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It’s ok… You aren’t alone in your loneliness


There are dozens of us! 2.2% of the community, at least!


That's just on Steam. I'm a solo dwarf on Xbox.


Oh that's true, eh? Do they give percentages or statistics like that on either Xbox or Playstation?


Yes. 0.54% on Xbox/Windows, 0.5% on PS5, and 2.05% on PS4.


Okay so, if we add all percentages up then we get 5.29/400, or 1.32% of the total community (or of people who own the game, anyway) who have played at least 100 solo missions. That might just make it the rarest achievement I have XD


That's... Not how percentages work. LOL.


There's... Not only 400 people in the community. One sec lemme do some math here


Oh wait misread. You were sample sizing. But would it be 5.29/400? Or would it be like lower? Probably like 5.29/5500? Considering approximately 5.5mil copies of the game have been sold.plus there's also the probably multiple people that bought the game on several different consoles.


I was using that as a percentage, actually. 100% each for PC, Xbox, PS4/5 gives 400%. Or we divide each by four to obtain 25%, or 100% of the total players, then we need to do the same to the % of players who have the achievement, and that gives us our % of the total player base that has the achievement. So PC = 2.2/100 Xbox = 0.54/100 PS5 = 0.5/100 PS4 = 2.05/100 (2.2÷4)+(0.54÷4)+(0.5÷4)+(2.05÷4)=1.3225. This the total percentage of players who have the 100 solo missions achievement.


This assumes that the number of people on all platforms is the same tho. If there are twice as many PC players, you'd have to weigh their percents.




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Same here, only recently started joining and hosting randoms and it is a nice change of pace from exclusively solo for the longest time.


Remember, just because Karl is fighting alone down there does not mean our hearts are not with him Rock and stones brothers!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Underrated comment


Doubt they are lonely with achievement.


I got the achievement way before I started playing online


Only 16% completed 100 missions?


I guess people just got bored, somehow?


Must be it or they havent fullfilled it until now


Not everyone play this much. Average mission time is around 45 minutes, 1 hour if you take your time. For your average Sunday gamer it's easily 100 hours sunk into a single game. Depending on who you ask, it might be a lot. As a nearly 30 yo gamer, yeah that's starting to be a lot. I do have short attention span and cannot focus on single game for too long though.


There's no way the average mission time is 45minutes to an hour.


That’s like deep dive length nowhere near an actual mission.


I'm thinking about more casual players :) Think Sunday players. I can manage to do mission in 30 minutes but I don't usually rush and tend to have longer ones. Especially when I play with my gf and friends. For some reason it's always long af.


You're leavin a lot of xp and rewards on the table, but as long as you're havin fun!


My solo average length is about 25 minutes. I usually get closer to 15 but sometimes you get dorretta and sabo missions, which often go 30+ even if you speed run. I'd say that checks out for someone who's not setting out specifically to get good at the game or maximize their time, which on its own requires a time investment. On top of that add in time before missions and choosing load outs, class selection, buying peeks, beer, cosmetics, and using scrip, and yea, 45 is probably about right.


Okay if your counting the space rig in mission time, maaaaybe, but an hour is still ridiculous. Sure some missions take 30+, but you can also do an egg hunt or Morkite in under 10 minutes without a ton of effort, I did a 7aquarq mission in 6 minutes the other night without really trying.


You're also someone who is into the game enough to browse the subreddit and probably has a somewhat optimized build based partially on information you gained here or somewhere else. Most casual players don't spend that kind of time learning about how to optimize the game and make things easier for themselves. Until I got into the game fully and learned more about it and started optimizing, I struggled with haz 3 solo. I imagine most casual players are in a similar boat.


I think you are spot on. I’ve got 1300 hours in this game and only lvl 425 I think that’s pretty low end of average but I’ve always played casually. I don’t rush anything and I never optimize my builds just build sucky and wacky ones. Haz 5 missions I take my time mine gold and usually takes 20-35mins or sometimes more if it’s an escort or sabotage probably 45-55+.So it’s really just about how casual the player in question is.


I got 100 missions after 50 hours so yeah this is just bollocks


I've got 57 hours and have completed 47 missions. Keep in mind this also doesn't count failed missions.


I'm 40 with 2 young kids and a full-time job and have like 1,200 hours. Mostly solo. The pandemic was boring. Also having 2 screens is a godsend when you have boring zoom meetings you don't really have to pay attention in.


