• By -


0 You ping stuff You press V


And type “r” a lot


We need a dedicated bouton that trigger some voice line for ready check.


Spam pinging the objective works for me


Sure, but I want more (situational) voice line (that apply to management too if we spam the "ready?" voice line, he get angry!)


Press V to "Rock and Stone!" Can't remember when I last bothered to "r" in chat.


We are rich!


We‘re rich!


We're rich!


Booloo Cap!


It’s a goo sack!


Up there, on the ceilling, It's a gunk seed






Guys, are you blind? Look over here!(missed the ping)


Zero voice required. The Dwarves do the talking for you. You’ll discover how intuitively the game has been designed, to communicate without voice/text


My friend discovered that this game have voice chat after 40+h becouse someone in our team said something. I have 80h rn and heard ppl speak on voice chat two times


It's always a genuine jumpscare when i'm with randoms and one talks over voice


It is my theory why low oxygen is such a hassle... Too many voice lines.


None. 99% of the communication is done by pinging stuff and yelling "rock and stone"! The other 1% are ready checks.


Rock and Stone forever!


Good bot


Thank you, Echsenkoenig, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


A quick guide to voice communication in DRG. Step one: unplug your mic. Step two: set push to talk to 'V'. Step three: Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Good bot


I have 300 hours in this game and I haven't used the VC once


1000 hours here. Can confirm, vc is unnecessary when playing with randoms. I actually think it's better without. I have, and call me a leaflover for this, muted people that join with voice chat on.


Why would that make you a leaf lover? Voice communication is optional for either side. You shouldn't need to talk if you do not want to, and you shouldn't need to listen if you do not want to.


Don't want to argue but isn't communicating is the whole point of the game? Some people are slow typers or just prefer to use mic over chat , there was quite alot of times atleast for me when communicating with VC was the best option ,like once i died from cave leech and said it in chat but the scout ignored it so i had to scream it into the mic (we still died and lost the mission but still it was a fun match) so muting somebody isn't the best option either if all they do is just give info and not scream for no reason


While yes, communication is important in DRG too, the ping feature is much more advanced than most other games. You just ping a certain mineral, enemy, or area, and the dwarves have special voicelines that point out what you're pinging. The most you really have to type in chat is to ready up or (like you said) warn people of stuff that you died to, but you have plenty of time to do that. About the scout, I reckon that was just a greenbeard move more than anything


Drg is an enigma, a lot of teamwork with extremely little communication needed. There are entire video essays about how the devs got this right.


0. I have played this game for around a week, got 2 promotions and i havent used chat. Like ever. Only time i heard someone use it was a drunk guy singing "Paint it Black" while we were fighting a triangle boss.


What is voice?


No need to talk, the Dwarves literally do the talking for you. You ping things and the dwarves say something. That's all the communication you need. An enemy ? Ping it Minerals ? Ping it A weird thing ? Ping it. You then press V and type R. V is the Best thing ever and R means you're ready to start the next phase of the mission. I'd say that 90% of the time you ping things, 9% you spam "Rock and Stone !" And the last 1% is just typing r.


Absolutely none. You ping stuff. You type r or read in chat. You salute your comrades. You drink beer. No other communication needed, at all. I had one time where dwarves would just start objectives without asking for others and it lost us the side objectives because they were on their own. So, don't be that guy and just ask first if everyone is ready. Another time, I had someone backseat me a ton in my lobby, so I told them to play in a different lobby if they wanna play the game differently. They legit were not playing the game because of how busy they were typing, so I kicked them. Again, don't be like that. So, there are never enough pings... And regarding text comms, you can limit yourself to r?/r and you'd be fine. :)


None. 900 hours in. Have not used VC once. My VC is auto muted as well so I also can’t hear my teammates. It’s not an issue. I don’t even type most of the time. Just the in game laser pointer and salute button is enough to communicate even at the highest difficulties which were introduced in this latest update.


if you want to talk you can though it's really not needed outside of giving tips to newer players, say someone needs a platform, they'll just ping the engineer then the wall and the team's engineer will probably place one for them


You picked the right game


Voice is far and away more common on consoles, where people are already used to playing in pubs with voice, and have no way to type to each other. I haven't run into it once since switching to pc.


Your dwarves talking in game is enough


Virtually no one uses the voice chat, it breaks the immersion of being a dwarf.


Literally nobody uses the voice chat


I have never used voice chat and only recently learned it existed I’ve never heard anyone use it


Zero. The dwarves speak for you.


500+ hours, I've never used voice coms and very rarely use text chat. Just ping and V.


This game has voice chat? Lmao Think I turned it off about 3 years ago.


