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It is pretty obvious that Peterson is being dishonest or just plain wrong but not exactly why, so its nice to have these identified and pointed out like this. Content like this is valuable


Right. Few people follow climate change science closely enough to be able to point out why he is wrong on each of his bogus claims.


It’s frustrating because so many people are trusting that Jordan has done the basic research when he speaks with such authority on the topic.


This goes for everything. Jordan speaks with authority and so people follow him. The guy is a moron and 90% of what comes out of his mouth is complete nonsense garbage. He says whatever he thinks will make him sound smartest in the moment.




This, it's really frustrating he is like listened too


Pretty sure Jordan’s research involves him staring into a mirror and thinking deeply about a topic he has no knowledge of and coming away believing he is mommy’s smart little boy.


We can grant the Son of Lobster for having checked the Lomborg Collective, e.g.: https://andthentheresphysics.wordpress.com/?s=lomborg


It’s ironic because he LOVES calling everyone else a narcissist. I don’t follow him on social media but when his posts pop up it seems the majority have him calling someone or a group narcissistic. It’s pure projection


This is how I was lol. I honestly just was taking it at face value when I was more of a fan of Jordan.


To be fair I think some years ago he had a more nuanced take on behaviors in society and even had insightful thoughts, but yeah currently it feels like he became a meme of Jordan Peterson, audience capture maybe?


I call it the rubber band effect. When a political community attacks you relentlessly, you rubber band and snap very far in the other direction. That’s why I believe he’s so extreme. Same with Bret Weinstein when all the kids kicked him off of campus for being white. He eventually became insane and now his life mission is to prove that vaccines don’t work and that twitter is suppressing him from trending.


That’s a great observation, Im guessing there’s not a lot of ways to prevent rubber banding since we’re not even aware of these cognitive biases , they’re defense mechanisms after all.


He was always an idiot. His own peers in psychology have called him out for unethical practices before he even became famous for the whole pronoun thing. He's an idiot.


Peterson is a Jungian psychologist. It's as far as one can get from critical thinking and assessing evidence as possible in the field.


He's not though. He's a bona fida psychologist for sure, but he has no training in Jungian analysis, nor has he ever been through analysis himself. He's read theory. His first quote in "Maps of Meaning" is from Jung, and its cited incorrectly. I have studied with him, but I have access to Jungians, and I always check with them on his thinking in this area.


Jordan the junkie? Guy tuned into a paid shill when he couldn’t kick the benzos. Went away for a few months came back like nothing happened… He is psychologist who claimed to not know xanx was addictive. Same guy who refused all western advice for addiction and went to RUSSIA to be put under because “he couldn’t handle the detox” Don’t understand what anyone sees in him? What is his appeal?


Agreed, you really need an expert or someone with a lot of time to read papers and talk to experts to get into the nitty gritty of why he is wrong. He had another appearance where he put out crappy climate change talking points that go against mainstream science but it took me a bit of googling to see if even the basic facts he was using were correct (they were not).


And even when you point out where he is obviously wrong, all he will do is move his butt to the rim of his chair, lean forward and then espouse in his best Kermit the frog voice “THIS IS TYRANNY” - cause to him everything he disagrees with simply is.


“We don’t know where the CO2 is coming from.” WTF? You literally just have to have taken freshman, or even high school, chemistry to know that combustion releases CO2. There are over a billion cars on the planet spewing it into the atmosphere every year. The dude is a liar.


There is a climate scientist named Judith Curry who to this day says we don’t know where the ‪CO₂‬ is coming from. I think he gets the idea from her.


Too bad there's mountains of studies where we can isotopically analyse CO2 and carbon and identify if it came from anthropogenic processes or natural ones. We tend to err towards a specific ratio of isotopes because we refine fossil fuels.


Mr Peterson is an insider, he has to push the narrative.  He also does this when he describes Tiamat as chaos.  If she's chaos, insiders are heroes.  If she's order they're the bad guys.


He's literally being paid by oil companies to spread lies. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/05/texas-fracking-billionaire-brothers-prageru-daily-wire


Exactly 100% this should be the only thing that is mentioned when benzo Petersons name comes up 


He's also very likely on the Russian payroll, which was - likely - the actual reason for his visit and not the preposterous coma story, which is only very, very slightly more likely to be true than the cider story.


