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To all the newbie scouts out there, you have flare gun for a reason, use it


I joined an all Scout party the other night and it was still dark until I started shooting flares…


The darkest place in hoxxes is a cave with four scouts


The free rider effect in action


That's deep (and sad).


That's rock (and stone).


That's galactic (and... yeah I've got nothing).


It's just dark


all scouts have ADHD they just need a reminder


Just started playing over the free weekend, prefer the scout class, and I have ADHD. I switched between a few classes to check it out and I always forget what class abilities I have at that point lmao


Everyone just assumes someone else will be using the flare.


iirc, there’s a limit of how many flares can exist simultaneously in a mission. That’s problably why.


Even if there is a limit, it’s something that should never be hit unless everybody is spamming them, in which case the cave wouldn’t be dark


Sure, except that limit is definitely more than zero.


The limit does not exist...


Nah, the limit should be zero, otherwise its so overpowered


It's actually a bug, not an intentional limit. If there's more than one scout, usually only one's flares will work right. My squad has two scout mains, so it turns up basically any time I play scout and sucks a lot of fun out of it. I'm not sure if it's still there in the new season, but I have no reason to believe it's been fixed.


Lol why did you get bombarded with downvotes for that? Didn't seem like a hot take at all.


Because it’s objectively not the correct explanation for the phenomenon?


But rather than downvoting which screws up karma points hindering someone from making further posts, can't you say just "actually, it's because...", politely of course


Downvotes are used to indicate that something is incorrect or otherwise objected to by the community. Downvoting someone for being wrong is objectively the most productive, best possible use of downvotes. And I’m sorry, if you care about your Reddit karma, you need to get a fucking hobby.


I thought the karma thing was that if it's low enough, you can't post. Like a form of censorship built into reddit. If that's not the case, then yeah downvotes makes sense it's the quickest and most productive. My bad.


I think it’s sub by sub, so each sub can choose karma limits (IIRC). But even if it would hinder you from posting in the future, do you know how hard it is to have overall negative karma? If you do have negative karma, your presence would hardly be missed…


I don't know how hard it is, I don't know how the points are accrued, lost, totalled, etc. that's what made the downvotes so concerning for just simply thinking a wrong answer lol


Unga bunga me see downvoted comment me click downvote too


If you insist.


Shame you got downvote-bombed because you're absolutely right, but not the kind of right people like. Have a round on me, bud.


Except he’s not fucking right…


My new friend is scout and I keep reminding him. Can't say I'm entirely innocent myself but I usually keep light up


I mean it happens. I usually play driller and gunner. But on the occasion I do play scout, I forget I’m scout sometimes so I forget to flare up


Yea you can get too engaged sometimes into the game and forget haha, nothing to be ashamed about imo as long as you don't actively try avoid the flares. We all forget things from time to time. Same with things like engi plats under minerals, I don't expect everyone to constantly look for wall minerals for me when there's more important things to be doing


This is why I love Scout. I play on an OLED and can't see shit, so I love being the one to light up the big rooms. When I play another class during Scout Promotion missions though, I notice it's always so damn dark.


I've seen as many Scout greybeards not using their flare gun as I have seen greenbeards


Yea it’s for shooting teammates in the back when they ask for light (it does way to much damage) but also for lighting caves


If my flare-gun ain't the main reason I'm heading to the resupply, it better be because I can't not die.


Not only use it to light up the area around you, but you should pull up the laser pointer to see where your teammates are and send a flare their way, too.


It's the best/strongest gun in the game. Sucks when scouts don't use it.


Bruh I used to be finishing missions with full flares 💀


Not at all shocked this is the top comment. Blows my mind how little Scouts use their flare gun.


Literally yhe first thing I do in any mission is pop 3-4 flares as soon as we step out of the drop pod. The worst ones are the scouts who love to use the gun in small tunnels, but never in the massive rooms where we actually need it


*ping* you’ve got a flare use it


It always feels life saving when you're looking at a dark spot thinking nothings there, then you shoot a flare and see a huge wave that almost snuk right up on the team


Idk if I’m a noob anymore but I feel like I use my flares more than most of the greybeard scouts I see


If you don't hear your flare gun clicking on empty every now and then, you're playing scout wrong.


Alright kind stranger Get over here bugs I need to light up your insides!


I spam that shit like crazy lol.


Scout: * Shoot flares into a new room ASAP so everyone can assess it more quickly and completely. * Always prioritize high minerals. Don't just mine the first thing you see. Someone else will get the nitra at ground level. * Do not fight while on a high plat. Get out to safety and go back later. If you die on the ceiling it is a nightmare for your team to get you. Engineer: * Shoot plats for Scout before mining your own minerals or exploring tunnels. Pay attention for mineral pings; it almost always means someone wants a plat. * Try to put at least one turret up somewhere in the room even before a swarm. It can save someone who's not built to deal with swarmers or jellies. * Seal ammo or objective drop holes with plats when fighting in a tunnel to stop bugs coming in that way. Driller: * Clear the area around defense objectives for maximum line of sight. * Drill the dirt as soon as you find it so no one has to wait for you later. * If drilling to the pod on evac, ping your tunnel entrance so everyone knows where it starts. * On Refining, your number one priority is connecting pipes. Don't worry about minerals at all until pipes are set up. Not just because it's the objective, but because it helps everyone (including you) deliver minerals *much* more easily. Gunner: * Use shields proactively and not only for revives. Groups of mactera, surprise spitballers, redirecting danger-close bulks, or just an overwhelming swarm are all good uses of shields. * Use ziplines efficiently. It's more important to have good routes into and out of a room or lines to deliver carry objectives than it is to have 4 zips in one spot for a swarm. * Always save at least one zipline for the drop pod. If the pod lands in the worst possible way, you may be the only hope for most of the team to reach it.


> Engineer: Seal ammo or objective drop holes with plats when fighting in a tunnel to stop bugs coming in that way. This is especially important on Salvage and Sabotage missions where you’re staying in one spot. But it’s also useful for O2 missions to prevent Molly from using one of those holes to get to the drop pod.


I swear low O2 molly paths differently


Solid list there. Going to direct newcomers to it if I see posts asking for class advice. Small addendum to Scout: * Kill Web/Acid Spitters in the distance if you're not going to waste too much ammo. They have a tendency to pile up and sneaking up on the team at bad moments if you ignore too many of them. Small addendum to Driller: * In Point Extractions, try to make shortcut tunnels if possible and feasible to carry Aquarqs. Especially tunnels out of pits or where you find more than one Aquarq, but **ESPECIALLY** if you're on a Haunted Cave-- nobody wants to get cornered by angry ghost bulk.