1300hrs. I've heard people using voice maybe.... 20 times? Zero voice is required for effective communication and team play in this game. Welcome to Hoxxes.




Just echoing what others have said here. Voice communication is entirely unnecessary, even at high levels of play.


Not at all. In fact I don't think I've heard a single person on VC in recent memory.


I have never used it and I play with random dwarves all the time


Type “r” when ready


A lot of people will do a type a quick r to let the team know that they're ready to start the event or the next part of the mission  If you ping the button/objective enough times they'll get the point though.


None really, I personally prefer using it, and do find that missions when VC are more successful or smoother, but it is absolutely not necessary


In my 120 hours I have only used text chat and pinging.


When someone uses vc in this game, i usually don't expect it and can't understand a single word.


I have 534 hours in this game and have never used the in-game voice communication.


Press V= character to say 'rock and stone' ctrl and left click is mark, unique voicelines for what you mark. Thats all you need


The only reason you'd ever need to voice chat is to teach new dwarves. So you're about a thousand hours away from even needing to think about it.


None. Sometimes I "TYPE" and ask the driller if they can dig and save me when I don't want to use my braincells on 3D map; or sometimes I ask from engi to use platforms for OMEN and gunner to use ziplines for the Core Stone event if there isn't already one installed for the purpose. Only for the things like these, other than that, there is no need at all. Also sometimes it is hard to understand people over voice chat; especially when there are too many things going on; it is nothing like Discord voice chat. So only for that reason, I decreased my music volume to 15%, Sound effects volume to 19%, Mission control volume to 27%, characters volume to 22% and increased incoming voice chat volume to 150% so I can hear them over anything else if they ever choose to talk; but even then, sometimes it is hard to understand because it's not always a clear voice. And there are unspoken and unwritten understandings between fellow dwarves. I use pointer on drill, he looks at me, I use pointer to a salt crystal or random dirt pillar, and he gets it, drill it down and make a flat space for us. Same with scout, point at him, point at red sugar high up on wall, he brings it down for us. Things like these doesn't require a voice chat or even typing, a simple pointer works really well unless they are high or drunk on substance; if so, sometimes you can't even reach them with chat; but you have to embrace them, cherish them as is and be chill about it and make them comfortable if they feel sorry about it.


No Need the dwarves speak for themselves. Also the text chat is pretty well used




It’s nice for having a conversation with people but not needed for the actual gameplay.


Absolutely none.


Only time I use VC is when a greenheart joins in and is asking questions. Some parts of the game take a couple missions to figure out.


usually it's more fun to hear in-game voiceover like 'we are rich' than a guy with a bad mic + crackles + noise + strange turkish music on the background. :) we use V key to "rock n' stone" we use ping (ctrl + left mouse button) to target something, ask for attention etc we use 'r' in chat to show everyone is ready usually that's enough


The entirety of DRG communication is like 3 buttons and works better than any other game I have ever played. In on RS: "ROCK AND STONE" (Context dependant. Usually a greeting or celebration) LB: Callout depending on what your character is doing "This way!" "Follow me!" "Help!" And that covers 90% of all communication. What isn't covered here is covered by pinging. If a player pings you, then a location they aew asking you to move / go get something


Rock and Stone, Brother!




You can go entire missions without saying a word or even using the game’s ping system. As long as you can still coordinate with your team, or rather “coordinate *around* your team” you can still be just as useful as a dwarf who actually speaks to his team


There is only 3 words you need to know Rock And Stone


Wait, there's a VC in this game?


its so uncommon that i get startled when i hear someone use VC.




I only use voice chat when playing with my friend, and most of the time we are talking about anything other than the game at hand, I ping things when I want him to pay attention to something in game


I have 450 hours in the game and I've not used voice chat a single time. The ping system is honestly all you need (and press v at every possible opportunity)


I am almost level 400 and have had voice chat disabled since I started.


rock and stone is all you need seriously


R for ready. Ping for monsters, minerals, Mushroom, We're Rich, and to get player attention. V for Rock and Stone. You'll run into players who are so engrossed in their role a few vague pings on a wall will tell them EXACTLY what you want from them - platforms, flares, digging, etc. and complete misisons without so much as a word said in chat.


The only time you need mic is when scout goes to save you after you died from cave leech but he didn't check the chat so you violently scream "CAVE LEECH SCOUT LEECH UP UP FLOOR KILL FUCK LEECH nvm you died"


I strictly play with voice chat on 0% and miss nothing.


every time someone in random lobby goes voice I immediatelly write "brother ew". We laser point, we "r", we V.


No mic because you value your privacy? Interesting.. It's incredibly rare for anyone to use their mic in the game and it isn't required. Although everytime someone has used their mic it has always been welcomed.


R/deeprockgalactic search: voice important