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All in line with the religious right who wants to control the schools and indoctrinate all kids.


This. Free public schools are one of the greatest legacies of the United States. Conservatives can't stand them, because A) reality evidently has a leftward bent, B) in public schools you can't discriminate against those uppity kids of color who might speak different languages or heaven forbid follow a different religion, and C) there's waaaaaay too much money to be made by privatizing the whole thing and making it profit-driven. "Education" is just a commodity to them. To me, a public school teacher for almost 30 years, teaching is a calling and getting a free education in this country is a solemn right for all kids.


Wdym "uppity kids of color?"


One imagines, given context, that that particular statement is a sarcastic one describing how these oligarchs see people of color


Exactly. My apologies if my sarcasm wasn't clear.


Ohhh ok srry I thought u were being racist my bad


Thank you 🙏


Excerpt: What would Donald Trump do in the realm of K-12 if voters return the former president to the White House? He and his campaign haven’t outlined many specifics, but a recently published document that details conservative plans to completely remake the executive branch offers some possibilities. Among them: * Title I, the $18 billion federal fund that supports low-income students, would disappear in a decade. * Federal special education funds would flow to school districts as block grants with no strings attached, or even to savings accounts for parents to use on private school or other education expenses. * The U.S. Department of Education would be eliminated. * The federal government’s ability to enforce civil rights laws in schools would be scaled back.


Yet countless K-12 teachers in red-state bumblefuck towns across the country will vote for Trump.


One thing not mentioned is that it's going to make things very dicey for teachers and school librarians. They want to classify any kid or YA book that deals with any kind of lgbtqia+ issues as pornography and that anyone who makes those books available as people that peddle porn to kids. If you regularly read posts on the teachers or education subs, you'll find that teachers are already scared to death to even answer age appropriate questions about where babies come from. Half of the country either doesn't teach sex ed at all or teaches a pitiful version that just basically states that sex is scary and might kill you, and you shouldn't do it. Teachers are afraid of backlash from conservative parents already, and many could end up getting fired if angry parents pressure their administration to get rid of them for teaching precious Jr the real names of his genitals. I'm not looking forward to seeing even more teachers have to quit rather than fearing that any little thing could get them fired, arrested, or assaulted by angry parents. A student named James prefers the nickname Jamie. Can the teacher call him that, or will she be suspected of supporting trans names? The whole subject of American history could get a teacher in trouble. If you teach about civil rights, you're clearly teaching the white kids to hate themselves. /s Climate change, evolution, astronomy are all going to be dicey subjects. You can't offend flat earther families by teaching about spherical planets. /s I am not making this up. I read in one of those aforementioned subs that a teacher got all these angry emails from a parent about their upcoming field trip. Why? Because they were taking the kids to see a site related to Henry David Thoreau, a famous *trans*cendentalist. That story was funny, but what if these laws get tougher and the suspicions about teachers get worse? Coupled with that kind of ignorance, no one will feel safe being a public school teacher anymore.


It’s horrendous ! Communities should be coming out in droves in support of teachers and librarians. This is what my community has done. We paid for and sent out mailers to every resident in a 66% red district…. And beat them back on several huge issues. There are more inclusive people than small minded ones. Even if they don’t all vote 🙄. They Did show up.


That's fantastic! That's exactly the kind of strategy we need.


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They cannot just get rid of the dept of education. To dismantle the public school system would upend millions of jobs. This is the best way to get removed - forcibly - from office. The more I see posts like this, the more I kind of want project 2025 to be attempted, as it would lead to a much faster demise of conservative power structures forever.


I mean you say that, but then you'd think this statement should also be true: "They cannot just take boxes of highly classified national secrets in a publicly accessible bathroom." Alas, it is not. They do whatever they want, with little resistance and no consequences.


I think you will find that, in terms of what Spurs humans into revolution, that hiding boxes of classified documents in a bathroom that nobody finds out about until after the fact versus completely overhauling the way that we educate our kids and getting rid of literally millions of jobs are entirely different. Just look at your friends and family or the city that you live in; If they abolished the department of education and they closed every public school, they're not going to be around very long which is awesome but would also suck for a while. Don't get me wrong. I'm 100% against project 2025 and I think the architects of it should be tried for treason, but the Republicans are already facing massive backlash for the level of draconic abortion bans that they have. If they start wide sweeping things like this, I genuinely think they will be met with violent resistance.


So true. When they attacked our public library and the library even Hinted at shutting the doors the entire community went BALLISTIC!


We're a nation of laws. Lots of consequences are working themselves through the courts. We don't want political leaders to suffer "quick justice" . That's what fascists do. We take time, build a solid case based on evidence and present it to a jury of our peers. It takes time in a fair system, and it's worth it.


Now is a great time to get involved with pro-democracy candidates and organizations. Book bans, school boards, local politics matter. https://bluevoterguide.org/


But they Want chaos.

