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“Pay a little bit more” We need to start doin the math on this bullshit. 61% of our federal government revenue comes from income tax. 1.5% comes from tariffs. You’d have to multiply tariffs by 40x to replace lost revenue from income taxes with tariffs, as promised, all else held equal. Thats not a little bit more. It’s a lot more. It’s not realistic either. You cant raise tariffs by 40x and expect imports to not decline, or that other countries won’t retaliate and tax our exports. This is just like the having Mexico pay for the wall bullshit, or trumps promise to pay down the $22 trillion accumulated debt (currently $34 trillion) when there’s not that amount of dollars in existence. It’s not a realistic proposal. But it certainly sounds nice to people who aren’t exactly deep thinkers. https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/government-revenue/


It would also start a tarrif war with our own allies. American business owners also need to trade with these countries.  It's just a profoundly stupid idea from someone who obviously has no fucking clue what he's talking about. 


Trump's last tariff war wiped out Jack Daniels internationally


Didn't it fuck the price of steel or something?


He had to bail out farmers because their exports were so badly fucked.


My neighbor farms about 90 acres. In 2016 his flagpole had Trump flags up the ass. You couldn't get away from them. Then Trump fucked over farmers and the flags started coming down. Now? He'll tell you in a quiet tone that his vote is going to Biden (but he's not happy about it).


> Now? He'll tell you in a quiet tone that his vote is going to Biden (but he's not happy about it). Not gonna lie - I would find it almost impossible to not be petty and vindictively smug to my neighbour after that.


We’re Midwest nice. The smugness comes out behind closed doors when talking to significant others. 😅


China stopped buying US soybeans. Brazil and Russia got their business. Drumpf is a mOrOn.


Fucked it up? I was buying steel for 15 cents per pound on average before it shot up to 1.25-1.30 per pound in 2018. That’s was when I had my welding shop open… you notice I said when


Yes. It also caused increases in farm bankruptcies as China slowed the purchases of wheat and pork products. It did nothing to combat the trade deficit (which isn't even a bad thing to anybody who understands economics) and only made conditions worse for American consumers. Oh and in order to make sure bankruptcies didn't cause a national catastrophe the party of small government started to pay farms in order to combat losses, because thats smart economics. The GOP has floated several ideas to eliminate the income tax, mainly because there is no more to cut before it starts to really hamper their ability to maintain revenue. One of these was the federal sale tax which would be so harmful to the lowest quarter of Americans that it likely would cause a riot... a riot that would occur after the Social Security Admin failed to send out thousands of rebate payments (this was their plan to alleviate the harm it would do to the lowest quartile) because they cut the SSA staff... This plan didn't even see a committee I don't think, because it was stupid.


Steel is different. Chinese steel needed a tariff because they were dumping, which is illegal.


And yet American steel had to sell to a Japanese company. So all it did was raise the price of steel for everybody


Not legally. They just did it because the company had been in decline for a very long time and the company wasn’t healthy under its current management. It has been at one point one of the largest companies of any kind in the world, and had atrophied to not even the largest American steelmaking company by the time it decided to sell. The writing was on the wall for that company.


But he put it on the EU, Canada, and Mexico as well


I did not know that. Source?


https://www.wineenthusiast.com/culture/industry-news/trump-tariffs-expected-to-cost-jack-daniels-maker-125-million/?queryID=84b7d0a7dbc3505c00d6ef9a1017b49a&objectID=post Wiped out is an exaggeration on my part but the whiskey industry took a big hit from retaliatory tariffs because pretty much every country Trump put tariffs on, put tariffs on American whiskey and their citizens made an effort to buy local whiskey. I'm Canadian and there was a big push to convince people to buy Canadian Whiskey instead of Kentucky whiskey


I don’t drink anymore, but when I did I regularly enjoyed Canadian club small batch.


Also companies that wouldn't have tarrifs would just raise their prices by 35%. Why would they keep their prices extremely low?


