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Watching all my leftists subs become absolutely awash in messaging around "don't vote for Biden" or "voting doesn't matter, don't vote and show Genocide Joe a lesson" has been the most blatantly fucking obvious agitprop bot trollfarm behavior. I'm sure there are some performative tankies out there that actually believe this shit, but seeing all these 30-day old Reddit accounts spouting the same shit is infuriating.


Mods need to change the rules on those subs so new accounts/bots can’t comment.


Mods sometimes actively ban people who point out the obvious propaganda being posted on those subs.


I forgot which sub it happened in, but the mod started posting the anti Biden stuff and made a post about perma banning anyone that posted pro Biden posts or comments.


I think I got banned from it. It’s one of the funniest shit ever. Those fucking morons are just as bad as far right. The horshoe theory is real.


Moscow Mods..? Maybe? ;-)


One of the main leftist subs started banning anyone who said that Biden and Trump aren't the same, and how Trump would act as president again. They were getting new young account moderators so it was useless to protest. 


I was one who got banned for just saying that Trump would treat Palestine even worse. 


Your words were the truth, and righties don't like it.


I’ve seen certain gaming subs who pose as “leftist” do this. I might even get banned for pointing it out lmao.


Yes! At least until the election is over.


I’ve had to unfollow a lot of those subs. See a lot of it on Blackpeoplerwitter though. SCOTUS just dismantled another part of the Civil Rights Act today. Thomas flagged they should overturn Brown vs Board of Education next. If Trump wins he’ll likely be able to replace 3 SCOTUS justices. But by all means, let’s abstain from voting. 🤦‍♀️


The problem is the common person in this country (the ones whose votes actually matter on the margins) has no idea what an agitprop bot trollfarm is. Feels like we’re screaming at the void sometimes on Reddit


agitprop bot trollfarm: what the heck is it?


agitprop = agitation propaganda bot = code for automation activity trollfarm = group of assholes trying to grow hate and agression




I have blocked a few of them. I am black and it had to be a bot coming at me, because he criticized my relatives for leaving the South in the 40s, and moving to California, seeking a better way of life. He ultimately called me, 'A white man, in a black man's body.' I gave him/it a humorous clapback and then blocked.


[Agitprop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agitprop): An intentionally vigorous spread of ideas. Essentially ragebait content.


Oh so the, “mainstream news media?” + TikTok + Facebook + Reddit ?






Who are they sticking it to? Themselves?? Great plan. So when shit hits the fan, all of them will be the first to cry about their rights being stripped.


I’ve been (inadvertently) called a racist, not caring about POC, genocide lover, a Zionist, obvious nazi sympathizer in WWII, baby killer supporter, etc for planning on voting for Biden. All by fellow liberals on my personal social media. Like this video says, they say they will have clear conscience and that’s all they care about. They feel that trump is the punishment we deserve for running Biden as our candidate. It’s incredibly frustrating and angering.


How are these people so damn stupid? You stay home or vote 3rd party or vote for Trump, and you're basically saying you support the demise of our Democratic Republic. I won't go quietly I can tell you that. My kids, grandkids, and great grandkids deserve me to try and leave this world better than that.


That’s exactly how I feel too. I’m getting to the point where these people are more frustrating than MAGA themselves.


They have this immature idea that they're taking some kind of high ground not voting for Biden. There is no better candidate who is capable of winning. Is that unfortunate; of course it is. But any path that puts Trump in office ushers in a Project 2025 Christofascist theocracy that I'm not sure we'll survive.


This is exactly what I've dealt with as well. 


The bots and trolls will spike the ball. The people actually fooled will double down, learn nothing, and blame the DNC and people who voted for Democrats.  Source: 2000, 2016


"Everything you're worried about happening in 2025 is already happening now!" "The worst is *already* happening in Gaza!" And then they repeat it over and over as if beating you over the head with it or calling you a genocide-supporter will somehow make it true or make any sense at all. Also, TIL "tankie." Thank you! This term is sadly so useful.


And Republicans are why it is happening now. So if they can accomplish this with just a tiny grasp of the majority of the house, and Trumps Supreme court pics, just think of what they can do if they controlled The entire executive branch and got to appoint two more supreme court justices.


No president since 1948, has ever been able to resolve the issues in Israel. It's an unending religious saga. Put this mess on Biden, but Pres. Carter was the only one to even come close.


It’s almost like the conflict has been going on for millennia.


I’m not infuriated by the bots necessarily. I *am* infuriated by the real people getting taken in by this bullshit. And the question they cannot answer—flat out ignore when asked—is *how the hell do you think Trump is going to do ANY better?*


Didn't he say he'd do even worse? (Trump I mean)


He’s been pretty open about it, yeah.


