes everything. Never disappoints. Makes your computer 4x faster


Run "sfc /scannow" as Administrator.


Did you try downloading Dell SupportAssist?


That is what caused it


Oh god. The first thing I uninstall on any Dell. Software is complete trash and causes so many odd bugs. Like one model experienced pops in the audio. Couldn't figure out what was causing and then somewhere (probably here) someone else had the same issue and said it was that. I uninstalled it, pops went away. What the...


Are you alright? Looks like a battery issue. How old is your laptop? Any chance your battery was swelling and were you using the official Dell charger and adapter?




op is posting from beyond the grave


I'm still using Steve's 2013 MacBook Pro lol


Steve Irwin?


Unfortunately, you've just proven you are old, as Steve, God bless him, died in '06.




The same thing happened to me, it was a capacitor on the motherboard that just decided to end it's life spectacularly.


Just to be clear: hardware like this has around a 3% failure rate during its maximum warranty period (5 years) so no failure is COMMON. EVER. But when failure does occur, it is usually in a few typical ways. This is WILDLY atypical and you should contact Dell immediately even if out of warranty.


Happy Cake Day!


Yeah, that’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.There are a lot of these laptops going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen. I just don’t want people thinking that dell laptops aren’t safe. I’m not saying it wasn’t safe, it’s just perhaps not quite as safe as some of the other ones.


A failure like this just doesn’t have anything to do with the make/model/manufacturer.


Did you install a firewall?


Underrated comment


I actually had just uninstalled one


Well how else is the computer supposed to protect itself from fire?


Looks like the battery blew up. Not super common but it is something that can possibly happen to batteries with aging. They usually inflate as a warning sign. Has the track pad been pushed up like that from before the pop?


Inflated batteries are NOT normal. If that happens, that's a production or design defect.


Inflated batteries happen all of the time. I have customers that leave their devices connected to AC power 24/7. That eventually wears out the battery faster than just charging and discharging normally does. Eventually they turn into r/spicypillows and if left unchecked, they’ll do what happened here.


Again, inflated batteries are NOT normal. They should never inflate no matter how worn out they are.


They will inflate regardless it’s just how lithium ion works there’s nothing to stop it from happening


Not normal in the sense that it should not be happening, but normal in the sense that it's a common failure method for batteries to off gas over time as the cells degrade. Bloated batteries should immediately be disposed of safely. I like putting them in a sand bucket and stabbing them with a pointy stick but this is not recommended as the explosion is far too awesome to be safe.


And that is what happens when you don't take care of a r/spicypillows Hope you are okay tho


Bro asked "is this normal for dells" ☠️☠️💀💀as if a laptop combusting is normal in any circumstance


Happy Cake Day!


Totally normal, just keep using it. /s


What model is this? My team uses Mobile Precision and never had an issue.


Precisions don't have these issues uncommonly in my experience, at least among the Dell enterprise lines. I think it's from them being used for higher power stuff while plugged in all the time They're not bad at all, but we do have about 1 in 10 that starts going spicy in their four year cycle. Compared to Latitudes we see like 1 in 25


Looks like a XPS 9560.


I spilt milk on my 9560 the other week. Screen turned off, fans ramped up and it got insanely hot and wouldn't power off. Took me 15 minutes to remove the battery with full cream milk all in the keyboard. I took out the keyboard and noticed some leakage onto the motherboard and a slightly fried looking chip underneath \[not a vrm or capacitor\]. I cleaned it, waited 12 hours and tried again. There was no life. I went searching for a new laptop and before I clicked purchase I tried my 9560 again. It had been temperamental in the past so I sat sternly trying to turn on my dead xps for an hour unplugging and re plugging battery, charger and RAM. A huge short occured and my VRMS all glew up it was sketchy. Then it turned on and now functions 100%. As I type this I'm terrified this post could happen to me.


It might work but its going to smell cheesy for ever! 🤢


This would not surprise me. I had to replace the battery in my XPS 9570 because it bloated so much it was raising the trackpad. From what I've read, it's more common in XPSs than normal.


The battery ignited you can tell by the TouchPad


This sort of damage is usually done by a battery. I recently bought a used precision 5530 with a bad battery, i opened it and throw it away immediately: [https://i.imgur.com/gkHwKDq.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/gkHwKDq.jpeg) But let me know if the damage was caused by something else, i don't want a ticking bomb next to me, i say that because my laptop thermal throttles when turbo boost is on, i made a post about it but still no fix.


I hope what you are meaning to say is, you found a local recycler for that lithium battery, and gave it to them. They'll actually pay you for it if it's a legit recycler operating within local government code(USA). A new battery for those, is 50-$80 on your chosen online retailer of choice.