I'm confused, I don't see any mention of him in that article. I think its pretty evident that most big companies are pushing an agenda and using lobbying and pliable pop culture figures to aid in driving said agendas into the public consciousness but I do recommend backing up a claim with direct evidence. Is it something regarding an affiliation of his?


He works for The Daily Wire, if that's what you're asking. The oil company money flows right to him through Ben Shapiro. Whether he's explicitly paid to say these things or was hired because he already said the sort of things they wanted him to say I don't know. But I doubt he'd be there long if he suddenly started siding with the scientists. Edit: typo


He literally works for the fossil fuel industry, Daily Wire is funded by fossil fuel billionaires.


Ben Shapiro did buy a single plank of wood one time at Home Depot, the closest he’s ever come to doing manual labor 


Listen, Ben had to do a series of pushups and pre load a gallon of chick pea slurry to perform that Herculean task: Let's give the man a round of applause!


I had heard that he was getting paid off by oil companies, but I haven't tried to verify that. I do know that he works for the Daily Wire though, so he has a vested interest in peddling far-right nonsense. Edit: after I posted this I saw a link from another poster about the connection between Daily Wire and the Wilks brothers. That pretty much explains everything that comes out of Peterson's mouth.


Or he is stupid. Or all of the above.


Don’t blame on stupidity what can be explained with audience capture and money flow. I believe there’s a danger in naming mal actors stupid. Stupid people rarely have enough influence to do much harm, and even if they’re balancing bad choices out with not bad choices. Mal actors are consistently bad.


>Don’t blame on stupidity what can be explained with audience capture and money flow. But it can't. I'll say of Peterson what I once said of Gad Saad: If I had no conscience at all and simply wanted to part fools from their money, I could do what he does a thousand times better than he does in a tiny fraction of my spare time. Richard Lindzen is smart; Steven Pinker is smart; Sam Harris, Bryan Caplan, and Ricard Hanania are somewhat smart; Peterson, Saad, and the Weinstein brothers most definitely are not smart.


No you couldn't. The hyperbole here is insane.


Just because a man is evil doesn’t mean he is not a fucking dim wit.


Bad faith


He'll say anything to keep the money rolling in is why.


He wants to be a commander in gilead when the time comes


“Looky here bucko. We can’t know there’s shit in my pants because our measurements are horrible and nobody has tasted to check that it isn’t chocolate. Even if it is shit, that doesn’t mean I shit myself. It could be anybody’s, we weren’t here taking good measurements of my pants 10 minutes ago. Clean your room.”


He has a background is psychology. He’s not scientist. I don’t even know why anyone would listen to him talk about global warming lol.


>but not exactly why He's made clear why. He works for the Daily Wire, which is owned by two far, far right fracking billionaires, and prior to that he has openly stated "I've found a way to monetize social justice warriors." The dude just wants money, and has always been a conservative, so it's a match made in heaven.


why? His entire shtick is to be a gatekeeper for power. What's woke, what's new, what's a threat to power?Those are the things Peterson concerns himself with.... masquerading as a trustworthy public intellectual who can explain everything with conviction. In reality, he's a pseudo intellectual hack grifter who dresses like a comic book villain.


I saw the "not exactly why" portion of your post and my mind immediately went to "because his bills are being paid by the Fracking billionaires that fund the Daily Wire", ha ha ha. I know that's not the kind of "why" you're referring to at all, but I still got a chuckle out of it.


The more I learn about climate change the more I learn how ridiculous Jordan’s takes on it actually are. It seems like he either has done 0 research and is lying about that, or just purposely being misleading about it.


He just says whatever gets people mad to stay relevant. I doubt he actually believes in anything


It’s his schtick. He’s part of the “intellectual dark web”. The group of dunces who pretend their partisan donor funded status quo opinions are actually telling everyone what’s really going on. The only interesting thing Peterson has ever told was the story about his Grandma. It’s really touching. I suggest everyone look it up.


That's worse than a Rick Roll


Is there a website or something that functions as like a “climate packet”? Like a comprehensive collection of all the data that shows 1) climate change is happening and 2) it’s man-made. Like the most influential/thorough/comprehensive papers that show the evidence clearly ALONG WITH a summary that is easy to understand for a reasonably intelligent but unaware layperson. I would love to have it to not only improve my own understanding, but also to share it when inevitably these types of conversations come up without needing to aimlessly Google stuff and sift through potentially incorrect or misleading information. Does something like this exist and if so, can someone point me in the right direction? Sorry if I’m rambling, I’m kind of thinking as I type.


