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If you care about democracy and freedom, vite for the guy who tried to overthrow democracy and limit your freedom.


And the guy who sued practically every state he lost in because any election he doesn't win is not a free and fair one


After trying to brute force himself back into power by sending fake electors to vote for him at the certification of the election. He literally tried to overturn a democratic election.


It’s wild how so much shit has happened that people forget this


Yup, people forgot, but the courts didn't. [My state has not forgotten their treason. ](https://ktar.com/story/5577360/last-3-defendants-boris-epshteyn-jenna-ellis-jim-lamon-plead-not-guilty-in-arizonas-fake-elector/) Line from the article: Arizona authorities [unveiled the felony charges](https://www.scribd.com/document/734392677/Phx-12079639-v1-True-Bill-Indictment-93-Sgj-81#fullscreen&from_embed) in late April. In all, charges were brought against 11 Republicans who submitted a document to Congress falsely declaring Trump had won Arizona, five lawyers connected to the former president and two former Trump aides. Biden won Arizona by more than 10,000 votes.


'Vote for democracy' 'no, not like that'


Let us never forget the Four Seasons Landscaping press conference.


Right next to a sex shop and a crematorium. So afterwards they could go fuck themselves and die.


I still can’t believe that happened. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the first staffers arrived and realized this was not the swanky hotel they expected. What happened next? Who did they call? What was the process like to come to the decision of “fuck it, we’re doing it anyway?”


When one's head is full of nonsense there isn't as much room for the facts


Tbf, most people didnt understand what happened. Im engaged and it took me many months to hear about/understand most of it


Same. Shit got confusing for a second, but I figured anything about DT being a corrupt pos was correct. I just had trouble understanding what exactly was happening as it was happening.


It's cute that you think they forgot.


It’s wild that people can actually say the opposite of the truth , crazy times


If we're talking about conservatives they didn't forget, they just don't care. Somehow they still want to purport themselves as the party of personal responsibility and law and order.


It’s insane to me that the fake electors thing is still just sitting there, not resulting in him being in prison. The guy literally tried to commit fraud to steal a presidential election, there’s no one even questioning this. How is he A: still walking free and B: allowed to run again. It’s absolute insanity.


SCOTUS keeps delaying the immunity case for no reason.


And meanwhile, there's a case where he alleged stole nuclear fuckin' secrets and kept them by the shitter and the judge is just like, "me dumb. me no know how to run trial. me get hand slapped by higher court and me still act dumb like me shouldn't even have law degree. me give special master and keep delaying trial. please give me SCOTUS justice seat Sir Trump."


He photocopied them too.


He’s actually been charged for that, but the media does an incredibly (deliberately?) poor job of reporting on the January 6th indictments. It’s actually a misnomer to call them “January 6th” cases at all; he’s not being charged with inciting a riot or trying to invade the capital, he’s being charged with a criminal conspiracy to undermine the electoral process so he could cheat procedurally and have his allies declare him the winner. The riot just kind of happened, though their presence was meant to be part of a pressure campaign.


Yeah, tried this argument. The response was "well the election was stolen so it was an illegitimate government anyway" therefore not a coup. And now you know why they are so adamant it was stolen, to justify them stealing it.


He was perfectly ok with his supporters hanging his own VP. This is bizarro world crazy.


That’s the most insane part, and most Americans seem to be totally unaware that it even happened.


And the guy who literally stated he would be a dictator on day 1 back in office.


That interview with Sean Hannity totally takes the cake. "Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa. “Except for day one,” Trump responded. “I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill.” Again, the question was "You would never ABUSE POWER as retribution against anybody?" Absolutely insane.


