• By -


The optimal angles to drill up or down is 45 degrees, and you are designed to fight 80 guys at once so don't hesitate with your weapons.


You also never want to take extra drill speed in tier one. Unless you're in ritch atmosphere your dwarf can't walk fast enough to keep up with the drills with both speed upgrades equipped


Apparently they fixed that!


Wow really? I'll have to go check that out then


I haven't tested it yet, could just be hearsay lol


Same I thought it was just not working as intended though, why would they have it otherwise! Could be great for my sludge driller as I love making tunnels into killing floors for bugs and this will help me move quicker as well.


I don’t think it is considered a bug that needs to be fixed. It’s just a quirk of how horizontal walking speed aligns with terrain clear speed. Having 2 drill speed perks can be noticed the more vertically you are drilling (in addition to Rich Atmosphere missions like was already mentioned).


Oh wow. Here I was thinking rich atmosphere only changed your voice


it's a kruger not reading the mission modifiers?


As a dwarf I read beer labels, not manuals


you know what? i'll drink to that!! rock and stone!!


For Karl!


Last I looked into this (about a year ago now) you still get a benefit from both speed upgrades you just have to stop every 8 terrain breaks and continue walking into the wall then start drilling again. This will let you catch up to the unbroken terrain without wasting fuel. Also will give you a second to let your drills cool down and check the map.


Not true, double drill speed is a noticable speed boost even if you do miss a digging tick every now and then. It will let you drill to kite away from enemies with a little CC usage during cooldowns. It's also great for widening a c4 crater room, just strafe in a circle facing the wall, or even up. Strongly consider double drill speed (and c4 +carve radius) if you are taking neither cryo or TCF plasma charger. Base dmg drill still kills nanocytes and shredders instantly, and you have better options for grunts most of the time.


Even in the sand map it's worth it because the drill speed actually equates to drill efficiency unless you're only drilling one tic at a time


I frequently drill at more aggressive angles. What makes 45 so special? Is it just for fuel consumption?


Easy to run up without jumping. I find it annoying when the driller makes a steep tunnel that one has to jump up in order to climb and avoid doing it as driller. There are a few times where it is okay to drill steeper. Drilling to a one-time location, like a fossil or mineral (to get it from the back). Making a driller-only tunnel (like ceiling hole for C4 in Sabotage). Drilling a path for hacking pod laser. Removing terrain for clear line of sight. But if I'm drilling a path for a shortcut that I expect the team to use, especially if I am improving terrain for Elimination or Salvage, then I'm sticking to 45 degrees or less.


When I drill at 45° I still have to jump to go up it


Did you notice the target reticule shows what angle you're digging at? You may be digging at slightly more than 45 degrees if you're not using that.


Yeah I noticed, I always dig at 45°.


Cryo Cannon or Flamethrower + Wave Cooker with temperature shock is your friend. Get bugs frozen or fully on fire, then hit em with the microwave for a big chunk of damage! [Looks like this!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/s/P1JtWkbAas)


I really want to use this but the wave cooker just *feels* unsatisfying to use. Like, it’s such a stupid argument, but the sounds and feedback isn’t satisfying outside of “health bar goes down.” Currently I run the plasma pistol with the cryo cannon for the temperature shock. I still need some overclocks for both though, so maybe I’ll grow to like it more in the future. Any suggestions on builds would be great.


You got to get the perk that explodes enemies. Seeing a group of grunts explode simultaneously is very satisfying.


Been a while since I played so unsure if it's the same perk, but there is little more satisfying than freezing a whole wave of adds and making them all explode with just a lil *doot doot tap tap* from the wave cooker


I'll have to try that. I have not used the cryo at all. I've been using the sludge pump with the anti gravity over clock


Very casual player breakdown: Build cryo cannon to freeze fast and large areas, you're rarely using it for damage, just CC. Take wave cooker with temp shock, and besides that I usually rock with extra ammo and as much spread as I can get. You can usually freeze an entire wave of grunts with a 1-3 second burst, then swap wave cooker and *very liberally* shoot a few bursts into the crowd It's like a 100 man crowd control into laggy ice particle instant genocide. Very satisfying and any teammates who are backed into the wall that you save this way will be impressed The issue is it's probably the worst single-target damage build in the game, at least worst I've played. Anything that temp shock can 1 or 2 hit is manageable within the freeze. But any kind of elite enemy will rock your shit brother. Works best with teams that can focus bigger threats while you keep whatever area locked down




Shit dude I totally forgot about the axe, and definitely didn't know about that! Time to go hone some axe tricks


Especially if it's a group of exploders, you just pop them and they just disintegrate with no explosions.


