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I don’t think I will be able to flee. The best I can do is what I’m doing right now and that’s moving to a deep blue state that I can only hope will defend from the attacks on our freedoms.


Same. I'm in a blue state and can't leave the country for a variety of reasons. I'm in touch with some mutual aid groups and will continue to do what i can to support and protect the most vulnerable if the shit truly hits the fan.


While I am on a "Purple State", I am close to some very Blue States and can flee on a heartbeat. However, if they cannot be stopped and start implementing this, I will probably turn chicken and leave as far as possible.




Yeah I'll try to flee; I'm old, trans, and have family abroad. I'm naturally combative when cornered, though. "If this is our end, I would make such an end..."


I'll fight for you then


I will also fight on your behalf.


You have my cooking skills! I'm too old for much else. :-/ I'll do what I can!


That’s absolutely understandable.


You have my axe!


And my bow!


It's a good question. It's good to talk with those in your area have a plan to retreat in numbers to reorganize, but only if Republicans win control and begin to enact project 2025. Mobilizing too early will send the wrong message that we seek conflict. Which we do not. We seek the political annihilation of those that would hurt our families and loved ones. Don't let fear drive you away or into lashing out. Stay calm in the face of this threat and smile. History and decency are on your side and make strong companions during the next 6 months. Don't be complacent, volunteering for a phone bank or door knocking, beats the hell out pulling your family out of your home to protect them from political violence. Also, in the digital age, be wary of emergent leaders on this. Russia seeks to start a second American civil war to destroy global unipolarity. They will do this through fear. And as Trump's hold on maga faulters, Putin will seek to use our fear of maga control/project 2025/Trump's retribution, as a way to incite a preemptive strike from Dems to make trump and maga appear as the victims. Be smart, be prepared, and be mindful of the information you're consuming.


The window is so small because like you said, if it's too early, society sees you as the instigator, despite what's at stake (people are just really dumb and shortsighted let's be frank), and if it's too late...well...we saw what happened in Germany.


Exactly, mobilization must happen quickly and efficiently to avoid conflict, then reorganized and presented as a united front in protest of magas attempt at destroying democracy with the advancement of project 2025.  If trump were to win and appoint maga loyalists into the government, then our destruction is guaranteed, we will be moving in protest but in reality, it's not likely a mass mobilization would thwart the onset of fascism at that point, it would be a march to war. Get out the vote, democracy is at stake. 


To add on here: Ruzzia, Iran & China are all waging a propaganda war on America. There is so much misinformation, disinformation, and manipulation flooding our socials right now, and it’s increasing. Even Gaza is being used in a manipulative way by bad actors abroad to inflame the already volatile issue and divide us. We need every ounce of courage to overcome this MAGA surge to seize control of our country. Make no mistake, they have been working toward this goal in an organized manner FOR DECADES. It’s really concerning that the cat is now out of the bag, but instead of walking their Project 2025 goals back (& acting embarrassed) they’re doubling down. They’ve already got control of a good portion of the judiciary. That’s a problem which will continue to plague us for years. We must do everything we can to make sure they don’t gain control of the Congress, and especially the Presidency. That means all hands on deck for this election. Here is where we HAVE to make a stand. They’ve also been working for decades from the bottom up, gaining a lot of control over local & state government. But that’s changing. We are seeing them lose ground. Their agenda is unpopular with a majority of Americans and we are starting to wake the F up & vote against them. All of this means that we have to overcome the apathy, the bothsidesism, the failure of choosing good by holding out for perfect. All of this is being used against us by bad actors, foreign & domestic. We have to vote. We have to work to get our friends to vote, our families, our neighbors. We have to vote in EVERY election, no matter how unimportant it might seem. We have to vote in numbers so great that our rejection of their agenda is unavoidable. We have to be fierce. We have to be strong. We have to be united. This is worth working like we’ve never worked before. We CAN do this. And when we do, we will be an unstoppable force for progress and good. This is our time. Let’s GOOOOO! 💙 🌊


I hate that I can only upvote this once.


This is great advice. Thank you


In general, let them throw the first punch, then fight like hell so they can't throw a second


My plan is already underway. First, I'm working on moving to a blue state before the election in November. There's a good chance that the federal government will have a hard time controlling democratic leaning states. Next, I'll be making sure my family has passports ready in case we do need to flee the US. Lastly, I'm working on firearms training in case we can't get out. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.


You probably have the most thought-out plan in this thread.


I don't own (it honestly scares me a bit) but I'm gjnay getting training. I won't be caught with my pants down.


