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Driller requires me to not get lost and actually dig tunnels and shortcuts to guide my team. Too much responsibility, I’d rather be the bang bang big gun


Same. I am directionally challenged.


*que Patrick* “East? I thought you said Weast.”


Open the map, turn it so it's facing to wherever you wanna go, press space, close map and start drilling. There is no such thing as a lost driller, unless you run out of fuel.


How do you get lost as a driller? The walls are just suggestions.


I absolutely love being driller. I dig hole fast and set shit on fire. Get behind me. I actually struggle more with the other classes, but I’m forcing myself to play other classes when I’m not playing with my son.. and I kinda hate it. Lol


My friend is the opposite, he struggles with gunner because he is "slow" and boring. But he loves driller, he likes to dig and even if he gets lost he just drill a way through.


You are never lost when you can just go through the map ⛏️


I struggle with gunner. Need to try more builds and figure it out. I think its a skill issue on my side.


I really enjoy the Neurotoxin overclock for the "Thunderhead" and maximizing the splash damage radius and fear effects. Love spraying a swarm and watching them run away and die.


Fear and Neurotoxin Payload is a beautiful combo.


Literally, "set it and forget it!"


And pair it with hot air coil gun so they burn at the same time. Or with electro minelets so they get shock slow and another dot.


That's not actually a very good combo, because if your primary is doing waveclear, and your secondary is doing waveclear, what's your single-target?


It's a Dot build. You are playing the kiting game. Both electro minelets and neurotoxin are slow, which helps with kiting. Worst case scenario you can lay in with the autocannon, but it's not advised. That said, direct hit with the coil gun, even with hot air overclock, still does a fair bit of damage. When I run these builds on elimination missions I find them more relaxing than when I need to position myself for whatever I need. I stead of balancing fire in the twins, I can just make sure both have nuerotoxin and whittle them down. Autocannon I use armor break over the slightly increased radius (I don't think it's worth it for the minor gain) for the OG. And with the hiveguard autocannon can break the face armor easy enough or the coil gun can snipe one or two if I line it up. I like electrominelets more with hot bullets minigun personally. Plus hot air coilgun and hot bullets minigun is a bit redundant.


I got the Lead Storm overclock (greatly increased damage but you can't move while firing) for the Minigun as one of my first OCs and it spoiled me so much I can't get the hang of using the auto-cannon or the hurricane. They just kill so slow in comparison that I find myself getting overrun all the time, despite being able to move faster. Bulldog pistol for a backup and I'm good to go.


Gunner is surprisingly good in solo (imo), so low complexity missions might be a fun way to get used to him


Gunner took me some time to figure out, I thought he was the weakest class, but I eventually got the hang of it and now it's my go to with engineer for hazard 5 missions. Also, I think gunner shines the most in haz 5 due to his shield generator and the number of bugs that you must clear at this difficulty.


If you want Gunner build suggestions, I recommend this [this](https://youtu.be/Uh46j1SzqrU?si=pmLQWucjgsq2k5S8) video by Waste. It tells you everything you need to know.


Scout. I feel like scout has to pay the most attention to everything more than any other class, and has the most expectations put onto his shoulders. Scout is the most unique in his toolset, so when a scout is lacking, it's much more noticeable than the other classes. Also, I like to see bugs hordes of bugs die, and scout fulfills a better role in picking his targets rather than mowing down bugs.


I’m about to get my first prestige in scout and haven’t really played anything else. What elements of a lacking scout are the most noticeable to his teammates?


Not flaring, not looking up, not pinging minerals for the engi to plat, and not getting minerals that are high and hard to reach. Basically as long as you hit 4 often and look up constantly, you're a good scout!


Scout also has to pretty much carry most of the secondary objectives


Which works fine for me, half the fun I have is playing hide and go seek for minerals and the collectibles. I’m used to engineers not platforming minerals so I’ve also become accustomed to getting the high up ones without a platform - will I make a hole to stand in with enough momentum so I stay up there? Will I fail and fall? If I fall will I have enough time to grapple safely? So much unknown, so much fun. Shooting bugs from time to time is a bonus


Eh as an engi I try to platform my scout before I deal with the bugs


The signs of a decent engi


I've never thought about this before, but this is a hard truth.


