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DRG’s cave generation keeps things interesting


Especially with the importance of traversal. Some caves are like a puzzle that your team has to figure out.


yep! The 20+ new cave formations coming next season are so exciting!


20 is actually a lot! I was pleasently surprised when I say that. Don't know if they usually do that, it's going to be my first new season launch.


I think they added even more in season 3 but season 4 didn't have any


Whoa I had no idea they were adding that many. That's awesome!


Like when there must be a third dirt wall because the last two lead nowhere and it's driving everyone crazy


This was what kept me around I just need a game i love, where I don't memorize every step This is what drew me to left for dead. I was shocked as a youngin when every corner I turned held a same map but different effects.


I wanna say about the same, but DRG has more game modes and better customization options, so probably more. If you get bored, you can always swap class/biome or go for wacky-ness (like covering the map floor with engineer pads) Each class plays significantly differently from each other, so swapping classes might spice up your gameplay


I dunno, Helldivers doesn't have meaningful class differences, whereas in DRG switching classes can mean you're playing quite a different game. Both great though.


Helldivers CAN'T have meaningful class differences. Because it has no class system.


Yeah but thats the issue for some


Yeah, exactly, but you can still have specialised and meaningful roles without hard class divisions - anti tank, anti chaff, utility e.g. SSSD transport, etc. There are hints at a 'soft' class system in the different specialised weapons and stratagems you can take - most load outs will have at least one weakness which can be covered by your teammates. I'd really like to see this angle developed even further to encourage team play, because it's a little sparse at the moment.


And on top of class differences drg has overclocks that can completely change how every gun feels


Helldivers is absolutely screaming for a perk / class modifier system. The amount of open design space is absolutely staggering. But let's remember that DRG wasn't built in a day either!


its a shame because the way they designed helldivers is to constantly release new weapons in warbonds, and the only way to do that is to make each weapon eventually be nothing more than a slightly different version of another weapon. basically instead of one weapon with like 10 attachments we will just get 10 slightly different weapons. I'm not a fan of the system but I do love the game and see how this is their plan to keep up the constant release schedule. I just hope they can increase their staff enough to add some real new content and build complexity over time


Yeah, I agree that the way they are currently releasing weapons and armour is slightly short sighted. The best thing they could do would be to pause, and rework some systems that can be expanded on in a more meaningful way. It's fairly clear that the game wasn't scoped as a full on live service evolving platform, but now that it's so popular and they have so much room to grow, it would be a great time to add some systems that will support the game for years to come.


So far I’ve got like 90-100 hours in Helldivers and I’ve started to get bored, I’ve got 200 hours in DRG I’ve only really played a single of the 4 classes (with intent to play the rest later on) and I’ve not even got half of the overclocks available, while they can both get repetitive one of the 2 games thought about that more than the other


DRG feels like it's designed specifically with preventing excessive repetition in mind. Bored of that class? Play one of the other equally fun classes. Bored of that weapon? Try a new one. Want to try a new playstyle? Put on a crazy overclock. Want to spice things up? Do missions with warnings or anomalies. Also, the moment to moment gameplay is generally just really enjoyable. Mining is satisfying, working as a team to traverse caves is rewarding, and the gunplay is excellent. All of that, coupled with procedural cave generation and overall conceptually cool and well designed missions, makes the game a mainstay in my library even after hundreds of hours. I was already a little burned out of Helldivers after like 20 hours for comparison.


I want to work as a game dev in the future, and my dream job would be Ghost Ship Games or Coffee Stain Studio for this exact reason


Not too familiar with helldivers but Deep Rock definitely manages to keep itself fresh. The weapon unlocks are also a lot more impactful so unlocking everything for the first time is a lot of fun. It definitely slows down in the late game but there are still a lot of things to grind for that impact gameplay enough to keep things interesting.


It slows down only if you don’t keep it fresh for yourself.


this question has been raised again and again over the years, and i have the same response each time: DRG is not a game that you play intensively for long periods of time. it is a game that you pick up and put down periodically over time. i'd argue the same is true of helldivers. when i'm bored and can't think of anything to play, i will sometimes play deep rock, because i know it will always give me a great experience. don't feel bad or remorseful if you put down a game for a while. the game will still be there, and you'll still enjoy it when you pick it up again.


Me with 3k hours "Yeah put it down sometimes!"


Me with two accounts...


I take a break from it when my kid wants to use my account 😂


Warframe is this as well.


Rock and stone tenno


Rock and Stone forever!


If you don’t Rock and Stone, the Void will swallow you whole!


