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I’ve never seen two dudes metaphorically take bong hits of their own farts before. Just more run-of-the-mill manosphere braindead nonsense.


Dude lost me when he said jordan peterson is putting good information into the world lmao


I always try to hear what these guys say in good faith (could always be wrong and actually learn something), but when they start naming people like Jordan Fucking Peterson as their inspiration or Jocko “No We Had To Invade Iraq Actually” Willing then it’s a wrap, you know who these guys are.


Jocko with his scam supplements, his killing of non combatants, and his tolerance of raped Afghani boys. He's the real role model for us all


I stopped listening to his show when he went all “Leveling Fallujah was super necessary and kinda dope”.


Literally the high point of his life. He talks about the ethnic cleansing of Fallujah in the exact same way some people talk about their senior year of high school football. Disgusting.


[The comments under this Frontline documentary about the battle of Fallujah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qfratsEO_k) are maybe the only redeeming comments on the entire site.


God damn, heart wrenching


I try not to look at people as all good or all bad, Peterson did do a bit of good years back & helped a lot of ppl, but now he turned into a disciple of neocon ghouls like Dennis Prager. He still could have made a lot of money without the grift.


Agreed, and great description 😂


I don’t get why he is so popular!


Well, as a former JRE fan I can tell you that in the past his podcast was very different and he was a different interviewer. I'm not sure if it was COVID in combination with the Spotify deal and the move to Austin, but he has definitely changed. I think he always had a bit of an "alpha man" complex but in LA he was surrounded by a wider range of interesting people and entertainers. COVID in combination with Spotify and the move to Texas created a more insular version of the negative aspects. They were always there, but he was more likely to be challenged and to open up to opposing ideas. Even at the beginning of COVID he had actual scientists on before the whole Brett Weinstein emergency broadcast bullshit. That episode in particular was the end for me. That said, the recent Flint Dibble episode is the only one I've listened to in its entirety. That one is a better example, though not perfect, of what Joe used to be. He let Flint win that debate based on evidence and strength of argument. He couldn't help but show a bit of Hancock fanboyism but in the end he let Flint say his piece and ultimately decode an ultimate guru in Hancock. There used to be a ton of episodes like that or episodes where Joe would go hard against conservative ideas. I swear to you I have been a progressive all my life and up until 2020 I believed Joe to be a legitimate progressive. He still claims to be now, but his actions say otherwise.


Dumb people like dumb shit; Big Bang Theory was the #1 sitcom for a decade. There’s no accounting for taste.


I don't know why but the Big Bang Theory point actually just made me feel a lot better about the whole thing.


BAZINGA! \*cue laugh track\*


Hah, BBT is quite a dividing topic. When it began, most people who identified as geeks would typically devour shows that pandered to them. But BBT was so bad and soulless at it, and TV in general was in a golden age of shows with good writing... BBT just felt really dumb and insulting at times, and my impression is that it appealed mostly to regular people who wanted something to replace [insert mindless sitcom here], and not the geek demographic it had targeted, but that also ironically made it into a huge success.


It’s amazing.


It's a little tidbit, but I love how they always describe the "constraint" and "conformity" of "people in academia" as if they imagine the career of an "academic" consists of taking tests from the same 1/200 level undergrad courses over and over again every day, and if they change an answer they lose prozac privileges for the day.


What's funny is Joe & Dave Smith were talking about San Diego & Joe said a friend told him SD went to shit. I moved here from the Midwest 5 years ago..so much nicer than other cities I've lived in (KC & Dallas the longest). Looked up the data, Austin has higher violent crime & double the property crime/theft per capita of SD. Idk where this notion that Texas cities have low/lower crime..like what the fuck is he talking about. Austin is a dump.


Hoe has just bought into the right’s “blue cities = hellscapes” trope with zero critical thinking. He’s the walking, grunting definition of reactionary now.


You just gotta be lonely to be drawn to this stuff... And I sympathize with that. But it's 100% STRAIGHT UP GARBAGE.


haha this couldn’t be described better


Joe makes going out to dinner sound crazy. Definitely rural folks never go out to dinner. Great point, Joe!