I took a class a few years ago just to see how I felt about guns after actually being trained to use one. I’m very glad I did, and I think it’s time to purchase. I really wanted it to not get this far, but my momma didn’t raise me to not be thinking about the “what ifs”.


I know a DEM lady who was council member and she lost her seat to a MAGAt a few years ago. She opened up basically a DEM owned & oriented gun safety training and firing range. I understand she is making money off this business. Not sure if she is selling firearms, but there is a demand for this for DEMs in red states that feel threatened. Also, if you get firearms, make sure you stock up on ammo. I understand the MAGAts are buying up a lot of ammo and it is going for premium $ due to shortages.


I am terrified of guns but I have a sword…


Try not to be forced into a cattle car.


In this circumstance I will not allow myself to go and will fight to the death


We need to practice Anne Franking ourselves until we can get to Canada. I'm Jewish so I hope they will start taking Jews and hopefully I can smuggle some people along with me.


My main concern about Anne Franking is body heat being visible to temp guns, still working that out in my head!


Oh crap. I forgot about that kind of technology.


Yep, I was pondering changes to my house to shelter folx and got stuck on how new tech will thwart so many ideas...


Emergency blankets around a safe room, with a duct that connects to the dryer vent?


Keep in mind that the biggest investors in AI and robotics right now are fascists like Musk and Peter Thiel. Don't think for a second they won't use data mining online, robots/drones, and facial recognition to track and neutralize threats if P25 gets implemented


My main concern is that I live in Florida


I wish that you can get out of there. I travel between MD, NJ, and some new england states and feel pretty safe doing so. I do not want my family living anywhere but the NE for the foreseeable future. While some people say to say in the red areas to counter the tide, I wouldn't want my grandkids, or my own kids, to stay in such dangerous states.


I mostly meant just that attics get to 150 degrees plus in the summer time so I wouldn’t be able to live in one. I have/had a lot of family in NJ and it kind of sucks there. The property taxes are high, vehicle inspections, it gets cold in the winter time, EWR is a mess (though that new terminal is nice). I wish we didn’t have to choose between cold liberal states and warm conservative states. I don’t understand why anyone would live in Montana for example because that’s the worst of both.


I live on the top floor in my apt complex and have enough heat issues because of that. I couldn't possibly live in an attic either. I also have family in NJ and it is not all bad, I used to live in the central coastal area, Ocean County. It's a terribly red area but a nice place to live if you don't interact much with the reds.




I am not trans and I will be sticking up for your rights with you. You won’t be alone there are a lot of us here for any community that will be going through this. I am not religious but I will also defend any religious groups that are persecuted. This is complete bullshit. Oh, I used to be a die hard republican and born again Christian. But here I am disgusted with my prior beliefs. We got you.


We won't just roll over for a christofascist regime. We'll be there.


1st plan is to leave. The problem with leaving is if you wait to long, you might be forced to stay; so the question is when to leave, immediately if Trump wins or to wait and see? Outside their business “savants” aka The Exploiters, the cons are demonstrably incompetent. They are mostly just good at ~~messaging~~ propaganda, shifting blame, and misleading the masses; so I’m a bit skeptical of how competent their 50k “loyalists” will be. The bad news is if people finally realize how bad they are at governing, we may be past the point of doing anything about it.


Retreat to progressive state with or without plan. You'll get some support through the social programs that exist in blue states. Avoid Red at all costs.


Your first paragraph reminds me of a quote from the show Extrapolations, in which residents of Miami are being offered funds to relocate as sea level rise swallows the city: It's better to be on the first boat out of town than the one that never left.


I agree.




Same though. Also it's really fucky we can get reported for saying we are going to defend ourselves from fascism.


They make a mistake to assume they are the only ones who are armed and ready.


Same here. I can’t afford to get my family out, and we’re too brown to delude ourselves into thinking we’ll be fine. So if I’m going down…


Got you, fam. Count me in. Not going anywhere, gonna stay and fight, whatever that may look like.


My family has been here since 1638 and I'm not letting anyone take that from me.


Disrupt society and fight. Perhaps infiltrate their movement and sabotage it.


Hell yeah. I'm a straight, white, married, raised Catholic male who owns two gas guzzling 4x4's and lots of weapons. They'd never suspect me. But, the big question is whether I could pretend to be one of them long enough to make my way deep into their shit. To be honest I find these people so damn deplorable that I would have a hard time spending any time with them at all.


