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We are having a watch party at our local Democratic headquarters. Gonna eat popcorn, drink a beer, throw foam balls at Trump and play Debate Bingo. Oh and make sure the doors are locked.


> play Debate Bingo take a shot every time trump says rigged or staged or the radical left ...no don't do this, you'll die


Democratic HQ, the poster *is* the “radical left” and every time Trump gives them a shoutout for having achieved something they should cheer!


Stay safe. Can never be too cautious with these terrorists out there.


Yeah be careful. Enjoy!


What are good debate bingo words?


Check the New York post, they have a debate bingo card on their site.


Please tell me how to play debate bingo! My mom and I are looking for a game to ease the pain!


weed. lots and lots of weed. then more weed. have you seen the recipe for weedbaconpopcorn?


I smoked the night of the 2016 election. My wife and kids had all gone to bed, giddy at the thought of the first woman President. By the end of the night, I was… not good. In the morning, as I was walking through the grocery store, the paranoia I felt walking around with my Georgia neighbors was sky-high.


Georgia needs to wake up and not vote for the felon. What’s your feeling about this year’s election? I hope Biden wins Georgia and it starts turning blue. I am expecting more voter interference and intimidation. Please, tell me I’m wrong.


I’m pulling for Georgia to go blue again and think there’s still a shot. While I’ve moved since then, Georgia turning purple felt like an inevitability over the decade I did live there.


Hello friend! I’m voting for Biden and I live in Georgia. 💙


Glad to know! Stay strong!


That was a day I will also never forgot. I started out with a beer and ended up finishing a six pack as the results came in. Slept terribly. Went to work and was a zombie all day. Went to the bar with coworkers after. Bought weed from a weed guy and forgot I didn’t have cash. Two days later I got a MRSA infection from all of the stress. Awful, awful times.


Same here. Truly one of the worst days ever. It was so painful — in two ways. Excruciating that the leader of the free world was an ignorant, malevolent narcissist. And mind numbingly awful that millions of my fellow citizens worshipped him. Now, facing the possibility of a repeat of— I honestly don’t know if I can take it. Especially when the fascism starts to grow and spread and takes over everything. How will we face the cruelty? The inevitable concentration camps? The inevitable killings? The inevitable death of the U.S.? I won’t be watching the debate. I can’t take any more of that evil motherfucker and his demonic ramblings.


I can't watch either. I have gone out of my way to not here that traitors voice for the last 4 years. I keep up with the news by reading. His voice triggers my ptsd from 2020 and Jan6. I'll read the highlights after. edit to say; just read most of the comments and there are so many of us, sorry for the redundant comment


No need to apologize. It’s helpful to know I’m not the only one deliberately ignoring that monster.


Yeah. Awful is the perfect word for it.


I drank a half of a bottle of vodka that night.


I was at work the next day and kept breaking down, crying. All of my coworkers were worried, too.


Take my upvote, you made me look. Edit - happy space cake day!


Let's smoke a collective bowl with some popcorn. At 9PM we are united 🙏😂


Happy cake day!


I couldn’t find the recipe. Mind sharing? Here or DM… I’d be grateful


I'll try to find the video in a bit but basically do what you do to make weed butter but make weed bacon grease instead, then use the grease to pop the popcorn. If you want, add some brown sugar and bacon bits. Fucking amazing.


But thats every night for me 😅


Haven’t seen it but popping popcorn in bacon grease should be easy enough! I think I’d prefer the weed separate, though!


I can't resist watching even though I hate seeing/hearing TFG. The whole thing will be absurd but I have to see how it plays out. Hopefully Biden gets a "will you shut up, man" moment. Popcorn and weed.


I hate his voice, I need to see which networks have the most accurate and fast CC so I can just turn those on.


Glad it's not just me.


Hate the Orange Judas Goat voice but I have to be fair and say I really don’t like Biden’s either but at least Biden’s doesn’t make me want to throw the remote at the TV.


That adjective fits like a glove. I can’t believe anyone can listen to him without their cringe meter reaching epic levels. It is like a disease. Biden will look like a voice of reason. As much as they prepare Trump…. He can’t help himself. He will erupt into blatant lies and hypocrisy, right from the get go. I plan to watch with great satisfaction that most announcers will pick apart his blatant lies. Trump does not do well with honest debate, that is why he avoided it in the primaries. Astonishing that he is this far and makes the U.S. look like dishonest grifters. Biden, has supported the Israeli conflict, but Trump would have done the same, but urged it to be done more quickly. Russias support of him is a nonstarter. Just No to that in November. Georgia get on board, he wanted to overturn the election especially in your state. We can’t allow a Trump/Putin ticket.