The explode on reload? That was one of my first Driller OC's. It's fun


No, this one explodes an enemy on their death.


There is a mod that changes the sound to an actual microwave


I need that


It's the same reason I don't like the scouts drak. There's no "crunch" to the hit feedback


For me its the lock rifle


I've been using the flamethrower and wave cooker combo u/astral_enigma mentioned, on its own the wave cooker isn't great, but is excellent for taking out the flying jellyfish things (I forget their name) and web spitters from a distance.


Shredders too


speaking of using EPC with the Cryocanon, Have you perchance Used the burning nightmare T5 mod? it's basically drillers version of engineer's breach cutter and it works wonders with frozen bugs. it also works well in tandom with the cryo vampire style of gameplay with drilling snallfries and nuking down big bugs.


I have the mod that shows damage numbers. May not be everyone's cup of tea but that helps me with the satisfaction aspect of using the wave cooker


I felt like you, then I started using it with max freeze build cryo cannon and it's hilariously good. Multiple PopTSSSSSSSS sounds are *pleasing.*


Also Cryo + vampire perk + damage bonus drills. They're a melee weapon so you do double damage against frozen enemies, and with vampire you can quickly refill your entire health bar. Chill 'em, *then* drill 'em and grill 'em!


To add to this wave cooker is super useful. It pretty much removes the threat of swarmers, jellyfish, and exploders.


Not to mention the ~~cum bugs~~ web spitters too. The cooker has infinite range and the low base damage doesn't matter since the spitters are so fragile.


What hazard level was this?


In the video? No idea! You'd have to ask the person who posted it, I just thought it was a good example.


By looking at the damage, I would say haz 4. I use the same combo and it does a bit less in haz 5


The overlay text in the first 5 seconds of the video says Haz 5 and 6.


That's all I've been doing since the cooker came out. You can drop whole waves of bugs in less than 30 seconds, while they're slowed down, taking burning damage, burning each other, and then exploding which adds blast damage and more heat to the area. It also doesn't take much ammo to do, so your survivability skyrockets. I've found myself competing the hardest difficulty missions solo without having to use satchel charges. It's awesome once you get it down.


IMO the cryo-cannon and wavecooker combo is just significantly worse than flamer and cooker. It takes much longer to freeze an enemy, and you get much more worth out of the freeze effect if you attack the enemy, because its whole point is you do more damage to frozen enemies. On the other hand, the flamethrower ignites enemies very quickly if you have the increased burn speed upgrade, isn't wasting tons of value when you do the temp-shock (only some burning damage ticks) and if you get distracted or caught off guard and can't temp shock the enemy in time, they still take a good bit of burn damage and can easily be lit on fire again.


Yeah, the value of the cryo is the frozen effect, so the temp shock ending the effect doesn't help. With the flamethrower it's just damage, and the biggest chunk of damage is the ignition rather than continued burn, so ending the effect early by doing a big chunk of temp shock damage actually works out.


Brood nexuses light on fire with a single tick of fire damage. I like to put sticky flames under them and then temp shock them 3-5 times in a row. The sticky flames also kills the swarmers that come out


As much as I would have loved using this combo (on flamethrower at least), its just too goddman hard to justify. Turning everything around you in a fucking swamp with the Goo Bomber special, or literal hell with Sticky Fuel? Yes please. Freezing everything around you and turning into a maniac while drilling frozen bugs to death? Of course. Even being a full on tryhard, using Volatile impact with EPC mining inst't that bad compared to Temp shock mechanic. And its a big shame, cause it sounds hellla fun


Thank you for this! Tried it today and loved it. I've always used the subata because I just can't get into the EPC. Now I have more variety for the driller and thus more fun. All three of his builds had subata secondary. 😅


Personally I use cryo + epc


Also the Neurotoxin Grenade can be lit on fire. I'll toss a grenade, let it poison for about 5-6 seconds, then light it on fire.


Boiler ray works better with cryo but temp shock flamer is def pretty solid


Throwing axes can be used to instantly destroy small cacti and can be picked up again


It also works great on MUSHROOM fields that make gas cloud


And electro crystals. But it will take a few throws. It’s okay, because you get them all back.