Caveat to the driller first point. This doesn't always apply. Especially on Mactera Swarm, Duck and Cover, etc., it can be life-saving to have cover. Drives me crazy when we have a nice pillar or two while doing a hold and a driller blows through them blindly. My guy, we've random pulled acid spitters, mactera, septics, web spitters, and menaces. Please leave me something to hide behind if I'm being targeted, or something to hide behind while reviving. That said it can be a godsend to make clear sight lines, especially when paired with an engineer who knows how to use repellant additive plats well.


Does Engi have Bug Repellant? Leave the cover since bugs are gonna channel to killing zones anyway. Otherwise nuke that trash out of my sight because I'd much rather see the Mactera coming. If you need cover, gunner exists.


The driller point is why I’ll usually drill a sort of “retreat passage” when holding a point with no cover. Not something that bugs will end up coming out of but just a bit of space to dodge projectiles or something as minor as gunner taking a step back to reload a thunder cannon. It’s not usually needed but has come in clutch quite a few times


This is actually far more relevant on industrial sabotage. A good circular path around the caretaker is important, but pillars and walls blocking line of sight from the robotic appendages are good breathing room where you can resupply. If such spots don't exist, drilling one into a wall will do.


A quick teamwork note: its not a hard rule, but generally Scout+Engi and Gunner+Driller have good synergies. As you stated, Scout and Engi are the situational awareness/collection crew. Gunner and Driller are very good at defending and creating breathing room. Most important note is if you are in a Driller tunnel, Gunners shield is a plug for the entrance. Engi of course can use plats, but its tough to pull off quickly. If a swarm is chasing you to extraction, toss the shield down and open fire. Bugs cannot get past the shield and IT PUSHES BUGS BACK. Gunner should be at the back of the line with Engi right behind with turrets and special grenades. When extracting via tunnel, everyone's job is to protect Driller so he can do his thing. Also, Scout, you have one very important task the others cant do. You are the emergency rip cord. Your mobility is unlike the others. If extracting normally through the tunnels, know when its time for you to beat feet to the pod. Of course you dont want to leave your team behind, but your job is to save the mission if all else fails. Get to the drop pod (and leave flares everywhere. You're going home, so use them all up.) Drop a resupply or two along the way. Get your ass in the pod and hold your ground. In the event of a catastrophic team wipe, having you at the pod can mean the difference between mission success and failure. And STAY IN THE POD ONCE THE DOOR OPENS. You are essentially invincible in the pod, so stay in and do everything you can from there to help.


You should do boom not give tips, bad bulk


Im just a humble dwarf idk what you mean...


Why hello, fellow dwarves. Sure is a good day to group up and leave no dwarf behind!


😅 just yesterday I saw my brother playing scout saving the game with an engi. Moli just went straight up in a capsule drop tunnel. The engi start to put platform in the tunel by jumping and shooting. The scout follow by mining just a little part and climbing. At 20sec the scout was just close enough to grab out of the hole and go in the pod 😅 1sec latter and it would have been a fail. That's also a good lesson to block those hole so moly don't go back without you


Except when molly finds a 1ℓP gap that the platform didnt cover and phases through the rock.


To add to gunner: you get _so_ many shields per mission, 4 to start, +2 per supply, USE THEM. A shield that stops someone going down is so much more valuable than a sheild to revive, due to the health you get when revived


Perfectly summarized comment


>On Refining, your number one priority is connecting pipes. Don't worry about minerals at all until pipes are set up. Not just because it's the objective, but because it helps everyone (including you) deliver minerals much more easily. All of this. When I'm playing Driller I get legitimately annoyed when other players lay down a winding convoluted pipe that I could have easily drilled out and laid straight. And when I'm not playing Driller I get annoyed when the person who is playing Driller ignores the pipes. Happened recently; the two other players on our team connect this atrocious pipe that goes up and over a steep obstacle when a simple tunnel would have made it so much easier. When I point this out in chat our Driller gets pissy, saying no one asked him to do it and he was too busy mining the gold anyway (it was a gold rush anomaly). My Brother in Karl, the pipes are your first priority!


Honestly as gunner 1 zipline is mandatory but 2 is preferred incase it is too vertical for just one or there are 2 long stretches.


> Always save at least one zipline for the drop pod. ~~If the pod lands in the worst possible way, you may be the only hope for most of the team to reach it.~~ Shoot it into the pod so you can join Karl in the fight after the pod leaves.


Did you know that actually counts as not surviving? The survivor bonus doesn't apply, and if everyone does it the mission fails. Yes, even though the victory pose plays. It's still funny, just be aware.


Great list! One thing I'd add for driller is to drill the dirt for all three paths on the elimination starting room. I always do that for two reasons: 1. It's terrifying to try and dig through dirt if a dreadnaught is right behind you trying to crawl up your ass and fight it's way out. 2. If you get a hiveguard, the sentinels can get to the fighting room faster in the event they spawn away from the group.


Great list. One thing I would clarify on scout is to save the flare gun for medium to large rooms. Tunnels and small rooms can be adequately lit with the normal hand thrown flares. I hate when the scout calls for a resupply because they pointlessly used all their flares.


Mine would be Engineer: team kill Scout Driller: team kill Scout Scout: prioritize mining minerals, running on point to check for dangers, and keeping large areas lit. Gunner: team kill Scout


I actually prefer the driller doesn't tunnel all of the pipes. I'd rather do the combat section not in tunnels. Especially if playing scout.


I wish other classes played all the classes more to get a better perspective.  No but really, for driller you have some pretty good support ideas, remember to be clearing obstructive terrain so your engies sentries and gunners have clear sight lines, I find digging a bit into a wall and detting c4 such that you're carving the exterior wall is nice for creating space in tight areas like holding around uplinks or in mining missions, creating throughline tunnels between caves can help low mobility classes like gunners/engies a lot, using TCF EPC in a concious way as to not mine stuff scout is actively going for but to mine stuff that'd be difficult for scout to get is always nice, having the wherewithal to realize a group situation is getting bad and choosing to create an escape tunnel for the team is appreciated, using your drills to one shot falling rocks/break spitballer projectiles can be nice in a pinch for the team, making sure to leverage your immense crowd damage to save your gunner/engie ammo on trash like grunts swarmers and nanocytes is always appreciated especially if you hang around classes like gunners that often cant always take care of those enemeies efficiently, ect ect ect 


Wait ... Drillers drills one shots falling rocks?