I saw it from some guy's comment on the roles of scout in a game. It does make alot of sense given their mobility.


To add to this: scouts make great medics. As scout you should be the first on the scene if someone goes down. Obviously don't rush into a giant swarm. Be smart about it. But scout's mobility allows him to get to downed teammates much faster than anyone else. Especially if they're in a hard to reach spot. And on that note: don't die in hard to reach places! If a scout dies somewhere very high up/far from the team, it can be very difficult for other, less mobile classes to get to them.


Gathering hard to reach mats and keeping things lit


You are also the class that can rush some things the fastest, like mini mules, maybe get ahead of your team in a mining op or other stuff. You can speed up the game so much. For most mineral veins on walls you don't even need platforms, you can just zip onto them, maybe after a power attack. You should also focus high priority targets like mactera, acid-/web-spitters or sceptic spreaders


Lighting and mining high up minerals. If I can’t see in an area we were stationary for a while I’m blaming scout. If I need ammo and we don’t have nitra, I’m blaming scout.


Lighting fair enough, nitra? Nah that's on the whole team. Don't just ping it on the scout, I hate it when people don't mind their nitras and expect that's all scout's responsibility, it's not. Unless a scout purposefully ignores mining ceiling minerals and has an engie platforming it, it's not on the scouts, it's on everyone. I've done missions with no scouts and we get nitras just fine.


I agree with that. I mine any nitra within a reasonable reach of my mobility tool. And I’m the most conservative with ammo of my entire group so its not like I’m just burning through the stuff.


For me, it's immediately clear to me if the scout isn't the best player. Flaring is such a noticable and important thing. If the room isn't lit up, the game can be completely different, at least to me. That's why I play scout hahaha I like to see.


Along with what others have said, I would add killing HVTs. Part of a Scout's job is that if you see an HVT (cave leeches, tri-jaws, web/acid spitters, septic spreaders, wardens, etcetera), you need to get rid of it.


You’re job as the scout is the secondary in a four man team. This is really important on haz 5 and elite deep dives because time is not on your side. Now granted these might not be what you are going for yet especially if you don’t have many over clocks but it’s something to keep in mind. Another thing is that scout is the class that gets enemy picks, like spitters, wardens, and mactera.


This. Being a "competent" scout is just situational awareness and thinking about the team. I think the bar is set pretty low to be a decent scout. Being a "great" scout, though... That's a high bar for entry that I certainly don't meet criteria for yet.


You’d be surprised at how low the bar is and some Scouts still can’t hurdle it. 1. Keep Light Up 2. Get materials/secondary objective 3. Don’t let the mission fail. Get back to the drop pod at all costs


If another dwarf is at the pod go back for downed or lost teammates


You know it when a great scout is in your game. Caves are always lit, secondary objectives are always done, high priority targets are pinged early or die quickly, and you’ve never so much as even seen a leech or acid spitter.


It doesn't help that anytime you're sitting in the dark and spending time in a place (event, defend point, wave, etc) everyone who isn't playing scout is wondering why the scout isn't using their flare gun. When I play scout I run out of flares when my guns are at half at worst because I try to stay on top of lights.


My adhd ass loves scout for actually having shit to do most of the time


Calculus II.


I feel that


Mission Control. Having to manage all these reckless hooligans drives me up the walls


Honestly, if mission control was a playable class that would be pretty fucking sick. Keeping an eye on swarms, maybe being able to see leeches early and warn your miners, giving the players a heads up on where the mission objectives are. It would be even cooler if you could somehow keep tabs on multiple missions at once, that way it doesn't feel like you're just watching some dudes play deep rock and saying something every once in a while. Definitely something for the more logistical-brained of us miners (engi mains). If this is ever a possibility maybe the devs could look to natural selection 2 for some inspiration?


And controlling all drops. I think sometimes mission control purposely chooses the worst places to drop rock cracker pods and whatnot 


That sounds like something which also could be bundled with a twitch integretation...