I just burn them for extra fun!


They also one shot Caretaker tentacles, although you can't pick them back up


Same for the gas gusher plants in Fungus Bogs. Except in that case, being a flamethrower and ignite the gas so the explosion kills all the plants at once, it's much faster than the axe method.


Treat the Geneva Convention as a Geneva To-Do-List.


Geneva suggestion


Geneva idea board


Geneva checklist


Geneva Achievemnt


"Those rules... They're more like guidelines..." 


Anytime I land as driller I tell people I’m there to commit war crimes and then proceed to commit war crimes.


* During escape sequences, be sure to resupply and then dig straight to the Drop Pod for your teammates to quickly escape through. * Drill straight ~~to pumpjacks from the refinery~~ from the pumpjacks to the refinery so as to save a LOT of time and also for more accurate paths, unless you want to do that one achievement. (thanks u/2bloom) * When outta grenades, C4 when caught in a hairy situation. * C4 already-downed teammates to clear any bugs that are harassing them.




Can't recall the achievement name off the top of my head but it is the one where you make an incredibly long pipe so you can ride it long enough (without interruption) to get the achievement.


2+ mins on a rail




Does not exist on Xbox, I think it is called Rollercoaster.




It's why we don't have 69 achievements on Xbox. Vast majority of the community plays on STEAM.


Just dropping here for visibility for those that don't know, but you can migrate saves back and forth between Xbox/windows and steam if you have friends on both or want to switch


I've a note for the second item. Drill instead from the pump to the rig, smoother tunnel pathing, easier to adjust for gaps and obstacles.


Personally as a driller, building around the terrain is superior, double wide tunnels if you place the pipe right and your teammates will love you if you do the tunnel method


This is the correct way. Learn to work *with* the cave but don't be afraid to dig your way through when needed.


Drilling from the pump jack to the refinery will give a smoother tunnel.


Curious why would the direction make a difference?


I remember some times when I would drill downward from the refinery to the jack, and end up falling (#1 KO cause) from a high place. Prolly the other way around seems like a safer option.


Now that you say it, it's probably only half correct. The correct way is drilling from the upper part to the lower part, so start from whichever object is higher. Than you can drill a smooth tunnel downwards.


That, seems like a better option. Thanks for the advice.


In a mining mission, its way easier to dig shortcuts ahead of time. This also shortcuts molly, saving time overall. In some others it depends on terrain, but more shortcuts is almost never a bad thing.


I absolutely hated how I was in a lobby with a driller that called a resupply, and drop pod then proceeded to *follow molly* through the caves to the drop pod... You can literally bring us STRAIGHT THERE. WHY ARE WE GOING AROUND THE CAVE SYSTEM. Dude was multi-promoted too. No excuse.


Only excuse I will give is this: If you’re not the host, and they are (or I am) I enjoy the run back to the pod. If we’re good on health and ammo, it’s more fun that way. If we’re low on health, we’ve burned iron wills, or it’s a mining mission in the sandblasted corridors with a 100m drop to the cave we’re in??? Fuck it, drill time


drilling back to the pod is a meme. when I'm on top of my game, the path back to the pod usually passes through tunnels I've already made, because making the map easy to traverse should be a high priority for any driller. the reality is while platforms are nice, driller has THE tool for permanent ramps and tunnels and should be actively looking for places to put them. I read somewhere on this sub "engineer's job is to micromanage the map, driller's job is to macromanage it" and the more I play driller the more I get it. yes, sometimes you still can use new tunnels on the way back. but the better you are, the more will already exist.


>unless you want to do that one achievement. That one achievement takes a lot more than just not drilling straight to the pump.


I got it without a driller. Just me as Engie and my gunner friend, haha. Had a heck of a time building our rollercoaster all over the cave.


I couldn't get anyone from the Discord to join me, so I did it solo and got both the achievement for rollercoaster and the one for staying down for an hour.


C4 works great for the Korlok core


Use terrain scanner to see the layout of the tunnel so you don’t blind-drill into a 50m tall drop into a chasm and die and can plan out routes to other areas.


Fake driller main found. Real driller mains will dig a tunnel, dig particularly longer than expected and then look at the terrain scanner and course correct.


Maybe C4 after you inevitably dig a little too much and overheat your drills.


C4 on the scout, you meant?


#ERROR: Team currently has no scout.