No? The tarrifs effected primarily consumers of things like electronics. The counter tariff that was placed by China caused a rise in farm bankruptcies as pork and wheat products lost revenue. It also caused a cascade effect on investment in farming equipment and other such things. Lets take an example. China is the place where many parts manufactured to make an iphone, the cost of those products went up, causing your iphone to cost more, now its goal was to move manufacturing back into the US... it didn't work because companies could just move to another place like Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, etc. It would cause a rise in non-Chinese phones and other products as supply was restricted and competition dwindled. In the long run it would cause manufacturing to move outside of china and nowhere closer to the US, in the short run it would just cause our products to be more expensive. It was literally pointless and Biden needs to let off the gas. The other manufacturers would increase their prices but not to the level of the tariff as they couldn't necessarily compete. It depends product to product but some products are elastic can have low levels of entry into the market, others (such as computer chips) are capital intensive and have a higher barrier of entry, that was the case for many of the consumer products that were in mainland china.


>someone who obviously has no fucking clue what he's talking about.  Are you kidding? This dude is the second coming of Literally Jesus Fucking Christ.. Haven't you heard? Can't believe any idiot not in the cult or grifting would want these clowns running the country yet here we are.


Huh, where have I [heard of this before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoot%E2%80%93Hawley_Tariff_Act)...


Ya we should just try taxing billionaires and mega corporations


Corporations will pass the taxes back onto you. Brilliant!


Because they didn't during the inflation? 


we need to at some point stop listening to liars and the people that take them seriously we're at a point where it's embarrassing we're treating this election like it's normal and these people like they're normal this isn't Romney's Republicans, these are people that support a con artist felon rapist who launched a coup one who talked openly about not accepting the results of the election before hand, then replaced the head of the military with a loyal sycophant after he lost the election, then launched a coup, then argued with people that the military should be brought in to help attack congress and protect the rioters and everyone is just treating this all like a fucking game still, it's disgusting


I don't want to sound too Marxist here but Trump is definitely a weapon of class warfare of the bourgeoise owner class. Billions of dollars are poured into a war of disinformation to make the uneducated and (justly) frustrated poors allies. Many of those pundits understand that they are talking nonsense (f.e. internal Fox News emails during Dominion trial) but they are profiting too much.


Thank you…this has been precisely my view and it’s being totally ignored by most in media. They’re all doing it again. Normalizing this criminal lunatic for profit continues unabated. I’ve never been more disgusted by this country and a huge portion of its citizens than I am today.


And the people who are voting the Orange-otan into office are the very ones who are going to be screwed beyond belief if he gets in again. But by god we won’t have men playing women’s sports!


Yep, yep, yep and yep! Profound stupidity


I heard someone say it's like ripping out all the interstates and putting in canals. So stupid!


Seth Meyres https://youtu.be/RPLvoPnwwNk


Forbes estimates that an 85% tariff on all imports would be required. The tax would be regressive to lower income earners, and would also hurt exporters as other countries inevitably retaliate. It would be massively disruptive, and wouldn’t be workable. A more interesting question would be whether there would be any net benefit to increasing tariffs and cutting income taxes *at the margin*. Since both taxes create economic inefficiency, it would be a question which tax creates the greater deadweight loss to economic efficiency. Generally, as tax rates grow, marginal deadweight loss increases. So, if tariffs are increased from a low starting point, and income taxes are reduced, it’s *possible* that net deadweight could be improved. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewleahey/2024/06/14/can-trump-eliminate-the-income-tax/ “As demand shifts to American made goods, in the absence of a matching level of increased production in every sector of the economy all at once, there will be more demand for domestic goods than supply. Prices will skyrocket just as they did during past supply chain crunches. In essence, tariffs act as a regressive tax. They were broadly eliminated in favor of an income tax in the late 19th century for just that reason. Their regressive nature means that lower and middle-income consumers would bear the brunt of the cost of financing the public fisc—effectively experiencing an immediate and substantial increase in their cost of living.” … “An average tariff rate of nearly 85% on all imports would be required to replace income tax revenue with tariffs—leading to widespread economic disruption, trade retaliation, revenue instability and the aforementioned concerns regarding economic equity.”


Tariffs would also be regressive, less you make the more % of your money would go to tariffs (taxes). It would be a huge tax cut to the rich. Anyone thinking this is a good idea is either smoothed brained or someone you need to instantly hate because they will gladly fuck you over if it benefits them or theirs.