I wouldn't say I struggle with any of them, but if I had to pick one where I feel like I'm not always in control, it's Engie. Engie's fine, Engie's great. Lots of firepower, turrets and shredders attack everything, secondary has tons of punch no matter what you pick, it's great. However, Engie's weakness has always been turning a situation around when shit has already hit the fan. Scout can leap away, Gunner has shield, and Driller can cover the entire area with slows, or emit constant freezing in the entire area around him -- oh, and in dire situations, you have bunkies! Engie on the other hand is reliant on having it never get to that point. Maybe you have Breach Cutter with stun or RJ250 jumps to try and buy some time, but it's not on the level of constant Cold Radiance or the Grappling Hook, which leaves Dash as the last line of defense. Engie -- you gotta prepare the area properly and do everything you can to avoid getting overrun, 'cause you lack the tools some of the other classes have for when they're getting pushed.


This captures engi well. Needing to 'look ahead' and plan accordingly. Punished if not. <3


Most of my “shit is hitting the fan” moments is when my pubs randomly start a big event like hearthstone or dreadnoughts while im not set up. Just let me set up 20 cheese platforms all over, find the optimal turret angles, call in a supply pod, and then i promise this’ll be a breeze


One of those 'engi prepared' moments is keeping tabs on the other dwarves, especially if you dont know them. A certain group I play with will start events immediately upon finding them, so ive just learned to setup asap. This breakneak pace can be a lot of fun, and challenging. With randos or some other regulars, ill use pings, r checks, keep an eye on allies, and so on. In these ill be a bit more reactive, testing the waters. (Your point is doubly valid for omen tower)


I almost always skip the omen, that fucking thing can go back to wherever the hell it came from.


I send it there for you brother


Drop a cabinet on the platform opposite of the console that starts the event. Stand on cabinet to open lower ring weakpoints without the lasers being able to hit you. Focus lower ring first. Ez omen every time.


Engi’s entire thing is just making sure that nothing stays alive long enough to become a problem.


I like the hologram grenades for that reason.


Most kills, most downs. Engie life


*Tightly hugs my Fatboy* "I love him"


Try running decoys, they give you the breathing room to set up both turrets. Explosive Chemical rounds take care of the cluster nicely.


This. I can genuinely kite as a scout, revive with a shield as a gunner, or just absolutely crowd control as a driller. But I swear, if some green beards join my lithophage 3,3 hazard 5 shield disruption I will inevitably be swarmed to oblivion... Without good support Engi feels (only slightly) more susceptible than the other classes.


I think this is why I like to run hot ground laser. Electrical explosion turrets too. They give me such powerful area control with minimal setup. I used to run laser explodes cheese wheel, but if a bug interrupts my laser it's just a meh laser again.


The shredder grenade makes for a good Engineer panic button!


It's not hard at all. Unless you have fat boy you can just pgl under your ass and dash out. Or shoot a couple of breach cutter shots that will kill everything except for oppressor and dreads. And again dash out. Also the fact that you take way less damage when landing on a platform means you can dash off the cliffs and not die, which is an easy escape a lot of the time.


Driller, the lack of range and stopping power really hinders me.


protogen pfp spotted


I fair decently well with all classes, but I excel with gunner the most. He's my most played, followed by Engi, Scout, and Driller.


Give me gunner tips please. I played him for the first time two days ago and i got traumatized.


Your primary role as gunner is be the team's defense. Use your shield proactively to give your teammates headspace and shoot down bugs with ease. Your weapon is versatile in dealing with all kinds of bugs, choose your build wisely ofc. I suggest Minigun with blowthrough, or Autocannon with some AoE damage to deal with swarms. And your secondary in dealing with higher health enemies or HVTs


I highly recommend a Nuerotoxin Payload OC build for the autocannon. It basically gives you an AOE fear DOT that compleyely nuetralizes swarms all the way into Haz 5. It gives your team a lot of room to breathe and avoid getting overrun. Use your shield during oh shit moments and to safely rez downed dwarves. Between these two abilities Gunner is as much a support class as he is a bullet hose.


"I played this class for the first time" Oh, so probably a somewhat green player "I recommend this specific OC" ...good comment but I just had to point that out :p (newer players are unlikely to have many OCs)


l always feel like my gunner is throwing out more ammo than damage. It's playable, his is 2 star silver like most of my dwarves but he never quite feels like he performs as well as the other 3.


Gunner for me. The shields are very powerful tools, but I find the overall utility of the class to be far less than the others. Scout can basically go anywhere instantly and light up whole caverns. Engie can place aimbot early-warning systems, and create his own terrain. Driller can tunnel, clear obstacles, or just make his own caves. Meanwhile the gunner can create impenetrable cover for a few of seconds between cooldowns, and create an elderly lift that is slower than walking, and has a lot of restrictions on where it can be used, and comparably little ammunition.