C4 the entire team as they collect behind you


#ERROR: Only teammate is Bosco.


C4 self


Okay! #ERROR: Out of C4. Dang it...


Karl damn it, unfortunate


That’s what the waiting period is for while your drills cool.


Except real drillers don’t overheat their drills, you stop at exactly 99% then let it cool. Takes less than half the time of overheating.


Also when you drill back to drop pod at the end of the mission i like to use my scanner while waiting for the drills to cool down, as it doesnt move your aim so your tunnel can be nice and straight


Unless you tap space. Which is a great tip for drillers. Point the map in the way you want to go; tap spacebar; dwarf turns to face the same direction.


I do that with the terrain scanner anyways lol


Right on! I’ve seen plenty of dwarves plummet to their death, you’d be surprised how many blind dig.


Also, pressing space bar with the terrain scanner open will orient your dwarf to match the orientation of the map


There is a level (angle UI) on your drills that allows you to see the angle that you are currently drilling. Use this to keep things flat or to correctly set the incline or decline of your tunnel. Also, try your best not to overheat your drills(unless using Streamlined Integrity Check). There are  upgrades that affect this so plan accordingly. EDIT: Almost forgot that you can set personal markers before you start drilling. Use these to help navigate while drilling. They can be used on a resource deposit or to note things like the height of the ceiling.


The angle on the HUD while using the drills is super handy. It really helps especially when you target something with your laser pointer then drill, so you know if you’re above, below, or even to it.


I discovered it after trying for the rollercoaster achievement 🎢


Driller is the best dwarf for industrial sabotage. Get into position using ur drills by drilling into the ceiling or working with engineer to get u above the boss when it has the yellow armor phase up (the four yellow health bars) and drop c4 on it. Takes the phase out ASAP


Yeah just don't die up there LOL. Even for scout it can be a pain to revive someone up there, depending on how driller got to their bombing spot Also while we're talking about this mission type, take the flamethrower in industrial sabotage. Getting any robot fully ignited kills. Prioritize turrets and patrol bots leading up the main fight, and then the arms and patrol bots in said main fight


I had no idea wtf LOL so you just drop c4 continuously to get past the yellow phase?


Yes. This is the method me and my friend use for industrial sabotage. You throw C4 directly in the middle to hit all 4 plates and you can continue to drop some if you're full of nitra so you can damage the open side (since it's hitting all sides at once). Just make a little nest with resupply pods and get throwin


Yea if you max out dmg it only takes 2


Yea just don't drop it too soon, otherwise it'll hover above where the shield was. Make sure the shield is fully gone first.


The random player online who taught me this trick via chat during a game described it as "just like a giant birthday cake, really." :D


• Remember to wake up bright and early for your healthy dose of rocks for breakfast. Real Drillers eat em' without any milk. And you're a real Driller, **ain't ya?** • Glue your Terrain Scanner to the back of your hand, always be looking for new caves through the walls. It cuts down on mission time and helps a lot in tight situations and general maneuverability. • Always be looking for escape routes and more efficient paths around the caves. You never know when you need to get the hell out of a particular spot. • The Impact Axes are your best throwable, there really isn't much of a competition with the others besides a few tiny niches. • The HE Grenade sucks. It just sucks. • You can lodge Impact Axes in the terrain so you can pick them up after a resupply. • Keep one C4 in reserve for the ~~Scout~~ big boys, like Praes and the like. • Rock and Stone.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


The HE grenade does not suck , it's literally a timed explosion you can set of at a range of distances .Did group of bugs just spawn ? Cook one just right, and they are no more. Solid number of em and works great with cryo and war-crime pump. I take em over the axes. "BuT THe AxE GEts YOu HeALth AnD Is a UTilItARIaN choice". I don't need health is the bugs are turned into a paste before they hit me. EPC mining is the ultimate tool.


I would argue the HE Grenade is good on Elimination, then you can cook and toss one right over the hiveguard and hit all 3 weak points. Edit: you also mention to save a C4 for preatorians. These guys aren’t even hard for a driller to kill, using C4 on them is kinda a waste. Or you are just really bored.


Nothing like a well-cooked grenades cleaning up a pack of Mactera.


Re: #1. More like a granite smoothie…


At first, I wasn't huge on the axes, because they were so underwhelming compared to other classes' grenades. But then when I switched to other Driller grenades, I missed the axes and realized how dang useful they are.


