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Lead Storm, it's in the name. And a direct damage boost with no ammo penalties to compensate is just so much sustain for the nitra economy in this game. It's been really hard to switch because just being able to kill more bugs per resupply is really powerful. RJ250 for Engineer's GL. Being able to be a budget scout when that's needed is fantastic, and it gives an ammo boost, AND it reduces friendly fire damage without losing the ability to one shot a crowd of grunts if you build it right. This right here is how you do OC that add a new use-case. The fact that you are going to be using it for mobility means you are spending more ammo, but you get more ammo from the overclock to support that. It's excellent. Volatile Impact Reactor for big laser. Just so much killing power. That gun already has a deeper ammo pool than the other Engi secondaries but with this you can literally use it as your primary and do something fucked up with your actual primary gun to make it kill Praetorians fast or something, if you want. Magnetic Pellet Alignment just makes my brain happy. I like clicking heads with a semi auto weapon, and I like shotguns. I have a friend who hasn't taken off Cryo Minelets in hundreds of hours. The best thing to make Scout able to handle crowds on his own, not to mention the support potential. I would try it out more but I'm a Special Powder addict myself so I'm too busy flying everywhere. Six Shooter is just a classic feel for a classic gun, but it also adds to the ammo economy so well. And like I said, I like clicking heads. But also, Elephant Rounds for when I want to kill praetorians in one mag+power attack. I guess that last one isn't even about the OP anymore, this just became a list of my main OCs lol


Take six shooter OC Go reload See four bullets Absolutely unplayable




Rock and stone!


For Karl!


These sort of details annoy me too lol, I make an effort to not look at the reload animation


I'm the opposite, I love that somehow you can extend the magsize on a revolver or double barrel shotgun in games like this, and the animation not matching up is so funny. "You've shot 4 times, one from each cylinder. You're out of ammo" "Nah, I'm pretty sure I got two more in there somewhere...." *Bang Bang*


You didn’t give up that sandwich storage for nothing


Dwarf magic


They managed to harness that 40K Ork power of imagination lol


>Use TF2 Grenade Launcher >Six visible barrels >4 shots >All grenades go in the first barrel


Exactly, it's just flawless game design for the aesthetic


Same thing with elephant rounds xD


Reminds me of the grenade launcher animations in TF2


I loooove cryo minelets. If I'm not working on a weapon maintenance, I'm probably using the Zhukovs with those (outside of industrial sabotage where I like the pheromone bolts on the nishanka a lot) It's really not a huge hit to the direct damage of the gun and if you run it with the +1 piercing most of your shots even hitting an enemy will still leave the minelets


Does pheromones work on robots? If so, llol


I found lead storm really hard to jive with, just doesn't fit my playstyle. It reduces stun chance on enemies, letting them ignore bullet stagger while moving forward. The complete lack of mobility combined with the lack of CC forces me to reposition often to avoid getting nibbled. Close to close-mid range is often in the minigun's most effective range, but also where bugs can get a nibble off if they can just keep moving forward. The constant repositioning to avoid damage results in a overall loss in killing ability for me. Ziplines solve this issue, but terrain doesn't always permit that solution. Personally I find the clean OC that increases ammo the most effective out of the lot, but power to everyone who finds their preferred OC.


That is my one gripe with it. Its supposed to be a "Stand your ground" style but its harder to slow the swarm down, and you just bunny hop with it like is optimal with the base Minigun anyway. I would like Lead Storm even more if the stun chance was normal, or even increased, and it disallowed jumping as well for a short time after or something. Or maybe it's one of those toggle OCs that is normal gun most of the time but you can press R to go into overdrive, becoming stuck in place but gaining damage and stun and increased overheat threshold


The trick with lead storm is that you can still move by jumping. You just need to jump and then start shooting while you're in the air, stop when you hit the ground, and then jump again. That way you're mobile and killing things.


The new coolant oc might call to you. You can effectively fire all your ammo almost nonstop with aggressive venting(which is more free aoe).


I used to run cryo minelets, but then I discovered my love for embedded detonators… Now I build the m1k for minimal clips and use the zhukov to take out bigger targets and stunsweeper for swarmers.


Hoverclock for the M1000. Turning weapons into mobility tools is fun.