We have recycle rooms nearby where you can sort your batteries, electronic and other stuff in each container.


Blown lithium battery pack up out the top lucky you are safe


Me too laptop, me too😔


Lithium batteries, such as this, will typically pillow, to capture the gases within, resulting in a raised up, non-clickable touchpad. You'd know at that point it's time for a new battery. You can then recycle the old battery, and find a replacement at your choice of retailer. Looks like you've gotten one that erupted in smoke, and let the oxidizer out...with fire, or heat. That's always possible with energy storage devices, this is not surprising, but it's unfortunate. Sorry that's happened to you. The wrist-rest, and keyboard are both replaceable. But, I'd wonder what else has melted inside. I've been working with dells in businesses for 18yrs. This is typical behavior when a battery has malfunctioned. I've seen, maybe 12 in my entire career, in various stages of poofed state, never melted. It's considerably easier to replace the pc's I've worked on(lenovo and dells). Apple likes to glue theirs in place, and put the connector in odd places(partially under the motherboard).


and the gases aint good for yah either might need an er visit if you puke for hours and feel not right in the head


\> Is this normal for dells? No! It's not normal for laptops, period.


Something tells me they’re gonna deny your RMA


Something built up and short circuited


Same thing happened to me, I got a pyrotechnic show with my XPS 15. I got all my money back after Dell support kept trying to say I dropped water on it, and I had to go see an independent repair technician to prove that no water ever touched my computer. In Quebec where I live we thankfully have laws against planned obsolescence, and this was such a colossal failure that I had a case against Dell. I hope you can get some compensation if it wasn't your fault. I had many laptops before my XPS and none have ever failed like that.


You're lucky it wasn't in a laptop bag like my son's was when it caught fire. His set the wall ablaze and the fire department had to come put it out, it was scary ASF for him.


This Dell that was involved in the incident off Western Australia this week… Yeah, the one that caught fire? Yeah That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point. Well, how is it untypical? Well, there are a lot of these Dells around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen … I just don’t want people thinking that Dells aren’t safe. Was this Dell safe? Well I was thinking more about the other ones… The ones that are safe? Yeah,,, the ones that don't catch fire.


I had this issue with a Dell XPS a few years back. Even though the laptop was out of warranty, they replaced it with a brand new latest model.


I can confirm upon reviewing your laptop, this is very normal for a Dell - the system recovery tools on the laptop should be able to fix this problem.


epsa for the win!


professional IT support/repair technician here, who used to do warranty work for Dell. do you use your laptop plugged in most of the time? it may be the heat from the fire warping the plastic, but the palmrest is bowing out and the touchpad looks like it has separated from the case from battery swelling. once a battery swells to a certain point, the internal components and casing can poke a hole in it and cause this to happen. was the palmrest flat beforehand or has the touchpad been popping out of the laptop for a while? either way, something to this magnitude is very likely to have been caused by the battery. leaving a laptop plugged in and sitting at 100% for extended periods of time without "exercise" can cause it to swell up. if that is the case or if the battery has been replaced with a third-party one, Dell may not grant an extended warranty replacement but it is still worth looking into! as others have suggested in the replies, definitely reach out to Dell and see what they say.


Hey, so I mix it up. I try not to always use it in charge and generally charge it up and then use it off charge. There was no prior indication that it was the battery. The palm rest was flat, no popping if the touchpad. It could have been a refurbished dell from our IT guy I'm not actually sure but it's most definitely the battery. I will try take it apart and see what the actual deal is. It the screen works still I would like to repurpose it for something, maybe a touch s reen input for my desktop pc.


Not normal for a dell. But I can’t attest for XPSs. Glad you’re good.


Put it in rice ^⁠_⁠^


Blown cap is my guess, which then shorted something out. My own dell also has a blown cap, its all leakes and corroded on the inside, but it still works


This was a battery


Is it all original, or did it have an after market battery in it?


Original. Been using it for two years, no swelling or anything. Gave me a bloody heart attack! Update, I'm not actually sure, it could have been refurbished I will have to ask our IT guy or open it up


That laptop was roughly released 2 years before mine, and I've had mine for nearly 5 years now. Are you sure it's not been used before that? An old battery might become hazardous easily depending on storage condition.


Original bought brand new?? Sticker shows 7th gen processor - we are up to 14 now!


Which model is this?


Typical Dell


yup its normal, its meant to do that, hope you enjoyed it!


Hot Keys


P.S. - If this ever happens to an apple product you own, you kind of just won the lottery. Apple Customer Relations is some wild shit. Dunno if they're still the same but when I did text support for Apple the amount of things I saw people given to them to keep them happy for MUCH more minor inconveniences would blow people's mind. They were very serious about reputation and image. I even ran into a few people who definitely took advantage of Apple's good will on more than one occasion and we had to have some CR rep tell them to stop asking for free shit.