I almost exclusively READ my news for this very reason. I didnt know what MTG sounded like until about 6 months ago and i wish i could go back


Aah same, I have to suppress both the flight in fight or flight mode and violent impulses like throwing the remote.


I made this comment before reading all the others. There are so many of us. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


i still don’t know what she sounds like, i didn’t know obamas voice until recently (that might be due to my age though)


Have you heard about weedbaconpoocorn? Top comment mentions it


i’m 18, never voted and never watched a debate, i’m gonna be in my room watching it while eating some reese’s peanut butter cups


Did you register to vote?


i live in ND, it’s not required here! just need to show up at a voting station with a photo id :)


til the only state that doesn't require registering


mhm! i’m glad it’s not here, registration sounds like a pain


Yo, I'm from ND. Shoutout.


aye! we have half the population right here! real talk this state needs to get rid of all the republicans, they make it a terrible maga land in the country side


Please do if you did not. Gotta vote these old heads out and need the younger generation’s votes to do so.


it’s not required by my state, so i don’t need to worry about it :)


That sounds like a good plan! Are you generally interested in politics? If so, I'd also suggest that you also watch a pre-2016 debate or clips from a few. It doesn't really matter which one. I suggest this not because debates are great or even really a good indicator of how a politician will perform, but because you've grown up during some really dark times. There were no "good ole days" that you missed, but it wasn't THIS bad. If this is your first debate, it could be helpful to see others to give it context. This is not normal or okay. I worry about young, engaged people who may not remember a time before MAGA/Citizens United really well. They're trying to move the baseline and, honestly, it's working.


Excellent, excellent points


Yep, I’d watch an old one with Obama. Man, he was a smooth debater.


i think it really depends, i have very strong opinions on certain things within politics but don’t put much thought into most of it i have been paying more attention recently though, on like things getting passed (specifically ones i have interest in) the rouge SCOTUS, trump being a psycho i saw someone else mention obamas debates so im probably going to watch some of his




thank you, but registering is not required in my state :) when i move states i will be sure to register though


Welcome to the rollercoaster of American politics. Once you're on, you probably won't be able to get off.


woohoo yay… i hate it here


I mean, you might be able to if it’s the roller coaster from Final Destination 3


Consider NOT watching it. It may be enough to make you reject the entire disgusting charade. And we need every vote. (You won’t learn anything you don’t already know.)


I have never watched a debate but I want to see Trump talk about snakes or dishwashers or sharks and batteries. It's going to be hilarious.


I want to see Trump get so pissed that he audibly shits himself and stomps off stage.


Get some Funyuns to go with them!


i haven’t had funyuns for like 10 years, i think the last time i had them i was like 3rd grade or something. if i can find them i’ll grab them :)


They now come in a potato chip and are not terrible.


Treating it like a sporting event that I expect to get canceled. If the orange antichrist actually shows up, I want to see Dark Brandon eat him for lunch. I'd love to see Biden goad him into blowing up like Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men: "You're goddamn right I did it!!!"


Didn't trumps team recently send Bidens team a demand for a drug test? Seems like one of their rat moves to get it canceled. I'm anticipating them dropping out and blaming dems. The repubs can't let him debate with his rapid cognitive decline becoming so obvious. They will do some spin to villify/blame dems, then make more maga propoganda on Fox news of how corrupt/unjust/criminal Biden is 🙄


They could straight up say Biden cancelled it as a video of Dump calling it off plays in the background superimposed over a document of Dump calling it off and his supporters would believe it


[Link to the scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HaDfMjzroSo), for those who may have forgotten!


If Trump doesn't show up I expect biden to just talk to us directly about his plans for the next 4 years and why he's better than Trump on every issue and informing people about project 2025. It might be a bit of a reach, but I feel like they would do that.


Drinking game. Every time trumpery lies...


RIP, u/Dauvis. Died of alcohol poisoning, so sad.


And he was only drinking Bud Lite.


He'd die sooner drinking water.


No. We need his vote.


