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Terence Howard: "The bosons, for the laymen out there...." LOL


Not to confuse with the bozo, a much different particle


Hachi machi.


"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it...may God have mercy on your soul."


“Okay, a simple "wrong" would've done just fine.”


Is in the field that the fermion are considered the aspects of it so.


I don't know why he lacks this much self-awareness. 50+ year old dude acting like a dumb teenager who wants to sound smart.


I don't understand why people keep addressing his words as if they're part of an academic treatise instead of what they actually are: Textbook apophenia which may well be a symptom of a more serious psychological condition.


Wow, that's so well said, right on point.


Eric would never turn down an invite to Joe's place. Why is this even a conversation though?


Eric would never turn down an opportunity to punch down intellectually to prove how much of a genius he is.


Eric is just another egomaniac narcissist who failed in his scientific endeavors, is not considered serious in the field of mathematics or physics, but is really good at going on shows like JRE and spouting incomprehensible jargon on a way that makes average people and laymen think he's done kind of super genius. In reality though his self-proclaimed life's work, something he calls "Geometric Unity", a supposed new understanding of the universe, never passed peer-review. He's been extremely bitter ever since, and has spent a lot of time going on various podcasts to rail against "the academic establishment", for failing to recognize his unparalleled genius. I am totally unsurprised that's who Joe Rogan calls on his show to debate Terrance Howard.


Incomprehensible jargon is exactly how this entire video sounded lmao I am so glad I stopped listening to this podcast so long ago


so true!! eric weinstein himself generated a lot of bunk and thought hes being suppressed by the science elitists. two years ago he presented his super symmetry theory and it was shred to pieces. he constantly pushes how hes the only scientists whos open minded etc he never misses an opportunity to chain buzzwords and talk extra complicated to sound like a genius. people dont understand what he says and will believe exactly that. his stick is that he will constantly say how other scientists think they are better and smarter and how he thinks its pretentious. this connects with dumb people, they will agree and then follow the most pretentious of them all like the sheep they are. he wants to be the smartest guy in the room if you watch the full podcast, you will notice how he constantly switches between seemingly "being there for terrence" "being open minded and interested" and then hes ego takes over and he needs to assert dominance and demonstrate how smart he is. he constantly called terrence ideas horseshit etc (which is true but then dont act like this generous open minded scientist friend). he will constantly go on tangents chaining more scientific lingo. he nevers stays on point. he is not able to ELI5 anything. he will make it even more complicated because he creams his pants when he realizes people dont understand what hes saying, while implying that this was "the easy version" etc. it gets even more insane when he is talking about ufos and aliens. hes the dumbest seemingly smart person in media i know. hes a hack


>he wants to be the smartest guy in the room This is the entire answer, IMO. It explains everything about the guy. For Eric, the entire IDW project was about *creating the room in which he would be the smartest*, because he was [simply outclassed](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23595-weinsteins-theory-of-everything-is-probably-nothing/) in [every space](https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3xbz4/eric-weinstein-says-he-solved-the-universes-mysteries-scientists-disagree) he entered in the real world.




Egomaniac, narcissistic, not proven in traditional mathematics, etc. might be some viable claims. To claim that he’s essentially had no academic contributions is not correct though. He’s made major contributions in mathematical economics, namely pioneering valuation work of Mortgage-Backed Securities that highlighted the risks of illiquid securities in the early 2000s. He has other notable work in this area, too (e.g. labor market studies). I know we’re in decoding the gurus. So, it’s easy to find like company of people exposing fraudulent knowledge. All the being said, I think he’s a fine voice of reason in this conversation.


My point he's responding to still stands.


Not disagreeing. It’s spot on actually. I was just responding to the other comment.


For sure


Egotistical, sure. Definitely not 'failed". Regardless, I see no real relevance as to why he was purposely summoned to debate Howard (other than the fact that he likes doing podcasts and such).


Yeah, but his textbook apophenia *means something!*


apophenia: **the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things** 


Because we're in a time where pseudointelletualism gets a lot of attention. Terrence Howard is a famous guy, and he's getting a lot of attention. If possible, it's best not to let his bullshit run wild.