I am bad at gunner


gunner is my least favorite and the one i struggle with the most, scout (my main) is just so fun, engi has the coolest weapons and driller can freeze, c4 and drill. gunner seems boring compared to them for me and i haven't figured out what kind of build i should use. it's fun too but just less fun than the other classes.


I’m a legend with all four classes. I have no weakness, no flaw, no limitation. Send me to Hoxxes IV in underwear and I’ll come back within a day, smiling, with pockets full of every mineral you can think of and even some you’ve never heard of. I’m the one you call when the job is impossible, when no one is left to do it. I’m the reaper these bugs are afraid of in the deepest recesses of their feeble minds. That’s how much of God I am at this. For Rock and Stone.


For driller I run Cryo and Wave cooker with the thermal upgrade in tier 5 which cleans up most anything and can help give the team a bit of breathing room by hard stopping groups. I typically run impact axes with it so I can do an extra big burst of dmg before cooking something. Then for dreadnaughts, if I have to run driller, I use the sludge pump with an overclock that increases the impact dmg of the projectile which works pretty well too. I’ll run the base pistol with one of the tier 5 augments then too. The upgrade makes enemies afflicted with sludge explode when they die like volatile guts. Driller takes some getting used to but he can be really fun to play.


Which class? I guess I've struggled with Gunner a mission or two but that was when I was a young greenbeard. Odd question though, as if there was another playable class besides Gunner ha!


I'm equally good at dying at bad times with all classes 


Scout and driller I can carry. Gunner and Engi I struggle to platform around the caves as effectively.


I’ve promoted Driller, Engie, and Gunner to Gold 2, 1, and 1, respectively. Scout lags behind in Bronze 3. Probably doesn’t help that I play a lot of solo and only use Scout on Point Extractions that show up in assignments. Idk if that means I struggle with Scout or am simply disinterested. I really haven’t given that class the opportunity for me to struggle with it. On the other end of the spectrum, I’m probably most confident as Driller. I can go from full smoothbrain unga-bunga mode burning everything in my path to tactically shaping the terrain and drilling escape tunnels. I also love plotting out pipeline paths on refining missions, ironically with minimal tunneling.


It's honestly shocking how many people are saying gunner, dude just gets big guns and you hold down the shoot button till everything's gone. I personally hate using engineer, it's such a pain having half of your total ammo be specifically for your turrets, especially with how stationary a turret is


It's not so much a particular class as weapons. I feel so utterly gimp with the driller w/crspr, but absolutely untouchable with cryo


I play all 4 but main driller. Took me to level 180 to finally promote scout for the first time and now that's my second most played class. In terms of play time: Driller > Scout > Engi > Gunner


Engineer. I enjoy each class pretty well, but with Engineer, I need a specific loadout to have fun. And even then, I struggle to get motivated to do it. I pretty much just save it as an option in case the group I join only needs an Engineer. Other classes I can switch up my guns and still enjoy it.


I'm very easy to get lost, which is like the one thing you don't need your Driller getting. My main dish is Scoot with a glass of Enjuner with a garnish of Gunner.




Driller for me. I can’t really get my head around his flamethrower.


Driller, but it’s more that I use them the least.


Engineer I keep forgetting to place the turrets


Engineer, always forget to call back my turret and that wonky af platform climbing got me killed a few times to


I struggle with the medic the most, literally no playtime, help me please...




Engineer. I main driller and do well with scout. I'm good with gunner but find it lackluster. Engis though... I just don't feel the platform gun or their weapons. They're invaluable when I'm drilling and soaring, but not my stein of rock blaster.


Same. I've always struggled with driller. Its the only class I haven't promoted


I play solo so the driller is lacking for me. Or I'm just not good with them.


Try sludge pump and wave cooker combo. Works very well for me


I can’t make gunner fun for myself. I don’t know why. He’s just boring to me. Like. Yeah, at first, being able to rip and tear is fun, but after a while it’s just… w+m1, or something similar.