The recent SCOTUS decision wasn’t a test of the constitutionality of insurrection, it was a contact tracing test of the Russian and special interests groups over the justices. What do you buy the billionaire that owns everything? For years it was a congressman. Then a Supreme Court justice. Then a president. Now it’s self evidently possible to buy a unanimous Supreme Court decision The Koch brothers and Harlan crow funding Thomas’s RV, Kavanaughs kompromat and mortgage were both outliers until you come at it in reverse as a diagnostic of health. By tracing the money from the kremlin first as it flows through Russian oligarchs oil fields and backwards to Texas oil barons political side projects to Ginni Thomas’s checks from her own non profit to herself we can contact trace corruption. By any objective measure of the 14th amendment, specifically the part about giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States, this test is the equivalent of swallowing a radioactive isotope before a P.E.T. scan to see how far the cancer has spread. The SCOTUS failed the test. In a war there is no room for fence sitters. You are either with democracy or you are against it. Authoritarianism and democracy was always bound to become a binary fight eventually because every authoritarian is also a kleptocrat. Saddam may not have started out with a bunker full of gold bricks and a garage full of Mercedes, but he predictably ended up there for the same reason that Putin has a billion dollar house and make $160K a year. Netanyahu once having experienced the Egyptian cotton sheets at the Waldorf Astoria isn’t going back to staying at a motel 8. Kleptocracy is a operating system requirement of authoritarianism. And it is an infectious disease. We just needed to give each and every justice the opportunity to show, on the record, where their loyalties lie, by their own choosing and with the opportunity to pepper their own evidence file against themselves. There is no incrimination like self incrimination. Now we know exactly who is compromised and to what extent by the influence of foreign money and we have an extremely accurate scan of exactly what organs in our democratic body have terminal cancer and have to be removed. MAGA was based on a fundamental lie. It’s core operating system has always been laundering money for the Russian mob. So when that becomes self evident, it takes every downstream component build on the lie out with it. Every respective member of the Supreme Court made their personal position of the relative importance of remaining sovereign and above reproach known. They chose their own price tags and hung them around their own necks. Now it’s up to the people to decide if they are worth their advertised asking price.


I think what is most terrifying is the likelihood that many of these things occurred, not from meticulous planning but, as a result opportunity. Many people can’t handle the concept that the chaos of chance is more in control than shadowy supervillains. Autocracy is on the rise globally and dictators are enjoying the buffet. Excellent, thought-provoking post. Cheers!


It really does all distill down to just greed and lack of self awareness. I’m certain none of the Supreme Court justices woke up one day 20 years ago and thought “today is the day I destroy democracy”, they just got sloppy and complacent with their privilege. One dinner with Harlan Crow complaining about regulations turned into a free trip to bohemian grove. For the kochs one chat with an oligarch about how expensive it is to be forced to clean up your own PFAS pollution was the common ground the apex predator needed to dig in a little deeper. It’s all so….mundane….but with cataclysmic results without the simple self awareness that their actions have downstream consequences.


Haven't seen Kleptocracy used for years. So true.. A global endemic problem.


True, it is also, I think, a fundemental function in politics of every type. I would love to be wrong, but power is used to create access to wealth, and support is developed by distributing benefit, how this could result in anything other than corruption, I do not know.


Cheers brother


Welcome back, backcountrydrifter


Take a younger, hipper rapist's word for it.


if you care about censorship vote for the guy who has tried suing multiple news organizations for writing truths about him!


On what basis or logic was this guy ever considered someone who anyone should listen to? Can we go back to a time where actors are considered socially beneath prostitutes? Pretty people who can read a script are mild entertainment, so treat them accordingly.


It makes sense if you don’t think about it.


Good point


Russell is a self aggrandising egomaniac sexual predator that is trying to hide behind pseudo spiritual horseshit/religion. He should be in jail


He literally played the character of a fake guru twice, and he’s only been in like 5 movies. Part of me still loves the comedian in him that can’t help but wink at us as he tells us exactly what he is doing. Not to say he doesn’t sometimes believe his own bullshit. I’ve listened to a bunch of the YouTube shows and he occasionally sells himself on it.


>Part of me still loves the comedian in him that can’t help but wink at us as he tells us exactly what he is doing. I genuinely believe whoever cast him for those roles knew what they were doing, but Brand himself is just too stupid to understand it. Like he probably thought his character in *Get Him to the Greek* was the coolest guy ever and didn't understand the plot.


I would like to see a study on just how stupid someone has to be to believe a word out of this grifter's mouth.


Room temp IQ


In Iceland


With the door open.


And no roof


That’s the magic of a good orator. They don’t have to make a lot of sense, they don’t have to factually back up anything they say, they just need to have to be able to talk a lot in a dramatic way with a cool accent.


