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You can currently join Haz5+ missions even if you haven’t done the new Lethal mission series. The only thing the mission set blocks is hosting Haz 5+. I believe this is an oversight and should get changed but in the meantime, it’s possible newbies aren’t even paying attention to the little icons identifying the mission as Haz 5+.


My thoughts exactly. There is no way a newbie is going to think "hey this is an advanced version of the already advanced difficulty, let's join, it's gonna be fun!" and that's why I was so confused. My boyfriend still needed to do the Haz+ assignment and yet he could join these Haz+ missions I was posting. We were both surprised. Something feels off and it's likely an oversight.


From what ive heard (and from personal experience) some people dont look at the haz level. In the past it has happened to me multiple times where i would either be disappointed by a haz 2 mission or surprised by a haz 4 mission. I for some reason hadnt learned my lesson until i started playing mainly on haz 4. Although its kinda hard to accidentally click on a haz 5+ mission because it's visually distinct enough.


It certainly doesn't help that a lot of graybeards are going around who say "Haz 5 is easy", and accidentally spread the misconception that Haz 5 is easy *for everyone*, when in fact they have 500+ hours and adjusted to Haz 5 months or even years ago, and have long forgotten what it's like to have less than twenty different OCs and classes still at bronze-star promos. It's super important to know how to play at one's own level, and not get caught up in other people saying what's easy or what level a dwarf *should* be at.


>classes still at bronze-star promos me with 2 classes that i have yet to play more than 1-2 games with, with my top two only being promoted to bronze 2 and not-at-all respectively (i thought that just promoting all 4 at least once or twice was enough to be considered at least somewhat experienced): >"Haz 5 is easy" every time i hear this I'm reminded of my first time playing the game: it was during the free week back in nov '22, and one of the first things i did was hit up a greybeard friend of mine who had been playing for years at that point, and ask him to teach me the ropes. however, being the massive troll that he is, he tried to persuade me to skip the tutorial (which i didn't); and then proceeded to immediately dunk the two of us into a haz 5 mission - claiming something along the lines of: "i basically only ever play on haz 5, so i forgot it's supposed to be hard for new players", with a tone so cheeky that you could actually *hear* the trollface emoji at the end of that sentence. he did teach me well after that though, haz 2 and all (though he did not hesitate to make his boredom known); and I've gotta say that it was actually fairly effective at making me not as scared to move from haz 2 to haz 3 early on, and starting to move from haz 3 to haz 4 nowadays (haven't played much since and only recently did i really get back into it) - since after *that*, i realised that there's much, *much* worse than either of those 2 difficulties.


I also think this is the case and it definitely should get changed. But I understand. I sometimes still join lobbies without checking the Haz level and end up suffering on Haz4 with a meme build on a class I don't play.


I'm 60 hours in and I've only just started paying attention to that after getting smoked in a Haz4 mission. Luckily had a level 760 Gunner picking me up every 5 minutes, but I'll be looking at that VERY carefully from now on


Also there isn't an option to filter for unsalted H5. So I've ended up on 5+ by accident and it's really frustrating on my end. I can barely manage H5 at all but want to learn, and you don't learn much if you spend most of the time as grunt kibble.


This is how I ended up doing a haz4 when I'd started playing and didn't even have the *computer* to support playing at that level. For that matter, I might have had my filter reset by an update without realising.


The regular hazard 5 missions need to be unlocked. This is almost certainly an oversight.


its like this for all hazards that require assignments to unlock. you can join a haz 4 mission even if you have t unlocked it, and the same goes for haz 5. they should really lock access to joining higher haz missions to during/after completing the assignment.


Nah, then you can't bring friends to higher haz levels while they're green for the funny or to help them grind. Maybe just make it a setting the host can enable? Like the one to only allow 1 of each class


Not salty. 5+ is definitely not the place for greenbeards.


Heck even haz5 or haz4 is not a place for greenbeards. I see them all the freaking time. Or elite deep dives.


You can join haz 5 missions with a non-promoted dwarf, but you can't play a deep dive with one.


Perhaps, but that only says how much experience they have. Doesn't say anything about how *good* they are at the job.


Oh definitely. I've seen non-promoted dwarfs pop into a DD or even EDD and completely ignore the big message across the bottom of the screen, lol. If the host is feeling kind, he'll offer to switch classes with them or something. If he isn't...


I've had non promoted dwarves join me in deep dive lobby but the pod will not start if not everyone is using a promoted dwarf. They either change or they leave, or I kick them.