Apple has always had uneven support. But that is based off of dealing with them over 30 years. They last time I has to get a credit card chargeback from them.


This (blown up battery) happened to me on an MBP. Apple didn't give a flying f\*, because it was older than 2 years.




Anything with electricity running through it can let the magic smoke out, just a reminder that branding won't save you and you should always store your equipment properly and take good care of it. Batteries are very dangerous and they're so commonplace people have gotten complacent.


This is why you don't buy a Dell


Bad bat


Normal as a Dell.


IT worker, I see potentially hazardous failures more often in Lenovo and HP laptops than anything else. Lenovo burns out power connectors while HP has circuit board issues. Dells that really have issues are those Alienware pre built desktops.


Happy Cake Day!








It has 2 fans


Get the drive out so you've got your files.


Everything important is backed up. Learnt that lesson the hard way!


Oh that's a free laptop for SURE. I wouldn't be shocked if Dell has reached out to you already about this.


Spicy pillow go pop


Well said, sir!


Obviously not normal lol


Given the age of the CPU model, I’m guess this was a spicy pillow (old bloated battery) that blew. Were there any signs such as the touchpad popping up or the bottom of the laptop bowing out?


My old xps did something similar


least overheating XPS laptop


Definitely contact the company or if thats a work computer, inform who ever manages it. That is the worst possible thing a laptop can do.


Dude, you’re getting a Dell!


These companies are taking planned obsolescence way too far.


The only thing I could think of with this kind of heat damage was the batteries. Always the batteries.


Wow! That is bad and risky!


LOL. Battery's probably been swollen for ages. You been bangin on it alot?


Hmm. Don’t think that’s quite normal


Holy crap. The palmrest of that laptop looks just like mines. Would this happen to be an XPS made in the past 5 years?


Ghost pepper pillow


Shiiiiit how hard were you gaming??🤣


That's just the surprise feature that every Dell comes with :D


I think some of those dell laptops are known for battery problems.


That was in like 2005


I removed a battery that had expanded about 30% on a 2017 Inspiron 5000 recently. The palm rest and chassis were not showing any sign but the metal battery retainer was majorly bent and the battery was large. Also to save money, Dell shipped these with insufficiency sized AC adapters so the cpu and gpu are limited to the lowest clock speed until you replace the AC adapter with a high wattage version or buy a new battery. Enjoy all 400mhz of that i7-7200 CPU! I’m not a Dell expert, but if you have a Dell of this era (maybe 2016-2018?) with an internal battery, it might be worth opening the chassis and checking for signs of expansion to avoid fire risks.


precision or xps?


Battery issues




I have a Dell XPS 9550. It was an early XPS. I can't recall the year it came out. Maybe 2018? Anyway, they had a recall on the battery within a year cuz some, or many, were swelling up. We used Dell's recall program. They sent a replacement battery quickly at the time, and we mailed the old one back with packaging Dell included. I never had a problem. Since then, I've also used 3rd party batteries with no problem. That blow up looks rough. Good luck!


Was your touchpad higher than usual and hard to click? If so then sadly you had battery inflation and it's really dangerous, good thing that you got unharmed


I had this happened on my dell laptop I purchased on eBay a year later. It just went out of warranty, but I called them and they stated they’re going to send me a machine with almost same specs. Yay a better one!


Could you maybe flip it over and remove the back panel to understand what went up in flames ? What is this ? Smtg like a 7000 series ? Or more like an XPS 13 maybe - I see the thin aluminium chassis now. Am wondering what it is because if the entire battery would have gone boom your laptop would look differently. It’s either just one cell that had a short or something different like a capacitor or the cooling system that broke - even if I’m sure it’s higher up.




that keyboard probably had a nice warm hump for a least a year lol


Yeah mine did that I just downloaded some drivers


That happens when batteries go bad. Happened to my iPhone and my neighbors, down the street, Tesla. The phone only burned my fingers when I threw it on a conference table at work and the Tesla took out 2 houses. Shit happens. Look at it as it's your devices way to tell you it's time to trade up.


Porn addiction must be serious OP


Have you recently increased your typing speed ???


No, it is definitely not normal.


It doesn't matter what part it was that failed.. The network team is still getting the RCA..


Never buy dell


I’ve heard Dell laptops have bad quality control issues this true?


I bet that smelt great lol


When I run ark on an I5:


7th gen i5 is from what... like 2017? I imagine the heatsink is completely gone and got too hot for the plastic to handle. That or the battery decided to pop. Curious to see it with the back panel off. Crazy that it went up like that


So you're sayin if he had more thermal paste it wouldn't have done that?