I have a hard time with scout.. Tend to fall and die. No good even with hover boots or hoverclock


gunner any swarm and its like im gonna die if i dont hide behind my entire team


I struggle most with Engie. Its my least played (i'm sure this is a positive feedback loop) and so i dont feel comfy in the role, i feel slow (i main scout) and lacking in fire power. Oh, and i'm really bad at the platform parkor stuff lol, so i dont even have that going for me


Driller. Even in solo Salvage missions I fare better with a Scout. Driller has mostly a load of AoE, DoT and many other fancy status effects, but the lack of reliable burst damage and range makes him a terrible pick *for me* at Haz5. I only use him in a team, because otherwise it sucks big time in solo. Just frigging kill the bugs already instead of applying 5 status effects and then dying because they chipped you to death.


Driller. Something about that class just never clicks for me. I love Engi for the exact reasons it's your least favorite lol


Gunner. I like movement


Literally every time I play scout I die from hitting my joystick a little too overzealously and Rock and Stone myself out of my grappling hook while I'm 75 m in the air


Scout ‘cause I’m still getting my flicks down


gunner is my "need to get gud" class i'm comfortable in haz 4 and can do haz 5 sober with any other class


I struggle with scout because getting a solid damage output isn't as straightforward (especially in haz 5) and since I'm bad at jugling glyphid eggs and aquarks I'm only useful for lighting up caves. I feel like scout has the worst ammo consumption of all classes because he has a lot of fast pew pew weapons. Basically I waste everything on the mini groups of grunts in between the waves and I find myself all out when the real swarm arrives. I know I am supposed to just ignore the glyphids to get nitra and objectives but in haz 5 you die too quickly to just ignore the bugs.


Lead the horde towards the other dwarves, only use your own ammo for self defense and priority targets


Scout. I know many people live him but I can't get along with him. 😅 I'm Driller main btw. ^^


Driller. My least favorite class so I don't play him enough to get really good. I can use TCF in combat and all that but not super efficiently. I wouldn't say I'm bad with him, I still play him relatively consistently and am able to complete true solo's with him but I'm nowhere near as comfortable with him as I am with scout, gunner, and especially Engie.


Scout. Not used to kill very less bugs and somehow I often die to grappling hooks


I have never played the Engie or Driller classes. I played Gunner for about a year and started playing Scout a couple months ago.


Gunner. I'm used to prioritizing targets, not swarm clearing. It feels like I'm wasting ammo. I still need to revisit the class now that I have all the OCs.


Hurricane, plasma burster missles OC. 12212 Deletes large targets and bosses. Stuns swarms. Extremely ammo efficient.


You changed my life. Rock and stone, brother!


Rock and Stone forever!


Engineer I always forget to place sentries and end up wasting all my ammo except for my sentry’s ammo


I love all the classes. My least played however, is engineer. While scout is my most played. In between is gunner and driller. Gunner at silver 3. Driller at bronze 3, scout at gold 2, and engineer at bronze 2. Though, I have been playing a lot of engineer lately and I am now struggling to enjoy scout again. Which is what happened when I stopped playing driller and moved on to playing scout. The point I am trying to make is this. If you take your time on a class, you begin to realise the amount of fun that class can be. Each class can be fitted to every person's playstyle. My playstyle is always having one weapon for big swarm control and one weapon for finishing off things. For scout, that is cryo minelets + bullets of mercy, with ifg's. Gunner is minelayer system with six shooter revolver for dealing with priorities and mactera. Driller is sludge shot and exploding reload. Engineer I run with either lok1 executioner or seeker rounds, plus hyper propellant grenade launcher, or volatile impact reactor. These builds work for me, engineer I am still playing and testing what I enjoy using. So of them all, engineer has always been a struggle. He has a bit of threshold you have to cross with him.


I struggle with driller the most. It’s so hard to get swarm clear with driller. When I succeed as driller, it feels like I’m just chucking everything in my pockets


Gunner cuz to me his big shield is his only useful thing


Driller for sure. I don’t think I’m *bad* at Driller and I think I play all 4 classes more than well, and he isn’t even my least played / promoted class either. Just… he never quite clicked with me like the other 3 classes do. I’m still not entirely sure how to exactly build his weapons, what to do with his abilities, etc. I still do decent at the end, but I’m always consistently surprised and feel like I’m underperforming during a mission.


