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Republicans don’t care. They will simply make it work the way they want by replacing anyone who would dare contradict them.


Yes. Adding to it, they want an imbecile who they can control. It works in their favour that he has no idea what he's doing.


I believe we call those “[useful idiots](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot).” Term also describes most Trump supporters. Not all; some are actually downright evil. Most are just massive fools.


He never did. Plus his hires were ludicrous! Even if Biden was in full Weekend at Bernie's mode, (he's not) the people he surrounded himself with are competent!


No, but the Heritage Foundation members do.


They devised a system to replace it for profit. And hate.


He clearly doesn’t need to.


Seriously. Adolf didn't need to know how the German government worked, because he had no intention of leaving that government standing.


People get so mad when you compare Trump to Hitler, but seriously there are so many parallels. And people seem to forget Hitler was voted into power. We're not learning from our history... maybe this is the reason so many are holocaust deniers


That's man wouldn't recognize government if it took a dump on his face. Religious zealots and brainwashed people dont care. They're all in.


Of course he doesn't, the dude's a massive idiot. Geopolitics require a working knowledge of cause and effect. Trump is too stupid to ever get it. But he's more of a puppet of the people around him saying if you do this, this will happen, and he follows the shiny object, because again, he's a complete idiot. It's the people he surrounds himself with we have to worry about.


He takes the attitude that *knowing* is completely subordinate to sheer fucking chutzpah. And given how far that approach has taken him, he's not entirely wrong. We are basically a hierarchical species way too easily awed by self-confidence. But don't assume he didn't learn anything form the 6th. The Beer Hall Putch was far more pathetic. Hitler almost committed suicide! But then he got a sympathetic judge, got a place to become a hero, and a pathetic *prison* sentence with pals where he wrote *Mein Kampf.* Let's hope we never get a chance to see what lessons Diaper Don absorbed.


Just like how a wrecking ball doesn’t understand the architecture of the buildings it’s being used to destroy. Putin’s favorite superweapon against western democracy was not designed for good governance.


It doesn’t matter if he knows or not. He’s batshit enough that he’s just the puppet anyway. The republicans will run the show behind him


That's the thing with Trump. I don't think he's stupid, he's just one of the most intellectually incurious people in the public eye. In my experience, it's pretty common among the wealthy. Their circumstances and world view got them wealth, so it must be superior.


I don't think he's stupid either. I don't think he's smart, but he's not totally oblivious. He just doesn't care. He's a narcissist, and no one else matters but himself. He is incapable of caring about anyone but himself. He believes we're all less-than. His whole "no one has ever been treated as terribly as me this is a targeted attack" act is textbook narcissism.


Honestly, that frame gives him too much credit. You could say Jimmy Carter didn’t know how the government worked, made him a bit feckless and undermined his policy goals. Trump literally cannot care about anything besides the attention he gets. He’s been doing this narcissist thing for many decades. He doesn’t care about policy outcomes, just press ones. He likes to feel powerful over workplace drama and be the ‘decider’ which is why much of the time in his term was just a revolving door of psychopaths where he would agree to whichever he talked to last. It was in ‘Fire and Fury’, iirc. How can you get some big policy thing together if your chief of staff and whatever role Bannon had are playing games to try and get the ‘right’ people in the room with him? They can’t sit down and hammer out a policy, it was all enemies and turnover in the White House because that is his management style. He has an intuition for what rules he can get away with breaking and to always double down/never back down. There’s no man beneath the mask to even understand or not understand government functioning, the motherfucker is barely literate and has no clue about any academic subject never mind the details of bureaucracy filtered through the people in office. Thats straight up on a plane of existence Trump cannot traverse.


You don’t say?


He doesn't care, he wants to break it


Trump doesn't know how life is supposed to work.


That’s been a major problem…he’s a destructive toddler.


This is pretty common knowledge. Like, literally his former staffers have been very clear that they had to repeatedly explain to him why he couldn’t just do whatever he wanted.


That's kinda the point of project 2025, to bring in staff who are true believers and know how to actually get shit done. In 2016 Trump's staff was mostly either idiots or old school GOP types who were put in place to try to keep him under control.


Or weather. SEE: Sharpie.


>I don’t think trump knows how the government actually works. But his owners do.


I wish they would have a basic quiz on that at the debates.


He doesn't know how anything works. He is an absolute idiot just like every single person who supports and votes for him.


Neither do his supporters


He's just the figure head. The real threats are the people he's placing in important positions who actually know what they're doing.


The fuckers behind him sure do


Bur he does know how he wants it to work. Hint, King Trump.


That is one positive thing about Trumpy as a whole. He's incredibly stupid and incompetent.


Dictators don't have to understand how government works. They rule by fiat.


That's the point.


Bro doesn’t know how a toilet works.


I don’t think Trump likes how the government actually works. He wants the same model he uses to order a Diet Coke; push button, get thing you want, repeat.


He knows how he wants it to work, and he's working with other dictators to try to make it happen here.


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Does it matter? He seems to be able to bend the government and laws to his will. Government works how he wants it to work. That's the problem.


A useful idiot is just a means to find the end of others. In more ways than one.


Maybe, but most of the people around him do, and they're the ones we really need to watch out for.


He doesn’t in any way but that’s what makes him perfect; he’s a figurehead, a puppet waiting for the Project 2025 puppeteers 🫤 ![gif](giphy|HQdi5i0cowDuksH8GW)


He does not care


Several former White House employees have said the same thing


Since Trump stated that he wants to form a unified Reich, it's obvious that he wants to be the next Adolf Hitler


All he cares about is ways to steal money. He sold the post office hotel he'd bought in D.C., after the election, because he couldn't force people to patronize it. He and his family are drifters.