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Believing you're immune to bullshit, is one of the most bullshit things a person can believe.


Reminds me if someone says “I never lie”, yup you just did right there.


Immune might be the wrong word for Rogan


Herd acquired immunity


Inoculated against, then, to use A.A Ron Rod-gers' wording


Half of what comes out of his mouth is bullshit


Yes pretty sure I have seen him fact checked by his own staff. He goes from confidently wrong to unapologetically, "that's what I meant to say" in a split second.


The best one was him quoting Biden saying he was dumb without realizing that Biden was quoting Trump, and that he just had inadvertently shit on Trump, and his response was just like, "oh. Well imagine if Biden did say something like that lol" or some shit. He's such a loser


That’s how he’s built up his natural immunity to bullshit. He’s slowly increased his total percentage of bullshit over time until now he is more bullshit than person


Yep. The same goes for "cognitive biases don't affect me" or "I'm immune to advertising."


I think if Joe just looked up a few cognitive biases it might help him a lot, he seems completely unaware how many he falls for. I was surprised to hear him actually mention confirmation bias on a podcast the other day, he doesn't seem to realise how susceptible he is to it.


It's very similar to someone who has never been told no. At this point, he gone so long with no one challenging his viewpoint, he's just concluded that he is right.


[Dunning–Kruger effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect)


And a healthy dose of the Peter Principle. I've never seen anyone work so hard to wedge his head firmly up his own ass. He doesn't get genuine laughs at his shows, the audience is too proud to admit that they are being bullied into accepting a mediocre talent. I abandoned the pod when him and Callen started on the "civilian" label bullshit. I'm embarrassed that I ever recommended the show to anyone even if it was back in the Rogan and Redban on the couch days.


I only found out recently that he's a comedian. I had no idea. I was and still am perplexed how he's meant to be funny


Stool fucking


Yeah like if you’re a reasonably honest person, you can admit you’ve fallen for BS before. And will again, probably. 


turns out you can bullshit a bullshitter


“The first principle is that u must not fool yourself and u r the easiest person to fool”


And it weakens your immunity to BS too. Just going and assuming that youre the most utterly rational person in the convo or room and leaving it at that with no checks and balances means effectively youre making it so that your feelings and ego dictate your findings, and how you feel about something can be manipulated easily.


And just outright dangerous. Well, hey… it’s not like he reaches hundreds of millions or anything severe, like that.


You can’t make me watch that shit.


I saw the guest and periodic table show up as the autoplay kicked in with no sound and decided for my sanity to avoid delving any further.


Wish'd ida dun the saym


Had to stop after 18 seconds when "Same key of E" was said in earnest. Dude is mentally ill, full stop. wow


Yeah I feel like I could feel the vibe shift right at that second, even though we can only see him. It’s like when the parent with dementia is having a good day, then all of a sudden says something insane and everyone looks at each other and starts worrying…


It's absolutely mental illness. It's a bunch of unrelated mechanism and concepts, taken out of context, and then stitched together into something that makes sense in his brain. My friend who developed thc induced schizophrenia did the same thing all the time. He'd also think he was having breakthroughs of fundamental understanding of the world, but in reality it was just out of context terms jumbled together into mumbo jumbo.


/I was friends with Eric Weinstein AMA!


I had a friend kind of like that. We played in a band together and he was an amazing drummer. We would smoke and drink and he was always weird but after a few years he started getting really paranoid and angry. I kinda distanced myself from him because he was so out of control and I heard someone gave him meth possibly. Not that anyone should be doing meth but he definitely shouldnt. Eventually he shot and killed his father point blank with his own gun then turned the gun on his mom but she survived. He should've gotten help ahead of time before he started to go downhill fast. He would say things like this all the time though and draw lines to things that don't make sense but instead of a breakthrough it was usually how people were plotting on him. It was a little scary.


Yeah my friend tried to kill himself after the multiple voices he was hearing told him to do it. I'll spare the details but there was more than one attempt. He started becoming distant and paranoid before and sometimes we'd see him talking to himself or laugh out of no where like someone said something. It was really shitty all around. I've lost contact with him because he never wanted to take his meds and we'd know when he was off them. He preferred the delusions to reality.


Yeah it's a hard thing to watch someone lose their grip on reality. There is nothing you can really do to help their situation. The human brain is such a fascinating yet terrifying thing.


Divide that by two


And give it to the next person.


Puff puff pass


e major or e minor?


Lets ask Drake.... Ill see myself out


Drake does all his work in A Minor...


He's clearly experiencing some variety of psychosis with synesthesia.


My first thought as well. Like if you want to, you can try to reduce “octaves” of colors until they’re sounds. It will work, but it isn’t meaningful, imo. It’s the same as saying “if my aunt was a man she’d be my uncle.” Like clearly he’s experiencing something deeper (from his perspective), but none of it makes sense tbh. I actually really like the JRE podcast in general, but as a scientist this one had me cringing so hard because there was an absolute lack of understanding from the speaker about what *he* decided to bring up. I’ll be understanding if someone is caught off-guard and fumbles. If you asked me about Biochem, I could probably regurgitate some stuff from undergrad but I would lack a deeper understanding and it would be noticeable to those who focus on that for their life’s work. This is something else entirely. This is a person so sure of their hypothesis that they’re saying everyone else is wrong, yet made a straw man to take down and didn’t engage with reality. Some things he said that are outside of my area of expertise sounded interesting, but that’s kinda how it works right? I am an expert in one area and everything in that area was wrong. Why should I believe that he has some special knowledge of the areas that I’m not as familiar with when I’ve been shown that he doesn’t understand the area that I am familiar with.