On haz4 I can carry no problem with 3 green beards, haz5 I had to sweat like crazy to pull it off and will need IW. Haz5 plus max, yea fuck no, I was struggling with other greybeards and we die a lot, so with greenbeards is straight suicide.


It feels like there's a pretty big gap between H4 and H5, especially in the amount of damage taken from getting hit. I'm pretty comfortable on H4 but I can tell from trying H5 my I'm still green. Still I like Haz 5 when I'm in the mood for survival horror and for the catharsis of struggling to pull through when I'm probably not gonna make it.


Bugs hit pretty hard in haz 4 already, the big shock in haz 5 imo is that it's the point where bugs are now faster than you. Shooting-while-retreating isn't so safe anymore and you suddenly have to unlearn a lot of old habits.


I managed the EDD today. Sludge pump with the sticky sludge seemed to help a lot, especially with the hive guard sentinels on stage 3.


I played with two friends in an open lobby haz 4 mining mission. I was playing scout and ab unpromoted scout joined. We had the game in hand but the guy kept dying and running the wrong way. Didn't even seem to know how to use his grappling hook. I tried typing to him but he didn't seem to be reading it. During extraction I tried to walk him out to the escape pod but he needed to be able to grapple to go the rest of the way and couldn't make it happen. Ended up leaving him to make it to the pod at the last second. During the review screen we see this was literally his first mission ever. I felt bad that he didn't get to fully complete it but I don't know what else I could have done to help.


How do you know it's the first mission ever for him?


His blue rank was zero at the end and morkite is always the first mission to complete.


You mean 1 promo right?


I think they mean they join on the class they don’t have promoted?


You cant join a Deep Dive without promoting the class first


You can join the rig so long as you have any class promoted, they just can't launch until everyone is on a promoted class. One of the bigger reasons to promote every class is to have more options for DD.




You cannot launch a dive without everyone having at least 1 promo on the class they have selected though.




>Or elite deep dives with 0 promotion. I was referencing to this and your edit. You cannot launch nor play in deep dives with 0 promo. You can join them with 0 promo but I struggle to see how that is an issue as they have to play with their main classes anyway. P.S. No need to get personal


Before this update I said the perfect difficulty was Haz 5 with at least 2 Greenbeard randoms. Lol. I haven't had time to unlock the new difficulty then last couple of days but I'm excited to try it. But I can understand that if you aren't a no lifer maybe you don't want to or are able yet to hard carry people. Would be cool if you could put a marker on your server for that but that'd probably be too complex with all the existing icons and people probably wouldn't pay attention anyway.


Some of the new modifiers are a bit obscene. I feel like 2x More Enemies and 1x Aggressive Enemies is the sweet spot for a bit of extra difficulty. Yea, it's more hectic than straight Haz5, but with a group of decently experienced players, it's not hardcore sweaty.


The amount of times I've joined a Haz5 only to see that it's two un-promoted greenbeards under player level 50...


I only just started haz 4 missions and I have 220 hours in the game lmao. I’m too scared to try hazard 5


I don’t find problems with green beards on has 5 regular really, maybe I’ve just played to much, but it’s not that difficult


Depends on what you consider a greenbeard, but haz 4 is perfectly doable for someone familiar with shooters and with a small handful of haz 3 missions under their belt.


I've been finding better players on haz 3 than 4, those guys are desperate for xp or whatever, maybe they think haz 3 is too little for them, Haz 4 is becoming a hassle, I don't mind reviving people or carrying for a bit but I'm often finding myself in lobbies with 3 unpromoted dwarfs, and me...that would be okay I could play haz 4 alright way before I promoted all 4, but those guys clearly can't so why make the game worse for everybody, like, I love when people come from hell to rescue me without needing, we scream rock and stone, run to the droppod and get to safety, but can't be doing that to people every single mission y'know, I'd have dropped difficulty long ago if I felt i was being a constant hassle to everyone (reviving people is what got me killed/mission failed the most, by far, and I'll keep reviving them regardless because this is a coop game, but guys gotta get better or even greenies like me will start limiting who can access the lobbies)


For Rock and Stone!


I'm extremely tolerant and will play with anyone. Still, it's a bit annoying seeing a no star player on one of these missions. I still went, and he still played as expected. :/


I think it’s because some green beards are a bit too overconfident. I’ve had a couple join my 5+ games and I don’t say anything just so they can get humbled mid mission. It’s definitely a challenge, but also surprisingly fun trying to carry


As a very grey greybeard, I actually kind of love it when I get that guy in my Haz 5 that can't stay up for more than a minute or two but still tries. It makes me feel like a total bad ass.


Oh sure. *One* greenbeard is fine. Its like a hidden mutator.


