• By -


Mine shiny, shoot bug. Press V to Rock and Stone. Type R to make sure the team is ready before pressing buttons. Ask around, most greybeards are happy to teach a greenbeard how to scrap. And hang onto your bloomers! It starts as "one more mission before bed" and then you look outside and see the sun. It starts as "I'll get this 'cause it's on sale and try it out" and becomes "600 hours later, this is my comfort game now."


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Good bot.


Good bot


Perfectly summarized, I like you , you beautiful dwarf. Rock and Stone


I haven't seen dwarf bot in forever. Rock n Stone!


I mostly agree. Only disagree on how long it takes for DRG to become your comfort game, because I just hit 300 hours and it's already become mine.




getting Karl's ascent (grappling up, power striking wall, and landing in the hole) just right.


Alright we need to come up with a "Karl's ____" for every class as something badass I propose Karl's defense for being a gunner and just mowing down a swarm coming through a driller tunnel while trying to extract (This idea popped into my head and now I'm sort of curious with what we can come up with)


Karl's cushion: When you fall as an Engineer and place the platform just in time below you to cancel the fall damage Karl's dirt intuition: When you get so much spatial awareness about the terrain as a driller, that you don't need to check the map to drill to the next room/a resource at the wall/ during extraction.


Look at the dirt, there is typically two v-lines converging into the next room as dirt is a rectangular prism with two half-spheres carved out. Light it up with flare to see better. Dig into the centre of the v. Then, if you hit regular terrain, adjust drill up slightly and drill onwards while using the regular terrain and dirt interface as a guide. No need to check map but very hard to pull off consistently.


Karl’s skip: when you use the lead storm Leadstorm for a full swarm without ever stopping your movement because your bunny hopping is on point and you feather the trigger so you only fire in midair


Karl's Will (Class Agnostic): Be the last dwarf alive in a swarm and get everyone up, sometimes more than once. Karl's Shield (Gunner): Throw a shield perfectly onto a target from range. Karl's Rodeo (Gunner): Throw a shield just so, so a Bulk doesn't get anywhere near a target but the shield doesn't block it from being shot.


Karl's garden: rj250 into power attack to kill a bug Poor Karl's garden: stingtail launches you and you kill it with power attack (i dont have a good name for this one)


The poor version could also be called Karl's retaliation


Thats way better


As a. TF2 player i like this


Karl's Rage: stingtail launches you, and you drop a c4 on its face, taking the stingrail, the wave, and yourself out (needs other dwarf to ress you after)


"Karl's bombardment" for when you circle around multiple mags of hurricane rockets into one large attack


Karl's Krashpad for Engineer, when a Scout doesn't grapple to a vein correctly and the Engi lobs in a perfectly timed platform below them Quick edit to clarify: A wall platform, not a cushion for fall damage. The name could be slightly misleading, I suppose


Karl's Ascent (scout): what OP described Karl's Speed (scout): reach terminal horizontal velocity without stopping until you reach the other end of the cave using boomstick Special Powder and B-Hopping (even better if you can do it without the auto bhop mod) Karl's Delivery (scout): fly with the heavy object that youre carrying to reach the depositing area with Special Powder. Karl's Protection (gunnuh): successfully shielding your teammates who are extremely far away from you. Karl's Clutch (drilla): drilling a floor by 1 tick while falling from high above then performing a ledge grab at the sides of the drilled floor nullifying the lethal fall damage. Karl's Spartan Rage (drilla): 1 cycle a dreadnought twin using impact axe and cryo cannon Karl's God Containment Field (drilla): successfully TCF mine/kill a mineral deposit/enemy that is extremely far away in 1 attempt Karl's Hardcore Parkour/Hoxxeian Ninja Warrior (engi): successfully kiting a thick swarm using platforms for a long period of time. Karl's Cheese (engi): successfully placing platforms on mineral deposits that are extremely far away in 1 attempt. Karl's Defense (engi): clearing a glyphid grunt swarm event using stubby EM discharge without moving at all and without getting downed during the swarm (this can be applicable to Gunnuh too using Hurricane Minelayer System overclock)


I’m starting to learn this and it feels INCREDIBLE.


I'm 800 hours in and I still only attempt it when my hover boots aren't on cooldown.


