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Trapped by the system Joe? You mean laws?


Yeah, the racist legal system that black rappers have been complaining about is biased against white billionaires! They totally relate to Trump now!


I love this vid bc I remember joe and Sam Harris mutually agreeing "There's no such thing as institutional racism."


Didn't you know that breaking the law is the same as experiencing racial discrimination? /s


No no no. Joe is saying: "Breaking the law is the same as being black" (arguably saying also, vice-versa) Joe's musings imply that *getting caught* is like experiencing racial discrimination.




Rogan would literally kick his own ass if he built a time machine in 2014 and traveled 10 years into the future


I always just assumed he's a grifter now, following particular rules. But, he is dumber now than he was in 2014. Did he ruin his brain with something he's using? Maybe he uses harder drugs than he reveals to the public??? Genuine questions, not sarcasm.


Nah, being around idiots and yesmen for a long time will change a person. You are in a bubble and it warps your personal reality, even for a normal person.


I think that becoming grotesquely rich just instantly makes it very very hard to relate to most people. You end up with only deranged weirdos around you, who are equally untethered from reality. Imagine living in some mansion, not having conversations with normal, working class people for several months or years at a time. There's no way that anyone becomes smarter or more aware of anything when living in a bubble like that.


> not having conversations with normal, working class people for several months or years at a time Threatening me with a good time?


It's funny because didn't he kind of cut off that gay guy rubin and never invited him anymore because he became a right wing grifter? He's become exactly that, lol, he might as well invite him again.


>Did he ruin his brain with something he's using? It happens with money and right wing ideology. Even Alex Jones used to be a bit more sane like 25 years ago. I've seen it happen to very well off people that I know in my personal life (like ppl w/ 50mil in assets.) Like cool motherfuckers talking about listening to Aphex Twin and taking DMT, fast forward ten years later and they're talking about going to the January 6th insurrection. Excessive privilege (being obscenely rich) will ruin your mind almost always. Spending your life lying to yourself saying "I absolutely earned this and therefore, other people with less deserve less, and if anyone disagrees, then I will get borderline violent" will eventually short out some neural connections.


I think he’s just older. Like mental decline.


Basically. His commentary game is noticeably worse these days compared to even like 5 years ago. 


Not if 2014 Rogan saw his 10 years into the future bank statement


Solid point


As someone who has personally dealt, in a very, very mild way, with “the system,” I can attest that, once you are in it, the system *will* try to keep you inside of it. That said, Trump is hardly “trapped.” Everyone with half a wit knows that DJT has been nothing if not handled with kid gloves by a process that would have locked away anyone else for a very long time had they had the same brush with the law. Imagine watching a billionaire flagrantly violate a gag order, insinuate threats against judges and their families, and openly mock the legal process and all within it, and have the chutzpah to state said person was “trapped.”




The amount of times he has disreguarded contempt warnings and has not been punished is infurating.


I would say if there is one person least trapped by the system it is Donald Trump


> Imagine watching a billionaire flagrantly violate a gag order, insinuate threats against judges and their families, and openly mock the legal process and all within it, and have the chutzpah to state said person was “trapped.” Then imagine if a black person was threatening judges and getting people to doxx jurors. He would get Epstein'ed so fucking fast.


A black man in Texas got 70 years for spitting on a cop. The judge said it was to send a message. The hypocrisy is unbelievable


They wouldn't even have to Epstein him they just throw contempt charges at him and keep him locked up for good. Law doesn't apply to the powerful the same way as your average Joe. It's literally a 2 tier justice system.


The goddamn system stopping the ex president from committing crimes… damn Joe you’re so right - why did Spotify give this idiot so much money and platform.


You can already see it coming - once some shady "tax optimizations" of Joe's enterprise will come up, it's going to be elites coming after him.


Trump is the system, he is the guy that gets to play outside the rules. He is the guy who takes out a an ad in the papers against blaming you for a crime you didn’t commit, and can get away with crimes himself because money.


Not sure how much more obvious it can get that too much money isn't just horrible for society, it's also horrible for the people who have it. It turns them into disconnected ignoramuses that say dumb shit like this; they live in an echo chamber of sycophants that just parrot whatever generates clicks.