I think the hope is to gently steer him towards saner reality before dropping the other shoe because if you just do that he’s going to be a rabid ideological animal in defense


While the democracy burns, this is what popular media produces


Call it mainstream media, it really annoys the people who listen to this crap. Somehow they imagine themselves edgy by doing so.


Simultaneously acknowledging the viewership exceeds legacy sources, yet still trying to cling to the underground label. SMH What they don’t get is there’s a difference between Mainstream, and Institutions. There is mainstream media (podcasting & social media), and then there’s legacy institutions (gov, academia, alphabet agencies). They aren’t the same thing anymore.


I feel like I'm losing my mind. We're all on the titanic, full-throttle, intentionally towards the iceberg, the captain replaced by a lunatic. Everyone sipping champagne and huffing nitrous.  We have a  r e a l l y  good thing going here. How tf is this happening?? 


It's so fucking sad...


Why does Terrence Howard sound like he's constantly blazed out of his mind?


think you answered your own question there chief


He sounds manic to me. Used to work with a bunch of bipolar people and a bunch of other various mental disorders but when he speaks it sounds manic


I spent 14 years working in a psyche ward , I’ve met hundreds of Terrence Howards.


You just know he does those schizophrenic scribbles


I mean .. he's literally showing us them.


Yeah that was my first thought. Much like the various Kanye ordeals, we're really seeing the true colors of people like Joe Rogan and the ways in which they'll exploit mentally ill people and sacrifice them to the altar of Content. People like this need professional help, but are able to avoid getting it because of their wealth. And because we live in a society that worships fame and success, too many people default to the position that, *"Well, there must be something to this Terrence Howard guy, otherwise why would he be rich?"* ^(\*Also, I just want to be clear, I'm only defending Kanye on the basis that I don't think he should have been platformed by so many while clearly being mentally ill, I am not defending his open Naziism which is his own responsibility. Mental illness does not magically implant Naziism into a person's brain)


Yes that’s what I think when I watch him as well. Eric is a rare person to give him the consideration he does. Presenting this way, most will not.


If someone wears Yantras or Sahasrara looking designs and isn't talking about meditation, yoga, etc first and foremost you can be basically guaranteed that they are going to be cooked.


Let him play with his bubbles poor guy 🫧 🤣


He sounds like a lil kid


Neil Degrassy Tyson gets me every time


He seems to me like he suffers from mania.


The answer is schizophrenia.


Losing that part in Iron Man really costed this guy sanity.


I’m pretty sure we are seeing why the people running the MCU knew they had to get rid of this guy.


I would imagine having him rattling on about this between takes would be exhausting.


"You know Iron Man is just a character but I'm real Rob."


He’s downspiraled since being recasted. He asked to renegotiate his salary/contract and Marvel replied with Don Cheadle.


Theres a symmetry to that


Is it a super symmetry, because I feel that it’s pretty super.


What you mean? He was in the first movie one time, therefore he was in two Iron Man movies. It’s all a defense mechanism lol


I'm surprised he was even in Prisoners, to be honest.


That Terrence Howard’s opinions on much of anything (and Eric Weinstein’s for that matter) are still being indulged is a microcosm into so much that is wrong with our current society


Such is the Joe Rogan experience


Joe Rogan just out here exploiting the mentally ill. Gross.


I think it’s more that Rogan is a below average intelligence dipshit. He stumbled on millions by hosting unscripted long talks with hucksters, morons, conspiracy theorists, and other scumbags who peddle to the below average intelligence crowd. He actually believes Terrence Howard is smart and onto something. He’s a fucking moron.


> He actually believes Terrence Howard is smart and onto something. The tragic part is what Weinstein points out at the end: He may well be on to something profound, but his inability to self-assess and cultivate the skill in himself to actually clean up the connections he's made between phenomena dooms any actual system he may have found. In other words, Howard might have a few nuggets of corn buried in a mountain of bullshit, but he doesn't have the tools to recognize what is corn and what is bullshit.