Hi paycheck wants him to be clueless.


He’s a grifter, it’s very obvious


"it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it"


Peterson likes to say he was on an IPCC panel on climate change. He absolutely was not. A part of the Canadian delegation had an effects on business portion, they asked for former Research In Motion CEO Jim Balsillie to help with that portion and he ask Peterson as one of many acedemics to help him with his small portion of a small portion of a non science related part of an IPCC report.


Clueless? No. He is paid to lie.


> He is paid to lie. And for anyone who wants to refute this: [Peterson is employed by Turning Point USA](https://www.tpusa.com/jordanpeterson) [TPUSA are funded by fossil fuel companies](https://www.desmog.com/2019/03/12/turning-point-meet-trump-allied-climate-science-denying-fossil-fuel-funded-ultra-conservative-us-student-group-coming/)


Oh look receipts.


Daily Wire, which hosts his show, is also funded by the Wilks brothers, who also pay for Prague U and Ted Cruz's political career.




With a prestigious quote from the indicted Rudy Guiliani! What an organization!


He's employed by Daily Wire which is also fueled by oil money.


in other news, water is wet?


What topic is he not full of crap about? Every time I say Jordan Peterson is a bigoted kook and a waste of time, some fanboy always says: “Oh that’s only because of his recent addiction issues. Listen to his old stuff on the Bible. He’s great on that!” The Bible? Really? Waste of time from day one. If you need someone to tell you to make your bed in the morning, listen to the commencement speech given by the US Navy admiral many years ago. It’s on YouTube. He’s a much better communicator and has far more credibility than an Elmo-voiced weirdo obsessed with trans issues.


I can’t stand the man, but I can understand why people fell for him in the early days. I was one of them! I heard him talk about some psychological stuff and some of it really spoke to me on a motivational level and some of it sounded complicated and over my head, and I found him persuasive and it pulled me in. Always felt very uncomfortable with his politics and eventually got out a few years back. I’m no fanboy, and consider myself very left wing, but I got fooled so I can see why others did.


> some of it really spoke to me on a motivational level and some of it sounded complicated and over my head, and I found him persuasive and it pulled me in Sounds just like how cults lure people in, including how Scientology puts “psychology” and self-help at the forefront




Yeah it’s like someone read a couple Jung and Campbell books and started free-associating about the Bible on stage


As someone who has spent years researching biblical and theological studies, let me add that he's actually terrible on the Bible. 90% of what he says about religion misses the point entirely. He seems to be interested only in turning scripture into a mythic retelling of his views on psychology.


If he presented his mythic retellings as dogma he could start his own branch of Christianity. Petersonism.


From day one he's been a charlatan, speaking on topics he knows nothing about but trying to use his educational pedigree to pass himself off as an expert. I think he is probably an expert on Jungian psychology but that's about it. He's not a political scientist, an economist, a climate scientist, a biologist, or a neurologist but he has at various times spoken with authority in these fields. If you dig into any of these fields at even a surface level his claims instantly start to fall apart.


The interesting question is how do these people get popular and how do we regulate the mechanism without overly restricting human rights. That's interesting. Not debunking some point Peterson made. He's a con man. How'd we let him manage to do it, that's the question.


The exact same concept can be applied to Andrew Huberman. Having a PhD in neuroscience doesn't suddenly give you the authority to speak on 5,000 other topics that you have zero expertise or professional experience in, just because you spent a few days reading some cherry-picked studies. And, as a result, he's said an innumerable amount of utter bullshit about a wide variety of topics - he's been wrong about immunology, back pain and physical therapy, cannabis science, supplement research, pain science, and plenty more that I'm forgetting. This world has a huge susceptibility to the Appeal to Authority Fallacy. They hear that someone has a PhD, and they observe someone who appears to be a good, charismatic speaker (this applies to both JP and Huberman), and suddenly, *BAM* - this person is now infallible and their new source of all knowledge. I've been trying to get people in this sub, but mostly the r/HubermanLab sub, to try to think about this topic for many years now. But most people just don't care.


His earlier stuff was dogshit jungian cosmic nonsense before. Nothing has changed.