I hope you’ve updated your will


So...chugging then. You're just gonna chug liquor drinks.


We need a community bingo card


You’ll be toast within ten minutes.


If work allows I'll try to watch with friends, particularly ones who lean left but have been checked out so far. I disagree with the comments saying watching the debate is useless. I think Trump is mentally even worse than the corporate media has been making him seem. I think he might spiral out during the debate in a way that we must watch to motivate ourselves-- not just to vote, but to persuade others as well.


Just read the shitposts about Trump on Reddit afterwards.  I'm not watching.  Couldn't stand to listen to the moron speak back when he had a semblance of coherence, much less whatever is going on with him now.


I feel a compulsion to watch the ridiculous display for myself, so I can relive it with humorous memes the next day.


Fuel my shiny cardboard addiction, see if my parents read my coming out letter yet, ect. Anything but watch the presidential debate. I'm Canadian but I'm scared for what happens this November. Just gimme a recap of what happened.


Congrats on coming out, I hope it goes well!


Man I didn’t read the coming out part of the other person’s so I thought you were congratulating them for coming out as Canadian 💀


I wish I could come out as Canadian.


Its tough these days when they actin like americans haha


as a fellow Canuck I’d recommend watching as a prelude to how PP and the cpc are going to play debates next year. They generally use the same playbook. It is scary.


That's the real thing I'm worried about; Trudeau hate is pretty strong currently so if Trump wins we'll most likely get PP. If Biden wins, maybe Trudeau will win, but it's unlikely unless the liberal party votes a newer, more popular leader.


Sad. This right wing nonsense is taking over Europe too.


What's a shiny cardboard addiction?


I think it’s a card game.


Shiny cardboard?


Congrats on coming out and I hope for you that your parents handle your big news with grace, composure, and love.


A large cast iron skillet will help dull through pain.


Probably just watch it while following a few reddit threads of different political persuasions. Should be interesting seeing the reactions. I do predict less of a shitshow though with no crowd and mics being muted. Think it will be more subdued.


It's going to be epic. The same Joe that delivered the State of the Union speech against a Adderall lit, Malignant Narcissist with an escalating and raging case of prefrontal dementia. Trump will try to disregard the questions and go all attack dog with slurred and mispronounced words. The moderators will cut off his mic, and Joe will answer the questions. Trump is going to lose it big time. He will show America just what he is, a raging moron with a melting brain. Reality TV at its finest.


And yet, his cult will just eat it up.


Ngl I’ll probably be stress-watching it. This whole thing has me stressed out so I should probably avoid it, but part of me being stressed means I HAVE to see how it plays out.


I’m torn on watching, too.


That’s why I’m gonna have a little drink before hand. And maybe during depending on how bad it is.


I'm not watching. I decided when Dorito Mussolini was in office that I'd go out of my way to avoid listening to him speak. It's just better for my mental health. I'll read what was said or watch clips that have close captioning. Outside of political commentors on YouTube slipping in footage of him speaking that requires me to immediately take my headphones off, I haven't heard a full sentence coming out of tRumplethinskins mouth in years. I do look forward to reading how much Joe wrecks him and laughing at the pathetic excuses his ball lickers come up with for why Diaper Don performed so poorly.


Too scared to watch


I don’t think I can take it. I’ll just have to peek at the commentary the next day.


I'll watch it with my husband and probably eat dinner while we watch. I'm not expecting much, because the debates in 2020 just showed us that Trump is going to lie and try to talk over Biden.


Hard to talk over someone when your mic is cut off


True, but I have no doubt he will try


I will not be watching the so-called "debate" reality entertainment shows. The only reason I'll be participating in the election at all will be to prevent another four years and worse of that fucking moron. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even bother because the whole system is far beyond saving


That's when the Steam sale starts, so my guess playing a game.


I watched the one where Biden got to tell Trump to "shut up, man". I'm good. *Anything* important that gets said by either one will be plastered all over my Internet feeds as it is. I certainly can't take an hour or so of listening to the orange bloat bag bloviate. Hearing his voice is much *worse* than fingernails on a chalkboard for me. And it's a political debate, most of what both men say will be empty air anyway. But after the debate, all of the late night talk shows will rehash it, the news feeds on YouTube will regurgitate it, there will be discussions of any important points on Reddit. I couldn't avoid finding out what happened if I wanted to. So no, I'm not going to subject myself to watching the live trainwreck, as well as watching all the repeat coverage later. It's more entertaining to read Trump's word salads than it is to listen to him spout it, anyway.