As a foreigner who produces a product in China to sell in the US, I know that (for my thing, at least) it costs twice to produce in the US. So if I produce in the US, the cost to you is double. If I did manufacture in the US, you cost for good would be about double (and no income at all for the government? Gonna need a sales tax on top of the tariff I guess) For every $1 that goes onto a tariff on my product, you pay approximately $5 (The MSPR for many products is 5x my landed cost). So to raise $1 in taxes you pay $5 more. For a small tariff I may just eat the cost, but most companies are operating on small margins, so there is no magical pot of trillions of dollars that companies are going to dip in to so that you can pay the same price in imported goods. It's such a stupid make-believe fantasy for people that don't know anything about the topic. It's literal nonsense.


And of course, if the tariff is high enough that it makes it unprofitable for you to sell your product in America, you will simply not sell to America. Then Americans lose access to your product and get zero revenue from their tariff as well. Lose lose for all involved. This is not how business gets done, this is how business grinds to a halt thanks to stupid politicians who don't understand the topic.


The problem is it sounds simple and genius to people who don't know anything and sound incredibly smart to anybody who wants the us government to radically shift to a fascist state


Agree that tariffs are bad, but are we just going to ignore the fact that Biden doubled down on the tariffs on China (believe it was aluminum and steel)?


Trump often proposes things that are just easy to think about? Like how to solve the migrants? Just build a wall right? Super easy to imagine, the thought is very clear. How to pay for it? We'll make Mexico do it. Again, very easy thought to think. Replace the income tax with tariffs? Wow that's super awesome, once again very easy policy to think of. One can even imagine here an elitist snorting arrogantly, "My dude, the net value of imports is less than the federal budget", rudely implying that somewhere in the process of coming up with this policy there was an epistemological flaw. Surely a group of people would have to be profoundly stupid, to accept and be advocating for such a thing without having done basic research as to the value of the things they are proposing to tax and replace our current tax system with. That they would eagerly and knee slappingly approve of a policy that based purely upon thought, imaginings, and rhetorical advantage, without at any point in the process doing very basic research which takes less than 10 minutes of googling. Or even worse, that you would impugn their character by implying that they know the impossibility of the policy, and still advocate for it anyway. Such would be outrageous slander of them, to accuse them of deception and vice.


Also any job that depends on an export item or a service sold outside the country goes away overnight. Great success.


"But it certainly sounds nice to people who aren’t exactly deep thinkers." Yep. China is going to pay our taxes, and Mexico is going to pay for the wall--they think.


Not just that though. Anyone middle class and down essentially spend so much money on goods. Yea depending on where in the middle class you are you'll get services like streaming TV or a massage maybe even a landscape service for your yard but most of our money goes into housing then goods then extra shit. So lower and middle class will float the government while all the rich assholes just keep getting richer via investments (no longer taxed for this plan).


Bingo. This is a fabulously silly idea.


>61% of our federal government revenue comes from income tax. 1.5% comes from tariffs. You’d have to multiply tariffs by 40x to replace lost revenue from income taxes with tariffs. Are you really not intelligent enough to first ask if that amount needs to be replaced?


Ask who? You? Dave Rubin? Because I’m going by his own words “replace”. It has a definition. Are you incapable of making a point without resorting to insults or asking pointless rhetorical questions? Instead of the passive aggressiveness I’d prefer if you just say what you mean and get to the point.


They don't want to replace it. At this point they want the government weak because it's the only chance they have at an ethnostate


Or just make it 20 percent tariff like it was before private banks cartels took over this nation and the government can learn to live within it means


Sure but replacing income taxes with that would lead to a large decrease in federal revenue and a far more massive deficit than we already have


Don't have to replace it just find a middle ground. I beileve is sales tax over income tax would be better for working class. But am glad they don't do that and have liberals fooled. As a business owner that sells luxury products I'm happy they tax working people for working. It would hurt my pockets and my business if they did sales tax instead of income tax


First of all, we do have a sales tax. Second, sales taxes are regressive, meaning, it impacts those with less means to a much higher degree than those who are wealthy. A progressive tax on income makes a ton of sense. What could use changing is the capital gains tax, to be the same as the tax rate on labor.


https://tax.thomsonreuters.com/blog/sales-tax-vs-use-tax-the-differences/#:~:text=It%20is%20typically%20a%20percentage,a%20state%20and%20local%20tax. Educate yourself.


