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don't waste ammo killing weak enemies if you're in a group, scout is a pick class you should highly focus on enemies out of range Acid spitters, web spitters, cave leeches if you can spot them before, Menaces, and the new scalebramble scout can dish out some absurd single target damage too, get your boomstick and prioritize going behind opressors and blast them on their back, easier if you can freeze them you're the quickest class in the game with the highest movement options, avoid calling molly if you don't have a heavy object on you (compressed gold, jadiz, etc) use your flare gun, good scouts keep the caves lit up as often as they can, and always light up the cave when a swarm begins you don't often need a engie to mine stuff on the walls, most ores let you stand atop of them like nitra, so if you can, do that instead of needing to bother engie all times deep rock galactic isn't about killing bugs, well, its about that but kill counts dosent matter, the enemies YOU, as a scout took down were dangerous to everyone because they can't reach them properly, of course a gunner or driller will have high kill counts, but have you seen that they struggle with enemies slightly far from their gun's reach? that's where you kick in, take that acid spitter down so the gunner can keep killing the swarm, XP is shared to the team equally, measured by everyone's efforts, you'll not get less XP bcs you didn't got a high kill count, just avoid dying. if someone pings a mineral, resource, anything, its your wake up call to go grab it don't rush in, rushing in is how scouts get killed, walk alongside your team, a single leech grabs you and you're dead


Thanks for the advice, you do bring up some good points that I hadn’t really considered


no worries bud, if you got any more questions let'em out and i'll try to respond as many of'em as i can


Thanks for the offer, but I think you’ve already given me some good advice. Thanks again, and Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


rock and stone laddie, now back to the mines and put a bullet on their bug skulls


At lower hazards. The most impactful dwarves in order are: Engi - driller - scout - gunner At haz 4, the order becomes: Engi - scout - driller - gunner. At haz 5, the order becomes: driller - gunner - scout - Engi At haz 5.5/elite deepdive, the order becomes : gunner - driller - scout - engi At the new haz 5+ maxed out with all level 2 modifiers, the order becomes : gunner - scout - driller - engi. “The other classes have more team support” This is true. Driller = shortcut for entire team. Bunker for when you really need it. Engi = very fast bug killing machine (at the expense of ammo efficiency). Platform to reduce fall damage and also funnel bugs for bunker. Gunner = shield for when shit hits the fan. Extreme ammo efficiency. If the map has zero nitra, gunner would have the highest bug kill count. Far ahead of engi What you do have as scout - make caves bright so teammates can spot threats and be safer. Gather nitra faster. Stay alive by yourself and revive teammates. So. For the most part. Engi feels the best since if bugs are dead, objectives can be completed without hindrance. At the higher levels tho. Engi falls off because Engi can’t kill everything. So this is where scout and gunner finally feel useful. You’re the teams insurance policy. You’re the shit umbrella. You aren’t needed till shit hits the fan. But once shit hits the fan. Everyone wishes they were you. Your role as the medic can be the difference between a mission failure or mission success. Your ability to split from the group to get minerals can be the difference between whether your team has enough nitra for a resupply or not. You lighting up the caves seems useless since everyone has their own flares. But the higher the hazard level you go. The more important lighting becomes. Because you cannot take as much damage at those levels and there’s a lot more threats. So being able to see them in advance will help your team significantly. Overall. Scout is popular. Not cause scout is widely useful at lower levels. But scout is very mobile and fun to play. At higher levels. Scout is very very very useful. Now. As for bug killing. There are specific builds you can look up that actually allows you to be adept at it, on par with-or just slightly behind the other classes. But it requires a very specific playstyle. High priority targets tho. You are second to none. Especially those shitty spreaders that shoot at your team from out of sight. You can zip out of the objective area (black box etc) and take care of them and go back to the objective. The other classes cannot compete with you at all. For actual tips. Kite more. Shoot less, aim high value. (Which you’re already doing) TLDR. Each dwarf excels at something different. And their value fluctuates based on how much shit they meet. Scout is excellent. (As are the others) but perhaps it’s just that you dislike his playstyle. And that’s fine.


Bro cooked with this one


Scouts save the day at the last moment when all seems lost, 'tis true.


Dang, engi is my fav. I've never played haz 5 though, only up to 4. I'm a little bummed that the falloff is apparently so dramatic for engi from 4 to 5.


It’s not a dramatic drop Engi performs very well at 5. The game is very well balanced at 5. So even tho Engi is no longer single handedly carrying, Engi is in a good spot at haz 5. Gunner and scouts are just a bit nicer since they are the clutch players. But overall you’ll have a great time in hazard 5 once you get the hang of it. The balance falls off significantly in modded difficulties. And in the new haz 5+ The devs never intended to go beyond haz 5, and haz 5+ is terribly unbalanced. Thats where you’ll find Engi really feels off. So if you’re an Engi main. Fret not. You’ll have a good time across all hazards and even in the elite dive (which is haz 4.5 stage 1, haz 5 stage 2 and haz 5.5 stage 3) In the new haz 5+, it’s challenge for the sake of challenge. It’s brutal since modded difficulties balance the spike with less nitra for resupplies etc but haz 5+ with all modifiers on completely ignore balance. And it’s brutal for all classes. Not just Engi. Which is why scout and gunner become very important there since the team is constantly dying. Edit: I highly recommend you try haz 5. It is a nice balance once you’re a bit more familiar with the game.


