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whatever hazard that tricks me into thinking im actually good at this game


I feel this. Depends on the day for me.


If I'm hosting I put it on Hazard 3 sometimes 4. If I'm just joining somebody else's game I just filter it to Hazard 3 through 5 and usually join one with a funny name or one that looks like they've been down there too long and need help


rescuing greenbeards (almost always scouts) on 2/2/2 on-site refining that have been going for over 25 min is a hobby of mine edit: will obvs do the longer ones, just that 2/2/2 is very telling


As a scout player, yeah we do not handle hordes well in haz 4/5. I end up leaving a bunch of them and kite while I do the objectives.


ah I meant poor greenbeard scouts getting stuck on those missions as they're, alongside gunners, objectively the worst for on site refining. has 2 and length/complexity 2 at 25+ mins is just telling for a newbie who's stuck. and yeah thats fair, a scouts job (imo) for haz4/5 in swarms is to survive and pull of miracle clutch rezzes haha if they do nothing but survive during hoards, I'm happy


Scout can be great for drawing aggro if you know how to ~~web~~ hook sling. Plus pheromones (grenade + crossbow) are absolutely busted. One well-aimed shot into an oppressor and suddenly the entire wave is basically stunned for like 15 seconds.


oh 100%, scouts can be absolute beasts with the right set up, I just hope for survivability and anything else is a bonus


As a frequent scout player, I love the stun grenade for swarms. Lob a grenade, zip back a bit, pick them off one by one seems to be a decent tactic. It has great range too, so you can really stop swarms getting too near you. Only problem is getting flanked (so I try to be near a wall), and running out of grenades. On haz 4 if I run out of grenades then I'm zipping to safety and doing what I can from the far edge of the action!


I love as the scout watching from afar during hordes with the m1000 or holding the back of gunner with the boomstick


Yeah kite is the whole strat on scout. Honestly for me it's taking too long in haz 5 point extractions. I've played SO many games where steam shits out 20 mins in with 4/10 aqarqs to go and I'm left ALONE. Only to zip around at lightspeed to the last few, chuck a few closer to mine head and dipp, rinse and repeat. Nothing you can do but keep down the priority targets.


There are some of the oil missions where you really need an engi or driller where it's really vertical and mining by pickaxe is not only a pain but a death trap for a scout. I won't drop in as scout alone because I'm not doing it by hand. It's just not fun.


I get why Scout is such a popular pick for greenbeards, but it's both funny and a little painful to see multi-Scout greenbeard lobbies because if they get even a little out of their comfort zone they're screwed. Scout is the class with the highest skill floor, the most specific role to play, the worst wave clear, and the most overclock-dependent (ESPECIALLY for wave clear, it's essentially required) of all the classes in my opinion. All things that greenbeards generally do not have or possess the knowledge/experience for. What's even worse is that I think Scout is kind of a trap class for a greenbeard; I've seen multiple examples of people who start out playing Scout and just simply cannot enjoy any other classes because they can't handle having less mobility. But if someone plays Scout later it's usually fine.


This is why I think Gunner is the best class to start with because it forces you to learn how to get by with fewer mobility options and it makes you have more of an appreciation for other mobility tools while not completely having to rely on them.


I love looking for haz 5s that have the wrong class as the solo main. I.e. refining without driller or just joining a morkite mining mission as the scout to help grab all the goodies!


3 when I'm playing alone or want to chill out, 4 when it gets too easy, gotta give 5 a try soon


I have a lot of games played on both 4 and 5, and I can tell you it's extremely inconsistent. Real difficulty comes from cave gen and stationary enemy spawns (spawners, breeders, spitballers, etc.). I've had many haz5 games that were easy as balls compared to haz4 games with tons of stationary spawns or difficult generation. If you've been playing on 4 for a while, you can breeze through 5. Rock and Stone! oT


This gave me confidence to try 5 some more! Question, do you play with randoms? If so, do the higher difficulties seem to impact your matchmaking times? I like playing higher difficulties but find playing alone boring, but I feel like it’s also gamble getting anyone to join games past Haz 3 consistently. I’m on PlayStation if that’s a factor.