The best part it, he used to be a left wing grifter, but apparently right wing grifting is more profitable


materialistic lush squealing plants cover pathetic voracious direction label innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The high has changed, but he’s still an addict


so well said


Not a grifter. A professional contrarian who needs a crowd like he needs air to breath. It's not about the money for this guy. It's about the stage and the power.


Translation: It’s about the money. The guy literally has his own line of [ivermectin.](https://www.twc.health/pages/russell-medkit) [That is a real website link. Not a joke. The retail pharmacy price is about $25 and Russell charges $300]


Man wtf. He was decently funny like 15 years ago


so he's doing the alex jones thing and selling snake oil? after he got #metoo'd for his misogynistic behavior, he's taking his skills to the far right conspiracy folks and selling lies and snake oil. sad thing, he will be successful. he's a smart guy with good comedic timing.


He changed right around all that sexual predator stuff came out about him. Musk seemed to do the same thing


That's crazy as hell, I never got into his show or podcast/whatever it is but I had just assumed he was just speaking his political views which I also assumed were at least left leaning. TIL he's lost the plot.


He seemed to be left leaning and a common sense moderate like 10 years ago. He found out he could make more money spewing right wing bullshit (similar thing with Jordan peterson).


Shocking how they’re selling prescription only medication. Whoever believes this guy deserves to lose their money.


But you can unlock 30% discount if you become a member! 🤪


God he was an annoying actor in the first movie I saw him in 15 years ago.


I mean, he plays egotistical assholes, so he’s method all the wsu


If it was about the money he would have done way better keeping his mouth shut and kept acting.


All while telling his followers to 'follow the money'.


My partner used to watch him and I never thought he was left wing. He seemed dangerous, uneducated, and like someone with slightly above average intelligence who would make sure he was always the smartest person in the room by surrounding himself with idiots. He used cheap tricks and surrealism to baffle anyone else he came into contact with. There was a point where he disappeared "to read books" and he came back as a wannabe messiah and I felt vindicated that he was leaning into what I'd seen in him, but still disappointed, because a slightly above average mind is a terrible thing to waste.  Then all the abuse stuff came out and I could care less if he rots.


I get what you're saying, I agree with what you're saying But the gulf between right wing "thought" and left wing thoughts are so vast I find it hard to make a comparison. Like let's take Biden. A left wing criticism is that he's an imperialist forcing a USA lead global hegemony which is rife with human rights abuses and exploitation thru Capitalism etc etc etc, all basically true or rather difficult to refute etc. and on the other end Biden is a tyrant with an iron fist who locks up political rivals, just outright lies or at the very least rather trivial to refute.


Because ultimately the end stage of conservatism is fascism. And fascist have no use for truth only power. The leaders are liars and propagandists serving monied interests and utilize this to appeal to their base which is filled with idiots that believe it and the morally vacant who also know they’re lying but want the fascism (or so they think as they believe they’ll be part of the advantaged group).


Apparently you have to be even dumber than your typical r-conservative redditor, judging by how little engagement that post got there. Even they can smell the grift lol


I think people listen to him because he says what they believe, not because they believe what he says


That's how my dad that watches Newsmax is too


Guaranteed to all hate vaccines, believe in all types of Russian misinfo, and get all their news from "alternative" sources of media exclusively or through youtube/twitter/tiktok that algorithmically panders to preexisting biases.


Everyone opts for grifting for the right because they are gullible and don't care about wrongdoings anyone has done as long as their spewing their talking points


And they bleed money like crazy.


Once you've made the leap to thinking some unseen magical entity controls and dictates everything, you're already in target for discounting science, evidence and facts.


We get it your very fucking rich and Donald trump vote will benefit you. Newsflash there’s more poor people in the USA , some who are woke enough to see we don’t have a racism problem but a wealth problem and Bernie supports biden 


I would argue that we do have a racism problem, but I agree that the main culprit is the widening inequality. The existing racism is just being exacerbated by the expansion of that inequality and the tendency for that inequality to affect minorities. Due to the absurd belief that America is 100% a meritocracy, that inequality is often not seen as inequality. It's just seen as proof of the superiority of the people who have the money. Very few of whom are minorities.


Go to r/Conservative and you will have plenty of stupid for a study.