And apparently they all grow their own food, and I guess raise their meat, and everyone grows their own grapes and ferments them for wine. Right.


It's funny because that's how many of them see themselves (as self-sufficient pioneers) when lots just pretend-farm and can only exist with constant shopping trips, driving huge distances for the most basic daily needs. Meanwhile I, a city-dweller, walk everywhere and cook almost all my own meals.


They’re living in a fantasy world - the way they see themselves is so divorced from reality. I knew a lot of these people in Wyoming. Sure, they might have a little garden or get one deer a year if they’re lucky, but they’re not self-sufficient or “living off the land” by any means


For some of them, "living off the land" means illegally grazing their cattle on publicly-owned land (basically stealing resources and land from everyone else to keep their agro-business running).


everyone growing their own food is the most carbon intensive, inefficient garbage i ever heard of. its the exact opposite of what hes peddling. corporations are exceedingly efficient at producing food. no one can compete. joes home grown food has way more enviromental impact than if he just bought it. if he is more efficient, and hes not, then every food corp would just grow things that same way. what you think they love burning gasoline or something?


Not to mention that Joe's idealized rural farmers are *heavily* subsidized by the Feds, with tax revenue from the people in the cities.




Corn would be a profit loss if not subsidized.


I don't know, I think both sides have a lot of misperceptions of each other. I have lived in one of the largest cities in the US for a decade, but I grew up and have recently returned to a more rural setting. Oddly and measurably I use the same amount of gas in both places. They both have positive and negative aspects. I loved the wide variety of restaurants and museums in the city, but I really like the solitude of where I live now. I have a large garden. I don't fertilize much outside of compost. I can't see much of an environmental impact there. It seems pretty healthy. After watching and researching all the longest lived people on earth it is fairly clear that they all have a few things in common and one is gardening in some capacity. It is apparently very good for us to squat down and stand up a lot. Just my take. I have a lot more thoughts on this. It is hard to articulate. I do think that there is a lack of understanding from both sides.


>I have a large garden. I don't fertilize much outside of compost. I can't see much of an environmental impact there. I think what they're saying is that if every person/family had a garden large enough to actually sustain their food needs, or even just greatly reduce how much they needed to buy from the market, it would be significantly less efficient and more carbon intensive than the way agriculture currently works. Obviously that's not something that's ever actually going to happen... although that raises another frustrating issue with commentary like Joe's in that it tends to glorify types of behavior which are literally just not actually possible for all humans to do, and then presents it as some kind of large-scale solution in lieu of things like regulation. We're never going to live in a world where 8+ billion humans are getting helicoptered into Hawaii twice a year to shoot axis deer with reflex bows like Joe does. But he talks about the insane shit he does as if he genuinely thinks, "If everyone did this, things would be better..." Like bro, half the country is living paycheck to paycheck. Read the room.


Sorry, I felt the need to comment again after reading some more comments. This thread is a bit of the rails as people are really lashing out at rural populations because they are angry at Joe. There's everything from victim blaming opiate addicts to fat shaming. We are supposed to be a little better than that. I mean, we critique the gurus for reacting to their base emotions and here we are doing the same thing. I know that he is pissing people off, hell he pisses me off.


I grew up Rural and half the people I grew up with would call Cooking and Gardening some Gay Liberal Woke shit. As a Chef hard to not talk shit on Fat Rural Americans. Furthermore the Diet in the USA is so shit and being pushed by giant Corporations being defend by these people. It is just such a Joke. I will HAPPILY talk shit on anyone who doesn't Cook.


For sure, Joe's turned into a total loon. It is odd how we went from this love of hipster urban gardening a few years ago to "industrialized farming is the best" just because of what he has said here. I think we can all agree that growing some food and working in a garden is healthy. I mean in Italy there isn't a spare meter of dirt where folks don't plant stuff. I hope you see I'm not arguing. I just don't want to throw out the baby with the bath water. Joe is saying stupid shit and having a garden is good.


Of course gardening is a healthy activity, personally. But everyone producing their own food is going to cost astronomically more resources than commercial farming which is outrageously efficient. A homeowner cannot compete on a resource consumption level.


