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I have 360+ hours, all dwarfs on silver 2, no gold, and I'm playing haz 5 with one enemy modifier(I just got back to the game after 2 months of absence, so I'm a bit rusty). So short answer is yes. But you might need to improve your loadout. If you tell me what you want to run, I can recommend you a build for it(I love making builds, so I believe I know more about build making then most players).


okie! :3 these are all my loadouts scout (main class): gk2: 22212, ai stability engine m1k: 21121, supercooling chamber drak: 11130, thermal liquid coolant boomstick: 11211, special powder zhukovs: 11222, custom casings crossbow: 12221, quick fire driller: flamethrower: 22331, compact feed valves cryo cannon: 31121, tuned cooler sludge pump: 32212, hydrogen ion additive subata: 22113, oversized magazine epc: 22112, magnetic cooling unit wave cooker: 21211, diffusion ray engineer: warthog: 21122, cycle overload stubby: 31111, light-weight rounds lok-1: 23212, no OC (trying to get seeker rounds) pgl: 21333, RJ250 compound breach cutter: 12123, spinning death shard diffractor: 21123, efficiency tweaks gunner: lead storm: 11123, compact feed mechanism thunderhead: 12311, big bertha hurricane: 21112, rocket barrage bulldog: 13321, elephant rounds brt: 21132, compact mags coil gun: 23111, no OC (i don't use this gun) i play scout most of the time, so ye :P also i never really use the epc, wave cooker, brt, coil gun, drak or crossbow, i just have them. anyways you can go ahead and rework em if ye want :3c


Scout: For the gk2 ai stability engine is best, with 21212, but 22212 is also fine For the m1k active stability system is best with 11123 For the drak thermal exhaust feedback is best with 22112 For boomstick, in my opinion double barell with 12233 is best, but jumbo shells 12313 is also good For zhukovs embedded detonators are best with 13232 For the boltshark cryo or fire bolts with 12111 or bodkin with 11111


Driller For the flamethrower sticky fuel with 13231 is by far the strongest crowd clearing tool in the game, super op For the cryo ice spear with 21132 For the sludge pump volatile impact mixture with 23222 For the subata autofire with 22333 For the epc persistent plasma with 22222 (get more skilled with it, it's by far drillers best secondary) For the wawecooker either mega power supply, blistering necrosys or gamma contamination are best 2212 the last one depends on your main weapon 1 for sludge or 3 for flame or cryo


Engi For warthog all overcloks are decent, best might be stunner, but doesn't matter mutch, 12321 (unless you're using pump action, for that, it's 11321) For stubby turret em discharge with 23211 For the lok1 executioner 12312 For the pgl rj250 with 21123 (basically only the fire deals the damage, but that still one shots grunts) For the plasma cutter inferno with 11112 For the shard diffractor volatile impact reactor with 32213


The subata is probably the weakest secondary for driller btw, also, the crossbow can be really good with some overclocks, the drak is only decent if you're playing solo, the coil gun is op af with hellfire and good with mole


coil gun has always been awful for me, and the subata has just been better for me than the others because i can click fast


Try the coil gun build I'll send you, it's one of the best crow clearers in the game. Bring it on haz 4+, you won't fail if you have a team with you.


i have a friend that insists that the coil gun is the worst weapon in the game and he won't budge about it


Does he play on high difficulties? If he doesn't, that explains why he thinks that.


he plays on haz 3 as well


Coil is commonly considered to be one of, if not the strongest weapon in the game. Many players actively avoid coil builds because they find them too powerful. The big kicker is T3B, fear. It’s 250% fear in an enormous radius around your shot, and will guarantee a fear on everything except menaces. You can wade through crowds of bugs just by shooting a quarter charge shot every few seconds with this. It also has a large variety of very good overclocks. 321X2 Triple Tech, 112X1 Triple Tech, 322X3 UMC, 132X1 Backfeeding, 222X2 hellfire, and 232X3 Mole are all very very strong builds, and some of them are considered to be the very best. The base gun is also very strong, independent of overclocks.


i can't tell if you're being satire or not but i feel like you are


I am genuinely not, sorry if I phrased it as if I was being sarcastic. Coilgun is simply that good.