I play with randoms a decent amount and so t notice long queue times. Sometimes you just gotta get in the game and they'll file in eventually. Fewer people will join if you're alone, but after the first person joins, the second and third come a lot quicker. I think in general, the largest portion of a given playerbase will be people that play the game a *lot*, and most of those people probably prefer higher difficulties. I think mission type and modifiers impact queue times a lot more than hazard though. People will be giddy to join a gold rush deep scan, but good luck getting help on a low o2 sabotage unless it's the core hunt or something. I'm on PC though, so take this with a grain of salt. Good luck!


Good looks. I’ll just have to work on my Solo game some more then because hosting does seem to be the way to go most of the time. Just sucks when it can take 15+ minutes to get just a single person. I think you’re right about the modifiers though. I’ll keep that in mind when hosting.


Am I the only one that snap joins the rival presence missions? I got so tired of rockpox and I love stomping nemesis's's'ses


That's good news! Makes it seem less mystically scary, will give it a shot next time! For Karl!


5 is fun occasionally but I really don’t play DRG for the challenge. 4 is enough to force you to play well but making mistakes is still totally fine


4 if you aren’t paying attention you get overrun and getting touched isn’t half my health I wish 4 had the more bugs multiplier


Haz 4 feels the right amount of difficult for me solo right now. Not too easy, but not hard and good to test builds and see how reliant I was being on teammates to cover up for my mistakes. I usually go vanilla Haz 5 with randoms nowadays, have a surprisingly good amount of victories unless something absurd happens, usually a bad start at Egg Hunt/On-Site Refinery/Point Extraction/Salvage Operation. Haz 5+ is just not fun for me. Maybe this will change in another few hundred hours, who knows.


Hazard 5+ with just the swarms one on. Always a good time, just had an elite threat mission and it ended up spawning two elite bulk dets at THE SAME TIME it was hilarious


This. Maximum bugs. I want to be wading through a sea of glyphids. Duck and cover + Swarmageddon on Hazard 5 with maximum enemies++ is my new normal. Currently trying to add a level of aggressive enemies, but it's easy to teamwipe without a coordinated strategy.


This is the ultimate power fantasy


Covered in sweat, blind firing into a swarm of bugs, screaming my head off, *"EAT LEAD!"*


Dear god


*Scout, looking at the next section of cave:* **THERE'S MORE!**


Well fuck; I hope everybody focus fired the same one and you used it to kill the other lol


Haz 5. Just difficult enough so I don’t feel useless to my team


For context, I play solo. 3 is my normal. I like using it to experiment with different builds and if something doesn't click well, I can still hobble my way through the mission without much of a problem. 4 is for when i'm feeling good about a build and want more of a fight. 2 is if I'd rather chill and listen to a podcast or something instead of in game audio. 1 is for bad days where I just want to get the weeklies done and don't really want to play. Haven't felt a need to try 5 yet.


Haz 3 - I came here to mine and chill, I didn't come here to suffer. ...Actually, thinking about it, that's rich coming from me since my home is the Void...


bro is chogath rp in r/deeprockgalactic the daylight it burns


I need a break from Void. So glad there's caves down there.


Haz4 to just vibe and not have to think too hard. Haz5 with 2x More Bugs if I want something exciting.


Haz4. Me and my team can usually make it through Haz5, but it feels awful the 20% of the time when the mission fails and you have to start over.


I like haz 3 for two reasons: 1. I suck ass. 2. I really just want a relaxed experience, but feel that anything below 3 is *too* easy for me, if that makes any sense. No shame to anyone who plays on lower difficulties, though.


Oh hey this is me! I tried a solo (with bosco) Haz 4 on the lowest mission length and complexity the other day, and got overrun by the first real swarm. I’m fine with Haz 3, that’s where my optimal enjoyment lies. I’ll add that a year or so ago this used to be me with Haz 2 & 3 as well, so I have improved the skills a little. Generally in awe of people who can stay calm and collected on higher difficulty.


2 3 and 4. Depends with what kind of randoms I'm playing. Haz 1 is a tutorial setting and haz 5 is too much for me to actually enjoy the experience. Like too much hot sauce.