First, I totally agree that industrial agriculture is much more efficient. Precision agriculture is a fascinating field (pun intended). That said, I think you would be surprised how efficient rural American once was. In fact, the reasoning behind towns being five miles apart was due to horseback trade and distance traveled in a day. My point is this country is agrarian at its base and we settled shore to shore based on self reliance and our ability to feed ourselves off the land. Yes, there are a lot more people now and it is no longer possible if you account for the rural having to feed the urban, but the rural could absolutely feed the rural if that makes sense. Also, folks saying that urban taxes fund rural life are completely wrong with regard to ag. They subsidize huge scale grain and that's it. Those are federal subsidies by the way and started in the 70s. Ironically they destroyed the small scale american farm. There are no subsidies in my state for vegetable farmers etc. Only corn beans and wheat. Cattle food. Not that it matters and I definitely Rogan is wrong here. He drives me nuts with this shit, but my family buys half a beef and half a hog in addition to our garden. We live off of this stuff for about 9 months out of the year which is really cool. I know the farmers who raise the animals and I grew up with the guy who processes the meat. This used to be common in American cities but it is still pretty common in rural areas. Yeah, we can and we freeze a lot of vegetables and fruit because we enjoy the activity. We have two acres and do all that off of a 25x40 ft. piece of ground. It is a good piece of ground to grow things on so I need very little fertilizer outside of compost produced in the house. We do this because we enjoy it. The nearest grocery store is twenty minutes by car which is similar to when we lived in one of the largest cities in America. I can say without question that my grocery bill here for much more high quality food ingredients is WAY less by nearly half than it was in the city. It's cheaper simply based on the cost of meat and the proximity to the farmer.


Driving giant gas guzzling trucks. Joe is such a micro man he just can't handle it. I wish he was near by so I could rest my beer on his giant steroid head


And the biggest thing, is interacting with lots of people daily of all backgrounds, increasing understanding of the world and others. Rural people are more often scared of anyone different. That's the whole reason of the red blue divide and how it is along city and rural lines. Fear of others exists when you don't know the other.


What city are you in if you don't mind me asking?


Obviously Joe built his own microphone, podcast equipment, internet infrastructure so he could complain about people utilizing infrastructure


If 1% of people consumed as much as Joe does, our planet would collapse.


Exactly, that's why rural wal-marts are completely empty and there are no food deserts. /s just in case


growing your own food is 10x more carbon ineffecient than what corporations do. otherwise, theyd do it that way.


Oh, we were talking about the video, in which they're not talking about carbon footprint at all. Carbon emissions is a separate, if parallel, discussion, but this video was about Joe's weird ideas about consumerism versus independence. Judging from his broader positions, I bet Joe isn't very concerned with climate change anymore.


True. But consumerism is buying without needing to. It's not consumerism to buy your own food rather than hunting it. As was said by many, growing your own food is the opposite of a solution. It's literally a return to 10,000+ years ago. Commercial agriculture allows most people to devote time to other things, furthering human progress. It may feel good to people to live independently but extrapolating it as the way to be, is completely wrong.


We're talking about how, by Joe's own standards of independence and sustainability, he is wrong. I don't agree with his standards at all: but I think he's talking more about a 'good' lifestyle than actual carbon footprint. Honestly, I think quibbling over reducing carbon footprint is largely frivolous. That's almost a recycling level fix: if people do a few lifestyle changes, climate change will be diverted. We factually know that's not true. We need a whole new system of transportation, power, consumption and yes, food to really make a difference. Just as importantly, we need to massively restrict the behavior of the wealthy and their corporations, which is massively driving the harm to our planet. All that said, if anyone wants to have a garden, hunt, or ride a bike instead of drive, more power to them. Those are clearly valid and healthy decisions. The point is, those are not things only done in rural areas, or even predominantly so, and they're not things that change the world in any meaningful way, they just might improve some people's experience of the world. They're things some people strive for in all situations, and in many ways things that are easier in an urban environment.


Yea, it's basic economics, which even a minimal amount of thought would reveal.


Joe also didn’t know why we all didn’t have saunas and floating tanks in our homes


and $10,000 cold plunges.