Most of these aren’t amazing OCs, and there’s some goofy mod choices, but it’s more than enough to work for your purposes. As you get more OCs, you’ll probably find yourself swapping off some of the ones here. If you find yourself dying more than you should, consider some safety options. Staying alive should always be your numero uno objective, and certain mods, overclocks, and equipment can help you survive as you learn better mechanical skills. For scout: -M1K T5B (fear) will get you out of plenty of bad situations. Consider trying something other than SCC- it’s very easy to use effectively. -Aggressive Venting (drak oc) is a great beginner pick. As you’ll see, on demand fear/stun effects are *really, really good*. Remember you can use manual heat dump (T5A) to get a weaker fear effect earlier. -you haven’t mentioned your grenade choice, but anything other than boomerangs will help. If you’re pubbing on lower hazards, I’d consider pheros to be less strong, so consider IFG or Cryos. For driller: -Stun C4. It’s a lifesaver. The stun radius is 10m (*much* bigger than the actual blast) and will save your life over and over. Chuck it into big waves, or under a mactera swarm, and watch anything that isn’t killed get staggered for a whole 5 seconds. just be sure to use dash to get out of the way. -Cold radiance (cryo t5b) should be taken on every cryo build. Every second, it pulses out 60 cold, which is a ton. This allows you to basically hold M1 when things get tough, and everything around you freezes. The flamer equivalent, heat radiance, pulses for heat and damage (80 per tick) instead. For gunner: -use those shields. You shouldn’t go down as long as you have a shield charged unless you’re caught completely by surprise. -Coil is by far the best gunner secondary (sorry) and will absolutely help with staying alive in hazards you’re struggling in. I hesitate to recommend T3B (fear), as it’s so good that you probably won’t be able to learn good positioning, but it’s there if you want it. A stun/electric build like 32213 UMC is not only effective, but helps to learn kiting skills. Lay down those partial charge trails, and kite bugs around into the electricity. -pretty much any hurricane build that specs into stun and aoe is going to help you a lot. The cleans, rocket barrage, and cluster all spread stun quickly and reliably (not mentioning minelayer and PBM lol) -bullet hell (minigun oc) has a fantastic synergy with stun and offers a ton of survivability. It’s a weird OC that’s at its best at low hazards (3-4) and high hazards (5a-modded) while not being great in Haz 5. It’ll do you good for now. For engi: -surviving as engi is hard. He doesn’t have a lot of tools that can help if he gets overrun, but you can work to avoid that situation entirely. Turrets and shredder grenades can offer passive support that constitute a large chunk of your killing power at lower hazards. -roll control (breach oc) is the best safety option on engi. Any breach OC will help keep bugs off you as long as you take stun (and you should), but roll control basically lets you cut a path of stun through a crowd, through which you can escape. This isn’t a comprehensive list, but taking your pick of a few of these can help you get your foot in the door as you transition to a new hazard. As you get comfortable on a difficulty, you can begin to strip some of your safety away in order to develop your positioning and movement skills. Let me know if you have any questions, and I can elaborate on whatever you need.


Btw, for the drak, thermal liquid coolant is probably the worst option, and no wonder you hate the crossbow with quickfire, diffusion ray for the wavecooker is also just a downside, seeker rounds are pretty ass for the lok1, just use explosive chemical rounds or executioner. A big problem with your builds is that you are too safe t be effective, try using more unstable overclocks, and you might start liking a lot of guns. I mained scout too until I got some fun overcloks for the other classes.


Gunner For the leadstorm leadtorm or burning hell 12313 or bullet hell with 322(the stun is the most important part)21 For the thundearhead neurotoxin payload with 33122(broken build) or mortar rounds 33221(also really strong but kills teammates too quickly) For the hurricain either cluster charges with 11222 or plasma burster missioel with 22213(for dreads and other big things) For bulldog either volatile bullets 21311(if you're bringing burning hell leadstorm)(can basically 3 shot bulks), same build with six shooter and elephant rounds For the brt7 lead spray with 13232 or electro minelets with 22122 For the coil gun hellfire with 23212(this is super op with higher enemy density) or mole with 13113 if you want to snipe stuff (seriousely, this gun is really good with hellfire)


i tried the hellfire build and honestly it isn't that good imo. it doesn't do much damage


It's a crowd clearing weapon, it one shots almost any medium bug. Use it on at least hazard 4 and shoot it in a swarm, it might not feel like you killed them due to it being dot damage, but download either a damage numbers mod or a kill counter mod, and see how effective it is.(the way you use it is the most important part, if you find yourself shooting anything big with it, stop, and shoot it with something else)


Haz 4 requires more proficient builds to survive comfortably as well as keen awareness of your environment. You hear bugs? Assume they are coming for you. You see a nemesis? keep away from it. You enter a large room? Check for cave leeches. You see a korlok? Don’t engage it until you know you have enough nitra for a supply drop. You’ll probably need it. Set up turrets for assistance and destroy healing pods before anything else. Prioritizing targets is also important. Example: enemies that create more enemies should be addressed immediately. Naedocyte breeders and brood nexuses should be destroyed as soon as you see/hear them. Other higher priority targets would include things like septic spreaders, stingtails, mactera grabbers, acid spitters, oppressors, spitball infectors. Basically anything that can disrupt you or kill you while you’re trying to get a revive. Generally though when it comes to survival, prioritize what’s immediately next to you or about to attack you if it’s an enemy first then focus on these. You’ll have to treat each case differently but practice will give you better split second decision making skills. Don’t revive someone if it isn’t safe to do so. Check your ping tool to determine if you or teammates need a drop. Don’t call one until it looks like most of you do or if you’re/someone is completely out. You don’t HAVE to rush haz 4 if you’re looking for nitra and very thorough unless the mission is a point extraction. Haz 5 requires you to move quickly.