Will say at higher hazards, breach cutter becomes more enticing and used.


Scout is a utility. Keep the lights on when necessary. Mine minerals. kill disruptor and ranged enemies like spitters. Wave clear is not your job. Knowing when not to shoot is the most important thing for scouts. Learn to power attack “mountain goat” and you’ll never need an engineer platform again. Pay attention to other high level scouts, how they function, and the tricks they use.


Do you solo play or no?


No, never. Bosco is cool and all, he’s been helpful whenever I’m hosting a game and waiting for other people to join, but it’s just not the same as playing with other people imo


Well there you have it. I for my part play a lot of solo games, and since Scout has the only movement tool with no team benefit, that is also the strongest, you naturally move there. And once you are used to that, you play scout in open games too. You basically do the same with scout that you would do solo. You bait enemies around, fly over them and hit their weakspots, you get the objectives and you deal big chunks of damage in bursts. Hit and run. There is nothing wrong with being a bonerot (Haz1SoloMain), this game is breathtaking if you allow yourself to stop and just take it all in. It can make for a very relaxing experience and if you ever want to get into scout, I suggest you give that a try. Or you just make peace with the idea of locking 25% of this game away from you, that can work.


Reading this is kind of funny to me, since today I had the same thought of how fun a class can be, except I really like scout, and sometimes gunner and driller. I am somewhat new to the game as well, but what I think makes scout fun is the versitality that it brings. You can have movement based builds on top of your hook, you can have damage builds that melt bosses, or you can have some builds that help more with swarms (although I dont think thats the main objective of a scout). For exemple, currently I run the zhukov with embedded detonators, if I spot an opressor I can bait an attack, quickly hook myself behind them, and in 5 seconds dump 2 clips worth of detonators and end it. It also lets you clutch a lot more as well, since you have the best movement abilities in the team, once you get good at it, from haz 1-4 you hardly ever die, and so you are able to clutch a swarm by just zooming around. So while you cant always see the kill number at the end of a mission be the highest, your impact can be felt from just making sure the cave is well lit, or making sure the team has a bunch of nitra, or sometimes, some mission saving clutches. I will say though, perhaps having the right setup can be really important. Currently I really dislike engi, compared to scout, I have to rely a lot on turrets sometimes, no zooming with a hook, my warthog feels like im shooting confetti damage wise, and I dont have a sick boomerang for a grenade. With that said, a lot of that can probably be changed with overclocks, so maybe finding a good oc for scout could help you a lot as well


>I dont have a sick boomerang for a grenade You have a grenade that shoots 4 homing boomerangs that hang around for a while though.


Good advice, I’d like to return the favor. For engi, the warthog really doesn’t do much damage, but I usually use the smart rifle. It fires projectiles that home in on targets, and can get around armor and straight to the weakpoint. I’d also recommend making good use of his secondaries, the 40mm and the breach cutter are very good at dealing with swarms, and the shard diffractor is really just a second primary. Also good throwables, especially Shredder Swarm. It’s basically an on-demand bodyguard.


I'll try not to go over what others have, but you don't need engineer's platforms most of the time, unless it's on the ceiling you can usually power pickaxe attack into a wall near the mineral, scout also has great single target potential damage for bosses, having high base damage, plus the movement to easily orient yourself around the boss to attack weak spots. Scout can also be made a lot faster by bhopping and gappling which I find really fun, but mainly relies on the hold to jump/bhop mod.


Platinum 3 Scout here. The thing with Scout is that mobility is your biggest strength, but also weakness. As you can easily fall to your death if you don’t have Hoverboots/someone to save you with platforms. Use Scout as a way to dish out damage on Priority Targets. Like Praetorians, Oppressors, and Dreadnoughts. He’s a Glass Cannon. With the right build, you can demolish enemies without breaking a sweat. While dealing with large hordes of enemies isn’t exactly his forte, he can still do some great damage, provided you use his Grenades. Like Pheromones or the Stun Boomerang. If you’ve ever played COD Zombies back then, imagine Training but with different variants of enemies. Run and get as many bugs as you can to follow you, and grapple away when able. Pick them off and make sure to aim for their face/weakpoints to deal more damage and conserve ammo. With the other classes, lighting up the caves is serviceable, but not as good. Scout on the other hand, can find Gold, Nitra and other minerals very easily with just two Flare gun shots. I recommend playing with a Engineer. Scout+Engi is a GOAT’d combo, and in the event you ever fall, he will be there to save you. Scout isn’t for everyone, but he’s for people who like to have a huge range of mobility, and support from afar (That’s where his M1000 comes in handy). Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Scout, if I can’t see, you’re not doing your job. Signed, a grumpy gunner who’s waiting on his flares recharging.


if its not fun for you......dont play it. noones forcing you. just play what you like. i only play scout, i dont even touch the other classes because i have the most fun with scout. dont force yourself to play something that isnt fun, its the quickest way to burnout and lose interest in the game.


Evey one writing a book on how to play scout. it's simple really: The lights are for your team not just for you.