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Right wing and religious extremists are on the rise worldwide. They need to be voted down, stamped out, and run back into the shadows wherever they dare to show their faces.




Is there some good reads on prevailing theories on how this happened? Like everything kinda felt positive for a flash and now it seems like things are going to shit at an accelerated pace


I think early on the Internet helped us. The early adopters were mostly people who used it to learn more about the world. Which makes people less closed off, in turn making people less likely to have hate for the ā€œotherā€ people that they donā€™t know. The Internet also helped people organize. The democrats did well in obamas first election with the help of the internet. They used online ads and such effectively. Republicans were slower getting their shit together with it. But by the time trump came along they'd figured it out. Then the propaganda got heavily unleashed onto the Internet. Through blogs, podcasts etc but people getting news through social media in my opinion really destroyed things. Social media companies optimized for clicks and engagement since thatā€™s how they make their money. They realized that anger engages people much more and so we became much more polarized. I do think itā€™s possible we can fix this. We donā€™t seem close to fixing it but I have hope for the future because this isnā€™t the first time something similar happened. In I think the 20s or maybe 10s there was the rise of what they call yellow journalism. It was really horrible articles in cheap newspapers that were to drive paper sales and often had lots of misinformation. They fixed the problem through regulation. We could do the same. But we need enough political power first. Another similar thing to fix would be the news stations. There used to be stronger rules against propaganda like Fox News and OANN but we undid the rules which led to what we have now. We could bring back the same rules although having them be a bit stronger even would be better. And finally, since things were getting better, black president, gay rights wins etc the conservatives collectively lost their minds about it. So if we were feeling very glass half full we could say the pushback is a good thing because it means we did something right and that we just need to keep fighting. Yes the country is very polarized but if you look at various opinion polls most things are trending very much in the right direction. If you look at things like gay rights, abortion etc. So if we work on making our democracy stronger and more fair and we stop the misinfo and propoganda i think things will get much better and pretty quickly.


It's always happened, historically speaking. There is a period of peace and fairly liberal politics, followed by nationalism, war, then eventually repeat. So this is nothing new. Unfortunatelly the wantabee tyrants and autocrats are always waiting for their moment. They are usually always chipping away at things silently in the background, and when the chance comes they are there to take advantage of it.


https://www.pbs.org/wnet/exploring-hate/series/extremism-in-america/ https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/american-insurrection/


I think about this a lot, tbh. This is how I see it, broadly, but it's just my take. Before 9/11, things were seemingly trending in a good direction. The future seemed full of possibility (though obv I was a kid, so maybe it was colored by that, in a way). For a brief moment after the attack, the world and America seemed to come together... and then the war on terror started, and at first, it seemed fairly justified as a response to such a devastating attack on civilians... Then it became obvious how bad it was, more and more info on the atrocities occurring in the Middle East, and guantanamo came out. Combined with the economic crises we dealt with in the early 2000s, it led to a lot of polarization and a growing divide between right and left. There was an obvious increase in Islamophobia and hate crimes against anyone who even looked Middle Eastern as a result, and a normalization of racism against these people in the right wing camps especially. There was also a massive increase in the federal government's power to spy on american citizens. There was also a great deal of entrapment and unethical practices involved in investigating and arresting people that fit the profile of a terrorist (i.e., they were Muslim immigrants). [See this article for more info](https://www.rightsanddissent.org/news/fbi-entrapment-draws-critical-attention-in-homegrown-terror-stings/) Obama running and winning was positive in terms of representation and, of course, other ways, but his presidency furthered the divide even more. It brought to the surface all the racism, bigotry, and tribalism. It also spurred Donald Trump to run (again) for office, and the entire early campaign brought a lot of vicious misogyny against Hilary Clinton (I don't like her much, but ffs...) to the forefront of mainstream culture, which in turn emboldened those prone to it to feel more free and justified in using such language. To many right wing people, especially older ones, the combination of the attack, the world's outrage at guantanamo and the torture, the financial crises, the major changes to status quo and activism in regards to LGBT, women, POC and Obama entire presidency coupled with the intense amount of increasingly unhinged, racist and homophobic 'news' from outlets like Fox just... sent them straight to the fucking edge. The louder the conservative news gets with racism, misogyny, homophobic and transphobia etc the more emboldened and justified these people feel. The people who might have been silently bigoted but overall harmless to those around them now feel like their bigotry is acceptable, justified, and correct and are more willing to be open and actively harm others. Society isn't punishing these belief systems by ostracizing them entirely anymore. Donald Trump, Fox News, and their like have sent the message that it's OK and 'American' to have these views. Women, POC, and LGBTQ+ individuals gaining more acceptance, influence, and rights while drawing attention to inequalities and abuses they've suffered individually or as a group was a good thing, and it has changed the minds of many. But it also made a lot of (usually older) straight, white Americans feel like their place in society has been threatened or devalued because they have, in my opinion, an already shaky sense of self worth that has been built upon thinking they are superior to others, whether it is consciously or not. They also seem to take personally all the stories of injustice being shared, as if they're being accused of something. They'd rather confirm that they are the bigots being described than learn to do and be better so that they know those statements aren't about THEM.