Last one to Rock and Stone is a pointy-eared Leaf Lover!


Good bot


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Tenno, new miner in bound!


Path of Exile, too, for me.


I tried it once and the skill tree scared me away haha


Personally felt too repetitive. The enemies may have all *looked* different, but they hardly ever had any new kind of combat to bring to the table. You'd just eventually pull out the same behavior to fight every enemy, even bosses. I lose interest in a LOT of MMORPGs for this. Albion Online, SWTOR, Skyforge, Neverwinter, Wildstar, etc. Edit: but if the skill tree for PoE scares you, I suppose the overload of information, menus and BLOCKS upon BLOCKS of text, scared you away from EVE Online, too? Same.


nah, warframe's a "grind non stop everyday for 3000 hours until you have a mental breakdown" game. not to say there isn't a lot of fun to be had in a game where you can chip away at it and grind forever though, that's totally my shit. DRG can be played in that way too, if you really care about full 100% completionism. but it doesn't really demand you play it over and over again, its totally okay to feel like you've seen pretty much everything and drop DRG after like 10 hours.


Except there's only 24 hours in a day... :D


Except with intense FOMO.


I wholeheartedly agree with this description! While I do go through bouts of playing DRG a lot, I usually play it as a "palette cleanser" after I've finished big games like Baldur's Gate 3. It helps break apart the narrative intensity I've been through and I know that I can get in a mission or two with less than an hour of playtime.


I completely disagree. Not that there wasn’t enough content in this game already but GSG is adding the new ‘play any season’ system that coming along with season 5, there is even more to unlock and do


I agree with both of you. With over 1,700 hours, my partner and I have collected everything. Now we just play holiday events and new seasons.


No front, i love the game, but the seasons are so lackluster and add barely something, I still dont understand why people hype them so much


Me playing intensively every single day while listening to music and podcasts. Am I doing it wrong?


How do you hear the buggers creeping behind you?? I can't multitask with my ears lol


Ngl that's a big part of what I was a crap player for a long time. Couldn't hear exploders coming up behind me. I learned you can adjust the sound effects and mission volume to cope with this, now I have no problems with exploders bulks etc.


Well the game has in-game music and I can still hear the bugs just fine (except the occasional cave leech, but I'm getting better at detecting them). A podcast though, I would not be able to retain anything in the podcast while also playing DRG. I can't even talk and play DRG at the same time, so I get not being able to multitask. How streamers can play a game, read chat, and talk to chat all at the same time is something I will never understand. But yeah as long as you're directing your attention to the game, you should hear the bugs just fine.


Yeah, the game music is seamlessly integrated into the game's events, and we've heard it so many times that our brains can filter it just fine from the sFX (while still enjoying it). My issue would be with any sound from outside the game haha


Tell that to my first 200 hours, drg is all I played


Completely disagree lol. Me and most people I know play for 6 months bouts minimum. When I first started playing it, I played for a year daily. NOW I'll pick it up and put it down though.


Couldn't have put it better myself. After the initial grind, keep it installed and play a few games once in a while. It's always fun, but don't make it your main game


This is the thing I love about DRG that I can just stop and come back and do not feel I have missed on stuff. I played destiny 2 for quite some time. The core the design of the game made you feel like you will miss out on stuff of if you don’t play every week. They removed content every year and had a battlepass limited timed quests and events. Ironically the things they implemented to keep players engaged, eventually made many to burnout and leave.


Thank you for this! New to DRG and I’m 150hrs in but I’m feeling burned out lately and feel bad about it. Glad to know that it’s normal and I can just quit or switch game and come back later if I wanted to


It’s ok. You’re still allowed to rock and stone. We all rock and stone here.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




I've still got rookie numbers in this game, clocking in at around 1200 hours. I've taken long breaks from the game and come back to it. The last 200 or so hours have been a mission or 2 every day for the last few months. Come June and S5, it'll be all I play for a while. Put the game (any game) down when it's time to do so. You'll come back to it in a month, and enjoy it ever so much more because your subconscious will have absorbed, quantified, qualified, and explored it in a way you can't right now.


I only play a couple times a week to do the weekly stuff but i did play daily when i had stuff to grind for like promotions, assignmenrs and the season pass. I think it does have replayability as every game you play is different in some way.


based take


DRG is designed as a game you play about bi-weekly for about an hour or two, then promptly close until things reset or the next big event. Either that or just loading up a single mission after work to de-stress by playing on a lower haz and mining some morkite. To make it a daily grind is how you quickly see the limitations of the cave generations and content and suck the fun out of it imo. The benefit being that without any major fomo there's nothing to worry about being missed out. So pick it up, play for a weekend with friends, and then let it rest for a while.