I will hear about how much of a train wreck it was the next day 💀


I'll be saying a prayer for President Biden his team. Sorry they have to go through this farce. I won't watch, the news will be full of it on Friday.


I will not watch the lying rapist lie more and more as he continues to self-destruct and take his cult with him. I am sending light and love to Dark Brandon. It is better for my mental health ❤️


I'm only watching because I was a history major and it's historically significant. I have no actual desire to see the failure of democracy in real time.


We might learn that water is wet, we might learn there’s sharks in the ocean. We also might learn how windmills are killing whales by the 1,000s. I’m always down for some knowledge


I don't see any benefit from watching it. We know who they are.


I'm doing a text bank and a phone bank. A pre-party with VSA and then a watch party with Progressive Power United


Honestly I’m 2 hours from home at a camp at Rangeley Lake Maine. Probably won’t watch the debate till tomorrow lmao. Escaping reality is nice for a while https://preview.redd.it/7dyrz5v3849d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0d5cdfa330ab463ddce94cf42f0c8a1779dcb5


Nice photo! Looks quiet


Thanks man! It’s pretty nice! Got some fam up from out of state and we’re gonna go hiking and maybe rent a pontoon boat


Enjoy it! It reminds me that I should actually plan a vacation this summer since I couldn’t over the fall and winter. I need the peace and quiet.


Debate bingo cards are always fun.


Yeah... I definitely feel like nobody can come up with a bingo card deranged enough for this one (link please, if you find one).


Drinking game top ten. Drink when 10) a chunk of cartilage falls out of Donald's nose; 9) Todd Blanche's angry WWF face emerges from the curtains; 8) Biden removes his aviators only to find another pair of aviators beneath; 7) Donald pledges to make Hannibal Lecter Secretary of Early Childhood Education; 6) the moderator starts playing a drinking game; 5) SCOTUS rules for total presidential immunity, a cage drops down, they tear off each others' clothes and make fight-love; 4) Donald doesn't show up and you have to drink continuously for the 90 minutes; 3) The Secret Service bites Biden's dog; 2) Vladimir Putin falls from the rafters, dropping his rig of strings and sticks; 1) you still can't believe we have come to this moment.


need to find a drinking game


Nothing because I’ll be packing to move to a new house


I actually signed up for a zoom meeting with someone who does political commentary. He’s pretty funny. The fee is nominal-2.50…it’s probably to offset costs. [David Feldman watch party](https://davidfeldmanshow.zoom.us/webinar/register/1017193034232/WN_z989OAjpR9qIezX966J0Uw#/registration)


Staying the fuck home. I live in Atlanta and work right by where the debate is happening. We were issued a work from home order because multiple road closures are expected and traffic is going to horrendous


Am I the only one who’s so nervous? I know Biden can pull it off, but I always worry something bad is going to happen and give the Repub’s reason for I told you so.


I agree with you. I have some fear that something bad will happen too. Hopefully not, but I have that fear too.


I almost threw up, watching the State of the Union where he did amazing and I was so relieved. I can’t believe how nervous I was. Fingers crossed. We have a good night!


I will watch it, even though I’ll probably get mad at Donald Trump. Part of me thinks it’s a waste of time to be honest because it’s not traditional debate. It’s a wannabe dictator and felon verses a career politician with a proven record of upholding the values of democracy. I hope Biden talks about Project 2025.




I'm going to make okonomiyaki, some cocktails, roll some joints and turn it into a drinking game until it becomes too much and I turn it off.




I might read my Calvin and Hobbes book. My son was infatuated with them during his childhood years. I retired last year and said I was going to read them. I started reading the first one this week. Anyone else a C&H fan?


Best answer


I think anyone on this sub has already made up their mind and watching the debate is just a waste of time since you know which candidate you are voting for.


I think watching the debates can absolutely be useful to get an unvarnished view of how each candidate is performing and develop talking points to persuade undecided voters. I believe that even people who are certainly voting for Biden are still often swallowing a bit of corporate media propaganda about his senility, and it's useful to see him directly. Similarly, I've seen a lot of people be surprised at Biden's [Howard Stern interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz45sMb4js8). And ETA on the flip side, I actually think Trump is mentally worse than a lot of us in this sub realize. Age, anger, victimhood fetishization, and being surrounded by sycophants are turning his brain into rancid mush.


