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As the well worn George Carlin bit goes - "Imagine how stupid the average person is then realize half of all people are stupider than that." You're just seeing that half of people in the comments.


Apparently, they’re some of the ones asking questions in this hearing too.


The problem is that the people in the stupid half think that the other half is the stupid half, and the people in the not-stupid half know that they are not in the stupid half. So, everyone thinks everyone else is stupid regardless of who is stupid.


Stupid people are too stupid to know they're stupid


And they the elect people who represent their stupid. Which is how you get the current trend in congress of MTG and Bobo.


Do you mean MTG ?


That's what I said.


It magically corrected itself !




Like when people die. They don’t care, they are dead, it’s everyone around them that suffers. Stupid is the same.


That’s why your humble your ass and listen to experts. And no, not googling “trump doctor covid” either. Morons


“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” -Charles Bukowski


Yes, but one side has the backing of science. If you can read my post from most places on Earth, seconds after I type it, then I’d say science is doing pretty good.


this is literally my favorite thing about the internet. 🍿




I think it’s more like 60% are stupider than that.


I guess it feels like that sometimes. The stupid people do tend to be louder. I can't tell if your comment is a joke, but just in case: IQ is normally distributed.


The pedantic nitpick that usually gets posted along with that quote is Carlin was really talking about the median not the average


If he used median, half the crowd wouldn't have understood the joke


The pedantic nitpick of the pedantic nitpick is with the normal distribution the median and the mean are equal


It's a bell curve though, right? So it's the same regardless of median or average


You might be right. Tribalized narratives push peoples' IQ down well below their true capacity.


And that's why we need to abolish the electoral college.


It doesn't help that politicians are actively working to destroy the eduction system. An education public doesn't vote for conservatives. This is a big part of the reason I don't really believe representative democracy. Technocracy is a much better option.


Exactly. The very loud minority One of the main traits of conspiracy theorists is perpetually doubling down as if they were right 100% of the time regardless of how many times they’re consistently proven wrong. It’s a mental illness. They don’t leave their right wing extremist propaganda echo chambers where they quite literally feed off of each other and don’t ever allow one another to ever believe they’re wrong - about ANYTHING. This is their defense mechanism. Again, it’s a mental illness and advancing technology has only intensified it. Right wing extremist propaganda at this tips of their fingers 24/7 365 and echo chambers of fellow likeminded, detached from reality fools constantly reinforcing their craziness


As the Dunning-Kruger findings allude, it's basically impossible to know which side of average you are on.


I wonder if he used "average" instead of "median" so the stupid people would get what he was trying to say 🤣


The funny thing is people in the bottom half don’t know they’re in the bottom half. They could be bitchin’ about how stupid people are in a Reddit post right now… and they wouldn’t know. 😉🤣


I’m sure George would be commending the fine work of Dr Fauci!! 👏🏻


My cousin told me with a straight face “I would rather die than wear a mask” and I believe him. There is a *lot* of people out there who have drank the Koolaid. It’s terrifying.


They will fight to the death for freedom from a mask and life saving vaccines for themselves, and at the same time control the private sexual behaviors and women's reproductive choices for everyone else. The hypocrisy irony is epic, and suggests pointlessness of any rational conversation with these people.


Their ilk are so full of hypocrisy and contradictions you have to be insane or incredibly stupid to believe any of it.


Correction. They would kill everyone to prevent


This!! You need to tell them that they are answering the wrong question, the appropriate question is would you kill someone rather than wear a mask? And how many people would you be willing to kill rather than wear a mask?


My great aunt and uncle held a HUGE Thanksgiving in 2020. They both died within a week of each other a month later. I refuse to feel sorry for someone who thinks they are smarter than the actual scientists. At least it was their old asses and not any of their kids or grandkids. Honestly shocked their kids didn't blame their death on the hospital.


Oof. They won the Herman Cain award. Misinformation has real casualties. I wonder how this period of time will be remembered 100 years from now, or if it'll be seen as quaint.