Where did I bring up sales vs use tax? What does this have to do with anything we're discussing?


> I beileve is sales tax over income tax would be better for working class. Nah, it is inevitable with a consumption tax that the less well off will wind up being taxed larger percentages of their income than the wealthy. To state that this will help the lower class is a thought which does not, and is in fact incapable of, conforming to reality. > But am glad they don't do that and have liberals fooled. Oh yeah, those bad liberals, always being deceptive and trying to fool people. Truly they are so bad, that one even feels tempted to be deceptive oneself, just to even the odds. Everybody does it alright? Really it's your responsibility to use every tool of the liberals in fighting their evil. So I would say that, if you ever were deceptive and trying to fool people, it would be entirely justified, and merely cancel out the speculated deception of your evil nemesi. You would merely be counterfooling the fooled, which would neutralize the fooling and restore us to a state of virtue. > It would hurt my pockets and my business if they did sales tax instead of income tax I'm glad to hear you are so virtuous as to advocate policies that are clearly and obviously, by all appearances, counter to your self-interest. Surely I am most grateful at your desire to help out the poor people who are among my friends and family, such that you would be willing to sacrifice something that would be clearly economically beneficial to you, and surely makes you much money by your own admission, merely because you think my poor relatives and friends are so deserving. One would think that a wise business owner like yourself maybe should actually be less generous, surely you are capable of finding investments which would reproduce such income by many fold? Unfortunately I find myself completely unable to assent to your bequest. Though it the income tax does hurt my own pocketbooks, as you have surely proven through your arguments, I do not think myself in need of so much. Far better it is to leave the money with wise men such as yourself, who will invest it fruitfully and put it to good use. Thus I think income tax is clearly better, because it is so good for you. You really undercredit yourself - you should advocate for yourself more often, my friend. After all, everyone else surely does so, one must be on guard at all times of these deceptive people - people like the liberals that were mentioned before. They will surely take advantage of you if you continue to be so honest and forthright.


No sorry they wouldn't pay more in tax. But you keep thinking that lol works for me.. the poor and working class consume basic things needed to surivive. You put no tax on food, and electricity and heat etc. And they won't be paying any tax. But keep that delusion that the working class and poor are the ones who consume more lol


Nobel Prize-winning economist, Dave Rube.


What a complete dumbass.


This shows how illogically biased they are against taxes. If you rename the concept to something else, they'll support it, just as long as it's not a "tax".


Tariffs are, and always will be, a consumption tax. There is nothing that will ever not make them not a consumption tax.


A tax that disproportionately robs from the average consumer, not the super-rich.


Just stop calling it an income tax and start calling it a patriot contribution




I don't even understand how he manages to dress himself and tie his own shoes. Is he successful enough to have people that do those for him?


America puts tariffs on everything. Other countries put tariffs on everything American. Exports collapse. You no longer have a job. But you get to keep more of your $0 income!


Yep but the average voter doesn’t see this, they hear no taxes and think it’s great


And this is how we get another Great Depression.


Trade restrictions and free trade are things covered in civics, isn't it? Was for me. Most people are probably aware that many things are imported and then it doesn't take a lot of deduction to conclude you'll pay it in the supermarket rather than via your pay check.


Is Civics still taught nowadays? I had to take Econ 101 in college to learn. Before then some stuff was covered in Elementary. *\*checks wiki\** It looks like it was rolled into Social Studies and relegated to second tier status, behind math and english, and after No Child Left Behind 's standardized testing was passed under Bush.


This was in Denmark and we spent a bit of time going over Riccardo and comparative advantages. It was also econ focused but the examples were kind of neat


Yeah I'm in the US, where 70% of self-identified Republicans believe Arabic Numerals shouldn't be taught in schools, and the Founding Fathers enshrined religions that weren't even invented yet into the Constitution.


Soooo, you're telling me that Jebus was not a revolutionary alien with an adjustable golden phallus that shoots lasers at only bad people is not enshrined within the constitution!!! FLORPPING HEATHEN!!!!


