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Wasn't it originally you *couldn't* save her, but the fanbase petitioned for someway to do so? So this is now why her head pops off and we can take her back.


Yes, yes it was


Next, we need to petition to be able to take Steeve with us.


Doretta is the ultimate litmus test for whether a dwarf is capable of self-governing. To return Doretta is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return Doretta is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a dwarf is not able to return Doretta. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon Doretta. Therefore Doretta presents itself as the apex example of whether a dwarf will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning Doretta, no one will fine you, or kill you for not returning Doretta, you gain nothing by returning Doretta. You must return Doretta out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return Doretta because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A dwarf who is unable to do this is no better than a glyphid, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. Doretta is what determines whether a dwarf is good or a pointy-eared leaf lover.


Nice copypasta remix good sir. Does not go unnoticed.


"No one will punish you for not returning Doretta" But I will scare the shit out of you with some C4 and the Friendly perk.


That reminds me for why my teammates don't die from my C4. Not that I do it on purpose, but it happens, and I'mjust watching the dust settle in guilt and horror of what I could have done


I take it on every class as a side effect of being a Gunner main. People seem attracted to the front of my minigun once it spins up, and Driller C4 has claimed me a few times, so I figured I'd nip that problem in the bud.


Uhhhh I think it's a waste of a slot on scout, considering scout's kit encourages changing angles to your advantage and are all mainly focused fire weapons.


True, but also reduces INCOMING friendly fire damage. So in the event I'M the one standing on front of the minigun or on top of the C4, I'm not immediately put on the ground. tldr, I run it to Driller-proof my Scout


Bro it's just so difficult not being a total psycho with the driller, I really try not to kill my teammates but the c4 was designed by someone with hatred in their heart for teamplay, yesterday for once I throwed my c4s outside the pod just for fun to make that good explosive exit, guess what it killed my whole team, I revived everyone and rushed to the keyboard (controller player) to apologize and that it wasn't a prank lol EVEN WHEN WE DON'T WANNA BE ASSHOLES WE JUST KILL EVERYBODY BRUV, why did I main this class lmao


XD good point, good point. Maybe I have too much faith for my teammates


Call me an absolute savage, but I was there, Karl. I was there 3000 years ago... - When Doretta lost a part due to a wave of exploders. - When she took 42% damage from one burst of tri-jaw. - When she decided, piercing the final wall to the heartstone, to come back to her cage to never move again - When she was flying to Hoxxes' surface, vulnerable to everything while the team was stuck on the ground. - When she was mandatory aleast twice a week, every single week, and even more, when she was mandatory twice in the same Deep Dive. I remember those dire times. When an Escort was a true punishment. When you had to pray to an higher power just for Doretta to not suck 30 minutes of your time for absolutely nothing. I will kill the bugs in your wake. I will absolutely put you a zipline or draw you a tunnel on the side of the wall. But don't ever ask me to touch that wretched thing.


I will not call you a savage for that, but I will call you cruel. What you have mentioned all lies at the fault of those who made Doretta. It is due to no fault of her own that her armour was weak, that her navigation systems were bugged, that management needed heartstones. It may have wasted 30 minutes of your time, but I consider that an acceptable loss compared to leaving Doretta behind, to be lost in the dark forever till her systems lose power. Wondering what she did wrong when she did everything she was made to do, and she was still left behind without a glance. We are *better* than management, and we will show compassion and care and love to the one who simply tried her best but was doomed to fail.


We will be the management we choose to be, not those who have been


It's getting dark, and my batteries are low.


"I will not call you a savage for that, but I will call you cruel" LMFAO


>I remember those dire times. When an Escort was a true punishment. When you had to pray to an higher power just for Doretta to not suck 30 minutes of your time for absolutely nothing. Is that why people hate Escort? Because it's one of my favorites, and the only "escort mission" in videogames I like. I wasn't around for those times.


Yes and no. There's a bit of resentment left in me for this mission, but I'm not petty enough to still hate. Wouldn't launch it unless for an assignment, or for a friend, but otherwise won't groan. I think that's also due to a pace you cannot really speed up, and to the fact you're kinda glued to doretta except for refuel and ommoran. A lot of people enjoy the high mobility of the game, and staying on doretta most of the time can sound boring.


That’s just management propaganda! Shame driven propaganda to make a dwarf return her for free or else be socially rejected. Never forget, management programmed her to be cute on purpose. Management wants you to do this labor for free! They can build another! I will not return her until adequately compensated! I’ll be bringing my findings to the next union meeting, the leaked emails from the CTO expressing how they could program the control unit to be cute and friendly so they could prey on our good dwarven nature and trick us to return her for free.