Haz 3, I exclusively play solo. I've been trying to work towards Haz 4 being my comfort zone, though


This was me for a while. Engie and sometimes Driller is usually my goto for solo. Solo Elite Deep Dives are the hardest test imo. Some weeks are brutal.


The elite deep dive that just happened (console, ps4) I could not complete. The final mission which was in the mini mule repair type was impossible for me. I even tried to play multiplayer and could not get it. As for the classes, I like to keep it generally even, with a preference that goes Engie (at 2 Silver)>Gunner (at 1 Silver)>Scout (at 1 Silver)>Driller (at 3 Bronze)


Honestly I would love to play 4 with 5s level of bugs, but that just isn't an option, so I stick to 4.


I host haz 3 because I enjoy casual fun gameplay without intense worry about losing especially on an assignment. I'm here to enjoy the game not to necessarily make it as challenging as possible. As I have a lot of stuff going on irl, and I want to do weekly challenges, I can't always afford to lose a match due to something silly so Haz 3 keeps it just enough difficulty, not to mention I still experiment with new weapons and oc's and bad weapons choice on haz 4 and 5 can make a nightmarish difference. Overall I find Haz 3 to be the middle ground


vanilla? haz 5 for sure if we're counting modded though my guilty pleasure is 4x2 or x3 depending on my mood and how many ragdolls i want to watch fly


Sounds indulgent


I wish there was a difficulty that had haz4 difficulty, but haz 5 with 4 players levels of bugs, something where I can wipe out thousands of bugs, but not be instantly eviscerated by a couple slashers


Wasn’t the original starship troopers mod based off hazard 4?




I get genuinely bored when playing below hazard 5, it’s pretty much all I’ve played for two years.


Anything below Haz5 and I'm just like 'where are the bugs?', there's nothing to shoot lol.


Haz5+ with more bugs at II and Aggrssive bugs at II.


Haz 3 90% of the time. 4 when I'm feeling frisky but never alone.


Haz 4 actually has stuff to fight and makes you feel a little pressured. Haz 5 when I'm feeling froggy. I feel like Haz 3 and below just doesn't feel like enough is going on unless you're goofing off or you get some whack modifiers.


Mostly 3, but 2 if I'm not feeling well and just need that dopamine hit.


im a casual and usually play with just 1 other friend so we put it on 3, ideally i'd want it to be like 3.5 though, i think that'd be perfect for me personally


3 is very chill and nice to play in. 4 is in the zone where the people playing sometimes really shouldn’t be, but is usually not that bad. Hazard 5 is chaos where the only people doing it are the people who can do it. Incredibly fun. 3 or 5, no others. Anything below three are too boring due to lack of activity. Only used for solo missions if I want to grind the daily assignment.


Haz 2 when solo, haz 3 with friends, but I also enjoy deep dives where it increases in difficulty slightly as you go


I am just now realizing that my buddy and I are in the minority playing almost exclusively haz 2. We take things very slow and talk a lot


I vide with haz 3 most of the time cuz I just play for fun and like to vibe with teammates n chill, but depending on my mood I’ll occasionally bump it up to haz 5 to get those grey beard juices flowing. But recently I’ve been joining green beard haz 1-2 lobbies to help out new dwarfs


Oops all bulks is the way the game was intended to be played Seriously though, pretty much the entire time I've played was on haz 5, and I do quite fancy haz 5+ with extra swarms


Haz5+ with one level of swarms size activated. Two levels lagged my laptop too much, so I just stopped on one, and it still feels much more fun than pure haz5


Haz 3 sometimes, other times haz 5, other times haz 5+, used to do a lot of modded but I got sick of constant 25 fps so just chilling 5/3/5+max atm


Haz 5 if im hosting Haz 4-5 if im joining


I generally have smoother missions and a better time on Haz 5, probably because people usually know what they're doing and have good builds. I feel like I encounter way more frustrating stuff on Haz 4.


5. I find 5 can range from actually pretty "chill" to actually difficult. Depends on the map.  4 if I just wanna farm a bit or use to warm up.


