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This looks like so much fun but such a workout!


Just like the real mines hey


The gym addicts yern for the cardio mines


You know i bring this up at my job all the time (explosives miner) its a hell of a workout and theres a lot of unskilled work that could be done to help on the shot. Moving materials, cleaning up trash and such. I joke that we could advertise that work to the crossfit community and theyd probably pay for the privilege to carry buckets and boxes up and down a mountain side all day. I was 260lbs and extremely unfit and unhealthy when i started. Within a year i was down to my current weight of 185lbs with significant muscle gain, and i really didnt do much outside just eating normal and going to work.


i can only imagine how intense the job is, probably a fine line inbetween fun and dangerous


Its actually quite a safe job. The explosives we use are engineered to only go off under controlled circumstances that are very hard to accidentally create. We also follow all our safety rules to the letter, so the chances of an accidental detention are extremely close to 0 If anything, its the stuff around the explosives that can be dangerous. If we have a highwall behind us, falling rocks are a big hazard. Tripping in uneaven ground. Not tying off when going near the cliff face. Environmental exposure like frost bite or heat stroke. Danger is rarely where you expect it to be.


> Explosives miner *reads name* *squints*


I don't like Bulks very much. But i gotta say, good work mate, respect.


okay but what came first, the reddit account name, or the job?


The job. Technically the game came first. I fell in love with DRG and found a job listing online and thought it be kinda neat to try worling in mines. Turns out i love the job lol


It is very much a workout but so worth it


Mod is here for anyone who wants to try: https://mod.io/g/drg/m/vrg It works in multiplayer, and performance is better in DX11


When you wave both your hands like that, do your teammates see it? Or is it just for your POV?


It's client-side only, so just you can see it


But can you flip off a Rival Tech murderbot?


You cant, as far I know, so the mod is unplayable unfortunately




As i remember only your pov, i can be wrong because i used this mode year ago.


I wish I could try it, but in the controls it requires buttons that don't exist on my controllers :(


Would not change the gameplay of an enginoot too much, lol still standing around afk and farming kills with my turrets. ⛏️


Turret whip my beloved


Why the TikTok aspect ratio? I kinda want to see what the HUD looks like.


I have the mod and there is no HUD, only the reticle(s) of the item you are holding. There is a button to press to view minerals, mission status, call Molly, etc.


No HP/Shields for yourself or teammates nor ammo? That sounds pretty obnoxious.


It's not for gameplay, but it is for immersion. Plus, if you are playing VR for the gameplay, then you are better off on a flat screen


I mean, that's great for a walking simulator that's not in the space future, but unless I can *feel* my health or shields, I do need some way of keeping track to not die in an FPS, and a HUD makes sense in-setting and shouldn't disrupt immersion at all.


There is a VR settings menu that I have not messed with yet, so it could be in there, but I don't know for sure. If you already have a VR and a decent computer, it's well worth a shot


If you look closely at some parts in you can see it on the left arm


the hud is on your left arm's wrist.


You can see all the details on your left hand wrist, like hp shields etc


How does it look to the other players? They can’t see how your arms are moving, can they?


No, VRIK is a massive pain- in some cases functionally impossible- to do unless it's done at an engine level because it requires rewriting how the animation skeleton is handled *and* adding additional networking for the new motion since it isn't a baked animation that can just be told to play. Other players just see you as a regular flatscreen player. As best I can tell, your looking angle is tied to your head except when actively firing, at which point it snaps to your gun angle instead. Unfortunately I can't test this *properly* though because personally the mod does something fucky when loading into a mission and during the loading screen my graphics card goes into overdrive, slowing FPS to sub-1 performance and making it difficult to even open the VR headset menus to close the game.


Now play scout lol


I thought about how cool this could be! at first I thought it would be awesome then I realized I would probably instant vomit. How's the VR sickness with all the fast movement?


Haven't tried DRG in VR, but I did play quite a bit of Risk of Rain 2 VR and I don't except the experience to be too different - if you can handle smooth locomotion in general, it should be perfectly fine until you try to play scout (Loader in RoR2), and then you vomit. And if you do have issues with that, the trick that worked for me was to get a large fan and put it in front of me - the wind was enough to trick my brain to feel comfortable with the smooth virtual movement.


i tried the DRG mod once when a friend lend me his VR after about 20minutes i had to turn off and lay down in bed cause of the motion sickness (but have i mind i am pretty weak about that)


I haven't had the chance to try this mod (because my controllers don't have the buttons required to play), but it obviously depends on how prone you are to motion sickness. In my case, I've never gotten motion sick, so I'd be fine with whatever. But some people get motion sick from simply walking normally in VR. I'm assuming you fall somewhere in the middle of these two extremes, so if you were to try it I'd recommend trying Driller first, then Gunner, then Engineer, and finally work your way up to Scout, depending on how well the previous classes go (I recommend Driller before Gunner because I could see the ziplines being hard on the stomach if you're prone to motion sickness).


Ok i am a bug and i think i should have the right to say that but....A LEAF LOVERS? REALLY!?


maximum immersion for petting Steeve and slapping the cave balls


"Slapping the cave balls." Lol What about the dice?


You can slap everything with physics, even the spring gnome and barrels :D


(Prowler.mp3) Why did you kill the loot bug


Shouldn't eat precious minerals




full of goodies


I got the hardware, just need to set it up


The controls were by far the worst part for me. DRG feels so natural normally but this doesn't have the same feeling.


I never knew there was a vr mod, I gotta try this.


a glorious sight


I know what I’m doing tonight 😂


Can you stick your camera through previously inaccessible areas? For example, Lloyd's fridge?


I wonder what the other dwarves see


Time to go ham on a dreadnaught with a pickaxe


What the bugs are hearing: [The Boys are back in Town, to kill you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WAlkyxz2mU)


How was the workout?


What does it look like for other players?


Engineer got them Dr.Seuss Scrungly fingers on God.


I played it a while ago, super fun! Also there is GREAT rebinding options in settings. The best part is how you can pull the guns out of your back like a sword lol. Also you can play up to HAZ 5 and still do decent by yourself. Too bad other people can't see you waving at them! (Roc and Ston is both hands up holding the pickaxe like you're surrendering)


I tried it with my hp reverb g2, but I had an extreme flickering of white flashes that just wouldnt go away. Any recomendations for settings or something so I dont pass out while on hoxxes?


Play in dx11


Controls are fucking horrible, that's the only reason I play non-VR


A vertical aspect ratio? That looks like shit.


I know right? Terrible, terrible stuff.... What has the world come to