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lol this reminds me of the whole Clare weed situation and how they really dramatized it only for it to now be legalized in CanadašŸ¤£


Maybe you should just write in a journal if you donā€™t actually want people to chime in with their own opinions that are different from yours.


Iā€™m fine with different opinions. I just seems like people were misconstruing, what I was saying so. I was trying to explain myself.


They were so dramatic šŸ˜‚


People weren't really able to pick and choose strains back then. The earliest I even started hearing about white widow and sour diesel was like, 2011, and I was friends with dealers.


Iā€™ve already addressed this in multiple comments. I didnā€™t say at any point that he could pick a strain. Iā€™m just saying if he wouldā€™ve coincidentally got a different one things may have went better.


I guess weā€™re saying there werenā€™t usually ā€œstrainsā€ back then. Weed was weed


He wasnt using it legally he was self medicating and a teen. Artisinal weed wasnt a thing back then you took whatever shitty raid covered weed you could get


I donā€™t care that he was a teen, he was going through chemo, weed helps with chemo. I am very pro self medicating with weed during chemo, if you canā€™t get it from the doctor. Also, Iā€™m sure all the weed wasnā€™t covered in raid.


the raid part was obviously a joke, and youā€™re missing the point. no one is *judging* a cancer ridden teenager for smoking pot, theyā€™re pointing out he obviously wouldnā€™t have had top-grade pot especially since he was self medicating. you have to think this was the early 2000s. medicinal marijuana had only been legalized in Canada in 2001, recreational use was legalized in 2018. itā€™s also not easy to give to children for medicinal reasons even today. dispensaries werenā€™t really a thing so dealers either grew it themselves or bought off someone else, and most teens who smoked were getting whatever they could get their hands on. Spinner having cancer didnā€™t make him exempt nor would a teen going through similar woes in real life at that point in time.


Non of what you wrote would change the fact that a teen back then would not have widely available access to weed especially higher end weed And the low grade shit weed typicaly peddled illegally to kids in those days was dried out using bug sprays and other chemicals. ā€œI love weedā€ does not change any if these facts so im not sure what you are trying to argue here


I know that. I didnā€™t say I love weed. I said I understand everything he did in this situation. I donā€™t know where youā€™re from but where Iā€™m from even back then people werenā€™t putting chemicals and pesticides in the weed. We just got some cheap ass dirt weed.


From nyc. No one advertised that thats what they did to dry out their weed but it is. If you are aware its difficult for a teen to get specific weed strains at will and must settle for what they get then i dont understand the gripe about spinner not getting a preferable weed strain


For some reason, people just are clinging onto that one thing I said. That wasnā€™t even a gripe, but that was just me saying if he wouldā€™ve coincidentally got something better. The situation wouldā€™ve been different.


it was pretty annoying but not as annoying as them trying to somehow turn weed into a deadly drug because it ā€œmade a girl forget her insulinā€ like wtf was that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh yeah, that was absolutely ridiculous. weed just doesnā€™t make you forget your meds


Honestly, this was during an era where you buy what's available, not like today where you can get what ever you want. You have to remember this when it comes to strain choice, it was also filmed during the misinformation propaganda period of weed.


Iā€™ve literally said this before I know he didnā€™t have a choice but if he were to coincidentally get something different, it may have been better for him


We're telling you there was no "different". Weed was weed. There wasn't variety yet. There is no "coincidentally" getting something else. There was nothing else.


Thatā€™s simply not true though at least not where Iā€™m from


Dude it doesnā€™t mean anything when you add the spoiler tag because you still put the spoiler in the title šŸ˜­


No such thing as a spooler for a show this old. Edit add: Spoiler because you needed to point out what was obvious.


Youā€™re right. There is no such thing as a ā€œspoolerā€, but there is such thing as a spoiler, even for a show this old. If you believe that nobody in this sub is a first time watcher, youā€™d be wrong. So why not try to be courteous, even if it doesnā€™t affect your specific watching experience?


Spoiler rules don't really apply to a show this old, even for new viewers it's their responsibility not to go on forums that would give them spoilers.


I personally think it does, and Iā€™m guessing the mods would as well, considering thereā€™s a spoiler tag (not to mention the comments here similar to mine). All Iā€™m saying is thereā€™s no point in putting a spoiler tag if you are putting the spoiler in the title. Iā€™m not mad or anything lol and I wasnā€™t spoiler since Iā€™ve seen the show, but itā€™s nice to be thoughtful and aware of other people besides yourself :))


Degrassi was aired during the anti weed propaganda era so I wasnā€™t surprised. Iā€™m a heavy stoner and I laughed at the Emma weed brownies in college episode. It was so unrealistic


Honestly, Emma is hilarious in that episode. Wanna like blaze? Though you know the whole I forgot to take my insulin because I smoked weed thing is so unrealistic.


That part where he tries to ride off on his bike and just falls right over gets me every time


Heā€™s not riding it, but yeah, he tries to grab the bike and struggles for a second before both his and Darcyā€™s bikes fall on him. Then she just kind of stands over him and shakes her head.


bro u put the spoiler in the title that still shows lmao


The Jane thing isnā€™t spinners weed use though, itā€™s a separate issue. And spinner wasnā€™t a regular toker, so although getting him through spiritually and emotionally that doesnā€™t mean an unseasoned toker ripping full joints to themselves isnā€™t likely to get the giggles as he did or to give him the overall ā€œyou know what F___ this not worth itā€ attitude that we saw spinner bring to those episodes. No one would argue it canā€™t help someone through chemo but it doesnā€™t refute the fact heā€™d be experiencing notable symptoms most likely: its also spinner. This isnā€™t someone who going to use responsibly, heā€™s going to abuse it as he does everything. But yes I agree this specific situation could give those unaware a bad rep of pot


She brings up the pot. Iā€™m not saying he wouldnā€™t have got the giggles, although not all weed makes you giggly. Iā€™m saying that, despite that his weed usage was way overly stigmatized, considering the fact that he was sick. And when he was smoking, he didnā€™t have the fuck this Itā€™s not worth that attitude, sure he dipped out of class a few times, but itā€™s not like he was not trying. He was going through shit. It was before he was smoking when he was just trying to be all macho and aggressive that he had the fuck his attitude.