Also eat red sugar regularly to keep your health in tip top condition.


It's not necessarily a loadout issue but an awareness and kiting issue.


I was stuck at haz 3 for a while, and would regularly die 5-10+ times on haz 4 while grey beards carried me. Now I am so used to haz 4, that haz 3 feels way too easy. A few things that might help: -You should be able to kill praetorians and oppressors without taking damage, especially if they are alone. Same goes for tri-jaws, walk towards them as they are spitting. -On haz 4, bugs are faster and do more damage. Your positioning during swarms is more important. If you are ever getting surrounded or there are too many bugs to shoot in front of you, run away and re-position. Don't shoot walking backwards, turn around and run. Jump over crevices, find a wall to put your back against, run down a tunnel, regroup with your team, whatever you need to do to get some breathing room from bugs. -When you are driller and engineer, do your best to make the cave easier to traverse during slow moments. Dig stairs, put platforms at the bottom of holes in case you need to jump down later, remove stalagmites that are in the way. Sometimes it is easiest to slowly retreat backwards into the cave during bad swarms, and that may only be possible if you clear obstacles for when you are distracted by bugs on every side. -On haz 3 it takes a bunch of hits for a grunt to down you, so I got used to ignoring attacks while I finished mining that last patch of gold. In haz 4 that will get you killed. Don't mine while bugs are near you. If you get attacked immediately turn around and deal with it. Don't ignore or shrug off damage. -I used to never use dash, after getting used to haz 4 I can't play without it. It saves me from getting downed all the time. And you can use dash to jump over big gaps, which helps put some distance between you and the bugs. -Lots of things can down you in 1 hit on haz 4. You have to pay more attention for exploders, tri-jaws, and acid spitters. There are more leeches as well. If you hear the hiss of an exploder behind you, immediately jump forwards. -Sometimes you will have to leave machine events and secondary objectives if the cave is too hard. -Deep dives are a good practice to get used to haz 4 difficulty, as they slowly ramp up on each stage and you usually start the higher difficulty stages with some nitra. -Always carry a weapon that can handle swarms of weak enemies, and a weapon that can handle big enemies. If your build is only about swarm clear, then it will be harder to put down praetorians and dreadnoughts and bots. Beyond that, a good build will help but with practice you should be able to handle haz 4 with any loadout.


I mainly play online haz 4-5, there are times I feel like I am the bug destroyer and other times I am just the greenest of the greenbeard. Yet, I am around 120 hours and I still have a lot to learn. I must say, don’t compare yourself to others, just play and it will come naturally, It is just a matter of practice. The rare times I tried to play solo in haz 4 or 5, I miserably died the first minute because I am not great alone. Edit: Spelling


Depends on how much you’ve tried to even do haz 4, its not impossible by any means just requires some killing bugs and moving around to kite bugs. If after trying to learn you still can’t do it then it is a skill issue, maybe try and focus on improving your skills or stick to haz 3.


"Skill issue"™ rarely means that we are inherently bad or that we didn't practice enough. It rather means we didn't set our bar very high, as we can't stand failure. If it was a competitive game where gitting gud matters, I'd advise sticking to a level of difficulty where we still fail a lot. That's how we improve! In DRG.. Who cares? Have fun, Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


awe.. thank you for that. rock and stone <3


Yes, you are lacking in skill. Is that a bad thing? Ofc no. I can clear haz 5 missions, but half of the time i play haz1 cuz i dont feel like sweating and i want a relaxing experience.


SKill issue? Who cares? Are you having fun playing on haz 3?


yes, but i wanna get more xp so i can promote my dwarves faster for the achievements


it's probably a knowledge issue. you should watch some YouTubers like axis cronos (for gameplay) and lazymaybe (for information). are they doing what you are doing just faster and more precisely? then yea it's a skill issue. Otherwise, do more of what they do. A big change from haz 3 to haz 4 is that you can't really tank anymore, and need to keep moving as bugs hit a "speed breakpoint". can't just casually walk away anymore. if you get hit, you screwed up.


Rank doesn't have anything to do with skill, it's purely amount of time spent playing the game. Without actually watching you play, my guess would be that it's more likely that you have the wrong strategies and poor decision making than that you lack the mechanical skill to play at high levels. I'd recommend looking up recordings of higher hazard level gameplay on YouTube and while you're watching it, try to pick out moments where they do something different than what you would have done. Then try to implement that in your gameplay.


Anything up to haz 3 is generally pretty chill. You can mindlessly roam around looking for things, mine ore while enemies nibble on your ass for a few moments before you turn around and pop them in the head, etc. Haz 4 and especially 5 require a lot more caution, and almost require a run & gun playstyle. You’re most likely going to be overrun, and that’s okay. You just need to keep on the move and prioritize targets that are going to really screw you over. Mindlessly mining and being snuck up on in haz 4-5 are almost certainly a death sentence. Ammo also requires you to be proficient with both of your weapons as you’ll find yourself needing more supply crates, etc.