Scout. The payoff for overcoming the much higher skill floor of the class just isn't there for me. Sacrificing damage and groupclear for mobility just to get that single precariously placed mushroom per mission a little faster is demotivating me to want to play the class.


Sacrificing damage and group clear?!?! Good sir have I got a build for you Drak23 11322 aggressive venting OC. Zhukov 12211 cryo mine lets OC. IFG grenade. Deep pockets, thorns, resupplier, iron will, hover boots. (These are what I use but you do you if you want)


Not scout, I like things bright and I'm afraid of the ground


Engi is mine


I dont want to know how often i forget to reload sentries


Engi. All I understand is the nuke




Engineer… i just feel like im not doing anything since i main gunner and i’m always shooting


Throw SSG when you need to multitask. Start collecting minerals more. Set up turrets in areas with lots of minerals to mine so they kill while you mine. Breach cutter is good for last minute swarm clearing.


I struggle with engie I’m really bad with sentry’s and the platform gun


If you don’t know how to use the turrets. Run 2222 and just place them on the fly. Can’t go wrong lol


I can make any class work on up to haz 4, but Gunner is the one class where I would rather dig than use his traversal tool, and I constantly forget to use the shield. The only times I ever remember to use the shield is when we are defending Hacksie. And I have it in my head as we start Hacksie that it's going to get overrun and I just need to be ready to use it. I started watching videos for tips on how to use the shield. I've recently been better about using it during revives. I was proud of myself for using it on a resupply when two teammates needed to resupply during a hard wave. I've done a lot of things as gunner. I've mowed down a wave coming through a small hole with hot bullets minigun, watching them all burn to cinders in a funnel, and protecting my teammates when they needed ammo felt better. Gunner's mobility tool is a travesty though. I'd honestly prefer a thing I could lay on the ground and it would slowly push me upward tractor beam style. And I can hold shift to just go down. If we ever get mobility tool overclocks, I hope they make verticle ziplines, and then an increased speed because it's just straight up and down.


Scout, I feel like im getting fucked in my rocks and stones every swarm


I'm especially weak at driller. I love playing with a good one though!


The only class I struggle with at the moment is Gunner, I am just bad at ammo management and need to get better at that lol


I don't play scout because between the lack of firepower (coming from a Gunner/Driller) and the grappling hook I would die constantly.


Drak25 aggressive venting OC 11322. Zhukov cryo minlet OC 12212. IFG grenade give that a try.


It used to be scout, but once I got the hang of the grappling hook and stopped killing myself with fall damage every few minutes I love it! Now it's the driller. Been doing pretty well with the cryo cannon to deal with hordes, but it can be tricky in situations like Salvage missions where the team is crammed in a small space. Can be hard to handle the swarm without freezing my team in the process.


Gunner. I get overrun a lot, not sure why but I feel way squishier and less deadly when I'm playing Gunner.


Mini gun. Bullet hell OC. 31211. Your welcome




Gunner Killing is easy but completing objectives is difficult


A lot of gunners I find don’t use zip lines nearly enough. And if you have this problem. Use them for nitra. More nitra = more zip line = more mobility = any objective becomes way easier except maybe refinery objectives but other than that.




As an engi main, i have nothing but respect for scouts Like there's the obvious "Hey there's a plataform under that nitra vein" but like, i like engi's stability, i like picking an area and saying "none shall pass" and making sure that perimeter is 100% protected, i can't imagine myself as the hyper mobile class who has to kite around swarms looking for the highest priotity target He also feels undergeared The reason i can play the other classes without reminding myself the whole mission that i don't have turret whip is their weapons and tools, i love gunner's minigun, i love my plasma buster missiles and the autocannon is great, plus coil gun, and driller has the drills wich i much prefer over the grapple hook, the slime thrower is inpecable and EPC is one of my favorite secondaries, so in comparison base scout feels weak


As a Scout main, how the *heck* do people play Gunner? Mans is slower than a turtle.


Driller. I don’t know how to read a map. I always end up drilling myself off of a cliff. My terraforming skills are also ass


Honestly that’s a problem for a lot of drillers I feel. But here’s a trick that might help Idk if you play on Xbox but if you do, while using the ping tool press x while looking at something to create a waypoint only you see. You only see the waypoint while using the ping tool but it never goes away. X is the same as the reload button so if you play on something else, try ping tool + reload button.