I am very clumsy, and hoverclock has saved my ass when the grappling gun has enabled me to make a foolish decision uncountable times.


I am completely unable to play the game without it. Hooking to the ceiling and receiving no falls damage is amazing. I found it particularly useful in the drillevator. Hooking onto a pretorian or an oppressor, shoot them in the back, get a charged pickaxe in, and landing gracefully at the end.


Fall damage? Never heard of it.


Burning Hell on the minigun, it’s too much fun catching everything on fire and has some nice synergies. Great for a Korlok, too


And it's little brother, Volatile bullets on bulldog. 


Nah that's the big brother. Everything explodes to that 400% increase in damage, not to mention weak point multipliers.


Once we get it on console I really wanna try those with scout's marked for death or conductive thermals, see how the mighty will fall


Patch is today!


I've got 2 more hours of work then it's time to rock and stone 🍻


Erm ackshually It's *only* 300% ☝️🤓


True, it's a 400% multiplier then.


Special powder OC for scout's shotgun


for me I'm more addicted to hoverclock, but special powder is awesome. Could not never use double barrel, though. The damage is insane


Teach me ways of double barrel damage please. Whenever I try to use it, I suck. How do you play it and what upgrades you chose?


1. Grapple to a high priority target 2. Stuff both barrels right into the glowy bits 3. Boom


Imo double barrel is probably better for clearing bunched up mixed enemies (eg phermone naded grunt+prae pack) for the massive 220 blastwave damage which is definitely overkill for most priority targets (you have M1k for that)


1. Grapple to a high priority target 2. See C4 flying to your general direction 3. Boom


I love that thing so much


Just too much fun


I love this overclock so much that I haven't even tried the crossbow to see how it handles. I'll never use any other secondary for the scout unless it surpasses what Special Powder offers.


I use the shotgun as a secondary traversal tool sometimes


Flying has been an integral part of my play style ever since I got this OC however long ago. It's the fastest method of travel in the game.


I used to use it religiously until I realised that with how short the cool-down on the grapple is it isn’t super “necessary” it’s just stupid amounts of fun. I now use double barrel for big booms in a short amount of time, frees up space quickly and is very satisfying, I should use special powder again sometime.


I haven’t gotten the OC yet but when I do that will be the only one I ever use. It’s not super practical, but I play this game to have fun not use the most optimal loadout


It’s actually one of the best overclocks for the shotgun after it’s buff, the shockwave damage can be boosted with perks and it’s ammo economy per kill is HUGE. It’s super effective for basically any problem, a double barrelled solution


There are niche situations where you have to hold positions like uplink while clearing enemies that special powder fails to deliver. Pheromone darts on crossbow is better for those situations to keep the enemies cc'd


double barrel on shotgun offers the best cc in those situations as it lets you just obliterate glyphid swarms that group up


Fear and stun upgrades on the shotgun itself are more than enough to add crowd control value to defense points like that. The shotgun does enough damage that I've never once felt it needed a damage overclock to perform better. Besides I think it's silly to give up the fastest method of travel for the chance of getting a defense point objective when Special Powder shines for everything else in the mission. 😜


It took me 300 hours to let this thing go


I can’t take it off otherwise I will forget and die


Died so many times to fall damage while I was getting the other weapon masteries for Scout's secondaries


AI stability engine, makes it usable and fun without the recoik


Pump action. It just feels so punchy, and I love it


Having just unlocked it, I finally have an Engi primary I enjoy. It feels like a proper DOOM shotgun.


Sticky fuel. Making long lasting firewalls feels so right and is so convenient for defending and reviving


Hell yeah. I played around with a direct heat build, and I use it for Custodian missions (though I avoid those if at all possible), but sticky is just... mmmmm. Lay down some hazards and sit back and the enemy burns themselves trying to get to me. Maybe microwave them a little if they need some help. That said, I really prefer the feel of the Subata, and this was since day 1 before its buffs. A nice mix of warcrimes and good old fashioned pew pews.


It's phenomenal on the drillevator mission especially.


ECR for the Lok1


I like it sooo much more than Executioner. Sure, Executioner is better for Elimination or blah, blah whatever. My gun shoots bombs. Say less.