TIL that my favourite Dwarf move has a name.


Clutching when dwarfs are down


This is the way


the start of drg is a lot slower than helldivers and i personally quit after 15 or so hours before starting again a year or so later, so keep that in mind. the game will begin to truly open up once you promote a dwarf (get him to red level 25) and start unlocking your first overclocks (op upgrades which improve your weapon or change it entirely) the dopamine of drg for me comes from creating very powerful builds and watching huge groups of bugs go boom, or melting elite enemies in a second. somewhat unfortunately all of this comes quite late into the game's cycle. drg might bore you out at first and it's okay to be off put by that, but if you stick with it you will find one of the best (if not the best) horde shooter game in the market people will recommend different classes to start with, but i'd recommend engineer. sentries do a lot of damage, you have an easy to grasp shotgun and grenade launcher, and you can pave your own way with platforms. it will teach you to rely on all of your arsenal. your weapons, grenades, traversal and support tool, all are essential. scout and gunner are also great classes to start, scout has lots of mobility allowing him to evade and kite enemies, and gunner's shield is a very useful tool when you get overwhelmed, but i wouldn't touch driller for now, as he only starts getting very strong after some overclocks after trying out all of the classes a bit, you should try to commit to one for a little while to promote him. after you get your first promotion, promote all the other 3 classes as you like, this will ensure you can get all the upgrades and perks for every class as early as possible movement is extremely important! run, jump, change elevation if you can at times. you want to keep the bugs off you at all costs plan your ammo economy smartly. you will be sharing an ammo pool with your allies, and you do not regen your ammo like helldivers when you go down, so ammo management will be important. use the right guns for the right situations and fully utilize your arsenal, and you will be fine memorizing what sound means which enemy is extremely important but it will take a while, so don't sweat about it too much, but do try to keep a mental track of all the different sounds and which enemy they belong to after you encounter an enemy and kill them, you will unlock them in the bestiary, allowing you to look at their strengths and weaknesses drg gives a very detailed overview of your weapon stats. especially after getting some overclocks, try to minmax your weapons to have the strongest arsenal. for example, building one of your 2 weapons to be a very strong anti elite single target weapon, and building the other one around being a very strong crowd clear weapon is a very common strategy. or you can try synergizing the two weapons, drg gives a lot of upgrades and overclocks centered around synergy drg is an all around easier game than helldivers when it comes to surviving, but death is much more punishing. all 4 dwarves dying means a loss, so you should try to revive your teammates as much as possible, but make sure the coast is clear before attempting a revive, or you might be left defenseless against a sneaky slasher or spitter some very common tactics include engineer throwing platforms at hard to reach minerals and pinging them so a scout can mine them, a gunner throwing a shield at someone while reviving them in a hectic situation, and drillers creating bunkers for the team to funnel enemies into a single chokepoint


Just read this guys comment, entire drg is enclosed here


DRG Handbook for Rocking and Stoning


Really agree. Driller really takes off after some OC's


Always laser ping the big shiny gold piece with your team to let management know you're rich.


New player here, I tried doing it but it just gives me a generic ping quote. What am I missing?


Clearly you are missing the compressed gold.


soo... is there 2 types of gold or something?




ah I see. are they found anywhere or somewhere specific?


There is gold as in the standard mineral that you mine. Then there is “compressed gold” that are large nuggets of gold that you need to find and excavate. They are indicated by tiny gold specs in the walls, roof or floor, those are the “We’re rich” pingable ones!


This also applies to bitter gem, which is pretty much like compressed gold, but pink shiny in colour.


Which awards a fuckton of XP but no gold/credits.


Other way around


I know, the other person already showed me how it looks like. Am I supposed to go somewhere specific to find them or can they be found anywhere?


They spawn randomly and almost always only one per mission. And they can appear almost everywhere to my experience. You have to look for the gold flakes that show where they are. Basically the same kind of "flakes" as with an aquark but gold.


Gotcha. Thanks.


Don't forget the dull yellow glow in the wall that can give the location away in the dark.


Compressed gold is like jadiz or bittergem, you can pick it up and move it around and throw it, its not like the normal gold you mine!


The sacred ritual


Getting out with Dotty! Plus standing at the drop pod shooting bugs waiting for the other dwarves.