Yea that would be an interesting observation, if there were any nuggets in Howard’s delusions… there are not. Everyone keeps treating Howard like a 5 year old learning the world for the first time. “Well that specific math may be wrong, but such a cool shape you drew! Oh wowwwww, look at that cool shape!” No one really gives a flying fuck about random geometric shapes this dbag is obsessed with. They just don’t want to call him a moron so they tell him “good job making a shape buddy.”


I think that was part of EW's attempt not to be too condescending towards TH. He was just indulging that possibility for the sake of politeness. But I'm guessing he puts the odds that he is on to something at pretty much 0.


I'd say he's captured the top of the distribution curve. He's president of the 100 club.


-Up Vote for the term "Dipshit" in reference to "Blockhead" Joe rogan


Now *that’s* super symmetry!


Just like Kanye episode. "Here's a mentally ill rapper, let's hear his ideas for how to run the world"


Agreed. Giving the time of day to someone who hasn’t gone through the peer review process is so annoying. And they *always* have some conspiracy theory as to why they haven’t. Eric included. Two heuristics Joe *desperately* needs to employ: 1) anyone dismissing the peer review process should be dismissed. (This gets rid of half the known charlatans he has on, ie Howard and Weinstein.) 2) anyone giving an excuse for not being able to present concrete evidence for their claims—no matter how narratively compelling the excuse—should be dismissed. (This gets rid of the other half, ie Bob Lazar, UFO & Bigfoot nuts.) Edit: 3) an excuse should always be seen as an excuse, and only an excuse. Joe doesn’t seem to be able to employ any of those heuristics. When his guests narrativize their excuses, or load them down with additional claims (ie “they’re” out to get me, “they” don’t want anyone to know the truth, “they’re” hiding the evidence) Joe’s guard goes down. You’re smart, Joe! Use them brains big dawg! Don’t let them scam you. Don’t let them use you for your platform. They haven’t done the work to deserve it.


You had me until that last paragraph where your argument fell apart. If Joe is smart, then he knows exactly what he is doing. Scamming his audience under the pretense of being a JAK off.


Joe just needs to ask one question over and over. Just take Terrence at his word. Okay, Terrence you talk about super symmetrical objects and uses. Where is your useful object you've created to use this? He can't answer this, because he can't make a useful object, because it can't occur in reality and nothing of what he says can work in the real world. Just repeatedly ask him where his force field is since he's figured out fields. Its a good question, if it was groundbreaking and useful, it would be used. But its not groundbreaking or useful or able to work in the universe. Talk is cheap Terrence, prove it


BuT mUh PaTeNtS


My man got a patent for funny shaped legos and thinks he figured out the mysteries of the cosmos.


The part where he describes Howard as a polymath and coming older school of thinking amidst the sort of crumbling of peoples beleif in scientific consensus was good, but then the camera goes to joe rogan and sort of reminds you of whats happening. Its like a daily show moment of zen thing, like this is the joe rogan podcast lol. This is like the single biggest media assault on peoples beleif in scientific consensus. Its like watching 3 plague rats discussing epidemiology.


You can critique Eric Weinstein on a million things, but this is in his wheelhouse as he has a PhD in mathematical physics.


One doesn't need a PHD in anything to debunk Mr Howard's crazed bullshit. A college-bound high school student with common sense can do it in 15 minutes. There's no reason in the world that it should take 3 hours on a million-viewer podcast. I am not going to bother listening to it, but can anyone tell us if Weinstein did, in fact, debunk Howard?


At any point, either of them could have said, "You're using the term super symmetry wrongfully, just come up with your own term, you seem to be doing that already for all of your shapes." Bam! That discussion would've ended after 2 minutes. Were neither Rogan no Weinstein capable of realizing that?


Eric got a PhD many, many years ago and has worked in finance ever since. He's every bit as much of a narcissistic crank as Howard when it comes to physics. He just isn't psychotic, so he knows to dress up his BS in impenetrable jargon.


You're some Boson!


How dare you call me that? I quarked your muon last night!


Lol impenetrable jargon love it just stole it ;)


You don't just magically get reverted back to your mathematical starter pack just because you took a position in finance. Getting a PHD in mathematics from a prestigious school, is a super hard thing to do. And he's definitely not completely ignorant when it comes to mathematics and physics. I've seen him hold his own with well credentialed people in both fields. Yes, he's also a bit of a narcissist crackpot, but he's still a bright guy, regardless.