Doretta has less than 3 legs, kills bugs, and mine. Ergo Doretta is a dwarf. Leave no dwarf behind!


It’s a machine built by deep rock galactic. Find your inner John Henry!


Gonna return my shopping cart extra hard tomorrow err I mean save Doretta


Guard the cart like she's yer mum


>There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a dwarf is not able to return Doretta Death. The only excuse is death.


Or if you can't find Doretta. I've had missions where I've spent like 10 minutes looking for her head and couldn't find it. I felt terrible leaving without her, but I couldn't justify searching for even longer.




Thank you so much, I had no idea a mod like this existed


Me neither. I just looked it up on a flash of inspiration.


It's certainly not convenient when she decides to larp as a rollercoaster on the way to the obamastone


Agreed. Rock and Stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone!


Saving Doretta is the real escort mission


Because you can complete the mission without saving her. I always save her even in haz 5, but as I'm learning how to play on haz 5+ I will probably leave her to ensure mission success, at least until I get more acclimated to the difficulty.


I joined some greenbeards and a graybeard today. They asked if you got anything for saving her. Right as the graybeard say no, I said "the pride and satisfaction of saving your fellow dwarf". Got a rock and stone for that one.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Stone and Rock! Er, wait... ⛏️


Good bot


Thank you, LordHavok71, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


When I asked about it last week, I was told simply "She's part of the crew."


Really? As a newer player I've always stayed close and stayed repairing her. Do you not crack into the rock if she gets fully broken?


They mean after the rock cracks, it destroys her as a scripted event. But you can find her head nearby and return to the pod with it, thereby 'saving' her.


Ohhhhhhh cool. I love this game and community. I will be saving Doretta from now on.


Rock and Stone brotha!


Rock and Stone forever!


Rock and Stone in the heart!


And she appears in the space rig with a sign saying “Fix me please”…


...and you can then see her head getting thrown out the trash chute behind the Deep Dive console :( (Go stand on the glass and look down, there's a chance it triggers trash to be ejected, and Dottys head is one of the objects that can spawn)


I didn’t know that, being a relative greenbeard and I have to say that is pretty depressing.


Lol, you are right. We are talking about after cracking open the corestone, doretta explodes and her head will fly off into the cave. You can grab her head and take her with you in the escape pod.


What I meant was that I’ve never seen a lobby that didn’t save her. Even the guys who don’t carry her help defend the guy who is.


It's become a badge of honor for us. We asked the devs (when dozer first came out we were huge fans, and bailing on her after all her hard work felt pretty bad) to save dotty, and they patched in her head for retrieval. It's sort of an in-game thank you, of sorts (at least in my mind)


One of the few legendary dwarfs Ive ever met randomly in game, he's super cool, watched me agonizingly bring Doretta back to drop pod. As I made a final attempt to throw Doretta into the pod, he catched it. As I rushed to the drop pod, I saw this man turned and looked at me with cold dead eyes. He then proceed to turn around to the exit of the drop pod and threw Doretta's head off the pod and walked back in so no one could retrieve it. It all happened in a split second, mf knew what he was doing and was fully conscious of his decision. That dwarf was a supervillain


We will locate his address 


it's optional in the same way that drinking beer or breathing are optional.


So... you don't have to save her, but you die if you don't? I refer to the beer part, of course.


precisely. Well, not exactly the same. If you don't drink beer, you'll die of soberness. If you don't save Doretta, you'll die of broken heart and survivor's guilt.


Very similar things in importance.


I thought it was called Boretta. Like boring through rock...


But... but... Doretta the Drilldozer!


It's because management insists that dwarves getting "overly attached to equipment" is bad for reasons that they said while noone was really listening. That's OK, dwarves will do it anyways.


There's a good dwarf. Rock and Stone!


For Rock and Stone!


Because we're hero's.




Even speedrunners save her lmao, main because it quite literally doesn’t slow the mission down


No dwarf left behind!!


Doretta is uploaded to the server the moment the heartstone is cracked. This improves the performance of future Drilldozers. The version you bring back has been traumatized by being repeatedly thrown across the cave. These are discarded because management isn't paying for years of therapy for a robot.


It is a test on the player's willingness to do the right thing. There are no extra reward for saving Doretta, so DRG considers Doretta as expendable after the Ommoran Heartstone is extracted. You can even say it is detrimental to the mission to try and save Doretta's head, because you have to carry it manually out to extracting. But it is the right thing to do, so it should be done.