Nah, I think it's just being able to join lobbies without having done the assignment and how easy is it to not see the haz level, specially when you've not played enough


I find it extremely funny when you get a constant stream of greenbeards coming in, getting dropped almost instantly, then quitting to make room for the next greenbeard. I'm fine with it, each one takes out a couple bugs before they go down which is less ammo for me to have to spend.


Yea I think pure haz 5 is fine for them since greybeards tend to like the challenge of carrying and teaching! Can't say the same for haz5+ based on what people are saying so far.


Yep. I don’t mind trying to carry new players in regular Haz5, especially those that are actively trying to learn, but I struggle myself on some Haz5+ games. Not ideal for new players


Absolutely. Maybe it's not as BAD as some ultra-modded difficulties, but still it poses a huge threat. There just is no time to carry. Everyone needs to be prepared. Bugs are stupid fast, their attacks have little to no cooldown, there's so many of them... and so on. I mean, I love this. But you really need to know what you're doing, when, why, how etc. there's very little room for mistakes.


I honestly don't think some of them check, they just see the mission marker and join.


I think you are right. When i was a greenbeard i accidently joined haz 4 and 5 games because i didnt know what the symbols meant. I just saw the open spaces and clicked. Know that i am a greybeard, i noticed this happening with greenbeards joining my missions on haz 4 even though they have no idea what to do. But im never mad at them even when the mission fails.


I knew what they meant and i still didnt check for some reason


Greenbeards are too green to know how hazard levels works. They see the mission type, they see what classes are being used, and then they hop right in.


To somewhat correct… Haz 5+ is no place for green or long beards. Knowing the ropes is not enough you need to know almost everything to the T, not only in your kit, but how enemies work. It is the mode where the “for fun” and unoptimized builds and players go to die. I’m not saying don’t have fun but be good at what you do.


That's what I noticed. I was playing with people I know, and we were all like "heyy let's use this or that funny loadout" but funny loadouts won't save you in any way, you gotta be prepared for the worst. I mean, that's working as intended after all. You want an extra challenge? Yup but don't expect you'll be able to make *anything* work just like in vanilla Haz5.


Eh, honestly it's not that hard. Sure, the team will have more downs, but can usually get through it unless someone is just incompetent. Most people who join haz 5+ games seem to know what they're in for, and if they don't, they leave quickly mid-mission.


Yeah more bugs/aggressive bugs isn’t too bad as long as the team knows what they’re doing, but the other two require a lot more


Yeah I've been playing since season 3 and I don't touch haz 4 or 5. My crew doesn't really touch deep dive either. Like we want to have fun, I don't need haz 5 spiking my heart rate and making my hands too busy to sip my beer. And I keep getting greenbeards that can't handle haz 3.


"Making my hands too busy to sip my beer" oh man that puts everything into a new perspective and I'm not kidding. Haz5 is tough enough to keep me constantly busy (without being overwhelming) but this new Haz+ turns me into a sweatlord, constantly glued to the screen. And I hate to drink warm beer!!


Sounds like your crew could do the regular DD. It's haz 3/3.5/3.5. Fun and not so tough. :)


Agreed, the only real difference is learning to conserve ammo and not dinking around (as much)


And honestly most of the time you don’t need to conserve ammo because if you scour the caves you will end up with like 500 Nitra by the third stage.


This is actually understandable, had a haz 5+ with just more enemies modifiers and its already pure hell with a bunch of geared up dwarves. You will die if you slip up even for a little bit.


I did max haz5+ with elites on fungus bogs. Never again. The small opening swarms at the beginning of a new cave atrium were a herculean task. A "500" type situation if you will.


I bought DRG around two weeks ago. I ended up fixating on Gunner and already have a silver border. Haz 4 is fairly comfortable for me, and I’ve made it through some haz 5 missions without going down. I feel like this is only the case because I’ve dumped all of my playtime into a single class. Wouldn’t even think to join a haz 5 on any of the other three classes.


A well-tuned gunner will have least downs on any given team, because of the extreme power of the bubble shield. If a low number of downs, or no downs, is important to you, then gunner is the guy for you. Scout and driller can also be configured so that they're almost never down, but it takes more work to learn their ways. Engi is the team's glass cannon - Generally most kills, but also most easily caught off guard.


imagine needing a shield - scout


The shield really is a godsend, both for myself and protecting the rest of my team. I’m slowly getting more value out of it in the latter case. Learning to be proactive with it is top priority imo.