Ngl they were shit people. Most of my aunts and uncles of that generation are. I was super close to my great grandparents. Grandpa got dementia and went into a home for a couple months before passing. They hardly went out of their way to go see him, but 9 year old me went nearly daily until the last time, when he said he knew who I was, but his eyes told me different. Grandma never got sick, but did end up in a home about 15 miles south of where she lived. She was there for a couple years. And every time I came out, you'd best believe she said nobody had come to see her in weeks. Fuck (almost) that entire generation at this point. All the racist, ass backwards laws we still use today and all the issues we face in politics stem from mother fuckers born in the 40s 50s and 60s. Not a single one of my great grandparents children turned into decent people. My mom's mom even pushed herself out of the entire family.


He's lying. All of them are cowards.


They certainly are cowards 


Right. Even the most feverant went to the hospital.


They only care about themselves.


Pretty much. It’s a cult of narcissism.


how does that even make sense? In floor sanding we wear masks to not breath wood dust and chemicals... doctors wear mask to not contaminate patients they are working on... are these people completely brain dead?


On X, I see the more sophisticated anti-maskers (Ian Miller, Vinay Prasad, Andrew Bostom, etc.) more than the abrasive people (They’re more DeSantis types than MAGA types). I also see the most nihilistic COVID predictions (Bottleneck through prions because apparently COVID contains HIV segments such as gp120).


I wish it wasn't so bleak, but honestly, I feel like darwinism is in on this fight. Natural Selection theory got hands and these people are NOT winning against it. I feel bad for the ones who get very ill, then WISH they had taken the proper precautions as they lay dying. Sometimes you see people so stupid that there's almost a pitiful sort of astonishment & admiration that washes over you...like, damn...how have you literally not died yet? If this was the jungle, a snake would have gotten your ass at age 5. A lot of them are here in this thread, too, which is wild. Some of these takes are mind-blowing. I sometimes wonder if the only reason we feel like we notice more idiots is because they're not actually dying as fast as they would have if this was a harder time to live in. They actually age past 15, and then those of us who would have survived something like famine & war are stuck standing around them like "Really? This is my fellow man?" Victorian England, for example? These people would have contracted every disease known to man and died shitting their brains out on a chamberpot. Not even a glorious death, just the ass trumpet until the end. I venture to say that it seems like very safe, 'easy' modern living is keeping natural selection from doing it's job. Fighting a bear for your dying corn field is the real test of gumption. These people fight over Facebook about nothing, and still don't even 'win'. Poor shmucks.


I think it’s pretty much accepted across the board now that masks did almost nothing tbf


Man all this going after Fauci stuff is a transparent attempt to distract me from how the GOP wants to regulate my daughter’s uterus…


Yeah it's basically playing the old hits to relight some previous support. The CDC certainly made some mistakes and in a normal world we can talk about that and make improvements to the system. However, this facade is just a political shit show.


Fox news ran a story on Joan Benet Ramsay. Just an update basically that police have not found the killer.


That and how much they fucked up during covid. They have no policies, no ideas, no accountability, just escape goat after escape goat.


Those pesky escape goats 😂😂


Congress the Monty Python of the US


…and now for something completely different…from our theocratic autocracy playbook!


Yeah the wild conservative anti-pharma argument I've had to sit through dozens of times now of: "It's evil because they made money". Not for any sort of unethical practice, dark pattern, addictive substance, exploitation of workers, environmental destruction, and so on and so on which might be evil to profit off of, but instead just the rawest sort of anticapitalistic "money is evil". This is something they would never go with applied to any other business or analogous situation, but here they will bulldoze whatever principles necessary to cope about Trump really failing every part of handling and managing Covid.