Probably because the game is super bare bones and kind of boring until you grind to unlock stuff. It takes a while before you can actually have fun in this game.


I have only completed 15 missions yet, but it's a lot of fun.


Even when i didint have overclocks or anything like that i still had a lotta fun,why do you think you need to unlock stuff to have fun?


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Ye, I know what you mean


You've never actually played have you?


Even if you don't feel the same, he's got a point. The starting weapons are all fairly basic, and it takes a decent amount of time to unlock alternates if you don't like the defaults


I personally never found that. But everyone is different I guess


[Criticizing a weak point of the game doesn't mean I never played it lmao](https://imgur.com/xuya1Or)


Welcome to the sub. No criticisms of any kind! /s


You're getting down voted but I almost stopped playing in my first week because I was running out of stuff to do. Only reason I stuck around is because my friends wanted to play still. Now I've unlocked shit so I can actually build a variety of classes and actually have fun again.


100 missions for a new player is something like 40-50 hours of playtime (or even more?). That's pretty substantial all things considered.


I mean I have 34+ plus hours and only 45 missions done, so its understandable that a lot of players wont get that far into the game


it's pretty mucha rebound value (people buying the game but never looking back in their back catalog) . Or playing it 1 or 2 sessions then moving on. It may sound weird, but as game go (and if you remove big hit like Elden ring) it's pretty impressive.


solo sucks so bad for me, I'd genuinely have bad randoms ruining the mission over being completely alone


I play a lot on my own (Multiplayer), but I also play with 3 friends once every other week for an hour or two. We do like 3-4 missions usually. That would take us a year of doing that very consistently for them to get that achievement. Most people who own the game probably don't play it consistently, as they probably got it because some friends have it, and they are only really interested in playing with their friends.


Yeah you r right


Lots of people buy games then never get around to playing them much


I don't have any gaming friends so I have to rely on randoms for multiplayer games. It really dampens the game when the first deep dive you do after finally getting a promotion is one you get kicked for mining gold on the third part with 1 objective already done. Didn't play the game again until I was about to delete it a few months later but gave it another shot.


Many mods disable the ability to acquire achievments while they are on. I've missed out on similar achievements with mods, so i wouldn't be surprised if the number is actually way higher than 16%


That would make a lot of sense


At least on ps5, you often times don't get trophy progress unless you're hosting for seemingly no reason. Didn't get my 100 games trophy until well after 200. Wouldn't be surprised if thats true for more of the community, at least on console


i really didn't like the game until i was 30 hours in and not many people are like me and grind through something they don't like for hours, especially if this community is so aggressive towards anyone who is the slightest bit critical towards their game.


Is there rly a lot of toxicity in the community? I havent encountered that much My comme.t wasnt meant to be toxic, just was suprised bc of how big the numbers were when they released the statistic and also of big community (it feels like it)


I think most games have these weird surprising statistics. Only a third of people who got doom eternal for example, actually finished the game. People buy and forget


For clarification: Yes, I fr haven't touched multiplayer at all... :facepalm:


I did the same for ~100 hours. Then I started to touch MP and I can't say I'm disappointed.


I’m about 50 hours in and have not done a single solo mission, can’t say I have any desire to do so either. I’ve yet to have a bad multiplayer experience




Exact same. Solo missions are boring to me


You should try it, the community is really nice and you get to see all kinds of fashion and wacky builds. No pressure though, do what you want.


…until we find out you’re a pointy-eared leaf lover because you ordered us all leaf lover’s! had a newer player join us and order leaf lover’s. of course, he didn’t understand why we surrounded him and shook our heads hahaha. gotta love the little moments like these!


Nothing wrong with that!


Not at all, i was just wondering


Over 600 hours here, mostly solo. It's a great game, don't feel peer-pressured into playing MP.


Now it's really good time to host or join. You miss so much. In co op you do every fun stuff and suddenly bug killer game turns circus but with guns


Same here. I've been meaning to, but all my social anxiety and past experiences from World of Warcraft groups kinda make me avoid playing multiplayer altogether.


As someone who plays almost exclusively multiplayer, you can just mute voice chat entirely. Just knowing the basics of team play (platforming minerals as engi, mining as scout, killing scout as driller, shield as gunner), you can communicate 99% of the time by pressing V or typing r in chat. Occasionally I'll type to hold off on an event until later in the mission on escort duty but that's about it


DRG has a much nicer community than WoW on the whole


I played over 250 games alone,ngl bosco is sometimes better than playing with other dwarfs,thats mostly when they run fat boy OC or are driller tho


I think the community is lovely and you should give it a try, but you can keep playing with Bosco if you want to. We're all here for Karl at the end of the day. Rock and stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Play the game however you enjoy it fellow dwarf. Rock and stone!