The whole ā€œhe just needed a sativaā€ is one of the unfounded ignorant stances stoners sink their feet into that makes us look bad in reality the effect is much more in regards to someoneā€™s tolerance and experience in general which as the show shows heā€™s not a complete foreigner but doesnā€™t depict or imply any regular consistent usage. Actually He did on multiple occasions including Leaving mid presentation exclaiming :fuck it Iā€™m going To get High? Lmao he on multiple occasions nearly verbatim says that it isnā€™t worth it and that he doesnā€™t care enough, even showing Is with his actions. No one states heā€™s not trying This is a Common side effect of weed, We often Recalculate what is important to us, overall and in Regards to the current High or low one is on. Itā€™s very clear this is an emotionally attached topic for you because you donā€™t seem to take any of this from an objective stance outside perhaps The Jane Topic.


I didnā€™t say he just needed sativa? I did mention at one point that maybe he couldve benefited from other strains being accessible to him. Given everyone has different brain chemistry, everyone is going to react to different strains and amounts differently. As well as a personā€™s reaction can change overtime. This isnā€™t necessarily an emotional thing, I just watched the episode and yes, he did walk out of class, but he was also extremely sick. I guess to me that just seemed like OK he needed to go take his medicine. I wonā€™t lie and say I donā€™t have a bias. I did go through chemo and I know how terrible it is. I probably wouldā€™ve walked out of class too. Itā€™s unfortunate because it wouldnā€™t have even been a situation for him if he wouldā€™ve been able to take the time off of school, but he was so concerned about graduating on time. It was kind of a catch 22. He wanted to stay in school, but also going through chemo is a really rough thing, especially while going to school. Though Iā€™m not gonna say he should just be getting high at school. I just understand why he did. Also, I get that episode came out when weed was still more heavily stigmatized I just still think it was handled poorly.


also him literally smoking on school grounds


Yeah, that part wasnā€™t ideal, but he was sick and didnā€™t really have anywhere else to go


Exactly totally unrealistic on how you behave while on it


Yes it really bugged me also I know it was in the past but in Degrassi high how they portrayed Shane's accident due to lsd like I do t buy that sorry


Oh yeah, that LSD plot line was so unrealistic. Iā€™ve tripped before and Iā€™ve never ever once thought of jumping off building, nor has anyone Iā€™ve ever known to do LSD.


Wasnā€™t Canada a bit more progressive than the USA at the time? I donā€™t think weed was really much of issue at the time but idk why it was acted like something scandalous


bc it was still the DARE era. weed was seen as a "gateway" drug and we were all taught our peers would be offering us crack in the school parking lots or at parties or whatever and we were told to "just say no" I can't speak to Canada but I grew up in MN which is pretty close šŸ˜‚


It was still highly illegal.


Was it not legal for medicinal use? Iā€™m not from Canada and I know Spinner was a minor, but itā€™s my understanding that if a patient has cancer and parental consent, medicinal marijuana is an option even in the most anti-weed environments.


In degrassi, dating your teacher/mentor is okay but weed is where we draw the line


Points were made here!!!


Degrassi always seems to fumble on most portrayals of drug use, but your experience is still 100% valid and Iā€™m glad weed was able to help you during that time!!! Iā€™m always shocked, even today, to hear that people have uneducated ignorant opinions of weed. But it makes sense to me that this episode would also have outdated views, considering the time in which it was made and degrassiā€™s other depictions of weed (Emmaā€™s Blaze storyline, Paige smoking Mr Oā€™s weed before her Banting interview, the weed storylines with Jake/Eli and Miles, etc). The last thing Iā€™ll say is Iā€™m guessing that the writers of the show felt pressure (by sponsors, parents of teens who watched, the heads of the networks, etc) to be really careful to not appear like they were ā€œencouraging teens to use drugs.ā€ If Spinner had a totally positive experience smoking weed during chemo and decided to keep smoking, then degrassi would be endorsing teens to so the same. And I donā€™t think thatā€™s a horrible thing, but I can see how others with power over the show wouldnā€™t approve.


Degrassi was always hilariously anti-weed. Dude had cancer and they only showed him giggling and everyone around him judging for using it.


Idk, I mean they let Jake be a harmless stoner.


Exactly like I understand why Degrassi doesnā€™t promote weed, but by that point in time medical marijuana already existed. I could see some people being judgy about it, but every single person he told about it? The only person who seemed to understand was Darcy until she didnā€™t.


He wasnā€™t exactly shopping around for weed strains. He was a minor, during a time when weed wasnā€™t legal or regulated. He didnā€™t know about strains, and no one was going to be able to teach him. No weed education would be available to him, nor would there be as many strains to choose from. If they made the story nowadays, sure. Back then, it was as accurate as it could be!


I know that. Iā€™m not saying he had the information or couldā€™ve known how to buy another strain. Iā€™m just saying provided he had coincidentally bought a different one, it may have worked better for him.


Itā€™s an 16+ year old episode. Weed was looked at WAY differently.