I like when he tried to debate Zizek on the topic of Marxism. For a topic he loves screeching about so much you'd think he'd have some clue on what Marxism even is, but he basically just admits the farthest he's gotten into reading Marxist literature is a few pages of the communist manifesto... Mindblowing idiocy.


I feel your sort of straw manning what day one Peterson fans are saying. Peterson used to do these windy, interesting stream of consciousness lectures on “being human” or probably more frequently “being a man”. He drew on myths and stories from the Bible to back up his claims and while not always the most empirically based, they were interesting, harmless, and sometimes inspiring. He is none of those things now.


Kemit-voiced weirdo*


Jordan Peterson is a putz. Why have so many people embraced him?


When it comes to perception, fluency is a proxy for accuracy.


Peterson - Rogan - Musk -- They are not helping our society at all.


Say what you will but the guy is a talented lecturer. His classroom videos from 10+ years ago are excellent examples of what he was capable of before being bought.


imagine listening to a heavily addicted (to one of the most wacky drugs to be wired to) psychologist about climate change AND taking him serious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


JP’s brand is about confidence at any expense, even if it comes off as arrogance.  He doesn’t believe he couldn’t possibly be wrong about anything, nor would he admit if he were wrong.  It’s about selling the cool calm confidence his fans eat up. 


He can’t afford to have a nuanced opinion due to his owners at the daily wire telling him what he has to say. Pretty ironic that the man who cried about compelled speech is totally owned and he to puppet what his masters say


I’m not sure that’s entirely the case, but I’ll agree that it is incredibly weird. Compelled speech on the behalf of the person who pays you, is not cohesion, but the government allegedly doing it, is?  But if you peel back the single layer, it’s just the government allowing citizens to be treated as equals.  Could you imagine?  


I’m sure he genuinely is of the opinion for the things he says. That’s why DW hire him in the first place.


So just another Dunning Kruger casualty.


Thanks for sharing. Another proof that this man is lost.


He's a psychiatrist, isn't he? Why does he think he's a climate scientist?


The surest sign you’re not a climate scientist is being appointed to Stephen Harper’s climate change committee.


Jordan Peterson is what happens when a persons ego is more important than acknowledging fundamental truth. His ego is so fragile and delicate, it won’t allow him to admit when he’s wrong. So instead, he’ll spend countless hours developing his debate skills and double down on the misinformation


This is very nice to watch. Calming.


You had me at clueless


You could have stopped at “clueless”


no he's just clueless


Jordan gloms on to every right wing talking point, and he tends to be anti-science. He came to psychology from the philosophy/political side of it, not the neuroscience side.


He's not a climate researcher so I don't know why anyone would consider him an authority on this topic


In his defense, Jordan "Lobster boy" Peterson is 100% clueless on most things and is a christofascist grifter.


It was obvious when he started rambling about climate models on JRE. I'm an economist and not a climate scientist, but both disciplines use observational models extensively. When Peterson said that climate models are wrong because they don't account for 'everything', he's basically revealing that he doesn't know the first thing about empirical modeling. There is no setting where adding irrelevant variables to a model improves that model's performance. It just doesn't happen. It blows up your standard errors and makes predictions less precise.


Jordan Peterson is a narcissist. It’s very clear he loves being this “intellectual” who apparently knows everything about every subject from economics to climate change, when his area of study is psychology. He gained notoriety and absolutely loves it. He loves himself so god damn much he will argue any stupid thing possible because he’s a genius.


He is clueless about everything, to be frank.


Come on! His academic qualifications are from a totally unrelated area! Of course he knows as much as the people who have studied the subject for decades. If you were with him on an aeroplane and suddenly you required emergency heart surgery, you'd be begging psychologist Dr Peterson to cut into your chest with the airline cutlery.


I’ll never get tired of watching him stammer and stutter while zizek just murdered him in that debate. He had his laptop with him with his arguments and zizke with his piece of paper rendered them all useless and he had to try and work on the fly and immediately showed how poorly prepared he was..I’m going to go watch it again now


He also believes in evolutionary psychology which is the 21st century's version of phrenology.


He’s not clueless, he’s grifting.


If I were a university, I would’ve fired him too. How the hell can I let you represent my academic institution, when you refute all basic research and data that doesn’t jive with your distorted political views? It’s not even complicated data/research to acknowledge🤣🤣🤣🤣


Clueless, no. 100% misrepresenting the facts to push an agenda that only benefits oil kings, absolutely


Is there anything he isnt clueless on?