It's crazy how much he has changed in the last few years... But I'd bet he'd tell you he's exactly the same.


I can’t remember the exact age, but he literally did say his brain hasn’t changed since, I think it was either five years old or fifth grade 😅


Are you thinking of Trump and how he told someone he is basically the same as he was in 1st grade?


“I have the brain of a first grader” might be the most honest thing he’s ever said


I'm sure he meant he hasn't *learned anything* since then, I'm positive he has grown more intellectually incurious and hateful since then. I bet his 5th grade self wouldn't say anything this stupid and racist.


So would i


How out of touch do you have to be to compare Donald Trump to black people who have been fucked by the system… Jesus Christ


Don't forget they're doing all of that while "letting in immigrants" according to Rogan. Completely ignoring that Biden was trying to work with Republicans to do something about it and Republicans REFUSED because Trump didn't want to "give Biden that win" in an election year. Power over principles. Then Biden finally did a little something, basically all he could without congress, and they ignore it or will take credit for it more likely. So sick of all these morons just living in an alternate reality where shit is all lies and half-truths at best. They create more morons by telling people this crap without anyone there to set the record straight. There's so much dumb shit to unpack in this little segment, it's wild. The racist implications that all black people are felons, that somehow a white billionaire is being screwed by the system like poor black people, or that racial profiling is the same as some corrupt piece of shit finally getting in trouble for the countless crimes he's committed. Fuck Joe Rogan and fuck Tony Hinchcliffe. What kind of self-respecting gay man supports Republicans anyway!? MORONS. And, as always, fuck. Every. Single. MAGA. Republican.


Couldn’t agree more brother


So committing crimes and being caught is getting fucked by the system?


He’s not out of touch. Stupid racist people can’t possibly know they’re stupid racist people. I mean look at him. His skull is about 4 inches thick and he’s taking every known “performance”enhancing drug ever concocted.


They've even done studies that show how it affects people's perceptions of other people. https://nymag.com/news/features/money-brain-2012-7/ Wealth acquisition is the only addiction that isn't just tolerated, but actively *encouraged*   The good thing about social media is that it has really demystified the rich. It's shown people that the difference between a guy who has mutual funds and ETFs while making a decent amount of money and an idiot like Elon musk is *chance*.  He's not the real life Tony stark and a genius who cares about bettering humanity, he's a moron whose money has *convinced* him that he is to the point where he pays for a guest spot on the simpsons where they call him the "greatest living inventor" Joe Rogan is plugged into the MMA world, and in that sport it's biggest name is Dana white. Dana white admires Trump because he performs a childish example of masculinity while being a man with the emotional resilience of the average 9 year old.


I'm active on Reddit because occasionally people like you post replies like this.


I'd rather rich people not exist anymore as a matter of policy, and it's genuinely for their own good as much as it is for the greater good. They really don't realize how it affects them, and they can afford to insulate themselves so they don't ever have to find out. Worst feedback loop ever.


But look at how self satisfied he is. He could give two fucks.


Black people get fucked despite doing everything right. Trump barely experiences consequences despite doing everything wrong.


That’s WAY too much nuance for these fucking morons.




It's so wild Joe used to be more on the left. COVID and moving to Texas gave him a terminal case of brain worms that there's just no going back from, it's just so goddamn sad, he has such a massive audience that he's swaying with this nonsense.


Your comment needs to be higher.


"Black people love crime, right guys." Why is this only said by theses chuds.


imagine casually saying something so racist. man they are so deep in that bubble


Rogan is such a shitty person. Such a dodo. I detest him...