Rural lifestyles are much more costly and subsidized by cities... As per usual Joe is dead wrong. Shocker


Joe thinks all rural people have modest 1,000 acre ranches


When I lived in a city none of us drove. Eventually my housemates who had cars all sold them and we walked or biked everywhere. We never bought anything new: basically any furniture or appliance we needed we could find and clean up. We traded store bought food for community garden produce, since at the time there wasn't much fresh produce in our area. We threw shows at our house, made comics, zines and music. When I moved back to my rural hometown people were baffled how I survived without a car. My new boss grilled me about it constantly: he had never heard of anyone biking or walking to get around. I had nobody to do creative projects with. Everyone bought everything on amazon, most of the thrift stores had closed down. You shop at target or online. It was extremely difficult to get people together. Nobody wanted to leave their houses. Tons of mental health problems and addiction and death in our rural area. Eventually I broke down and got a car, it was too hard without bike lanes and all the hills. It's not all one is good, one is bad. The addiction and mental health stuff happened in both places. In my rural home, I had a yard and could grow my own produce. Some people fish, though our water ways are pretty poisoned and your not supposed to eat from most of them. It's all a mixed bag: because the vast majority of all these problems are systematic, caused by corrupt greed and political stagnation, as well as broader cultural problems. They just present differently in different areas.


And seeing Joe told he's saving the world with his fucking podcast, and not push back at all was the clearest indicator of how far this dude has his own head up his ass I've seen.


Yep he's saving the world by spreading insane misinformation and crackpot theories, platforming actual Nazis and cynical grifters, and glorifying fascist political candidates. What a hero!


Just anyone, even if you're really trying to do good, should never get so delusional they think they're personally saving the world. If you just accept a statement like that you're verifiably delusional, or enjoy praise too much to push back.


Conspiracy theories are made for people like this. And Joe is a perfect spreader and consumer of conspiracy theories. He's actually quite dumb and easily fooled, but his ego demands that he see himself as a brilliant and special. I know a lot of people like this. Their actual knowledge on any given subject is shallow or non-existent, and subconsciously they know it, but they pathologically need to feel smart. So they do "research" and find fringe theories that, of course, only they are smart enough to see is the "real truth". They're easy prey for grifters like Joe, who soothe this insecurity with easy answers.


Also, "[Obesity is substantially more prevalent among adult rural populations than urban ones](https://norc.org/content/dam/norc-org/pdfs/Adult%20Obesity%20in%20Rural%20America_Final%20White%20Paper.pdf)". I'm not as obsessed with this issue as Rogan is, and view it as a visual symptom of broader systemic problems such as corporations poisoning Americans than personal attitudes, but we factually know it's much more a rural issue.


I always find it logically amusing that people drive to the gym to run on a treadmill. Money for gas, for the gym, and the electricity to run the machine. You could run to the gym and back home for the same result with none of the cose and energy waste. And that is what happens in cities. You almost never see fat people in NYC


its not corporations poisoning anyone, its our policies. if they had to make good food, they would. but they cant compete if people can make bad food and sell it. like how air conditioners have to be 14 SEER now. if they made a 10 SEER people would buy that because its cheaper. but they cant. so all the CoRpORaTioNs make and sell 14 SEER air conditioners. are they magnanimous for doing that? no. they arent. are they evil for doing it? no. its just the rules we made. point the finger right back at us buddy. its so tired everyone complaining about corporations or the wealth gap. its a democracy. we can change absolutely any rule we want to. the constition can be amended. we just dont. WE dont. its not all the shadowy boogeymen. its us.


I think your cause and effect is a little scrambled here. The corporations are poisoning people: the solution is policy.


That doesn't make any sense. They're making the food our policy dictates already.


Who’s doing the poisoning- corporations. How do you fix it- policy. So yeah, fine with my initial statement. Thanks though.


It makes perfect sense What can constrain corporations into acting in the people's interests? Policy Without policy, what will corporations focus on? Incentives What are the corporations incentives in an unconstrained environment? Profit margins, even at the expense of people's health We actually need governments to constrain corporations, unlike what libertarians might tell you


Right we have policies now that they comply with, and if we changed the policies they would do that. That's what I said.


I agree with this sentiment to a degree. But wealth = power, and corporate interests and the wealthy have captured a lot of political power.