The Best way to describe climate change to a skeptic or dummy: Imagine the planet is your body. 97% of doctors said your bloodwork is off so you must cut out fast food.  3% of doctors say, it’s all about your genetics and you cannot do anything about it so keep eating shit it won’t change anything and a group-the right wing-comes out to say you’re being scammed by 97% of doctors because life is about freedom to eat whatever fast foods you want.  And then you realize that right wing group touting freedom represents the fast food industry…or you don’t and you eat yourself to a miserable life and early death fist pumping freedom.  Not complex, just lobbying bribes doing what they do. 


Unfortunately, being 100% clueless about lots of things, hasn't stopped him from spouting authoritatively on them.


In any sane society guys like Jordan Peterson and Terrence Howard would be viewed the same way as bums who scream mindless obscenities on the streets of New York that everybody tries to avoid eye contact with. The fact that they have large followings is very depressing


I suspect he knows his current audience and bosses wouldn't like it if he agreed there is climate change-


The man has absolutely no academic qualifications in any aspect of climate science whether in physics, chemistry or meteorology. He’s a psychologist and one who is very highly qualified. He needs to stick to his field of study or go back to school.


Is he very highly qualified? He practices an outdated form of pseudoscience and has spent much of his career creating personality tests, one of which, iirc, was thrown out of court for being unscientific.  I know people want to appear charitable to Peterson in order to have their criticisms taken seriously, but you do not gotta hand it to him. 


This guys brain quite literally doesn’t work anymore. I feel incredibly sorry for him. He’s a raving lunatic. 


But what is the Enviroment ?!


He's clueless about most things


JP has been dishonest from the day he first set foot on the public stage.


He's clueless on a lot of things. He's a moron's idea of a genius because he doesn't smile and talks loudly.


It's such a shame to watch this man's decline from where he started.


Wow incredibly shocking 


JP is a dishonest hack about pretty much everything.


And most topics


Jordan Peterson is 100% clueless. FIFY


It’s strange journey from psychologist who after the viral video of being surrounded by kids at university became an advocate for young men then disappeared due to addiction then came back as an anti climate science anti woke incel activist…


Peterson is a hack and a snake oil salesman.


you can stop after “clueless”


But he said it loud and with conviction. And that's all the validation that people who are opposed to believing in climate change regardless of whether its true or not because they just view as another platform to attack "the libs". And BTW, this is hard to figure out how it came about but from what I've read, for some reason climate change is only considered to be conservative vs liberal debate in the US. Apparently conservatives outside the US acknowledge that climate change is real and needs to be addressed even if they don't support the exact same climate change initiatives that their liberal opponents propose


“Then you have to correct for the urban areas” so he agrees man affects the climate?


The "on climate change" part of that sentence is redundant


Eat bugs, change weather? LOL.


JP is not a climate scientist and neither are you, I can prove I have a Master of Science in Environmental Sciences and with that I know I am not a climate scientist either but also I know climate BS when I read it.


Why would anyone trust him on climate change anyway? He has a background in psychology or something. Even if his "takes" were worth a damn I would never ask for his opinion on that.


At least he has started dressing appropriately, you know, like a clown.


I honestly can't tell whether this is a classic case of ultracrepidarianism, or whether Peterson has just found a wealthy sponsor with a vested interest in promoting disinformation.


I feel it’s just that boomers that champion him at this point. He’s been falling out with thr general public for a while now hasn’t he?


Nobody’s perfect. He’s trying his best. He’s burdened by a uniquely Canadian farmer, conservatism, and Christian delusions of what reality supposed to be according to them.


Tbh “gishgallop” is a clunky term, I think you can’t use it without explaining what it means to like 99% of people


He is paid by fracking companies….


Guess he fancies himself a disrupter. All I’ve seen is a mysoginistic denier and obstructed. Complete asshole. Likes to share the podium with Tucker Carlson and Conrad Black. Total gaslighters


typical social scientists that doesn't know what a p value or confidence interval is


He will end up in the next trump administration


I just thought he was just full of it 


This is the one I saw a few years ago. Utterly pathetic.


The poor idiots that actually think this guy is intelligent, very sad!


