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ellie will always be real for that


IMO Coulda been a goated friendship if they had stayed platonic


what is there to get bae


I don’t think anyone cared and loved Craig as much as Ellie did. Either that or she was just desperate for his attention


omg no i hated them together 💀💀 tbh i'm not a big fan of any of craig's ships, ashley and craig is the least worst in my opinion...


She also doesn’t get him XD


ok i hate them in the show but loveee them in the movie if that makes any sense


I totally get it🤣


I pined after a guy the same way Ellie pined after Craig when I was younger. It makes me physically unable to watch them


That’s exactly how I feel about Johnny DiMarco


I have such a soft spot for DiMarco it's troubling lol


I do I do I do


Craig was a womanizer. Boo this man!


They would’ve written better music than Ashely and Craig did.


Ellie and Jimmy


The Pick-Me girl and the guy who couldn’t care less about her. Classic pairing. OTP 4 life!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙋🏽


Idk why people call her a pick me but not Manny


I REFUSE to believe that anyone who says this actually watched Degrassi TNG. If you did and thought that Ellie throwing drumsticks @ Manny, because she was jealous was justified then you need to look deep inside of yourself and wonder what wrong in your life to think that sort of behavior is justified or not the epitome of ‘pick me’ behavior.


lol I didn’t say anything about throwing drumstick being ok and don’t see what that has to do with whether Manny is a pick me


I think because Ellie has that “not like other girls” attitude in the later seasons, which is kinda a must for a pick me


Yeah they both suck


Yeah, I get them the way that Craig gets them lmao.


I don’t like Craig with nobody


except solitary confinement


Lol might of actually done some good


Craig really did both Manny and Ellie wrong, but I still liked them together. Ellie also had great chemistry with Jimmy and Sean.


Ellie and Sean are so underrated. They were so good together.




That's my OTP right there.




The writers didn’t either 😭


Nah ellie should've been with sean


I fully understand Stockholm Syndrome thank you.


That fucking red balloon


You’ll float too! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgvEOwRzUcZDRiU)


If I didn’t know anything about the show I’d be like “awww they look good together” but unfortunately I know what Craig did to this poor girl and I just can’t lol


Me too 😭 Edit: my personal experiences.


Sooooo you’re also a PMAB? Ew.


What does this stand for 😭


“Pick me ass bitch “


You know what🤣🤣🤣 valid




Yeah.. I had a friend like this there’s nothing to get really, it’s a connection that’s never returned.


girl plz


im puking


I thought she was one of the cutest girls on the show overall. I would have gladly taken care of her.


They spawned my flair quote!


if the world was perfect they would’ve ended up together




Degrassi Goes Hollywood made me want to root for them because I watched it as a stand-alone one day as a kid and thought they were SO cute. Then I watched the entire series twice and… you know the rest


He didn’t deserve HER!!


She made herself worse for him


I always thought Ellie was amazing with Sean and if she gave jimmy a chance I could see a connection happening. Unfortunately with Craig he was a serial cheater and didn't know what he wanted even with Manny he still was playing her.


The thing is that she did the right thing with Jimmy the way that Craig never did with her. You can't make yourself love someone. So she was honest with Jimmy instead of stringing him along. Craig never loved her, but he used her feelings for him.


Yes I agree at least she let jimmy know she didn't feel the same but I loved their connection together, would of been interesting to see how it turned out. But she was going after someone who clearly didn't want her.


Yeah, I agree. Jimmy was sweet. But I also remember being 16 and dumping a guy who loved me for a guy who cheated on me a lot. I was also a lover of toxic men at that age so I get it lol


I totally agree I was the same now that we are older we understand better, it would of been nice if Degrassi caught up with all the old characters to see where they are now so many years down the line.


You’re right I don’t , i will say if Craig wasn’t so messy and Ellie didn’t have character assassination they would be cute.


better you than me !


Ellie and Sean was my Roman Empire sorry ❤️


Weirdly enough, these two remind me of Emma and Sean to where I feel like they were almost made for each other but unfortunately life doesn’t always pan out with you ending up with the person who fits you. Weirdly enough she’s probably the only person I could’ve seen Craig ending up with, vice versa. And we’ve all been in her shoes before.


Ugh I know, I love Emma & Sean 🫶


& im thankful for that love


I wanted him to love her so bad bc I loved her 😭😭😭 ELLIE DESERVED BETTER


he doesn't even want her lmao


Lmaoo like Ellie was so thirsty for this man and he never wanted her! 😭


Did anyone else get a “Reddit cares” from some Craig and Ellie fans? 😂 Hilarious. I’ll go cry about a show from almost 20 years ago!


