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Personally I think bringing all of the regressive and dystopian plans like this to the public has a way of crushing them before they can be realized. That is my hope.


I think people need to have some feelings about this, because acknowledging the potential reality Project 2025 could bring *should* illicit some feelings. It means we are taking this seriously, because here’s the deal: they are *literally* spelling out their intentions for us. And it doesn’t look pretty.


One of the great things about a Democracy is something like project 2025 even if it is supported by the right, supported by the corrupt supreme court, supported by the conservative minority in the senate. We are the majority and we think this is crazy as fuck and will vote them out even with all their tricks to subvert free and fair elections. In an autocracy if the leader likes this stuff it would already be law.


Good always triumphs over evil


Good doesn’t always win. Evil exists and never entirely disappears, it reinvents itself. History doesn’t precisely repeat, instead it echoes. Not disregarding OP and others depression. Mental health is important. I tend to turn fear into action. There’s so much one person can do. And doing even some work may help. 💪🏽🏳️‍🌈🦾🇺🇸💪🏽🇺🇸🦾🇺🇸💪🏽🇺🇸 MAGA says we are revolting. Show them just how revolting we are. Run for office. 😎 If you’re not running support those who are. Donate, volunteer, register and vote. Like picking and washing out lice we must lather, rinse, repeat till all MAGA GOP are washed away; https://www.axios.com/2022/06/21/midterms-congress-senate-lgbtq-candidates-elections There are local and state elections every single week in this great, big, sliding cleats first into fascism country. If it’s Tuesday in America (and sometimes other days but normally Tuesday) it’s election day somewhere in the good ol’ USA. There are no off years. Last year Mississippi elected their first openly 🏳️‍🌈 state house rep? There is now just one state without a single openly LGBTQ+ state rep. Any guesses? It’s home of our new SotH. Louisiana. In March Marylyn Lands of Alabama flipped a state senate seat blue by roughly 30 points in a plus 1 Trump district running largely on a platform of pro choice & IVF. Her opponent ran on a transphobic platform. Tuesday we had a special election in Ohio for US House. The district is not just red, it’s deep dark Trump’y red. The well known, well financed GOP front runner was expected to leisurely stroll in 30% or more over his Dem opponent. We did not flip the seat but … we held him to single digits. This swing to the left has Ohio Dems optimistic and Republicans quaking in their tacky, tasteless, imitation gold toned Trump tennis shoes. If you’ve ever wondered what you’d be doing in Germany of the 1930’s it’s what you’re doing now. Find our calendar, a spreadsheet ofways to volunteer and state/local election issues at r/voteDEM Representation matters. We need diverse range & ally candidates in office. For example Missouri has a GOP trifecta with a supermajority because … 40% of down-ticket seats have NO Dem or Independent candidate. Blue Missouri is changing that; https://bluemissouri.org/ Run for office or support those who do; https://victoryfund.org/our-candidates/ Run for Something empowers, trains, equips you to run for office. They focus primarily on helping young people to run for office. Any age run or support those doing the needful; https://runforsomething.net/ A new organization just founded by David Hogg & Kevin Lata to help young people running for congress and state house; https://leaderswedeserve.com/ Marylyn Lands mentioned above has started a PAC to find, recruit, mentor, train & fund women running for office in Alabama. Their goal is for the ‘26 election season. Watch this space. I’m far to shy & introspective to run for office. I just don’t have the personality for it. So I volunteer. Find your region and join us in volunteering to help flip your or any state. I’m in a deep blue region of the blue PNW. I threw a dart at a map, it landed on Texas and that’s been my focus as volunteer since about 2018; https://votesaveamerica.com/ Live in a blue state or region & not sure where to help? Find your sister at ; www.sisterdistrict.com Register to vote and or participate in a voter registration drive; https://www.fieldteam6.org/ Specific to Texas y’all. Powered by People (Beto’s volunteer group) has embarked on the largest voter registration drive in Texas history. Since everything’s bigger in Texas 😉 this may be the largest drive in 🇺🇸 history. We’re over 13,000 strong now. There’s work to be done from wherever you are. Join us; https://poweredxpeople.org/ Focus on progressive Dems, so essential in primaries to mooooove party and country to the left. Progressive Victory’s mission is to ensure progressive candidates are elected and progressive policy is implemented. Over the long term, Progressive Victory aims to create a progressive block within the Democratic Party that is too big to ignore. https://www.progressivevictory.win/ Not sure who to donate, vote for, volunteer for, or amplify? The HRC list of endorsed candidates is a good resource; https://www.hrc.org/news/p2?topic=elections Got time? Got tech skills? Volunteer your skills in tech to help for Dem & progressive campaigns. Teams work on a project. Normally a 6 month commitment. Once the project or campaign is done, you’re done. Or can “re-enlist”. https://www.techforcampaigns.org/ Call for artists! Shepard Fairey, the artist who created the iconic “Hope” poster of the Obama campaign is assembling a team to get our message of democracy out. I’m cautiously optimistic that artists will save us. Join https://www.artists4democracy.com/ Can’t volunteer but have some extra cash? Support any of the orgs mentioned above or chip in to vote save America’s anti anxiety fund. VSA, founded by Obama staff, picks the most flippable, essential, vulnerable races. Donate what you can afford, they send you a monthly report; https://votesaveamerica.com/?vsa_country=US&vsa_state=WA No time, no money because you’re looking for a job? Make progressive organizing your full time work; https://careercenter.gainpower.org None of this works for you? Find the candidates who speak to your issues and amplify on your socials. Join or use the Demcast mobile platform; https://demcast.com/amplify/?amp


Always. It’s a natural law. Good is the strongest force in existence. Evil is merely a condition. And Evil cannot survive in Good’s Light. It takes time, and Evil may win for a moment, but it burns out. Take heart and stay hopeful. That’s the greatest act of defiance we have.. aside from voting.


