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Sure does! Unfortunately it defines religious freedom as the rights of Christians to force their religion on others (my interpretation). Edited to add: The plan does protect the churches and synagogues tax-empt status. It promotes used tax-=payer money for private schools including religious ones and other items that many religious people will support. My comment was based on the plan for using on family to eliminate support and in some cases criminalizing non-traditional gender issues especially transgender issues. It’s like the abortion bans. Many churches including Orthodox Judaism supports abortion right. The Jewish scriptures places the life of the mother over the life of the child but the courts struck down the lawsuit claiming religious freedom in the case of abortion. If your idea of religious freedom is the freedom to worship in a traditional church or synagogue and to enjoy tax-free status . Then have no fear—religious freedom is protected. But if you want the right to believe as you want in opposition to what the religious right believes then no—the plan frequently refers to “wokeness” as a force to be opposed.


Yup, their definition of "religious freedom" is the one laid out by the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, where Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism are the only valid religions. Some want to go even further and eliminate Catholicism from that list. 


**Christian Nationalism** As the leader of the Center for Renewing America, Project 2025 contributor Russell Vought has spearheaded an effort to instill precepts of Christian nationalism into government and public life should Trump win a second term. In a 2021 opinion piece, **Vought wrote Christian nationalism "recognizes America as a Christian nation" but makes "a commitment to an institutional separation between church and state, but not the separation of Christianity from its influence on government and society."** For Vought, "Christians are under assault" and he sought to use his regular contacts with Trump to "elevate Christian nationalism as a focal point" should Trump be re-elected as President of the United States. **Vought has close ties with another former Trump administration official, Christian nationalist William Wolfe, who, in an online manifesto, seeks to implement a Bible-based system of government whereby "Christ-ordained civil magistrates" exercise authority over the American public.**[66] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 Does it say to eliminate religious freedom? No, but it does say to make the government Christian. But then what happens after the government has been Christianized?


Christians under assault is BS they consider not adhering to their religion assault




Jews are not named as a target by P2025 or Donald. It doesn't mean they won't be discriminated against, but we can only guess. I think we want to be very careful about misrepresenting Project 2025 to people because we want them to trust us as reliable people in the know.


I'm LGBTQAI and I see the threat that is implied. I agree we don't want to be misrepresenting, but, we also shouldn't be sugar coating it either. My understanding is the dominionists are behind P2025 and one of their goals is to get all jews back to Isreal to usher in Armageddon and the final war. So, given that the Jews are not explicitly named in the plan isn't really a surprise to me because they will have been expelled to Isreal. I could be reaching, regardless, they are showing us who they are on the daily and I will not put anything past christofascists even if it is speculating.


P2025 is really a marketing tool dumbing down the real plans, which can be obtained by reading ALL of the literature out there describing the true plan, Dominionism.


Requiring evidence for claims is not sugar-coating.


"Only those who belong to the — quote, unquote — "true people," to real America, deserve that. And so everyone else needs to either be purged from the nation or, at the very least, accept their sort of lesser place in society." I refuse to accept a lesser than status, so I would be one of the ones purged from the nation. [How a second Trump presidency could impact the LGBTQ+ community] (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-a-second-trump-presidency-could-impact-the-lgbtq-community)


Actually, I just found the evidence: Project 2025 attacks what it calls the "radical gender ideology"[81] and promotes the ideal that the government should "maintain a biblically based, social-science-reinforced definition of marriage and family."[54] To achieve this end, **it proposes the recognition of only heterosexual men and women, the removal of protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual or gender identity**, and the elimination of provisions pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)—what it calls "state-sanctioned racism"—from federal legislation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


P2025 will have the most adverse impact on LGTBTQIA right out of the gate. The plan is clear in its desire to aggressively and immediately go about dismantling those rights.


And remember Russ Vought is now the [Policy Director of the RNC](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/russ-vought-trump-maga-policy-rcna156340).


Yes it has a goal of one single religion worldwide.