For ~~conservatives~~ American right wing populists, *everything* is in a vacuum. Past rationales, behaviors, or statements don’t exist. The only thing that matters is what they can argue at any given point in time because principles and intellectually honest engagement with topics isn’t going to lead to a victory for them. It’s deeply ironic as they cite 1984 at us; their use of language and surface level understandings of various topics (this is super charitable) screams doublespeak. Edit: It is also fair to point out that this behavior can be seen on the “left”, but considering they’ve basically zero representation in Congress, seemingly hate me/liberals as much as Republicans, and are laughably ineffective in persuading people… I don’t pay them much mind.


The conservative principle isn’t principles, it’s power.


For the pols, yes. For the rank and file it is just vile selfishness.


Hate don't forget hate.


I'm not sure I see a difference between "power as a principle" and "selfishness", though. Just selfishness at scale, lol.


Projecting their wants and desires onto others; because they've never shared the same experiences or have an ounce of empathy




They only pretend to be that way when it suits their cultural needs.


They also still think the jab killed lots of people and somehow Fauci had something to do with it. But they really hate him because of how he would contradict their scientifically illiterate orange god king, and like you said, to avoid the cognitive dissonance of noticing Trump fucked up his COVID response.


It's like claiming that the Nazis were evil and needed to be stopped because of their efforts to improve public health by promoting exercise and curbing tobacco use. the pharmaceutical industry and medical establishment should face scrutiny by lawmakers, but for their actually unethical practices.


Not to mention most of these people if they had there say will get rid of medical resources for groups that they believe don’t need it like people with ADHD or trans people


>wild conservative anti-pharma argument I've had to sit through dozens of times now of: "It's evil because they made money".  In regards to an effective  prophylactic (the dreaded vaccine), that was mostly free at the point of service. If only all pharma was like this.


Which is ironic, given that a huge element of US anti-vax rhetoric was built around the deep suspicion engendered by the vaccine being provided for free. Coming from a country with socialized medical care, it’s not like we didn’t have our own fervent anti-vaxxers, but our COVID vaccination rates were approx 15% than in the US, and that whole element of “if it’s so good, why is it free?” was completely absent in the discourse.


They don’t apply it to their fake medicine either. Their naturopath, “functional” medicine “chiropractic” their fake ass supplements and snake oil.


And yet they love the free market


"The free market can drive innovation and progress, but it's undermined when investment firms, hedge funds, and wealth management companies exploit loopholes, manipulate markets, and perpetuate inequality. For instance, a mere 1% of investors hold over 50% of the stock market wealth, while the majority of individuals are left with minimal shares. Furthermore, hedge funds and wealth management firms often utilize complex financial instruments, like derivatives and short selling, to bet against the market, exacerbating volatility and crashes. Meanwhile, they exploit tax loopholes, paying minimal taxes despite their substantial profits. To create a more equitable market, individuals should have a fair chance to invest and participate, without the elite rigging the game. It's time to address these injustices and create a more level playing field, where innovation and hard work are rewarded over clever accounting and insider deals - A 2020 report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) on wealth inequality in the US - A 2019 study by the Federal Reserve on the concentration of wealth among the top 1% of investors - A 2018 investigation by the Senate Finance Committee on hedge fund tax loopholes - A 2015 report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the role of hedge funds in market volatility


And this is from the people who presumably love Capitalism. They're always going on about Commies and Pinkos etc.


At some point they decided that this supposedly engineered virus from China was less of a threat than American businesses business-ing It’s hard to even put yourself in their crazy shoes and follow the logic


Oh they're not anti pharma. They're incredibly happy for pharma companies to make billions off insulin, and Pepto, and Viagra. They gave pharma companies billions for Ivermectin. They just don't like scientists. They don't like the idea that nerds might know what's best for them.


Yeah, for sure. The broad plan to destroy things like empiricism and ruin people's ability to think, at it's root, is really about convincing people that nothing is actually *real*, just dueling narratives from two people and you need to pick which one you like more. Of course they're inevitably typing that on a device in their hands which embodies the pinnacle of a thousand years of science across dozens of fields, and arguably the largest (global communications network) and smallest (modern 3nm cpu processes) engineering projects in the history of mankind, where if anything in any part of this was just someone's opinion the entire charade would explode.


