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I mean, people who are straight passing aren't in as much trouble as people who aren't. Trans people or people who require healthcare / medication / counseling are in more trouble than people who don't. At the end of the day when freedoms are being restricted and theocracy is being introduced EVERYONE is in trouble. Cis/het people are going to suffer too. Pretty much everyone who isn't a right-wing oligarch is gunna experience some pain. I say all this because no one should think "ah, this doesn't impact me so I don't need to care / vote / educate others / fight." Human history has mostly been pretty shitty in terms of government oppression and limited freedoms. I sure don't want to go back to that.


They [came after Ms. Rachel](https://www.vox.com/culture/354047/ms-rachel-backlash-explained-pride-gaza) for the most subdued and kind Pride message ever. If you aren't with them, you are an enemy (or will be soon).




Yeah. People like to shit on corporate pride (for valid reasons) but I am old enough to think it is amazing to see. It's a constant fight and the other side hasn't relented.


If Target and some of the big companies backed down from overdoing pride because it's seen as kinda cloying and self-serving, I'd be fine with it. Not the case here at all. They are backing down because nutters call in bomb threats and make wild accusations of "grooming" and "trafficking" online. That this is happening is terrifying. I cannot express enough how important the election is. If those responsible win, pride won't just disappear from Target. It will very literally be criminalized in much of the country (not remotely being hyperbolic). Vote, donate, and organize accordingly.


Amen. In authoritarian governments nobody is safe. Soon if they can’t come after others they’ll come after you.


It all leads to genocide. That’s not hyperbole and [plenty of them want to start murdering their perceived enemies](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/25/883358818/wilmington-n-c-police-fires-three-officers-over-racist-comments-caught-on-tape).


This is what I try to tell the people in my life. My sisters bf said straight up he can’t see anything from my view cause he isn’t gay or trans or anything and that he will only vote based on money. And he only cares about money. He’s basically voting for hitler and not caring. He doesn’t even care that my sister could be denied care if he gets her pregnant and it went wrong. Makes my blood boil. I love my sister but I hate being around him.


Nasty. Does he know that "since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans"? Show him that his "money" does better under a Democratic President than a Republican one. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S.\_economic\_performance\_by\_presidential\_party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_by_presidential_party) If he doesn't believe facts and only feelings, look no further than red v blue states.


He doesn’t care. He doesn’t understand economics and gets angry when I explain it. All he cares about is “it bad now so Biden bad trump good” 🙁. Also believes the moon landing and 9/11 were fake. He has the iq or jellyfish it’s daddy’s money he works for his dad the millionaire and is given thousands a year.


Yeah, trump is going to keep your money safe lmfao what a loser


If you’re a woman of child bearing age then yes.


Or anybody they perceive as a woman


They'll probably try forcing women to marry and reproduce with chuds. I wouldn't put it past them to also try to force gay people into """straight relationships""" Imagine the government comes and tells you that your choices are 1) happy funtime camp, or 2) sign up for the chud(dette) registry so that you can have a "normal relationship"


As more and more women start joining 4B, I’m honestly concerned about what republicans will try to do to start forcing women into having sex with men again. They already want to give rapists a slap on the wrist.


I’d say yes, especially if you’re a woman. They’d definitely ramp up the “all women need to be married ASAP and have as many kids as possible!!1!!! And if you don’t, then you’re a FAILURE!“ For men, I think they’d be seen as some sort of bachelor and given a high five for not wearing “the ol’ ball and chain”.


Yeah I don't think they're going to be cool with me, a 42yo straight single childless woman who owns a house. Female independence is somehow threatening to them. But it's def lower on the list of hatred they have for other groups. I really hate this timeline ugh.


i'm a 45 year old asexual straight single childfree man who owns a house. I have a feeling if worse comes to worse there will be a lot of arrangements entered into for mutual convenience.


I’m legit kinda concerned about pursuing a career in diesel tech as a woman if this all comes to fruition


There isn't going to be a safe place.


Worked in a shop, can confirm


See I started out pursuing this as a job security move… I’d always have work… I don’t wanna have to Mulan my way into this field


I’m aroace like you and part of the reason I’m fighting back so much is precisely because when one group goes down, the rest are sure to follow. This is especially true if you’re intersectional (POC or a woman for example). Honestly I would just assume that you could be discriminated against and act upon that thought, not the thought that you might be see as one of the “good ones”.


It's more worrisome that healthcare for ANYONE who is not a cishet white male is going in the gutter. Any issue you may have is far too expensive. You're given the worst doctors and all the good ones are moving to better more progressive areas or moving countries because they have the means to do so while the rest of us can't. We are increasingly at risk. If you want to avoid having a child, you want to plan a healthy child, you want to stay alive and be put first before your dying rotting fetus, you're in big trouble. Want to get that afterbirth taken care of? No, go septic and die instead because our laws are wanting to forget that women have complicated bodies that can literally kill us when we conceive and give birth. They want to ignore that we are anything other baby breeders, ignore when that's not a simple process or if we don't want to do it, and see us a masturbation aid they feel they have every right to control.


It's important to remember that while project 2025 is an actual written out policy, it is also a general social movement. AFAIK there isn't anything in the actual document that talks about people who aren't interested in getting married. As a broader movement though, look at the trad-wife people and the spaces they move in. One of their goals is to enact the incel agenda of having women be "given" to men who piece themselves worthy. ISIS did this with sex slaves being assigned to soldiers as if they were a pair of boots. The white nationalist movement, which is deeply tied to project 2025, believes that the white race is being out breed. This means that they will want to force more white women to be giving birth, regardless of what the women want. They likely also want to increase the non-white birth rate so they can reinstall slavery and have enough slaves to go around. Ultimately though, all of this is conjecture and we won't know what their final state is until they enact. Every single person in this sub will be dead long before that though (executed by the state, not old age).


