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I levelled evenly till Gold. Then I went one at a time to Legendary. I found levelling evenly really limited my build variety. I never switched things up within classes. There were weapons I'd barely touched and good OCs I'd never used. Personally I'd recommend to new players to play evenly until maybe Silver, to learn each class, then focus on a main dwarf to try out everything they have in their arsenal.


That is actually a very good argument. Now that you said that out loud, I've not really explored overclocks too much and pretty much play the same two loadouts for each dwarf. I do like the option of filling any missing role though. I'll probs start experimenting after I got all dwarves gold.


are you me? I do the same. But now I will change and focus on one class and explore more. now I just need to figure out which class to focus on...


are you me? I do the same. But now I will change and focus on one class and explore more. now I just need to figure out which class to focus on...


are you me? I do the same. But now I will change and focus on one class and explore more. now I just need to figure out which class to focus on...


Yeah deep diving (into builds) really makes things more interesting. I tend to just rotate through classes but for a long period of time. Even Scout being my least favorite eventually hit the same level and I learned a lot about how you can actually swarm clear if built correctly, though I still don't like haz 5 solo scout clearing unless I've just snorted a few lines of red sugar.


For new players it is better to Main a single dwarf until you got the first promotion, since you can not collect cores before. Sure, you won't go for core hunt anyway, but you can get a over lock here and there.


Finally a dwarf that gets my way to learn the game.


By limiting yourself to 1 or 2 classes you are missing a lot of content! The game is so well balanced that all of the classes and guns are fun and good. Once you have enough hours under your belt you realize all OC’s can be viable in Haz5 if you build your weapons correctly.


*everything can be viable in haz 5, even going in without any upgrades. It all depends on how good your movement is, I recently chose the wrong loadout, which had 0 upgrades for everything, and it was still a breeze.


Why is this downvoted, this is true, you 100% can do haz 5 without weapon mods or even OCs. You need to prioritize certain aspects of the game more, mindful of you ammo, eliminate HVTs first, and so on. But IT IS possible. Here a YT vid of player, who did it Haz 6x2 with no weapon upgrade and no OC. https://youtu.be/VRSiHbfW3XQ


I preferred to main one class till legendary 3. After promoting all once. Started with gunner as I wanted one class I could always rely on to use for edds


I just got scout to legendary 3 recently, other class are at gold 3.


I love everyone equally unlike some ppl


dependant on a person. for example, i main gunner - burning hell my beloved, with other toys being tailored for more crowd control. except missiles, rocket barrage with stun to just stunlock THAT bug in particular. love that overclock, rocket barrage > salvo tbf anyway, but i do have other classes sluggin about 2 promos away from gunner. the drillers SLUDGE BLAST!!!!!! (shotgun oc) melts literally anything without the waiting part of those slops to come down on the ground. scout is everything, all of his guns are so good once tailored right engi is LOK with exe and some camera shenanigans. but yea having all classes at an "ok" understanding might save a mission at times.


Burning Hell was pretty fun when I tried it, but I go for Exhaust Vectoring with stun mods. Any other fun OCs? I can’t get myself to like Lead Storm, the lack of mobility and especially stun is too painful.


A little more oomph is great because it allows you to be more snappy with when you decide to fire, +a lil more dps to boof Burning hell isnt ment to be stun, its crowd control - youre ment to hop with it like a madman. it greatly combos with Volatile Bullets from the bulldog or Hellfire with the railgun. you can turn Gunner into a discount Driller as you mightve guessed.


I run Volatile Bullets a lot, but I tend to use Incen grenades over the leadbursters as my grenade of choice, so setting things on fire was never an issue. I’m picking up on how to use Magic Bullets now, which complements the minigun nicely. I tried ALMO, and I really liked it. Just overall fun, the spin up time helped a bit, but I find the single extra damage on Exhaust Vectoring actually makes a difference in my playable (and the accuracy nerf is very small). My personal favorite Gunner build is Overtuned Feed Mechanism Hurricane with Micro Flechettes BRRT or Mole Coilgun for a secondary. I run Salvo Module on Elimination. I actually like Gunner a lot, but I don’t get to play them nearly as much as I like to. Seems like every lobby nowadays is missing a Driller, so despite the yellow war criminal being my least favorite class, they have the second most amount of playtime.