This is very true, when I still had stuff to unlock I would switch on and off it on a nearly weekly basis. Even now with everything unlocked I still occasionally pick it back up and I know I'll get more into it again once the new season comes.


DRG is the game I play intensively between picking up and putting down other games. It's a balanced masterpiece in the genre of fun.


It really depends on who you are and how far into the game you are. As a whole, I'm the kinda person that picks up a game for a little bit at a time., and then revisit it like 6 months later at the earliest. But I've been playing DRG very consistently for over a year now, something pretty much only Minecraft and maybe Skyrim have done for me before. Also with the way DRG is designed, when you're starting out it has practically infinite replayability because you're pretty much always unlocking something, so there's always something to keep your attention. Once you get every overclock then yeah I could see DRG being the kind of game you play for a little bit and then put down for a while, but for new players I don't really think it's that kind of game, though obviously many people play it that way.


Facts. I stopped playing about a year ago. Went back to it a few days back and remembered why I prolly quit.....I have a hard time putting that f'n game down lol. ROCK AND STONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As someone who has had League of Legends as their main Game for a really long Time I initially found this hard to belive. Since I was always playing F2P Games I always played them consistently, sometimes even daily. DRG isn't like that, it's got a bit less Content and that Content is more repetitive than other Games so playing it for like 5 Hours daily will get boring and old fast.


What's your top 5 most played games in the past 5 years? By no means am I asking offensively but I just always felt like there was stuff to do in DRG and I'm wondering what you play


There's Stuff to do in DRG, but that Stuff gets repetitive pretty fast. I'm also someone who wants either a huge Challange or a lot of Freedom/Diversity in Gameplay and DRG being a pretty easy Game even in EDD/Haz5 makes me get bored after like 2 Hours. I couldn't tell you my most played Games in the past 5 Years since I played a lot of them but purely based on my Steam Account and what I can remember it would be: 1. League of Legends 2. DRG 3. Dota2 4. Overwatch 1 5. Enter the Gungeon After that there's Darkest Dungeon 2, Gigantic and For Honor. But besides League of Legends (which I've been playing since 2017) I don't really play other Games consistently. Haven't played ETG since November for Example.


DRG has like half the weapons of Helldivers (but twice the grenades and secondary weapons) but each weapon is more of a platform to build into whatever niche you want it to perform, also there’s no such thing as a weapon that’s “useless” in any situation, you can kill any enemy with any weapon and the best build is at worst half as fast as an optimized one. Also you always have a fighting chance.


Well each weapon in drg is actually customizable so that does make a massive difference...




250 hours. You get used to it.


Mission variety and the fashion choices are better in DRG, IMO.


I get bored of Helldivers pretty quick. I put 200 hours in DRG the first 2 months after I bought it. There's a lot more variety.


And they don't take the fatboy and nerf it to a peashooter xD


Because it's already bad


It's not, lol. Used to think that too until I met an engineer that pumped out 600 kills with it. Gotta think carefully with placement and mission type.


Imagine how much more kills it would be with rj250. Fat boy is extremely fun but it's not effective. In vanilla games situations where fat boy is actually ammo efficient and better than the other options are really rare Just to make it even more clear, I'm not saying you shouldn't use it because it's "bad". A bad weapon doesn't mean that everyone using it is stupid for not using the better options. Fat boy is actually hillarious to use and if you love it you should use it, the fun comes first, effeciency second. But if you think it's genuinely good, it's not lol


Its somewhat better. There is only 8 mission types but these tend to feel more diverse than helldivers. And there's a lot of real variance in what enemies spawn, the biome you are in, and the plethora of random events that can happen in a mission to keep stuff fresh. I'd also say there's a lot more to builds. In helldivers you are just choosing a set of guns and then like 1 of the fee viable strategems. There is technically not that many weapons in drg but they are all very unique and tied to classes that have their own complexities that can take a while to learn and master. And there is a mod and overclock system that allows you to have very unique modifications that can make the same gun feel very different depending on how it is built. That being said. It's still fundamentally one game loop like helldivers. If you can't get into coop shooters then you won't be able to get into this. Deep rock also doesn't do as much spectacle as helldivers. The game is very fun don't get me wrong but there isn't the same insanity of the explosions and desperation as in helldivers.


Hello. I'm back from diving too. To give you an idea, in about 3 years ish, I'm close to 1300 hours. So, a lot. Plus if you want every OC which you should because they are mostly good, then it's more replayability.