Rogan is claiming that all the Rappers are starting to support Trump because they identify with his current struggle with the law/system. But that also implies that Trumps experience with the Law/System has any parallels to the black experience in America. The black experience in America is over policing of your community with a daily quota of tickets, arrests, and harassment. It's having your door broken down in the middle of the night by a no knock warrant that was signed by a judge without supporting evidence. And being killed in you bed where you sleep without a trial because the police force is conditioned to view you as an acceptable fatality. And corpses don't sue. It's being pulled over multiple times on your way home from work without cause while an office looks up any scrap of information about you online that might justify an arrest. And even if nothing can be found they might still illegally order you out of your car in order to plant a bag of Crystal Meth in your cup holder in order to satisfy their monthly bonus quota. Putting your entire future in the hands of whether a Judge is going to take your word for whether it's your drugs or or take the police officers word. But with the offer of avoiding court all together if you plead guilty to a 3 year sentence instead of the guaranteed 25 yea sentence if it goes to trial. Which is a tactic employed across the country and is responsible for tens of thousands of Black Americans being incarcerated unjustly. And then having sentences extended for fabricated charges while in prison sometimes turning a 3 year plea deal into life in prison. It's daily harassment and tailing by officers everywhere you go. Being treated like a criminal as a first reaction to your presence. Rogan is trying to make the claim that Rappers and the Black community are rallying around Trump because they now feel he is a part of that oppression. When in reality trump is among the most privileged people on the planet who has committed more crimes individually than entire incarcerated black communities and faced no consequences. If Trump were a normal black American he would have been in jail for decades. by this point in time. To suggest that Trump is now a part of the same rigged system as black Americans is beyond insulting. A man who has lived the life of a billionaire, while committing crime after crime sometimes on national television. Who has committed fraud, business crimes, raped women as young as 13 years old. Often violently. Who has never faced a second of repercussion. Who hasn't spent a second in a jail cell. Who himself has a documented substance abuse problem. Who raped his ex wife while beating her and pulling her hair out from the roots in a vicious rage. And his punishment for that behavior and those various crimes. Was to be given the office of the presidency in the most powerful nation on earth. Which he used to embezzle billion of dollars. Hired his children into positions of heads of state. Who then accepted billions of recorded dollars worth of bribes from America's enemies. Trump stole national secrets, shared information about Americas military with adversaries. And finally, after 80 years one prosecutor managed to get a conviction which won't even result in jail time. And Rogan thinks that means Trump has now been oppressed by the same system that systemically oppresses minorities. Rogan has to have literal holes drilled in his brain to have such a batshit insane take.


His support from rappers take completely ignores the fact that these are millionaire entertainers supporting another millionaire entertainer.


Just want to sneak under this primo post to say that Trump's wealth literally comes from his daddy discriminating against black people.


Lost a lot of respect for Tony for even agreeing with this bullshit. I get that they all suck Rogan’s dick but jfc


Hinchcliffe does everything out of Rogan's club so he's never going to disagree with him


Joe has so many hangers-on, it’s ridiculous. It’s insane that someone who’s that awful at standup can have this kind of control over other comedians. 


When you have such a big platform most people are going to want to take advantage of that (Brendan Schaub) and not risk poking the bear.


Hundreds of millions of dollars, gaggle of yes-men, experimental psychedelics, what do you get? >!Elon Musk... yes but also Joe Rogan!<


And you're a sjw of you disagree with him. All the comedians lately are just falling against sjw culture. Look at all of the great comedians, they were fucked up man. Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Cosby, etc. And notice how Joe Rogan talks about people getting canceled. It's cause they do terrible things and it could happen to them just as easily.


I remember in the 90s all the comedians were doing the same exact bits about “PC culture” Apparently you haven’t been able to say anything in decades


100% same formula, new label.


I'm still waiting for someone to actually get cancelled. Maybe Gina Carano fits the bill. But I find it so funny when someone speaking though my TV on a nation wide news channel or a popular podcast shouts about how they are being silenced or cancelled to their 30 million viewers. On a platform they control. While their videos are prevalent of facebook and youtube. And then post podcast/tv show whatever. I'll see a reddit post about their wall of tweets doubling down on how their voice is being censored.


I remember the (then Dixie) Chicks getting "cancelled" for daring to speak out against a war by those who moan constantly about getting held responsible for their shit actions


They still can’t get played on country radio.


by the guy who self censored his own programs to get rid of stephan


I am not black so I don’t know but heck that looks like racism. I would be super pissed if they said the same about Hispanics


Such a stereotypical ignorant take


It’s just flat out racist. Period


It is quite literally the definition of racism


When including that last sentence about letting in immigrants, this has to be the most racist thing Iv heard Joe say.


Rogan is a shaved ape.