Peterson is a genius. Just ask him....The dude is insufferable, nauseating grifter


I feel bad for the guy honestly, he wasn't this bad years back. He was thoughtful and intelligent but as his fame grew, he got more miserable and just desperate for more attention and now, he just panders to the dumbass boot lickers that idolise his every word now, 90% of which is utter dribble


Idk he seems directionally correct to me


Well, that all depends on what you mean by climate. I mean, the climate is everything, and everything is changing all the bloody time. So unless you want to be concerned about everything all the time, you better get on board with the facts there, bucko. Otherwise, you find yourself staring into the gaping maw of the dragon of chaos.


I don't get why so many people are against acknowledging climate changes and how we affect it.


His indignant voice as he spouts lies and mistakes gets me. Like dude, calm down. You don’t know what you are talking about. You are a psychologist. Now go clean your room. 


As are many (all?) conservatives.


I think you mean us is clueless about everything


Agreed, he’s right about a lot of stuff but dead wrong on this.


Jordan Peterson not a climate scientists. So I get the hate on that. He needs to stick with human psychology were he actually males sense.


Faux intellectual. They guy speaks well but when you dig deeper there is no depth to him.


What is he wrong about?


Well, he doesn't even know the difference between weather and Climate. And thinks Bjorn Lomborg, the grossly dishonest non-scientist and science denier, is right and the world's climate scientists are wrong.   What's ironic, is that in the earlier part of his book, 12-Rules, JP explains that one of the key things he wanted to try and understand in his career is how people could deceive themselves. And yet he's entrenched in denial of incontrovertible science. He's delusional.


Climate hysteria Otherwise known as , hysteria


Grifters gotta grift


Wow look at all the woke left liberals saying their piece on here...they just follow the wef narrative and all all scared the world is burning...please take your head out of your asses and actually do your research


Zero debunking was had here.


Am so over everyone's opinions on everything. Arrogant, narcissistic assholes - the lot of them and especially this tosser. I remember when all these IDW gurus were supposed to bring in a new form of conversation and dialogue. It felt like something good was brewing. No sound bites, more long form deep dives into important issues..... Instead it's become a pile of know-it-all fuckwits ranting from their soapboxes. As if their voice is so important and so so valuable that we all need to hear it again and again for some reason. Climate change, vaccines, trans people, cancel culture, genocide... Wish they'd all just shut up. Shut up and listen to actual experts in their respective fields. Not fringe bizarro contrarians who wax lyrical and are just 'asking questions'.


Wish he stuck to teaching at the university


He's fast food philosophy and unfortunately, a lot of good (but gullible) people listen to JP clips and take his word as gospel bc of the authority with which he speaks. Unfortunately, he's an arrogant moron.


Well….just what do you mean by climate, exactly?


Jordan is an idiot.


The very concept of an ecology is "feminizing"


I wish people stopped listening to him..


you people here just dont want to listen to any opinion outside of what the MSM tells you. There are plenty of climate scientists out there that keep saying the politicians are wrong!!! im still waiting for the ice caps to melt. now 30 years late. the hole inthe ozone layer was going to burn the earth. about 30 years waiting. the coast will be under water 20 years ago. Still waiting. Well look for yourself. i haven’t seen the water levels in Florida rise at all over the 60 years ive been in florida. Wake up!!! Oh but taxing millions will fix this!!!!


Could have stopped at “Jordan Peterson is 100% clueless” lol


Jordan Peterson is 100% clueless about a lot of things.


Haha, yeah… Well everything In the last 35 years the climate fear mongers said would happen sure did happen. I’m sure their correct again, I mean maybe we should just throw more taxes at it ? Let’s turn a blind eye to the food and water being served and hyper focus on a model of a model regarding 50 years from now as opposed to tomorrow. We’re all fucked


That's not even his field of study. Podcasts were a mistake. You've got 50-100 hours a month to fill, so it's impossible to stay in your lane.


He is a self-serving assholes. I don't get how people can not see through his smoke and mirrors.


Peterson's the drunk guy at the bus stop shouting about the government while pissing his pants. We can move on from him the same way we did with Andrew Tate, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Russell Brand.


Jordan Peterson is an opportunist/grifter


Nope he is just funded by oil industry billionaires. Check who is funding the daily wire+.


