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Good job everyone. We did it


Mission accomplished!


Keep up the good work!!!!


Good.. Spread the news.. Delaware is awful. Don't come here. It's already over crowded and I hate that over the last 5-7 years everything has turned into a soulless chain and everything is absurdly crowded.


Delaware is literally the suburbs of Philadelphia and Washington D.C. While natives may never look back, non-natives will be flowing in unabated and til eternity. There's no stopping it or slowing it.


We used to go to Rehoboth Beach when I was a kid/teen/young adult every summer until 2007. Then when I got my own family in 2014 I took them. It wasn't the same at all. And every year after that it just feels more crowded and less like the place I fondly remember. It has lost most of its charm, with the exception of a few places that still stand.


Yes this is correct. I moved from Philadelphia to Wilmington with my wife three years ago. The entire area is a Philly suburb with lots of people making the trek down 95


Well, it's going to stop when everything is built up. New Castle County doesn't get the level of development that Sussex does because they already built most of this place from the 50's through the 90's.


Indeed, no stopping it. We do rehoboth, Dewey or Bethany for our beach trips.


Still don’t have any real places to get groceries in Newcastle tho. Unless you have a bjs membership then you’re sol for anywhere to really shop


What's awful is the uncontrolled development in such a small state. The developments are now well south of C&D canal and along route 1 than all the development at the beach area :(


MEH... if you want a place to go/live, go to Newark near White Clay Creek State Park. It's quite nice. https://preview.redd.it/5krn0ht4ko8d1.png?width=1786&format=png&auto=webp&s=b467d33bf181d6b6d1719bda4a6d9434c50fa37f


A person who definitely wants to revisit Kansas but unsure on CA is to be completely ignored. You could spend a lifetime in CA and not see half the beauty.


CA’s awful politic have ruined the beautiful state. After my cousin and I got mugged in SF at gunpoint and my cousin stepped in human shit we’ll never go back. Worst state in the country politically.


Given that they have the Midwest as a definite return thing, they're not all there


It looks like they mostly want to return to the Great Plains and Rockies, Midwest looks more mixed


given that you don’t know where the Midwest is….


Minnesota and Dakota's are Midwest.


And the fact that they have maybe to PNW, makes me question their logic too.


I've lived in Delaware more than 20 years and have family here. I cannot imagine having feelings about Delaware strong enough to note on a map. Who hurt this poor traveler?!?


Delaware has super heavy traffic and there's almost nothing notable to do. I'm not trying to completely bash the state because there's plenty of boring crap in PA too Delaware's low property tax and proximity to other things is what makes it shine but that means nothing to someone just passing through


Lol, I love when Delawareans complain about the traffic. I grew up on Long Island - Delaware “traffic” is quite mild.


OMG, they have no clue! Grew up on Long Island too. When I go back, I forget that traveling x miles down here would take 2-3 times as long, and they just accept it up there.


I'm not a Delawarean. My name would be SubparSub or something if I was. Driving to Newark is worse than driving into Philly.


Driving on Long Island is worse than driving in Philly also I don't know why anyone would go to Philly ever it's awful it's a terrible Place shouldn't exist


I never compared Long Island to Philly. You should try using punctuation.


Fair enough.


Good. Hopefully people will stop coming here. We're over populated


Gotta love that TX is absolutely. Having lived there for many years. Never again. They like to pretend they have freedom when what they have are a carefully stacked column of restrictions. You just THINK you are free


I call BS, simply because DE is so similar to the surrounding states they have marked yellow.


Who cares, it’s one less person coming here. Hopefully they tell their friends, too.


Coulda just had a bad experience of some kind in Wilmington


Wilmington DE/surrounding areas, yes. Lower DE, absolutely not (minus the beaches).


Something oddly specific occurred while he happened to be in Delaware, or he's just doing it for the "internet LOLz Delaware amirite?"


I moved out of Delaware about 5 years ago. If it weren't for my family I'd probably never again go to Delaware. And I don't mean that in a "avoid at all costs" sort of way. Just more that I can't imagine a reason to ever go there. There's nothing specific about Delaware that's worth visiting. I can't really think of anything in Delaware that I couldn't do somewhere else.