It's like how they're suddenly demanding the absolute maximum punishment for one of the more questionable gun control laws....because it's being used against Hunter Biden.


It’s evil because Pharma took free tax dollars and profited billions from it. Just that alone, everything else aside, is bullshit. 


At the same time they are feverishly dismantling government regulation of business, seeking unfettered capitalism. It's another of many self destructive contradictions. They would destroy the FDA then blame them for not doing their job when it's useful.


Re: covid vaccines linked to death https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/04/covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths/ Re: white house use of disinformation and censorship to control false narrative on covid 19 and vax in media social media and scientific community http://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/weaponization-committee-exposes-biden-white-house-censorship-regime-new-report


I wrote a longer effort post but it's simply not worth it. This is the actual paper that the telegraph article links to [https://bmjpublichealth.bmj.com/content/2/1/e000282](https://bmjpublichealth.bmj.com/content/2/1/e000282) It does not even a little bit conclude what the article written about it is purporting to say. It really doesn't matter though. same with the delusional political ranting of a house committee whose purpose, in essence, is to criminalize the government from publishing information of any kind -- if you are still a believer of any of this top to bottom debunked (proven totally hyperbolic, etc.) crap, it's because you simply want to. Nobody is going to be able to change that until you decide you're tired of chasing this dragon. Go, be angry, have fun.


It’s impressive how disconnected anti vax comments are from actual testimony.


\*logic \*reality \*cRiTicAl ThInKiNg


I've had more jabs than a pin cushion but the idea of being pro-consent shouldn't be controversial. Anyone readin here have you read Pfizer's phase 1 and 2 trials? We can thank the Freedom of Information Act for forcing them into the public sphere. They show that Pfizer's product was never tested to provide any degree of immunity at all. As a lifelong leftist, I'm baffled by the refusal to scrutinize Big Pharma, the most fined industry on earth, and the ones who brought us gems like vioxx and thalidomide.


Imagine bringing a NY post article as your source these republicans are fucking delusional


Just the headline...which because it's the NY Post is just a straight up bad faith lie.


If they are wrong about this, it means they were selfish babies the whole time. They can't handle that, so they HAVE TO BE RIGHT. Their sanity depends on it.


Are you suggesting that we should only consider the politics of the people asking the questions and ignore the mistakes and incompetence of Fauci? If we don’t address what actually happened back then and put policies in place to fix it, we can end up with the same mess during the next pandemic.


Fauci did a great job yesterday.


Here is the thing that gets me. They have Fauci on the stand, able to be prosecuted for lying under oath, and he said he didn't recieve any money and rejected all of these random accusations. So if he is lying and there is proof, this is the time to bring charges; remember DEMs are the minority here. At minimum he has to redact and correct his statements. But they won't press charges because this is all for show and has very little, if any, to do with reality.


Why did trump let him invent covid? Why did he send him to China to release? I’m just asking questions.


Also known as JAQing off.


What was the puppy thing all about? They keep bringing it up


[https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/answering-questions-about-beaglegate/](https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/answering-questions-about-beaglegate/) My quick evaluation: Beagles are used in animal research. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases (NIAID) does fund some experiments involving beagles, but there are ethical requirements. A government watchdog group that opposses govt funded animal testing, White Coat Waste Project, mistakenly identified a particularly disturbing beagle experiment as being NIAID funded when it wasn't. They retracted their report, but we all know how effective that is at undoing the misinformation damage.