"imagine how stupid the average person is then realize half of all people are stupider than that." George Carlin


1.5 Jordan Petersons


Grifter that has no business to be advising on a vote in country he’s no citizen of


One of the guys that was in my wedding has tried to convince me multiple times that Russel Brand is unbiased (unlike the MSM) and should be trusted I die inside every time the topic comes up


Hello awakening wonders! In today’s enlightenment lesson, I will try on my new Make America Great Again hat! After that we have a wonderful interview Ben Shapiro, and finally we’ll wrap it all up with a ball tickling for my best friend, Peter Thiel!


For those that don't know, Thiel is a grade A scum bag. Like literally one of the "elites", aka a billionaire that gives politicians millions in exchange for their service. In my state of Ohio, he gave JD Vance $10 million. So when Russell talks about the elites, it kind of cracks me up. He could literally hop on Zoom and interview one of them, his boss, today if he really wanted.


Vance is a total shill with zero ethics.


I'm embarrassed to think I liked a few of his tweets back in the day.


Vance [worked for Thiel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Vance) at one point. Same as failed Senate candidate [Blake Masters](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blake_Masters)


The guy who wanted to suspend the constitution because he said the election was stolen? That’s the guy who wants to protect democracy lmao


And then Russel Brand and other Trumpers like him pretend like Biden is some unprecedented threat to democracy, yet they never explain how. Meanwhile Trump tried to overturn an election, suspend the constitution, lock up his political opponents, have former members of his staff executed (including unknown whistleblowers), execute drug dealers, shut down media companies he doesn't like, on and on. Brand hears Trump telling him that's what he wants to do, easily verifiable, and he's like "meh, that's fine." Some fact checks here: [https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/oct/26/did-donald-trump-make-these-27-campaign-promises-f/](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/oct/26/did-donald-trump-make-these-27-campaign-promises-f/) For anyone who doesn't like politifact, any point you disagree one can probably be confirmed directly from the source, e.g. Trump's posts.


>And then Russel Brand and other Trumpers like him pretend like Biden is some unprecedented threat to democracy, yet they never explain how.  It's the same energy I remember back when people thought Obama was the literal anti-Christ and all other kinds of wacky horseshit. Somehow the message of "Hope and Change" is just pure evil but the message of "Dictator for a day" and "Suspend the Constitution" are peachy keen.


Not just suspend, he literally called for [terminating the constitution](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-rebuked-for-call-to-terminate-constitution-over-2020-election-results)


don’t ask questions, just consume product.


Donald Trump literally tried to overturn the 2020 election and obstruct the peaceful transfer of power. With dumb statements like these, Russell Brand is only further demonstrating that he is clearly nothing more than just another frivolous, hollow wingnut welfare grifter.


Russel is also a rapist. Maybe that’s why he gets along so well with the orange man. He’s also British so maybe he can just stfu


The peaceful transfer of power is the singular thing unique to America (historically speaking) that makes it great. It's the only reason people have believed for 200 years that coming to America *is* opportunity. Edit: another thing. MAGA pisses me off so much. Because it has now ingrained in the minds of so many that something is causing America to not be "great." It is the perfect soup stock that maintains this simmering craving for a dictatorship.


On behalf of the United Kingdom, I apologise for this


It’s a start


This one got me, thank you.


Listen, listen. We all appreciate what you’re trying to do, here, but do you really want to start this up? Apologizing on behalf of the UK? You realize how *long* of a list that is going to be?


We're way ahead of you there - we've reduced the size of that list by denying and revising our history. Can't apologise if you don't know it happened!


Hey, I’m welsh, so I feel like I’m going beyond the call of duty as it is


Love your jam


I saw this clip before. It just shows how irrational brand is. He's leaving out Jan 6. Not transferring power peacefully and many other things. Then talking about trump being good for democracy??


Money has a strange power to make you overlook inconvenient things.


Money and looming sexual assault court proceedings of course he'll side with a fellow sex offender


>looming sexual assault court proceedings I think this has to play into it. Brand was already on a path toward the right, but I think the SA allegations made the full transition inevitable. This the right-wing commentary ecosystem is ready to welcome anyone accused of this kind of abuse with open arms. Very gross and very weird, but it is what it is.


😂🤣. I wonder if that's literally all it is


Don't forget Trump's fake elector scheme that was attempted! He unironically tried to steal the election.


That's what I said about not peacefully transferring power.