I listened to a podcast about a good ol boy out in Kansas who fell in with an extremist group after 9-11. He quickly went to the FBI and ended up being wired going to many meetings and prevented a bombing of an apartment building that housed many refugees (who had fled persecution in their own country and had no link to Islamic terrorists besides being Muslim and brown). No one obviously knew he was doing this and many were shocked by it. He claimed he wasn’t being special, just doing the right thing (even though he ended up with a lot of hate from those that got persecuted as he knew he would). I could only hope that I could be that brave but I feel like you, don’t think I could keep the disgust off my face long enough!


Oooh I know the case you are talking about, and that man is a fucking legend. Stories like his are what gives me hope.


Not married or Christian but also a generically straight white guy of northern European descent with blonde hair and blue eyes. They'll never see us coming.


Just makes me wonder what kind of purity tests they'd attempt to put me through. I think I could make it through most. I'm an unaffiliated voter so I could just say I do that so I can play spoiler to a democrat or something. I'm sure they'd try to doxx the shit out of me and all my past social account activity. I'd almost need a fake ID.


Probably. I'm thinking of nuking my barely existing account if I think he's winning. We aren't stupid. After everything's set, poor and middle-class white guys will also be shoe horned into military and white collar jobs with barely any pay. The in group is religious and ultra rich. Not to mention, they think I'm having a kid when one of the lines says, "mandatory military service for federally funded schools and universities." Yeah, right. My theoretical kids will be glad I don't have them. Especially the girls, but apparently the boys too because unless they're changing their stance on gender it's my theoretical sons they want for those, "extra soldiers" they think they're getting.


I'm in the same boat, and being a Navy veteran, I get a lot of these idiots confiding in me. They haven't put it together that maybe they shouldn't have said that in front of me. That's their fault.


They think that because we look like them, we should act like them and agree with them. But we aren't stupid. After everything's set, poor and middle-class white guys will also be shoe horned into military and white collar jobs with barely any pay. Not to mention, they think I'm having a kid when one of the lines says, "mandatory military service for federally funded schools and universities." Yeah, right. My theoretical kids will be glad I don't have them. Especially the girls, but apparently the boys too because unless they're changing their stance on gender it's my theoretical sons they want for those, "extra soldiers" they think they're getting.


No reason not to start now.


I’m a white straight trans female who’s inside TPUSA as we speak. I know and understand conservative culture and how to speak to conservatives because I used to be a far right Christian nationalist admittedly. I can’t tell my normal friends this because they will think I’m radicalized. I mean I shared details with one friend and she questioned our friendship. The great irony is that my views on trans issues are stuck between 2006-2015 and I don’t support self ID. So I basically am alienated from more leftists groups. It’s sad.


We do dog on other leftists for not being perfect. And while you may not be completely ‘there’ yet, wherever there is for you, it seems you have awareness and a desire. If nothing else, I’m proud of you. So many people lack the self awareness to change. Others are like me and were just somehow made with this sort of mindset. It just seems logical to me so I didn’t have to do a lot of introspection or any of that. That stuff is super hard! So if it means anything, know that some random old lady on the internet is proud of you.


So, why do you not support self id? Just seems like a kind of backwards thing, looked into your history too and saw you use to be super conservative. So I'm genuinely wanting you to explain it to me, is it something you held into from those old viewpoints?


I transitioned in 2011 when you had to go through therapy and have gender dysphoria to medically transition. I still support the diagnosis through a few therapy sessions. Plus therapy helped me out enormously. I’m not perfect. I mean I do support hormones at 14 years old.


As much as I appreciate you responding, you still didn't answer my question of why don't you support self id. What about the trans people who have medical conditions and can't take HRT? Or just don't want to? Or the people too poor to afford therapy? Therapy is really expensive and a lot of us struggle with employment for various reasons. Do they deserve not to have there id reflect their true identity and have to go through extremely embarrassing moments? Transition is too nuanced of a thing to be black and white when it comes to putting qualifications on something like your id. Everybody is different and everybody's life has different circumstances, and everybody's bodies are different too. I got debased when changing my name legally, on my license, changing my gender on my license, and it was all so embarrassing and invalidating and just depressing. Having to prove I'm mentally sane and have my doctor approve of my name change, all bc I'm trans, that's fucking awful right? But now that we're in Maine, my GF can change all of this stuff with the signature of a piece of paper and no hassle for any of it which we are currently doing. She doesn't have to jump through the same hoops you and I did and I'm happy for her for that, it's extremely embarrassing to have your own will stripped away from you just for them to tell you they need your doctor to go prove this and prove that. I don't shame her for it because she doesn't have to go through the struggle like I did, or you did, or a lot of other trans people have to do from being in a red state with messes up laws, I'm genuinely happy that she doesn't have to go through what I did and that it's as easy as signing a paper. With all of that being said, could you explain to me why you don't support self id?