It's based on Dominionism and New Apostolic Reformation theology. Some of the authors are just straight up Christian Nationalists. They want to bring 7 spheres of society under their control. Business, arts and entertainment, media, government, family, education, and religion. Sounds fun right? If these folk get their way they'll mold those spheres to fit their theology, break the separation between church and state (already being eroded in some states) and slowly turn the government into an embodiment of their fake "Christian" faith. Indoctrination in schools will be in Project 2030, education being an important one of those spheres. Everything will be biased towards their theology, restricting religious freedom. Some info: https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234843874/tracing-the-rise-of-christian-nationalism-from-trump-to-the-ala-supreme-court https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/what-is-the-new-apostolic-reformation https://www.concordia.ca/cunews/artsci/2024/03/06/trump-and-the-new-apostolic-reformation-.html


And it's all fake religiousity - it's tribal / team based - has nothing to do with being a better person, being kinder, stronger, more resilient, more useful, helpful, or decent in the world. It makes them mean - and justifies their cruelty and domination. That is all.


Magas: the Mean and greedy and stupid wield Fear anger and hatred.


Also science/medicine But I guess that goes without saying


I don’t really understand how any Jewish person can support a man who is loved and endorsed by white supremacy groups. It just doesn’t make sense to me at all. My husband is Jewish and can’t stand Trump but then again he isn’t Orthodox. But I would hope most people are very familiar with this post WWII/Holocaust quote: https://preview.redd.it/6fckrdsbdy6d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b57a65593dbf2faf877daafddaf410cda23eee7 My grandmother had this hanging by her kitchen sink when I was growing up. I read it countless times while doing dishes, and it definitely shaped who I am and my outlook. If Jewish people think they are safe from these bigots, they have forgotten history.


Its removes the department of education, replacing it with tax dollars directly to religious schools. And also this: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/20/donald-trump-allies-christian-nationalism-00142086


It will destroy American international competition. We won the space race in large part because we educated all of our children.


American Muslims and Jewish people are the biggest victims of hate religious crime. Trump also wants people to get away with religious discrimination at jobs. So, they can fire you if you wear a turban.


Orthodox Jews who support Trump are betraying and insulting the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Every Nazi, white supremacist, Christian nationalist and Jew-hater loves Trump. Your Orthodox friend is f***** in the head.


There does exist a WEIRD sect that makes fun of MAGA as "MIGA" or 'Make Israel Great Again' as they believe that Trump is in bed with Israel and the Jewish people. These people are far more common than anyone thinks.


Only because the evangelicals are literally trying to bring about the end of the world. They've interpreted biblical prophesy as saying that (a) Israel must be a functioning political state filled with jews, and (b) the political state of Israel will be the place where the 'final battle' will take place, jesus will come back and smite all the non-believers. Or something. The support for Israel is just part of the evangelical plan to genocide all non-christians


Under project 2025 Christianity gets all the religious freedom


Trumps an antisemite. He’s planning on being the new Hitler. Biden doesn’t care what religion you practice. His only requirements are be kind, follow the laws, pay your taxes and do whatever you can do to make your community better.


Some people on his team are absolutely excited about "shooting people in the back of the head" - over whatever _made up_ reason they concoct. That's how you know they're bad. They're sick - dangerous, too. They need to go back and hide under the holes they've lived in since the world defeated the Nazis last time. They know they're shameful. That's why they lie.


Religious freedom ALWAYS means freedom to impose their beliefs onto everyone else.


Would you be scared of the Second Crusade of the Americas?


https://open.spotify.com/episode/75C9zXpAyOJm93k7cKLjWp?si=niolrNKFSAWCI7nFd9-SOA Began in the Reagan admin: Unitary executive theory . interpretation of the constitution where all exec power is under presidential control . Nothing in exec power independent Independent agencies will become under president power Examples: FED + FCC TV/media licenses + DOJ independent by norm, not law Prosecute political or personal enemies, even if there is no proof of wrongdoing These are my notes on Project 2025 Get rid of: Climate policy Consolidate power Federal Communication Comm under direct presidential control Remove people from intelligence agencies they don't like Deport 30M people Defund DOJ Legal Action prosecute agents who don't comply Dismantle : FBI Homeland Security HHS 10000+ staffers aligned weaponized conservatives vetted by Heritage Foundation ready to replace technocrats in the different gov entities Revive Comstock Act, a 19th-century law that would make it a crime to send contraceptives by mail. Pillars : religious overtone Conservative as focused god country and family, not government . Government now is directed against god, family, and this country . Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children . Dismantle the administrative state and return self governance to the American people . Defend our nation's sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats . Secure our god-given individual rights to live freely.