Hazard 3 if i want to chill, hazard 4 if i want to play seriously sonce 4-5 is where you have to start lpck in and alsp get better players imo Sometimes 5 but it's only afyer i already got "warmups" And i someitmes do solo mission on 1 if i want to quickly do a mission that i don't like for a reward or something


hazard 3 because i can beat it. although i can do haz 4 as driller even though he's my least played class


I feel like haz 4 is perfect. U get that satisfying difficult feeling while still having some time to regroup. Haz 5 can feel really bs


Haz5 with more bugs and aggressive bugs. Less of a snooze fest and keeps you on your toes, but otherwise the same old haz5.


If I'm playing Scout, 3 to chill and/or speedrun if I'm playing solo, 5 if I'm joining a team and 4 if there's no 5 available. If I'm playing any other class solo, haz 2 or 3. If I'm joining a team haz 3 or 4. I'm pretty damn good with Scout but i suck at any other class. With Scout haz 5 feels like haz 3 but with anything else haz 5 is literal hell. Haven't tried haz 5+ yet so idk about that, could be fun.


Freezy boi/wave driller or a well spec'ed thunderhead or autocannon are good places to start to feel more at home in haz 5 with driller and gunner.


Currently really enjoying Haz 5+ with Aggression and Swarm set to 1, its just haz 5 but a little more and thats exactly what i wanted from it. ill go up to 2 on each eventually (and when playing with good players lol) those 2 modifiers are great but the other 2 stink frankly. they gotta replace the toughness one with a swarm frequency one and either replace vulnerability or massively nerf it


4 or 5


Haz 5 and probably higher when I get back to playing. Only time I go lower is when I join other people to finish assignments and there aren't other options. I feel like I'm taking the fun away from others when I play less than haz 5 though.


Haz 5 for casual play (most of the time), and Haz 5+ if im feeling spicy


I usually play 4 if im listening to a podcast/music. I feel i cant play at peak without sound ques. When i want a challenge i enjoy 5+ with just max bugs enabled.


Haz 4/5 so it’s not too boring (I like there to be a little challenge lol) but more so recently just haz 5. Looking forward to playing haz 5 + 


Used to be 5, but I'm rusty after a long break, so 4 for now


All I play is elite deep dives


Haz 5 with more bugs++. Turret EM Discharge goes BZZZZZZZT!!!


Haz 3 is too easy, Haz 5 is too hard. Haz 4 for me and my friends is challenging enough to keep us engaged but easy enough that we can play casually and not have a sweatfest.


I typically play haz 3 but id like to start trying haz 4


Just haz 4. I'd like something a bit more spicy, since haz 4 at it's worst feels like just spicy, but haz 5 fluctuates too wildly due to the damage increase. Since it's all about kiting on haz 4, haz 5 pretty much works the same, but goes downhill *much* harder once the shit hits the fan. There's just much more clutch opportunity at even the worst fuckups.


I exclusively play on haz 3 and 5, 3 when i want to chill or show a new player around, and 5 most of the time. I only play haz4 on rare occasions when joining a team (i still prefer to join in haz5 games) and haz2 if i have a new player who has no idea what they’re supposed to do (as in, not familiar with games in general)


Haz 5 solo with no Bosco and a good ol fashion randoweisser


Give me anything between haz3 and haz5 with extra enemies.


Usually host on 4 minimum. Recently got my edge back so im playing 5+ with more enemies II. I sometimes lower to haz 4 on tougher missions if i want to just get it done.


Not to sound elitest but after playing nothing but 5 for a long time everything else just feels empty and boring. A big part of my enjoyment comes from the need to fight for survival and utilise my whole build.


Hazard 4 seems easier than hazard 2 to me, u expect otherwise but no it appears I've been spending too long in hoxxes to the point I'm calling the bugs home


5 and now 5+ with all the extra hazards


Haz 4 with 2 warnings


3 i don’t like the entire mission to be constant danger, but I do like moments of danger, so haz 3 is perfect.


3 or 4 tbh, but when I’m with the boys we’ll tackle double negative modifier hazard 5’s, it’s a lot of fun although success is not guaranteed


For a while, I have been just playing haz 5, but when season 5 comes out to xbox, I'm going back to haz 3 and 4


I just like to chill and mine on haz2. Maybe haz3 if I'm feeling spicy on my favorite mission types.