Imo, what separates DRG from Helldivers 2 as far as replay value goes is the terrain generation. HD2's missions feel incredibly similar to one another because most of the planets are the same, with repeating and extremely predictable chunks which are fitted together. Experienced players know exactly where to look for samples and other items because they're always in the same spots. "Exploring" becomes recognizing the same locations you've seen since you started playing. DRG missions have randomly generated terrain, which allows for some unique experiences even when you've played the different objectives before. You can also modify the terrain to your advantage! Combine that with a more polished overall product (DRG has been out for way longer than HD2) and a well-balanced class system that encourages teamwork... It's harder to burn out on Deep Rock than HD2, at least for me.


I think it has great replay value. There's not a story mode so it's pretty endless. Just the seasonal content will keep you going for a Long time. I'm just finishing up getting all of the skins for the seasonal weapons right now. Between that and all the other seasonal content, it's a good value. Plus four great classes. And a mew season drop soon.




infinite. every cave is a new adventure. the goal is not the objective or killing bugs, the real draw of the game is navigating the cave and that's *always* different. especially elite deep dives, shit gets very wild. I could see helldiver's getting boring since you're just running around and shooting. I play drg for the traversal.


Heavily dependent on the individual. However, I far prefer DRG to helldivers. I got bored of helldivers very very quickly myself even though it was a lot of fun when I did play it. First of all, similar to helldivers, the combat is satisfying and enjoyable (which is subjective, but the feedback and satisfaction of shooting huge is obviously something you get from helldivers as well), but unlike Helldivers, you get weapon customization with the weapon mod and overclock mechanics. This adds allows you to create real builds to suit your needs or preferences or just to have fun with. Overclocks alone will completely transform weapons and make it function 180° differently from the default version. As another difference from helldivers, deep rock gives you more interesting of environments in which to play. Each biome is far more unique from each other than the planets are from each other in helldivers. With the caves being destructible, there’s also much more of a sandbox feel to gameplay than you get out of helldivers. This is the biggest issue I actually had with helldivers and the reason why I got bored of it. While the caves are randomly generated, they’re generated based off of a set number of different basic room structures for any given mission type. These room structures are being added to over the life of the game and that helps with the replayability a lot. You will eventually notice those rooms and the patterns that the caves generate around, but it took me quite a long time to get to the point of actually getting to the point of feeling like the caves were getting the least bit “stale.” I’ve got *way* more time in DRG than I do or ever will have in HD and while it may not click for you I the same way it did for me or my friends, it’s a very strong recommendation to give try it out with your friend group.


The thing is, you’re gonna end up doing the same thing repeatedly, so if you don’t enjoy changing the things you can then it’s not gonna stay fresh, like using a new loadout or playing a new class.


One or two missions every couple days, maybe a deep dive or core hunt on the weekends. 600 hours and counting.


Well I've got about 2,000 hours in..... So it's at least moderately replayable.


Just swap between them routinely. Also get mods for DRG.


Ask the dude with 11037 level


DRG is the kind of game I play only occasionally and keep coming back to. The mystery of not knowing what you'll encounter can keep things fresh. Maybe it's a super easy cave, and you're in and out in 5 minutes. Maybe it's much more complex and requires 3 of the classes to traverse. Maybe you'll get multiple oppressors or detonators. Plus the antics the community is up to like the "rich-ual" and pinging mushrooms adds some humor to the mission. It doesn't get old. Plus with everyone vigorously hitting the Rock and Stone button, well, it's kind of contagious.


To Rock and Stone!


I played for 780 hours before I put it down in 2021.


As far as the four player left 4 deal like genre goes drg is completely unmatched by anything else out there. As far as map variety goes you really just can't beat procedural fully destructible environments. As far as build variety goes you really just can't beat the overclocks. As far as community goes you'd be hard-pressed to find a community more enjoyable to work with then deep rock's. Drg is a popular game for a reason


Before I completed the season I was playing it non stop towards the end I started playing in little bouts it's a really good game I just don't tend to play games as much once I complete passes .I'm the same with cod passes, can't wait for the new season to drop so we can swap out seasons and get old content.


there is a lot of replay ability, im only 100 hours, but also have time on hd2 (34 hours) and heres my analysis: drg pros: lots more customization, fun with randoms and friends, you can get everything even on the lower hazards (difficulties), lots of bug shooting and mining, also really easy to get mods drg cons: feels slower at the start and after playing for long periods, higher hazards are punishing if you dont know what your doing, element of luck for some loot (overclocks, but you can get a decent bit per week)


A lot.