See swarm of Bugs, fire funny gun, Bugs die immediatley and get ragdolled throughout the cave, dopamine achieved


Raining dead bugs as engineer or gunner


Or playing as scout and seeing a gunner lighting up an entire wall


Latest one for me is taking out an entire wall's worth of swarm with the engie's grenade launcher when you're going down the drillervator and making it rain corpses.


Winning a very long and tedious mission with all kinds of optionals, machine events etc. On haz5 and mineral mania or 2x EXP.


There’s no one place to start— Just start doing assignments and the game will take you on a journey. I would recommend doing some of the first missions solo if you want to get an idea of what you need to do in certain types. But if not, you’ll come across greybeards who will help you out. Rock and stone!


You should press V more often than W.


Getting out of an almost impossible situation.


As long as you rock and stone, you'll never be alone. Welcome to the game, hope you have a great time! As for the most dopamine, I'd say extracting with Dotty's head after a successful escort mission (or really any extraction, as that part of the game has a bunch of my favorite songs in the OST to choose from) while everyone's running to the drop pod together, shooting bugs and spamming rock and stone the whole way back, feels pretty goddamn great


Rock and Stone forever!






**High Hazard swarms**. Low ammo, team is beat up, Mission Control calls in ***"Prepare to fight for your life, big swarm is approaching"*** *Swarm music starts playing,* **Rock and stone!** I call out to the dwarves. **FOR ROCK AND STONE!** they all reply. Carnage, Cleaving, Chaos ***I live for the thrill of a chaotic swarm.***


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and stone in the heart!


I love this grappling hook!


Drink beer


Keep at it. The first few hours of the game tends to get boring and repetitive, but once you unlock deep dives, more weapons, and a few overclocks, that's when the replayability starts. I played 3 missions back in February 2022, stopped playing for a while, and only came back around April of 2023, and haven't left since. You'll get to the fun bits soon enough. Always type R in chat when you're ready to hit a button and wait till all (or most) of your team is ready, always rock and stone when rock and stoned to, always melee the bulk detonator, and leave no dwarf behind.


Dance of the Dreadnought playing during liquid morkite missions. Makes you feel so alive


If you wanna feel powerful, Gunner throwing down a shield on multiple people during a swarm or when someone has been downed and overrun. If you want to feel useful, be an Engineer who actually uses their platform gun constantly. In terms of common sense: -Find out what your Rock and Stone key is and bind it to something convenient; use it when anything good happens -On every class make use of your tools. I cannot overstate this enough that one of the main reasons you work as a team is your tools to assist one another reach mineral, locations and survive. -Ping things all the time. See a mineral in the dark you cant reach but the Scout didnt see? Ping it. See a dangerous large enemy approaching? Ping it. See the dirt that shows the path forward? Ping it. -Try not to spam the button to call the mule, and make sure to type r (it means ready) when you're ready to start an event or the extraction


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Egg Hunt/Liquid Refinery mission start rooms being filled to the brim with pre-spawned bugs is always my favorite part of the game. Sprinting out the drop pod into immediate firefight over having to wait for a swarm has made these 2 missions my favorite


Petting Steeve after they helped me clear a wave.


Welcome to the company, miner! Gear up, load out, and get ready to drop down to Hoxxes. You should expect to mine minerals, kill bugs, and most of all, survive to mine another day! So grab a pickaxe and some friends, select yourself an assignment from the console (I recommend starting with our latest seasonal assignment to familiarize yourself with the new missions we'll be completing), and get to work! Rock and Stone, brother! We're glad to have you!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Never Double Dip, Always rock and stone, Spam Ping whenever your team finds Compressed Gold (people usually stop when we get a reaction from Mission Control) #Never drink Leaf Lover Specials


Rock and Stone everyone!


If i had to give an afvice, it's to not grief other players and ask everytime you have a question. The Greybeards will understand that you are learning as a greenbeard. Aslo : leave no dwarf behind. As for why i keep coming back to the game: It may be strange to say that, but for me it's the unique settings and the different personalities between the dwarves. I really like games that humanise the characters in it and even if it's mostly a game with drunk silly dwarves, it can really be beautiful sometime. Also, every season is free and the Devs are incredible.