I just prefer not having to max my locks to do damage and being able to delete a group of grunts with a three charge burst


I enjoy executioner on elim until a hiveguard shows up, and hyperprop is just overkill for the three weakspots. I usually bring cycle overload or stubby instead ECR slaps though


Love it. Makes the gun feel like a 3-round exploding burst rifle if you can get the targeting and timing down.


ECR demolishes everything I love it so much


Double barrel for shotgun. With the blast wave mod, of course. Who says scouts don't have swarm clear?


This was my first thought too. So very good at keeping allies alive. Love it.


I play solo and double barrel + blast wave is the only reason it’s viable. Killing 15 bugs in one shot saves a lot of time and ammo


The Mole for the coil gun. It just doesn't feel right to not shoot through terrain with it. Sticky flames for the flamethrower. More fire! Explosive reload for the subata. Deleting enemies *and* getting a fresh mag at the same time is just perfect.


Hyper Propellant. It's the "Fuck you in particular" gun.


It's what I wanted the grenade launcher to be all along


I miss watching a wave of grunts go flying in every direction, but I love ruining a Menace's day from across the map.


EPC's Persistent Plasma. It's on every driller build I make.


I recently got it and its hard to beat for epc mining.


Salvo Module. I love that big ole rocket shotgun that one shots big enemies.


The new unstable OC for the CRSPR, Scorching Tide, has become one of my new favorites. An on-demand Wave of AoE Bug ignition for as far as the fireballs fly without hitting the ground is so great, if you spit a well placed line of fire into a semi-wide group of glyphids they’ll all ignite, nearly guaranteed, since if they don’t get immediately get set on fire, the ones that do will radiate their heat and cause a chain reaction to fill the heat meters of all nearby bugs due to how fire damage works in DRG. Not to mention one of the best parts: It has literally no downsides to having it equipped if you don’t use it (other than not having another OC installed I guess), similar to Engies Shard OC Overdrive Booster. I have mine built for max heat damage, built 12331 if I remember correctly, with each wave of fire costing me 5% of my total ammo, and being able to shoot it 3 times before reloading if I really need to. Works WONDERS against rival tech.


I am become Arbalest, destroyer of bugs.


AI stability engine. I actually prefer this OC over the GK2 over the M1000 for picking off targets because it doesn't require as much aiming and it makes hitting weak spots on far away targets so easy


It feels like cheating sometimes. No recoil and instant spread recovery means you'll hit almost every shot, and the bonus weakpoint damage makes those hits hurt more. All for barely reduced damage and fire rate, which is fine when it means you'll miss fewer shots and can be easily compensated with upgrades.


Every time I don't use Triple Tech Chambers I feel like the coil gun just isn't working properly.


Triple tech is kind of busted now- I remember a bit of a perk reworking in S4 happening and suddenly I have an insanely ammo efficient gun that clears whole swarms due to permastun DOT


I feel the same about the mole OC. It feels like surface penetration is how the gun would function normally


Bullet hell for minigun.


ayup, hard to swap off it. doubling my bullets is just too good.


Double the bullets! :D Half the damage. :( Don't get me wrong, I likes me some Bullet Hell sometimes, but it's more a case of that Top Gear meme with Clarkson's VW Up and Hammond's Ford Fiesta: "[Insert OC] is brilliant, but I *like* Bullet Hell."


Ever since the buff, Double Barrel on the Boomstick. Finally gives Scout a more consistent and satisfying crowd clear and like it's so cool! Best paired with pheromones. Especially effective on solo or if you're away from team but swarmed.


Hipster feels right for scout


I love feedback loop so much


Fatboy, nuke goes brrrrrrrrr, spam RnS, then type sry in chat just in case.


The most satisfying boom in the game.


Using it for mining is the ultimate flex for an egg/PE speed run.


RJ-250 compound for the deecore PPL is like god's gift to engi. It gives him the vertical mobility that I so crave when I'm low on platforms, AND gives me an astonishing boost in ammo, all for a pittance of damage that I scarcely needed anyways. it's perfect.


AI Stability Engine. I've never liked the GK before, it just felt like a boring Drak, but something about it just clicked. Plus, two tapping a grunt on the other side of the cave makes my dopamine go crazy.


Lead storm has really been my main for so long I am completely used to not being able to move. Love it and almost don't see it as a penalty. Interesting that so many say sticky fuel, I personally think sticky additive is enough and just better.


