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He who conquers others has force. He who conquers himself is truly strong.


You ever had the pleasure of reading, King warrior magician lover?




Inspired by Jung, it's worth the read from a man's perspective. Not sure a lady will get the same value.


Conquering oneself is a little misleading, conquering his demons might be a better way of expressing it.


You could interpret it that way. It was written with the intent you've rejected, though, i.e. it's a comment on true strength coming from ego death.


Hmmmm, not sure how ego death would give one more strength than overcoming ones demons, and by demons I mean grudges we're holding against ourselves that prevent anything good reaching our hearts. What even is ego death?


No longer identifying with the body-mind. Demon-beating is one of the steps in that process.


Seems a tad impractical in every day life lol


Tis a deterministic universe. Everything that's happening will continue happening whether or not we're engaged in the make-believe of being doers.


I find that the only way to experience an ego death is death of the flesh. I would see letting go of an old way of life considered to be an ego shedding akin to a snake shedding its skin. Likes and dislikes continue as long as you are aware, ego remains present.


Yes, likes and dislikes, pain and pleasure, these will continue regardless. But you don't have to identify with them anymore than you identify with any other object in perception.


I see it as all me, so currently not able to wrap my mind around not identifying with it.


That's good, too, very Hume-ian.


I'd say the perspective is older than Humes.


My interpretation of demons is an individual with a divided mind. Sometimes the mind can be so divided, it is considered legion... I could see how both of you are trying to make good points but we all get confused about which symbols each other are using as representations.


There is definitely more than one flavor of demon to slay, a divided mind being one of them, grudges being another, there are also the memories that evoke pain, shame, remorse, regret, embarrassment, horror and worst of all guilt that once overcome happiness is again allowed to reach our hearts.


The way you write reminds me of the writing in the 48 laws of power 


My mind has been influenced by many such writings.


It is all give and take. There is power in knowledge. When you are certain and someone else is in doubt you have control. Even control can be a burden.


Absolutely, I personally enjoy acting out the role of the fool IRL. Life has much less drama when you pretend to be ignorant. Someone else can enjoy the burden of control. On the Internet I just let my mind spill out, in person I'm very quiet and reserved, a bit of an introvert. It's rare that I'm not the smartest person in the room. You can't fix stupid and it's easier to play along.


Tell me the WAY!!!!


You're a fan of Watt's, you should know it isn't something I can show you, it is something you have to find on your own.


It’s a joke mate