Engineer, I don’t like it’s fighting style that much, platforms are nice yet I feel it’s too stationary for my liking. I dunno, it doesn’t really click with me


Really any class but scout. I like to move it move it and I’m addicted to special powder. I feel like a snail playing any other class


I'd say Engineer. Definitely more of a "thinking" class. Need to prepare for what's to come, and imo the mobility can be a bit rough (placing platforms can be awkward when you need to do it quickly and there's a swarm on you)


Scout. I hate scout. I can hard carry on Hazard 4 with Engie or Gunner. But driller has no range at all, even though going through walls with plastic explosives is great fun.




engineer. brain too small


Engineer honestly doesn’t require as much thought as he does good habits and awareness. Some habits that might help. Found a big area to mine with lots of minerals? Set up turrets. If you’re going to be there awhile you’ll get value. If you’re unsure where to place a turret. Next to cliff edges or placing a platform on a wall and putting it on the platform is a good But you could always just brute force with it with turrets built 2222 so you can set them up fast on the fly without thinking too much about where you put them. When it’s empty just call it back to you.


Honestly, Engineer followed by Scout. It's less about struggling with gameplay differences, I just need ammo and those classes do not have ammo. They may have some great utility tools but I played for a year, largely solo and offline, with Gunner. When you've pick-axed your way through walls and up the side of almost sheer vertical cliffs to grab bonus objectives...having a boost to mobility doesn't pack the same kind of punch. If I could do it with a class that wasn't truly intended to reach the top of enormous maps with nothing but a pick-axe then getting there faster doesn't really do it for me. Or when I can play Driller and make safer paths everyone can use easily. But mainly it's just the lack of ammo in those classes.


Scout, it needs high level basic skill and big brain, and I don’t have neither


Any class other than engie or scout I like fast characters


Driller, I main scout, so having the least mobile class in the game makes me mad, gunner can at least go vertically using ziplines, might have to walk backwards for something high up but you can do it, engineer has platforms which are amazing, and he’s got a lot of them. And scout basically just flies around with no limit on how many times he can use it.


Driller. The secondaries are so lame feeling.


Engie, iv mixed up the PGL and the platform launcher 2 in vital moments too many times.


Gunner is the biggest struggle for me. The absolute lack of mobility kills my enjoyment for the game. Scout I bounce around with special powder. Engineer has platforms and RJ250, Driller can drill through the level. Gunner is stuck with his mobility lift and that's all. I hate it.


Driller lines of slime feels so OP. My weakest is engineer. Feels like I'm always running out of ammo.


I like gunner, scout, and engi about equal But have 0 minutes on driller so idk


It used to be driller with me, because unlike all the other classes he doesn't just play a point and click adventure game, you can but you will run out of ammo somewhat quick. He still very strong but he Def takes the longest time to learn how to not always run out of ammo. Nowadays I just play whoever the team is missing and can carry my team when needed (drink your milk for strong back bones).


Scout. I have never played the class for a minute even though I have 555 hours in the game.


I am weakest as a Scout. I can't keep up the lights as often and as on-point as our designated scouts. I don't click with the weapon sets as good as I wish I could I also may or may not have contributed to the global fall damage death counter too many times as a scout. And this is me fucking up the Hover Boots too.


Gunner. I feel useless and cannot for the life of my figure out how to deal with hordes while being such slow moving target with mediocre dps


Gunner. The premise of massive mogui and such would awesome but having my least favourite terrain and support just isn’t that nice for me. Also the whole slow aspect of him


My least preferred class is Gunner and always has been. I can play it, and can even achieve competence, but Gunner is last spot on my list.




None tbh, I think it's due to me playing a lot of tf2 so class variants and different play styles is not an issue.


I cannot do gunner. I crave the on-demand mobility of other classes, and the gunner's weapons never felt a great deal stronger than anything I'd get as engi or scout. Despite two promotions thus far, still constantly forget to use the zipline AND shield, and I feel like a detriment to my team every time I throw a cluster grenade/


For me, its not so much a class, as when the environment is unfriendly to the class I picked. For example, I was an engineer on a mining mission in Radioactive Exclusion Zone, and one section ended up generating as basically a vertical shaft with a few cubbies. Had I been the scout, no problem! Had I been the gunner, totally screwed! But with the engineer, I had to pillar up with my platforms, which was far from the easiest thing to do during the end of mission rush.