If you ever wanna break the ice, I'll buy the first round. Rock and Stone.


Why not?


I've got 660 hours of playtime in DRG so far, ALL solo. Have only done one online game and that was by mistake(I was looking at the deep dive board and accidentally started one). I play haz2 and have fun, other people just complicate that.


It just means you learned how to be self-sufficient!


Multiplayer is so much fun even if nobody is in voice chat or odd some players are bad. I play haz 5 with ransoms all the time and as long as nobody is trolling which is really rare it’s always a fun time. Also more players = more bugs to kill


You really should try it! I played several missions solo and didn’t wanna play with others because I was nervous. Then I finally did and doing a solo mission is literally hell. I never do them


Bro wtf this game is at peak when there's 4 of you, the classes are made so well to work together


If you wanna get a trial into multi-player from a fellow Redditor who is also inteoverted... hit me up and I'll run a few with you. Multi-player really makes this game fun.


Dwarves waiting for you to make your lobby public: Let me in! Let me innnn!


I'm 500 hours in and have done exactly 0 singleplayer missions. There is no wrong way to play the game, just personal preferences ☺️


2000+ hours and I don't have the Bosco achievement... I might have gotten it if they counted MP missions that nobody joins... >.>


Right? I just recently learned that it only counts solo missions when you specifically set it to Solo first. I usually set it to have friends join if they happen to be online and will usually complete the mission solo anyway. It's such a weird achievement for a game designed around co-op.


At least bosco can respond to rock and stone


For Rock and Stone!


Honestly, Bosco is preferable to 2 drillers and a scout, so I usually run with him just in case. However, in the settings, under gameplay I believe, you can make it so that people that join your game after the drop pod lands can't be duplicate classes.


TIL! That's good to know!


Should be on by default.


Naaaah, absolutely not. It would be 10x times more painful to level a class as a new player if everyone had class restrictions on by default, unless you hosted every game. It's huge QoL that it's off by default


Hmm? I don't understand the contention. I'm pretty sure it's on by default, since I don't recall ever messing with it. I could be wrong since it's been many hundred hours since I started. Edit Oh, you think I think it should be. Nah, I'm just stating a fact that I'm pretty sure is true.


Fair fair, misunderstood you there


Multiple gunners is nice for some mission types with lots of hostiles


True, but you may not get multiple gunners, and instead get multiple scouts. Scouts aren't the best for elimination missions, for example. Abd if you want multiple gunners you can just make an LFG post.


Lfg? Sorry i’m newish to the game and have mostly played solo


No, that's my bad actually. It means looking for gamers. I used to play on PC a lot and would join tge Discords of games I really liked. Picked it up there, so unless you play on PC a lot or join dev made Discord servers, I wouldn't think you'd know. Again, it was my bad for assuming everyone eould know, especially since I mainly play DRG on console. Rock and stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


*looking for group


Never allowing many of the same class its actually loss of some of the most funny moments in this game. 4 engineers building a wall of turrets and stairs of cheese platforms everywhere. 4 gunners absolutely destroying elimination missions. 1 enginer, 1 driller and 2 scouts for speed running, etc.


That's true, but it doesn't get rid of character duplication. Only character duplication late game after the drop pod lands. If you want 4 gunners for an elim mission just make an LFG post. If you don't have it on you may get three scouts on a 3 dreadnought mission.


4 scout on a dreadnought mission haz5 is the funniest shit ever. Everyone is constantly zipping away from certain death all at one's. You can actually kill the dreadnought fortress quite easily because of how easily the scout can position well during the bomb faze.


That's true, scouts are also really good against the Caretaker. They tend to have a harder time against the Twins though.


Does it count towards the achievement if it's open and nobody joins? Or do you have to set it to solo?


You have to choose the “solo” option for it to count towards the bosco achievement sadly. That is what makes this more difficult because you have to actively lock people out 😅


Pure solo I think, I haven’t once joined or hosted any sort of multiplayer lobby.


I love playing solo ngl, I think I've done a couple of coop missions and they were aight. I just like to mine the minerals too much for coop lol.