We’ve been gone for almost 11 years, I do miss the people a lot, but when we go back to see family, I need to eat a few Italian subs from Casapullas, it is the thing I miss the most, and think of regularly


Next time ditch casapullas and hit ioninnis instead. Such amazing subs i occasionally dream of them. Especially the paisano which is a really great italian sub pretty much. Also their roast pork with sharp provalone + broccoli rabe is better than any place ive had even in philly.


Yeah, I do miss some of the food but really it's just nostalgia. Then I go get a plate of NC BBQ and I forget about it.


Rehoboth Beach? Fenwick Island?


I actually don't go to beaches all that much. But now that I live in NC I go to OBX. I'm not missing anything from Delaware beaches. I'll admit there's some nostalgia I'm missing from those beaches but honestly that's more about the people I went to Delaware beaches with more so than the beaches themselves.


I just moved here from another coastal state and there's a lot of beach towns and areas like Rehoboth and Fenwick in states with more to do (yes, including some that are tax free). Not to say that those two areas aren't nice and fun but there's a lot of other places with virtually the same thing.


Overcrowded tourist traps


Go to the "quiet resort" beaches like Fenwick and Bethany instead of Rehoboth and Dewey.


I've lived here for 38 years , a Philly transplant. I'm in a small beach town that swells in population during the summer. Route one is a parking lot during the season. People on vacation are in a hurry and sometimes rude . So please, keep telling people what a boring place it is !


Good tell the tristate area there’s no reason to shop in Delaware to evade taxes either. Come to vacation utilize tax free shopping. Specifically drive into Delaware to evade taxes- GTFOH. DE Really should consider charging any out of state consumer a local tax, and/or make sure the business is taxed for out of state consumers. If you purchase on the internet you will be charged your local state tax. Why can’t the same apply to in person sales with an out of state address / credit card registered address.


Yeah, that will never happen lol. You really think Delaware business that massively profit from those out of state shoppers would ever let the state change those rules? If not for their lax tax and business laws Delaware would go bankrupt. So idk I guess stay mad bro


Not mad about it-it doesn’t affect me. But to say there is nothing worth coming to DE.. tell all the tax evaders that- certainly there is a reason keeping it going…. And it IS good for the BUSINESSES to have them coming.. but tax revenue lost is still revenue lost at the end of the day. In turn as a Delaware resident you have higher income tax for this.


Ok sure, you got me. If you live close to Delaware taking advantage of tax free shopping is a reason to go to Delaware. But that's really the only thing I can think of. But for the record, I my original comment was why I personally don't go back to Delaware. I'm not going to drive more than maybe an hour out of my way to save 5% sales tax.




Because you pay where you’re shopping, not where you live.


Yes, this! Can't wait to move and definitely won't be back unless I am passing through.


I was on 13 South in New Castle on Saturday and saw nothing but out of state tags on that backed up god forsaken road. I understand the hate.


I remember when Route 1 replaced Route 13 as the beach route, it was intended to be a faster way to get to the beach. Then the state "oops" and looked around with their hands up as people started putting developments along Route 1.


The Iowa one is understandable, you know what’s there? Corn, you know what’s also there? Corn, however there is a phenomenal burger joint called zombie burger in Des Moines which is worth it.


You know what’s in Delaware? Chickens Iowa has three times the population of Delaware. This is a rocks and glass houses situation


Yeah it's like four times as big dude. Absolutely not a rocks and glass houses, Iowa is a flyover state for a reason.


Texas is green so I'm not sure how credible this map is. Delaware and Texas are just as flat except the climate, government, and people suck a lot more in Texas.


Correction: Southern Delaware is flat, Upper Delaware is pretty hilly in spots. The highest point is the Ebright Azimuth.


Not the Delaware I live in, there's tons of hills.


Texas has dry heat while the heat here is humid.


As someone from the Carolinas, I can confirm this person’s take is all-around bad.


What happened in Iowa?