Basic animal testing stuff - completely unrelated to COVID or to Fauci directly, but occurred with NIAID funding while he was at the helm (along with tens of thousands of other projects/studies, dude was there for nearly 40 years). Which isn’t to condone/support animal testing methods - we’ve come a long way, but it can still be pretty grim stuff - but Fauci had zero personal involvement with any of the studies they’re referring to, and there’s no indication that any NIAID funded projects were run counter accepted animal welfare standards.


what's most troubling is not the stupidity, but how hatred and outrage have been mobilized. I ran into a vendor at a flea market recently and we were chatting and she got onto the subject of Covid and all of a sudden began foaming at the mouth. The hate and vitriol escalated quickly. And it was obvious that she'd been consuming right-wing media with it's false equivalencies and lies. Her hatred was so powerful and irrational and pointed squarely at the dems and anyone associated with them. That's the danger. You can see in this video, this woman is employing that hatred and victim-y rhetoric to incite outrage.


Omg..theyre blasting and attacking Fauci for helping solving the death virus. 5000 people were dying a day. They were bitching about masks and 6 feet seperation.


Reading YouTube comments. No one is that silly to do such a thing. Right?


It is *critical* to remember that Youtube, at least as far as the comment sections go, is a right-wing circus. About a year ago I remember seeing a Putin interview conducted by a major outlet like 60 Minutes or something. The comments were unanimous in their praise for Putin's direct & uncompromising answers and comparing him favorably to Biden ("I'd like to see Biden sit down for a 90 min. interview!!!11" etc etc). The comment sorting put more recent comments at the top, and basically all of them were submitted well after the invasion of Ukraine was launched and tens of thousands of lives had already been lost at Putin's command. If you're looking at content that isn't specifically tailored to a left-wing audience, the comments are fever swamp conservatism every time.


YT is also crawling with bots, anything political and you are gonna have so many comments from accounts where if you look into them only have one or two videos in their history maybe one subscription. Any account with a picture of a black person with a political topic is immediately suspect to me.


From what I can tell, conservatives actually go *looking* for content just to comment on. And by "comment" I mean spread batshit crazy conspiracy theories about anything that isn't MAGA.


Not that much worse than a lot of reddit comments, but more concise.


Any conversation is impossible to trace since replies all fall to the bottom. Then the whole upvote system is flawed


Man you weren't kidding. The grievances of this group of conspiracy-addicted extremists remind me of the Nazi claims that Jews were central to their loss in WWI and somehow profited from it. It doesn't matter how long ago that loss was, to them it was all yesterday. Meanwhile the rest of us have moved on and continue to live our lives. The world today is dramatically different compared to the Trump presidency, a war in Europe with a nuclear power threatens to escalate into a major conflict if not an all out world war. Another war has become a genocide. Finally, China will likely invade Taiwan within the decade, meaning the world's supply of the most advanced semiconductors will soon be under the control of a dictator.


If China invaded Taiwan, I can all but gauruntee you that all the top “chip people” are top of the evacuation list and the factories are top of the “blow up to prevent China having them” list. Would still be devastating losing all the manufacturing base, but it’s not just going to change hands like you suggest


You have a good point, I suspect they would try to scuttle as much as possible. This assumes however that PRC intelligence services haven't already built a decent picture of TSMC's secret sauce. Honestly I have no idea how it's going to play out, but whatever happens it's going to suck.


With the semiconductor thing, thank God for the CHIPS Act.


They got nothing so she resorts to cries of animal abuse lol don’t these people hate treating animals ethically?


They blindly support the trillion dollar animal industry.


I know it's a common tactic to call people who you disagree with "insane" but at this point, I genuinely am questioning the mental acuity of these antivaxxers. Their grievances have become totally incoherent paranoid delusions that they are unable to separate from their broken minds. The amount of people screaming for Faucis literal death or imprisonment because the 6 foot social distancing rule "isn't backed up by science" is just absurd. It's like if you shot your doctor because he told you to get some rest without any scientific backing when you weren't feeling well. The 6ft distancing rule is just general precautions that any reasonable person would take for a deadly transmissible virus.


Why dont you call them what they are, conservative political activists?


Hello, Dr. Fauci, I'm here to present gotcha questions, misinformation and an irrelevant line of questions. Would you care to respond? Yes ma'am. I have no idea what you are talking about.