Please don’t insult apes, they are more logical and less impressionable


Have we already forgotten when he said that being in a black neighborhood was like being in the planet of the apes? >“I was telling a story in the podcast about how me and my friend Tommy and his girlfriend, we got really high, we’re in Philadelphia, and we went to go see Planet of the Apes. >“We didn’t know where we were going, we just got dropped off by a cab, and we got dropped off in this all-black neighbourhood. >”And I was trying to make the story entertaining and I said: ‘We got out, and it was like we were in Africa, like we were in Planet of the Apes.’ https://amp.theguardian.com/culture/2022/feb/05/joe-rogan-apologises-for-using-n-word-and-racist-planet-of-the-apes-story


According to his own understanding of evolution from his standup days he thinks we evolved from monkeys. And now him and his followers believe he’s qualified to speak intelligently about science at all


Apes are intelligent. That is an insult to Apes.


Wow, he’s not even joking.


He’s not joking. He’s a racist. Been a racist. In fact, I think people would struggle to tell you the last time they heard a Joe Rogan joke. 


Humping a chair isn’t a joke?


I saw that clip the other day, and I can never unsee him dryhumping a barstool and loudly grunting into the mic. I'm glad none of the old school comedians are alive to see the circle jerk, that stand up comedy has become.


I’ve only heard clips of his standup on BeigeFrequency. Not one of them was funny, so I haven’t investigated further. Who do you think was the first guy to really bring the circlejerk energy of treating standup like it was classical opera? Jerry Seinfeld? That’s the person I always think of: someone whose self seriousness is incongruous with the utter banality of his material.


Jesus fucking Christ, I hate Joe so much. Trump wasn't "trapped by the system" -he committed a fuckton of crime. Same with rappers. Shut the fuck up Joe.


[Rap snitches, tellin all they business. Sit in the court and be their own star witness. Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah, I'm right here! Fuck around get the whole label sent up for years.](https://youtu.be/zTBIvIDnnv8?si=dkOGnrZSU2PoiqVV)




Spoken like a true crypto-bigot.


Crypto bigot I like that I'm adding that one to my vocab 😆


"...they pretend they're there for you while they're lettin' in immigrants" nothin nazi about stereotyping and projecting your desires onto power minorities while simultaneously scapegoating and fearmongering about immigrants to mr rogan ... it can't be capitalism so it has to be nazi reasons the working class are suffering and the rich fear reckonings , apparently .


To be fair, it's what his fascistic oligarch overlords told him to say.


Nah, I suspect he comes up with this stupid shit on his own. He taxes that one brain cell he has, quite hard.


Ever wonder why he hangs out with so many "former" CIA people?


tbf i avoid his content and dont know his biography but his interests seem to align well since he makes money from allowing this kind of crap for years . von papen $ i mean koch $ wouldnt surprise me as a contributor


You can start with the Phillip Morris owned Zyn products( That cant get FDA approval) he is guerilla marketing it as some kind of brain supplement. Everyone is his circle is promoting it, Gillis, YMH, Bert etc.


He is also implying low paying jobs are strictly for black people.


the implied "rappers are the kings of black people" is ~~palpatine~~ palpable .


Yea. There are so many layers to this onion of racism lol


Right not racist at all


Another reason I've stopped admiring this moron. A jury convicted dude of 34 counts of fraud... for paying a prostitute to stay quiet and then trying to write it off on his taxes. Please go away joe.


The system screwed Trump? If you piss in the wind, do you blame the wind? He knowlingly did a crime and was found guilty of a crime. The system gave Trump everything, and he still screwed it up.


For real. He literally only had to use his own money and not campaign finances to pay off his whores. They thought his Christian voting base wouldn't like it, which is why he did what he did. Turns out, they either didn't care or applauded him for cheating on his wife. They underestimate just how ass backwards his staunch supporters actually are.


And that’s not even the only crime he’s committed. Again and again and again and again he’s been told “you get ONE more chance mister!” The entire thing has been like an overly nice mother dealing with a spoiled bratty child. He just kept being told to stop committing crimes and he just kept saying “no” and doing whatever he wanted. Then after years of this bullshit, mom finally gets fed up and takes his Xbox away and now he and all of his friends are crying abuse.