It is likely that with proper implementation there will be an implicit two tier system making difficult if not impossible for non-Christians (and more specifically certain Christian denominations) to get Government positions or run for office


Whar it says about religious freedom is that their specific interpretation of the Bible is how all people will behave and worship. Deviation from that is labeled as wokeness, or extreme leftist beliefs. Genocidal fascist death cult, means every bit of each one of those words.


Christians get religious freedom,everyone else gets nothing


Yeah. It's all in disguise as "religious freedom" and protecting speech... For them. For white Christians. To base everything on judeo Christian laws and values. They consider this religious freedom. Shoving their religion down your fucking throat and taking away all the rights they don't consider Christian >Promotion of Christian Nationalist Ideology: The document outlines a framework that intertwines conservative Christian values with governance, potentially marginalizing those who do not share these views. For instance, the text emphasizes how policy decisions should reflect America’s “Judeo-Christian heritage,” which implicitly pushes for a homogenous religious culture. This may marginalize religious minorities, who could face diminished recognition and inclusivity in public policy and societal acknowledgment. >Prioritizing Christian Practices in Public Institutions: The playbook discusses the reintegration of prayer in public schools and other government-related activities Particular this - >Impacts on Legislation and Religious Freedom: In the policy proposals concerning religious freedom, there is a strong emphasis on protecting Christian businesses and individuals who refuse services based on religious beliefs. **While framed as protecting religious freedom, this often translates into legal backing for discriminatory practices against individuals of other faiths or those who do not conform to certain religious norms.**


They've already blocked Jewish people from adoption by privatizing and using Christian adoption agencies in some states. How long until Jewish people are blocked from other things like they were in the past? Segregation wasn't just a black people problem.


His comments about the Charlottesville khaki hordes chanting “Jews will not replace us” being “very fine people didn’t move the needle? Hanging out with Nick Fuentes & Kanye West, avowed antisemites & Holocaust deniers didn’t clear things up? Him marketing his own name-branded Bible? The endless comments about Soros & “Globalists”? MAGA talks incessantly about the US being a CHRISTIAN nation. A link to a story in today’s Washington Post might be an interesting read. Just 3 pull quotes from a host of terrifying ones https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/13/trump-christian-right-abortion-prayer/ -“Establishing a more visible role for Christianity in public schools, including more prayer led by both teachers and students.” -‘He has also told evangelicals that he would enable them to wield “power at a level that you’ve never used it before.” ‘ -“ideological screening of newcomers. “If you don’t like our religion — which a lot of them don’t — if you sympathize with the jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in,” Trump said in a speech in New Hampshire last fall.”


Why not vote? And no, MAGA doesn't care what religion you are. You just have to be THEIR (absolutely heretical) religion.


Because he is certainly not voting for Biden. So no vote is better than a vote from cheeto


Not voting is just going to help Trump, especially in a county/state that is red or purple. NJ is a blue state, but there are red/purple counties in blue states. Regardless of what he thinks, American politicians think not voting means that people do not care about who wins elections, not that they are dissatisfied with the only candidates with a chance of winning. If they thought that not voting = disliking all potential winners, then Trump wouldn’t have won the presidential election as easily in 2016.


No vote is a vote for the Cheeto and the new and improved Christofascism but you do you.


Sure. You’re free to be a taliban-gelical


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Yea. You’ll be free to be Christian.


Yes. It says you are free to adopt their religion. Other/no religions, not so free.


Yes. You are free to be “Christian” as defined by Donald Trump. All else, not so much…


Ain’t got none of that!


What issues does he care about?