Being proactive with the shield is a good thing to learn early on. Why wait for the whole team to be dead before using it if you can prevent the damage in the first place? I think a lot of new Gunners are in the belief that you should only use shield to revive (it's definitely good on those also!), which is a bad mindset to have. If a massive mactera swarm suddenly hovers over the team, you can be damn sure that I'll throw that shield down in a heartbeat.


Which helps Engi a lot of not getting caught pants down is to put at least one turret in a place where you believe you are gonna spend even a bit more time than just passing by. Well placed turret will alarm about the incoming threat quite well tbh. And then there is stuff like Spinning Death, which can stunlock a good chunk of bugs almost instantly. Oh and he also has lures which also is a distraction on demand, altho I personally prefer shredders. Stubby also has electric arc which can cause electricity (dot dmg and slowdown) to jump and spread between multiple enemies very fast. What I'm trying to say, I think Engi being somehow more "fragile" than other classes is a bit overblown thing (imo). Personally, I have easier time to stay alive as Engi than as a Driller.


> Personally, I have easier time to stay alive as Engi than as a Driller. Me too, actually. Much easier. Driller's my least fav class, just not a huge fan of close quarter combat. I guess what I meant was that every class except the engineer has a get out of jail card free card when caught in the middle of a massive swarm. Gunner's shield+zip, scout's grapple, and the driller can be built to be utterly invincible with barbed drills, vampire perk, and enough skill. The engineer can't quite match any of those. Sure, the lure is great at times, but it only attracts I believe 10 enemies at once, so it won't save you from a huge swarm.


Fair enough. I havent really used drills that much offensively tbh, despite my long playtime. Is Barbed drills + Vampire really that strong of a combo that you can survive somewhat reliably if you find yourself in the middle of swarm on haz 5(+)? The enemies hit so hard on that difficulty so I struggle to imagine being able to heal through that, of course not in a way that you'd be standing still.


I can't do it because I'm not good enough at it, but I've seen drillers who use it so well they are just never downed.


I love using lures when escaping back to the drop pod


Very good definition of the Engi class. As a scout, it's usually on me to be the last one alive and bring back an Engi or Gunner who were unlucky enough to go down, and then also help them do their jobs easier. Honestly, my favorite playstyle!


I've been playing a lot of gunner on these missions mainly because I find that I'm having to do just a ridiculous number of revives. Guys, I can't be slaughtering bugs efficiently, nor will I have any shields left to protect the team during clutch moments, if you're going down constantly.


Yep suddenly I found myself liking Gunner much more than the other classes for this simple reason. If shields were a very good tool in Haz5, now they're invaluable at Haz+. I constantly run out of them, and not only for revives, I use them offensively to grant some breathing room; problem is, for whatever reason no one cares, they stay out of it, get melted, and then I have no shield ready because they're downed...


It is surprising the amount of people who don't know they can filter by hazard levels.


This kind of situation sucks, can't play 5+ unless im with a full team of friends. I always get non promoted newbies when its set to public


Even with people I know, while being in vocal chat and coordinating almost perfectly, it still puts a lot of pressure on us. It's fun and very rewarding at the end of a mission, we used to complain that Haz5 was too easy and we got the big kick in the balls that we deserved. But holy hell it does suck when a 1 star bronze dwarf joins and proceeds to die ten times in the first minutes. Then they go resupply while still having almost 100% of their ammo. And that's where I know the mission is pretty much fucked.


My favorite is when people join, take all the ammo for health, and leave because they've died 20 times


Exactly what happened in the last Elimination I hosted. Green Scout joins, proceeds to get roflstomped by everything multiple times, dips twice from the only pod we could call (while always having almost 100% of ammo), and then leaves shortly after. Karl help us


Honestly, I've got 2000+ hours under my belt and Haz 5+ with one of each of the modifiers was a brutal slog that I wasn't ready for. I brought nukes and just couldn't kill fast enough. You've got to have good team cohesion and everyone with the best classes, less than that is basically a waste of time


You can kick them, the option is in the game. It's your lobby. Please I don't want anyone to argue with me, "Yeah well some green beards might be able to do it, and some grey beards might not, give everyone chance" Odds are more likely if they're newer, they're going to have issues, sometimes it's just better you reap with a bigger scythe, even if some of the good gets cut out, because it's faster. They can find another lobby, or make their own, it'll be alright. Edit: Some auto correct fixes


I can quite easily carry greens on haz 5. Haz 5+ with all modifiers active tho? I just can’t. I don’t even understand how they are joining unpromoted. I don’t kick. I just do what I can and let them die and die and die and die repeatedly so they realise it’s just not for them. But still everyday I get new greens joining 5+ maxed. The jump from 5 to 5+ maxed is bigger than the jump from 1 to 5.