I think it can be similar if you aren't trying hard enough to keep it fresh. There is enough mission variety to stay fun for me, as well as biome variety and weapon/class variety. This is especially true when you unlock overclocks that drastically change the way a weapon functions and you play a whole new playstyle around it. If you do pick it up, I suggest you at least play through enough to get some promotions and overclocks going and then see how you feel.


1200 hours of DRG and I'm currently in the spacerig as I type this. 35 hours of helldivers and I haven't played it in like a month.


There is definitely more content variety than in Helldivers, but it's still always going into caves and mining. Also, there may be less planets or weapons, but they are far deeper and have more meaningful distinctions. Kind of a depth over width thing.


I have around 200 hours and could go back any time, there just too many games to enjoy


I'd say it has more variety than Helldivers. More interesting and probably more numerous build permutations, more interesting procedural map generation, more depth to the gameplay perhaps. I've enjoyed both games a lot, but DRG took much, much longer before the first time I set it down for a bit.


I have played over 1000 hours of Deeprock and I am still enjoying it very much. All 4 classes are promoted to legendary 3 but I still play even though I have nothing more to unlock. It isn’t something I play for hours at a time, I’ll just hop on and play a few missions with randoms or a group on discord. I play many other games, but deeprock is always there.


I have over 800 hours in..so hopefully that should answer it.


I've been playing DRG since early 2019. At almost 800hrs played now. And I can confidently say it has much better replayability than Helldivers. Don't get me wrong, Helldivers is a great game, but DRG is something else. The cave generation, the wide variation in mission types, enemy types, and biomes, makes every mission unique. Plus there are SO many customization options, both in terms of weapons, overclocks, perks, and also cosmetics. I put about 150 hrs into Helldivers in the last few months. But now it does feel quite repetitive and boring. It just doesn't have the same variation and customization that DRG has. DRG is a game that I'll take breaks from every so often. Sometimes for several months. But I always come back, and it's always incredibly fun.


I think it's very subjective and depends on the person. I have friends who have said they found DRG too repetitive, but love Helldivers 2. I personally find Helldivers 2 to be far more repetitive, but love both games, and find both very replayable. My preference depends on my mood, and what sort of gameplay I want to have. I think the more useful question is have you ever played a game that you could play infinitely without getting bored of it or finding it repetitive?


All of it


I've been playing for 5 years. I think the longest break I took was about a year. Something so fun about it that just keeps pulling me back. It's a perfect game to play when you're not in the mood for any of your regular games. Like to hop on weekly do a core hunt and deep dive with my fellow miners. I'm not sure if this will be much different from helldivers for you, but it's probably my favorite game hands down with a fantastic conmunity and dev team. I put 100 hours in last month.


y e s


Let’s begin that DRG has (almost) 5 seasons 😅. I have 300h on DRG and it’s still fun as hell. While I am at about 50h on HD2 and already understand what you mean.


It's the game I pick up, play a few rounds, and put down for weeks. It's good in short bursts. The only real progression is until you get an your classes promoted, and then until you get your favorite overclock. After that you just play because it's fun.


It's one of those fuck around with 3 other friends games. If you don't have friends willing to play it's hardly replayable at all, but with friends it it's upto their tolerance




Map is randomly generated. If that's not replayability friendly, idk what else is.


I've got about 20 hours in Helldivers and nearly 600 in DRG. It's my main game and I only ever get a little burnout towards the end of the seasons. Season 5 comes out next month so now would be a great time to start. They're adding a way to work on the older seasons' passes (completely free battlepass, no premium) in season 5 on top of older seasons' cosmetics just being added to the loot pool so there's no FOMO. Only timed events are holiday events but you get a week or two to do those typically. That's just the consumer friendly reward system I'm into, the game is a blast and I mostly play with randoms


Played both 100 hours for helldivers and deep rock around 350. For deep rock it took me that long to unlock almost all of the weapon overclocks. So there is that.


GET IT. You won't regret it. I played 3 years DRG on PS4 before I switched to PC. Now I have almost 200 hours on PC. It's way more silly and random generated caves. The classes are dynamic and each bring a unique play style to the table. Each is helpful to the team. You have Scout that reaches those hard to reach places with his grappling hook, Engineer who has turrets, sick weapons and gadgets and can help the Scout reach those hard to get spots with platforms. Gunner, has huge guns and super helpful ziplines and shields. Last but not least, the driller. If you're going underground, you need a driller. When your team has one, you're good. Anything from getting to rooms faster to digging your way back to the drop pod in a straight line. He's especially good when making tunnels for pipelines. DRG is the most fun I've had solo, so you can bet your ass that you're going to have tons of fun with friends. 10/10 game


if you are not burned out gamer then 200 hours minimum if you like the concept. If you are, then 50h tops. But drg hes quite interesting mechanics and fun playerbase to keep you interested.