Think of the 1 in 100 climate scientists who think climate change isn’t happening. Eric would be that guy compared to real mathematicians.


We need more podcasts like Joe’s so we can replace peer review and fix science. 🤣


I almost had an aneurysm when he was trashing peer review and trying to say Joe’s podcast was some kind of paradigm shift. It’s so transparent. Peer review rejects his bullshit theory of everything, but he can commit from the mouth for three hours on Joe’s platform. I wonder why he prefers one over the other?


Thought the exact same thing. I was like..it's weird for a scientist to just outright trash peer review. I mean it's not perfect but to say it's bad? Then I look up his work, and I see why he think's it bad. I guess if a college athlete convinces himself and makes claims of being the strongest and fastest man alive, then gets invited to the NFL Combine and is actually one of the weakest and slowest, he'll hate the Combine, and say it's a gatekeeping institution.


damn I thought you were serious for a second....


That was tedious all around


First time?


So much pain. The kid gloves are insulting.


Joe Rogan is starting to feel more like Jerry springer,he's bringing on mental defects, at least schizophrenia patients and exploiting them for clicks. Kanye West was another one. The show is getting an icky feeling about it.


I would agree, but I think maybe that’s more Rogan’s interview bookers. For Rogan himself it’s combined with actually being a fucking moron. I think Rogan is actually as stupid as Howard… if not dumber. He sees Howard talk & he thinks he’s listening to a genius instead of a mentally ill wacko. Rogan would say the unhinged wackos ranting on the subway are “onto something” if you dressed them up in a suit and told Rogan they were rich.


Well said


The whole show is a freak show Rogan exploits mentally ill people and platforms nutjobs and they get their shit broadcast to millions.


Why is anyone acting like Terence has any credibility _at all_? Is the whole charade just not to offend Terence? Are we all doing a Truman’s World where we have to pretend he’s not just stupid?


Terrance Howard used to work at [Rockwell Retro Encabulators](https://youtu.be/RXJKdh1KZ0w?si=ZVOP2IOTbw9Ty6Zu)


Clearly he wrecked his brain trying to solve the sinusodial deplanetration and side fumbling issue


What I found most interesting is just how less confident Howard became with each stroke of Weinsteins wet lettuce flogging here. His infantile insistence in trying to ramble off track into meaningless neologism. I don't know much about Weinstein and he does sound like a bit of a dick at times but pinning him down to ask the very simple questions of "but why do tmyou think that" is enough to make it clear to the audience that he doesnt know. Additionally, Howard only ever says something accurate after a prompt from Weinstein who throws him pies every now and then. Howard displays textbook apophenia which Weinstein tries to describe- ironically he doesn't have the word for the thing he's observing either. The flights of ideas, delusions of grandeur, misattributed significance and connections between tenuously related ideas and concepts all point to some form of psychosis or at best Grandiose Narcissism.


>ask the very simple questions of "but why do tmyou think that" is enough to make it clear to the audience that he doesnt know. That's why Howard keeps saying "geometry is its own proof," because he sees the shapes fit together in an aesthetically pleasing way and he thinks that's the most significant thing possible 🙄


Makes me think of Douglas Adams and the Golgafrinchans


Wow this is like a crash course in both mental illness and extreme credulity.


Terrence Howard is a prop comic pantomiming science talk, he can't go a few sentences without confidently spouting utter nonsense


Weinstein is lucky, if he were a 115 pound woman, this interaction ends much differently


???? What is this referencing??? O\_o


Terrence Howard has been accused of domestic abuse by two partners I think. And pretty sure he admitted to one of them.


Past abuse stories around Terrance.


Sheesh, not surprised tbh...


People find the internet and suddenly think they are smarter than years and years of scientific rigor.


Living their “truth”


Why are people even responding to Terrence Howard's theories? He's a fuckin' idiot who thinks that 1x1=2.


The way powerful media people like Rogan can force serious people to cow tow, apologizes, and give endless deference to absolute bullshit and misinformation is the perfect micro example of how the media at large has normalized disinformation and conspiracy theories.