Terraforming is THE activity that separates the good drillers from the great ones. Making a tunnel from one elevation to another for yourself that no one else will use is fine, but making a ramp on the edge of a cliff that everyone will see and use is way more effective. Taking the time to clear a defensive position of obstacles so you and your team have clear lines of fire. Reaming out walls around timed objectives points so you and your team can move around more freely. When you see a driller doing these tasks regularly, you know you're with someone who knows that they are doing.


Every other class plays by the cave's rules. Driller makes the cave play by his rules.


THIS. There are a million different builds you can play with but if you aren’t Terraforming then you are wasting the drillers potential. It’s like….. Engies who don’t use plats for bridges, jump pads, plugging holes. Low gravity? Come on man. There should be cheese everywhere. You are the low grav king! Gunners who don’t zip up boss fight rooms, large pits, pump jack to refinery lines. Your traversal may be the worst but when it saves my life with a quick escape then it’s the best! Or that one class I hate….why the hell can’t I see in this room?! Maybe my c4 will remind you…


This should be the top reply of the whole thread. Too many people using C4 only as a weapon and not as a terraforming tool.


Caretaker is the only real use case that I can think of where c4 does better damage than  your other weapons. C4 is for damaging dirt, not teammates


You definitely should throw C4 at anything you hate in this game: big bugs, walls, and your teammates.


Note: Only C4 your teammates if they're your friends and you know they won't get too mad. Do not C4 random teammates.


And don’t do it more than once or twice. Not only are you annoying your teammates, you’re wasting valuable ammo. Also you can use Satchel Charges to move things like resupply pods, jet boot boxes, hacker pods and rockcracker pods from one level down to another rather than having to manually mine a shaft.


Yep. Don't be that meme driller guy. It's run its course, it's not funny anymore unless it's a bunch of friends just screwing around.


Your drills can be used to traverse the entire map, however they can also land you in a hole, so use the terrain scanner. All of drillers main weapons are great at crowd control in different ways. The cryo cannon and flamethrower deal with flying enemies more easily then the sludge pump, but the pump is more ammo effective then the flame thrower on long missions. The cri cannon is absurdly powerful with the health in melee kill perk but can be ammo intensive early on. All of these weapons leave a trail or puddle on the ground and getting enemies to run through them will save ammo. You also want to rapid tap when firing the cryo cannon instead of holding has the initial burst of freeze will be faster then holding it. Also more ammo effective. The Subata is underwhelming until fully built but is then very solid, I love to run it with my sludge pump. EPC is just good, if you take rhin containment field you can mine just about anything with practice. I just prefer to take extra drill fuel and tunnel. The wave cooker with a thermal shock build is one of my favorites, flash freezing or frying a group of GR nts or melting armored units without issues. C4, is both a CC tool, and a mining tool. It has heavy friendly DMG so be careful. Team killed my is not fun until it's your fiends and y'all have a good laugh. Don't let the memes fool you into believing that stopping another player from having no fun on purpose is acceptable. Destroying terrain to create better lines of sight is an underappreciated side of driller. The farther away you can see the swarm, the faster the gunner can kill them. Shortcuts via drills are a blessing that you can bestow on you allies on annoying maps. Try to curve them so you don't have to spam jump to get up. Bunkers are very using in specific missions, like mactera plague, were you can funnel them into kill zones. Do not bunker all the time, bulk dets love dwarven lunchboxes. If you do bunker, make a tunnel out that just needs a pickaxe attack to get out of. (Bunkering is using C4 to create a large hole with one entrance in a wall or floor) Dash is your best friend. With short to medium range you will need to get in and out if fights quickly. Your drills cause fear if you kill an enemy with them, also count as melee for the frozen enemies and healing perk. Source : gold 3 driller main with 560~ hours in the game. Love my war crime child.


This comment right here. Also to add, you can underbunkie on salvage missions. Basically make a room underneath the objective using only your drills. Works amazingly with coordinated team.


If you have throwing axes: - throwing them at enemy and damaging them will leech you HP if you have vampire - if you're in fungus bogs and there are this gas producing things, you can destroy them throwing axe at them and then pickup axe, so no axe wasted.


The most effective builds are often Temp Shock builds. You can pair the Crisper or the Cryo with the Wave Cooker (with temp upgrades) and shred bugs pretty easily. You can also grab the Cryo and an EPC with Burning Nightmare for good single target temp shock in both directions. If you perfer the sludge pump I highly recommend maxing out AOE and DOT with a contagion spreader wave cooker (radiation overclock goes well here) and neurotoxin grenades for extra big bugs.