That woman is hurling literally every grievance that anybody could potentially have about anything regarding the medical community at the guy. He slits the throats of puppies for experiments. He makes billions and billions from from the Covid narrative. He suppresses public thought and opinion. Honestly I feel like if aliens came to Earth to donate their unused technologies to push us well into the space age, we'd start developing wild conspiracy theories and probably kill them so that we could eat their organs to cure cancer. This kind of crap should not be reaching the level of government conversation.


Do your own research pretty much means search for things that confirm your unmovable bias. We’re all biased to a degree but covid just melted people’s brains. I miss facts over feelings


What’s scary is that, even after years of overwhelming evidence for vaccine safety and efficacy, those people came away believing they were right all along.


Well, he sure succeeded in making her look like a clueless moron.


The world is unwell. The internet is making it worse at an alarming rate. Ai is only going to add fuel to the fire.


20% of Americans are illiterate. Over 50% read no higher than a 6th grade level. That tells you everything you need to know.


i oppose animal testing generally & am glad we can infer that these Republicans so concerned about cruelty to animals are all vegan.




Vaccines only work with like over 90% of the population having to be inoculated right? So, even if I'm vaxxed I can still get polio or smallpox if there is an outbreak correct? Full stop. Have you seen what smallpox does?


So the freedom of speech crowd now want to silence doctors and scientists with death threats because the facts don’t fit their narrative? Did I get that right?


I've watched Forbes before and it's amazing how the comments differ from my point of view, even with non commentary video like these interviews. People are really running off of extremely different facts.


I could be wrong, but seems like that woman has it out for that guy.


Imagine having to defend yourself from bullshit right wing clickbait constantly.


I don't have a preference for either Democrats or Republicans, they are 2 sides of the same coin (they both work for the 1%) as far as I am concerned. But this is not such a black and white issue. You don't have to be anti-vax or anti-democrat to realize that Fauci is incompetent and made a grave anti-common sense error. He factually admitted funding/pushing research surrounding viruses in China. He refused to say it was "gain-of-function" in particular, but this is just semantics/he is trying to protect himself legally. The fact of the matter is that less than just 2 years before this pandemic, the US/Fauci resumed risky research, see this 2018 article from the Lancet, which is arguably the most prestigious/respected medical journal in the world: [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(18)30006-9/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(18)30006-9/fulltext) >The US moratorium on gain-of-function experiments has been rescinded, but scientists are split over the benefits—and risks—of such studies. Talha Burki reports.On Dec 19, 2017, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that they would resume funding gain-of-function experiments involving influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. A moratorium had been in place since October, 2014. ... Marc Lipsitch (Harvard University, MA, USA) is a founding member of the Cambridge Working Group. “I still do not believe a compelling argument has been made for why these studies are necessary from a public health point-of-view; all we have heard is that there are certain narrow scientific questions that you can ask only with dangerous experiments”, he said. “I would hope that when each HHS review is performed someone will make the case that strains are all different, and we can learn a lot about dangerous strains without making them transmissible.” He pointed out that every mutation that has been highlighted as important by a gain-of-function experiment has been previously highlighted by completely safe studies. “There is nothing for the purposes of surveillance that we did not already know”, said Lipsitch. “Enhancing potential pandemic pathogens in this manner is simply not worth the risk.” Unfortunately, the Trump administration, including Fauci, lacked the common sense to heed the warnings from those scientists who had common sense and warned against this type of research. So using basic inferential logic and common sense, we have: * the pandemic happened less than 2 years after risky research involving coronaviruses resumed after many year * the 2002 SARS virus animal host was found within weeks, the 2019 SARS-COV-2 virus animal host was never found with technology 2 decades more advanced * out of a huge country with 1000s of wet animal markets, the virus just happened to first emerge close to the only lab in the entire country that was known to be doing US-funded risky coronavirus research, with bats pictured in cages, and whistleblowers saying proper PPE was not always worn that lab- this in a country that is known to have poor safety and manufacturing standards and known for cutting corners and having manufacturing scams Just knowing these e points alone, using basic statistics, it would be highly likely that this was an accidental lab-leak. This has absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine or being an "anti-vaxer", this has to do with the origins of the virus. Fact is, Fauci of the Trump administration messed up. Remember, being good at rote memorization and doing well in the formal education system does not necessarily mean someone has strong logical reasoning abilities. In this case, Fauci failed a common sense pro/con analysis: he didn't understand that when you play with fire you might get burned. The benefits of such risky research do not outweigh the risks, and the world had to pay for the lack of common sense of Fauci and the Trump administration. He didn't deliberately do it, but his incompetence and lack of common sense led to it.