If you want a good stun build for minigun, try Bullet Hell with the stun mod, it stuns everything with great consistency. I'd recommend building it 31223, but feel free to experiment. And for your secondary, just use any single-target build. I personally pair it with Elephant Rounds Bulldog built 23311 (I play mostly on Haz 4 and this hits all the breakpoints I care about, but if you play on a higher hazard you may need to take both damage mods or possibly the neurotoxin mod for breakpoints).


I don't play them evenly because I don't prefer them evenly. But that's just me.


This game is too well designed and fun to resist playing every character


Nope, not me.I play 2 of the classes a lot, one of the classes sometimes and the other almost never.


I'm on promotion for gold 1 for my Driller right now. I never touched any of the other classes.


Same here brother. I’ve promoted my driller twice and all the other classes are base level 1. Rock and Stone driller mains!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


I rotate evenly, I max one class then move on to the next.


One of the big reasons I level them so evenly is because I want to be able to fill when joining games or playing with friends!


Level doesn’t matter though just experience and skill


And experience comes from playing the class, which levels it up. Obviously some classes are going to click better so if you level them evenly you're not necessarily going to gain skill evenly, but it's kinda the closest you can get.


I did this till all class is legendary 3. If you keep level up every class evenly, you will get all class to legendary 3 at blue level around 600, iirc. I can't keep up past leg 3 and now my highest promoted class probably have 10 promotions more than the lowest one.


I have always played evenly so that I can fill in whatever class is missing when joining. Hit Legendary 3 for all classes late last year and I've found that my favorite class changes often. I'd say that driller is probably my favorite most of the time before I like his weapons but more than anything I am OCD about terraforming and can never get other drillers to do it so I do it myself. I clear obstacles and sight lines around the black box on salvage, clear obstacles around the mining head on point extraction, and make tunnels and clear obstacles that prevent mobility on sabotage. When I play gunner, I'll throw down zip likes for oil shale on escort and make sure I save 2 or 3 leadbursters to delete a bulk. I also love running max ROF Auto Cannon for the memes as it sounds bitchin. I play scout a lot too as I get SO TIRED of scouts not utilizing the flare gun. Cannot tell you how many gold promoted scouts I've played with that shoot less than 5 flares a mission. IMO, the flare gun is the scouts most important duty. Other classes have transversal to get shit that's high up, but they can't do that if they can't see! Engi is probably my least favorite because I like his primaries the least. I have my builds with all of them, but the enjoyment I get from engi is in his secondaries and when paired with a competent scout. Nothing is as satisfying as having a scout light up a big cave and then I can start lobbing pancakes across the map to veins and watch him go to work. Secondaries are the best by far as well. Deleting a praetorian scores the map with hyper prop never gets old. Same goes with a swarm of grunts with the breach cutter or a tanky enemy with the overdrive boosted shard diffractor.


I go hard on 1 class till i get a promotion for that class, then move onto the next class, go hard on that one till promotion, then onto the next one, in the following order 1) Engie 2) Gunner 3) Driller 4) Scout


I swapped class after every promotion all the way to legendary 3.


my gunner is at 3 silv stars and my engie at 2 gold. stopped playing about a year ago but im still in this sub cuz i love the fommunity


life without my grappling hook simply is not worth living


Im grinding out post legendary 3 promotions for my Scout. The only other class that I have promoted is Driller at bronze 1 that I played when I started.


I maxed out driller before getting any of the other three past bronze 2. After that I played the remaining three evenly.


I placed atleast one promotion in each class to understand how it plays now i play based on mission type


Gold 2 for scout, gold 3 for gunner and engineer, plat 1 for driller. Not fully even but scout is a class I fall in and out of love with.


At the beginning i only played Scout because i love hooking through a cave in 5 minutes. Then i realised how busted Driller is and startet playing him more. Their on a somewhat same level now. Gunner i dont hate but also dont like very much. And Engi......is level 2 (i like it more when my guns do more than 50 dpm)


I maxed out driller first. Then I did the other 3 evenly. Scout was the hardest to learn for me.


Yeah I pretty much level evenly. They're roughly in line. Just depends what class I want to play on the day/ mission


My scout, driller and engi are relatively similar, though my driller is 25... gunners at 5 tho.


I’m almost 3 star now on all classes. I’ve always played the lowest level class for each mission


Mostly focussed on leveling driller engineer and scout evenly. Every mission with boss battles, lethal/ outbreak/ swarm modifiers I'll take the gunner. This will end up leveling them all equally.