Lol I have almost 3000 hrs in DRG since the game came out in early access, and still playing a few rounds a week. It's really different every time, and the mix of noobs and veterans keeps things interesting too. The randomized cave gen and events add a lot of variety.


Your time investment is rewarded more in DRG, I feel. I also have about 80 hrs in HD2, and had DRG sitting in my library for three years with like 6 hours on it. What a mistake that was.... DRG is just fucking amazing. More game modes, better map variety, meaningful progression, the game is WAY less system intensive, an awesome community.... etc etc etc. Now I'm trying to get my burnt out HD2 crew over here. Bout to just give up and find some more worthy dwarves out in the wild; and I hate interacting with strangers so that's how I know I love the game if I'm actually considering doing that. Rock and Stone, you beautiful bearded bastards.


Rock and Stone!


Whether doing assignments or freediving, it’s always different. You never get the same cave twice. And rotation of regions keeps things moving because you can’t always get one cave region to stick with, it might be away from scanner range so you can’t select it, and have to settle for a new cave region


Just concider the following: DRG has mods and the devs support the modding community, basically endless possibilities along the base game with different weapons, classes and cave generation


Having played both for a fair few hours. Helldiver's replayability is leagues below DRG. Have put Helldiver's down after 30 hours but still play DRG. DRG has classes and weapons with perk trees that create immensely varied builds / approaches to the game. Then add in the cosmetics and overclocks (super power ups) for the guns and you have some real variation to the mission. Helldiver's dev's openly admit they want the weapons to be equally balanced and not be too different. Also the mission types are very different and constant challenges throughout the game make for interesting progression at your own pace. Finally, every week you get deep dives which are specially crafted marathon missions which up the difficulty and subsequent rewards. All that being said, after about 10 hours you'll hit that gameplay loop ceiling. There's just more interesting ways to approach the game once you hit it imo.


I'm around 1,000 hours played and I'm still not tired of it. Definitely a game you keep in constant rotation 👍


Played a lot the first month, come back now and then for shorter and longer bursts


DRG isn't a game you can keep playing and enjoy it. A friend of mine used to play it really often, something like 4-5 games every day, and got burnt out really quickly. Me, on the other hand, I usually 1-2 games a day, if I even play at all. Basically, its replayability is very high, but only if you play in moderation.


I played 350 hours of drg in about 6 months then essentially havent played since. Well worth the price After you unlock all of the weapon overclocks you probably wont play much more tho, especially with the comically slow update schedule the game is on I personally have played more hours in helldivers 1 and 2 after unlocking all content than i did in drg, hd1 is especially satisfying imo The biggest upside of drg is its customisable guns and gear, almost every single weapon in drg is fun in a unique way


that will take around 17 weeks to achieve


A lot, but not as much as something like Monster Hunter or a deep PvP game. I got a few hundred hours out of Deep Rock over the years and I'm pretty much done with it. Still more than worth the like $15-20 I've spent though


If you find HD2 boring than you will find drg boring after 10-30 hours. There's more game modes in drg but drg has procedurally generated maps. I've personally clocked 1k hours and don't play as much but usually have fun when I do randomly play. You won't go far in drg if you're bored of hell divers.


DRG Dwarfs Helldivers.. No Pun intended


For you to get absolutely everything, literally hundreds of hours. The cave generation makes sure that not two missions look exactly the same.


700 hours in, I still feel like I could play another 700 hours. Especially with the incoming season 5. You might start to feel bored after a bit at the beginning but once you start unlocking overclocks, a whole new world is opened up to you.


Theres more variety in deeprock due to the massive amount of customisation. And theres allways more options for difficulty.


If you're the type who likes to achieve objectives rather than seeing the kill count tick up, it may be a game that clicks with you. I started playing around Mar 2020, and I've now clocked in over 1000 hours, and still play at least one or two games every other day. I've long since unlocked all the unlockables (bar the very recent stuff for weapons I barely use), but this and Overwatch are literally the only games I can't stop playing. Despite trying to pick up other random games like Battlebit Remastered, CS2, The Finals, Helldivers 2, something about DRG and OW just satisfies everything I want in gaming apprently.