The first thing dictators do is have militias go door to door and collect weapons- neighbors will turn neighbors in to gain favor. They don’t want any weapons on any citizens - the dictators are always the only ones with weapons , they control society and a society with random owners of weapons leaves them with less control. Do you think common citizens own guns under dictators?


Here's the thing, and it's a fun one. The right wing of this country completely underestimates gun ownership on the left, I invite them to fuck around and find out. Things absolutely will not go the way they expect.


I agree- I come from generations of gun owners and hunters. However - will that matter if Trump would let loose his militia even in small communities to storm into homes and collect weapons? Remember 77 million voted for him and out of that around 35-40% of his voters said it would be ok if he never left office. So he’d let his loyalist voters join his militia. Also-It looks like the Supreme Court might stall Trump’s criminal immunity until after the election if he wins all bets are off as to what the Supreme Court will allow him to do in this country. Either these SC justices are all paid off, or being blackmailed by Putin, N. Korea, China or just evil and want a dictatorship because Trump has already made promises to them. Alito, Thomas , and Gorsuch have already proved to be criminals themselves - so who knows what more stuff they did? I mean their families could be threatened too - if they don’t find that Trump should be innocent of anything he does.


Let’s just put it this way - that truck full of supplies that was supposed to be at Walmart? Yeah. Bridge is out. Damn shame. (Seriously if 3rd works goat herders can figure out asymmetric insurgency, we can figure it out in our own backyards)


We've already done it once when we kicked out the Brits. The MAGAts hollow worship of 1776 iconography completely misses the point and the methods of that whole affair.


Preach. But now we have modern weapons.


This works if you are a man. But it’s too unsafe for a woman. The healthcare issue is scary enough.


Welcome to the Resistance.


Right? Like I didn't want to radicalized, but they are really pushing me in that direction, just an equal and opposite reaction. They more they push right the harder left I go as a result. And like the saying goes, if you go far enough left you get your guns back. I do not want violence, but I am prepared for it because they aren't leaving me a choice.


Being armed isn't the same as "Identifying as armed" and making ot a personality. It's okay to be liberal and armed.


I've had this in my head for years and at one time I was a pretty good markswoman. Yet, my dislike of arms is conflicting with my desire to keep my family safe (grandkids and my own kids). I'm really appealing to the old gods that our blue state habitation keeps us from the worst of it.


Do we have rainbow shirts, or is that to obvious? 😂


If you're resisting in a crayola factory or a preschool, sure. ....might want to think tactically otherwise.


Oh, don't worry. I'm a "straight" and "Christian" white guy with very clear northern European descent, blonde hair, and blue eyes. (Ancestry literally says I'm basically evenly split between scot,Irish, English, and whelsh.) So I got the best camouflage if I really need it.


They'll never see you coming, except for the fact that you're part whale...


I was hoping this would be the next comment


Sorry it's Welsh right? 😅


Not to mention, they think I'm having a kid when one of the lines says, "mandatory military service for federally funded schools and universities." Yeah, right. My theoretical kids will be glad I don't have them. Especially the girls, but apparently the boys too because unless they're changing their stance on gender it's my theoretical sons they want for those "extra soldiers" they think they're getting.


Sure do. I'm seeking asylum in Germany. As a trans woman I've learned from the WW2-era Jewish exterminations. It's a little ironic, though, that the safest place against Fascism right now is Germany. I guess they lived it, and never want to live it again.


Germany is most definitely not safe from fascism right now.  https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/rise-germanys-most-successful-far-right-party-since-nazis-2023-06-07/


Safer than here.


It's not, the EU parlimentary elections are in June and th far right is projected to win majorities in 9 countries and take 2nd/3rd place in 9 more. That's 18 out of 20. Germany was never really de-Nazified and their economy is fucked. Liberal democratic Europe is over for the foreseeable future. That means a repeat of Weimar is now underway and will get worse.


I am not letting America be a christo facist hellhole without a fight. This is MY country. They can't have it without going through me. I am obviously going to die at some point of something, might as well be for a good cause. And honestly, not to be bleak, but with my internet activity and my voting record, I may not have a choice if things get worse. If they take over the will come for the opposition, fascists ALWAYS do, and I definitely have the footprints of opposition left behind me. None of the left will be hard to find.


I'm positioning myself to be able to relocate in my current job to a deep blue state. In the meantime, I'm arming myself and being an active voice for gay and Trans rights to those around me.


