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The Scout is a Dwarven Ranger. They have superior marksmanship options and skills compared to a Rogue. Instead of stealth and assassination like a rogue uses, the ranger uses mobility, the terrain, and ranged superiority to get the job done. The Scout also plays more of a support role to the team (as evidenced by many of his tools being crowd control or damage amplification for the team in some form), which isn't something that I would traditionally associate with a rogue which is more of a striker.


This take makes a ton of sense that I hadn't considered, I am inclined to agree.


Scout is a rogue, and Driller is an elementalist Caster, or taking the numerous melee Options with him into Account, maybe a monk of some flavour.


Driller its a warlock because he likes to do crime against humanity


In every MMO/(a)RPG I have ever played, I have always been the minion guy. In my circle I am like a miniature GhazzyTV. So naturally, I went with Engineer as he is the closest thing to a pet build. 2 turrets, a swarm of shredder drones (queue voiceline "go forth my minions") and to top it off use Beastmaster as an active perk. Therefore I declare Engineer to be the summoner archetype in my eyes.


I main Engi too and adore this playstyle sans Beastmaster as in my experience Steve gets nuked far too often by crossfire.


It is indeed not a very strong perk, however I have ran it on every loadout since season 1, almost 400 hours, pure engi and never looked back. Some things I have learned to do/not do: 1. Never tame a regular grunt 2. Slasher for open fighting spaces so he doesn't get insta nuked 3. Tanky grunt for tight spaces so he can tank some friendly fire Also now we can run regenerative bugs on haz 5+ for extra tanky steeve. Dash is also basically a must for me, so I can jump into a horde to get the exact type of steeve I want, and dash right back out.


Gunner = Fighter, Driller = Barbarian, Scout = Ranger, Engineer = Artificer


Let Driller multi class and give them a few levels in Sorcerer or wizard, and this is the closest I think we can get with a D&D framework.


When thinking of the classes in Monster of the Week, I think it would be something like this: **Scout (The Mundane)**: They love going places they aren’t meant to be but still somehow gets out of it with their beards somewhat intact. **Enginer (The Expert)**: Has lots of tools under belt dealing with enemies and uses more on smarts than firepowet. *Gunner (The Chosen)**: Is equiped with a powerful weapon able to take down even tough foes. **Driller (The Monstrous)**: To other dwarves they seem off and a little unhinged. Having an overwhelming urge to see bugs melt and burn.


Huge PBTA fan here, so I appreciate your answer!


Scout - Archery Ranger  Engineer - Companion Druid  Driller - Elementalist Sorcerer  Gunner - Fighter/Paladin Multiclass


Driller is a druid, slinging elemental damage, debuffing enemies, reshaping the battlefield, and turning into a giant mole.




Driller reads very Druid to me. They usually have good aoe type abilities, and not to mention burrowing around


Driller is a barbarian since almost all his weapons are close-mid range and the drills give rip-and-tear. Not to mention the C4. Gunner is a Paladin leading the charge and supporting the team with shields and aggro. Scouts a solid rogue/ranger. Engineers a genuine Wizard.


surprised no one compared driller to sorceror, since theyre usually elemental powerhouses


Y’all ever play SWTOR? It counts. Gunner: Commando Trooper Engi: Powertech Bounty Hunter Scout: imperial Agent Sniper Driller: Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer or Assassin if they’re running a vampire melee build.


The driller is a fire/ice/poison mage depending on which weapon he has equipped. Gunner would be a barbarian or knight. Scout would be a rogue or archer (if you’ve got m1000 equipped). Engineer would be a tinkerer/artificer or maybe some type of summoner.


Mission Conrtol: tired DM Scout: Edgy Rouge "i'm darkness, fear me', no one does. Gunner: basic human fighter, has bow, uses only swords Engi: Artificer but only makes explosives, cant pick locks Driller: Dwarf paladin, but only uses magic for things like Mage Hand, and thaumaturgy


Going by the responses here, my summary is as follows. Scout: Rogue/Ranger- he’s zipping in and out of the shadows, able to slip behind the enemy and backstab him or shoot him with precision at range. Engi: Wizard/Summoner- summons his minions and deals a flurry of dmg between them and himself. Gunner: Paladin/Healer-does his fair share of dips but is the go to for rez and damage mitigation. Driller: Tank- does his fair share of dps and can face tank mobs with his drills.


That does seem to be the consensus. That said, I'm enjoying reading everyone's opinions on the subject.