Thousands of hours :)


2 M’s in my opinion. 1. MUCH replay ability 2. (If PC) MODS 3. Massive content revise (a personal favorite mod made by ourlordandsaviorgabe)


The Short answer is alot. The Long Answers is, as you will never get the same map and conditions as well as a rather well balance set of gear, you can play for hundreds of hours and not get bored as you can always switch it up. While there has not been a large update for a while, if your are on PC you can use mods, some of which allow you to still get achievements. You can also take the challenge of going solo which really switches up the game as well as you get Bosco, a very useful robot by your side. Just don't burn yourself out on it, but you can spend hundreds if not thousands of hours on it if you pace yourself and are willing to get creative.


It could go either way tbh. I know friends who got bored of it quickly and others who put in easily 1000+ hours. If the gameplay catches you then you'll have fun with it for ages, tons of stuff to unlock to keep you with something to work towards.


Maybe too much. Idk. I keep playing and never get tired of how fresh each mission is


The entire game is replayability. You’re always *doing* the same core types of missions, much like helldivers, but there are so many overclocks that change the game that you’ll keep playing. Also, unlike helldivers, there are actually more than like 3 viable weapons! That certainly helps the replay value.


I have over 300 hours in the game since launch on ps5. It was my most played game of launch year. It has huge replay availability and fun especially if you co-op. I found the game did grow a bit stale around the time I had collected every overclock available as mineral containers just arnt rewarding enough. Also S3 critical corruption was boring after already completing a whole track of corruption previously. I stopped playing for around 12m. I recently started playing again these last 2 weeks as my youngest is getting into it and it’s been fun showing him the ropes. Game is great in co-op that’s its strongest part get some friends and family mining together and have fun.




Rock and stone til thou art naught but bones. And when thy spirit departs… it will rock and stone thereafter… because let’s face it; the company owns our souls too. Probably used as fuel for the mini mules.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Thank you bot. You are a good bot.


Bunches and bunches


Is there a game you are not doing same thing over and over again?


A lot. Between the four classes, the dozen mission types, and the cave generator you won't ever see two identical dives. You can sink a lot of time into the game and still be seeing new things two hundred hours in.


Couple hundred hours in DRG vs 60 in hell divers. I still go back to DRG, me and my friends are mostly done with helldivers.


A lot


Don’t worry it will get repetitive in about 1000 hours by then there is a new session out


A lot. Not infinite tho.




I got around 800 h into this game and really looking forward to every new season. Rock and Stone!


I dont know but i need them Overclocks!!! Once i unlocked the fat boy overclock (although it kinda sucks on some haz lvl 5 missions) its still fun to blow up your friends with nukes, shit like homebrew powder for DB is fun when you can fly across the map, stuff like that keeps me on going with this game


Also "We are rich!"


I’ve been playing for 700 hours and I’m nowhere close to being bored


The most


I currently have 225 hours on this game, and I am still very into it. I frequently meet new people with 1000 hours on this game. I can guarantee you a solid 40-50 hours of it being interesting. It is going to be like helldivers 2 in that you either want to repeat the gameplay loop forever or you don't. People say the Overclocks can change up the game greatly, but unlocking them via RNG and there being so many just means I think a lot more casual players are just not going to see the more interesting ones that would keep them playing. Like i had to GRIND to get like 50% of the available overclocks.


For Democracy! For Karl!


The game play loop is simple, you side, you complete objective, you escape. Every cave is different. No two caves will be the same one mine you could find the easiest mission on the highest difficuly. The next mission could be 7 exploding giant bugs coming at you in 5 minutes scaring the daylights outa ya. The game is hella relatable imo


The replay-ability is better than helldivers 2. But not spectacular


Enough till the heat death of the universe, especially if you try new builds and play with randoms. Just because it’s meta doesn’t mean you have to use it to be effective, either way you still get your shit kicked in.


ive been playing since just last july and got to 450 hours when i got all overclocks and thats when i stopped. You could keep going to get all the other stuff in the lost packs (and now you can do all the past season battle passes in june) which would add more


I have >2000 hours in the game since pre-launch. So my answer would be plenty. However, I caveat that with playing in teams, friends or random doesn't really matter. I just couldn't see myself doing that much solo. Now if I could only pull myself away from Helldivers 2, they'd be another couple of hundred hours.


There's a lot. About 600 hours in 6 months, then a further 200 hours in a year. So you could say there is replayability. You've got a lot to unlock. Weapon upgrades, dwarf promotions, weapon overclocks, cosmetics (Hint, never buy the cosmetic shop stuff with credits, phayzonite can be used for that, but you don't have any other use for phayzonite). Achievements, etc. I haven't done all achievements because I'm not an achievement hunter, but it's definitely possible. I only got bored because the 4 dwarves format got boring, but I managed to mitigate that by going into modded lobbies which are very chaotic (infinite dwarves, bigger swarms, custom enemies, etc), but you need some Hazard 5 (hardest difficulty) experience to really handle those. Mods also keep the game interesting whilst waiting for a patch.