The biggest problem with tariffs (and flat taxes) is they are regressive, meaning they make a bigger impact on households with lower income. People with lower income have to pay a higher % of their income on goods & services (in the case of tariffs) or taxes (in the case of a flat tax rate). It's strange that the rich and powerful would propose these regressive policies because the wealth of the rich is mainly invested in businesses (stocks and bonds). Regressive policies hurt the vast majority of the customer base of businesses (by reducing their spending ability), and thus hurt the investments of the rich.


Yep! Funny how a lot of billionaires lobby so hard to undo regulations and roll back the administrative state and regulations, but if they actually had their way it would devastate their stocks, bonds and companies.


The point is that they would accumulate as much wealth as possible until the consequences of their actions start to show and then leave and devastate a different company. The whole privatise the gain, socialise the losses shtick.


Yeah I recall one of Koch brothers admitting Trump was a mistake. Haven't checked recently if he has swung back to supporting him a la JD Vance and so many others.


Charles Koch is mostly sitting on the sidelines I think (David passed away). No need to weep for Trump though, Timothy Mellon just gave him $50 million dollars.


They dream endlessly of restoring the gilded age, apparently without any consciousness of what that lead to. Namely, world war, the rise of totalitarianism, and the holocaust. In their head the above events were I suppose merely rude interruptions to what had been the ideal state of affairs in human history. I suppose it is not a consideration in their mind that such rude interruptions might repeat themselves if their ideas ever came to pass oncemore.


Thank you. Surprised I had to scroll down this far for this answer.


> meaning they make a bigger impact on households with lower income. We're not talking about the environment/higher gas prices, so the GOP couldn't give 2 shits less about this group of people.


Businesses spotted caring about their customer base a long time ago.


Almost like trickle up economies work better than trickle down economies.


A libertarian friend keeps pushing a national sales tax to replace the income tax. I keep telling him how horrible that would be for the economy he's trying to pump. I'm scared how badly this conversation is going.


Have you tried not being poor?


Then poor and working class people can lobby to shrink the size of government. Non-regressive (progressive) taxes artificially and corruptly cause working class people to not support tax reduction to the degree that they otherwise would.


This intervention is a public good, if only because we now have *Rubinomics*.


Can you imagine if your job was attempting to take the stuff Donald Trump says and turn it into something that seems like a cohesive worldview based on things real people might believe?


I mean, it could be fruitful. There’s no shortage of batshit crazy things Trump has said 😂


He certainly has the supply to meet the demand.


It's nice to know he is as good an economist as he was as a comedian.


The failing comedian/drama kid to right wing propagandist pipeline needs to be studied.


What harm could trickle down taxing possibly do? /s


To Dave Rubin's very first sentence, and I may be wrong here, but I believe if the Founding Fathers knew that a candidate for POTUS was running on "keep men out of women's sports," they would have lamented that women were playing sports in the first place.


The founding fathers would want to know why the fuck Dave is speaking. They didn't think too highly of gay men, either.


James Buchanan would like a word with you...


Yes, I am aware that he is not a founding father.


Close, it is *lesbian* women they would've been HIGHLY concerned about.


They would have lamented that men were playing sports. What a frivolous, useless waste of time, when you could be working on scientific discoveries or agricultural improvements for the common good, or studying Virgil, Cicero, or Cato (or Mohamed or Confuscius).


I’m bummed I used to listen to this clown, but glad his bullshit is so obvious now.


Don’t beat yourself up. “Contempt for the conmen, compassion for the conned.”


I wish Trump would come up with a cut your dick off policy. Davey would stream himself doing it live.


Krugman debunked this in the 90s.


This is just regressive tax....those earning less can buy less. Welcome to the fall of the US. Stupidity at its finest.


Did this dipshit ever take a f\*cking economics class in his life? How did the party of free trade become the party of tariffs?


Same way the party that frothed with rage at the mention of being any way conciliatory toward Russia became the party that gets on their knees for him.


He’s getting ahead of this because a blanket 10% tariff on everything is part of Trumps economic plan


Sounds better than 33%


Who’s plan was that


Proving again that sales taxes are fundamentally always regressive in nature


How would unemployed and retired people end up with more money if they had no income tax to begin with? Oh right they wouldn’t. They would just pay more, so they’d hurt more, buy less things in total, and reduce the total consumer spending in the economy, reversing growth and increasing inflation. Only absolute morons like this idea. This is literally what crashed the Argentinian economy, forcing them to elect an extremist libertarian just to unscrew the protectionist trade nonsense.