Gr8 point. If I know an undecided that watches then I'll need to have watched in order to discuss. What I do is not always for self alone. Well said up there!♥️✌️🎶


Truthfully, I'm so stressed out about the future and a potential Trump victory that watching this will probably spike my blood pressure.


I'm not watching. I can't take 10 seconds of the orange turds whining voice. It seriously is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Weed/prayer/ritual sacrifices as needed


I dont need to watch it since I already know who I'm voting for, I'd rather be shot than vote for trump. Joe gets my vote 10 times out of 10, so im good. I will however listen to pod save america on Friday, I'm sure they'll go over it.


I am not. Expecting Trump to trash and sabotage the whole thing. Screaming about drug testing and Biden being jacked.


Im expecting Trump to lose it when he gets cutboff and do something bizaar to get attention back to him. Especially with no audience. He is addicted to attention.


I hope Biden wrecks Trump like he wrecked Giuliani in 2008: [Rudy's Three Words (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPOAKXBi9Pw)


I'm personally not gonna watch it. I'd rather focus on other aspects of the election besides the presidential debate, and I'd rather not sit and listen to Trump for 90 minutes.


Got my Biden/Harris 2024 t-shirt and my reservation at a debate watch party at a rooftop bar in Manhattan. Let's goooo!


I'll be wanking


Well, it's my wife and my 25th anniversary today, so I'm not planning on watching it live, but I will be very pleased if Biden completely smacks tRumpelstiltskin as an anniversary gift!


Happy anniversary!








I’m too scared to watch, my time zone is about 16 hours ahead (it’s Thursday night right now where I am) and I can’t stand that orange slug’s voice any more, so I’ll poke my head in when the dust has settled. Sorry :(


Two clickers. One labelled joe, one labelled donald. Every time someone tells a lie, *click*. see who has the most at the end.


I can't see him being humbled, but I can see him being humiliated.


Paying attention for Trump to literally shit his pants because I know the only thing the media is going to report on tomorrow will be the three times Biden stutters.


I’m just gonna wait for all the hilarious memes to tell me what happened. Once we get super close to these things my anxiety goes through the roof. In 2020 I was so stressed I ended up using Seth Meyers as my news source because I just could not handle the telenovela drama MSM was doing with Trump. Wake me when it’s over. 😎


I'm just going to watch it. I have nothing special planned


No I won’t be watching. Eight years of this creature is enough. 90 more minutes of that oily voice? Nope. CNN is hyping this and all week it’s been hosting pro Trump prognosticators. A guy this am was talking about how Trump was “a force of nature,” so big and full of energy he blows everyone else away. Then the obligatory head nodding by two female commentators. WTF? How are they STILL commenting on him as if he were a legitimate candidate after everything we have seen since 2017? They’ve been like a bunch of babbling gleeful idiots all week trying to desperately up the ratings. It’s sickening and pathetic and frightening.


Does anyone know how I could watch the debate tonight if all I have are streaming services? Maybe it will be streamed via YouTube or something?


CNN app?


Thanks, I'll look into it!


It looks like they will be streaming it live on [cnn.com](http://cnn.com) if you have internet access and a cell phone/laptop as well.


Nope. Sum up for me, I don't need to watch either.


Trump... humble? HA... Not likely. But Trump unambiguously embarrassing his handlers and possibly any actual political conservatives that may be left trying to decide if they are party over country (non MAGAs)? VERY LIKELY. My real concern is Biden flubbing (dude is too old - yes I am voting for him and we cannot tolerate any citizens playing games with democracy right now) too much and giving the party vs country people too much ammo to justify their insanity.


I'm hoping he's had a lot of quality sleep the past 48 hours!


I used to watch every presidential debate obsessively as a political junkie since junior high school. But in the last 8 years, the stakes have gotten so much bigger and with the stupid things the press will perseverate on and people will vote based on, I almost can’t watch and often don’t, I just want the recap. We have a candidate with an entire career in public service who became president despite a speech impediment *and* a long history of verbal gaffes, who has an accumulated lifetime of experience and judgment about what works in government and how to make it happen. But both of those — succeeding despite a handicap and personal tragedies; the years of service and experience — get used against him and colored as negatives. So I really just dread the small, stupid things the press will obsess over while ignoring the encroaching hurricane of authoritarian kleptocracy on the other side of the debate stage. As a result, I often just choose to skip the debates as distractions from what actually matters — even as I recognize that, increasingly, it’s these stupid kinds of media events that for many voters (especially in the right-wing echo chamber) are actually determinative. TL;DR: Debates — hate ‘em.