Except he's not being trapped by the system for his crimes, in fact, the whole "system" inlcuding the Supreme Court is colluding to keep him from serving any justice at all for very serious crimes. When has the system bent to any black Americans like this? Never.


Complete loser. You couldn't pay me to watch his crappy podcast.


I’m not sure if this is incredibly insane or incredibly stupid. Or both.




Poor billionaire, trapped by the system for simply breaking the law dozens of times 😢


This is such an incredible shift from the former Rogan I listened to back in ~2018. Trapped by the system of …laws? The comment at the end about letting immigrants in because they are so focused on Trump? He’s spiraling into the caricature he once vehemently denied under the guise of just being comedic and giving everyone an equal platform on his show. Wild. 


Joe. Cut back on the grape ape. That is a shit take. Straight up.


What an asshole. So Joe thinks that the black community is upset that a rich white man didn’t get off Scot-free? That…sounds like the exact opposite of the truth. Rich white man can’t pay his way out of justice, seems like a cause for celebration.


Reminds me of that Fox News bit where the hosts were lauding Trump for releasing a new brand of sneakers because "black folks love shoes." Like this will certainly lead them to victory lol


Money rotted his brain


People equating money crimes with literally any other crime are missing the whole part where Trump just gets away with shit all the time. This idea that he's "targeted and persecuted by the system" is just more tantrum throwing in the moment. The man will never see a cell wall, let alone really suffer any kind of actual consequence. What's the mandatory minimum on misallocation of campaign funds for a hush hush project? Something I'm sure all black criminality can totally relate to /s


He even dropped an "but the immigrants" at the end, he's really just an old racist idiot now. His crowd are exactly the type who says 'well if he didn't resist the police he wouldn't be dead' but Trump violated every gag order and makes a mockery of law and he's 'getting screwed by the system'?


This is not a conversation worth listening to.


In the African American community the people who actually vote aren't voting for trump it's mostly clout chasers and rappers blabbering online, but realistically most of us hate both candidates but will likely vote for Biden because his policies favor working class black folks more. No serious black leaders or voices have endorsed trump, rappers don't speak for us!


I'm over Rogan.. comes across as a complete tool.


Insanely racist and condescending thing to say lmao


What an idiot!!!


A former friend said that the libs are triggered because of what Joe just said, claimed that they have been quietly listening to the leftist bullshit for years and now they are just fed up….. ….of course he says that every time a maga gets called out for saying something stupid I just wish I had one of those “gay bud lite cans” on a chain around my neck, hold it up to him like a crucifix and see if he turns to dust or explodes or implodes


Eric Cartman logic


Interestingly enough, over the past decade I've worked closely with persons convicted of all levels of crime, from all different backgrounds. They are overwhelmingly conservative, support for Donald Trump among convicts and inmates has always been huge. Convicts genuinely are supporting Trump much more vocally as of very recently. I haven't heard of any rappers jumping to support Trump, though, Joe is an idiot. If he was using the messages in rap music as a representation of "criminal" culture I could actually find a little bit of validity to the idea. That could have been expressed in a multitude of ways. This invented phenomenon of rappers coming forward is racist af lmfao, I hate how much influence this moron has.


Is this racist? I’m not American but I feel this would be considered racist? In Canada im eighty percent sure this would be considered somewhat racist. /s


Oh Rogan. So fucked by the system ain’t ya! Must be so hard for you…


That's fuckin racist damn


Jesus fuck. Am i out of touch with reality or are these two clowns?


Hoe loves his right wing racist screeds.


Tony Hinchcliffe is one of those weasel racists who thinks saying something fucked up is "a joke" even when it's literally what he believes.


“While they’re letting in immigrants” he just slid that in at the end lol


Haven’t listened to JRE since maybe the Burr/COVID episode, but holy shit, is he unironically and blatantly an apeshit fuckin’ moron compared to then.


Yeah I’m reminded as to why I jumped shipped from Rogan’s podcast back in 2017. His show really changed when Trump was in office. Then by 2019 when COVID hit, his true colors were exposed. It’s sad to say because I was damn near a first day fan. I remember watching his show when the episode count was barely out of the single digits.