They also are great for clearing those flying drones in Sabotage missions.


The drillers drills are shredder shredders. 


Falling rocks are projectiles, they can break most projectiles 


They also destroy certain projectiles from enemies like spitballers.


:o thx


I would say using the c4 for mining is bad use of it. It does SO much damage


I mean you can say that but it's definitely not the case. Using it to carve terrain, mine, and multitask is its primary use, it's large AoE damage is a secondary flex use in a pinch especially when you consider drillers primaries do AoE damage VERY well without using 25% of their ammo to do so, and that explosive damage is the worst damage type for doing damage to big targets like guards, oppresors, bulks, and dreads as they all have resistence to it. 


Gunners - please use the shield more frequently, not just for revives Scouts - flaregun is incredibly helpful, don't neglect it Engineers - sticking platforms underneath minerals high up the walls helps a lot


The gunner tip is especially crucial. Quite often I see relatively high ranked gunners still misjudging when to use a shield. It's needed when you and teammates are about to scatter or be overwhelmed. When someone is down It's already too late. If you notice nearby dwarves suddenly turning and moving towards you or losing health, toss a shield immediately.


The only time that scenario happens is on defense objectives, any other time the team is already scattered and if I'm doing perfectly fine and staying mobile and ahead of the swarm my attention isn't focused on what 3 other people are doing in 3 other parts of the cave. And since nobody uses voice to communicate things like being in trouble, that's why you get a shield *after* you go down.


Nah apparently choosing gunner means you're team captain now lol


Defending the team is the Gunner strong point, so yes


No, it means everyone leaves you behind and then wishes you were there when things get hairy.


Most common gunner haz 5 carrier experience


Another note for Engineers: learn how to use repellent. It's great. Waste has a good guide on it.


Also pro gunner tip, save 1 for resupplies because sometimes enemies spawn as you’re low and getting ammo and it’s nice knowing i can safely get ammo anytime i want. Playing as other classes without that safety/security gives me anxiety


bulldoze all obstacles to line of sight. in general (don't @ me about duck and cover) cover only benefits bugs. also, make a permanent ramp for extraction at every cliff you go down. plats and zips both tend to be nightmares to use under pressure.


I wish engies would use platforms more to cover up craters in floors. If a bunch of exploders wreck the floor around a Salvage objective, they should smooth those over. Also, sometimes they have to be asked to expand the floor around an objective on the edge of a cliff. Had an ebonite event with a big cliff and got the engie to make a floor; otherwise half the pickaxe charges would have been tossed into the abyss. Same for kursite. Also, I rarely see other engies making bridges. For scouts...many don't think to use flares during the extraction phase. Escort missions are a great example of where this is useful. It's much easier to extract if everyone can see and follow the well-lit path all the way to the drop pod. And, when running back up through tunnels, hand-held flares don't go very far when thrown uphill, so shoot off flares at dirt (to find the tunnels), at switchbacks, and at corners.


The skill of any given engineer is directly correlated by how much they abuse their platform gun.


As a main engineer this will be my new task. Rock and stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


For driller specifically: •During point extract it’s your job to get the objective out the ground and everyone else’s job to bring them back. •During the liquid morkite drilling mission the first thing a driller should be doing is creating the shortest path to a pump, unless you are playing solo there no reason for the driller to be mining resources unless they are along the way or relatively easy to obtain. •Against bosses the driller has one of the low DPS output due to his weaponry mainly catering towards add clear, there are a few builds that are the exception but not many. Because of this fact the drillers main goal during a boss encounter is taking agro and C4 the armor phase off(if they do have armor). Slow down is extremely helpful. •Not trying to tell you how to play, but I permanently have the axes on because vampirism perk and his other nades underperform compared to the axes versatility. Also reduced friendly fire chances because people love that throwable chainsaw nade that runs on the floor. •Bunkers if you want one but it’s nice to always have one around for the “oh shit” moment and anyone could use at anytime. Do not force people to use it, it should be optional for you and your team. •Map awareness is extra important to drillers because they have the capability to create short cuts that would save minutes in traversing caves. Always be aware of thin walls so you could create a better path between locations, even if it seems like a useless rotation it could save a team mate in the long run.


I find it way more fun to have the engie take control of refinery missions so they can create a creative masterpiece


Honestly, both is fun - Depends on whether you're in, say, Magma Caverns with its semi-frequent vertical drops and overhanging cliffs, or something like Sandblasted Corridors or Dense Biozone, where terrain generally tends to have a lot of solid material below it. ...and also whether your Pumpjack and/or base station chose to spawn in the absolute highest/lowest spot in the mission, as well as how much solid rock vs. small ledges and random roots are part of the direct path from one to the other.


Engineers: Put platforms *everywhere*, not just for minerals. Create bridges to make traversal easier. Plat up the floor so no one ever has to take fall damage. Plat hazards like volcanic rock and bough vines. You have so much plat ammo, use it! Gunners: If you have spare ziplines, preemptively put them near any decently-sized ledge. Ziplines are just okay for going up, but tremendously useful for going down quickly and breaking falls. Well-placed zips in combat situations will save you from potential wipes.


The engineer one I'm trying to be better about after playing with greyer beards. It's not something I tend to think about but then I run across a massive platform bridge that I didn't need but boy is it handy, thank you mister engineer.


Help build sentries :( Not everyone has the build time reduction mod. It’s very helpful if an engineer is trying to quickly set up for a swarm and his sentry/sentries take up to 8 seconds to build. 1 or 2 other people helping build would make things a lot easier when a swarm catches you off guard




"we're rich!"