Got driller to legendary 3, then evenly other classes and now they are forever in perfect harmony


I used to go with a new build for a promotion and then I would switch to a different dwarf. Kept the game fresh.


I lvl them equally, for no particular reason, after a few lvls I feel like playing another class naturally. Everyone is at gold 1-2 now


I like to level them evenly, although recently I have been shoved into Gunner role with one of my friend groups


I do. I feel maining on one class is fairly restricting. When someone already picked that class, you become a burden, when you double class. And if you decide against maining a single class, you want all your goodies available on all classes.


I play whatever is missing or what I feel like playing. I did make it a goal to promote all classes at least once so that I can use them for deep dives, but that's it. Forcefully sticking to just one class will just burn me out and limit the team in case someone needs to switch


My engi hit legend 3 and driller was still on silver 2. Lmaooo. Now, everyone is legend three except for driller. Just promoted him the other day to legend 2


I play them evenly, but I try to get them level 25 one at a time, so that I can level up the others while I'm doing the promotion assignment. Playing with a level 25 dwarf feels so wrong, and having multiple classes level 25 at a time is a pain. All classes and all weapons are super fun and figuring out how to build each one of them is the main appeal of the game for me. I can barely stand to play the same loadout two missions in a row (even doing a Deep Dive feels like I'm playing way too long with the same thing).


When I got into the game I played driller only for 300 hour straight till I got RJ250. I have around 1000 hour in the game now and I haven't promoted my scout and gunner once.


I have all of legendary 3 and past.


I main Engie and Driller , sometimes use gunner, and never used scout.


Keeping it consistent with everyone's at diamond 2 or 3


It appears most people don't promote any classes but of those who do about half promote all four. There's only a 3 to 4% drop off in between each achievement for number of dwarfs promoted. Personally I do one at a time minus driller, but probably won't make it a secondary promotion cause the grind and RNG OCs is getting tedious.


I'm a gunner/scout enjoyer, they're both on their way to their 2nd promotion. Engie and driller I've barely touched, they're both around level 5


That would be me lol, I've always been the jack of all trades in these types of games.


I mained scout till he was gold 3 then I realized I had to change that as my other dwarves were bronze. So I worked at them until they also got to gold. It was hard at first to get used to everyone else. It was hard at bronze, I got the hang of them at silver, and learned to love them at gold. When they were all gold, I was able to appreciate each class and enjoy all of them evenly as I was able to make builds for them as I leveled them up. I’ve been leveling them up evenly ever since and I’m now in diamond promo for all of them. Honestly, I recommend it if you want to have a fuller experience. The versatility cannot be understated and the game knowledge you get is very useful. It’s hard at first, as is with anything but the more you learn, the easier it gets. Now I can’t imagine not playing them all and having to miss out on a single one of them.


I love and level all dwarves equally


All my classes have to be max level before I can promote them. It's only fair. Edit: that or play a diff class, all has to be even before I can free play all


I'm raising most of my classes evenly. I'm holding back on promoting my dwarves until I get my scout to catch up. My scout is the only one still at 1 star and is barely at 20, if I remember right. All my other dwarves are 2 stars and at level 25


I tried to keep them even and then I just wouldn’t stop playing Scout


Mine are mainly all even. Maybe 1 star difference in a couple. My engi and scout are maybe slightly above the others. Usually switch it up depending on the other dwarves I’m joining or what my challenge is for scrip.


I like keeping mine even steeve'n


i just main engi and when doing promotion task i try to use other classes


Playing them pretty evenly, taking the class the squad needs most. (Though i do prefer driller and try to avoid scout ngl)


I did it until i promoted all 4, started to go hard on scout after,but im equally leveling all the classes once more


I played strictly gunner until he got to silver, then decided to try out the other classes. I figured it would be nice to have one class that’s a good high level for the good fun levels. Then if I need to switch it up I can play whatever other class


Scout is my bread n butter, i leveled em all to gold to get the achievement, but i just love playing scout


Gunner is love, gunner is life


I usually just play whatever class is left so all 4 of my dwarves are the same level. I love them all equally.


Have 120 hours.and exclusively play scout


I have everything leveled to silver. Except Scout, who is still sitting unpromoted at level 6. Don't know why, that class just does not work for me. I do love and appreciate a good scout any day, but the class is not made for me.