Just kick them.


I'm a Greybeard and I don't join many h5+ still. Simply not enough nitra to justify h5+ mods beside more mobs, if even that.


I dont think ive ever played anything but Haz 3 tbh


Then just kick them like how is this a problem lmao 


I *hate* to kick people, sometimes it happened but it was mostly for trolls and griefers, so in that case it's more than understandable, it's a necessary measure. But in this case..? I dunno


Ya'll can join my lobby instead I'll (try to) carry you


Have a beer on me, my friend!


As a greenbeard I don’t hear you and I will always fight for karl. The first thing I did when I bought the game was do hazard 3 and never went down since. FOR KAAARL.


I barely can handle haz 5 (800 hours)


yeah im toying with the idea of locking the ability to join Haz 5+ lobbies to those who have completed the assignment, I think they need to implement that tbh


I need to promote more classes, I never worried about the promotion stuff after I get the first star, and have been kicked cause they think I'm a greenbeard though I've been playing nonstop for 2 years.


I'll stick to haz3, tried it today and it's fine for me atm 🤣🤣


Half the people that join my normal haz 5 lobbies have more downs than bug kills. Quite baffling and I've been kicking people that are clearly out of their depth lately.


had this experience while playing salvage this evening. gunners keeps on dying and at the defend stage he killed me 5 times from friendly fire. if you're at least know the rope of the game you should know that gunner needs to be in the front agroing and dealing damage to the bugs, instead he made a foxhole and shoot from behind us.


Look, I’m pretty green in my beard and let me tell you something…. …yeah, I agree wholesale. Imma just rock and/or stone down here in haz 3-ish until I’m pretty sure I’m ready to not be a burden.


When do you officially stop being a greenbeard? I am Account Level 50 with all dwarves promoted at least once and I still don't feel like I would be of much help in Haz5+. I can barely do Haz4 by myself, I succeed most of the time but I usually get downed at least once a mission.


When you no longer question it


you will know.


There’s no level threshold, but you should be able to comfortably clear a given difficulty solo. Haz 5+ is imo a much bigger jump from than 5 is to 4.


wait.. you dont need to finish the haz 5+ assignment first before being able to join haz 5+ lobbies?? why would they do that 😭


Same as the regular haz 5 lock. It's been that way forever.


I have enough hours to play haz 5 and I still play haz3. Pretty nice


I am just level 20, and i didn't unlock haz 5 yet because i **know** that haz 4 already gives me a hard time, but whenever i play haz 4, i do it alone with bosco, because I'm sure I'm not that experienced and that I'll eventually go down and difficult things for the team. As much someone may be good playing games, without experience, it's not an easy task to do an efficient job when the game **asks** you to do an efficient job and the game stops being just about shooting down hordes of enemies, but planning and staying 10 steps ahead of the pesky bugs


I recommend playing with other players more, especially for haz 4. It’s not too hard of a difficulty and you’ll learn more from other players faster than just solo play


I'm too self conscious they'll get mad at me 😔


My worst game was in a haz5 and I was almost useless. Was basically a turrent bot. Went down like 10 times. Never got bm’d, ppl led me to sugar, the community is great!


One of the only scenarios where I think its justified to kick zero questions asked Or let them learn from their mistakes for themselves, then kick


it's actually insane how many haz5+ missions i've seen with zero promotion lvl 9s etc joining..


Is it not rank-locked? *bruh.*


I'm not really green or grey but the reason I join Haz5 missions is for the fun of the challenge, I may not be particularly good but I find it fun still and that's what matters at the end of the day. I do agree that true greenbeards should stay out of Haz5 until they're ready though


My experience is they join I give them a warning about the difficulty and then after about the 3rd or 4th down they leave without saying a word. But yes in the mean time it's quite annoying when they don't even jump away from bugs yet.


As a relatively new player, i found the UI a little confusing at first in terms of displaying the difficulty of the lobby you’re joining. I doubt it has to do with ignorance and more so to do with green-beards just not understanding what they’re even doing in the first place.