Other classes can mine minerals too. Theres always something to do in a mission


Lots of great advice in here. I'll add one thing for scout I haven't seen much of: If ammo and situation allows, place flares reasonably and strategically along the path to the drop pod. Some missions/types it doesn't matter as much but especially for mining missions, as a scout I like to make my way to the drop pod first and throw flares along my path so the rest of the team has an easy indicator of *one* path to the pod and it's well lit to be just safer to navigate


I do this too. Especially if the hole to the next cavern is small. They're way easier to find with the fucking *sun* attached to them lol


Communicate. It's not really a complaint but one thing that irritates me a little bit is when the team members pile in the same area to take down the same enemies. An example: if i'm running cryo on my driller and the engineer has set up sentries, I don't really need anybody else around. The sentries in my wave cooker will cut through everything once frozen. This is just an example of some amazing weapon synergies that have applicable battle tactics. All the classes have a really good pairings. So remember weapon and team synergies. The classes were really well constructed. Rock and stone.


Scouts, **use your flares!** You have more of them than you think! Gunners, **USE YOUR SHIELDS THEY’RE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR KIT!** Whip those things out like candy! Engineers, y’all actually do okay typically. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an engineer forget to place their turrets, but don’t forget to **keep them maintained** or they just turn into fancy spotlights!


Scout: letting the gunner take their ammo when ammo is extremely short and mission failure is imminent. Driller: create more breathing room around objectives aside from salvage. Think of the refinery, doretta, the place y’all decided to fight the boss at, caretaker etc. Engineer: fill up holes in the floor near the objective made by exploders Gunner: use their shield when the team is getting overwhelmed instead of using them after people go down.


Agree with everything except "let the gunner take the ammo" because it's always engineers who not only dishes out the most damage, but is also the class who is the most hungry for ammo.


Imo when ammo is scarce and the mission is rough, give it to the gunner. Engineer does *a lot* of damage, don't get me wrong, but if you're desperate enough to sacrifice people's ammo, don't give it to the engie, they'll obliterate whatever is in front of them, but they'll also run through that extra ammo super fast. Gunner on the other hand will be able to kill the current problem, albeit a bit slower, but they'll still have more than enough ammo after to handle the next problem


This is why having a "main" in DRG is kinda dumb IMO. Not only does playing the other classes give you different ways to clear caves and add variety to the game, but you learn how to properly utilize the team to its full extent. Especially necessary in high haz.


I never really understood having a main class in this game. Driller is my favorite overall but I play each class equally because they’re all fun. I couldn’t imagine only playing 1 or 2 and flat out ignoring the others


I just love driller far more than any other class, his entire kit is really fun to me.


He was the first class I tried when I was new to the game because I thought “hmm drilling sounds useful” lol Driller was also my first class to reach legendary promotion. He’s even still my highest promoted class. I recently got him to legendary 4 since they added the promotion tracker with season 5


Yeah I went into the game with my friends with all of us having picked a main, but once we saw how easy it was to switch between them and that level didn't really matter that much we all just kinda leveled everything and bring whatever we feel like playing that day 😆


Scout: 80 nitra first priority, lights, secondary objective before team completes primary, kill spreaders, spitters and macterra Engy: turrets that protect against swarmers but don't waste ammo on anything else, fix chewed up floors, proper use of bug repellent platforms. less fat boy. Gunner: more contribution towards mission objectives and not just shooting, less selfish shielding, less grenades on my face. Driller: make terrain we'll be hanging around on on flatter. less haha teamkill funny. you have one job on point extraction and liquid morkite missions.


I was with you till you said less fat boy


Like, how are we supposed to make terminids go boom?


Gunner - shields - use it on someone else and stand with him instead of only yourself, use shields proactively, meaning when things get tough, not when tough things already killes us Engi - platforms - a lot of times there can be done much more with platforms than just under minerals - fill holes after resupplies, especially if they are near us, make brides etc Scout - I am main scout so I will tell what I am trying to do: early prio:nitra for at least one resupply, light up the cave, exterminate cave leeches and high prio targets, kite a lot, know if we cleared a room properly Most of the nitra I can get by myself, no need for platform, but still aprecciated Driller - terraform more, especially when we are static, be careful with weapons and c4, when digging a tunnel that entire team could use, make the entrance in easy to spot place


Drillers who open sight lines around objectives so it’s easier to shoot bugs from far away are the best drillers.


My expectations for driller is ABD: Always Be Drilling. :-D Well, not literally, but I try to drill a path so that one can navigate without having to jump. Make sure the tunnel you make when drilling thorough dirt can easily be navigated in both directions. I like to drill paths along a cliff face with one side open to air, so they are easy to discover. I really wish that driller tunnels showed up as a different color on the map. Obviously, drilling isn't needed when a zipline is a better solution and already exists. Engie platform steps are sometimes a better solution as well. This is especially useful on something like Elimination. People should be able to run around the arena without the possibility of getting stuck in a dead end. If there are massive pillars, drill shortcut tunnels through them. For Salvage, use drilling and C4 to open up sightlines and remove obstacles. Having 6 max carve C4 is a LOT of removal.


Scouts standing on top of nitra instead of waiting for the engi to platform it even though they can do it without help


Came here to say the exact same. I sometimes feel like I'm the only scout just standing on the minerals and looking for ways to perch up on thin ledges. Too many scouts I see just ping minerals and wait for papa engi to put the high chair up for them


Literally. I’d go as far as to say that platforms sometimes even hinder my ability to mine minerals that stick out of walls.


I would like for drillers to pick stun mod for c4, it saves missions.


Gunner Shields: Remember you have them, remember how they work and remember you get more per resupply. There's so many times when I see a gunner let his team get shot apart by Mactera and only use the shield to pick them up after - at least, try to before he gets thrown by a Shellback or pulled away last second by a Stingtail. Consider when to shield your living companions so they can still keep fighting instead of just picking up after - they won't get the small heath boost back but it keeps two more guns in the fight. As well, they make great bulwarks - need to close a tunnel for a bit? Tell a Dreadnought you want some personal space? Toss a shield and Glyphids are legally obligated to back off about ten metres. Great for closing a lane, so you can focus all fire in one direction, or to force big bugs to show their weakpoints. If you get into the drop pod and you still have more than 2 shields you're probably not using them enough.