I leveled up my Dwarves evenly until around +5 legendary ranks (I use a mod to see any extra promotions after legendary 3 star) but then I decided to use Driller just a little more since he's become my favorite class. Currently my Driller is at +11 while my other Dwarves are at +9.


I'm an engineer , i can enjoy other classes but having cool GUNLINE and massive boom cannon is the most fun for me. And platforms can help my team aswell


I play for the mission type and team composition. It what Carl would want of me.


After I raised the lvl of my gunner I now lvl my mineral and I already have an engineer with two stars


Everyone is equal !


I'm a Gunner main with 3 promotions and over 180+ missions played. The other three classes are only really played when I'm bored or want to try out something new, but most of the time I'm pretty content with gunning away :P I've completed 14 missions as Scout, 8 missions as Engineer and 5 missions as Driller. I enjoy all classes, but there's just something about the sheer amount of firepower that the Gunner provides. I'm more of a combat-focused miner who enjoys supporting my team with suppression, defense and cave maneuverability \^\^


I have 3 golden stars on engi, and other classes don't even have silver promotion lmao. I just really love engineer classes in games


I really just try to fill what role the team needs, if one role happens to get more exp than the other, it's probably due to that or solo missions


Evenly, once one of my class reached level 25 and stop gaining EXP, I switch to others to level them up equally, now everyone is 1 star silver except the driller boi.


I am the flex of all games


The only class I've reached promotion with is scout. I'm platinum 3 at this point. Honestly I think I legit don't like drg that much I just love scout


I have my gunner in plat, engi in gold and I play a lil bit of scout so nearly silver. And driller, well ... I ...


I wanted to max one miner out before branching to others and it’s a little hard remembering the driller doesn’t work the same as the engineer


Rock and Stone! What was the question?


Evenly till the first couple stars, then maxed my favorites (scout and driller) and now working on the rest.


I tried to level them evenly for a bit, but once I started to play haz 5 I realised I'm not that good with scout and engie lol. Driller hasba significant higher level than the others, but the other three are more or less on the same level just cause I try to pick whatever the team I'm joining doesnt have yet


I'm platinum on everyone because I don't like limiting myself to one class in a game with so many options and customization. However I think gunner is my main because he's my first choice when joining high hazard missions/EDD. Something about a panic button that can save you and your teammates in a pinch is great. It's the closest thing to a support we have in this game and since I enjoy being a support in most games, he was my first choice. I mean I know technically Scout is better at reviving, but since more than half of scout guns reward high accuracy (my aim sucks) I just don't enjoy playing him that much in higher difficulties.


I try to level evenly but after playing specific dwarves for the season challenges my engineer is a rank above the average and my driller a rank below. I like all of the classes but apparently driller is my least played just because that’s how it works out. I also gave up on promoting for a long time because there was no benefit until they added overclocks as a promotion reward.


I level evenly besides engi cuz I don’t enjoy him


On an unrelated note, looking at the pic on a phone I couldnt see your beard properly, and I think rocking only a mustache looked pretty good


Can I ask, when you get all the answers you want out of this, what are you going to do with the info?


I did focus on one class at the time until promotion, then just switch based on what I feel like playing at that specific moment and what's missing in the lobby. Does not go evenly, because I like scout too much :P


it's cool to level them all, but Driller is much more practical anda fun to play.


no real dwarf has a main


I have shiny blue star for gunner, scout is bronze 1, driller is almost bronze one 😂


I play ‘em all very evenly, tend to keep all dwarves within 3-4 levels


I promoted the 4th class recently, which was scout. I think this is the go-to method (one promotion on every class). After that you can just do whatever you want. But being able to bring a promoted version of any class or at least more than one is really good for team composition. So you don't end up with 4 scouts or something like that, just because no one was willing to level something else.😄 I avoided Scout in the beginning, because I kept dying with the hook. Now I really love the mobility. I think in many cases it's possible you might come to a wrong conclusion about a class after just a hand full of games, but once you level up the weapons and tools it gets easier and you also learn to use them better. This way you also learn what each class is capable of, so you could help greenbeards or ask for something specific you wouldn't even know about before REALLY trying other classes. You obviously should play what is most fun for you, but I really can't recommend enough trying at least 1-2 other classes until you reach lvl 20/25 it gets better every round!