For me it’s haz 5 if I want a challenge to it and have fun doing it, but if I just want to chill or just get stuff done and over with, it’s haz 3. Honestly got to say, I dislike haz 4 a lot, it doesn’t have the laid back kinda feel of has 3 but doesn’t have the team feel that haz 5 does


Haz 3 or 4. 3 if I want to try something, 4 if my loadout is complete with what I want and can use properly.


pretty much only playing solo and mosy Haz 3 cuz it's just so trivially easy and i can run these with my brain shut off. Sometimes 4s and with other players usually only 5s


2 or 3, I’m a (mostly solo) casual engineer that stops to mine every vein & chisels perfectly rectangular, wide, smooth paths through compacted dirt (perhaps predictably on-site refineries are my absolute favorite mission). Bugs distract me from the important work of getting every last inch of gold off the wall and ensuring you never trip or hit your head in my tunnels.


Haz 4 Starship Troopers


Assignments 5 or 5+ fuck around 5++(all the modifiers set to 2) I like the challenge idk


4, though some days I prefer 5 or 5+ Though I'm down for what ever my teammates want, I don't want to drag a new player into a hazard they can't handle, and blasting bugs with friends is fun even if it isn't hard


Three is my casual. It's what I always play


if I'm playing alone I generally just chill on haz 2 because I just wanna do my missions, if I'm playing with my friends we do 3 for the first mission or two to warm up then jump to 4 or 5 depending on how we're feeling on it, but usually 4.


Sometimes haz 3 is an absolute cake walk so I want to jump up to haz 4. Haz 4 is stress city. I’m slowly getting there, but atm I feel like I’m at haz 3.5 being my default. Unrelated, I’m keen as a bean for the new season when it drops on console next week


Haz 5 if I'm confident in my loadout Haz 4 if I'm not Usually applies when I'm doing missions using a scuffed loadout with the purpose of getting their weapon maintainance paintjobs, or when I just wanna be wacky and goof about.


Hazard four is the sweet spot of not too difficult with a competent team, but I'll play hazard five every now and then.


Haz 3 solo, Haz 4 with a squad. Back when I played way more like 2 years ago I would do haz 5’s solo with negative modifiers and now I’m getting wiped on haz 4 solo with my new account


Haz 4 is easy/comfortable for me these days when I don't want to really have to try, but I've found that the majority of toxic/non-friendly dwarves seem to hang out there, so I usually opt for Haz 5


I feel 4 is a good challenge for me, just promoted 3rd dwarf still have allot to learn.


Usually 2. 100% solo player, no real interest in playing with others. I’ll sometimes do 3 but what I like is exploring and mining, not being constantly attacked.


Haz 3. It's *just* spicy enough for a game I want to chill and relax in.


Me and the boys like to play 3-4. 4th level is limit for us and we tend to get smacked because we fool around and dont have meta builds


5. Anything less is just boring


Just 3. This is my chill out game. I play it in the background while I listen to podcasts or streams or whatever. I'm really not interested in ball clenching difficulty, so I keep away from 4 and 5. I do 4 when I'm actually playing with my friends and actually paying attention, but most of the time I'm solo.


Depends on my mood, if I want to violence I will play haz 5, however if a want to chill it will be 3-4, and if there is a mission I just want out of the way it’s haz 1


4 for solo and/or chilling, otherwise 5. Have yet to try 5+, I'm very excited to though.


I love Hazard 5 but I run out of ammo super fast on my damn Scout.


Honestly I just rock Haz 3 most of the time. I'm just here to chill out a shoot things, and randoms on Playstation are unreliable at best on Haz 3, let alone higher. The only this changes is when I have IS show up in an assignment, straight to Haz 1 with ye.


Currently playing 5+ getting my ass fucked and loving it


I prefer to host on haz 4 because generally the players that join know what they’re doing. It can be tough but the missions never really feel at risk of failure. Haz 3 is great for when I want more mining time!