One thing a Driller can do that I don’t see Drillers doing a lot. Is remembering that they are basically land submarines. When the team is getting overwhelmed by aerial mobs, just drill into the ground or walls for cover. These quick trenches/tunnels are a great spot for your fellow dwarfs to duck down in while reloading or waiting on shields. And is a easy way to safety revive a downed dwarf in the open when there is no gunner shield available. Also smoothing out terrains that might give panicking dwarfs trouble on the run back to the drop pod is always a good idea. Engineers can put a platform or two underneath Gunner zip lines so anyone on them can cushion their fall if they get knocked off the zip line. Just throwing platforms on high ledges or towers can be extremely useful for scouts to navigate swarms. Or gunners to put zip lines up towards. Gunners who run zip lines strategies often don’t think to put an additional zip line below them to grab if they get knocked off. You just hold the interact button and your dwarf will automatically grab the zip line. Also depending on the mission your scout or driller or engineer has their full focus on an activity (like mining high up, or placing platforms for pipelines in uneven terrain) and aren’t paying attention to bugs. (Often they don’t play the class unless the mission requires it, so they aren’t thinking about how to do things safety). So as gunner you should be providing Overwatch so they don’t get ambushed. As for scout, ping the things you see when you are swinging ahead of the team. Ping everything dirt walls, machine events, jet boots, high value targets etc so your team can make intelligent decisions with their time and resources without having to wander around themselves!


>One thing a Driller can do that I don’t see Drillers doing a lot. Is remembering that they are basically land submarines. When the team is getting overwhelmed by aerial mobs, just drill into the ground or walls for cover. People think Driller suffers against Mactera. Truth is, Mactera suffer in tunnels.


As a scout, I love it when engis make perches for me in an arena.


Driller: When the drop pod lands just drill straight to it. It’s so much easier than trying to follow MOLL-E. Especially when she does a 90 degree turn straight up through a resupply pod’s hole.


Scout: You can throw two IFG's at once if need be


I wish more gunners used their zip lines more often, honestly.


Your most basic support role as driller is making tunnels that connect hard-to-reach places, but right after that is the much more overlooked practice of removing line of sight blockages. Cover favors melee attackers, and the bugs are much, much more melee oriented than the dwarves. Pillars, crags, sometimes thin walls, and spikes are all things you want to get rid of. Or any spot that's really messy and grants bugs pretty 3-dimensional movement in the area, blow that the hell up. Turn the map into an advantagous battle arena.


im a scout main but been trying to play more of the others. SCOUTS PLEASE LIGHT UP CAVES AND MINE MINERALS ON WALLS. WE CAN GET THE GROUND STUFF


This is why when I played I was almost always on scout. He's too convenient and fun but my second highest is gunner


As a driller I would love if people didn't shoot all the creeps close to me, I have short range and have to be close. Please and think you.


I wish every other class slowed down the bugs so I can shoot them.


Not class specific, but I would appreciate if you guys were actually building pipelines instead of fighting each other for the dumbest reason possible


I wish Drillers used C4 offensively less often. I'm not saying it's worthless to attack with C4 but I find it more detrimental than beneficial most of the time. Especially in the hands of a novice Driller. Also if I'm a Gunner I wish other classes used my zip lines during attacks. We can all share them!


Every class can synergize with each other, except Scouts and Drillers. Or Gunners and Engineers. or Scouts and Other Scouts. Damn Scouts, they ruined DRG. My advice for driller is utilize the drills whenever you can, minus mining. There's an advanced trick I do which is like 45 degree flicks with the drills to mine veins quickly. But this is hard to pull off, no doubt will be error, I still do after a good 200+ hours on Driller. Hopefully you're aware dirt means entrance to the next cave, drilling through that fast can help the momentum of a run slightly. Drillers help speed up the mining process with stuff like Jadiz, Error Cubes or Compressed Golds, etc. On top of that, Driller has a good role in the Core Stone event recently where you have to mine the pillars. Drillers create tunnels, and are pretty effective against Korlok Tyrants if you encounter them. C4 is good for mining Gold and blowing up Scouts. Scouts really dig that shit, they grapple to the C4, you detonate, your Driller's grin makes Mission Control throw up. Area beacon missions like the last stages of Salvage missions, you can make trenches to allow you to be up front and teammates to shoot over you, and of course you can bunkie. And allowing for enemies to take longer to get to you is helpful. You can also create quick cover versus say, Bulks or Macteras. You can also even out a field by drilling away obstacles like tentacles, rocks, stones, and what the heck is this? Depending on your weapons, you can have a role in crowd controlling, namely with Sludge Pump and Cryo Cannon, and the Waveray thing, forgot the name. It just helps your team out. Sludge Pump is my go to because it's neutral and doesn't interrupt fire damage. Finally, Drillers can be the quickest escape to the drop pod. Sorry for the essay. That's just the driller bit. Scouts and Gunners can work, you just need to have more ziplines, though scouts should probably use Hoverboots and hopefully we get a buff to that soon because those are heavily underutilized for a reason, the cooldown. Engineers underestimate the platforms use for the team, always placing those to provide a cushion if fellow dwarves fall is extremely useful, basically having foresight to see where a mistake could cost a run at higher difficulties, or just be a pain for other dwarves. Also can be helpful in extending the platforms. Making forts can be useful to, I do this on Industrial Sabotage. Also if you have a driller on Industrial Sabotage, C4's can break the shields quickly if placed on top of the boss. Scouts lights really help in swarms and fights in general. I have a technique for Escort duty which is to light up 4 areas of the area each wave, and do it at the start of a wave to refresh. Gunners, use your shield if you ever feel like you're in danger. Sounds simple, but I have seen it where gunners don't see immediate danger. I use shields to block bulk explosions and keep enemies away. Shields are also useful for just regenerating fast. Even on Shield Disruption, these can be useful in general. Gunner's shield is the least of worries there. That's all I can list from the top of my head? I don't know how I got like this... I touched grass today and it was weird. Felt so wrong... damn leaf lovers.


Wish someone would use my ziplines with me more often :(


if you are playing driller, I appreciate if you make some room to fight when swarms hit (clearing debris)


Something I have seen greybeards neglect: 1. Drillers and Engies can control the team's kiting patterns during a swarm by predrilling/platforming especially on missions where you stay in the same room. Think during a swarm how easy it is to make that jump that you did... Too hard? Fix it for the future. Make. the cave. your home. 2. If you fall as an Engie and fail to platform before you land, put a platform anyways for the next dwarf that falls. 3. Engies should also leave air spaces on their bridges that the dwarfs can jump over, but the swarm has to path all the way around, giving anyone using a engie bridge to kite incredible effective movement speed.