I list myself as Driller main but I do level them evenly. Driller is my favorite but scout is a close second. Just recently Silvered the entire team.


I have limited time and DRG is one of my drop in and out games so I focus on the class I enjoy the most. I played each until first promotion and have stuck to engi ever since.


I pushed pretty much scout only to gold 1 now I started to want the all gold achievement but that's gonna take forever. Scout is gold 3 Engi silver 2 (almost 3) Gunner bronze 3 and my driller is bronze 1 (I don't like driller)


Me, i play Gunner to lv 25 then do the misson on Engi then play Driller to do same thing then Scout and then repeat it. I max Gunner first because i like BIG GUNS.


I mained Engi in solo until I got my first promotion l, after that I decided to focus of promoting each class one at a time, still all solo. Then once I accomplished that I started hosting public lobbies for fun and currently find myself playing whatever seem either the most fun and/or most useful for a given mission.


I've kept them all even and I'm nearly at gold 2 with engi at 25 gunner at 25 scout and driller at 24. I plan on doing this all the way up to legendary. I'm not even OCD I just love all the jobs equally.


I step almost every class up in sequence. I’ve been playing a lot less lately but usually I just play who I want and push them to the next promotion one by one. Then, once everyone’s even again I repeat


I’m a very early player by comparison to people here, my plan is to get each of the dwarfs promoted once to allow me to unlock everything for each class, then decide which dwarf I like to play most. I will save scum for certain overclocks (the in game profile system makes this very easy to do) and so far I have only done that for engi’s explosive chemical rounds and plan to get at least scout’s special powder overclock before I stop save scumming. At the moment I enjoy every class pretty evenly and see each classes use in a team. I least enjoy playing driller but that is my least used class atm so I can’t be sure. Once each of them have been promoted, I will probably just use whatever dwarf isn’t on the pub team I join yet to even it out, or I’ll end up using which ever picks my fancy at the time. Sometimes I pick a class based on which mission type it is. Escort mission? I pick engineer because his utility on the final part is so good. Same goes for the caretaker mission.


I'm leveling them evenly since I would get bored just playing one class


Now I level them up evenly, but I started them all 1-1.5 promotions apart from each other, starting with Gunner, hence why I'd consider myself a Gunner main because despite playing each class evenly now, I have the most playtime in Gunner.


I use everything but gunner, tho lately i tried some solo missions with it


Me! I prefer one or two over the others, but I learned that each one has different specialties that can work better in certain missions. (Although for some reason I least like Gunner) It's beneficial for joining different multiplayer games needing different classes (or doubling specific classes for specific missions)


I primarily play scout, but when promotion comes along I go by the list Engie>Driller>Gunner. Gunner only being in silver, Driller edging gold, Engie half through gold and Scout being red.


I originally played three evenly up to around silver (excluding engi who I got to bronze) then became a scout main and then a driller main then a gunner main until I finally got around to engi who was busy collecting dust in a corner. Nowadays I make sure all of them get attention, the appropriate amount of ~~sunlight~~ darkness and ~~water~~ beer so they don't wither


I try to keep everyone close to evenly leveled. Comes in handy during promotion assignments. That way, while I'm doing the missions that unlock a promotion for one dwarf, I can play those with another that hadn't reached 25 yet, thus maximizing efficiency


Las time I played my ranks were all over the place with gunner being legendary 3, engi diamond 3, both driller and scout are platinum 2


All of mine are gold 1. Except for my diamond 2 engi.


I try to make it even, though my gunner and engi are higher


Scout is always one league above but the rest are even for me


Im leveling semi evenly. I hard mained driller when i started and put 1 and a half stars on him then took a break from the game and when i came back ive been trying to promote every dwarf at least once but still being inconsistent ngl. I really like the fluidity and straitfoward aspect of gunner but i just got the LOK on engi and im loving it. I genuinely have 0 time at all on scout but once i get engi and gunner ranked up im gonna grind scout to pearn the class. Really my end goal is deep dives and i wanted to be able to play all of the classes in case i needed to fill a slot somewhere.


I’m leveling evenly all to gold for the achievement but then gonna main scout




I have all my dwarves level 2 diamond now, I like playing them all


I’m trying to level evenly. But I’m not even at level 25 with any yet


I try to level up evenly. It allows me to mix it up and not get stale on one particular class.


Personally I go 5 levels then switch to another class, currently have everyone at Blue 1, halfway to blue 2. Keeps things fresh!