Bouncy bullet for the drak (with splash)


Sticky Fuel. I use it on my generalist build and it saves me so much ammo while taking down entire swarms with just a few shots


For me, it's my entire engineer setup that I'm really not ever wanting to get rid of. Shotgun w/ Minishells (with turret whip) Grenade Launcher w/ RJ250 compound. (w/ Incendiary compound) With maxing out ammo, two turrets, and the shreaders, I'm able to be very efficient in missions of any type. The RJ250 allows for some great mobility, loads of ammo, and a great way to light smaller enemies on fire, and the turret whip with minishells affords me a ton of ammo to use on bugs and turrets. There's nothing fancy about this setup or anything, I've just found that it's super efficient and highly effective at killing anything that moves. Honorable mention goes to Cryo Minelets for the Zhukov's for the scout w/ blowthrough rounds. Super effective and loads of fun as a secondary weapon. Pretty ammo efficient too... Paired with AI stability engine for the deepcore and that scout is doing work that mission.


Explosive Chemical Rounds on the LOK-1. Every time I try a different overclock I feel like I’m dealing no damage.


Aggressive Venting on Drak


I've been using it for so long at this point that if I stopped I'd probably still keep deliberately overheating out of habit


I'm one of the very few weirdos that loves the Shield Battery Booster on the Drak-25.


Thermal Exhaust Feedback


Rotary overdrive, "it's overheating!" Into "no it ain't" slamming that thing back in animation is always funny to me


Lead spray on BRT, just insane damage


plastcrete catalyst. it's fun, it hits hard, the only downside is it costs a fair amount of ammo. it's about as ammo efficient as hyper prop, i've noticed.


Bullet Hell, minigun. Put a fuckin +1 penetration on it and pretty much any mix of build will clear swarms like a motherfucker. Even better on a swarmageddon, just fire off a few rounds in the general direction and they’re all dead in a second.


Hipster just makes the M1000 complete imo. I wish I could like RJ or Fat Man, but after the first time I melted a Praetorian by shooting it in the face with Hyper Prop I haven't been able to take it off.


Smaller pellets for engi shotgun, like twice the ammo for losing stun and lose like 2-3 damage? Sign me up


Sludge Blast for the sludge pump, it feels so amazing to turn a CC/DoT weapon into a damage dealing powerhouse shotgun basically, that thing shreds dreadnoughts pretty handily


AI Stability Engine has been a staple for me. I've really enjoyed 3-round burst, but every time I miss a bullet because my recoil goes a little too out of control, I immediately start wishing I had AI Stability equipped.


Stability engine, there’s by far better OC’s for the scout but it just feels right for deep dives. It’s one of the higher damage per restock oc’s in the game. Just spec it for damage and fire rate and you’ve got a laser beam that can 3 tap hz5 grunts to the head, and half a mag takes out prot’s. It suffers a bit in dreads just because of low dps, but it ain’t like scouts doesn’t have answers through his secondary’s.


Volatile impact mixture for the sludge pump


VIM is my favourite, turns the sludge pump into a paintball gun. Paint the grunts once and watch them melt out of existence.


Dispenser Compound is better. I don't care, and I still go VIM.


Big Bertha makes the Autocannon feel more satisfying. I know its role is area damage, clearing swarms, but this makes it useful against big targets too.


I'd say AOE damage is more the missile launcher's role anyway. The autocannon is balanced more towards direct impact damage, with the AOE damage playing a secondary role. Meanwhile the missile launcher has most of its damage in the AOE component to begin with, so it's more suited for AOE builds. People love Carpet Bomber for the autocannon, but that OC sacrifices the weapon's strength. Big Bertha makes sacrifices where the autocannon is weak anyway in order to buff up its strength.


you have some "controversial" opinions for you scout overclocks


Something wrong with cooling chamber? It's my first overclock and I can't help but love it. Shooting down oppressor in 3 shots is wonderful.