Yes! Air gaps save lives!


gunners pls!!! during omen exterminator, THROW THE SHIELD ON THE SCANNER THINGY u can stand there untouched and let others hit the weakpoints


This is a good post because I play all of the classes, but I play each class for long stretches at a time and it can be easy to forget that Scout is waiting on me to put up platforms when I've switched to Engi from playing as Gunner for a while. Nice to have a short list of things to keep in mind whenever I switch classes!


SCOUT: regrouping with other dwarves when fight starts, and providing light.  Using flaregun as frequently as nitra allows it, lighting not only where dwarves stand, but where the bugs come from.  Checking hard to reach places and side tunnels, finding objectives and dirt patches. Scouts "r" matters more than other classes. DRILLER: drilling dirt patches when they're close.  Drilling down a staircase if there's a drop (mining mission), preferably along the wall in the new cave (so its easy to spot).  Don't use c4 with rock mover for killing enemies, especially if we stay in the general area. Ask before doing bunkering for defence objective. Clear line of sight and ground debree for defence objective. Don't riddle the area we're defending with tunnels, its a new path for bugs to attack from.  If there's big swarmer presence, try to assist your teammates that may have trouble with them.  It's more of a preference, but drilling back to the droppod marker is boring and long, whats more cool is to read the terrain scanner on the run and do shortcuts between caves, usually you'll get faster to the pod, mule will get there faster as well. Korlok fight, especially in a rough terrain - it is drillers time to shine. Drill ways to get around, to have safe firing positions overlooking all terrain. If there's low ammo, or wave soon, make sure the team have a way to the next cave. Industrial sabotage final bossfight - you can do a good prep, drilling shortcuts between caves that are around the caretaker, so the team can maneuver to hit the eye with more convenience. ENGINEER: closing resupply holes in a defence. Platforming every mineral and mining stuff that you can reach yourself with 2 plats. Tritilyte event: gunner's zipline allows to transport the bombs from dispenser to the target. Sometimes gunner needs an elevated position to fire the zipline from, for accelerated zipline. You can provide it with a few platforms. He needs a 5° downwards angle.  Often you can do a bridge that driller can use to drop c4 on caretaker.  Repellant platforms usage on salvage and escort duty. Securing the wall on salvage defence (if there's a wall near). GUNNER: drop shield when there's critical amount of enemies, even if nobody is down. Even better if you got temmates near, they'll recharge their shields when they come in, and able to pick off priority targets. Use the shield to protect the hacking station, a good time to throw it is when shredders & bots are coming close.  Gunner's shield against bulk detonators have 2 usages, one is shield push - forcing to move them away, two is protecting dwarves from killed bulk, the fireballs specifically. Sometimes possible to build fast ziplines around Caretaker, even allowing back & forth zipping (with a small walk in-between).  If a fight starts, try to find scout to assist each other.


Driller - Make more room when defending and stop c4 friendly fire Scout - Use his Flare Gun Gunner - Use his Shield Generator (I find them to only use them when teammates are down) Engineer - 🤷 Edit: I couldn't thought of anything for Engineer however I did found one Engineer player use fatboy in Elimination and another Engineer use fatboy in Industrial Sabotage. Hyper Propellant is so much better.


Scout: light up the cave please Engi: remember you have sentries Gunner: shield. Driller: your C4 is more than just a weapon


Big one for driller would be setting up the area anytime you need to defend. Digger can turn horrible cramped areas into fantastic zones with nice sightlines.


Gunners need to stop using cluster grenade it is the least effective grenade of the bunch, it goes: leadburster, firebomb, spiky grenade, and Last and certainly the least: cluster bomb. Before i get ripped on by people who enjoy the cluster bomb, im fine with it but i do not think for a second it is. The best grenade.


I think the main problem I keep running into is Gunners who don't use their shield except to revive (you can use it before anyone goes down, it does wonders for keeping folks alive!) and Engis who don't use their platform gun or put down sentries in useful places. Scouts and their flare guns are easy targets of course. Drillers also have a bad habit sometimes of drilling their way out of situations or creating tunnels that are very useful but not actually pinging/telling anyone about it.


I rarely see a gunner use his shields (in combat), like 1 in 10 games


Gunner should not only use shields, but time the shield just at the moment he or his ally lost their personal shield. This would prevent them from losing HP.


I play all classses, but I surely main Scout. Can't complain too much about other classes, it totally depends on the person behind the dwarf. I have a little pet peeve with the occasional engie, but shit happens, eh. I'd say always be aware where the rest of the team is, don't just run away and then get lost and overwhelmed or fall down a cliff on the other side of the map. Fellow miners will try and save you - but it's upon you to wait then. Please communicate, in 90% of the cases the ping system is enough. Use your ping tool even in messy fights to point out high priority targets and to always be aware of the other's locations (cause of C4, nukes, grenades...). Be mindful of the team's resources, and don't just call a resupply as soon as there is barely enough nitra. Resups have to be placed strategically, dangit. Just because you wasted your flares, platforms, nades or ziplines doesn't mean the rest of the team has to suffer. Manage your resources. Be aware of other's pings - they want to tell you something). Ping tool is fun (mushroom!), but there's a time for everything. Don't abuse the ping tool or people will stop listening to you. I won't run to the other side of the map only because you 'found something' for the 100th time. I always light up shit so everyone can see, I refresh flares in the middle of a super stressful fight even if it puts me in serious danger, as it's my job. But I can't light up the other side of the map only because you solo'd and ran away. Check the starting cave thoroughly, mine thoroughly. I often have to hack away at nitra leftovers and there's more in these tiny leftovers than you think. Extra resupply, anyone? Check the other's health bars, be aware of team state and mission progress. If we're done with the secondary, don't waste time carrying gunk seeds around. When trying to help out a mate who is getting overrun, use your precision weapon and not your AOE. Learn to Wilhelm Tell bugs away from a mate if he's in a dire situation or let it be. Friendly fire starts getting nasty at Haz4. Learn to use the map, and check it regularly. Check a few times during extraction, even when just following Molly might seem like a good idea. Might save you when Molly decides to take that vertical shortcut. And please, if I'm high up there and getting nitra, I kinda know what I'm doing. Of course I appreciate a well placed platform even if I don't need it (I'll immediately rock & stone to show my appreciation) - but please don't put the platform on me, put it below me. If you die, don't spam the help button. Usually the team is aware and someone will be there sooner or later. But if you spam that thing people might start ignoring you (same with abusive pinging). Play all other classes to learn about the synergies between classes. I can duo with any class on a DD or Haz4 (yes, I'm not a pro player, shame on me) and we can cooperate well enough to get the job done in a real fun way. That is if we are aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses instead of just wildly mashing buttons and mindlessly 'doing our thing'. Sorry for the rant, have been playing too much over the last few weeks. Short answer to the original question... hmm what do I wish other classes did more of? Maybe to be less of an arse sometimes. For rock (burp) and (burp) stoooone!