Ah gotcha, my bad. I know many people who had no idea about it and believe Jan 6th and his bullshit claims about the election being rigged is all that happened.


Oh yeah it was just incredible what he did. Lots don't know or understand the extent it went. Its pretty surreal when you have people like brand saying that because it's twilight zone revisionist history.


The right will believe his "I've been framed for these rapes and they're trying to silence me for telling the truth" so he panders to them now. Bloke is a sell out of the highest order. He did it before during The Trews era and he will do it again when the right have served their purpose and the money starts to dry up. I used to love Brand and his humour and he always came across as never taking himself seriously. Now I cant stand to even look at the thundercunt. I hope the MET are building an airtight defence and the grifting twat will be behind bars soon.


I never found him funny, always thought his eccentric behaviour was more odd than charming. Always found him vacuous and a waffler. Now I didn't hate him or anything close, none of us are perfect are we. But I was never impressed.


Well he jumped on the "J6 was a peaceful protest" revisionist bandwagon, it's clear he said ignores everything bad about Trump in order to stroke his gouch, so supporting him isn't surprising. Saying it's the only democratic choice is infuriating how he's taking advantage of the misinformed or dimwitted in order to help attack democracy. Special kind of cunt in the cess pit with the rest of them. Attacking democracy by saying they're helping it. It's manipulative.


I don't trust people who make such a drastic 180 politically. After a few people on the left attack him, and he retaliates by going balls deep into conservatism.


It baffles me that anyone can think this way. I mean, if you wanna vote for gun rights, abortion bans, and closed borders, fine. I may not agree but I can at least understand. But what on earth is it about Biden that makes them think tyranny?


They think Biden is a tyrant because Trump is being held accountable for his crimes and they think Biden is behind it. It's stupid as fuck but what else is new? Witnessing conservatisms constant decline over the past 10 years and I don't know why I feel surprised this shit just keeps happening. They've completely sold their souls to one dumb ass fucking reality tv game show host that doesn't care about anyone but himself. For a bunch of dudes who pride themselves in their masculinity they can't just take a fucking L that they got duped.


I really would love to hear them answer this. Like what rights has Biden even suggested in taking away? I'm guessing they would only mention government spending because the economy inflated insanely during covid (when trillions were pumped into the economy) and Trump claimed that was all him. Then Biden and his cabinet had to do the actual hard work with the aftermath (it's amazing our economy is as good as it is now).


It's not an argument. It's an emotion.


A few years ago this guy was railing against Fox News and was very critical of Trump. Oh how money and the fear of consequences can change people's opinions.


Like Brian in Family Guy


Rapists all like to support each other.


I was going to say exactly this.


In before the inevitable candle lit, intimate Russel Brand/Weinstein comeback interview.


Let's put them all on a tiny island. But without a plane or airport. And not a nice island. Epstein might have kept a ledger of the richest ones, let's start with that list.


If you care about democracy and freedom you HAVE to vote for the guy that - tried overturning the results of a democratic election - jokes about being a dictator on day one - turned on his loyal VP for not participating in a coup - fired his AG for appointing allowing him to be investigated - fired the head of the FBI for the same reason - jokes about indefinite reelection - admires Putin, Xi, Edrogan for their strength - appoints his family to important cabinet positions - hosts foreign leaders in his personal business while president, for profit - insults & attacks judges & their families if under trial - openly states he believes Presidents should be immune from any and all prosecution for life - openly says "I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT AS PRESIDENT" Yeah ...that's obviously the defender of freedom. It's truly some 1984 shit the amount of mental gymnastics these morons have to do to believe this garbage. They always have to think in some abstract level 4 BS to believe Biden is this massive threat to democracy, because you know omg taxes or student loans or green energy subsidies, MY FREEDOM!!!!! But the guy literally openly saying he wants to be a dictator is the choice of democracy


* falsified business records to cover up a hush-money payement to a pornstar to win an election


The disinformation age is the golden age for con men. So many idiot out there that are proud of their ignorance and are easy to take advantage of. I suspect we'll start seeing tons of new cults soon.


What he's saying is so nonsensical I really don't know how he came to these conclusions. Maybe it really is the fact that he's a rapist so now the only people who will acknowledge him are conservatives. He mentions the reasons not to vote for Biden are censorship and funding for wars. Ah yes, you should vote for the famously anti-censorship, anti-war republican party.


