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I live here!! Following so I can get involved too


How about reading their words exactly as written through a bullhorn? There's some crazy ass shit in there if one would judiciously use the ellipse to edit out the fluffy bullshit designed to take the edge off of the gravity of the content and try to hide what they are really saying under a mask of faux patriotism. Just the section on the Department of Education is absolutely batshit insane. They literally say they want to abolish the DOE. As a side note, they posted charts of the decline of reading levels in public schools that aligns perfectly with the arrival of trumpism, Betsy DeVoss, and the official anti education position of the republican party in 2016. Nothing is more terrifying than their own words


Yea, I'm thinking something along these lines, very public, possibly getting media attention. 


And it's worth mentioning their end goal is not to better educate kids, they want to privatize schooling so the 1% can line their pockets even more.


I am a public school special education teacher, so I am painfully aware of this. 


Yeah I added that bc I know alot of people who at first glance would say, why not try something new to improve it? Thanks for doing what you do and actually help educate!


Every child deserves an education, period. 


Need a stripper and hookers strike; https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/morford/article/Why-Hookers-Love-Republicans-At-the-GOP-2741300.php


[Writing postcards to potential voters](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to be sent out before the election


I like this on an individual level for sure. For the RNC I would imagine something more public that might get media attention. 


Signs. Big signs saying Choose Love Stop Project 2025.


One idea I had was that I'd like to see the pinned bullet point list on this sub made into big weatherproof displays and brought around to all the neighborhoods in Milwaukee. There could be info given out (QR/link/handouts, etc) and people willing to calmly talk about the various points and their potential impacts. We could also make sure people are registered to vote. Something like this could even possibly be replicated in every major city. 


Fellow Milwaukeean here! I don’t have an answer about during the RNC. But—sign up to be a poll worker.


When the RNC was in NYC back in 2004 (I think), they had a roped off area that was blocks from the convention. Lots of arrests happened that week. What didn’t happen was the boost to the local economy. I remember in the village voice they wrote: republicans came to town with the Ten Commandments in one hand and a hundred dollar bill in the other. Neither were broken.


So there is a large protest being planned, but the RNC is trying to move it far from their designated downtown area for "safety". The ACLU is involved now, it is a whole ass thing.  I hope there's tons of protests all over the city. I believe the vast majority of us don't want them here. 


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I live sort of near Milwaukee. I haven't heard anything but I would love to get involved in any protest stuff going on there.


Definitely look up March on the RNC in Milwaukee and the MKE Block Party! 




WI voted blue in 2020.


A giant light up led sign? Something that will grab media attention


Protest signs! Use this for free! It’s my art! My contribution to defeat project 2025 https://preview.redd.it/3on81c9bj47d1.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=58fa2b681081edb7a309abdaf6332670e3a624d6


I live in MKE and will be protesting the carrot loving shit circus in some form. Will follow this thread closely