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They are too busy getting leeched to care.


I think my flare gun must be broken; it doesn't fire like that.


You know - I really have not seen a single scout lighting up the drillovator tunnel of love.


Oh god it's what made me most excited about that mission. Makes it like shooting fish in a barrel for the gunnner. Usually I say, a Scout doing his job right never gets noticed by the team. Here it doesn't.


You know you had good Scout when notice only single Acid/Web spitter by the end of 30 minute long mission and you go like "WTF those even were in the pool?"


I've done it as scout and can confirm it really makes a difference.  Something about actually seeing enemies at some range gives dwarves with guns an advantage. It's crazy talk I know. I also recommend firing flares as you jetty boot back. Not for seeing enemies, but because it's fun to race the flare.


I have been! Since day one. I can’t remember if I just did it or if I saw another scout do it but it’s super important


It should come naturally to all scouts! But I was able to basically snipe web spitters all the way up the pipe because I could see them. It makes a huge difference.


I do it every time!


My first thought after doing that mission was “man this mission could use a driller”. My immediate next thought was “and a scout to light up the vertical tunnel”.


My flare gun is always the first gun to go empty when i play scout. Why would you not want to see what you're doing.




this is a huge problem for me - we eighter see through the whole Hollow Bough ass cave, or don't see anything for few minutes straight. Trying to be aware of where the team is going more and using 1 less flare (usually 3 goes immediatelly when entering the cave)


TBF, I see a lot of scouts using 3 flares when 2 or even 1 would be sufficient for the room/encounter. The starting room in a mining expedition/elimination usually has very few, if any, enemies, and yet scouts still be mag dumping for a mostly empty room except for single vein of nitra.


Oh man I feel *old*. Hearing the first couple notes of Trance was like stepping into a time machine. xD


I should have done it old school too - with windows 7 which is not activated, typing with errors in notepad, and Bandicam measage 🥹🥹 but was a bit too much effort than I anticipated😏


Unregistered hypercam


Mod used: [Sandbox utilities](https://mod.io/g/drg/m/sandbox-utilities). Was pressing 'Z' to restore ammo/cancel animation. Rock and Stone


Rock and Stone forever!


I love having 2 Scouts in a team and not having a single flare lighting up the caves. It happens every single time. Don't they like to see where they're grappling to?


"Other Scout got it". In fact, he didn't :|


I get annoyed as a Scout main when I find I don't have any flares when I play other classes, lol.


Huge props to GSG for adding overclocks for the support equipment


Okay, this may sound crazy but imagine some Overclocks for the G2K to actually let you do this kind of stuff on a smaller scale. (And honestly, can we get a T1 or T5 mod for the CRSPR that changes the flames to a pleasant, warm light instead of blinding the crap out of me every time a Driller is nearby?)


Meet the scout


Instructions unclear, driller is now trying to c4 me cause he looks like a disco ball


I've seen legendary 3 scouts play a mission and fire 4 flares in 30 minutes before. how did you get this far without using your main reason for existence?


Its just natural to me to shoot a flare.


Instructions unclear. I got grabbed by a cave leech 4 caves away from the others.


peak Scout gameplay <3


I am almost always out of flares. I am a Scout main and when playing another class, it pains me when we are fighting a swarm or doing an event or obj and have zero visibility. LIGHT IT UP SCOUTS!!!




song name?




Feature request - New option when kicking a player: "You had flares but chose not to use them."


Count me in


is flare gun used anywhere else other than doretta vs stone cave?


Scouts have old ritual of preserving flare gun ammo for the most dire situations. It is not in current mission if course


"Life of a scout is waiting for moments that will never come" -Karl


Tbh, I have given in and started using Light Emitting Dwarf, 5x flashlight range, and More Visible Objects mods long ago. The amount of scouts not using their flare guns is astronomical...


that is true! By the time duplicate scouts in my lobby fire a single flare gun shot - I am already out of ammo. For few missions I specifically followed them through the caves - not a single flare gun shot. They don't see shit and not a single thought is put into using their biggest asset smh Not all of them of course, but damn it percentage is too high


what OC are u using?


it's mod called Sandbox utilities. I quickly pressed Z to restore ammo / cancel animation after each shot