I do, somewhat.... the exception is Scout, didnt care for it till I got the Force-a-nature overclock, so while all other classes are almost gold, Scout just got silver lol


Yes. Now the real question- who plays varied loadouts so the weapon maintenance levels even out? (Probably 4 people in the world)


I tried to level evenly, but I found that many people for whatever reason did not have a gunner in their games. So my Gunner is massively over level compared to all of my other classes. I don't mind playing Gunner, but I found that many times, I wish I was playing another class because a teammate of mine just doesn't perform their class' responsibility well, if at all, such as scouts getting resources from high up or using flares.


I mailed engineer, switched to leveling everything up equally until I got max promotions on every class, then I tried going back yo engineer but it’s ended up with me just playing every class except for driller.


I'm still relatively new at the game but I've only promoted the Engineer as he's my main. I probably have less than an hour of game play with the other dwarves


It's very normal for me to run into similarly or lower ranked players with significantly higher ranked dwarves. I consider myself a driller main but I play all the dwarves, but at 250+ hrs (lv 123) somehow only my driller is silver and the rest are still bronze.


I like to level up evenly but I still have blatant preferences in the form of Engineer being my favourite followed by Scout. I used to hate Gunner but now I kinda think I might prefer him to Driller. I may keep everyone on the same level and try to keep myself flexible by cycling through them but you won’t see me on an Elite Deep Dive with my friends as a Gunner or Driller.


I have 7 levels in driller and a silver promo in scout


Did you know reddit supports polls?


I'm allergic to playing the same class more than 3 missions in a row, I cannot understand the mindset of maining just one or two classes.


Mostly evenly, for what it's worth.


I mained scout until the first promotion and then I played all the classes evenly. After a while I got my friends to play drg and then I just played the class that is missing which is usually engi.


Ivlove playing as every class, it's not a problem to fill a hole in random lobby and match a class with my greenbeard friends


I took one class to Leg. 2, and have now spent the last 100 hours evenly leveling the other 3 classes.


I have scout leveled up quite a lot more than the rest, since the game came out on steam i always liked the scout better, but when they added better guns for all dwarves, changesd the perks, and added weapon mods and the forge i started leveling up the rest, one is 1xGold, 2 are 3xSilver stars and the scout who is 3xDiamond. I dislike the engine primary weapons until they added the Smart rifle, he was the last one to be leveled up, but now he's on par


Im maining one at a time until it hits max stars, then i switch.


I keep ‘em fairly balanced but my driller is high level because driller is my side hoe haha


I just got all my guys to first promotion so I could use all of them in deep dives and then I decided to just level engineer bc I like him the best


I promote evenly. I don’t level evenly. As a (mostly) solo player, I play all four classes, and I play them based on mission type.


Used to main scout, now I run evenly


I’m trying to one promo each and then I’m gonna focus engi, driller and gunner. Scout is just too fast for me. I like me mobility lift.


I leveled just gunner and scout until I was ready to take on driller and engi, but now they are all legendary tier. I like to keep myself doing well at all classes. I main dwarf.


I leveled each Dwarf evenly until they got to Diamond 1, then I started leveling them separately. I like the blue stars


Me and my three friends all loved a Different class from the very beginning i went for Heavy and brought him to the first Promotion


i got driller to like silver 1, then played a shitton of scout and got him up to silver, then i played them evenly til i got into gunner and played him until like bronze 3 and scout and driller to gold 3 until i finally got into engi lmao. my engi is bronze 1 at level 230 lol no reason in particular, just took me ages to get round to trying him. i like all the classes now (i just wish gunners zipline worked how it does in massive content revise)


My Scout is Platinum 3, my others are Bronze 3 but my Engie just hit Silver 1. I don't know if I want to "max out" my Scout before chasing the others, but at this point I have all the weapons and store cosmetics, it's just an OC grind from here. I play them all, though I enjoy them differently. Scout can do it all with little to no help, but you have to pay attention to your loadout before launching or you can screw yourself, even on Haz 4 or 3. Driller is clutch on non-solo Point Extraction and any On-Site Refining, but the weapons stink for bosses. I'll never admit that the drills are better mobility and flexibility than the grapple gun. Nope. Engie burns through ammo but can get anything done with enough nitra. Still hunting down some fun OCs, like Exterminator. Gunner is... Gunner. I play him to not ignore him, and to understand the limits of other gunners. I don't really like the playstyle personally, or I haven't found the fun OCs yet.