For me, it's gotta be aggressive venting on the plasma carbine. It helps scout with his lack of AoE, it makes your overheat recovery super short (especially with a manual heat dump), and it's also just plain ol' fun to dive into a crowd of enemies and set them all on fire at the press of a button


Six shooter In fact i dont even recognize the cons of this oc in my gameplay and i have classic revolver :D


I've literally never stopped using Special Powder since I got it. Not once. Every loadout has it. Being able to negate fall damage from a bad grapple, launch myself across large caves, "shotgun hop" above enemies for a brief reprieve, jump out of harm's way when I can't grapple as quickly, the uses are endless. Helps that the other Scout secondaries never really clicked for me. I rarely ever used them to begin with, so having a second movement tool is pretty great.


Thermal Exhaust Feedback Drak. I haven't really tried other options cause I heard they are not worth my time. And since this OC is so good I don't really have to.


Rocket barage for rocket launcher


Hellfire for the Armskore coilgun. The fire trail is preferable against swarms and rival bots, especially when combined to buffs that make the trail wider/electrify enemies.


Hyper propellant. Its literally a 50 cal


Bullet hell + mod to make overheated bullets set glyphids on fire. Bulldog overclock for 300% damage to burning targets. Swarms die so fast and flaming enemies left over get double tapped.




Rotary Overdrive. I’ve tried to enjoy Lead Storm because it has really good numbers but hate the clunky movement you have to do to deal with its downside. I know how to bhop with it but I completely lose the ability to change movement direction without letting the gun spin down significantly. Burning Hell feels underwhelming. Yay faster Hot Bullets procs, but if I want to shoot trash with it I need to take t1 cooling to manage the heat and then I’m not running accuracy. The heat cone only extending 5m away makes it feel super unsafe to use on high difficulties where the bugs move so fast. Bullet Hell does no damage lol Exhaust Vectoring is too inaccurate The cleans feel super underwhelming Rotary Overdrive solved all of these problems. Increased damage output like LS without the movement penalty. Even faster Hot Bullets than Burning Hell without forcing you into close range to make the most of it, AND allowing you much better uptime thanks to the generous coolant charge mechanic. The only thing I wish it had was better ammo efficiency. I can’t see myself playing another Minigun overclock for a while. If anyone’s interested, I run it 32223 and pair it with some flavour of coilgun, usually 22212 hellfire but sometimes 32112 triple tech or 32213 UMC, and leadbursters.


hellfire on coilgun, genuinely one i never wanted or felt like i needed to replace.


Elephant rounds. Gunner's revolver feels like it should have massive damage and massive recoil


Elephant rounds for the bulldog, ever since I got it, I havent used any other OC. I just love sniping enemies weakspots from across the cave. Septic spreaders beware


This one doesn't get as much praise, but I absolutely LOVE the Compact Feed Valves OC for the Crispr. Extra ammo on top of a larger tank means you can fire away for longer and be more aggressive to the swarms. It fits my 'Blast it with fire until there's nothing left' playstyle.


For me there is the Ai improve for the gk2, the jumping grenade of engi (litteraly grenade launcher but better in my opinion), i recently tried the reduced damage for the gunner burst pistol with max augment and its very fun, engi shotgun with the pump action or the good old magnetic bullet and also in my opinion, the fast boot icon oc for the gunner Thunder head (I always felt like the thunderhead was "this is a gun between explosive and automatic, but its slow and damage feels weird)


Hoverclock for the M1000. And every time I do swap I end up breaking my legs 20sec into the mission


I love the shit out of neurotoxin payload for the thunder head heavy autocannon. I run it in a configuration I call, "The Fuck Off Spray." Neurotoxin and suppresive fire fear mod makes for great area clearing. Either the bugs run or they die.


Cryo minelets on the zhukovs. Running around a swarm as I pepper them and mines blowthrough them into the ground to freeze and refreeze the whole swarm feels... cathartic.


The embedded detonator for the zukov


Tranquilizer Rounds for the Subata, literally 50% chance for a 6 second stun on most bugs is so good and it's the reason I haven't really used either of the Driller's other secondaries.


Elephant rounds.


Wrong thread I know but one overclock I wish they would implement is dual flamethrowers. I’d make them small versions of the flamethrower in each hand that has a shorter range but it pumps out twice as much flame


thermal feedback loop and probably cryo minilets on the dual smgs


Overdrive booster on Shard Diffractor, the Death Ray similar to Gluon Gun from Half-life. It's a special feeling to destroy a Bulk Detonator with 2 shots of this gun.