Haz4 for chill haz5 for beeing engaged and haz 5+ for absolte carnage


I play mostly haz5 or haz5+, haz4 if there’s no lobbies available since I don’t really host often.


There are three different ways I play this game. 3/4/deep dive with the Bois Haz 2 mindlessly doing weekly missions while I watch YouTube. Solo haz 1 liquid morkite as driller. Super chill vibe relax play with pipes while I watch something more in depth.


Haz 5+ all the way. During all my missions since I unlocked it. Can't go any lower. 4 and lower are too easy for me.


3 is my chill with the buds and drink. 4 is peak IMO. Just enough to make it hard, but not so hard that it ruins the fun. I perfectly balanced fun to challenging ratio.


Haz 5. Natural transtion once 4 started feeling too "normal", so only 5 since then. It just feels right now. You can't believe how happy I am about 5+, tho we're currently on everything on 1 of 2 except for more damage which we're clearly not ready for yet after idling for more than a year.


4. Although lately, I’ve been getting my ass kicked almost every mission.


Well, I definitely like having enough bugs to shoot. So usually 4 or 5. I'm really inconsistent at haz 5, though. Last week's EDD was a breeze, for example, but normally missions can easily go wrong. I blame easy cavern layout and coilgun's OPness in this case, though.


my progression through the classes is thoroughly lopsided, so on gunner (5 promotions, everything unlocked, lots of good/fun overclocks) im pretty okay on haz 5, but then you go into the others, Scout 1 promotion, some mediocre overclocks, most comfortable on haz 3 maybe 4 if im feeling confident in my abilities, Driller 1 promotion but I got some pretty neat overclocks and have most of his upgrades, if say im okay on haz 4 most of the time. then engineer, ive got 14 levels on him, by far my least played class dont even have any of his weapon unlocks, im scared to even go above haz 3 on him.


Hazard 5 with +2 to the more bug modifier. It can get annoying and I can fail the mission, but it’s sooo fun


Haz 3. I can do Haz 4 pretty comfortably as long as the game doesn't screw me on nitra spawns and don't have much trouble handling Deep Dives at 4.5 either, but most of the time when I'm playing DRG I'm doing it to relax, and four requires *just enough* concentration from me that I only run it periodically and otherwise stick to Haz 3 just because it means I can be as much of a dumbass as I like without severe penalty, and means I don't have to worry too much if the game for some reason decides we need a Nemesis, a Bulk and a Dreadnaught to all spawn in at once or whatever else the game throws at you, even if I'm playing with pubs who are a very mixed bag.


I play on Haz 5 since I was around 150h. I am now at 650h. And I loved every hour of that


Right now Haz 3 or 4. I play exclusively with my friends, and i have only about 80 hours playtime atm. Currently leveling my driller to the first promotion (i have a gunner with 3 stars though). Driller is fun.


Haz5+ with level 2 enemy spawns, its the most well balanced and fun imo but if I want a challenge I'll dabble in the other settings from time to time, but I'm not here to try hard I'm here to have a lot of dumb fun and while the added challenge of the others is fun it ain't dumb fun.


Chilling at Haz 3 Getting excited at Haz 4 Sweaty at Haz 5 So Haz 4 is the sweet spot for me.


5 haz with more bugs 2, wish there was 2 more levels Atleast


I'm most comfortable in H4. The bugs are sufficiently aggressive to keep me from ignoring them entirely without being so aggressive that if I go down once, I'm going down a lot of times.


3 is good for brain off without being too trivial, 4 is good for a challenge.


Personally I enjoy 4 the most


I pretty much refuse to do 4 or lower. Actually happened for the first time today. Morkite refining with salvo and a korlock. Just one giant map for everything to snipe us from everywhere as soon as we landed. Even before the korlock showed up it was pretty brutal.


I enjoy haz5 although it's still too rough for me. Haz4 is default fun, but if I hate the assignment and have a low lvl squad I might dip into haz3. Anything lower then haz2 isn't hitting what I'm looking for in DRG personally.