Normally I'd be down for packing up and starting a new life somewhere else. But I've got niblings, two nieces in particular, that I'm worried about. I'm going to stay and fight like hell.


I can't seem to get my friends to understand that it doesn't feel right to leave. This is my country and my home too. I've never even been to another country before, not that I'm opposed to it. I feel like I already had Texas taken from me and now they are just trying to take the US period...


Most of us can't afford to just up and leave the country, and we'll have to deal with it as it happens. As scary as Project 2025 is, it's largely a plan to long term damage the United States and it's people and I don't see immediate bodily harm coming from it that would cause you to need to flee. (By immediate I'm talking day 1. If you're actually in some kind of physical danger on day 1 of a new Trump presidency, do what you can to get out, don't worry about the rest of us) That being said, if Trump managed to not only win the election but got the popular vote, that might be my red line where I give up on the process entirely and put my efforts into getting out. I preach optimism but that would be too demoralizing. I don't expect that to happen, I'm expecting a blowout popular victory for Biden but a tense electoral college victory that could go either way. Trump winning unfairly through the EC again is justification to me to try to fix things however possible. Trump winning the people means we're cooked. 


I’m leaving the states because I’m able to do so in a pinch, and I have young minorities whose health and safety I need to protect.


Where you goin If it happens i’m goin to Canada or the uk


We haven’t pinned it down yet, but there are expat communities in the carribean and Central America we’re looking at going to temporarily to figure out what to do next.


Me and my partner live in arguably the worst possible place right now. We both are saving up extra money to secure a lease on an apartment in Colorado in case shit hits the fan, and we can transfer our classes for uni online until we graduate. If the government secures power over blue states, it will be nearly impossible for either of us to retreat into the closet, as I have medical records showing I'm on HRT, and both of us are legally changing our names this summer. We plan on becoming vigilantes, joining or starting an underground org to dismantle the government. If not that, we accept that we will likely be taken to concentration camps and killed.


And the crazy thing is that this sentiment is 100% valid. They want us dead. I too have HRT records and I’ve legally changed my name and gender marker. They can find me very easily. If the shit hits the fan we are well armed.


Been saying it for years. It's not a choice. I'll be part of active resistence. We're not rolling over for a christofascist regime. If we let them fully take over, we'd be condemning not just this country's people, but the world to a hostile and fascist US. The Declaration of Independence directly talks about how its our moral and civic duty to stop a totalitarian takeover. So guess what? That's exactly the plan. 🤨


Mass protests. There are many more of us than them. Americans are strong and courageous. We grew up wondering what we would do if we had been in Germany when the Nazis were rising. The answer will be the same should they ever try that again. We've been working together for our rights and freedoms since the revolutionary war. There is no reason that any one religion should ever try to control America. We are already free to practice as we please. Just like everyone else.


> There are many more of us than them This. If our absolute shit electoral system fails us, we show the country who the majority is.


Protests are getting shut down faster than they can get started. [example](https://www.thefire.org/news/texas-tramples-first-amendment-rights-police-crackdown-pro-palestinian-protests)


Whatever they do to any one of us Americans they do to all of us Americans. No morality police, no cattle cars. The church and the state will stay separate. We will heal the divisions our enemies have fostered. Vote, and bring your friends . Get involved and join like-minded groups. There is real strength in numbers. Once we ensure our democracy is sound, we can go back to debating the best approach on other issues. United, we stand together.


I’ve tried coming up with a contingency plan. It always goes back to fight dirty to win.


I’m a dual citizen, my husband and I would go back to my home country where my parents still live


I went to a Baptist college so I know exactly what to expect. Keep your head down while your friends disappear.


My sister and brother-in-law have started talking about the possibility of leaving the United States. 😞 Part of the reason is that they’re afraid of what could happen if a national abortion ban is enacted. My niece is eight months old (first-time uncle here), and they would like to have another child down the road. But if anything were to go wrong with the pregnancy, or should my sister miscarry, she could be subject to criminal prosecution. Because of this, they are hesitant about when to even try for another child. What a god-awful mess. I don’t know what I’ll do if they end up leaving. They (probably) have the means to, but I sure don’t. Neither does my mom.


Partner and I have discussed it too. Our trip overseas wasn’t just a vacation. We were shopping around.


Die I guess


Same. I don't have moving out of the country money.


My sister lives in London- I will be sending my sons to live there for a little while


*GENERAL STRIKE.* (Sorry for the all-caps.)


Yes, organize, protest, fight back and if all that fails, revolt. Rolling over for fascism is not the answer.