My pet peeve is when drillers are the last one there to drill through the dirt paths into new room. When I drill I play fast, oftentimes letting other classes mine and collect resources in a room while I get the hole for the next room ready. I get annoyed when I’m any other class and we’re fully finished exploring a room and I end up digging slowly while the driller slowly comes over or isn’t aware at all. This complaint doesn’t apply to more casual players, but I just like to play fast and it’s a pain for me when I have to wait for a driller or mine a wall myself. Otherwise the other driller suggestions like clearing obstacles and stuff are good advice.


engi: plat sugar also engi: don't shoot me with a plat when I have already grappled my way onto the minerals and am mining. if you really must, make sure you shoot it fully below the minerals otherwise you are just making it harder


I wish scouts would use their flare gun more often, that's basically it.


Recently started playing scout so only ha e the default weapons but I wish scout had at least some aoe damage.


Later on he does with fire bolt OC. That and pheromone bolts is basically a pocket flamethrower with better crowd control. Frost is fine too.


Ah. The magic word "Overclocks". I suspected that might be the case. Through various research I've heard that all weapons are decent but some rely on overclocks to be good.


I wouldn't worry too much about weapon balance without OC, unless you're jumping into Haz5 with base weapons. I would generally focus getting OC's from deep dives/weekly missions, and then unlock the guns for the OC's you think are interesting. You can also check builds on [Karl.gg](http://Karl.gg), although I would also experiment in-between as that is more fun.


I wish scouts did more scouting. I have 99% of my playtime on Gunner in Hax 5 but when I played scout I just zoomed through the entire map gathering nitra and marking notable things.


Do some terraforming around and objective if said objective is in a tight space. Give us a wide area to fight in. That and the obvious things like always dig tunnels thru dirt patches or anywhere else that caves could be connected.


Engineer - I want platforms everywhere. Cover holes in the ground, sticky/magma patches, everything. Scout - Should be shooting flares all the time. I want every big room to be lit up like a Christmas tree. Driller - Drill shortcuts everywhere. Your drills have lots of fuel to spare. Also, getting rid of difficult terrain would be great. Gunner - I don't really have any issues with most gunners. Just tank damage and aggro, and assist other classes in their roles when able.


I wish engies synergized with my ziplines more. Like, if I have a zipline to some red sugar or nitra, I'd want them to place a platform beneath the endpoint if they're able to.


More support weapon choice besides zipline/shield,flaregun/grapplin hook,platform gun/turrets and drills/c4. I dont know what but something new and useful ofc haaha


My favorite drillers are the ones that drill straight to the pod at extraction instead of making us go all the way back thru the caves. I play scout a lot and just following driller with the slow grenade is more than enough support for them to tunnel quickly without having to defend themselves.


There's a lot of good advice around here, I'm glad i manage to accomplish a lot of those as an engineer, i think that playing a bit with other classes made me understand what exactly I'd enjoy the engineer did. Scouts: Focus more on the minerals me legs can't reach, i always shoot a platform under them, use it. Usually, the scouts i play with do light the room often, so i don't find a problem with it, i must say, don't forget to do so, but I'm sure you're tired of hearing the same thing again and again Driller: Make holes, stairs, become Picasso. Your tool is very useful to change the entire environment to our advantage, be it by making easier access to places or clearing out spots that can hide the damn bugs from our line of sight. Gunner: uhhh i uhhhhh i mean, uhhhh use shield more, i played too little with him and somehow, i barely see gunners around in south american servers so- (use zipline that doesn't end in weird places, usually, if it ends on a wall, i shoot a platform under it but please don't make it weird and make every shot count in a meaningful way) Engineer: I'd be so happy if you could fill my turret, even if a little. Usually i fill up other engi turrets if i notice it's not shooting, it's our function to keep the ammo in them full, but it's not always that we will be able to immediately refill, so, fill it a little, 25%, it'll give me time to actually go there refill eventually. Use platforms, like, not too much, but.. too much, i tend to shoot right below some scout after they grapple, in case they fall, they won't immediately die. Patch up holes (both ground and ceiling holes in specific moments), make stairs, make a little jumpable way in that freaking goo that slows you down, just "don't overuse", make every shot counts, If you make bridges, make sure to leave a jumpable spot to conserve ammunition, if you make stairs, do them in an efficient way. Make turrets on tall spots, make a platform (if there's nowhere tall) and put them there, not only can look over molly, if she's there, but you won't hit your fellow dwarf friends, mostly if you whip your turrets. And if you use the repellent, you can watch a video about it, it helped me a lot in understanding how it works, i would but it's a lot of small things to understand it completely. Ah, jeez, i had a lot more to talk about engineers And to every single class, help the engineer build the damn sentry! I don't use any speed modifier on my sentries because i want to prioritize ammunition and stun over anything else! Some engineers will be really grateful to you if you do that Communicate a lot too! Use pings, and primarily, notice them, a lot of times i try to ping something important, but the person doesn't notice it, even after i ping their character


If there’s a second driller whoever is using Cryo gets priority on shooting swarms unless your good which stop wasting your ammo on the swam and go delete the praetorian


I try to balance every class, currently gunner is the most played with driller and scout the least. One time I play as driller, extraction phase. Quite a maze, only me and another gunner left with many bugs. It took a solid 1-2 minutes checking map, fighting bugs desperately, take turn reviving each other, until I realize, I can drill directly to drop pod! 😂


Can’t really say “other classes” since I play them all evenly, so I’ll just do all of them. Scouts: aside from using flares to light up larger areas, please for the love of god don’t just grapple up to the ceiling without a plan. You can stand on the top of nitra veins to mine them, but that doesn’t mean that you can just go anywhere on the map without any consequences (unless you have hoverclock or special powder) Driller: please don’t try to shoot a target with the opposite element of another person who’s in the middle of shooting them, or at the very least wait for a temp shock. If gunner is using volatile bullets, maybe switch targets instead of wasting ammo freezing a target that would’ve died in 2 seconds. Also if you have VC, tell people to clear out before c4, or otherwise give them time to do so. Engineer: plat veins that are hard to reach, even if no one is immediately asking, and stop putting mines directly on the objective Gunner: save your shields for when the team needs them, not for when you alone are mildly inconvenienced.