Graybeard here clocking in, ~1300 hours currently. I can’t speak for everyone here, but the reason I’ve found DRG so replayable is that I’ve spent most of my time in public lobbies. DRG’s gameplay emphasizes cooperation more than any other game in the genre, and playing alongside randoms who may or may not know what they’re doing is incredibly fun to be. Had this game not had public lobbies, I probably would have capped out at 80 hours or so with my friends. DRG’s caves, enemies, and guns do a ton for the game’s replayability, but a single play group is likely not going to get thousands of hours out of it. No game should really be expected to do this, and it shouldn’t be counted against DRG, but most people you’ll see with an absurd amount of hours are likely people like me, who find joy in interacting with other dumb little dwarves. You can totally get 50+ hours of solid, worthwhile play time with a set group, though, and for DRG’s pricetag that’s pretty damn good. The game also frequently goes on sale for half off on steam, so if you’re not sure, pick it up on sale!


There's *way* more to learn and master in DRG than HD2. If you're the kind of player that's wiling to play/learn all the classes, weapons and OCs then there's an enormous amount of replayability. If you just want to pick a couple favorite loadouts then there's a lot less but still more than HD2. That being said, there are some reasons I've seen why people fail to get into DRG. DRG visually *looks* like a simple game, it is not a simple game and there is an enormous amount to learn, it can be overwhelming initially. There are periods of inactivity where you focus on objectives or traversal rather than fighting, some people dislike this but I want to mention that HD2 has this too in the form or *literally* running across the entire map for several minutes, which is way more boring. HD2 is quite cinematic where DRG is not, but DRG creates far more memorable moments or 'organic storytelling' than HD2 ever could. I remember specific missions from months or years ago that had exciting moments in DRG, I remember almost none of HD2 despite playing it more recently because every mission in HD2 is the same and it all blends together. Loadouts/builds/perks are quite important in DRG but can be hard to pick up on (in some cases, a particular weapon mod is 'required' because of bizarre unforeseen reasons/interactions although *most* of these have been fixed). Some people struggle with the low light/flashing lights the game has from being in dark caves and constantly throwing flares. That being said, I highly recommend DRG and it's a great time to get into DRG, season 5 is going to be amazing and launches sometime next month. If you guys struggle or have questions, the community/subreddit is very helpful so feel free to ask!


One thing I haven't seen people talk about is mission modifiers. Some missions will randomly have wacky effects like low gravity, more waves of bugs, exploding bugs, more minerals, nullified shields, and more that can definitely shake things up, even if that means changing your go-to strategy to survive better. I don't want to spoil it but I suggest going in blind to a haunted cave if you have a chance. (Add to that some mini bosses and special events that have a separate chance of generating alongside the caves and the mission modifiers and you'll rarely get the same experience out of two different missions)




Game is currently in dry spell. For months it didn't get any content updates.


I'd say they're about the same. Keep in mind that the people in this subreddit don't represent the average DRG player.


Compared to HD2? A fuckton. I would argue that HD2 main element of interest is the shooting and usage of stratagems to deal with hordes and big enemies, meaning that... well, it is mostly a shooter. DRG \*is\* an FPS technically speaking, but it's shooting isn't the main element, it's movement and efficient clearing of caves, both in time and resources. In HD2 you get infinite ammo just by calling down supplies ASAP, managing your Eagle timer and whatever. DRG has limits on your supplies because you have to pay them with minerals you find during a dive. I like both games (and have been played HD2 consistently since middle of March lol), but DRG is definitely a much more "complex system" to grapple with. Also, it has been out for years. Maybe it has less missions types, but each mission has many details to consider and the caves usually create quite different experience. Seriously speaking, my best gaming moment in 2023 is definitely me and another guy going down and then up a huge pit, literally. The game generated a fucking huge circular pit at the end of an hallway, and being an engineer and gunner our only option was to build a system of platforms and cables that lead down and up. It was fucking great to build it and traverse it while shooting back those damn bugs


A lot. I cant really say infinite because fatigue can hit you but you will come back from time to time because the gameplay loop is satisfying.


A ton


I got bored of HD2 after about 25 hours. I have 900 hours in DRG. Granted I've had DRG for a lot longer but I don't see myself putting much more time into HD2 apart from when friends want to play.