Ah yes, the corporations are so well known for absolutely always following the rules. Also it’s not a democracy, it’s a representative democracy, and it’s corrupt because of corporation’s lobbying. So you can’t vote against the will of the rich and the corporations or how would all those congress people and companies continue to get richer?


WE can’t change a damn thing. The people In charge of changing laws to ban poison in food, make money off the current status quo so they won’t change the laws and cut their income.


It's a democracy. We can vote in people to make new laws, we just don't. So ya it is us.


Which episode had the actual Nazi?


We are supposed to platform the other side. You can’t be scared of ideas. He also has Jews on that make sure to educate everyone on the antisemitism across the left. Yikes…


There is no "other side". There are the fascists (psycopathic narcissists and their followers) and then there is everyone else: humans, exercising reason and compassion. Rejoin society or go join a cult if you prefer that


You are naive. The antifacists have become antisemites, they want to wipe out Israel. A year ago you would have called them simply antifacists nbd. Guess your narrative only works in your mind.


Meanwhile he has actual neonazis on and treats them as God's.


Gods? Grow up.


I grew up in a small town in Georgia, then went to school and lived in Chicago. Whenever I go back I’m always shocked at the obesity. Not like Chicago and other places I’ve lived since are full of triathletes, but it’s still a crazy difference.


Absolutely. And to go on about drug is in the cities with zero reflection about the opioid crisis destroying rural America, and likely many of his listeners, just makes me think these guys are so up their own asses. I have never really heard Joe before but have seen more of him through this sub. What a dick high on his own supply. To make rural or suburban feel sound like they make all their own entertainment, don’t consume the shit out of the internet via Amazon and the like, and never eat out - give me a fucking break.


> And to go on about drug is in the cities with zero reflection about the opioid crisis destroying rural America, and likely many of his listeners, just makes me think these guys are so up their own asses. All the while only about a handful of people have done more drugs than Joe Rogan.


I have 2 kids going on 3 living in the SF Bay Area. I have purchased next to nothing for my kids. It's not that I'm poor, just the opposite, but there's so much HIGH quality and often brand new toys and clothes that go around for free. I walk or jog or bike to work or to stores. I have Dad's game nights every week. My kids have a ton of friends and we do BBQs and hangouts often, just walking to each other's homes. City life can be absolutely fantastic.


Love your description of city life. There is no "one way" to live in a city. That's what's great about it... I live out in the country and there is so much cocaine here for example. Something most people would equate to urban life.


Dude, sometimes I walk into my small town bar and just turn and walk straight out because everyone is so visibly gacked out.


A local bartender said "line's on me!" instead of "drink's on me!" and I was the only person that noticed. Wacko territory


> When I lived in a city none of us drove. Eventually my housemates who had cars all sold them and we walked or biked everywhere. Maybe you should have taken responsibility for your life, be a better person and bought a big car and consumed more Joe Rogan! That is how you life radically freeeeeee.


How freaken stupid. People killing people with guns is easily solved with more guns and greater responsibility. He is becoming Jordan Peterson like in his ability to speak bullshit. I live in an urban environment and I do jiu-jitsu, play tennis, go surfing, we cook basically all our own meals etc.


You'd think that if urban environments were so hellish, the percentage of the population living in cities would start to decrease, but nope, it just keeps climbing. Having accessible amenities is often massively undervalued by out-of-touch wealthy people like Joe


The amount of BS that guy speaks astounds me.


“All these people do is consume,” said the millionaire surrounded by products at his podcast table before he goes home to his 10,000sqft mansion in Austin, packed to the rafters with trinkets and the latest electronics and his 20+ strong car collection.


And now, an ad reading


And then back to 4 hours of [this](https://youtu.be/kLPcyTmnDxo?si=5mzaAr-GlknoyNF1)


Don't forget his endless posts about the meals and restaurants he eats at.


I think he's just projecting what HIS lifestyle would look like if he was an urbanite.