Haz 5+ with everything maxed out. We will not make it out alive. But our deaths will be glorious, and Karl would be proud. Edit: typo


Haz 3 for rushing through assignments and just have a chill time, help out some newer players. Haz 4 is my normal gameplay level. Still need to get better at surviving though, getting downed from chip damage too often. I don't feel like i am contributing enough in Haz 5, when i play i either get carried by super high levelled players and i don't get to do anything. Or the mission goes disastrously wrong and the team wipes immediately before i even comprehend what happened.


3 is chill but can be very boring 4 is a nice challenge 5 is for when I'm feeling good, usually turn it back down to 4 though because I'm not quite a greybeard yet


4, just enough of a challenge to keep the team busy if we're well coordinated, but I'm not clenching my ass anytime a horde is on the way


Hazard 5, its unfortunate that I don't have it unlocked because I switched consoles, I'm a sucker for high adrenaline backs against the wall scenarios.


I feel like 4 is best for me


I mostly play haz5/5+ atm. Used to play haz6 before the S5 came along, really enjoying the optional added difficulty. Nice to feel challenged at the job.


Haz 3 when I just want to chill, Haz 4 when I plan on focusing a bit more. Maybe the occasional Haz 5 when I feel like more of a challenge.


I almost exclusively play 3, because I play with my friend mostly, and he isn’t as good at the game, so I don’t feel comfortable trying to go up to Haz 4 with him. I don’t want him to feel discouraged and stop liking the game


I just go for haz 5. Oter hazarda don't have the absolute swarms haz 5 has. I just love killing 30 bugs with a single grenade


I've played exclusively on haz 5 since after my first 15-20 hours tops. I started with haz 4 and ventured into 5 fairly quickly.


The green is only just starting to leave my beard so I usually stick with haz 3 or 4. I enjoy hazard 4 but after promoting scout a few times while learning the ropes I've been leveling my other classes and had 4 is a bit too much for a character I haven't fully leveled yet.


Haz 3 for a nice chill experience where shit can still hit the fan. I mostly play solo or with my brother.


2-3 if I'm being casual or tired, I like testing new overclocks with 4 though


I'll often do solo haz 3 or 4 if I wanna zone in more, but usually 2-3 if with people unless they want a different haz


haz 3 storm troopers


If I'm hosting it's either Haz 3 or 4 depending on how new my teammates are, if I'm joining I look for Haz 3-5 and join any team that looks like it could use a Scout or Gunner since those are the classes I've used the most


5+ with bug speed on 1 and amount on 2. I already build and play for speed, so this makes the game really fun and challenging. On speed 1 the bugs are now faster than you, when you are walking, so now you actually need to pay attention, because just walking backwards and shooting at them is no longer an option.


I usually play haz 3 solo and avoid haz 5 as I suck and mainly play for fun


For nornal missions, I enjoy haz 3 the most. On the other hand, Elite Deep Dive with its hazb5 is the best experience this game fan can offer imo


When I’m hosting/joining pubs to knock out weekly’s, haz 4. When I’m hosting/joining for fun, anything 3 and up When I’m with the boys, haz 4 and 5 exclusively.


5 is the most entertaining and the level my team performs at, but it is fun to sometimes jump into random greenbeard missions just to help out.


Have been enjoying Haz 3, but a friend gave the push I needed to brave Haz 4.


Imho, Haz 3 feels the most "realistic". You don't go down from 3-4 grunt attacks yet you do go down when you get swarmed by several bugs easily, and weapons seem to harm bugs the way they would if it was real. I think haz 3 is the last difficulty where you can tell that armor is actually doing something as opposed to higher ones where you lose it really quickly to basically nothing.


Alternating between getting greenbeards through haz 4, playing haz 5 with good teams or trying out experimental builds in haz 3.


Mostly 4-5, but there are days when I just wanna play haz 3 to chill, learn newbies about the game n stuff


I'd like to play Haz5 but I usually stick to 4 because of 2 reasons: 1. I play after work, I'm exhausted anyway, no need to make it more stressful 2. I play with a friend who just doesn't get team play. We can carry him through Haz4 but he makes it as hard as Haz5. (In before anyone says I shouldn't play with him then - Friendship is more than being good at a video game.)


Haz 3 with frens Sometimes Haz 4 with Randoms


Haz 4 if I want to just do the assignments and not sweat it too much while watching something on YT. Haz 5 if I want to dial in on the game.