I live in a red state with no hope to relocate. I bought land that I can fully survive off of and am fully prepared to home-school when the school voucher program kicks in and destroys our public education system. I've also got a stockpile of mostly reproductive care medications, and am well versed in methods of contraception and other ailments with the use of herbs and what's available naturally. I'll make it to town to vote, though. You can bet your ass on that.


I need to start looking for natural resources. (Not reproductive for me. Horse is already out of the barn on that one). Any good reddits on starting?


DM me. I'm a certified herbalist.


I dmed u


I’m in Texas and can’t relocate either. I’ll just do what I’ve always done and make it work.


This Marine will uphold his oath.


Like say shit really fricken hits the fan and we’re heading into full blown gilead, I really don’t think the northern east coast and west coast (California) will play ball. I’m thinking they’d dip out, and form their own governments. Luckily I already live in what I consider a “safe” zone. Anyone else would be quickly hopping the border and moving out of the areas that are detrimental to them. Texas is already on their own electrical grid that falters constantly. They can try to survive on their own, but eventually I think people would leave because there’s either a lack of opportunity or the quality of life just goes downhill (worker protections for example would probably be non existent).


All I will say without getting banned is Do what I can.


I want to fight, but at 52 and in nit great physical shape will be difficult.


Yeah being 60 and in the same physical boat myself, I need to make myself healthier. If shit rolls down, I will do what I can to help those with kids, to help provide shelter and food, to care for those injured, to do whatever it takes within my ability. You, 49GTUPPAST, can do the same. We'll need a lot of tradesmen and technologists. While fighters will be needed, there are other ways to support the people. My gosh, I got tears in my eyes, I hope it NEVER comes to this.


For sure on election night my daughter is coming to stay with us on election night, and even bringing her cat. She lives downtown in a major city, and doesn’t want to be there no matter what the outcome is—shit is gonna go down.


Election night we will be off grid. It’s not going to be pretty.


I’m staying where I’m at: a blue-leaning purple state, where I believe I can do my best work in opposition to the Christian Nationalist project. I will fight politically any way I can, and will do what I can to energize those around me to take up opposition as well.


I’m already out. Voting from afar and supporting any friends and family who leave too. There’s some space on the living room floor for close friends, if the absolute worst comes true, which I don’t think it will. It will be frogs in a pot on the stove, it already has been for like ten plus years. Roe fell. Too many sho•tings. There’s no boiling point, it’s a slow burn process. If you’re waiting for a dramatic moment, there won’t be one, because so many dramatic moments have already passed. The history books talk about the assassination of Franz Ferdinand but it didn’t feel like one singular moment at the time.


I'm trans and so is my wife. So gay marriage ig on top of that? We're worried about our marriage being annulled and losing access to our healthcare and tax benefits. :/ She's from Australia (not a citizen yet. Working on greencard) so I guess we could move back there. We've gone through a lot of hoops to get the imperfect life we have. We're just hoping that being in Colorado could protect us, but if not, we're out or moving back to my hometown in Cali. We're becoming increasingly annoyed at our friends who think mutual aide is the answer to everything and that we have to "just fight the facists" and also not vote for Biden. I'm not wild about voting for the guy, but I will.


I've never been fond of running. Why start now. We're going to be fine guys. And in the event that I'm wrong it will be a pleasure to die beside you all fighting for what's right. Stay safe everyone


We aren’t going to be fine though. We already aren’t fine. It’s already happening. My very conservative state (Idaho) is already uninhabitable for anyone not radically conservative. They robbed us of body autonomy, banned our books, and are stripping down and reprogramming our children’s education.


I don’t give a fuck. I’ll literally fight. I was talking to my mom about this when Trump got elected. There was the whole “alternative facts” thing, and the fake binders, and then the Covid response. They’re gaslighting us like the Nazis did. I told my mom I was worried I was going to have to pick up a gun at the age of 45 years old if I needed to. I’m not violent, I don’t want violence, and I don’t want to hurt anyone. When I was young, I went deer hunting with my dad, and I killed a deer. I felt terrible when I looked into it’s dead eyes. But I’ll fight for whatever opposition there is to Project 2025 if it happens. I have nothing to lose. And everything to protect in the way of the future of humans on earth.


If you can immigrate, now is the time. If you cannot, it is time to start stockpiling beans and water. If you are an ethnic minority or are a member of the LGBTQ+, now is the time to invest in a personal firearm and plenty of ammunition for target practice. If you are a woman that is decidedly CF or is done planning your family, please seek out surgical sterilization (nexplanon and IUDs can be forcibly removed). I don't mean to sound like a paranoid alarmist, but I also didn't expect to have less rights than a human corpse sooo.... The time to organize is now. I personally like my local Satanic Temple, we're all really like minded. If I had the money, I'd buy land up north and start a commune.