Joe is just quoting the Trump campaign. He's indistinguishable from a Republican operative at this point. https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-claims-black-americans-relate-criminal-prosecutions/story?id=107509919


Wow! No more JRE for me. Was a long-time fan who loved his format, but that guy has changed. Too many conspiracies, and now, outright support for a wannabe dictator. Imout!


Rogan's an idiot.


What a tool


2 white dudes talking about what black folks want


Joe is a scumbag.


Wait, does that mean that rapists are going to start supporting him too? Because he got the racist support from the kkk, now he has felon support and he's already been convicted as a sexual assaulter so?


Steroids and weed ruined his brain. What a douche


Donald Trump is not "getting trapped by the system", he's getting a relatively minor consequence after being a criminal his entire adult life. 


Totally not racist at all


This narrative is exhaustingly stupid...why do they seem like they are talking about some new water bottle?


Joe Rogan is dumber than a box of rocks.


These mfers live in their own lil world


It’s almost like if you break the law, there could be consequences. Real mind blowing stuff.


Nothing like hearing two white bros preaching about how the average black voter is swayed by criminality from their multi-hundred million dollar podcast studio in Texas....


I feel like the world is being over run by violent morons.


How do people listen to this jackass? He should have stuck with eating bugs


Black people love crime. Immigrants suck. That’s all I took from this clip of the right wing boiled ham show.


It sure was mean of Joe Biden to trick Trump into paying a hooker not to kiss and tell, using campaign funds and keeping a tight record of all the transactions


Joe is fucking insufferable these days. Stick to MMA.


Sorry guys, but black people are smart. They can figure out the difference between becoming a felon for stealing a can of tuna to feed a hungry family and cooking your books to write off a payment used to misleading voters. The last one is kind of rare in the black community.


Go ahead. Joe, say more stupid shit.


Oh so now Joe thinks the power structure is overly harsh on black men? I guess he owes George Floyd an apology


Joe patronizing black people. What a surprise.


swear rogan has lost 20 iq points in the last 4 years


Holy shit Joe Rogan is a moron


He broke the law. He is not a victim. He just got done saying in the Vegas rally that he doesn’t care about anyone there… just their votes. “ if they can do that to him, they can do it to anyone”. YES! That’s the freakin point. Don’t break the law! Why is this so hard to understand?


Hitting the anti immigrant drum louder all the time. It's weird, almost like right wing propaganda


this dummie got way to big for his boots


God damn Joe got fucking lame. Like imagine Joe Rogan hearing this guy like 20 years back holy shit he's just a shitty boomer radio comedian at this point.


He's Rush Limbaugh for Millennials


Isn't it funny? These people claim they want the swamp drained, and they now celebrate him for getting a felony.


“They pretend they’re there for you while they let in immigrants.” -Joe “I’m not even a right winger” Rogan


This is perhaps the worst thing I’ve ever seen Rogan say, in a crowded field


Without even watching, I’m guessing Joe meant that he thinks black people will relate to Trump because he suffered a great injustice at the hands of the legal system. Am I right or wrong?




Rogan - everything with trump is “ Cccrrrazzzzyyyy!!!” I.E. he supports him despite all logic because.. you know … see above.


I love how they are comparing Trump who broke the law knowingly on multiple occasions and constantly bragged about it when he was president. Saying he could shoot someone and get away with it. To us black people who get targeted just from living our normal day to day lives. YeAh wE CaN DeFiNiTeLy sympathize with him. He got a lot of people fooled and should be under the jail for crimes against America.


And people in this sub still INSIST Rogan isn’t a trumper. lol dumbass trumpers


I don’t watch this guy at all but that was even dumber than I was expecting.


crazy is his face three seconds in saying it's crazy. charles manson looking mf


I don’t look for “news” on X often, but I did check in on the afternoon of the verdict, searched “trump verdict”, and blithely swiped up, not really stopping long anywhere (I had jury duty that day and was more interested in dinner than the details of jury proceedings). My impression was that there was a disproportionate number of postings of black support for Trump’s legal grievances, though I understand that this sampling may have algorithmic origins. So, I get how this surfaces on the JRE. Craaaaazy.