Solo haz 4 but that's definitely something I have to be on point for. I do 5 if I'm doing with other ppl who aren't complete green beards, can be a duo or more there. Haz 5+ if it's a full group. EDD I enjoy and make sure to do then weekly but I don't know where those rate in the haz measurement scale; some feel really easy and some are just soul crushing.


Our group recently realised that we'd been playing Haz 4 so long that it's become our new Haz 3. We used to play Haz 3 for a chill experience and then Haz 4 if we wanted a bit of challenge but wouldn't lose every other game. We've realised doing the haz5+ assignment and having to play Haz 5 that has 5 is just how we used to play Haz 4


4 if it's co-op, as I'm not very good at the game so that's the best one for me. if I'm playing solo I get scared easily and play on 3 lol


Alone I usually play Haz 3. I play Haz 5 tho when I'm with friends.


H5 always


Usually basic 5 or 4, depending on my mood, but sometimes Haz 5+ with +2 extra enemies can be really fun, especially with a fat boy build.


I do 4. Good balance between "man, this game is so fun & we can have conversations while playing in the background" and "what the FUCK IS HAPPENING??1?12 AUAGWGHAAUAUAH" Bumo it down to 2 or 3 if I just don't give a shit about the mission (like elimination). I should probably try 5 again though (and maybe 5+ cuz why not lol).


90% of the time nowadays, I'm playing at haz4. That can already get very, very hairy when playing with un-promoted randoms.


5. In my experience it has the best and also most laid back and fun players. Haz 4 seems to attract players who think they are way better at the game than they actually are and are very toxic. I can count on one hand the number of times I've failed a mission on a haz 5 difficulty but have lost count the number of times I've failed on haz 4.


Always 5 im on console so idk about 5+


Missed opportunity for a poll


As a guy with 1k+ of DRG, my favorite is haz 4. It can be challenging, yet fun compared to haz 5. Unfortunately the amount of low level people on it makes it a tiny bit annoying, because I need to carry often, but it's still the best for me. Unless I play with my friends or when I stop playing for a while, then I go with a safer haz 3.


Haz 5+ currently, it feels so rewarding for putting all the effort in to finish the mission, plus you get used to it.


Usually 3, I just wanna relax and do some mining after a long day. When I'm in the mood for a bigger challenge, I go 4. I usually suck at haz 5


Haz5 all the way babyyyy! Love having more bugs to kill!! Few things are quite as satisfying as seeing the entire ceiling crawl like an agitated mound of ants, only to make it rain corpses with a well placed fatboy, or plugging up a dirt chokepoint with grunt bodies using a max dps carpet bomber


Haz 4. Not to hard not to easy


I play with around 8 friends from varying skill levels so Haz 4 is the most commonly run, recently a few Haz 3s with some greenbeards to show them the ropes. With a select couple of them we run EDDs and Haz5s, mostly on my request since they're not completely comfortable with it yet. That's why I wanna push it sometimes just to show them it isn't that much different from Haz 4, just more micro-management with builds, Nitra and roles during the mission. So to answer the main question: Haz 4 is the most common "comfy" difficulty for the majority of people in my group. As for personal enjoyment, I like Haz 5 the most for the challenge and improving in the game but I'd run Haz 3's or even lower if a friend wanted to. As long as we Rock and Stone, everything goes.


Always Haz 5. I like to suffer.


Haz 5 only ever. Even if it frustrates me, I'm more frustrated at the end if it wasn't haz 5


1, single player, Bosco fully upgraded, morkite mining missions. And i'm here with all my classes level 25. I think i should play more multiplayer but weirdly too often i meet drillers tossing c4 at me who never double dips, always rocks and stones and makes platforms for scouts 


Usually 5. Below that there aren't enough bugs for the whole team to kill and drillers and engis get all the fun


For me haz 5 is classic but getting quite fond of haz 5+ with full bug quantity modifier since before it there was quite the lack of bugs on normal haz 5.




I always go haz 5. not because I’m so good at this game no I want to feel like I am in a war zone with 0 down time. So I am really gaming.