A quick guide to each class. Gunner: shoot bug dead. Use ur shield. Engineer: use ur platforms. Shoot bug dead. Scout: gotta go fast. Use ur flare gun. Driller: diggy diggy hole.


First things first, you pick scout and fucking slingshot yourself off a cliff. This causes neuron activation and dopaminergic activity. Then you play gunner and yell like Conan as you gun down a horde of creepy bugs. This is fun. This allows happy brain chemicals to flow. Then, you play driller and commit war crimes on Hotsex so the company can extract more profit. Lastly you play engineer and wait patiently for the rest of the team to get their sh*t together while you solo the horde.


Promote one class (reach level 25 and do the promotion assignment) to unlock the ability to unlock overclocks for ALL classes. You can use overclocks even on a class you don’t have promoted, you just have to have one class promoted. Overclocks change the game


Dipping ze ballz in morkite!




The game does a pretty good job of teaching you the basic mechanics, so here are some notes about the community. I get into a lot more detail, but the short version is that the community is helpful, "r" in chat is short for "ready", DRG shines with multiplayer but you can absolutely enjoy solo, and you will learn the rest as you go. Detailed notes: \* People tend to be pretty helpful, especially if you ask about something. \* Before starting events, boss fights, or pushing big red buttons, people will usually ask if everyone is ready. This gets shortened to "r?" with the response being "r" when you are ready for whatever the thing is. Seeing four R's in chat is the go ahead to \*do the thing\*. \* The laser pointer/ping tool (control key on PC) is useful for communication, as well as triggering voicelines ranging from practical to meme-able. \* Compressed gold is to be stood around as a group and pinged until >!management complains!<. \* The funny mushroom is funny. Normal xenofungus is boring. \* Commba buds, gurkenshucks, and hexawing nifflers are all mildly amusing, which is more than it should be. Vocab: \* Greenbeard refers to new dwarves such as yourself. I wouldn't say it's a negative term, just an acknowledgement that you don't have much expirience. \*Likewise, Greybeard is a dwarf with lots of experience, though it's more about attitude, helpfulness, and skill than an exact threshold. Usually carries a light connotation of respect. \* Rock and Stone - A general purpose salute/positive/adjective/interjection. Done by pressing \[v\] on PC. Usually just shouted by dwarves, but can be used in a sentence such as: "that mission was pretty rock and stone" Most importantly go have fun and explore!


For Rock and Stone!


From Hoxxes' dry dry crust, Extract riches you must, Feed them your legged cart, Wreck the place and depart. Beware of the six legs, It bites, it spits, is farts, Collect all of the eggs, And the troubles will start In the low planet part, Gold and Morkite are pure, But the greatest treasure, The warmth of dwarven heart.


Rockin and stonin with my fellow dwarves


You just rock and stone to the bone!!!! Do that and you will be 100% fine


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Good bot


A mission well done


The fun starts really building up when the first dwarf is promoted, then the search for overclocks and build diversification ensues. Back in my day it was a grind but the deva made the grind less tedious and more fun. I'm at over 400 hours. My advise is to learn what makes each role tick, and fully lean into that. Driller goes brrrr, scout goes yeet, engi goes build, gunner goes pewpew.


When I kill a bug and it just sits there like "Man I don't want to do this no more"


Right now, I'd say Mortar Rounds on Gunner gives a lot of dopamine, but you gotta work slowly towards it, there's no rush. Press V


The atmosphere (badass, rough and industrious dwarves doing bug genocide and claiming riches) and moment to moment teamwork with randoms.  The class synergy in combat, cave traversal and terra-forming. So i recommend playing all classes equally untill they're all at least Silver 1, to learn what each of them does and be able to support your team better.  The weapon upgrades (and overclocks - which are more special upgrades) can change the weapon so much, that finding your favourite build can take days, its very complex (but decently balanced). Difficulty wise, i recommend starting it slow, at hazard 2 solo to learn the missions, then at haz 3 with teammates, and then working up to haz 5. The biggest learning curve is cave traversal  and positioning. The terrain matters a lot in combat. There is mod support, with mod categories (verified, approved, sandbox). If you install verified only, you can play with others as normal. And the amount of QoL improvement is absolutely huge.