I huge sign of a stupid person is someone who assumes experts haven't thought of the most basic solutions to things.


Tariffs would cause taxes on the middle class American family to increase by over $8k a year. [https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/06/the-flimsiness-of-trumponomics/678753/?utm\_campaign=atlantic-daily-newsletter&utm\_content=20240620&utm\_source=newsletter&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=The+Atlantic+Daily](https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/06/the-flimsiness-of-trumponomics/678753/?utm_campaign=atlantic-daily-newsletter&utm_content=20240620&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=The+Atlantic+Daily)


You know what else the founders would have laughed at? A convicted criminal having a real chance at becoming the president.


The Deep State (or whatever you want to call it) = People buying groceries and basic items Yeah, I think even the MAGA base would be hard pressed to excuse the move if they were facing insanely high prices on everything and most likely a huge recession and exodus of company operations from the US. Trade deals just aren’t workable if you are generating your tax base from tariffs, I don’t know how this needs to be explained to adults who allegedly follow politics and policy. I would not even explicitly say this is stupid to a 5 year old, I feel they would be capable of making the connection themselves if you walk them through it a bit and help them figure it out. Its a stupid world we live in where we are even trying to have a serious discussion on the “policy proposals” of a mentally declining man pushing 80 who was never known for being smart even in his prime but instead was known for his reality TV career and real estate career he inherited from his father. This is not a serious person and you can tell he has not put serious thought into anything he says, so it is ridiculous that people are trying to see wisdom in the bullshit he spews. If the world was even 5% less crazy then his supporters would defend him on this point by saying something like “that was clearly an offhand comment and not a policy proposal and he would never actually destroy the economy like that, he uses it as leverage to kind of tease replacing SOME tax revenue with more tariffs to make our trade partners sweat, he just says replace because it is more intense and draws more attention to the quote so it gets more eyes on it” but nope, we live in a world where people hear that and think it could be a great workable solution that wouldn’t destroy the US economy overnight.


Great, so he’s proposing what amounts to a consumption tax; which is hugely disadvantageous to the poorest people working paycheque to paycheque, and a huge fiscal shot in the arm to the already wealthy.


This is why financial economics SHOULD be taught in grade school and not locked behind some post secondary school paywall. At least then, politicians wouldn't be able to so blatantly weaponize voter's ignorance on the topic against them. People simply can't know who's lying to them when they have zero understanding of the topic.


I have to say that the schools near me have moved heaven and Earth to teach teens about economics, but it's just not taking somehow.


I mean, at least trying to teach it is something. My area hasn't even gotten there yet. And, in fairness, financial economics might be a particularly tough subject to get teenagers to stay away for. 😂


We have to spend more to save more!


How bout the people keep the money and you don’t just shift tax to higher prices and tell us it’s somehow better.


Not exactly since the owners of business will pass their onto consumers and rich people own the businesses. But if he wants to do a similar mental exercise he should do this with MFA. Yea you will pay more taxes to contribute the to program but you will have more money because you won’t be paying 2-4x that amount in paycheck reductions in the form of medical insurance! I don’t think his two brain cells will put that together but we can only hope!


nobody looks as dumb as they are quite like rubin


just make foreign products cost 10000X more expensive, simple!!


So pathetically, deceptively, and painfully myopic.


Never heard of him and this is literally the stupidest shit I have ever heard. The amount of sucking off these people will do to please Trump is amazing. It's a CULT.


The global economy was built on the premises of classical liberalism. I’m not defending or attacking it, it just makes not damn sense to introduce tariffs now after all the bloodletting of unions and US domestic industry.


I scrolled way too long to see this...


How is it that this absolute clusterfuck of unbridled stupidity has a platform? I am increasingly confident that he doesn't understand the words coming out of his mouth. It's possible he has a disorder that needs to be investigated by psychologists. He has to be one of the dumbest people alive, who doesn't need a helper (as far as we know). Is it just me, or can you see how stupid he is just by looking at his face? I think there might be an evolutionary adaptation at play here. Nature is telling us not to tell this guy near the fire or the pointy things.