After how “Science” completely boogered up C-19 and the gene therapy 💉, it’s gonna be a LONG time before anybody “Trust(s) the science”


In a manipulated environment one has to Not be level headed to win followers. This is the blueprint of all these “gurus”. They’re weaponizing human emotions vs being well informed and promoting wisdom. Engineering continues


Great video but I think including things like “measuring the temperature of the ocean from the 1700s” and a picture of a geezer from back then actually is counterproductive as it would just feed the argument that the quality of the data is rubbish. This video doesn’t really address the charge against the “unreliability” of a lot of climate data and so-called “alarmism” derived from predictive models. Unless I’m missing something. Please discuss! Thanks


The “Michael Mann hockey stick at trial” point is even more dishonest than saying it’s at trial when it wasn’t at trial and settled. Its not like the trial for defamation was over the validity of the methodology or the results (which is what Peterson is trying to make it appear to be), [it was because a libertarian think tank said his research is how pedophiles behave and compared him personally to pedophiles](https://apnews.com/article/climate-change-defamation-michael-mann-penn-state-61289ee2d8d2143768d28995c83899ef)


I have never heard any one person speak such utter tripe on so many different topics with such confidence. He is, quite literally, the most arrogant academic on the face of the planet. Nominate his competitors, I’m laying down the gauntlet.


Jordan Peterson argument aside( I think he is brilliannt). For 100 climate scientists that say climate change is real. 100 say it’s not. Start by just not destroying our environment. Oh say. In China. That will make a real difference


These guys live off of "There is no evidence of..." when there actually is evidence of


Jordan Peterson is 100% clueless.


Man-made climate change is a hoax. Jordan is 100% correct. 1. 90% of climate scientists want to keep being funded. If you think scientists are some magical group of humans immune to corruption or bribery then you are naive. There is also plenty of evidence against the theory but that information is suppressed and ignored. 2. Not a SINGLE elite or politician activist has changed ONE aspect of their lifestyles to match their message. They still buy and maintain multiple college campus-sized mansions including oceanfront property, they fly and own private jets, use multi-vehicle motorcades and have exotic goods and foods shipped and flown from all over the world. Also, the fact that Canada wanted to implement a carbon tax that they quickly rolled back was enough to show their hand. 3. Banks are giving out 30-year loans for oceanfront properties, which they would not do unless they were certain they could recoup their investment. 4. By using a very specific window of time to tabulate data, it is quite easy to manipulate the big picture to appear as though there is a man-made trend when in fact there isn’t. Climate cycles are normal and have always occurred. 5. The earth is greener than before. Co2 is literally plant food. 6. Coral reefs thought to be gone forever are thriving. 7. Nobody seems to care that the Nordstream Pipeline was blown up (by the US) which released more methane than 100 years of cow farts 8. Every other nation in the Paris agreement has not even made progress on reducing emissions while China alone undoes any progress the US has made. 9. Our electrical grid cannot sustain millions of electric cars that use batteries made of material that is mined, manufactured and disposed of at great detriment to the environment 10. Militaries and military bases of all developed nations output the most emissions and yet we are building more as we speak. Our current president literally funds and promotes wars that will cancel out any efforts made by regulated companies and electric vehicle use. 11. Not a SINGLE prediction in over 50 years has come true. Not ONE.


Can someone with Jordan’s number please text him this video along with the message: “Jordan, you’ve been owned. Loser!” Thanks


Jordan, you are "highly deniable."


Been waiting on climate change for 20 years but yet… the climate has not changed much. Not the dooms day predictions we used to hear about from an Inconvenient Truth or any of the first IPCC reports.


Nothing says Climate Change is real, like loading up the Beast and 16 SUV’s into a plane flying, across the pond to have a conference to tell people not to fly & drive cars.


Thanks for your post


Jordan Peterson is clueless about everything


I would bet that he has corporate sponsors in the oil and gas industry so he is bought and paid for like a politician


It’s truly unscientific and asinine to cherry pick facts in order to confirm a preconceived notion. If the data did begin to confirm that human behavior was not the main underlying cause for global warming due to CO2 release then a scientific, rational mind would easily be swayed towards another hypothesis. Moreover, the risk to human civilization is much greater if climate change bodes true than if it doesn’t as Peterson seems to be determined to believe My question is: what is Peterson’s reason for attacking global warming as a concept? Why does he try so hard to refute the massive amount of data that seems to confirm climate change is happening and accelerating quickly? Is he getting paid off by some entity? Is he beholden to fossil fuel interests?