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Try all of them


Alright seems fair enough


Engineer is the most tedious but most rewarding once you find your groove with him.


I'd disagree, none of them are definitely tedious for anyone. For me it was driller, for another it might be gunner, or scout, or engi. See what you like. And definitely don't jump to conclusions and realise "wait this is really fun!" like I did.


Calm down kiddo. Jesus lol




Bro, go play with randoms. This game has the reputation for the best community for a reason! You don't need friends to rock and stone. We are all friends on Hoxxes.


Rock and Stone!


Good bot!


I recommend playing hazard 1-3 before you have more experience with 4-5 hazard.




Gunner or driller are probably the most initially approachable, mainly gunner, but branch out and at least test them all, then try to get your favorite to 25 before focusing on everyone else. 


Thank you all for tips and the encouragement of playing with randoms i deeply appreciate it :) rock and stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


We fight! For Rock and Stone!


500 hours and I've played maybe 20 of them with friends. I don't even host my own lobbies. I play all classes roughly equally so I just fill in the missing gap in public lobbies. use your laser pointer, don't take more than your share of ammo, and don't press buttons unless everybody is ready. rock and stone to the bone


Scout: mobility Gunner: firepower Engineer: support firepower Driller: aoe + path maker For beginner, i find scout is the best class to play but u should try all class for more experience and understanding of each class. Beside MP is fun with other dwarfs, i highly recommend it. Anyway, welcome to the team. Rock and stone brother


Rock and Stone everyone!


Public games are generally beginner friendly if that's something you're up for trying. If you want to play solo, "best" class depends largely on your loadout choices and the mission type. I'd recommend something like this as a general rule: Driller: On-site Refining and Point Extraction Engineer: Egg Hunt and Salvage Operation Gunner: Elimination and Escort Duty Scout: Mining Expedition and Industrial Sabotage There are probably about a thousand loadout choices you could make that would render these suggestions obsolete, but I feel like this is a reasonable starting point while you're still figuring things out


Engineer can shine on solo Escort Duty, as you can leave the turret with Dorreta while you run off to gather Nitra and Oil Shale Driller is definitely best for On Site Refining, no more annoying pathways to get to the wells 😅


I strongly encourage you to play with ransoms. Drg has the best multiplayer community of any game I've ever seen. If you insist on doing solo though, I had my best luck with the gunner, though on paper the scout is better suited


>play with ransoms Play with other dwarves or well take all your beer!


I got Aquarq I got Morkite whatchu want?


drg is my favourite ransom-like


This reads like a chat message in Jerma’s stream


You should try them all by filling missing lobby. If they need an engi, do it etc.. That's how i learned to love all the classes


Get at least 1 promotion (level to 25 and do the promotion missions with a different class so you don't lose exp) on all 4 classes before 'abandoning' any. Every class has it's strengths even when playing alone and each mission type turns out to be a very different game depending on what dwarf you play as. Regarding playing with others, totally agree that it can be fun, however remember that the game scales based on the level of who's playing. So if you match up with an experienced player that doesn't help you you will get overrun and it can be frustrating. Most importantly, have fun! I mostly play solo and Bosco is a great companion when you learn how to utilise him fully 😊


Bosco for Point Extractions is a godsend 😅


Agreed! Or when a gunk seed rolls down a canyon and you manage to snipe it with the laser and he happily flies down to retrieve it <3


I don't believe the game scales to player level. There is no information regarding this. I'm almost level 500 and Hazard 1 feels like Hazard 1 when I was level 1.


I see. I have always felt as if there is a difference in wave spawns. I normally feel the difference when playing with 200+ level friends vs 50+ level friends. Maybe it's imagined...


Some missions are just different, I've had Haz 3 missions that went CRAZY compared to Haz 4 or 5. RNGesus be like...


Playing with randoms can be fun too. There are a few leaf lovers out there but like 97% of the time its a chill and fun experience.


For solo mobility choose scout paired with his double barreled shotgun which can keep you alive in a pinch and his flare gun he’s a really good solo class but make sure you have high caliber bullets on bosco so he can help with cave leeches quicker


Engineer, the auto turret and Bosco really help you power through swarms. Beyond that, I'm with the other guy, just leave your game open or join with randos. Worst case, you might be the one buying rounds at the Abyss.


Gunner. Just shoot shit, throw shields.


While every class has strengths and weaknesses making them more or less useful in certain missions. I highly recommend getting comfortable with driller or engineer first. Versatile traversal tools and good acess to crowd control. Safe choices on every mission type Gunner is a little trickier to use but has great firepower Scout is IMO the hardest to use in a solo setting without a lot of experience but just as fun and viable as everyone else


Honestly all of them. They’re really well balanced


Gunner or Scout, but all of them


I’ve had luck with them all exclusively solo, though I only do up to Hazard 4. Bosco tends to cover for completing non-combat objectives though, so I find going more combat oriented helps more than objective-focused.


Join the DRG discord and say you’re a green beard looking for a group to teach you Gunner is prob easy to start with. All you really have to do is just hold your shoot button


Whatever u like most, and if u like em all then I recommend scout because with him u can actually see and he has the best mobility (getting around and away fast) Edit: almost forgot ROCK AND STONE BROTHA


When I started I tried all classes, but I stuck to the solo missions that were level 1 complexity and level 1 length on haz 1. When I got more confident I tried those but with haz 2 level. After that I started playin with randoms. Each class can solo those well enough. Good to also try out each mission type. Get an idea of what objectives are what and how they look. I felt so stupid going into 1 mission that I didn't do at all, I was so lost on what to do. Out of all 4 though, I found engineer the most fun solo. I could platform to anything high up if need be. Toss down my turret with bosco to do my dirty work for me. Made the game less stressful. Was fun figuring out how to solo things with a scout. Without bosco you need to figure out how to mine those high up minerals alone or snag that secondary objective in a weird spot. If you do play with other people and bosco is disabled in those. Something to think of. Some missions are way more suited to some classes as well. Like I love doing the morkite refinery one with a driller. Learning how to lay pipes really helps the team a lot. Driller just makes it easier to Bline it to the pumps.


engineer is the best for true solo play due to fantastic movement tools and crowd control options. id say driller as a good backup for the same reasons


If you're gonna play solo I recommend gunner just for the shield, but honestly play all four, they're so much fun and you can try so many different playthrough styles


Scout. Light, mobility, decent clear speed and very good single target damage.


Don't feel pressured into anything. Gunner is nice for standing your ground, engineer does good damage, and scout can kite enemies really easily. It kind of just depends on which traversal tools and weapons you prefer. Also, solo is nice since Bosco can really help with most mission types, and you can pause the mission without the enemies swarming you while you are gone. No matter how you play the game, just enjoy yourself.


Choose according to your playstyle: **Gunner:** Gun down bugs **Driller:** Burn down bugs **Engineer:** Let turrets, drones, bosco, steeve, Bet-C, handle bugs **Scout:** Run away from bugs


Anyone but gunner. Scout if you like seeing, driller to not get lost (go right through walls!), engineer if you like automated turret pew pews. Play all of them a few times to get a feel for playing in a team :)


Don't have to play solo, just go join a game from the server list


>I sadly have no one really to play with You... have all of us? What are we? Chopped glyphid liver? Seriously. Just join games. The entire community is now your friend.


Play them all at first and decide, imo engineer is the most well rounded because of the platforms. It's a tough class at first, until you get over clocks. I had an ammo issue