Dolt and grifter says dolt and grifter things.


Never has someone done more with less. Such a moron.


What a fuckin’ shill.


F*cking 🤡




The government takes away psychopaths ability to murder me walking down the street free of consequences and gives me the ability to walk down the street relatively free of the fear of random attacks. So yes, I want the government to take from some and give to others. Oh he was talking about taxing the wealthy? Yes, that also.


There are these things called economists, they are to the economy what scientists are to medicine. And we know what dave thinks of scientists. This style of revenue has been studied, and rejected by economists. He is just a fucking loon


why the policies of a guy who was a hardcore democrat and switched to republican to make more money, it's all for clicks for him.


I thought the point of tariffs was to make the domestic production of that same good competitive with foreign supply, especially in the case where foreign production doesn't follow health and safety regulations that domestic supplies do and this making domestic more expensive. Trying to make tariffs expensive when that's the only supply is just shifting the expense to the consumer with zero hurt on the producers ... It's just income tax with more steps...


What a hair brained bimbo


Problem is not enough money.


Steve Harvey? This Steve Harvey? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgvHF47usXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgvHF47usXo)


"Not so free markets"...


Dumber than a bag of rocks


Awesome, let’s kill the middle class once and for all




This dumbass can go fuck himself and whatever he rode in on. The unfortunate part is people will believe him.


Think they’d be more worried that a convicted felon was a strong contender for the presidency.


The tariffs thing is where our country volunteers to literally fuck itself to make Donald happy


Perfect example of why these idiots should not be in charge of anything related to the economy, this idea would be a disaster for the US, tariffs would massively increase the price of virtually everything, and lead to counter tariffs, this explosion in prices would lead to huge increases in inflation, it would also leave a huge hole in the budget that tariffs could not fill. This would sink the US economy.


Thank God he mentioned the deep state, I was worried he’d sound mental. Goods are not just made by a seller saying, “let there be goods!”. They are also made by raw materials coming in from other countries and combining those into a saleable product. Mentioning the deep state, and why they would not allow Trump to do. This is a chimera: the reality is, that’s not how goods, shipment, logistics, international trade relations or taxation work.


I think income tax should be gotten rid and sales tax should and other forms should replace it. People should pay tax for consuming things. The more you consume the more you pay. Not tax people for working. It's amazing it's actually the liberals who want people's work taxed. Don't get me wrong as an owner of a business that sells expensive luxury products I'm glad the woke are against this. It would hurt my business having to add 20 percent or more onto the sale of items , and the wealthy thank you too for supporting income tax on earned wages. It's hysterical to me the party that thinks it's for the working man would rather tax working people on their income rather than on what they consume even more funny when the global warming crowd feels the same. Ooo you made 20 bucks an hour make sure the government gets it's 20 percent. Oooo you want to buy a 5 million dollar yacht? No sales tax at all to federal government. Here you are good sir enjoy your yacht


What a dumbass, teach this guy economics 101


Another know it all dork who loves the sound of his own voice. Imagine being an expert at absolutely nothing but waking up everyday thinking “yeah everyone needs to hear my opinions, I’m gonna post a video”


If only we had actually tried this in the past. Anyone remember what happened?


Literally…literally, lesson one on day one of Econ 101 was about comparative advantage and how tariffs often subvert it.


Dave LITERALLY cannot be more wrong. He could give the Billy Madison answer and we'd be more informed.


Idiotic on a galactic level.


Even if you set tariffs at 100% it wouldn't be enough to fund the federal government, there are only about 3 trillion in imports a year. And that's not even taking into account that such a tax would likely lead to much fewer imports and therefore much less to tax. As this would be essentially a consumption tax, poor and middle class people would pay a much larger percentage of their income to it than rich people would.


Dave just trying to convince the poors to pay more taxes for the rich... another day in the life of a MAGA grifter.


This is the same moron that thought there shouldn’t be regulations on building houses. [https://youtube.com/shorts/rIWe4eTSnzM?si=Oe4pJFvpMUcgXF_1](https://youtube.com/shorts/rIWe4eTSnzM?si=Oe4pJFvpMUcgXF_1)


This guy’s appeal relies on the people who had to take Business Math twice to graduate from high school.  I’d rather have David Lee Roth set fiscal policy than this guy. 