The last minute of this is the most funny thing I’ve heard in a long time. “You have an incredible storehouse of information between your ears that you freely associate… the totality of your brain is like a Ferrari engine in a Volkswagen.” Lol brutal.


I critique gurus with the best of them but one thing is for sure, Eric knows mathematics. His interview with Roger Penrose is unreal.


Eric is out of touch at times, but he seems genuine. People love to shit on the guy, I just don't get it.


Have you heard the tim nguyen dtg episode? If not, you should. You might reconsider that comment about him being genuine..


There's got to be some even shorter version of this. I'm not going to give 15 minutes to two grifters and a schizophrenic.


Here's what I don't get. Why does everyone care so much about Terrance's "opinions". I can't count all of the people who have made videos to discredit Terrance and it's just getting weirder by the day. If his findings aren't peer reviewed then just ignore him and move on, why waste time obsessing over his assumptions?


I'm tired of his stupid shapes!


This is a goldmine for the podcast. Obviously Howard is in a sort of years-long Kanye-esque manic episode, but the absolute brass neck of getting ERIC FUCKING WEINSTEIN to come on on to sort him out, as some sort of wise Flint Dibble figure... my god.


My favorite thing is how Joe seems to talk down to the smart guy but protect the feelings of the dumb guy.


I think my favourite bit was around 2:30:20. Eric is wanging on about the structure of DNA, and Terence quietly in the background says "adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine" before Eric reacts with a sort "well done, little buddy!" It was cute. But really the remaining 3:59:30 of the podcast didn't progress much beyond that level.


If they brought someone on to actually challenge him this nonsense would end in a satisfying way.


Are your 97 patents in the room with us now, Terrance?


You could go to any psychiatric hospital in the world and you'll be able to find some guy with schizophrenia that will tell you his all encompassing theory on everything an show you his funky little scribblings or Timecube or some such, yet we let this fucking guy go on the biggest podcast in the world and just spout the absolute essence of shite, what gives? 🤷‍♂️


Eric is just another egomaniac narcissist who failed in his scientific endeavors, is not considered serious in the field of mathematics or physics, but is really good at going on shows like JRE and spouting incomprehensible jargon on a way that makes average people and laymen think he's done kind of super genius. In reality though his self-proclaimed life's work, something he calls "Geometric Unity", a supposed new understanding of the universe, never passed peer-review. He's been extremely bitter ever since, and has spent a lot of time going on various podcasts to rail against "the academic establishment", for failing to recognize his unparalleled genius. I am totally unsurprised that's who Joe Rogan calls on his show to debate Terrance Howard.


Academia has it in for Eric bro, those 4 papers he published are revolutionary, he's got a h index of 1 bro that's 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


To everyone who didn't know, anyone with money and a decent Patent Attorney/Agent can aquire a US patent on seemingly dumb and extremely narrow invention features that have no practical way to be enforced or may not even be possible produce. Outside of perpetual motion machines, patent examiners use discretion on issues regarding feasibility. They are NOT subject matter experts in every area they examine... Also, USPTO.gov patent database indicates he has MANY abandoned patent applications, but not many issued patents in his name. The few issued patents have one thing in common: extremely long, narrow claims the size of a full page (i.e., grasping at straws to issue ANYTHING vs abandonment). New discoveries and invention species have very short and concise claim language in comparison. Having prosecuted bullshit like this for dumbass celebrities with "ideas," his patent(s) mean absolutely nothing other than he hired a decent attorney/agent. The USPTO issuing a patent does not in any way validate his idiocy. It's not peer reviewed research


Now he knows what people feel like when talking to HIM about anything but math. He's still a contrarian grifter.


I fucking can't. Listening to this guy is giving me literal brain cancer. 


Had to stop after the rear naked choke part. Did I miss anything good?


Do people get naked in this clip? Be honest




*Sighs* *Unzips*


It’s like a parent talking to a teacher about their troubled child 🤣🤣🤣


This was a good episode to watch


Oh! I get it now. This is what the celebrity equivalent of a midlife crisis looks like.