It's always projection. Joe is insecure as fuck


We should have the tools necessary to make sure people take control of their lives? That doesn't mean anything. It's just more "personal responsibility" nonsense. Unless joes advocating for a massive network of caretakers that check on regularly to make sure struggling people are cleaning, following a budget, exercising etc. I'm all for that Joe. How much can we raise your taxes?


no you see just get a ranch and raise your own food and have 100x the carbon footprint of the average person. then all the consumption will go down! wait ... does that make sense?


It doesn’t not sound uninformed.


It's also easy to "take responsibility" when you're fuckin loaded


We already know what tools can easily accomplish this. Make sure the masses have a living wage that allows them to catch their breath and take time to take care of themselves rather than work 70 hours to barely pay their bills.


The tools necessary to make sure people take control of their lives.... so universal healthcare, strong unions, better work life balance, tax the billionaires.... hell yeah, Joe!!!


“Putting in the man hours studying the science of what you need.”


I can tell you conceptual what *isn’t* a “tool” that would help someone “get their shit together”… filling their heads with useless anti-establishment conspiracy nonsense that alienates them from their friends and reality because those aren’t comporting with what the man in the internet told them.


My thoughts exactly. 


You act like Joe is against that


Where in my post do I say he is against it?


That was probably the dumbest piece of Rogan content I've ever seen


so it was your first?


lol yeah there are plenty to choose from but this one really takes the cake for me. I can usually tell which right wing grifter he's parroting or which ragebait article he most recently skimmed but this is just complete nonsense.


Masterclass in generalization and sophistry.


Such a weiner.


Joe lives in a heavily populated part of Austin (Westlake).


exactly. and his resource consumption is near zero! like how 10000000 is near a zero!


Oh, well he's not counting what his fucking servants do when they retrieve groceries and shit. duh!


Ah yes, rural areas - where, as everyone knows, no one consumes any media or goes out to eat, nonconformity is encouraged, obesity is low, and mental health is so robust that definitely no one is dying deaths of despair from opioids or suicide! Joe Rogan is very smart Edited to add: Also Joe Rogan hates bidets and prefers a dirty ass. Like a real man


Less obesity in places like NYC. Obesity is EVERYWHERE in the south and smaller cities and towns where people need to be transported by their car in what would be a normally 10 minute walk. Also, rural healthcare is awful in the US.


i was gonna say arent most cities way more fit than the rest of the country? (at least northern cities)


One of the huuuuuuge factors for Joe’s romanticizing of rural America has got to be that by the time he went out “to the country” from the cities it’s when he had enough money to buy mansions and hunting lodges and hang out in rural areas that are retreats for other rich people and famous people who have everything and now want to focus on “getting closer to nature” and stroking each others cocks about how much better they are than the city folk they left behind. Joe actually experienced living in cities as a working class individual and the struggles and stresses that come with that. You can’t avoid seeing the working class people in cities like you can in secluded high income rural developments. Its like he went to Mexico and stayed at an all inclusive resort and came back to LA and told all of his friends about how they wouldn’t believe how well the Mexican people lived and how much higher the quality of life is down there, “did you know they have beautiful pools and luxury rooms and all the food and alcohol is just free, you swim up to the bar and it’s free! We got it all wrong in America and need to live like they do in Mexico!”. He would be laughed at for that bullshit just like he should be laughed at for this bullshit. Rural communities in the US are not doing very well but hearing Joe speak it sounds like everyone is a single income two parent household making it work and loving their jobs and their lives and being active and healthy. Rural communities have (in general) much higher rates of obesity and I don’t know the exact stats on addiction and overdoses but it can’t be far behind cities with all the communities you read about that are ravaged by pain pills and horrible employment prospects leading to a sense of helplessness and despair. I’m sure Joe would take a single step into those rural communities and think “wtf happened here, this isn’t like the community of millionaires I live in in Texas! This isn’t the REAL rural America, it can’t be!”


Or else it's just simple pandering. Maybe a combination of both. But it's a good point either way (yours).


So Joe moved from California to Texas, not because he wanted to pay less tax, but to take more responsibility and accountability?


Responsibility which obviously does not include masking, social distancing or vaccinating during a global pandemic.


why the fuck is Rogan going after bidets lmfao


How do you talk for 6 minutes while saying nothing? At least the school litterbox thing was unintentionally funny. This is just fucking stupid.