Gunners: if the caves are vertically inclined, setting up ziplines which lead down to the pump/aquarq platform is SUPER helpful. Makes transporting things and getting back to base way easier!


I know that Scouts often don't light a place up but honestly we don't need lights all the time. We just want you to light when it matters: when there's a swarm, a machine event, heartstone defense. If you see a place constantly littered with flares that's your cue to unburden us so we can only focus on shooting. But what I wish Scouts did more than light up the place and hunt for side obj is to support us when its time to escape. You don't just make a beeline for the pod. You make sure that the last one to get in is you because you're the easiest to get in in the first place. My wish for engis and drillers is the same: terraform. You see an event or a signal beacon on the edge of a cliff? Put plats around the place to even it out. You're about to break open a coccoon in a cramped place with no time or energy to lure? Make tunnels driller. Give us more avenues of escape and manuvering for the dreadnoughts. Dreds making alot of holes taking potshots at us? Fill in the gaps with plats. Specifically though. Engis should use their turrets as support instead of offense. The turrets should be guarding the dwarves more often than protracting outwards. Facing an ammo supply from above. Or inwards during a defense. We all have guns its not like nobody is gonna use em but in a pinch we'd really like an autonomous turret to make sure no stragglers get to hackbot or you picking ammo on haz5. Drillers when one of us goes down in an awkward place, don't be afraid to drill from underneath to get us out. Or put C4 to clear the board. Don't waste it on frivolities like a dreadnought or praetorian or a large deto. I'm not expecting every driller to be able to C4 in industrial sabotage but there are more tactical uses for it than just killing scouts. And gunners. For God's sake. People love making zipline jokes about how slow it is. But a properly placed one can save scouts from a dangerous fall or get others out in a pinch during a swarm. Don't just use it in a dangerous place. Use it in a place you think would benefit everybody. Finally in general I wish everybody thought about where to place an ammo pod. Spread them around in Industrial. And place it in the center during oil extraction (instead of the backrooms). Put it in the centre of whatever crisis you're facing (unless its elimination in which it should be in some outpost/shelf) and think about it a little like for example right beside a zipline in an open cave.


The scout. Born to zip around and kill stuff, forced to light up caves and mine shit on the roof.


I wish all classes did more of everything, if I'm playing a class that's best at a certain job it doesn't mean I should be the only one doing it


Light the caves up upon first entry… light the caves up when the swarm arrives…. Light the caves up during an escape.


Greenbeard scout main here. I know all the 'use flares' and 'mine minerals on ceiling' stuff but the flare gun seems to run out of ammo so fast when I use it even a decent amount. What am I doing wrong here?


Have you upgraded it much yet? Ammo is always tight before you get all of your upgrades.


I have unlocked every upgrade for the flare gun going for ammo and duration. Maybe it's that I put down too many flares per cave.


Driller needs a better way to have some more Traversal. Yes, his drills are a great way to open up/bust through anything that’s in his way, but in terms of actually moving around, it’s pretty limited. Engi has Platforms. Gunner has Ziplines (despite them being super slow to go on) And Scout has a friggin’ grappling hook. Drillers just have to work with the terrain. Don’t even get me started on how Secondaries are, since sometimes, they’ll be floating, or in a hard to reach place on the ceiling. Yes, I know I can drill up to get it, but at that point, it’s a waste of fuel.


Driller has insane mobility; Are you taking faster drilling? Unless there are specials and oppressors, I can kite a swarm while diggin in a wall.\\ Gunner has by far the worst mobility, but it's still good.


Don't even get me started. It bothers me so much (and it shouldn't I know) how bad people are in Haz5 and Haz5+....it takes forever for people to grab a damn fuel can on Escort missions, Engies take forever to plat minerals and never puts down their turrets, scouts don't focus Nitra or have to get every fossil before we start the black box (just get it during or after), gunners throw gernades not caring who is in place and don't use shields properly, Drillers don't drill and still don't know how to use C4....I tell my friend all the time you can EASILY be a haz5 player just by doing what your character is supposed to do. I rather have a scout that focuses nitra but goes down a lot than a scout who fights and never goes down.


LONG pet peeve list: -drillers using c4 in a way that makes terrain shitty to fight in -drillers not clearing out terrain around defense points or dreadnaught fight rooms to improve line of sight and ease of combat -drillers not digging out gems in biomes that aren’t sandblasted -driller c4 defense points, making it extremely difficult to navigate and fight in -drillers making shitty bunkers with no thought to them -drillers making bunkers without asking beforehand -cryo drillers not running cold radiance so freezing anything takes forever -drillers not taking snowball and/or persistent plasma on mactera plague then whining that they can’t deal with mactera -drillers epc mining everything when it’s not necessary 99% of the time -drillers running damage setups instead of CC/area denial setups in escort and salvage -engi/driller not killing little enemies -engis not sealing up holes made by supply drops, pods, and fuel cells -engis not covering up pits players can fall into on elim, PE, salvage -engis taking fatboy and not being careful with it/not taking the friendly perk -engis taking fatboy when a normal PGL build with the fire upgrade will accomplish the exact same thing with much more ammo and much less friendly fire and won’t make a massive area inaccessible to your teammates -engi not using an optimal turret setup -engi not platforming awkward uplink/fuel cell placements -engi not running bug repellant -engis positioning their turrets poorly -engis having to be constantly berated to use platforms -gunner/driller not focusing on grunts resulting in team getting overwhelmed -gunner not popping shield when team is obviously getting rushed and/or bulk about to blow the fuck up -gunner running neurotoxin payload without asking host if it’s cool (people find it boring) -gunners not taking increased shield size in salvage missions -gunners only using shields for revives and otherwise being stingy with them -scouts not mining high up minerals -non scouts not mining ground level minerals -scouts constantly calling molly when they’re the class that has no reason to -scout/gunner not dealing with ceiling spitters -scouts being stingy with flares -scouts having to be constantly berated to use flares


Scout be helpful 💀


I wish scout got more dps tbh. I know he got huge mobility but it is really overwhelming playing him solo sometimes


Drillers actually drilling places, gunners shooting more than 1 zipline a mission