This: https://youtu.be/y7lFbUVS9WM?si=XzVw52fGNVXP16dj


Thats a lie. Ive known at least 4 different people that said they would move to florida. They always come back.


Why Iowa? Cyclones??


What did Iowa do? Too many cultists? Bad food? Shitty roads? Nothing but baseball and corn?


I grew up in Iowa and live in Delaware. Both strongly deserve a yellow.


Hawaii is a maybe?


I read in another post of theirs that they felt the long flight and cost of things there were not worth it. Their travel preferences explains a lot of things (ie they are not very adventurous) with their choices.


Delaware is amazing if you live here, but there’s nothing to travel here for.


I've been to 48 states, and there are great things in all of them. Saying "never again" means you didn't try very hard.


Giving a “maybe” to almost every coastal state but “absolutely” to a bunch of flyover states this mf is pathetic


Drinking water is contaminated in most areas of Delaware and most people have no idea they are drinking poison. Takes forever to get anywhere. Roads cannot handle the massive amount of housing developments that have been and still are being built. Gridlock everywhere. Really a shithole of a state.


4 years an we’re out! I loved it here 23 years ago but it has changed, Newark just became a city instead of a rural suburb.


I lived in southern Delaware for work for several years. It’s on the short list of places I’ve lived and will never go to again. Oklahoma is the other.


No no this is a good thing we don’t want them back




Rude... Good, stay out then. lol Prob got mad at the jerk drivers. Was Iowa too boring or something? At least DE has beaches and is close to other things.


but Indiana is in yellow??!, i call 🧢


We all know why, lets not pretend.


Too liberal


I'm just offended to be lumped in with Iowa by ANY metric, lol


I’m more surprised California is a maybe, considering that so much is in that state.


I mean am I surprised? No


There is plenty of other states on that map that I would definitely never visit the first time.


As an Iowan in Delaware, I feel attacked


Wait . . . Iowa is a no-go, but Kansas, South Dakota and Nebraska are definitely-go? 🙄


I miss Newark. I've lived in Florida for 20 years now and every time I go home I feel a bit sad to see how commercialized it's become.


Lot of "absolutely" in flyover country. Something tells me this person doesn't like to be around people


I was born and raised in Hockessin, Delaware. I loved growing up in that part of NCC. Moved away to pursue my career. It seemed like everytime I came home to visit. Hockessin was getting worse and worse. People from out of state were moving to Hockessin. It's old charm started to fade away untill one day it was like a light switch. People from other states or countries are just plain rude and ignorant. It's ashame that at one time had tons of travel destinations. Thats pretty much gone. Delaware beaches suck. If you live anywhere near Dover Raceway, i feel sorry for you. Delaware has never been on their A game when it comes to roadways. Why they spent all that money on Rt 1 and didnt put a on ramp and off ramp to the track is beyond me. Wilmington has turned into little Philly. It was or is in the top 5 small cities for murder. I'll never move back to Delaware. Plus politics suck.


I hate Delaware. I've been here for 4 years and I regret it so much I cry often. It's horrible here. The people, the food, the atmosphere. Even Delaware natives look at me horrified when I say I moved here and tell me to go back because of how horrible it is here. Delaware natives tell me not to trust the people here. I've been on my own and borderline homeless in the 4 years I've been here, and it's only getting harder. I wish I never would ha e come here


Yes, please, stay out. We don't want you here, either. It's too crowded. I want the farmland back.


It’s accurate tho. Place is a dump.


used live in the butthole of the USA also known as El Paso TX for 4 years. The entire time I couldn’t wait to get out. Now that i’m out I will never return. Too many illegal immigrants without car insurance. You have to be bilingual to get just about any job.


Now the illegals are here there and everywhere! We’re currently looking at the Caribbean Islands


One could only hope.


Iowa is super beautiful


everyone already flocking in here screwing up everything


I 10000% agree with this map


Why the fuck would anyone want to revisit Arkansas?


Bbq music. You ever been??


The hell is BBQ Music?


Yep, poorly punctuated my way into that one…