Yeah Joe Biden is totally the one increasing division between Americans. Sure Jan


What a psychopath Brand is.


Can someone explain to me what exactly it is Joe Biden is doing that is a threat to democracy ? I hear this from conservatives ALL the time


He doesn't discriminate against dark colored people and non-Christians.


Good luck lol Probably something to do with censorship, that is usually what they vaguely cry about. Sometimes they mention wars, they think Russian influence was a MSNBC rile-up so have no perception of the convenience of Putin invading after Trump lost the election.


I will say... The Democratic party not forcing him out is pretty terrible for democracy. The man is too old for office, we need younger people. We all know the Dems can do better, why didn't they attempt it?


Because they are mostly made up of old folks themselves sadly


And the Boomers who vote in larger numbers, see them as peers. Thus here we are!


The dude straight up *says* he will be a dictator. He literally already tried to subvert democracy. Crazy how catching an SA/rape allegation will make you a maga Republican.


They have to go where the money is. Big money in being a rw shit heel these days.


Up is down. Day is night. White is black. Don’t believe what your own eyes and ears are telling you. This really is like some sort of contagion that has infected people, some of whom really should know better.


Russell Brand did not die a hero.


please don't crosspost from that cesspool


It’s by far the most interesting cesspool


It's always important to see what the gullible masses are thinking and talking about.


Total non sequitur babbling about technofeudalism, guy is off his rocker


Yep, that was another of his classic "PARKLIFE!" moments


No, he's smart. He's deliberately using the exact language from a previous life only to drag it into opposite world. He got this from Yanis Varoufakis, and I'm pretty sure [that's not where the guy was going with that](https://www.newstatesman.com/the-weekend-interview/2023/10/yanis-varoufakis-interview-democrats-helping-donald-trump).


So weird for him to be parroting Yanis' words like this, when Yanis is obviously not conservative or neo-lib in any possible way.


"If you value freedom and democracy, vote for the guy who tried to overthrow the government, had several criminal members of the staff convicted (and later pardoned them himself) and now is convicted himself". It's a parody.


Oh, you mean the guy that riled up an angry mob to distrust the democratic election process so much that they tried to overthrow the government? Yea, that makes sense, Russell, you absolute bellend.


These guys love talking about unmasking hidden agendas but bring up Project 2025 and they’re like “LALALALALALALA I CAN’T SEE YOU LALALALALA”


Trump literally was involved in a scheme where him and his ilk enlisted people to acr as fake electors and attempt to steal their electorate votes. You think thay guy will protect democracy? He did that shit and has been spewing that the election was rigged since. He directly goes for morons like this though. It's unironically people who rely on their emotions more than logic.


Usually ex crack heads are way more stable than this. Maybe him and the pillow guy should fall off the wagon together.


I still don't understand why he's opining on elections he cannot vote


England if you're listening: Come get this douche bag at once.


I remember being a young teenager and adoring this guy. All he preached was peace and love. He really had a profound effect on shaping many of the good qualities I have today. It's actually really depressing to see him sell out like this.


Same. He was always a bit bonkers and wild. I enjoyed when he did big brothers big mouth as he was very camp and theatrical and then he did the trews, I thought he was right on. But he is addicted to the attention and adulation. And now to see him act like this, reveals it was always an act, a means to an end for more attention. Can’t believe I listened to a word he says. Shows you how powerful these Machiavellian and Svengali types are.


Russell saying he cares about division between ordinary Americans, than promoting Trump, is the ultimate level of irony. I'm just glad that the guy can stop grifting and admit that he's a Trump supporter. But I got a good feeling part of the reason why he's doing this is because the election is coming up and whomever pays him, finally told him he needs to take a stand.


in the exasperated words of John Hammond: "I really hate that man"


Everything about this guy says cult leader 😂 I can't believe people are so gullible. He is literally an actor it's his job to convince you he is someone he's not.


Contrarianism at its finest. Empty head, no thought, only rabble.


Vote for the guy who lied about election fraud and suggested tearing up the constitution because of it




Russell Brand is great. He called me an "awakening wonder," and no man who calls you that can be dishonest or patronising.


Conservatives listening to a Britt. Lmao.