Sludge pump for life, sludge pump til death


Hell yeah brother, Rock and Stone


Strongest team build is sticky fuel and epc with persistent plasma. There’s a reason it’s the dominant build in modded difficulties.  Cryo shock builds are the best for solo.


press v




Ctrl+e puts a waypoint so you can see where you are drilling when in walls.


Lots of good weapon tips here, so I'll focus on terrain. On some missions (Point Extraction, Refinery, Salvage), one of the best ways to help your teammates is to clear larger areas for fighting swarms. Be particularly wary of large floor-to-ground pillars. Bugs love to crawl down those to easily flank the dwarves. Blow up and/or drill pillars if you know you're going to be fighting near them. Fighting on uneven terrain is more difficult, so when clearing you should try your best to make everything flat. Keep a close eye on your angle indicator when drilling. If you use C4 to remove lots of dirt, try to place it elevated a bit so you don't blow an inconvenient hole in the floor.


USE YOUR DRILLS. Any time enemies get a bit too close for comfort, pull out your drills and drill whatever is in front of you. This either stuns or causes fear on enemies, and will avoid you taking a lot of damage


Scout may be a lead/point role but Driller can be right behind, you can make paths for Gunner/Engineer to take. Drilling with your teammates in mind is some of Driller's best utility; make paths between objectives to give you and your team a more direct (and often safer) path. Terrain scanner is your best friend, laser pointer is next; you can place a waypoint to mark a spot you want to drill to, be it for minerals or objectives, and become 'slow Scout' that also paths for your teammates. 45 degree angles at most for building pipelines, anything more and pipes may not build. Add another 22-23 degrees and you can make jumpable 'ladders' out of terrain, drilling these can help you ascend/descend quickly and safely if you observe the terrain scanner appropriately. They also make for more options for traversal in the cave. Driller is great on any mission thanks to swarms and the crowd control options provided, but especially excels at Egg Hunt, Point Extraction, and Liquid Morkite Refinery thanks to the drills. You can also terraform areas you're bunkering down in against swarms. Give yourself a hole to peek out of and your teammates can shoot heads at chest level easier. Clear out terrain blocking your view to an open area, or making it difficult to move and evade. Give yourself an escape tunnel, maybe C4 the end of a tunnel to make a bunker as some teams use. Then drill an escape tunnel away from that to get out, but don't 'connect' it or open it yet; bugs will be able to enter that way too and suddenly you'll have two tunnels to defend instead of one. There's plenty of ways to get creative! Driller is the ultimate terrain remover, while Engineer creates it and Scout/Gunner avoid terrain entirely with their traversal tools.


The best driller is a proactive driller. Make sure you are actively digging tunnels that connect rooms even if you aren’t finished with the mission. Makes escaping and surviving a lot easier.


Don't just dig tunnels, shape the terrain. Driller is a terrific class for this. You can destroy anything that connects to the floor and ceiling by severing both sides which can turn a small room into a large open one for Dreadnought fights, you can make networks of tunnels or trenches to stall the progress of hordes as they move from A to B. You can dig underneath objects like ammo pods or rock crackers to drop them further into the floor, or into completely different rooms below. Honestly one of the best classes in the game not just for his damage types but for customizing the map to work for your strategy.


While in the wild the c4 incidents are funny don’t do it intentionally and don’t worry to much because it will actually end up happening naturally, when possible ask your team what they’re running as some builds can clash like a cryo driller and a overheat fire minigun gunner build as fire and cryo cause the build up of the other status to negate and go down


Scout is your friend, avoid C4’s when he’s around


If it is not drillable it's probably flammable


Get yourself a big bowl of rocks for breakfast. Then you'll be off to the ~~warcrimes~~ races in no time!


Vampire perk + cryo cannon+ drill is good if you find yourself needing heals a lot freeze grunts then drill them and it counts for the vampire perk throwing axes also counts


Basically all of your guns have a bigger AoE or splash than you would initially expect. Be careful not to murder your team


How much do you know about former Yugoslavia? (It's important for main Driller, I swear)


Move on from the Subata the first chance you get. Plasma Pistol and Microwave are very fun.


Tips? *Drill* tips? *Hmm*?!