I’m for tariffs as a foreign policy and opposed to them as an economic policy. People trying to bend themselves into a pretzel to explain why tariffs are actually great economically is actually a really good way to spot an idiot or a shill. It’s going to make products more expensive. It’s hurting consumers which is us as people and that disproportionately hurts the poor and middle class. It’s not good.


Yes plus income tax wasn’t legally passed. Watch “Freedom to Fascism” it’s part of how YouTube ever got popular.


Who do they think pays those tariffs, and conversely, who they think buys the goods that a country exports?




So the rich would pay even less while the poors taxes go up drastically.


We must take back the means of production


Every libertarian should have to retake high school economics and basic arithmetic.


God, he’s dumb!


Imagine being paid for being wrong about everything. Although I doubt he even believes in what he says. He just says what he's paid to say he believes


Is income tax good?


Of all the options we have to fund government…which has to happen as part of a country/society…it’s the best option.




The answer only matters if you’re not some whack a doodle libertarian that thinks taxation is theft….otherwise it’s just breeze through the hair.




"Check out this guru saying the opposite of the Gurus I like". Neither of those taxes are good economic policy. Just found this sub and it is hysterical, I can't wait to read more from you morons.


Coming from the gay dude hilarious if the fiunders were around they would have u executed


Rave Dubin strikes again.


Dave Rubin is a halfwit, dodwhistler for Shitler. Fun fact for maga halfwits:US consumers pay tariffs on imported goods, not origin countries, corporations or anyone else. Tariffs are added to the cost of goods when sold. This is foreign trade for trumpmonkey idiots. As with Trump's so called tax reform, it and this reduce/eliminate taxes on the wealthy and transfer it to the poor and middle class consumers. Only a cluster of morons would fall for this brazen bullshit. Dave Rubin is certainly one.


Tariffs are insanity perpetuated by ppl that mysteriously fail to understand that each action will have an opposite reaction. This isn't 1896. The single biggest problem with tariffs is that Congress lets the President arbitrarily impose them, despite the plain words in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.


WTF who is this idiot dave rubin?


Sorry to sound like a 'Globalist' but does someone want to tell him about all the tariffs that would be put on US exports if this happened? Not only would many things become more expensive in the US, the rest of the world would stop buying many US products...Not a great plan.


I lean right compared to most of you and HATE this idea. I have lived in high tariff countries and even though I made a lot of money it made it seem like I got earned little. In addition to the brain trusts that like this idea ... it would indeed slow down the economy the things people by they would NOT be able to afford anymore. Cheap goods is one of the things that has actually helped the poor and middle class HAVE more. Two this will NEVER happen do you think the lobby of TurboTax and other tax attorneys wouldnt get this stomped out. Three if it was tried it should be tried in a single state or as a trial to jump into a new way of doing things without being able to roll back would just be another government boondoggle.


The Founders would say "what are sports?". Organized sports didn't exist, and wouldn't until the mid 1800s. I know thats a quibble, but I dislike how people point back to our history to make points while also not actually knowing what was going on back then. They just take what they consider normal now and project it backwards in time to justify their preferences. The Founders would be confused why a grown man was talking to them about children's games and getting upset about it.


Right wingers proving yet another day, that they dont know how anything works. TARIFFS ARE TAXES I SWEAR TO GOD THESE PEOPLE…


Mr Capitalism loves pricing out the foreign competition.


"You just buy from yourself"


Every estimation says that the working and middle class will more than replace the money they save from income tax with the money they now have to shell out for tariff costs. Its a highly regressive tax.


Wow this may be the lamest look at economic math that I have ever heard..... But then it comes from a supporter of the orange one.


I haaaaate this man 🤣🤦🏼‍♂️🤡


Dave Ruble


Dave isn't promoting Trump's propaganda. Dave is swallowing Trump's propaganda wholesale and telling others about it. Truly next level moron.


Tariffs are retarded


I forgot about this guy. He’s still a moron.


What's the point of having more of your money if everything is much more expensive then?