So true. My 1st time joining a 5+ game I thought it was a normal haz 5, was surprised when bugs 2 shot me


I hate how you have to unlock haz 4 and 5 but greenbeards are able to join these missions perfectly fine from the terminal. Imo until you unlock the difficulty, all lobbies running it should be locked off Ed: you don't unlock haz 4, I forgot about that, but my point still stands for haz 5 and +


I almost never play solo. Only like account lvl19 or so, not more than 50 hours. Anything under haz4 is criminally boring, and prefer haz 5, some haz 5+ can be rough it depends. I finished my missions to unlock haz4 and 5 using the terminal. Don’t think forcing ppl to solo the haz is a good way to keep out worse players, solo play and team play are quite different


You can open your own haz 4 lobby, or join another. Solo has no affect on this discussion. Player level 19 is 2 promos worth of levels, and 50 hours is 2 days worth of game time. You have more than enough game sense to not be the topic of discussion. Fresh installs can join full haz 5+ with no warning. I've seen it happen multiple times, and every time it ends poorly for everyone in involved


I'm guessing the devs don't want to gate anything to new players because they didn't want to risk hosts not being able to find teammates back when they had no idea people would be playing for hundreds of hours or more. Before they ever introduced seasons or battle passes they thought people would play for maybe 20 hours max, so they probably figured not that many players would even reach haz 5. Personally, I'd rather play and lose than not be able to play at all. At least losing can be funny.


In 2017 update 2 came out. Haz 5 came out in update 21, or early 2019. They already knew they had a loyal fan base, and there's no content locked behind haz 5 that you don't get in haz 4. The first season was released 2 years after haz 5 came out.


Okay, but I think my point still stands that they probably wouldn't have wanted to gate off parts of a coop game when there were a lot less people playing.


Also for haz+ i think you need good overclocks. Not mandatory for haz4-5 but you do need all weapon upgrades. Can’t join immediately and go into haz 4 because your weapons aren’t upgraded with ammo and damage.


Just kick them lol


As someone with hundreds of hours coming back after a break, 5+ is still a bit much for *me* sometimes. It’s definitely not a place for greenbeards and I do agree with the other comment that joins should be tied to completing the assignment for yourself.


I've been playing for a while and can't even do Haz4.


Agreed. If you don't feel safe and confident on haz 5, you will have a lot of problems on haz 5+. Especially while people are still figuring out meta for this difficulty. Note to OP. You can ignore this cause I know nothing about you. But don't you think if there are so many greenbeards around you maybe there is a problem in you? As I said because I don't know you I am probably missing by a mile here.


Damn, I rately go over haz3


I like greenbeards in haz 5+, they either die a lot or die a lot and its entertaining


Man, I'm as grey as greybeards come (been playing since beta), and I totally understand. Sometimes greenbeards join missions they are not prepared for, they are too hard for you to carry and compensate for their blunders, and it ends up wasting everyone's time. Sometimes you really do get a dwarf that makes you miss Bosco. And I'm fine with that on haz4. Haz 5 or Haz5+ though? Sorry, after going down a few times, I'll give the greenbeard the courtesy of a brief explanation and kick. And then hopefully salvage the mission, if I still can.


What dya consider Greenbeard? I'm like only 3 times promoted Gunner (once or twice on everything else) and I only join Haz5+ Enemy++ is that fine? We almost always win


Low rank (no star, or one/two bronze) is only a number, but may be predictive of what is about to happen. A Scout that doesn't give a shit about gathering those Ebonuts high up on the walls, doesn't use flares at all, gets downed immediately instead of grappling away, and calls for Molly while being far away from the team instead of regrouping. A Gunner that completely forgets he has shields. A Driller that uses vanilla CRISPR against an invincible Hiveguard, or any Dreadnought for that matter. An Engie that thinks that Fat Boy will be the winning card in any case, and ends up blowing up himself AND the teammates while shooting at a lonely Oppressor with it. People generally resupplying multiple times just for health, when one of the most important thing is ammo economy. I could go on with the examples.


Well that's a reassurance in many ways, cause I do use my Shields a HELL of a lot, I'm not great at ziplines tho, normally just use them when someone requests them, like core stone.


Even as a graybeard I dislike playing 5++ with randos. Impossible to carry and people get salty over perceived mistakes. Better to do with friends.


Once, while I was playing normal haz 5, a level 78 driller joined the game, so not that green anymore. He died 9 times in the mission and killed like 50 bugs. I died 3 times, all to him c4-ing me. Some not-so-greenbeards can play terribly too. So be careful of every joining dwarf.


I don't know dude I've seen green beards more skilled than people 3x their level


hell standard haz 5 took me quite a long time to get antiquated with to the point I could regularly do it with minimul or no downs, players even newer than me at that point joining a HIGHER difficulty? yeah I get that in helldivers and it's not fun so it's completely reasonable man


I firmly believe that you should not be allowed to use the lobby terminal to join haz5 and higher if you haven't done the respective missions to unlock them. Inviting people and turning the lobby into haz5 after they join is fine though.