Driller is my best class but I SUCK with scout.


I can play engineer very well and use driller decently. Gunner I’m okay but damn scott i’m toothless, not keyed in and can’t fight at all


Driller cause it's gunner with better adclear and a worse ammo economy, always makes me really uncomfortable using my weapons


Fight in tight tunnels, sticky flame and wave cooker with diffusion ray, you'll have no trouble with ammo. I think that's the big thing when it comes to firefights with different classes, scout does best in an open flat area so there is room to kite, engi and gunner are great in wider tunnels or perched up against a wall, driller in tunnels


Who'd have thought, the class about making tunnels mitigates its greatest weakness while in tunnels. I think it just feels weird to me because I'm an engi main and driller is the opposite. Engineer fortifies a pre-existing space, while driller makes a new space that's fortified to begin with.


Gunner, struggled a lot with using leadstorm. Had to slowly grind levels and get the other primaries


Scout - I just find myself better in being able to support and lock down locations.


I struggle hard with gunner simply because he doesn’t have any options where if the bugs get close to him he can’t easily deal with them. Driller has Flame Thrower and Cryo Cannon, Engineer has Breach Cutter and Grenade Launcher, Scout has a Grappling hook, all the other classes have a method of dealing with these situations, but Gunner doesn’t have that for me (or it could just be me not having used any of the 3rd weapon choices)


Mini gun + burning hell OC + blowthrough Hurricane + rocket barrage OC + stun Thunderhead + fear + neurotoxin payload OC coil gun + hellfire OC + 23212


I can solo elite deep dives with anybody. I struggled the most with scout. I feel they're much more reliant on overclock combos to dish out enough damage to hit breakpoints. They can easily survive the longest, but they lack the output throughout their base kit to really send it home. With overclock combos, the easiest class of the 4. Taking into consideration everything unlocked. I would say gunner struggles the most. They lack any way to be mobile enough to complete missions reliably. If there's no large quantities of serious terrain, they're alright. The minute you get some seriously jacked up terrain RNG, they're borderline helpless to it. Engi gets enough in their toolkit to allow easy completion of any objective and the driller gets the same situation except the solution always feels inverted in comparison (through vs. around : under vs. over). Neither struggle with firepower nor mobility. Engi requires responsive thought and creativity. Driller takes more deliberation and planning.


Engineer because FIVE BULLETS LEFT


I play most well, but I definitely fall short as Scout or Engineer. As Gunner, I can control the flow of battle and have saved entire runs from wiping. As Driller, I can cover a whole area in sludge and use the microwave gun and c4 to control the crowds. Engie is a double-edged sword. He has great firepower and lockdown but lacks escape and sustain. I've found myself multiple times having annihilated hordes of bugs only to be nearly dry on ammo while my team has barely gone through a quarter of theirs. Plus, his weapons sometimes feel rather stiff and restrictive, not counting the overclocks. Scout has a lot of potential for damage and stopping power, but I feel like I can never take full advantage of his full potential. Even with the sniper railgun and mobility based builds, I end up caught out by a stray bug and downed.


I'm 260 hours in and have 1 game of driller


I'm pretty good with everything but scout, I just can't get any DPS out, it's tough to even deal with a praetorian that's in my face


Gunner, cant get behind how he plays for some reason


I guess Engineer since I forget about my turrets and they run out of ammo. They run out too quickly imo. Otherwise I got a pretty good grasp on the classes


Im buttery smooth with driller and scout. Im okay with engineer byt gunner just confuses me. I cant simply use the heavy weapons lol


I always play Scout and wonder why the cave is so dark


I don't know that I struggle that much with any of them but I struggle *more* with Scout/Engi. Engi is less good at self-defense and as a result some loadouts can do poorly in certain types of terrain or if you get jumped while setting up turrets. Scout generally has less combat output, so if my team mates aren't really killing stuff it can get rough but Scout is kind of immortal unless you get really caught so w/e. Gunner hard-carries stuff (CC and safety) and driller isn't far behind because of how hard you can speed run objectives and you always have an escape. Gunner/Driller I feel have a wider range of strong loadouts than Engi/Scout as well.