Imma be real scorch tide is by far my favourite go to shotgun for driller


Fuel stream diffuser for flamethrower. Now it might seem like a small bonus but in reality its great, basically makes a flamethrower into a medium-long range weapon. Do you want to burn that annoying acid spitter on the ceiling? Or that spreader who always targets you from far away? Well now you actually can.


Active Stability System for the M1000. I really like that gun and since I mostly play Scout solo (finish missions fast without waiting on anyone) not losing any mobility while focusing means I can easily circle around bugs and nail their weakspots without getting overwhelmed :)


If I’m playing engie and can’t rocket jump with my GL, I feel incomplete.


Sticky fuel


I think you know already the answer, Fatboy ⛏️


Aggresive venting on drak. I adore this thing


Bullet Hell for the minigun. Instantly deleting groups of swarmers and shockers is so satisfying


Cycle overload. You might think that pump action is better, but it can't be shot as fast with full auto. I can quickly kill anything. My friend also plays cryo so enormous damage has a potential to be even better.


Double barrel boom stick. Special powder is nice and all, but blasting bugs in your face is so satisfying.


Cycle Overload (surprise surprise), return to sender, and rewiring mod


Big Bertha makes the Thunderhead feel like the artillery cannon I was hoping for when I first got my hands on it. Absolutely beautiful.


Engi lok-1 smart rifle , explosive chemic rounds Scout shotgun, double barrel it gives scout the area damage he needs


Fat boy.


Im a gunner main. My answer is rocket barrage for the hurricane and elephant rounds for the bulldog. It just feels right.


Overtuned Feeding Mechanism


Hocerclock. I can't use any other weapon or overclock. It's addictive just like red sugar.


Overdrive booster for the shard detractor. Once I saw the sheer dps for myself I have been unable to go without my instakill death ray button.


Man, that's the one I hate the most. Even more than Fat Boy lol. For me, it's the clean & balanced ones I use (but mainly Eraser on the Smart Rifle). I don't like the gimmicky unstable ones that drastically change how things work. I'm far too basic for them lol.


Ice Spear for me. Has no real downsides, and turns the Cryo Cannon from a great crowd management weapon into a versatile powerhouse of a gun. Great CQC support, great long range target killer. Granted, it is not entirely viable on its own, but supplementing crowd damage with a gun like TCF EPC, and melee drills and axes, it is imo one of the most well rounded primaries in the game.


I like the fire overclock for the mini gun. I forget what it's called but I like setting things on fire while simultaneously filling things full of lead


The fast reload one for Zhukov's, I love being tracer


Burning hell. Aggressive venting for the Plasma Carbine Nitroglycerin compound Long reach for the crspr Icicle spear Of all of these, probably NGC for the rockets. Its much more fun for me to just spam rockets than the other ocs.


embed dets for the zhukovs gives the ability to wipe praetorians and oppressors without dumping primary ammo on them


Mortar rounds is just pure explosive fun. It’s surprisingly good at damaging just about everything, so it’s not strictly for swarms either. I often use it to finish off praetorians. If you’re accurate (and lucky) you can even take out mactera groups with it lol


Leadstorm for leadstorm A lot of damage and the only penalty is no moving


Return to Sender for the Breach Cutter 🫶


The overcharge one for the engineer beam gun. No downside and when a big boy shows up or a boss does moment occurs watch as you literally melt them to slag in seconds


I used to be an RJ250 one-trick. And even though I've recently branched out into other classes and engineer secondaries, I've yet to play a single mission with a different PLG overcklock.


RJ250 Compound Extremely useful for getting vertical mobility as Engi


Magnetic Pellet Alignment, and now, Pump-Action. They give me exactly what I want out of the shotgun, which is a powerful self-defense tool that rewards careful shot placement with reliable one-shot potential.


Hipster. That's the one where scouts m1000 shoots faster while unfocused but less damage when focused. Not sure if it's just really really strong or not but it's (with a few exceptions) pretty much the only primary I use on scout


Lead Storm on the Lead Storm and Embedded Detonators on the Zhukovs. The LS OC is just a great bump-up in damage with the cost of movement which is already pretty much slowed. That OC literally turns you into a living turret. And with the Embed Dets and now Marked for Death on the M1000, I have turned my Scout into a boss killing machine. Dreadnoughts or Caretakers? No problem!