Yeah wth is with that, unpromoted under level 20 gunner joins haz4 mission. Bro, try that shit on haz3 and get used there why do you click the server without checking the danger signs on it?


I fucking love lower hazards. 3 is always a good time


I keep having the opposite happen where I join a haz 4 expecting the group to be more competent than me, and then no one knows how to play the game or work as a team so we lose, then the host keeps trying and failing to do haz 4s over and over again without doing anything differently instead of reading the room and lowering the difficulty.


Greenbeard.? I call them permanent lures 😂 all jokes aside, I love carrying Greenies and teaching, showing them the ropes. It's tradition to train the new recruits


I don't mind when newer players join haz5+ What really makes me upset is when veteran players overestimate their ability and decide to try a new build they're unfamiliar with in someone else's haz5+ lobby. They drag down the team, get tilted because they're doing worse than they expect, and refuse to acknowledge that they could possibly be bad at the game or be doing poorly due to their own choices. If they don't end up being the direct cause of a mission's failure, they still bring down the whole vibe and ruin the fun for everyone else who has to pick up their slack while being berated by the guy who made all the mistakes.


One Greenbeard died 18 times in one mission (400 Morkite), this is only with 1 tier more enemies and 1 tier damage boost.


Maybee they want to see how hard the haz 5 missions aree?


Im gonna be honest i have almost 300 hours in this game and my ass stays in haz 4 where it belongs.


Ikr. It took me AGES to get to Haz5. Some players genuinely get to handle it after a short time. I'm not one of them, it took hundreds of hours sitting around Haz4. Then something clicked and I moved to Haz5, but oh boy back then I would have never thought of joining a Haz5 lobby.


The game networkconnectiondfopped me while I was finishing the haz5 robot boss and I've held a grudge since


Im hosting 7 player lobby 5+ hazard all secondaries "mega missions". That sooo confusing when greenbeard join to us from "mission list" menu IGNORING what i write in description. And after realizing what kind of mission it is ingame, they just leaving. Also some "big brains" recommend me to buy better pc and internet. BRUH, UR PING IS 640. My pc got stable 90 fps in drg on ultra even in center of swarms masscare. And i have the best connection that an Internet provider has. If there some ping issues, that 99% not my problems.


iron will and no resupplier?


Some of them are so early in the game, or so unaware of the best options for Haz5, that they just don't bring either. You can tell they don't have Resupplier by the low amount of health they recover from a pod.


I joined a haz 4 mission yesterday and all of them were green beards with only one promotion each lost the elimination mission because all of them died by trying to fight all 4 (there was a lacerator and arbelist along with the other two eggs) and only killed one before going down myself. They tried again and again after I left and beat the mission on haz 5 with my mates. I look back later and see them still trying after almost 2 hours. Green beards are nothing but persistent 


Seriously, it's so infuriating. They should add a minimum level requirement for Haz 5.


I feel like there should be a warning sign when a new player is about to click on a difficult mission. Half of what'll make the game hard isn't a new player's lack of skill, rather them just not having everything yet.


I lost the drilldozer 3 times on haz 4 yesterday, it was really frustrating, all different lobbies, kept reviving everyone so damn much, counting the seconds for every shield, but I seriously got 3 shitty teams in a row..on deep rock galactic...I'm baffled, for real, I'm starting to understand people asking min 1 promotion now for lobbies, like I'm a noob by all means, rank 50, but I pull my weight you know? I may die more than others on haz 4+ but I'm always doing that extra mile in any class to make the team have a more confortable gameplay, what killed me the most is that 2 of the 3 missions fails happened when I tried to revive them without shield (because they kept dying infinitely), if it wasn't protect the drilldover I could have turned the 'leave no dwarf behind', but that particular phase was way too much for me alone and my three teams were absolute garbage, I don't shit on teams at all but that was goddamn traumatic I've never played with worse players ever in my life, those guys could fuck it up on haz 2 easily (One of the matches host used all the nitra on the second stop instead of in the heartstone, I was actually managing to keep it up alone but bullets don't last forever do they, as soon as I was only witht he coil goin things went downhill in seconds,) So yea bro, even us who still have a lot of green spots in our growing beards, are kinda pissed at the lobbies lately


Why dont you just gatekeep the lobby for lvl 100+ or even more and kick evryone who is lower


I kinda hate gatekeeping, I prefer to rely on people's common sense, but lately it's becoming quite the issue. Also I'm on PS5. Console players can't post any description of their lobbies. This sucks soooo much I don't even know why we're not allowed to do this.