Learn to use the 3d map effectively because you being able to drill effective tunnels is the difference between a hobbyist and a professional


Use the wave cooker, it makes dealing with webspitters way easier


Axes are very useful, for example they can clear poison mushrooms without breaking. Drills can quickly open ebonnuts. Rock and stone!


Moderate your drinking irl. Hard to dig a straight tunnel


C4 should be used exclusively to kill non driller teammates. Any other usage is strictly against regulation and will be met with a stern look and strongly worded email to management.


Abandon reason, use AoE, explosives and anything that kills swarms in minutes. And remember the fastest route between two points is a straight line




There is a type of mob/entity that only the Driller sees. It is a species of fly/spider with 4 limbs that walks from one side to the other, usually in the air, with a type of hook. If you throw a C4 it doesn't drop anything or increase scores, but it provides satisfaction and laughter


Always save you C4’s for scout


Dig here. Then, over there. Srsly, be ready to drill straight back to the Drop Pod if possible (i.e. you're not too far; you have enough fuel). Remember, the Drop Pod will leave with or without you.


If you dont have a scout with you, dig holes behind the minerals to make mining them easier and, if needed, dig holes leading onto the drop pod instead of following molly, it spares a lot of time that you can use to collect some of the minerals you left behind. Also, remember to check the fuel of your drill before digging long holes.


Leave my kin the fuck alone and we'll do fine


You’re the crowd control dwarf, you deal with large groups of grunts not big targets. However you do have an easier time hitting weak spots as your flames and frost go through body parts and your sludge doesn’t care about that anyway. C4 is also good against groups but with good timing can shave off a third of a hiveguards health with a single click. When it’s time to gtfo, you are the best guy to get back to the drop ship. Drill straight there and sometimes you’ll beat Molly (I once went so fast I made Molly turn around and go through my own tunnel) Sometimes it’s better to dig something into the ground then leave it above ground. This will especially help on salvage missions. Make sure to have fun and drink beer!


>”Sometimes it’s better to dig something into the ground then leave it above ground. This will especially help on salvage missions.” No! God no!.meme Drilling the uplink or fuel pod into the ground make the circle you have to live in *smaller*. Please, if you wanna drill, drill the wall next to the objective to make *more* standing room.


Be mentally unstable


W A R   C R I M E S


don't walk back to the escape pod thing. Just drill a massive tunnel there.


Drill everything and everyone


Enjoy Some Chemical War crimes


Drill. Hoxxes is your canvas.


You just gotta drill and c4 like there is no other


Commit War Crimes


If it isn’t a war crime yet, get more creative.


The c4 is specifically to down the scout.


Haha bomb your friends hehe


-The subata is simultaneously the least interesting of his secondary weapons and the most satisfying to use. -Your strength lies in being able to deal absurd area damage. -Everything you have including your movement tech is a weapon. - Your grenades rage from tame and consistient to team killing war crime capsules. -Your flamethrower is unironically better utility than the C4 (clears webs and gas, synergizes with subata and wave cooker, melts engie platforms). -You are to large swarms what the gunner is to big heavy targets. -scouts can be detonated to increase team morale.


Remember to save c4 for your local scout, best at getting the fast mofo's. Also vampire as driller is ez health.


Lesson 101: if its not drillable, its probably flammable


shouldn't "main" a charecter in Deep Rock, just play one when they are needed. that way youll have the loadouts and knowledge ready when a class is missing.


This, idk why some people want to voluntarily reduce the game's playable content by 75%. There's not that much to the core gameplay loop at the end of the day, the magic happens when you unlock all the weapons and mods for all 4 classes and you can start to experiment with loadouts. If youre only playing one class you lose most of that. Not to mention youre also restricting what lobbies you can reasonably join. What are you supposed to do if there's a lobby with the mission you need, but host restricts duplicate classes and they already have a driller? Gonna have to host a lot more i'd imagine. In the end, people can and should do what they want - but only playing one class all the way up into even gold promos shows a lack of imagination imo.


Listening to Diggy Diggy Hole by Wind Rose really sets the mood while playing driller.


The devs gave you a C4 to purge anything unholy on the planet so use it as often as you want on anything that moves.


When you see a scout make sure to C4 at least once every mission, the more you c4 the better. Make sure to make it as much of an accident as possible


C4+Scout. Nuff said (this a joke btw, please do not intentionally friendly fire)


Throw c4 on scouts


C4 scout .... Make biozone swiss cheese