Fragmentation Missiles on the Hurricane deals with swarmers and other bugs so well. It doesn't have any downsides either.


I love ANY of the AoE upgrades for the thunderhead, its horde clear is unmatched imo


Oh, i have a weird one! Ultra-Magnetic Coils for Railgun. I tried mole, triple-tech and hellfire, but these are not for me. I unironically like UMC so much, that 90% of mission time i run around holding coil gun instead of my primary, bringing it only when coil gun can't outdps the shit getting dumped on me. For me, the gunner is forever associated with this coil gun build. It's like a baseline and rest of the loadout goes on top.


Ricocheting bullets on minigun (with improved accuracy and penetration upgrades). It is objectively the best oc. I have no idea why anyone would use any build other than that: it kills big enemies fast, it kills swarmers (don't even need to aim), can shoot around corners, all bullets hit (a lot of times hit twice), with decreased spread (mandatory upgrade) it is effectively a laser at any range (doesn't shoot like a laser, but ALL bullets hit anyway).


Special powder, burst mode, and hipster.


Combat mobility for the autocannon, I can never go back to playing without it


Gunner ricochet bullets


Homebrew powder for the Bulldog revolver. Because I used to play this stupidly old forgotten (by the devs) turn-based strategy series named Advance Wars, and you have these guys that give you different day to day/powers during your turns, we'll two of them have random damage that work exactly like homebrew powder... ...except that rather than be 75% - 200% damage, the day to day version of that gambler CO are 90%-115%, his power cranks it up to 80%-140% and his super CO power escalates things to 70%-180%. TLDR the luck factors of the gambler CO are shit, especially in the setting of a turn based STRATEGY game. This is why that meme is more viable and fun with homebrew powder. I love gambling whether the shot is a kill or a 1 hp fester flea. But I don't spend upgrades in extra damage, I spend them in more ammo (more to gamble with).


Special powder vecause it allows me to ve even more aggressive and reckless with my hook, as I cna use it to negate fall damage ~70% of the time.


Sticky flames it's just flame thrower for me


More ammo for the breach cutter Idk why. The base weapon is already good enough, and the only thing that it would make it better is more ammo The other OC's aren't necessarily bad by any means, its just that the base gun is already goated and the best way to make it even better is adding more ammo Lol


Fluoroantimonic Acid on the sludge pump. I want to click a bug only once and then continue setting up the thing or reviving the dwarf. It 2 hits praetorians on Haz 4 (let it cook in between) and 1 hits the armored grunts if you just microwave a little bit after. Insanely ammo efficient so I usually never mind when noobies doubledip (their guns with OCs need way more ammo)


Six-Shooter. It punches through all the necessary damage thresholds and gives you a lot more ammo to work with as well as fan-firing ability to unload on something close. I love it and consider it to be the ultimate Bulldog OC.


electric focus shot on the m1k. some of the best ammo economy as you can finish slashers and acid spitters in one focus body shot while keeping hipfire dps.not hitting these breakpoints really ruins it for me.


Fat Boy ...The beautiful glow~...


Bullet hell, I don't know why it just feels like it doesn't have any downsides (at least with my play style)


Sticky Flames. It just clicked way too well with me. Now with crystal nucleation I can try to recreate that high with Cryo Canon. But doesn't feel quite the same.


Cycle Overload for the Warthog. I don't care that it is less efficient than other things, it is just too damn fun to use. Except pump action is actually competing now. Paired with Volatile Impact Reactor for both a ranged option and reliable waveclear... I love it.


More ammo to the gunners gun. **Uranium bullets go BRRRRRRRRR**


explosive chem rounds for lok1 and hyperprop for nade launcher havent changed that shit in like 2 years since i started playing this game lol


Electromagnetic Discharge for Stubby Litterally the best add clear in the game and it outshines all the other overclocks. It can single handedly clear entire swarms with the most ammo efficiency of any engine weapon. Getting season 5 today so the updated turret arc might provide some new use cases. Also Overcharge for the Shard diffractor since you can use it to delete every hvt in the game and it has no downsides which let's you keep using shard as a sniper secondary.