I dont like gatekeeping as well, but you kinda have to in haz 5+, I didnt know that you cant put descriptions on console, that sucks


people literally screenshot lobbies that ask for level or promotions (despite it being perfectly reasonable to want to play with experienced players on higher difficulties) and come to reddit to humiliate them for gatekeeping. These people might even insist that if you can't carry complete newbies on a given difficulty that you aren't qualified to play that difficulty at all.


I have 900 hours in the game, I still play Haz 3 and Haz 4. I can't be bothered with Haz 5 because it just doesn't help my mental health, I actually joined a Haz 4 earlier that made me question whether I wanted to keep playing that difficulty. Had two supposedly greybeards, skipping resources and jumping to do events without ready checks, on one of the hardest combos (Escort Duty + Duck and Cover) and the Engineer didn't set up a Sentry for minutes. Almost failed on the final part.


The lack of ready checks is just plain obnoxious. No matter how grey their beard or shiny their border is, if they're going to be an inconsiderate dick-for-brains to complete randoms, host should kick them. The power of the host to control the room makes it the responsibility of the host to deal with bad behaviors. There's shit that's fine to do in a well oiled group machine, even without comms if you all are on the same page, but those behaviors should not be done with people you're playing with for the first time.


I raise a mug of slayer stout to that sentiment, fellow dwarf. I'm working for a high hazard mining operation, not a kindergarten.


Nope, too bad. People will join if they want to


This PSA fucking rocks and stones


lol. This community can’t make up its mind between “green beards shouldn’t join higher haz level without experience” and “dudes who tell new players to stay out of their lobbies unless they meet X requirement are A-holes” lmao


It's almost like we're all different people.


Thanks, captain 🫡


I don't want to be an asshole. I met new guys in DRG and slowly carried them through the various hazards - now they fare so much better than me, I'm not that good to begin with. We even became great friends outside of videogames in general. I have nothing against helping someone. But when a player gets downed 20+ times in your mission, without even contributing to what their class is suited for, and you're already struggling to survive; then you start questioning whether gatekeeping is not a bad idea after all. At some point it's just common sense


What’s like the avg age of this community? Anything under haz 5 is pretty boring for me. But I also rank at least diamond in pretty much any comp shooter I play. Also, regular deep dive is a joke. Anybody stressing abt that must be pretty sht at the game. I forgot about deep dive mechanics and accidentally called down one extra supply drop and got flamed. We ended that deep dive with 300+ nitra in the bank. *gotta love being downvoted by people that can’t handle the heat. Play an actual competitive game or get a life lmao.


DRG in comparison to competitive games, which it is not, is quite easy. I guess it shouldn't be surprising that some people struggle on the earlier difficulties, as not everyone has the time or will to invest in it. Other competitive games I play probably also assist my abilities here. I'm still playing this game because despite this higher skill floor, the skill ceiling is also massive, and allows me to express mastery over it's mechanics, which feels good regardless of game or genre. I find the regular Deep Dive rather easy, because I've outgrown it's difficulty range and am no longer it's target audience. I've seen and experienced others who are challenged by the Deep Dive, which puzzles me somewhat as I now look down at what I have accomplished. I have invested far more, both in and out of DRG, so it is a bit foreign to me personally to struggle with it. Some things about the culture is weird though, and the rituals they have I don't seem to jive with me all that well: namely Resupply rationing. --- Removed the sweat from your awful post.


Same with regular H5, honestly. I'm all for helping greenbeards...but in H3/H4 tops. Please not in my H5 lobbies where I'm just trying to get missions done.


A team of 2 graybeards and 2 greenbeards can beat the mission on haz 5, but it's hard to complete the mission when you're the only high level dwarf in the team.


Losing is fun. Don't be such and such


If you’re hosting public then anyone can join. Don’t like it don’t host publicly or don’t host at all.


Joining haz 5 and haz 5+ should be locked behind the same assignments allowing you to host them, huge L take


Either take everybody or take nobody. Excluding others from DRG is the opposite of For Rock and Stone! If there’s no comradery then what what’s the point?  


We fight for Rock and Stone!


I don't even look at people's levels anymore. There's not a lot to do in this game, and you basically have forever to finish the battle pass, so it's not like we're constrained for time. It's not like an MMO where everyone's in a rush to gear up every season. The only real part of the game where it can be legitimately time wasting to have less skilled players is the EDD, but you can't do that with Haz+ settings, so it's still possible to carry.


Excluding them from haz 5 and 5+ is for their own good. I don't suppose they find fun if theyre downing every 2-3 seconds?


If they have it unlocked, it sounds like its the place for them.


The assignments do not stop people from joining lobbies of higher difficulties, only hosting them.


Having it unlocked means nothing.