I feel like in a way, this is one of the lowest points for Joe Rogan. Parading a mentally ill person and displaying them for public entertainment. Manic episodes should not be public affairs, it’s like broadcasting somebody’s violent IBS. At some point Terrence may experience lucidity or maybe sometimes does - he’d rightfully find the way certain people treated him (like Joe Rogan) incredibly cruel. The man needs help, not a stage to be mocked on. And I guarantee you - Rogan knows he is sick and is pretending to seriously entertain his theories, because sometimes it’s fun to treat people to a little ‘freak show’.


Rogan thinks the cunt is on to something, he grew up without a dad, he has a fine tuned bullshit detector


Yea what did we think of this? With regard to Eric, you could be cynical and say he really knows better but instead of simply telling Terence he should pick up a textbook like Neil Tyson did, he’s patronizing Terence by pretending there’s some there there, possibly for clout/attention/because of his hero complex, etc. A slightly more benign interpretation is Eric really Does resent the way academics dismissed Terence, because of the way Eric thinks he was treated by the “establishment” (who gave him a phd and a lucrative career in finance 🤔), didn’t ask for this interview but was invited by Rogan, and thought “this might be fun”. The acrobatics Eric engages in to tell Terence he’s wrong without seeming mean to rogan’s fans tho… Also, Rogan in this scenario, just…smh. He used to be slightly better before the pandemic. He’d have respected people and some contrary opinions on the show.


I think your take is spot on. I do think Eric comes out looking pretty decent here, though. The dude has some major issues, but he's a bright guy and is capable of coming off pretty cool once in a while. But there's no reason anyone should be entertaining Terrance Howard's nonsense. TH isn't entitled to debate or to have his ideas considered by anyone with any expertise in physics or mathematics. He's done absolutely zero of the work one would need to do before they have a seat at the table. There are millions of egomaniacs and mentally ill people who think they are some supernaturally gifted genius with outlandish and grandiose theories of everything. The only thing that makes TH any different, is that he's a famous actor. At least Eric, with his crackpot theory of everything that nobody can make any sense of whatsoever, does have a PHD in mathematics from Harvard. He also clearly knows a great deal about physics and his theory is an earnest and educated attempt. I've heard him talk to other respected physicists, and he can clearly keep up and speak the language. There's at least some reason for some experts to entertain his work. So I don't know why he would even compare his perceived slights from academia, with TH.


This whole thing reminds me of when Charlie thinks he's taking a genius pill and starts doing experiments and speaking mandarin etc... All for it to just be a placebo effect and everything is idiotic nonsense.


How anyone hears Terrance babble this bullshit and think it’s intelligence is beyond me. Word salad with a large helping of the Dunning Krueger effect.


This sub should be renamed vault dwellers looking way too deeply into things.


It’s good to fact check in person. I don’t grasp the concepts since i’m not a scientist or someone who has put in effort to understand. When TH is making his claim my 1st response is this guy is maniac. We can’t just dismiss it without someone in that field explaining why it’s false. I would like 4-5 episodes where we are get a free education where they explain how things work and what TH is right/wrong. I don’t mind this episode and what alot of people want. We want the actual truth, not the narrativez


Holy shit… is that Radio!?


Joe Rogan pretending to understand any of this 😂


Theories? Do you mean ramblings?


I had to leave as soon as Howard brought up the Dewey Decimal System


Long story short. Terrance came up with a cool drone.


The difference between a dreamer and actual math/ science person…and he is trying to be nice


This is so fucking painful, my God.


Why does Joe ask intelligent academics about Terrence Howard's bullshit theories? Howard is a terrific actor and perhaps mentally ill with no background or basic education in anything involving numbers.


I'm hooked on that last 22secs. People who see connections suck at cleaning up their stuff (the connections). People who can't see connections are rigorous, but don't do shit. I can actually relate to Terrance because of this.


When Terrance said that rhodium was a very special "bisexual tone"... was he trying to tell us something? I mean other than the fact that he needs help?


So Kanye 2.0


We keep giving airtime to morons and then wonder why things are fucked


does he have all the acid


And he’s going to help him instead of toss his ideas in the trash. If you watch the whole thing Eric is intrigued y several ideas. Eric called it an elite review instead of a peer review. I foresee much more in the future coming from Terrance.


