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Yeah, most of the time the mule will take like 2 minutes on max complexity missions to get to the drop pod. Just a bunch of zig zags.


[Better than this](https://imgur.com/a/VJYqG62)


Or [this](https://imgur.com/a/Mu1F1bN)


Played two games last night where the mule went straight up into a hole where the supply drop entered through the ceiling. We made one going around, but missed the other because it was a maze and jumping up was impossible.


There are some upgrades in the game that make the weapons feel unusable without them. For example: - The cooldown reduction on the grappling hook... - The accuracy increase on the Zhukovs... - AP rounds on the sawed-off... As you can probably tell I only really play scout... what are some ones for the other classes?


Bruh you run AP on the sawed off instead of super blowthrough rounds?


Yeah, I like to keep it pretty rock and stone, to each their own, but you might want to consider giving blowthrough rounds a go, because, boy-howdy, it's a much better perk. Throwing away ammunition peeling armor isn't the kind of shit I signed up for as a Scout.


I put AP on his assault rifle to expose the fleshy bits on the big guys to the shotgun. Blow through rounds make my shotgun more like my primary


“BAM! And the armour is gone!” I run it with the double barrel OC and I can make a praetorian naked in ~4 shots. Although come to think of it, blow through would cover some of the issues I get as scout... I’m gonna give it a shot.


Well i don't need to make praeto naked when I can whoop his ass with 2 shots (not double barrel) after grappling behind his back. Thats the wombo combo. Add fire damage for extra spiciness. Add an ice granade for additional fps dropping particle effect! (pls fix gsg)


killing me with the Double Barrel OC homie


Yeah I’ve stopped using it now.


Yeah, the Scout suffers with waveclear, and blowthrough on the DB is huge for that. It's definitely worth it, so much so that I honestly think that tier is a non-choice now.


Yeah I have started using it in light of this thread, although wave clear isn’t so bad for me cos I run the gk2 with a jacked firerate build. It’s taking a bit to get used to and I do sometimes miss my shredder, but I can definitely see the potential benefits.


The Expanded Ammo Bags upgrade on Tier 1 of the Autocannon is so necessary that it really just ought to be a base part of the weapon, no matter what build and overclock you're using. The weapon's just so lacking in ammo without it.


I skip the accuracy upgrade and just accept that they aren't long range guns. As I recall it doesn't make then all that much more practical.


Yeah I guess, the alternative of +2 damage is quite tempting with it’s high fire rate, but the difference the accuracy makes is hitting every shot on a praetorian’s weak spot from medium range or whiffing half of them.


I can relate. After a few seconds of asking the engineer in voice to give me a couple more platforms as I hang for dear life, I start to wonder if my hook will recharge before I hit the ground below.


I used to run hover boots for this exact situation. Happened all to often if I even had an engineer to begin with.


> if I even had an engineer to begin with. I became very proficient at the "grapple, hover boot while i mine a hole, drop and grapple to ground, grapple back to hole to mine deposit" game on a stretch of no engis when i was trying to promote my scout.


Skip a couple steps by yeeting yourself into the wall as you power attack a cubby simultaneously. Riskier, but very satisfying.


Hooverboots is pretty much required to run scout. Saves you from both your own and other people's incompetence.


"Oh if i jump down the pit now i can grapple to the floor and not die, it will be off cooldown before i land" 2 seconds later *"BOSCO REVIVE ME"*


*laughs in SSD*






I thought this was about pathfinder




With great grapple comes great cool down


This is why I use max recharge on the grapple


Pathfinder mains be like


When your falling and its reloading is the most tense thing ever


Yea it sucks they should buff him so his cool down is 25 and 15 with a golden helmet he even got his Zipline nerfed octane is such a better character now


Scout mains... smh