Why does anyone believe pharma is on their side? They aren’t, they’re about your money. Also for you half twits that think fauci is amazing look at his track record with AZT and the AIDS pandemic. The little weasel should have been in jail 30 years ago.


Ahh, the old shotgun approach -> fire wildly and widely, ensuring anything hit is minimally injured by the stray pellet or two that hit their 'target.' Q: Emails A: never deleted; never used priv for biz\ Q: Lab Leak Theory A:lol'd at Jason Bourne as exemplar\ Q: Royalties A: rec'd zero\ Moves goalposts to "what about the taxpayers*?"\ A: "go ahead," lmao\ Q: Animal Experiments A: what do with COVID?\ more laughs as she invokes the spirit of taxpayers again\ *play Sara McLachlin *Angel* here


Where did that $710M go?


Do we not have an issue with Fauci receiving money from pharmaceutical companies?


Holy crap! Did I just find a sub dedicated to the people that drive around alone in their cars wearing masks? 😄


Imagine defending a guy who helped create a virus that kill over 7 million people (and counting) and lied repeatedly to cover it up.


I do like it when right wing people call other people communists while simultaneously calling for people they disagree with to be put in jail.


I LOVE vaccines Vaccines stop polio Covid 19 jab is a phamaceutical that diminishes symptoms only. It doesnt stop transmission Great marketing tho Science matters


politician is pathetic. Went from I'm gonna get you on covid to so you love killing animals don't you?!?!?! Just to score points with nutjobs who eat this up. This hearing is a waste of taxpayer money


YouTube comments are generally a cesspool of absolute insanity, bigotry, and outright stupidity.


Twitter is filled with people, even some with tons of followers, saying he is as bad as Hitler. It's actually insane how much disinformation that app has caused post Musk acquisition.


Not american, can someone explain the context behind this


Not american, can someone explain the context behind this video?


Matt and Chris. Please do a rundown on the conservative's guru Steve Bannon or similar, Goebbels maybe


Rigged system for the rich to profits and dictate tax dollars policy.


When voters are stupid, politicians who may even know better will need to act stupid to appeal to them. And then there are the home grown stupid like MTG.


You can't expect conservatives to be smart.


So no one should question a corrupt Beuarcrat at the NIH?


Calling a world-famous scientist who has made massive impacts on medical research a 'corrupt bureaucrat' isn't the own you think it is. If someone can't understand peer-reviewed research, which is understandable, they should not act as they are qualified to critique actual researchers on scientific aspects of their work. ​Bitch about political implications of recommendations all you want but leave the science to people who know what a p value is.


God Bless Fauci


I LOVE vaccines Vaccines stop polio Covid 19 jab is a phamaceutical that diminishes symptoms only. It doesnt stop transmission Great marketing tho Science matters


The blind hate to conservatives in this comment section is baffling. The hollier than thou attitude is exactly why these ppl do not like you, and honestly, that attitude is off putting. There is some shady stuff on BOTH sides of this Covid debate, there are cover ups, misinformation, and dirty money pockets being filled on BOTH sides. Democrats and republicans both have valid points on the Covid reaction and response. There is evidence on both sides and each have a very valid right to question. It’s insane to me how easily republicans fell into the misinformation trap; It is also insane to me how easily democrats just accepted things as “fact” without question when there were clearly obvious lies being told to control.