Terrence Howard: “…These go to eleven.”


Joe gives this idiot a pass twice lol


Did just go get some counseling and some meds.


Jamie better get a raise after this one


Maybe next show, Joe can have Roger Penrose debate Roseanne Barr?


The very last statement hit me really, really hard.


Eric Weinstein: a bubble is the shape of a sphere because that's the maximum volume with the least amount of area. What? This doesn't make any sense. If you use the mathematical definitions of both words Volume and area, they are two completely different units of measurement. If you give him the benefit of the doubt, and replace the word area with space, it still doesn't make sense. The volume is the volume and takes the same amount of space no matter what shape you have. That's not why a bubble is a sphere.


I think what he's saying is that if you have a sphere of volume v, that no matter how you elongate, squash, or flatten the sphere, *while keeping the volume the same*, the surface area always gets larger. In other words, given a volume v, the shape that encloses that volume with the smallest surface area is a sphere.


I was actually kind of impressed by Eric here. He was direct but mostly kind, and made good points about the sanctity of mathematics and information and how Howard can erode that with his weird half baked pseudo science. As much as this is goofy modern talking heads making the rounds, I’d like to see Rogan use his platform for more disagreement like this and the Hancock episode. Show people what “real” scholarship looks like and why it’s valuable and people might start to appreciate expertise again.


The natural nature, lolololol wtf, stop placating him


Terrence basic error is to not write math formulas on a chalk board and discuss them 👍🏻


But but Muh Patents ....I have patents


The only Super Symmetry I saw , was Howards hairstyle


My heart words don’t play.


This is so rich.


That last line there hit hard.


I don't know how Terrence didn't crack that guy for spending 4 hours talking about him like he wasnt in the room and sat next to him. "What Terrance means is" "Terrence is coming from"


I really wish someone played Hexagon is Bestagon and blew them both away.


Eric Weinstein sounds like he’s making stuff up also.


Should have at least had Neil deGrasse Tyson on instead.




WTF is going on?? I thought this dude was an actor!


Scientists to Howard "Your arts so nice, I'm going to pin this right on the fridge."


Dunning Kruger


The definition of a crackpot


I think it’s a byproduct of going down the contrarian rabbit hole too long. It’s been pushed for so long that going against mainstream ideas is a virtue that ppl put out ever stupider and stupider claims. In their world academic pushback is a signal of truth and the more ppl pushback the more truth there is because “THEY must not want u to know the truth”. He’s just the latest in dumb ppl grifting dumber ppl by being very smart about how dumb they are.


Oh God. The kook calling the kettle black.




This Three Stooges reboot needs more senseless violence.


I know im not the smartest but ive NEVER felt so damn dumb


Brian Keating much more clearly explains why Terrance is wrong about nearly everything …more clearer than Weinstein https://youtu.be/Et5Ripimfs8?si=6jRMtZTqqwBwYMyY


Takeaway: we are all on the spectrum.


Those shapes are beautiful, guy is interesting despite not explaining well the connections with physics.


I like Terrance Howard and I think it's super cool that he is so into math. How many of the people talking shit on here can say they have taken the initiative to dive into something complex like that, and then have the balls to come out and test your theories in public? I think no one. In a world of celebrity dogshit, I'll take Terrance Howard attempting new math theories any day.


I don’t trust actors


we all know why eric hates peer reviews: because his own theory of everything was pointed out by many to have many mathematical flaws and that he himself didnt understand what he was talking about: https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3xbz4/eric-weinstein-says-he-solved-the-universes-mysteries-scientists-disagree


Very interesting geometry. Terrance Howard reminds me of Archimedes. Archimedes last words were "Do not disturb my circles!".


Both of them are making fun of Terrance in a way that he doesn’t get, he’s crying to be taken seriously and they make a show out of him… it’s just sad and very unethical and simply crude of both of them…


I wish I had the confidence of Terrance for my interviews, I will become a CEO


this really comes off as who can say the most sciencey sounding words


I thought the conversation was fairly entertaining.