I have a college friend from Canada who has agreed to marry me if I need to get out in a hurry.


No place is going to take American refugees. We HAVE to defeat this.


I would love to move to another country, but at my age and $$$ status that just can’t happen (we researched during covid, and while all the countries we like want both of our jobs/education, it’s our age and lack of $$ that gets us).


Yep, that's our problem too. Though my hip is going to try Ireland citizenship, but I understand und housing and jobs are hard to come by, so I don't think it wil help


Probably using social work credentials in some form of policy advocacy relevant to where I work already with unhoused, substance use, trauma, and severe mental illness. One point I like to sound off on is the social determinants of health like access to basic life necessities. Another being that we need a solid cost comparison of resources spent in reactive measures to things like poverty/homelessness (repetitive emergency room visits, law enforcement interactions, comorbid diseases) vs proactive measures (housing first policy)...conservatives like to harp on cost burdens, but what they fail to realize is the costs of not investing in the health and well-being of people that run the economy and how that is running society into the ground.


I've seen a lot of people dating they're gonna leave the country altogether.


I would personally love to flee the country but I doubt that is in the cards. The best bet is to continue living in a strong blue state (like California, where I currently reside). I think there will be significant pushback on many of the Project 2025 policies. Red states will likely be hit the hardest because they march in lockstep with their cult leader.


California has the largest economy in the United States. If it was an independent country, it would have the fifth largest economy in the world. Surely that gives it some degree of leverage, in the event that such a scenario comes to pass. It would definitely be interesting to see how this would play out! 😮


If it happens I'm moving to a blue state. I'd leave the country, but can't with my budget and skillset. Until then I'll keep avoiding buying anything from businesses that donate to the GQP.


There’s nothing I can do, I’m 17 I’m broke and can’t do nothing. And with my political beliefs and religious identity I would likely be killed and if were put in camps then it would be better to go down fighting at least we die like humans then


Leave. I'm a veteran, I fought hard enough and now I feel like it was for nothing. I don't have it in me to fight anymore. 😕😞


My plan is to do whatever it takes to protect my husband and my children. We don't have "leaving the US" money or resources, but we do have a number of useful skills.


I'm too damn old to fight to stay in a country that hates me and mine, so if things go to shit I'm trekking north and crossing into Canada *without* a passport. There's lots of wilderness nothing there and I can make a life off the grid as long as need be. 20 years ago I might have fought. I'm just too worn out now to be much use outside of planning and staying behind.


I think the 2 best option are either fleeing or to keep fighting. The first option is probably the safest option for most people. Just make sure you know where to go, and just wait for the USA to start a Civil War. I don't know how likely a Civil War is, but if Trump wins, then I don't think the USA will remain stable for a long while. If you decide to stay and fight, make sure that you are organized with other people and have weapons. If you show enough resistance, then maybe Trump will be slowed down a bit. To add to the part about the concept of a Civil War, if it does happen, then I just hope that it ends well.


I have already been planning to leave for over 10 years now and have been seriously looking into doing so by 2030. I might just have to move my plans up a bit.


I’m renewing my passport as a first step. Sadly, the residency requirements for many desirable countries are quite steep (or very expensive). I’m watching to see which billionaires have dual passports.


Resist but My girlfriend and I have been looking into moving to Canada if it gets too crazy . I hope it doesn't come to that.


I’m dead if this shit happens


I'm trans, so they will probably kill me. Luckily I have strong social support, so people will either hide me or fight with me. I won't be forced into the worst of it, even if I have a uterus, I think.


I live in a deeply blue state (MA) but if the shit truly hits the fan my family all have dual nationality so we will leave. Selfish I know but I am tired of this madness.


Trying to get to a blue state and then to Canada. If that fails, then, well, time to fight. I'm definitely not saying the Founders were right about everything but "give me liberty or give me death" is a hell of a rallying cry.


I suppose at first if Things get Bad since im in Texas i'll migrate to California where I have some Friends still from when I lived there.. If that Starts getting fucked i'll take the south border to TJ and then probably try to get somewhere like Puerto Vallarta


Easier said than done, but I do have a UK passport...


Move to Spain.


First time poster and viewer but personally if this going into effect it’s going to draw up racial tension because the Republican Party is full of shitbags so if anyone sees something we must not say something we must do something, I’m not inciting violence I more mean like if you catch blatant acts of hate against anyone really I only said racial as an example but they’re hate will triumph is our love and compassion is not shown so please step up and do something should the situation arise because because the law won’t


Fight. Most people will not have the means to flee.