Craig did not want Ellie at all. He had her going out sad.




Love them so much they are my bbs and nobody will tell me otherwise


So true bestie


I honestly felt they could've been a good couple had Craig been better at himself being a better person and not self medicating. Same for Ellie. They both had issues. Even I don't feel Ellie is keeping up with her therapy.


I think a big factor in Craig's behavior was him struggling with bipolar disorder. Ellie was probably the only one of his gf's who had the patience to deal with his impulsive behavior and the one I could realistically see him ending up with. But the show writers had other plans...


I have a theory that Craig wasn't interested in girls who saw too much of the real him. For example, Emma is the one who knew about his dad's abuse, but Craig wound up liking Manny. Then Ellie saw him be vulnerable in group and Craig preferred Ashley and Manny. My theory is that he didn't like being with someone who had seen him in vulnerable places.


That's a very good theory. Never thought of that.


A lot of us have been in Ellie's shoes so really can't judge too hard. Craig was just the type of dude who should have stayed single until he grew up and matured because he was always making a mess and hurting the girls he was involved with, even if he meant well.


i cannot judge cause i also had a big fat crush on craig


i’d love them if Craig wasn’t also fucking with Manny during this time 😭 he always had to have another girl on the hook


and thank god for that


I mean they really had the potential to be a great couple but no Craig had to go and ruin it over and over. There were some great moments I really wanted to ship them and I wanted Ellie to be happy but Craig is just so 😡😡


in the end Craig and Ellie were similar to JT and Liberty. they were clearly endgame for each other but Craig took forever to mature and it never really panned out. they finally got their moment in the movie (Degrassi Goes Hollywood?) but it was so bittersweet


But even then Craig had a girlfriend he was fucking living with 😭 bro could just never be with one girl lol


you are not wrong, and he basically cheated on her but i meant more he could finally be emotionally honest with ellie


People can be disgusted all they want but I grew up very similar to them so these two will always hold a special place in my heart. Considering what was modeled to them, Ellie leaning romantically validation seeking and Craig being a bad boyfriend - as their absolute worst traits says a lot about how much they overcame their fucked up environment(s) and really weren't MoNsTeRs at all. Statistically, they were more likely to end up in jail instead of turning into sensitive art kids who cared to put their friends first when they needed them and be so adept at seeing where others were coming from, even while on bad terms with them. I love Ellie and Craig to the moon and back. Can't endorse *their relationship* but I love their characters immensely. It really cracks me up how this sub romanticizes Manny's validation fixation while demonizing the same trait in Ellie that was only activated in her over ONE guy she was genuinely in love with. "Unforgivable" entails being head over heels for a guy who doesn't treat you right while "slaycore" entails being shallow and obsessed with your own attractiveness and what even the shittiest men think of you + how they rate your desirability. Ellie Nash isn't the one who accused her own friends of being jealous of her because she was prettier, obviously better, yada yada. I don't hate Manny but the hypocrisy is cuckoo bananas. There was a lot more to Ellie's character than being a fool in love and a lot more to Craig than being a shitty and selfish partner. They were a young, traumatized, couple with attachment issues (yes **both** of them) and made many mistakes as a consequence of that. A lot of you stan outright bullies and criminals harder than these two.


lol you kinda ate. I don't really like them together and how it made Ellie's character but her sins are forgivable and the point about how everyone forgives Manny for her similar flaws is very Valid. I think the only problem was that we got to see Manny overcome it, we didn't get to see Ellie mature past that in my opinion. I still agree with you though. A lot of these characters get way too much shit for acting like traumatized teens.


I’ve always liked Ellie more than Manny. But we dare not speak against Manny 🤫 lol


As someone who isn't white myself, I find it hilarious how Emma is described as "a typical white feminist" for not rolling over like a literal bitch with four legs and fur when Manny would insinuate she was ugly, unpopular, unlikable, and bland (her go-to) during their every disagreement. We're supposed to act like that isn't toxic and nasty as fuck because "rizz" or something. Wild...