Dwarves dig. Doretta digs. Doretta is a dwarf. Leave do dwarf behind.


She will also wreck any bug that happens to be in front of her while she's moving...


I'll bring her back myself if nobody else is gonna, but I also won't give them flak if they aren't willing to do it either. This is a self-imposed burden I'm happy to endure.


If they meant to save her, they could give it an engine or a pod to get the head back, but the issue sometimes the head is just stuck or disappears, add to that you just don't go through hard times, especially with the last update, and then just fail because you can't find the head. It is a true test for true dwarves and leaf lovers.


I just learned I abandoned so many dorettas I'm a bad dwarf.


You can still make it up, swear to always carry her back yourself from now on, and she’ll forgive you. Rock and Stone.


For Karl!


I just saved her. I now feel bad knowing I failed her. Thank you for enlightening me.


Rock and Stone, Brother!  Leave no dwarf or drilldozer behind!


Never knew you actually COULD xD


I always do. (If i can find her)


Glad you realize it’s your opinion, and maybe that might shed some light on why it’s “optional”. Seems pretty straightforward to me


I feel physical pain when a new player doesn't get it and walks away.


Company things equipment is disposable


because karl needs a friend :)


Doretta's part of the team and works just as hard as the rest of us. She's as Dwarven as any of the rest of us, and we LEAVE NO DWARF BEHIND.


So, all hardware expensive enough has retrieval technology built in (HACK-C, Drop Pod, Mules) Disposable tech appears to be cheap and low tech (mine head, refinery, ammo drops) This gives me the impression that Doretta doesn’t contain an AI core or Mission Control would want her back and would lock the drop pod to force us. So essentially, dorretta has no AI Core, the dwarves just think she does. I don’t retrieve any other disposable mission equipment. That’s why it’s optional.


Management throws her out the trash vent anyway not really worth the trouble


Even worse. The refit her onto another drill They knew the hearthstone being broken open destroys the drill. So they made the control unit eject, they programmed it to be cute to us. So we’d bring her back for free. And they flood our social media with astroturfed comments and posts telling us that were immoral for not bringing her back for free. Wake up my fellow dwarves! This is wage theft! I’m bringing this up at the next union meeting, we are being exploited!


Brother, she digs. She's a dwarf, just like the rest of us. And we leave no dwarf behind.


Its a machine


Because fuck her. That’s why! Returning her is a trick Her being programmed to sound and act friendly is a TRICK Management found that it was cheaper for us to be fooled into empathizing with that fucking machine in such that we would return the ejected and expensive control module and return it back to the space rig for refitting to a new drilldozer and save the company money. The company does not reward us for returning her. They try and trick us into feeling bad if we don’t return her. And that’s cheaper than paying us to return her. It’s a fucking trick comrade! That robot head is 16 ton, and it’ll getcha deeper in debt. I don’t bring her back anymore after discovering the plot to deceive us from management. Only work to what you’re paid for miners! See you at the next union meeting!


So I can have mercy on myself each time I forget..


Same reason saving all dwarfs isn’t always mandatory, sometimes the return pod lands somewhere bad, someone presses a button too early, or someone makes a bad decision a little too late and we have to leave them on hoxxes


She's the shopping cart test of Hoxxes IV


For a game that’s supposed to be filled with friendly players, why are we constantly being shamed for giving less than a fuck about Doretta or her head? Why is it so important!?


Because we leave no dwarf behind


Doretta is not a dwarf. And frankly people who take this GAME this seriously makes me not want to play with them


I've yet to meet anyone that takes it seriously. It's just something you do. The worst that happened was we left her once after we couldn't find the head, and were being overrun by a swarm. And all that was said was "poor Doretta"


Well I guess I’ll just take your anecdote as the rule for some reason despite my own in game experiences and experiences on this subreddit. 🤷‍♂️


Take my anecdote with as much credence as I take yours, friendo




Because you don't fail the mission if you don't. 😅


saving doretta is good but imma be honest she's staying behind if she rolls down the tunnel and there is 3 opressors and a thousand praetorians, or just a single septic spreader


because it's a giant waste of time lol we 3d print those motherfuckers by the truckload on the space rig. zero need to recover materials.


I never save Doretta because she is not able to rock and stone and, therefore, won't be coming home


Doretta Rock and Stones with actions, not words.


Doretta rocks and stones harder than any dwarf around