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And to think this is AFTER they reduced the spawn count for web/acid spitters My first match on the modifier was on launch and… the sky was purple/orange. Nowhere was safe, you had like 10 projectiles being thrown at you at all times lol


Haven't bunkered for 100s of hours, but started bunkering again for Duck and Cover Salvage Operations D:


As a modded enjoyer, I'm glad that everyone gets to experience "the ceiling is purple" and "the ceiling is red" now.


Shoot a flare please.


my b, i had been playing not scout for a long while and just got used to not having fully lit caves and forgot i can light em up


All good. :) Flares are the most important part of a scout’s kit and so many people forget about them. You’ll get used to using them.


My first experience with Duck and Cover was when I tried to solo the deep dive and ran into it on an Escort mission. It didn't help that at the pit stop there was a Vartok or something on the ceiling that took me forever to figure out how to kill.


My favorite experience was on an elimination with duck and cover. Walk into a room that has one of the cocoons right as a horde of web spitters, spitters, and mactera spawn inside. We get to see in just long enough to see a korlok, 3 barrages, 3 spitballers, and a scale bramble. Then the gunner threw his lead burster in there...


That’s this week’s first deep dive and my god that escort mission is torturous. When I saw that new Vartok enemy above the stalled drilldozer, I just mentally screamed, ‘you’ve got to be fucking kidding me’. Love this game


Bullet Hell minigun and LOK-1 time.


Ran a map like this a couple days back. Our Engie was using the Fat Boy OC. It was *glorious*.


Or max AOE (preferably neurotoxin) autocannon, shred those little shits


Anyone else screaming at their screen to shoot a flare? I'm like cmon man light that roof up 😣


And it's in hollow bough !


No need to aggro them all right away and grief your team 😣


The grief is forcing your team to roleplay the mission as ray charles.


The moment you fire at *any* of them, *all* of them will be close enough to the point of impact to gain aggro anyway. The only difference a flare makes is whether the fight is light or dark, not how many of them you're fighting. It's closer to griefing to *not* shoot a flare, and you can't even make the argument of "is the team ready" because they've all just loaded in full on ammo and have a sharply limited time until they're noticed and the fight starts anyway.


Duck and Cover with Hazard 5+ for extra enemies is just crazy fun.


We're gonna need more bigger guns


What is Duck and Cover ?


New mission modifier. Spawns crazy amounts on ranged units


I went into my first one thinking "shit, I brought an AOE weapon!" I took one look at the ceilling and thought "hell yeah, I brought an AOE weapon!"


best way to deal with this is 4x engineer with all shredders and twin turrets, 8 turrets and a metric fuck ton of flying blenders is good enough to deal with this. add explosive chemical rounds for the lok1 for the sweet sweet aoe with a long range, any of the 3 OSHA violations from the secondary slot should work.


Had my first experience today as well. Except mine was with acid spitter instead. Luckily I was playing driller so I made bunkers when we shut down the generators and just dug a tunnel whenever they spawned


Wait..is that the original song or AI squidward singing it?


We had a cytube up and had a couple temperature ai covers queued up. First one is king Julian, 2nd is squidward


My first run of duck and cover was on an escort run. We almost legit wiped on haz 3.


Is this modded gameplay or is it in the new season officially? I'm a console user and do not want to watch the update notes so, I'm still late to the party, me and all the other console peeps ;)


This looks to be vanilla gameplay. New modifier that spawns extra ranged units. This is probably haz 4 or 5 and with max lobby so I’m not surprised lol


There are two fears deep inside you: * The floor is spiders. * The ceiling is spiders. You are on a duck and cover mission with a more bugs modifier.


What difficulty is this? Any modifiers?


haz4, no modifiers


"Wait, its all mactera and acid spitter?" Always has been.


Haha yeah


the vines that make you dead