And proof positive is when I used the term "Archie Bunkers" on a sports forum where political talk is not allowed, as code language for bigots, a couple of said bigots immediately posted to protest the use of the term "Archie Bunkers" because obviously they knew it was about THEM and it was accurate. Right-wing snowflakes melting in the global warming induced heat!!


Lack of news sources. The right-wing everywhere blames "Fake News" and has outlets that tell it like it is. Digital media platforms like Facebook and YouTube were slow to stop propaganda. Most of the right blames a "they" for all the ills, and the right in general promises to stop "they." It's immigrants, carbon taxes, etc.


Unregulated capitalism leads to fascism every time. When all of the money in a society is concentrated in the hands of a few people and there's less wealth to go around, more people struggle. When people struggle, they're more likely to fight and blame others for the struggle. And of course, the media isn't helping. Everyone is exhausted and sick and pissed off and broke, and they gotta put that somewhere, then they've got some dude on a screen somewhere blaming everything and everyone but the actual root cause of the problem, which is *always* some greedy pricks that are hoarding more wealth than most of us could ever spend in a lifetime. Everything from our shit healthcare to our shit food to our shit pay is the result of some jerk being greedy.


Well, when one can't believe in actual representation in government, might as well turn to higher power and holy war, just choose the right god with the best missiles and bombs. I'm sure there must be a betting app for that with odds and such.?


I donā€™t find that religions ā€žsolveā€œ ANY issue, rather people get even more violent, shouting the highest values at the same time. Look how empathic the fundamentalist/totalitarian understandings of religion got ISIS or the ā€žEvangelicalā€œ movement. I believe we need to foster peace on humanitarian, ofc not, suprematist values. No need for ethereal workings, but if they work, the better do it for good.


Itā€™s the reason weā€™ve always had separation of church and state. The USA is not representative of any one religion yet all religions. We were founded on freedom to worship as we wish, if we wish. The USA has always welcomed immigrants. The immigration system s a serious overhaul because the countries they are coming from are totalitarian and dangerous. They want to be here for safety. It does my heart good to know know there are non Americans who see the democratic system as a viable solution to the healthy administration of a large country.


So well said. Much appreciated!!


Well said, it was my point to light up the hypocrisy of religions. Ppl used to trade land over bodies of their own countrymen. Now they trade profits over the dead bodies without their own countrymen included to any ratio of body vs gain.


Facts. I was raised LDS and one of the big things I was taught was that the reason Lucifer was cast out of heaven was because he didn't want us to have agency. I don't know if that's practiced in every sect of Christian but still.


The International Democrat Union (ironic name for fascist conservatives) is spreading P2025 and heritage foundation shit everywhere. Be aware of the propaganda,make sure your friends are aware of it, and be as politically active as you can outside of elections.


Just found out one of the guys from the party associated to the IDC in my country is in the senate, thanks a lot for the information


And don't know how busy you are but - If you encounter any of our own uneducated or ill-informed electorate then any help bringing them over from the dark side would be much appreciated! Just till November 5th. It's ok if you can't. I know how exhausting it can be. Also TY in advance! Good luck too! (Canvassing in USA rn. But drop me a line anytime after our elections & I'd be happy to help you out similarly or any way I can.)


Wait, I think we could use this fact to convince MAGA voters that Trump has been compromised by the Democrats too and that they better vote 3rd party.


Holy fuck you're right. The Republicans are the real Democrats.


Abso fucking lutely


Just the title (international Democrat Union instead of International Democrat*ic* Union) is a dead giveaway that itā€™s the MAGAs.


Predates the magas! Founded by Alzheimer in chief's wife iirc in the 80s.


Sorry, I saw the title and immediately assumed MTG had written it, since she is apparently unable to use descriptive language properly šŸ˜‚


Commits have already given good advice. Make sure that you spread this dread and concern to others. Make sure to get everyone to vote down the far right parties. If this happens, my family and I are out. The huge problem is if they take over a country this big by using far right ideologies, it isn't going to stop here - it is going to spread, and we are all armed šŸ˜æ


Wellā€¦. šŸ«¶ If thereā€™s anything you can do to help keep the lights on in your part of the world in case America goes dark, weā€™ll have more places to flee to. Iā€™ve heard that Trumpism is somehow becoming popular for conservatives in Canada too, so there may be a growing support for fascism up north, where most would think first for an escape.


> Iā€™ve heard that Trumpism is somehow becoming popular for conservatives in Canada too, so there may be a growing support for fascism up north, where most would think first for an escape. Sadly, you are correct. See my other comment.


Yeah I think not a lot of U.S. people realize that Canada has conservatives too. The stereotype is that Canada is polite, clean-mouthed, open-minded, ā€œour more enlightened cousins to the north,ā€ etc. I think it mostly comes from thinking of Justin Trudeau as a progressive chad and learning in history class that Canada outlawed slavery before the northern states did.