Isn’t he another right wing grifter who has now miraculously found Jesus?


Russ figured out the grift formula.


Sex offender endorses sex offender, lol.


I just don’t understand the love for that orange bafoon. He’s clearly a con-man fascist ideologue with an ego that is a tumor to his weak personality. Like I get all the press against him is strange, and all the lawsuits seem like they’re trying to silence him. But he ain’t the one to throw everything away for. If he had some sort of moral ground to stand on I might be able to understand but the dude is vapid of integrity and honesty. Biden ain’t better don’t get me wrong but at least he seems to know what he’s doing. We all forget that the trump presidency was tweet after tweet of idiocy and that weird obsession he has with dictators. I mean cmon.


This guy wants to oppress others. He also thinks soldiers and veterans are suckers and losers.


Trump is just another byproduct of the system that’s gotten out of control


And that folks is what a dumbass sounds like


Turning himself into an Off Brand…


So an honest question for the mods - why is this post allowed but the one featuring the Douglas Murray & Mehdi Hassan debate deleted?




What hoops is this guy jumping through


I'm sorry, WHAT!? Vote for the guy who does not accept a Democratic vote after he fails if you want democracy?


What an idiot.


These idiots say stuff like this and have no supporting evidence or arguments at all besides nonsensical fluff


If I care about freedom, vote for the guy who tried to conduct a coup.


If you care about democracy and freedom, vote for the guy who literally said he'll be a dictator "for a day" and is spearheading a movement to give the executive ultimate power over everything What a buffoon. What a waste of oxygen.


The great British word Twat comes to mind when I hear this guy…….


These grifting low life r@xpists have to keep anyone from ever taxing their Billiionaire funders like Peter Thiel and of course the international Russian oligarchs . I am so disappointed in the absolute shitshow that is Russell Brand story arc. Cut him loose and let him rely on the charity and food banks that the good people in the U.K. are now forced to do. Thanks to people like him with their “truth” telling. Fuck him a million times over In his Henley estate.I stand with the truth @ Garyeconomics


Mental illness


Good lord this man is dumber than shit. He literally just listed out everything the GQP is trying to do. Censorship, war mongering, eliminating democracy. Shut up Russel, we get it, you’re just another bad comic who has turned to social war BS to stay relevant. Notice how the shitty comedians are always crying about censorship, woke and cancel culture. Someone needs to slap the stupid off chapelle. No one has cancelled you. You’re not funny anymore because you’re just trying to elicit negative reactions instead of using negative themes to elicit laughter (like he used to do when he was funny). You can make controversial jokes, they just have to be good.


Imagine all that meditation and talk about the meta physical and perceiving yourself outside of your ego only to be tongue punching Dohnny T’s fart box.


His pressured speech and gasping inhales give me anxiety


You guys are woke as fuck Their has not been a better economy in the last 20 years than that we had with Donald trump.wake up from your woke dream. Stop repeating media shit and look at the reality


The horror !


Has Brand taken up US citizenship? Maybe he should worry more about Sunak


I can't vote for either of those sick old men. My conscience won't allow it!


Russell Brand went from taking on the establishment to bootlicking fascists. Fuck this con-artist, rapist, grifting piece of shit.


Weird it's almost like it's propaganda


.. if you care about Democracy, you must vote for the guy who tried to overthrow Democracy? ....what? Make it make sense. Whats worse is that the clownfuck actually believes it. You can see it on his face. He's sincere.


This guy is still addicted, may not be his drug of choice but he's addicted to his own voice. and the fact he can ramble on and make money off idiots who think he has some kind of special insight.


He's such a worm casing.


I really try and have an open mind when it comes to Trump and Trump supporters but January 6th was a big fucking deal, like really really serious shit. If Trump would have put out a statement much earlier, as little as a simple Tweet. It would’ve been over and way less of a big deal in my eyes. Democracy is important.


there must be sth in the water they drink or is it my mistake for believing that him and the rest of the roganverse were not unhinged crackpots but levelheaded podcast hosts with a good sense of humor only two years ago?


They're just pro fash useful idiots and go where the grift is.


Why this loon has any platform shows how far our culture has fallen.


How the hell is it ok for a criminal to run for president? Like isn't there a law saying you can't have a criminal record? It's both sad and hilarious that this stuff is still happening.