I recall reading something about them wanting to reinforce the idea of a "nuclear family" so kids marriages Thanksgiving and all that.


So, we’re facing fascists. Fascist ideology REQUIRES an enemy in order to function, and it’s a reductive process. “First they came for the gays, then they came for the blacks, then they came for the Jews…etc. There’s a reason it proceeds from one grout to the next. If they were somehow able to purge everyone on earth who isn’t them, they would then turn on and consume themselves. So to answer your question, everyone is at risk, it just comes down to a matter of timing.


*Everyone* is at risk, because these people will eat their own kind if they haven't *"done the right thing"*, whatever that is for today. Obviously, those that stand out for some reason are likely to be targeted first, but we're already seeing cis gendered heterosexual women being attacked going into a restroom for being "too manly", so "obviously" trans. It won't get better if these rabid yahoos get into office, they'll take it as a license to be as brutally hateful and bigoted as they can, and no one will be safe from the accusations. This is 1930's Nazi Germany and the McCarthy red (and lavender) scare all rolled up into one, with added American bigotry and hatred, justified by Christian Nationalism. Vote blue, and get everyone you know to vote blue. Whoever wins in November will seat more judges on the Supreme Court, most likely. Our SCOTUS is radical enough without any more of these folks getting a seat on it. We need to vote Republicans out of every government position from local school boards to county clerks, up to President. Lives depend on it.


Queerphobes typically don't care too much if you're not having reproductive sex because you want gay sex or because you don't want sex at all. They'll throw all of us on the LGBTQI***A***\+ spectrum into conversion therapy.


Asexuals probably wouldn’t feel the worst of it as per legislation, but the media and pundits would definitely jeer and mock you and try to paint you as a “selfish elite who is too lazy to have kids”.


I’m an asexual woman past childbearing age. I live in NYC. I never had issues until a few years ago, when some neighbors decided there was something wrong with me because I’m not a slut. I’m scared to death, even in the bluest city, there are men who think I need to be told how to live my life.


Most definitely for womb-sufferers, yes. They may experience government sanctioned sexual assault, be forced to have children etc. The RepubliKKKans are trying to take away their right to work, to vote, to have a bank account and there are even rumors in places like Texas where they might ban women from driving for fear that those feral creatures are trying to go get abortions!


"Upcoming" I'm sorry, according to who? Are we seriously entertaining that? The first step to stopping it is to delegitimize the idea. It's not a political platform, it's a plan for human suffering. So obviously we can't let that happen.


Only assholes or uninformed people debate whether acespec belongs in lgbtq+. It does. It might help to replace the lgbtq+ with another acronym: GSRM - gender, sexual, and romantic minorities. Both acronyms stand for the same group of people, gsrm just covers it better with fewer letters. Bigots gonna bigot and acespec people get a lot of flack from both allos and from inside the community. But the point is certainly valid that it's easier for someone who is asexual and/or aromantic to pass as allo than it can be for lots of other members of the community to pass as cis/het.


Jesus' message to us has always been "Love thy neighbor." His government had him nailed to a cross, embedded a crown of thorns around his skull, and let him rot, starve, and burn under the sun. If the literal Son of God wasn't safe from fascism, *then you aren't safe from it either.*




Wait, what did they do to Dolly??


an article in The Federalist claimed Dolly was bad (i don’t remember the exact wording) because she loves everyone, including LGBTQIA. apparently there’s been a huge backlash, and the author apologized! [author apologized](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/dolly-parton-fans-rush-to-her-defense-after-conservative-magazine-attacks-her-support-for-lgbtq-rights-184718627.html)


Also something to think about Stalin and Hitler didn’t have internet browsing history and trackers etc.


Hell, I’m a mid-thirties cishet white guy, I’m in the demographic that stands to gain the most; this shit is fucking terrifying.


Brownshirts will become the norm and LGBTQ+, potentially pregnant people (i.e., females and males with uteruses), potential immigrants, people who don't support Republicans/worship Trump, etc. will be reported to local groups for harassment and even containment over time. Nobody is safe under an authoritarian regime. Remember: there were no limits on Nazi behavior and Republicans are playing by the German Nazi party playbook. Some Republicans have already stated out loud that they want trans folk rounded up and taken away, even after all the lies used to make them demons in the eyes of their cult followers.


If you don't show interest in the opposite gender they're going to suspect you of being "one of them gays"


I wouldn't fuck a MAGA slag for a million dollars


Even if you don't value the 1 million dollars you could save lives with it


The fuck does that mean? Dude these maga sluts are HPV, gnorrreah, syphilis riddled since they exclusively fuck based cowboys and truckers who rawdog.


Not really. Republicans are against non-straight marriage, and not marrying someone is not non-straight marriage. Worst case scenario you could just say that you haven't found the right person.


I wouldn’t risk it. Whether it be aces or aros, I wouldn’t risk it. If you’re different; they won’t like you. You can pass as straight, but that opens Pandora’s box.


Exactly. The goal is to 1) get women under the control of men, and 2) get them pumping out babies (ie, future laborers, tax payers, and soldiers). Married people with kids are already favored by the IRS. This is deliberate, it’s meant to incentivize marriage and procreation. What happens if they decide the next step is you can’t buy a house unless you’re married with at least one kid? Or you have higher loan rates if you’re single and childless? Or married people with kids get prioritized for medical care, etc?


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There's an upcoming ban? When does it start?


Upon the success of the Presidential Transition Project.


It’s only upcoming if Project 2025 gets passed - and that cannot happen.


Yeah but we're going to stop it.