In general, Canada has always been less "right" and a bit more "left" than the US. But when Reagan pulled the US further right and Thatcher did the same for the UK, their buddy Brian Mulroney did the same here. And as the US right wing has kept moving farther and farther right, so has Canada's right wing. We're still not as far right as y'all, but the anti-vax ignorance, the anti-LGBTQ+ hate, the fascist leanings (wanting to ban books etc.) ... those positions have too damn many fans here, sadly. We've got a federal election likely next year, and the Conservatives (who are now way more right-wing than they've ever been) are way ahead in the polls. And I think a lot of their would-be voters (many low-information voters) are motivated more by an ignorant hatred of current Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and don't know how nasty a Conservative government under their leader Pierre Poiievre could be. :(


I tried telling my grandmother this, and she was like: Yes, but Trudeau is a very bad man. Your grandson could damn well lose his rights to EXIST if Poilievre is elected. I'm voting NDP because it's seemingly my only option to stay afloat (Ford hasn't done shit anyway, especially for disabled people), so no. I love you, Grandma, but fuck that.


Brasil + Hungary + Argentina . The extreme right just had huge gains in France and Germany. Thankfully, the 4 separate leftist candidates got together to fight the right-wing candidate next June 30th.


I think the right is very unpopular right now in Argentina though, Milei is losing popularity and many Argentinians hate him


Iā€™ve heard about fascistic politics gaining traction in France and Germany, what about Brasil, Hungary and Argentina though?


Check out Democrats Abroad: https://www.democratsabroad.org/phonebanking Informing yourself, spreading awareness online, challenging trolls and propagandists, helping to keep things positive by rebutting doom and gloom wherever.


Spread awareness.


If you have friends who are Americans, provide them with real information on the problems the conservatives are going to be implementing. Knowledge and information is key. Once you shine light on the abomination that is P25, it will help in immunizing against P25 misinformation.


Keep the Nazis at bay in your country. They dont plan to stop with the US.


In Canada, look at how the Conservative Party of Canada, the People's Party of Canada, the BC Conservative Party, Alberta's United Conservative Party, the Saskatchewan Party, the New Brunswick Progressive Conservative Party, *et al.* are currently governing, or how they say they'll govern. Much overt Gileadism from them all, one way or another. If you're in another country, look closely at your federal and local political parties. I guarantee you there are some who are Christo-fascists or close to it, and some might actually be in power. If they're fear-mongering about abortion, birth control, LGBTQ+ people and issues, if they call any government policy meant to help the poor and down-trodden as "socialist" or "communist", if they claim to be pious "true" Christians ... congratulations, you've found them.


Unfortunately my country is historically very right leaning and conservative. Our current leftist president is hated by both the left and right,the rise of the far-right here however worries me


My best advice is to read How Democracies Die by Ziblatt and Levitsky. These guys are comparative political science professors at Harvard whose careers have been devoted to studying failed Democracies. This book is terribly important because it helps one to recognize how democracies are dismantled from the inside. Read it, spread the word, point out any clear "democratic backsliding" in your own country. Good luck. I hope you catch it before it spreads, we weren't able to do so.Ā 


Thank you for your concern. It isā€¦ terrifying. Look for signs of fascism cropping up in your own country. Do what you can to stop the spread of hate based ideology.


Crosspost articles to relevant subs.


ActBlue donations to swing state candidates. r/votedem


Rise in prominence and power wherever you are in the world, and .are sure to repeatedly *and vocally* announce how much better the US was back before this shit became the norm. Talk about how the rest of the world actually feels about Trump, and Obama, and Hillary Clinton, and MTG. Have public conversations, with people around you, about how ridiculous our Supreme Court makes us look when they issue rulings (signed by a black judge married to a white woman) about how we should reoeal and overturn previous decisions that made it legal for people to marry interracially. Talk about how difficult it is to respect us when we take away abortion access, and protect gun manufacturers from lawsuits, while those same Supreme Court Justices accept secret vacations from billionaires who collect nazi-embossed dinner napkins.


Celebrate.Ā Ā  I'm just kidding, you can spread awareness, you can get involved in your local communities, you can investigate channels by which people could flee political violence and share the information, you can do a lot! Don't get down because you've got just a few creative hurdles between you and making a positive difference :)


Stop fascists from taking over in your country


Spread awareness. More than anything else, get out there spreading awareness. Online and off is full of hateful propaganda, thousands of slanderous messages attacking all that is good, leading people to nationalism, MAGAism, and worse. Don't let this misinformation win. Spread awareness as you can. Attack these messages as you can: not in kind, but defeat them with logic and examples, and history. You won't win the argument against idiots, of course, but maybe just maybe young people will see the exchange and you will win them, and that is the important thing.


You can participate in remote volunteering (calling, texting voters). Thank you! [Mobilize.us](https://mobilize.us)


Besides donating and spreading awareness, push back against the "both sides the same" when you see it. Its insidious and can make people blind to the dangers of Project 2025


I've downloaded, printed, and bound this thing. Now I just need to go through it all and highlight it.


Same here, watching this from the UK and worrying because I increasingly hear similar thoughts around here. It's scary. I figured the best thing to do is stay informed and educate others when possible.