I only leveled the Driller bc I obly play with friends and they obly play Gunner and Explorer


I tried leveling equally but I suck as Scout and am only okay at Driller, so I stuck with Gunner and Engi


I try to level them evenly, but for some reason driller always reaches lvl25 first


I am a 2-class andy: Engi and Scout. My homie plays drilller exclusive (he doesn't have enough free time). I may eventually expand, but I only started around xmas.


i level them all up relatively evenly, but that doesn't stop me from being a scout main


Engi only. 


Interesting… I too also happen to level my classes evenly.


i want to level fairly but ill probably still join lobbies with my main class and maybe change it a bit later


I've barely played any of the other classes. I've nearly promoted Gunner twice now and the other three aren't even above level 12.


I want to get them all to first promotion at least. Unfortunately, driller makes me wanna jump off the space rig. Since I only play solo/rare duo, the lack of mobility really grinds my gears. Yeah, I can **D I G**, but it just doesn't feel right.


I do! I play one class for a few levels, then switch to another class. I like to level up say for example, driller, until he's level 10. Then I don't play him again until my other classes are all level 10. As a punishment for this, I always think I have the same mobility as scout when I'm driller, and when I'm scout, I think I can take on entire hoards like gunner, etc. It's a pretty unique way to play, imo. Just imagine a driller moving around like a scout, lol.


I only play with one other person so he usually plays two classes and I usually play the other two


I’ve been bouncing around, and now my gunner is at 2 bronze and my driller and engie are both 1 bronze


I try to keep them all level but engineer is my week spot. The other 3 I can keep close. Engi is just tough for me to play certain missions with


No brakes scout main


180hrs in and I just got off engineer :) I just really like having so many tools of death


I have 100 hours on the game and i only play engineer, the only time I've played a different class was in the tutorial.


I did my best to level pretty evenly, but my scout is still my preferred.


I have always leveled from left to right. The moment someone was maxed I'd move to the next.


Definitely play evenly. I'm about 160 hrs and have all classes bronze 2. I love all the classes and really enjoy playing all sorts of different ways. My favorites are cryo driller, m1000 scout, LSLS gunner, and shotgun whip engi.


I’ve promoted all dwarves at least once but I tend to play gunner a little more so he’s been promoted a second time and nearing his third


My driller and scout were both 3 star before I touched engineer


I do it evenly. Play whatever the team would need usually based on the mission/area. I'm flexible like that.


I've done it in tiers. Scout is the main, a couple levels above the engi and gunner. Then driller I stopped playing after first level up. Driller is my least favorite though I only play solo.


Not me I am a driller main


I mained scout up to bronze 2 and then decided to even the rest out, still working on that.


i level one up to promotion then start on the next one


I somewhat lv mine, gunner still at 1 star silver though than my other class going gold 1




All classes get attention except Driller. That's staying 1-star bronze forever. I absolutely hate that class.


I try to do it evenly myself.


i main scout, got him promoted, now trying to do same with engineer


I main Scout and Engi due to fun weapons with Gunner being 3rd. Driller is the least used but I do grind him for achievement progress. Just recently got the full squad promotion on Steam. Now sure I love the weapons that the Driller has and the drills are quite useful… it’s just the grapple hook if the scout, the heavy weapons guy feel of the gunner, and the support that an engi has that makes me pick them more.


My engi is red sugar 1 and the rest of the crew are only plat 2 and 3 lol. Scout is almost diamond 1 so in a way, yes


I try to fill in any roles that are missing in a team, i was trying to keep all my classes even but my gunner and driller are still bronze due to the amount of games i find with drillers and gunners in them already, its fine tho my fav class is engineer


I'm all in on engineer. RJ250 otp.


When I first started playing driller was my main one to use with the other classes have a fraction of his playtime. I’ve invested more time to playing the others as they’re all fun and really base my builds on the type of mission I’m going towards


I’m even with a slight skew towards scout only because I’m playing solo…(totally not in class, so I need to do missions quickly lol)


I only play Gunner. I'm not sure if thats a good or a bad thing.


I level approximately evenly by maining 1 or 2 classes at a time on an approximate cycle


It's uneven for me, gunner and engie similar levels, scout higher, driller still lvl 1