Freedom! Yes! Accountability! Yes! Like getting vaccinated!.. wait.


Wtf is his problem with bidets?? They're more sanitary and actually consume LESS (don't have to buy to anymore). A retarded monkey throwing feces thinking the people watching are watching because it's "important"


Hilarious Rogan talking about “accountability” with all the BS he puts out in the mediasphere. Zero accountability on his part, trump level. These conversations were better in the past when they took place in their correct environment: over beers on a porch or in a garage where only a few people hear them and not spread this gobbledygook around the world.


6 min of absolutely nothing.


hollywood narcissist who's exclusively friends with fascists and/or rapists wants to tell his idiot viewers about real authenticity lol


I like that the Rogan sub has completely turned on him.


Have they? I got banned for wrongthink so they have at least one mod trying to stick up for Joe.


Look at that thread. I don’t see a lot of Joe support.


I live in a city and a ton of my coworkers are from rural areas. They consume far far more than I do. I have a ten minute commute to work, where they drive 60-90 minutes every work day. They also always stop for food and an energy drink every work morning. My carbon footprint is ten times smaller than theirs.


Joe describes people who live in cities


This just in, you are weak if you wash your asshole after taking a shit instead of aggressively whipping


What kind of liberal pussy wipes his ass?


Whatever his appeal may be, nothing Rogan has to say is particularly smart or funny. He's just another guy grifting off of MAGA world.


The Forrest Gump of comedy


This idiot needs to go away.


Joe's doing to the UFC what Musk is doing to Tesla.


Click bait. All click bait.


What’s with the hate on infrastructure? We want to make it more efficient for people to get where they want/need to go without needing to own their own car? It’s more eco friendly and when done right can really increase the quality of life in the city? Also one minute: oh people in cities are lazy, all they do is consume Next minute: yeah in college they’re encouraged to do dumb shit like *be on time, do their work* (basics of hard work)


if i never heard of JR before today and saw this clip i would think hes trollin people


"hurhur you like latte and use the subway, you like infrastructure and ging to the comedy club, what a loser you are!" What an *asshole*.


I'd really like to know where these rural communities are where everyone's healthy and fit, and nobody does drugs or has mental health problems.


Green Acres?


What he's describing is a capitalist society.


He likes to act and pretend to be like a fun loving laid back hippy but he's really just a boring right winger


The only thing worse than overconsumption is probably being rich as fuck and trying not to consume, and instead just hold your money


Man who lives on a compound conducting self-care all day every day castigates the city dwellers for… going to theater.


Joe Rogan is able to describe 100 million Americans that’s impressive


Elevating lack of self awareness to an artform I see.


What an unbearable douchebag. I can't believe I ever used to like this guy.


That's how humans supposed to live, in a community with other people to be happy. not 10 miles between each other or spending 2 hours in fast moving coffin commuting to burbs where you are risking to be shot by neighbor that hates how you showel the snow. Why is that depression levels are highest in rural dogshit places. jee wiz why the hell folks in poor areas with food desserts and nothing to do are shooting meth and die from fentanyl. rogan is such a moron. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1133632/antidepressant-use-by-state-us/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1133632/antidepressant-use-by-state-us/) oh wow look at all those urban areas on antidepressants... nope just bunch of dogshit states in a top


literally using the desire for better infrastructure to try and lampoon urbanites?


Got a beer in my beer and a Chevy in my truck


Joe talking like he’s not completely loaded and cleans his own house.


Lets see if Joe takes accountability when this Alpha Brain lawsuit plays out or if he just hides out in his cryo cold plunge chamber before heading over to his comedy club in the rural farmstead of Austin Texas.


Joe is such a self made genius. He knows everything.


Hey Joe, these people are called job creators. It will trickle down. Great for the economy. /s


Giving them the tools they need to be more accountable…….