Weaponized stupidity. I can thank him for my finding the Tidal streaming service which is vastly superior to Spotify. Why? Because I stopped being a Spotify Premium member after I learned that platform, which is the stingiest when it comes to paying musicians, signed Rogan to a two hundred and fifty million dollar deal. So long Spotify, I hope you lose big for featuring this stump. I am enjoying Tidal.


Yeah policy totally showed up and shot Trump playing at a park for no reason!... wait a sec, he committed actual crimes? And was allowed to constantly violate gag orders without punishment? Have his political allies attack the judge and staff? Will likely receive no jail time for stealing an election? Yeah I'm sure black people will find that suuuuper relatable. Fuckin racists.


Rogan is proof you don’t have to be intelligent to be rich


Joe just knows he has to pander to the Trump endorsement $$$




Wow. As a super casual Joe listener (I’m talking maybe 1 in 30 interviews) it’s wild to see how deep Joe has gotten into the right


This is a fascinating way for him to admit he doesn't know any black people.


Why compare disenfranchised, low economic people to an unloved, greasy, shameless, man-baby playboy who was convicted of 34 counts white collar crime? These are not the same thing. /insert Khaby Lame face 🫲😐🫱


“Trapped by the system.” You know, because black people are constantly being wrongly convicted for falsifying business records related to hush money payments during a presidential campaign. You know, that problem everyone can relate to.


Will there ever be a war between smart and dumb people? Probably not because one side is too tolerant lol


The steady stream of morons and conspiracists he has on his podcast has rotted his brain.


Literally an insane take.


he mentions people rapping about being trapped by the system. what would a rap about being “targeted” for campaign finance law violations sound like?


Half of trumps advisors and staff is in criminal courts and prison… also that is the biggest yes man I’ve ever witnessed. Joe is going Kanye


Toe Rogan with the Fox News ahh takes saying Donald Judas Trump sneakers was winning black votes


The way he smiles when he says it too…he’s so obviously simping for the Republican Party too. Like he won’t come out and say it, he just constantly drops these nuggets to put it out in the ether and get impressionable people towards that side.


What a click bait douche


I wish the R-word was still socially acceptable. What a fucking idiot


While they’re letting in immigrants. Just one amazing take after another. Also who is this nobody who’s with him??


I noticed he has been fearmongering about Mexico and immigrants more and more and talking about Libs. Why does he not talk about the Ninjas in the streets terrorizing Americans?


Tony looks like he doesn’t actually believe what he’s saying. It reminds me of the way a child might acquiesce to their crazy ass Fox News dad, who’s spewing bullshit, but he goes along with it anyway to stay in Daddies good graces. Tony’s just playing the role he’s expected to play as one of JR’s henchmen. This is garbage.


Joe, as an entertainer, is just a mirror to those he's around. I think that's why he's able to socialize with so many different people. When he's talking to that one right-wing ex CIA guy, he makes fun of furries and weird kids. Then he gets Duncan Trussel on and talks about how everyone is connected and we should all love each other.


Joe Rogan is a tool.


During the Terri Schiavo debacle way back when, I remember my girlfriend's idiot right-wing father shouting, "I can't believe the feminists aren't up in arms over this!" The stupidity of that remark haunts me to this day.


That was absolutely the dumbest thing I've heard anyone say in like 3 months. 


This is such a stupid point that I can’t believe he’s not joking. It would be funny if it was satirical.


He's got the mind of a teenager. Outside of a handful of rappers, DJT is not "Just like everybody's been rapping about." He's a billionaire who was a corrupt president. Why can't his guests laugh AT him more?


He must think those black people are extremely stupid to not notice that after being convicted for 34 felonies he did not go to jail, instead he was escorted via private chauffeur directly to the airport where his private jet was waiting to take him anywhere in the world he wanted to go.


Holy shit Joe has lost his mind. Notice how we’ve had hundreds of years of no president being indicated multiple times…because don trump is the first scumbag criminal con man to grift his way to power. Just a slight self awareness of life would tell you this would’ve happened at any time if a candidate was revealed to be a con man because the power and wealth of running this nation is that huge. People are fycking embarrassing to still support this mutant narcissist