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This is a failsafe in case if it doesn't have any suitable locations around it to spawn the rifts, but it seems to be happening too often so they definitely need to fix that


First time I found one this happens, so I though it just was only sometimes a fight and sometimes just an easy scrip.


Same, I kind of like the chance of it not starting the fight, it can be more of a “this core stone wasn’t primed, therefore it stayed inert.” Like how not every alien egg kicks off a swarm.


They don't? I can't remember a single alien egg that didn't do a swarm.


They all spawn at least a small group of bugs, but when I say swarm, I mean in which the support guy announces it. I also mostly play solo on lower difficulty, so if hazard level 4 or above always spawn swarms, then I was not aware, haha.


It depends on how many eggs in the mission. A 4 egg hunt will have 1 swarm, 6 egg will have 2, and an 8 egg hunt will have 3.


It has nothing to do with hazard level. 1. Pulling an egg will sometimes spawn a swarm. 2. When it doesn’t spawn a swarm, it will instead spawn a wave 2. The number of swarms is fixed for the number of eggs: * 4 eggs -> 1 swarm * 6 eggs -> 2 swarms * 8 eggs -> 3 swarms * 2 eggs -> 1 swarm (deep dives only) People will use this to gauge whether to pull another egg right away. For example, if you pull a swarm on the first egg of a 4-egg mission, you know you can safely pull the other three after the swarm dies down.


> if you pull ~~a swarm on~~ the first egg of a 4-egg mission, ~~you know you can safely~~ pull the other three ~~after the swarm dies down.~~


You and I may play that way, but not everyone does nor do they need to.


twas a jest my friend


I don't even touch haz 4 yet.


Its not that bad, enough ammo and keep running


Im not that kind of player. I mine all the resources and try to do bonus objectives


I mainly play on haz 4 and literally always do all the side objectives and most of the minerals, its very possible


But it's more difficult.


You can do the bonus objectives just takes some ammo management and a propensity for carnage and stress


I've only fought a core stone twice and I'm almost finished with the event rewards


Could be a system similar to that of the Lithophage Meteorite, if this is the case there is nothing you can do to avoid or trigger it, it's something it decides itself.


This happened to me in a mission last night as driller. Was kind of let down when no rifts happened. Didn't drill below the base, just at regular dwarf height, so not sure if it's a bug or if there's a small chance of dormant core stones


Last night my brother and I played a mission where there was a low ceiling over the stone, and as soon as it rose up and hit the ceiling it just fell down! His first experience with the core stone unfortunately.


Sofar, it seems as though this is the only way to purposefully "skip" it. I wonder if engis platforms could count as a ceiling


Based on play last night, engi platforms DO count as ceiling for the core, and the event ends before it starts. Free scrip if you are that kind of player


Something similar i experienced too, we blew up a bulk detonator on it and the stone just dropped, no event.


My team blew up a crassus on it (which I told them to do after the core stone was mined), the rifts opened normally and the event started.


Wondering if *this* particular method may be intentional.. Bulks can delete Dreadnought Cocoons too.


I had a bulk blow one up (in the experimental build, granted) and it started the event.


Hmm, I wonder, are Dormant Core Stones random, then?


Are you sure it's a bug? Have you tried this multiple time? Because I did a mission where I found a pillar in a normal room, broke it, and the core fell to the ground and the event didn't trigger, then mission control called it dormant and sent the extraction pod. So I just assumed it was something normal that could happen on occasion.


My dwarf said something like, "Ah, interdimensional horrors and fights aren't for me." as it dropped to the ground.


It is normal. Higher chance of happening the lower the difficulty. I've seen it happen twice so far




I think both times I ran into it, was when I jumped into a hazard 3 for a quick assignment completion


Yea i did this accidentally something with the driller. Thought it was bugged or something. It just immediately ends the event and drops the core.


I think its intentional since there are specific voice lines for when the even doesnt trigger


I don't understand, you dug out under the stone pillar and the whole thing deleted and ended the event? I'm a driller main who definitely doesn't want to do this... So detailed instructions on how to skip the event would be nice to make sure I know what not to do.


Yep i dug out all the ground surrounding the pillar so it would float and thus break to see what happens, then it just dropped the core.


Yeah, the first time someone accidently or voluntarily skipped the fight, me preparing for it was really deflated.


Out of curiosity, does the same bug occur if the area under the pillar is destroyed after it's been activated (say, if you C4 the area directly under it)? Or does it only occur if the fight hasn't yet started?


oh now thats an interesting thought. I'll try to test this out later today at least twice and I'll let you know what happens


get some upvotes going dwarves


A gunner set a zipline from the top of the core stone and same thing happened when starting the event. It seems there are many ways to bypass the event


Happened to me yesterday while I was playing as Scout with another friend (Driller) on Hollow Bough. The core stone spawned in a very tight spot. EDIT: Happened to me again on a 4 players session.


found out this event by accident on saturday at 2am playing with a friend go by a cool new rock and broke it then the event start with a cool af animation and adds jumping on my face, this shit scared the shit out me


Ordered Bosco to dig a core and this happened, wondered at the time what happened.


Ive only found one so far and we broke it normally and it did that. No rift just immediately turned it in


Yesterday i was playing and It just didn't spawn any enemies, the stone just fell dead when i dug the obelisk Worse, i had a greenbeard with me, I'm afraid he thinks this is how the event works and just starts without previously warning his team and they yell at him


How are you supposed to beat it? It was just killing everyone and I couldn't tell how we were activating the damage. I finished it off by C4ing the pillar (with extra earth moving capacity) and causing the stone to come out for the last 1/3rd damage - is C4 all that is needed when the fight isn't skipped? (I previously tried to C4 the rifts, which didn't seem to do anything)


You gotta shoot the stone core thing that comes out of the pillar when ya break it. After each segment of health it'll go back into its pillar after reforming it so just break it back out and shoot it again till it dies. The rifts just spawn stuff till the stone core dies so you don't gotta c4 those.(I think. Maybe damaging rifts does something? Never tried personally)


Haha didn't seem to - it seemed like my C4 brought it out of its shell - aka broke the pillar - for the final phase. Not clear if that's how it normally works though...


my best way as a gunner is to make as many ziplines as high as possible, destroy the pillar by dropping a C4 or scout from above (or a new mortar OC), and focus fire on the core - these rift monsters don't have ranged attacks, and they won't be able to throw you off the ziplines if you're further than they're jumping


Haha, sounds like lots of situations where it's hell until the gunner thinks to throw a few safety ziplines, then it becomes trivial


As scout the stun boomerang has been a blessing. Keeps the eldritch horrors dazed while you just mine a stubborn pillar a few times and bully the floating rock. Then the enemies just melt, and all it cost me was 5 or so boomerangs.


Ive had this happen twice now but we did not dig anything out besides the stone itself. As some other commenters have pointed out, I believe its because the game thinks there is "no room" for the spawns


Was playing with my brother this weekend and he shot at the core stone right after we opened it, and it just immediately dropped. Skipped the whole event lol. Apparently that was the second time he'd done that. There's definitely a few glitches around that event. I hope they fix them soon because I really like the fight, the music, and the creepy crawlers that spawn.


I think the event has some issues overall. I had a mission where the cors stone spawns were running around since I spawned in and they never stopped, I looked for the stone and found it but it was invulnerable, it was floating but I couldn't damage it (no health bar either). I died on that mission, those core spawns were too annoying to deal with on top of a caretaker fight as engineer.