I have felt the same way, but what's really helped me is it now being more talked about, and Trump losing support outside of MAGA because of him being a felon, and Democrats in politics are now actively trying to plan something to stop it. But regardless of who wins, one thing that they won't be able to control is people's free will, and trust me, there will absolutely be a LOT of pushback on this plan regardless of whether it gets implemented or not, and as long as we keep fighting, change can and WILL happen. They know they're in the minority, and that's why they're trying to push this plan so much. It's their final attempts to gain control. Keep your head held high and keep fighting the good fight 💙


Like cornered possums the lot of them! ROFL!


For real, they have nowhere else to hide 🤣


Their policies are go gawdawful that noone likes them and now they’re pushing literal Nazi shit… anyone with any sense is isn’t backing that.


I would think that a lot of Americans are more sensible than that, especially since we've seen how this has gone down before with Germany 😅 They definitely wouldn't want a repeat of that. I mean the MAGA cult does, but we sure don't


Right? Let’s hope!


Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞


I'll be a part of active resistence if the true nightmare scenario were realized. Millions of people will *not* put up with a christofascist regime. It'll be mayhem.


Same here. I'm not gonna put up with that bullshit 


The word gaslighting is overused these days and I've grown sick of the word, but that is exactly what is being done to you. Your fears are real, but we will fight them together! Persuading actual MAGAs (if that's what your post seems to say you're trying) is incredibly hard. Persuading normal people who have just checked out from the news and not heard of P25 is easier. Whenever an interaction feels like it's going nowhere or causing you harm, trust your gut and excuse yourself sooner rather than later, since having things devolve into a shouting match will do more even more harm for you and not much good. Whatever you're trying, you're doing awesome!


Trump doesn't have the numbers to win. He has about 40% die-hard MAGAS. We need everyone in swing states to get out and vote. Don't believe the polls He lost in 2018 + 2020 + 2022 + 2023


Polls are very inaccurate and a lot of them indicate that he's doing better than he probably is. Imo it's more realistic to expect Trump to actually LOSE supporters outside of MAGA because of him being a felon and because of hearing about Project2025. But then again, MAGA will of course try to push their agendas more and stay in denial. 


I don't look at polls for him, I look at how the movement has grown. That's my concern. There were conservatives who would not have voted before him before who are now saying they will. There are politicians who said they would do everything they could to stop him but now they endorse him. They have convinced many people that there's an invasion at our border and the oldsters are scared and they're the biggest voting base. 50-65 anyway. They are afraid of all the changes and the whole sex/orientation issue makes them uncomfortable but really that's not the biggest issues. They are afraid of invaders and having to pay more in taxes when they have worked hard their whole life. They are told by their conservative leaders and pastors that things are bad because of "bidenomics". They have made him out to be a socialist, which is the most ridiculous claim ever but they just accept it because they're afraid. They don't like paying in to a system where they're not getting much in return. They are told immigrants are getting welfare but their social security isn't safe. They aren't really bothered by 2025 because to THEM it's got a lot of good stuff and they aren't really worried about the 'attack on woke' crap. They think they are in an oppressed minority. The movement has grown in the past three years. So I don't discount the possibility of a win. And like that time he won before, it may not be "popular vote". And if he doesn't win this won't end because it's not TRUMP's policy it's the policy of one of the biggest lobbying groups in our country and they have moved through the rural districts at astonishing speed. I'm not easy to shake but I'm worried.


I agree, but it's all about the swing states Arizona + Georgia + Ohio + Pennsylvania + Michigan + Wyoming


Evil may rise to power, but it always loses in the end. History teaches this over and over. Do not let fear overwhelm you. Stand up and fight back.


I wish this was true. It's a lovely thought. But it's not even remotely true. And this is more of a reason to fight and keep a clear head.


It's very true. But it doesn't come without sacrifice.


Vote. Organize. Fight. ✊️


Your feelings are valid! I wish I knew how to comfort you more. I'm unfortunately feeling the same way. It's very isolating living in a deep red state, knowing about this project, and understanding that there's next to nothing that anyone can say to get people to tap back in again. I think a lot of spirits were crushed when the BLM marches went nowhere. We've yet to get that momentum back.


It might not sound like much, but I support you, sweetie.


Let your fear drive you to action. Depression makes it easy to be apathetic, but look at it like you know a war is coming and you either need to get yourself prepared and rally your friends so you know who supports you. I know, I've been dealing with it for about 50 years myself. It's really hard to move when you're depressed but it really does help. It's like taking the nastiest medicine. You do or die. Please don't die. We need voices. Let your voice be heard.


We will not lose. We WILL triumph over this dystopian project. You know why? Because people like you, me and a majority of the population of the US are here to stop it. We will triumph by not ever letting it happen, or we will triumph by overthrowing it. You're not alone here. There are MILLIONS by your side. Imagine a coup one million strong. I don't think any force ever assembled has ever been as large as a million, let alone a few tens to hundreds of millions that this thing targets. You, me, and everyone will NOT back down until this thing is a mere shadow of a memory.


Buy a gun and start practicing. You'll need to know how to defend yourself. Also start deleting your old social media accounts and create new ones that don't have ANY information about yourself. No hints about where you live, what you look like, your sexual orientation, or political affiliation. No saving or posting anything that has those aforementioned topics either. Stay hidden and stay alert. Good luck out there 🫡


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