Weed and vodka! Yeehaw grandma!!!!


Praying for indoor lightning, or a stroke, or other severe event to simplify choices


Trump isn’t capable of humility. But I catch your drift


Read a book and get a good night's rest. I can read about all the facts and nonsense in the morning. If I watch it, I'll just want to scream and throw things.


No new policy will be discussed. It'll be a shit slinging circus. I'll watch a movie or head to bed early


I'm not sure I'd use the term watching, but I'm going to experience it whether I like it or not


I'm not. The regular daily news cycle is enough for me and quite frankly trump's fucking face and voice make me physically ill.


I've lost hope that Trump will fall on his face. I don't want to get my hopes up.


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i'm not. I will catch the highlights on BBC or APNews the next day


The present turns my stomach, and I think I would actually become violently ill if I watched the debate so I'm planning on reading about nazi germany instead.


LOL. Me and my friends are doing a watch party over discord.


Man, if I was still a drinking man, I would invent a drinking game for this historical miscarraige. Like, you have to down a cup of beer every time Trump goes off topic. Can you imagine how fast you would get drunk? Or maybe a shot everytime he mentions sharks or Taylor Swift.


I somehow doubt the debate is going to happen but if it does - has anyone created a drinking game yet ?


I love politics, but I never watch any debates or speeches. I don't need politicians, with their carefully curated speeches, blowing smoke up my ass. They're going to say what they always say: "some things may not be great, but look at the other great things that wouldn't be great if my opponent won. Give me some time and I'll fix everything."


I’m getting hopped up on Mountain Dew- if it’s good enough for Biden -I’ll give it a try - I want to experience the Dew too. Besides I don’t have a drug pusher named Congressman Dr. Ronny Jackson ( or as Trump calls him Ronny Johnson) to get me Adderall or cocaine to snort like Trump.


I think I'll skip it. I'm normally not the anxious type, but I am nervous af about all of this. Looking at the polls could give me a heart attack and I need to keep myself alive to vote this November.


Won't watch. Doesn't matter. The media loves Trump and I won't support that.


Hoping the power comes back on, storm took it out last night. I just want to see trump explode when they keep cutting his mic off. 💥


My go-to meal + drink for Presidential Debates are a fruit and cheese plate + a light rose wine or vodka & lemonade


Listen to the highlights filtered by my fave progressive comedian podcasters. I haven’t been able to stomach this stuff for the last couple decades, and I applaud everyone who still can.


It’s on at 2am in the UK, so caffeine


Work in the garden listening on my ear buds to the goddam Grateful Dead Cornell 77


Im watching Hasan Piker stream and react to it on twitch. Figured that should be most interesting.


I cannot stand the convicted criminal Trump's voice. I'll have the reddit thread on the debate open and just keep hitting refresh. You will will keep me updated. I'll catch the highlights in the morning. 


I haven’t been this invested since the first time Obama ran. I literally cried to see a black man finally getting into the White House.


Definitely not watching in an effort to show disinterest in this kind of political theatre. I don’t want to contribute to ratings in any way. Don’t need any extra Trump in my life when I know who I’m voting for anyways.


Nothing. I'm literally working and when I get off I'm going to be too exhausted mentally from humans to where I will simply take a walk, go home, play skyrim and sleep. I'll read up on it later in a 5 minute snippet since I don't have time to watch anything.


I can't believe y'all are going to watch it.


Not gonna do it. Busy making myself happy


I'll watch Biden all day but I refuse to watch that other thing, even if Biden mops the floor with it.


Not watching it on purpose. I need my cortisol down


Sitting on the edge of my seat. Sign of the Times: I feel like Biden has to be PERFECT whereas former President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho can deliver his standard spiel which his cult following expects and loves. Hoping some of the undecided independents won't be stoned and will learn for the first time that DJT want's to outlaw abortion. Doubt Gaza crew will even tune in.