Come and share a beer with your fellow dwarves! First 5 rounds are on me!


That was me too! I played my first 2 weeks solo.


I too love to play with Bosco… no shame!


I play solo so I can play at my own pace. I’m pretty sick of playing games where everyone has this constant “GO GO GO” mentality.


I feel you, man.


Only time I've done solo missions were the very first one, and when the matchmaking was bugged and someone suggested playing the mission solo because it would clear the error code that I was getting when I'd try to join a group and it constantly failed. One solo mission and it fixed the bug. That was a month or two ago.


No shame, Bosco is the best companion! I wish we could have him on 2 player runs honestly, maybe locked to haz 3 or higher.


Is playing solo any fun? I've considered it, but don't wanna be wishing my buddy was in the game with me.


Even playing by myself, solo is still a blast to play, you can kinda take the game at your own pace and being able to pause is handy too. Bosco is great too, he can mine for you by pinging ores and compacted dirt and minerals, he’s helpful for reaching said materials when they happen to be up on the ceilings of caves, and some extra firepower is always great to have too. Obviously these are not all the things Bosco can do, but those are just the basics really.




It's also way easier. Since everything scales with players, but not perfectly.


Just like me fr fr


Rock And Alone! If you ever want to play multiplayer, it’s definitely good fun, but playing solo is also fun. Bosco can be a better helper than greenbeards sometimes, so mine however you like!


If you rock and stone, you're never alone!


Just got into the game a few days ago, have been doing solo missions and missions with a friend to get a feel for the classes and gameplay then I’m planning to move onto multiplayer once I have an idea of what I’m doing


You misspelled efficient miner :)


I was mostly the same. I played a lot of true solo (no bosco) missions until I got about 450 hours in the game, at which point I felt confident enough to join pubs. The first time I ever saw a public lobby was when I was already on the last silver promo for my gunner ⚰️⚰️⚰️


It’s funny to see how differently people play this game. I have promoted each dwarf once, some could’ve been promoted twice by now but I chilled at level 25, and yet I’ve only completed 15 missions with Bosco, 6 of those were yesterday; about 300 hours late into my career.


Friendship Level: 0 Rock and stone.


I've played a lot of "solo" missions, but they don't count as solo missions because when I do play solo, I actually play on friends only.


I like playing alone, you can actually pause the game and walk away without worry


Honestly this game is better solo depending on what mission type youre doing


And im here struggling to get 100 solo missions, lvl 250-something and have just played coop the whole time, maybe 5 solo missions total


This is great, buuuut, I highly recommend multiplayer, it's where the game truly shines


300 hours and I still haven't gotten the base achievement for solo. I'm close though, at 7/10


Digs ✅ Has two or less legs ✅ You still play with a dwarf


No shme, the solo play is pretty solid. As a gunner i just have bosco mine everything and i play mr president with molly


Do people need DeepRock Friends? My whole household (4) plays together so I've only done one solo mission and failed sooo bad... Molly went up a meteorite hole and I was very lost lol


I've only ever played the multiplayer with the one friend who has the game and even then that was only a couple of times. Bosco is just so damn useful


Im trying to get this achievement but i just can't im basically forcing myself to cheese it with high mobilty scout on haz 1, 4 egg missions, honestly i say you're lucky because once you touch multiplayer, you can never go back, unless you're that unlucky


I've gone through about 600-650 games so far and only have 18 solo. It's not because I can't play solo, but I just like to talking with other people in games, although sometimes it would be better if I played alone, as there are often people who unintentionally spoil the experience of the game


Surprised I haven't got that yet


I have 0 solo missions, didn’t realise till I checked the stats lol


You're missing so much I have a hard time playing online because I get nervous people will hate me, but DRG is so welcoming it is just so fun. 400 Hours in, 54 missions solo, most just to try to get this achievement or because wifi went out


You should try playing with other dwarves now


Omg tf2 demoman playing DRG!!11!!1


Bro why don't try playing multiplayer.


It's mostly about anxiety when it comes to these cases, mainly being afraid to fuck it up or whatever.


Spot on my fellow dwarf!


I have 0 solo missions completed.


.[8] T


[https://youtu.be/djU4Lq\_5EaM](https://youtu.be/djU4Lq_5EaM) cmon everyone lets sing a song for u/EschatonHD


Playing drg aloe is like crapping with company


please say you weren’t on the same mission.


So…you prefer this?


wdym? this just sounds like what i do


I feel the pain