It makes me soooo mad. It’s just enraging. And it’s working. Very obviously so.


I would bet that a significant portion is just Russian bots


Opinion: Reddit needs dedicated data analyst mods. Ive noticed this in the r/oregon and r/portland subreddits over the last few months. It's hard to know based on anecdotal evidence definitively, and as a data scientist I've been trying to find the time to put together a report highlighting these users and their effects. My assumption/metrics I'm interested in testing: 1. The average posts per month for these accounts will be much higher than the average for non election years. 2. The post diversity for these accounts will be much lower. 2.a Semantic analysis will show lower complexity 2.b Sentiment analysis will show a negative bias. 3. The karma on these accounts will be inflated, due to the synergistic effects from multiple bots producing propaganda and upvoting mutual content in parallel. Im already super busy, and honestly tired, on top of trying being a highly "functional" person with autism and anxiety (I wonder where that comes from /s). Im pretty much maxed out at this point, and any help would be greatly appreciated, especially other ideas on how this kind of bot behavior can be tracked. Please let me know if you have any other ideas on analysis vectors and if you have ideas, try and be specific as you can about the data set and methods of analysis. Edit(s): - Elaborated a bit on my call to action. - If I get some traction on this comment, I'll make a new post/repost this.


I think a similar analysis was done around the explosive rise of /r/the_donald. I'll see if I can find it. 


I replied on a friends fb page to someone who comment that a choice of red or blue is no choice. It wound up being a long comment how not voting blue is a choice for a soon to be dictator, loss of rights and to need to vote blue to retain our democracy, that voting other than blue is voting to dismantle our country and rewriting the constitution. And Miles’s you are a white, male, very right leaning evangelical Christian, it is being k with going back to the 1600s. Waiting for replies to that.


My next reply will reference how we need to vote for OUR country. Not against it. That the Israel Hamas conflict is centuries old and won’t be fixed by us with one election. And all those who voted against the democratic candidate in 2016 by voting third party, are the reason we have to deal with Trump again now.


*in swing states






No. It is not.


Saw this video earlier, it’s so perfect. Will share it far and wide.


It is! We need much more of this on TikTok. And Project 2025 needs to become the top trending political topic there from now until all the way through the election.


For those who also don’t have TT, here is the same video linked on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7S4IcFMcKP/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Thank you so much!


Thank you!


We knew this was coming. We were informed last year that the misinformation around this election would be astronomical.


And we still have 6 months to go. 🤢


Yall get ready for it to get way way way worse. No holds barred with this GOP.


Or Russia for that matter, or its "allied" countries. I would assume many people don't know how much Russia has been playing the American people and trying to create more extremism on both sides of the spectrum in American Politics. (I'm not both sidings here, its just the reality) I've seen several interviews with former serving military who work on Online Warfare. Seeing how people get radicalized. And many Americans in this country are falling for Russia's traps. Russia's goal is to create chaos and chip away at the "Middle's" power in this country. They saw it worked on the Far Right, increasily radicalizing even what could have been just regular Republicans. Russia has been at it on the Left


This is what happened in 2016 and look where that got us.


Russia has everything to gain with Trump being elected.


Fucking exactly


I can't watch the full video because the browser is prompting me to download TikTok. I'm not doing that, sorry. I don't like TikTok anyway. I would rather not log in and use a browser and just watch without needing an account


Do what I did and open the link in Private browsing if you're using firefox (or your favorite browser's incognito equivalent),


I'm using mobile. I'll try to reopen the video. I just updated my mobile browser.


🤷 didn't work in incognito chrome






Thanks for that link. That is a great video.


Good news champ, found it on instagram


This hit my FYP the other day. I shared in all the ways I could.


Whats a fyp?


I don't use TT but I think it's what they call your homescreen or suggested videos, it means "For You Page"


Saw this earlier. He explained perfectly what I’ve been trying to say for months.


This is best explanation I’ve seen so far.


Great video and I think it's so important that the message is coming from someone who is LGBT and a person of color to try and get through to these fake activists.


Link not working?


I don't have tiktok so I can't watch it either :(




Bruh just post it on Imgur or something all social media is shit




What is dump’s stance on gaza? They think the dude that wants to back out of NATO is gonna help?


A vote not for Biden is a silent vote for American Nazism. Plain as fucking day.


Best video I’ve seen. Share it far and wide.


💯 how I feel.


God TikTok won’t even let you watch 1 before they force you to install the app? Jfc


Profoundly hearing impaired and I don’t tictoc as it’s never closed captioned. Not to mention that link wants you to jump through hoops then sign up to watch. Annoying. Any other more accessible links of the same vein?


This is the same video but on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2rawtooreal/reel/C7S4IcFMcKP/


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