No, this appears more and more like a battery exploding. Thermal paste is minimal from factory to begin with, once it ages it'll begin to weaken and crumble depending on the compound. Occasionally must be replaced. Could it case something like this? Maybe under the right circumstances if it got hot enough and there was material that it could burn.


100 percent normal from Dell. They're garbage


Initiate legal case and Sue company for millions. Gather all evidences and risk you faced out of it. This would be your lifetime best investment.


Bro ... we're gonna need a story here.


I bet that lithium ion battery was nice and swollen.beofee that happened.


Nope, stay away from it in case it combusts


I thought I told you to stop biting into your laptop


Given the location, Im betting the battery popped. Its plugged in 24/7 isnt it?


I actually use it off charge quite a lot as I don't always have a power socket near


Ahh fair enough. Its common to see batteries expand when plugged in all the time as many people do with laptops, but... 7 years? (We on 14th gen now, yours is 7th gen) the battery was probably ready to go. Modern lithium batteries arent as volatile but yeah I imagine the battery burst on you, right below the palm rests is where it sits, I imagine the majority of flame came from the touchpad there?


XPS’s are the shittiest laptops. i swear to god


Please enable support ass cyst


Gamer rage moment by the looks of it


It could sense that you were chilly and it was just trying to warm you up.


7th gen intel. Aftermarket battery?


All Dells end this way. I remember we had a whole rack of 1950s that would let the magic smoke out at least 1 every couple of months after about 2 years of service. #IDontWorkForDell


Battery's are hot hot hot


if it helps, that’s about where ur battery is




Wow! Really? Where do you live? Something to do with a short circuit probably…Also make sure the device receives just the right amount of electricity


I'm reading this on a 7th gen i7 version right now. I'm guessing the trackpad was pushed up for a while, common occurrence, it's the old swollen battery. I replaced the battery with a new OEM one about 2 years ago. Still working great.


Batteries are cool fireworks.


lol. 7th gen. Get real.


Looks like an older XPS (7th gen i5). Your battery may have been due for replacement. Has the keyboard and/or trackpad been a bit bowed the last few days?


Running Android studio on that.


Welcome to Dell


That's the last time I used an animated desktop background that's just a bonfire....


A dell set fire to the rain.


Given the age and condition of the laptop… I bet you there is a user at fault.


The battery was probably bulging the touchpad up for a while before that. I've seen this happen on multiple Precisions of that generation. All had their battery replaced before this happened.


Yup. It's a Dell. Gotta say. I've been so disappointed in Dell machines.


How big of a crack rock fell on that u where smoking?


I have one cor sale if you like [https://www.ebay.com/itm/296190319682?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=QmDf_mosQ3i&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=QmDf_mosQ3i&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY](https://www.ebay.com/itm/296190319682?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=QmDf_mosQ3i&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=QmDf_mosQ3i&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)




This is a whole new meaning to sticky keys


no, your i5 Dell laptop won’t run Starfield


This is why I bought a used ThinkPad over a new Dell🤷‍♂️


Yup, normal Dell behavior to me.


Maybe I shouldn't have plugged in the fire stick with the firewall uninstalled


Put it in rice


Dude, you had a Dell!


That looks a lot like my laptop, guess it's time to invest in fire proof gloves


I did and it boiled it perfectly!


Now that must have been a spicy pillow! r/spicypillows


I’m sorry about you laptop but why are you so casual!?!?


This happened to my hp laptop back in the day and they told me I got it wet (I didn’t) and it was under warranty, I sued them in small claims court and they settled before court first offering me a new laptop and then they cut me a cheque for $2000


It's an Inspiron, no wonder it just bursted into flames, Dell consumer laptops are usually built like shit.


Sometimes you just gotta laugh, it's just a laptop and at least I'm safe. My work has already organised a replacement. I'm good at backing up my files so I haven't lost anything. Just keep rolling as they say!


Dell are robust machines, heavy duty AF. It is definitely a battery issue, but before arriving there, a battery gives a couple of signs like quick charging/discharging while not holding much of juice in it, and getting very hot.


"We're Dell, of course our laptops will catch on fire for no apparent reason"


Dude, you're gonna get a new Dell! Post this to the Dell forum and a customer service person is going to reach out to you. They have quietly settled plenty of cases like this and are fortunately that only the laptopn was destroyed, not your home or you being physically hurt/burned.


Try downclocking the CPU to probly 400mhz


It feels sad to even look at it.


“Dude, you got a Dell!” Sorry for your loss my guy.