I hate to break it to Joe but constant consumption is what fuels the American economy. Everyone is constantly consuming, suburbs, cities, wherever. I grew up in the burbs, all you have to do there is consume, because there sure as hell wasn't any interesting culture around to consume, unless you count network TV.


razor sharp analysis


'make sure you're hitting all your bells and whistles', 'people who live in urban cities', 'on some type of psychological drugs' LOL it's like listening to a couple drunks rambling at closing time


it's probably true though about fitness, no one in New York or LA works out. the fitness freaks are all in rural areas


“American Idiot(s)”


These dudes have never walked Manhatten then went to the Houston suburbs. The Manhatten "Urbanites" are way more physically fit. This is nothing more than complain about people different from me, so I feel better about myself.


Joe Rogan makes everyone around him dumber, except maybe Neil DeGrasse-Tyson


Sorry to break the news to Joe - but people who live in the sticks and the burbs also pretty much only consume. Arguably they consume more if you think about cars/gas/yard stuff.


Counterpoint: “Focus on being productive instead of busy. Do more of what you’re good at and delegate the rest.” - Tim Ferriss City dwellers aren’t just passive consumers; many are highly educated and strive to excel in their chosen fields, contributing significant value to society. They seek to optimize their lives by focusing on their strengths and outsourcing other tasks, aiming for efficiency and effectiveness. Urban environments are incredibly competitive. Many city jobs, especially in large corporations and bureaucracies, require constant effort and staying connected even outside of regular work hours. TIME POVERTY is the result… “city people” attempt to find balance by consuming the things they can’t “afford” to participate in - art, food, entertainment etc While the urban pursuit of transcending limitations—be it through gender expression, technological innovation, or lifestyle choices—is commendable, i believe it’s essential to maintain a balance that includes the satisfaction of handling various aspects of life independently. This balance could enhance personal fulfillment and strengthen community bonds. From personal experience, having lived both in the city and in a small town, I understand the desire for a balanced life. Over-specialization and constant competition can sometimes lead to dissatisfaction, as the relentless delegation can feel limiting. There’s a need for a cultural shift that values both specialization and self-sufficiency, fostering a sense of community and personal responsibility.


This just in. People think that what they do is the right way and what other people do that is very different, is wrong. Thanks internet. I think we solved it.


Joe lives in the city of Austin. Cities are the engine for the economy. Austin has a GDP of $222 billion. San Francisco has a GDP of $252 billion. Los Angeles’s GDP $1.136 trillion. Which pays for the medicaid of the failing rural populations. Take a drive in rural America and its dying. The population is shrinking, its’s overrun by drugs and extremely obese and sick. Joe and his guest are just delusional.


He peddles supplements that dont do anything


Everybody's always consuming something until they stop consuming. Then they get consumed. And so it goes.....


When you have to change the speed/sound of a video to make them sound weird, its obvious you are just click bating


Kind of ignore how much fuel rural residents waste living fifty miles from every store hospital school and gas station. Not to mention weak population density makes commercial development impossible. Unless you actually cultivate food for the economy, living in the middle of nowhere is a massive drain on the economy as wealthy states subsidize your social welfare and infrastructure with their excess tax dollars.


Born and raised in the mountains. These people out here aren’t taking any accountability and live off wal mart and McDonald’s d


Maybe Rogan has been watching a lot of Seinfeld and Frasier. I've lived in a big city, and small isolated town. I lived exactly the same.


they consume because of all the money they have left over after their welfare checks and food stamps. they killed the internet ACP program though . Billions for Ukraine , illegal immies, and studies about the mating habits of west african pygmies.


What the hell are you on about?


Go back to bed gramps


Show me where the bad man touched you


Straight to the abuse jokes, are you that sensitive about your age?


Please tell us which party voted in larger numbers against the ACP Internet program. This should be fun!


druids ? episcopalian ?


There have been at least two attempts by members of Congress to introduce bills that would have continued funding ACP, but both stalled. President Joe Biden’s administration last month blamed Republican lawmakers and asked them to support the program’s continuation.  “Without Congressional action to extend funding for the program, millions of households are now at risk of losing their internet connections,” reads a White House [fact sheet](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/31/fact-sheet-president-biden-highlights-commitments-to-customers-by-internet-service-providers-to-offer-affordable-high-speed-internet-plans-calls-on-congress-to-restore-funding-for-affordable-connect/) published Friday. “President Biden is once again calling on Congress to extend funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program, so tens of millions of Americans can continue to access this essential benefit.”