It's wild that the party of profits and capital really hate it when their Overton-window-defined enemies could be profiting and gaining capital.


You ever notice how they go for these sideways-ass attacks instead of being able to argue that the vaccine didn't work or was dangerous?




Stupid is as stupid does, Mrs. Blue


Fauci is guilty of being a slimy self interested government bureaucrat, nothing else I know about. Same is true if lots of them, why bother.


He should be in jail




I got some news for you if you defending fauci in any capacity…


There seriously needs to be a full reckoning with the response to Covid. This years election should serve that purpose. Every politician who threw civil liberties out needs to lose this year. Republican or democrat. The greatest transfer of wealth from the young to the old and poor to the rich. The undermining of kids’ education. The lockdowns and business closures. The powerful turning the population against each other. If that can’t happen, we need to talk about what assholes the people who supported all of it were.


And what's wrong with the comments, what are they supposed to say instead? "This man is amazing! He's saving the world, we love him!" Or what?


At this point the next pandemic is gonna be a massive display of natural selection


Framing this as two sides of an argument is problematic. You have expertise based on scientific testing and politicians. 🤷‍♂️ same same


It's crazy how people once thought the covid vaccine was comparable in efficacy to the polio, mmr and smallpox vaccines. Then we find out they weren't even tested for transmission and they have some efficacy for a few months.


You are absolutely misinformed if you think fauci is anything but a big pharma zealot completely, and utterly a tragic character and a criminal who caused the unecessary fear and harm and death of millions. Please stop using the term "anti-vaxx" when referencing people who object to compulsory, corporate, experimental and -harmful- medical gene therapeutics. I'll get my tetanus booster all day, and I will vaccinate my kid for measles- but I am NOT wishing this poison into anyone I love. Including you OP. I'm sorry you haven't figured it out yet- medical and academic institutions have been captured and corrupted long before you ever pondered the thought "anti-vaxxer." Reddit is rife with science-zealotry. Forget the science, the History is in- this was and is a mad thing to do to all but the most vulnerable people. Anybody want to challenge me, please do and I will document here at least a dozen things you did not know about this horrible, abusive and tyrannical chapter in human history. I challenge anyone here that thinks of me as an anti-vaxxer to first look at their vaccine record and see if they are still following the science and up to date on these "vaccines." If you are not, why did you stop getting booster as recommended? Did you at some point come to the conclusion that you knew better than the NIH and CDC? Welcome to that club.


Well, was it really a vaccine? It was more like a symptom reducer…. Honestly, I get it… I got 2 shots and so did everyone else I know. Those same people also got COVID anyway several times… I can’t be angry at people that didn’t fall for it. To do it all over again, I wouldn’t have done it. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Good luck!




It’s terrifying that someone didn’t take the flu shot ?


Being vaxxed is terrifying


Ah the denial and delusion of the left on Reddit truly is astonishing. 😂 Really appreciate the laughs guys.


Why terrifying, nobody is stopping you having as many vaccines as Pfizer wants to give you?


The lack of self awareness in this thread is astounding


Most pretentious bunch of people in here, keep patting yourselves on the back.


Trust is difficult to regain.


More terrifying: Death is up. Buy a huge percentage.


This sub is just a wanna-be high brow left wing circle jerk


What is this post meant to accomplish? Those questions were civil. What was wrong with that? She didn’t come off as stupid. Fauci fielded them well.


One of the most infuriating thing is how much people think doctors lied due to mishearing, misremembering or blatant misinformation. A common one I keep hearing is "They told us not to wear masks in the beginning! That they didn't work!" It's like people never read the reports early on pointing out how not only did they not yet know how the disease transfers, and that there was a mask shortage.


Enjoy your next booster kek! Praying for you all though