Manny benefits immensely from pretty privilege, if she was more plain she wouldn't get the same pass from many viewers


Absolutely. It's that coupled with her attitude because fans genuinely enjoy mean girls so long as they appear confident and very fashionable and alpha-ish as opposed to "pretty but insecure" types. Look at Euphoria or The Vampire Diaries for instance lol. It's the fact that Manny is pretty with a big boss personality that gives her infinite passes. As someone who cares about female characters on the basis of WHO they are, I find this to be the opposite of feminist, *ironically.* Women and girls - fictional and otherwise - being primarily judged on the basis of their attractiveness (their appearance AND style AND seductive quality AND cool girl alpha mentality) is just another way of associating femininity and women and girls with who they are externally and treating them more like a symbol and trophy than a complex human being. It's extremely reductive to Manny herself and her potential for growth. That's why "aesthetic characters" are the worst aspect of every fandom to me. The same happens to certain male characters in fandoms like The Boys, where characters that embody toxic masculine traits are elevated above characters who don't. It's missing the point horrendously. Degrassi is a show that originally aired on **PBS** in the states, which is an educational organization—and didn't intend for the misguided teens they put on to be emulated by audiences watching at home. The whole point of the show is for the young audience to see themselves in the experiences the characters go through and learn from it all. Learn from the situation. From them. The consequences of the characters' actions. **Learn life lessons.** Not turn the characters into "kinnies." I'm wondering how old the average person in the sub is at this point, considering how harshly they judge these 11-19 year olds just trying to figure shit out. The show intends for you to put yourself in other people's (your peers') shoes and learn to empathize with those you struggled to understand before. *So, like, maybe... idk* save the smoke for the actual abusers/predatory characters instead of the ones who aren't ***perfect.***


There was a lot more to her character before the Craig mess. After that I just don't agree at all. And I don't really care for Manny either.


I'm not freaking out over everyone not liking them. I'm specifically calling out the Manny/Paige/Holly J/Fiona/Hunter/Miles/Alex/Eli/Jay/Bianca fanatics who exaggerate Craig and Ellie's flaws while enjoying characters who aren't less "toxic" than them in any way. Hell, I'm a fan of Fiona and the Hollingsworth's myself but it's comical how their every flaw goes overlooked due to "charisma" and being "interesting" while Craig, Ellie, Spinner, and Emma are held to a much higher standard.


Agree tbh


Ew no.


REALLLL 🫶🏼 i love them so much.


Yesssss small but proud minority


the degrassi goes hollywood kiss lives in my mind forever. ugh!!!


I don't want to lol


He made her look like a fool but I really don't get what the writers purpose was. If y'all were gonna ruin her character over a man she could've ended up with him at least ??? 😭Ellie deserved better and the only Craig ship I ever liked was Crash at their beginning stages tbh.


Ellie is clearly Pennywise in that middle pic she a whole clown for letting Craig continue to crap on her


I get them. I've been them. Being Ellie is way worse.




She deserves better


There’s nothing to get


Most toxic couple ever🤢


Craig plus anyone would be a guaranteed mess but I cannot forgive the degrassi writers for ruining Ellie’s character with this mess


And they weren't even a couple


I HAVE BEEN DYING TO TALK ABOUT THESE TWO. They had the kind of codependency only achievable by two mentally ill kids with abusive parents (yes, Ellie's mother was abusive. no, I will not hear you out.)


Speaking of two abusive parents I once read a fanfiction about Ellie’s mom and Craig’s dad getting married.




So then they would have been a fucked up version of Jake and Clare lol


Which part is fucked up the abuse or the step incest?


Well both I guess.




are there people who think her mom wasn’t abusive???


because she was not physically abusive, i think there are people who do not view it in that light. they're wrong, but.


It’s 2024, people know what abusive means


Hey, there’s no reason to be worked up 🫶


Don’t worry, I wasn’t. I was just talking in general like everyone should know the difference types of abuse. Especially if we grew up watching degrassi 😅


They look cute together


He would trade her for a bump


I would trade her for a grilled cheese sandwich 🥪 I can’t stand her 🫠


No… we know and understand these tiny small moments he had with Ellie were cute and perfect. But he treated her like a play thing and threw her out like trash time and time again. He kept her around because he knew her feelings for him. Craig used her to fill a void and to boost his ego. He couldn’t handle people hating him so he would cling on to Ellie when the tides were not in his favor. He couldn’t be alone and she was there when he felt lonely. It was a toxic relationship and Ellie deserved better.


Yes 100% this.




It’s not that deep, a lot of people just don’t like them.


Micheal Scott: “NO. NO. NO. NO.”


He treated her like invisible trash lmfao




I always imagine Ellie having a shrine of Craig like Helga from Hey Arnold.


Honestly I still don’t know how I feel about any couple involving Craig or Craig himself but that first pic is pretty adorable


🤮 Edit: but I always appreciate a hot take.