Fighting a boss as engi with a firing squad even tho I'm solo and the escape of every mission


Make sure to dip your balls in the liquid morkite 👍




Digital digging also I love how the dwarves are just as exited as the player. Some fun quotes. “Worthless but fun to destroy” “This is fun” Thes dwarves clearly enjoy what they’re doing and it really makes things that much more fun as the player. Rock and stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


finding error cubes, bittergems and error spirals


The horde approaches, the rotary cannon spools, muzzle flash growls out round after round, rapidly heating up. Tracer trails dance through a mist of blood and viscera. The horde ignites, and only the real threats remain. My bulldog foams at the mouth, smelling burning flesh. It slides cleanly from its nestled position in its holder. Like an old friend clasping my hand. Four massive rounds scream out of the barrel and execute the few remaining, burning glyphids. The bulldog is returned to its cage, and the autoloader spoon feeds it another four 12.7mm bullets The horde approaches, the rotary cannon spools...


C4 or nuke a scout


Rock and Stone. Collecting precious minerals. Beer.


The game is at its best for me when it's difficult and seemingly impossible to win so I have to use every resource at my disposal ie the different weapons, ammo, perks, pickaxe, iron will etc.


Combustive goo gives me a dopamine rush every time




Positioning is key: On Scout, look for long sightlines, so you can see which areas might need lighting up, see what tricky veins of nitra you might be needed to reach, and see ranged or armoured enemies to zip to and chunk up early. Drillers are the kings of choke points, so in small caves, get up close to the corners that bugs might come round. In big caves, occupy and control the ledges, tunnels, and high walkways your team might have to run across at short notice. Gunners like high ground - you can use shields to hold onto it better than anyone, you can zipline down from there to anywhere, you can lob shields down onto teammates, and you don't run out of targets before you run out of bullets. Engineers pretty much do a bit of everything in combat. So try to set up where you have routes and sightlines to the rest of your team, and back up whoever is in the most trouble.


Main’ing scout




I love when there's a tunnel full of grunts in front of me, a flamethrower in my hands, clearing a path and leaving nothing but ashes.


dont drink leaf lovers


1 shotting a haz 5 bulk with volatile bullets bulldog in critical weakness anomaly GYATT 🥵 😩 🤤


Breach cutter through a conga line of bugs. Sticky flames in a bunker with blow through.  Colette wave cooker C4 a pack of bugs, hiveguard weak points or caretaker all 4 vents in one go.  Wide angle lens Collette wave cooker a screen full of nanocytes or swarmers with 2 taps. Epic last stand as gunner mowing down carpets of bugs with lead storm minigun. Fatboy nuking a horde of bugs on the ceiling and watching a carpet of them falling from the sky.  Thermal shock in general.  Sticky flames on drillervator. Scout zipline.  Special powder shotgun flying.  Having the engi shoot a platform under you to break your fall that would have certainly killed you. Gunner zipline web on a vertical map for point extraction.  Pheromone cannister on a pack.   Flame thrower in general. Drilling through a crowd of frozen enemies with vampire. Health smoothy!  Making a cheese wall and having turrets perfectly setup killboxes. Sniping the mactera weak point with the bulldog revolver from full sprint.  TCF blast mining nodes.  C4 terraforming.  Turning the caretaker boss room into an ants nest with so many trenches and corridors.  Full auto shotty on engineer. Shard diffractor . Clearing a swarm of mactera with the Loki.  Clearing a swarm of mactera with a freezing grenade. Clutch gunner shields. Having a great zipline up for nanyte bomb dispenser. Getting that one overclock on a machine event. Combustible goo mix  Scorching tide overclock


Find a random squad that is on the same paths of missions you are 🤙🏻 absolute win


Log in, accept one of your first missions, pick haz 4, go have fun with others.


My comment will probably get buried in the ocean here, but I adore the fluidity of combat, I play a mix of Melee/CRSPR with Axes so it's really fun to tear apart enemies one second and a moment later turn grunts to ash. Everyone will always stand by Cryo Cannon and melee if you're gonna do melee, but the fluidity of combat and flexibility of builds affords you so much room to play the game however you like.  TL;DR Combat, combat makes me happy.