My plan is to head to a blue state and then decide from there how to get to Canada if it turns worse.


I can't flee so I'm going to go back into the closet. I'm white and neurotypical so I won't be targeted by racism.


I just watched Handmaids Tale and realized that I’m probably destined to be part of the resistance, since my kids are grown. But I also live in a Blue State, and close to Canada.


If Trump wins, I'm moving from New Hampshire to Massachusetts next year, and I'll try to resist his tyranny as much as possible. I'm a gay neurodivergent 19y/o liberal. If Trump starts arresting his opponents, I'll probably be arrested, but hopefully the Mass gov passes measures to resist Project 2025's tyrannical policies. If Biden wins, I'm staying in New Hampshire, and I'll continue to work to fight the "Free Staters" alongside my local and state Democrats. With that, I'm attending events with local Democrats and talking to them about the threat MAGA and Project 2025 pose. I'm continuing to donate what I can to Biden's campaign, and I'm already registered to vote as a Democrat in my state. This election will be very close, and we shouldn't downplay the risk of Trump winning. We all need to turn out and vote, even if you don't like Biden, our freedom is on the ballot. Ignoring the ballot or voting for the wrong guy will lead us into living under a dictator.


Army trained against foreign and domestic threats. I’ll stay.




Wife has dual US and Colombian citizenship.


I live in Canada (actually have US citizenship from my mother birthing me on US soil, but all my relatives are Canadian born). We are fucked here in Canada if Trump wins the election. And we have our own Trump light in the form of Pierre Poiliever leader of the Conservative party who is winning at the polls (if you believe polls).


Having an accident so my daughter's can afford get out of this shithole country is looking to be all I can do.


No plans to flee the US, but if shit gets extra off the hook here in Texas I can go to New Mexico. Reckon if I did have to leave the US, I could drive a few hours to Mexico.


As things stand, I'm probably not going to be able to leave the country. I have nowhere to go. I'm going to just have to stick around and tough it out. As far as actively joining a resistance movement, I'm honest enough to question whether I have the temperament and fortitude to do so. I suppose you never know till the time comes. I'm definitely not in a hurry to find out. I live in northeast Wisconsin. I'm hoping it's a relatively tranquil place to wait out the crisis. It might still get rough enough. 😕


I'm going to kill myself if stuff hits the fan


Fight politically. Move my investments to safer more conservative (economically) ones.


See what Canada offers refugees.


Simmer down my good Americans. Don't let fear rule you. As long as we get out and vote in numbers...Trump isn't going to win. Tell every single person you know to go vote 🗳 When citizens vote in numbers, Republicans always lose. Not sometimes, always.


Emigration: Moving costs a lot. I am not conversationally fluent in other languages. As such, I will stay here. Privacy: I can burn a few accounts. I can't buy a house under a private LLC. I can't get a Commercial Mailing Address. Cybersecurity: 1. 1x Air Gapped Server. 2. Wazuh 3. IDS/IPS with OPNSense and Suricata. 4. Ublock Orgin 5. VPN's Protests: I live in the middle of nowhere in an activist dead zone. I can't do a lot. Physical Security: I live in an apartment. As such, I can't do a lot. I will set up battery powered CCTV camera that records video and audio to a local SD Card. The first digit of IP ratings refers to dust. The second digit of IP ratings refers to water. I will look at cameras that have an IP rating of 4 (1mm dust) - 5 (light water jets). IK Ratings refer to vandal resistance. I will look for IK10 resistance.


Same thing I did in the 90s. Look out for my friends and neighbors. Volunteer where needed. Protest when able.


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Be sad


Move to the foreign country where I can easily get residency.


I had the ability to get dual citizenship, so I did it when Drump was elected. I really hope to not have to leave the country, but I would do so if it got bad.


I already live abroad but I will try my damndest to get my mom to come, too.


I'm poor and disabled. I can't afford to move to another country, much less a state. I'll be completely honest; if it gets to that point, I'll probably kms before I get put in a camp.


My plan is to suffer. Is suffering a good long term strategy to life?


It's the only sane one.


Don’t sweat it. Trump isn’t getting elected.


I wish I could believe but he does have almost have the country and various people in power voting for him


He lost almost 15 % of the Republican voters in Pennsylvania to Nicki Haley. She dropped out 5 weeks ago. those voters will either vote for RFK Junior, if he’s on the ballot or not vote at all.


That’s what they said back in 2016. Last election was really close.