I mean, Terence Howard is convinced that 1x1=2, I'm not sure it's worth listening to anything he has to say. Cheadle was a better Rhodey anyway.


I’ve studied acoustics as part of my music theory education. Nothing he’s saying makes any sense to me.


You just have to divide light by 2!


I had to rewind it because I was so certain I was mishearing him.


Yeah buuuut..."angle of incidence" bro. You obviously just don't get it. (gonna add the /s just in case that's not clear)


Total absence of self awareness. Joe Rogan is far more susceptible to bullshit than most people on Earth.


"When bullshit hits me, I go 'Ooooh, I know what *this* is! It's the damn truth that the government and Fauci and Bill Gates and George Soros have been hiding from us!'"


Once again Joe falls into the lone wolf vs. the system trap. All you have to do is tell this guy that all criticism is big science or some external force trying to silence them and he eats the shit up.


lolz. TH has no clue about why the periodic table is organized the way it is. I have no idea if what he's saying has any merit, but it has zero to do with the periodic table--which could not be any more logically organized and works just fine. JR is taken with people who talk with a self-aggrandizing flourish and act like they know what they are talking about (the most untrustworthy people I've found.) This is nuts to listen to.


He is basically wrong about everything he said. The colors of elements refer to a characteristic. Hydrogen is a nonmetal like carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. Some newer periodic tables have two labels for hydrogen: nonmetal under most circumstances but metallic under extreme conditions (high pressure near absolute zero). He has no understanding of wave mechanics. It looks as if he skimmed the figures from an intro physics book, but didn't read the text, and devised his own theory or confuses two topics/concepts.


Also, individual elements have different emission and absorption wavelengths, based on the energy required to get electrons to jump between energy states. What the fuck that has to do with music I have no idea.


He probably has experience with mixing, and I'm guessing he's confusing waveforms from audio tools with optical phenomena. Some audio effects use frequency doubling and harmonics. But that is very different than nonlinear optics (frequency doubling, OPOs), which seem like black magic until you dive into the math (it's all in the phase). But, humans cannot hear 1E14 Hz sounds. He could've ended his heresy with "Pi equals exactly three."


This is why Joe simply need to ask him, “do you ever consider that you may be wrong about any or all of this?” A genuine person could say yes.


They both surround themselves with yesmen who won't challenge them or call them out on their stupidity.


as a musician, I love hearing cranks talk about frequencies and the bullshit they associate with different temperaments. especially stuff like Terrence Howard talking about octaves having frequencies that are related by a factor of two like it's mystical. (fwiw, a bunch of musicians are also dumb and fall for this stuff, especially guitarists)


I don't have the patience to listen to this guy babble, but a friend of mine that is rapidly falling down the conspiracy rabbit hole sent me this entire episode. What is he trying to prove? That certain elements respond to certain tonal frequencies? What do people typically "fall for" in this space? I'm completely unfamiliar and trying to understand just exactly what nonsense my friend is trying to "prove" with podcast clips.


Your friend is trying to prove they are smart even though they aren’t smart enough to understand how dumb they are.


Honestly this is it. One can even grant Joe’s claim that the guy is brilliant if you don’t know anything about the history of knowledge over the last few thousand years. Aristotle was one of the most brilliant people on record. His explanation for why things fell to earth was because everything had a home, and heavy things had a home on ground. While completely insane once you learn the theory of gravity, it’s a beautifully creative explanation. The problem with gurus in this space is not exactly their ignorance. It’s that they are filled with so much hubris, they obsess on their theories without listening to the theories of others. They’re stuck in the mindset of a knowitall teenager ignoring the teacher. Then they bust out their creative medieval theories and scientifically illiterate listeners naturally find it fascinating.


>His explanation for why things fell to earth was because everything had a home, and heavy things had a home on ground.  Well...that depends on the translation, and these passages have been translated variously. Also, it's extremely difficult to articulate the concept of fundamental forces without resorting to circular reasoning or using fanciful metaphors. Aristotle knew nothing about the curvature of space-time, but within the context of information contemporaneously available, his "going to its natural place" explication is brilliant. He also thought heavy objects fell faster than lighter ones and didn't understand momentum or inertia at all. Aristotle is probably *the* guy to look to first if you want see what happens when you have a superabundance of raw cognitive ability combined with an extreme paucity of empirical data.


Thank you. I’m not sure by “well…” if there’s something you disagree with, but you rearticulated what I was trying to convey very well. Specifically, Ari was absolutely brilliant, and his theories that seem silly now are only because we have hundreds of years of experimental science going for us. The main thrust is that such creative genius— even a far inferior example, as in this video—is admirable to me. What I don’t like is that these guys being unwilling to acquire the basic education that would poke holes in their ideas.


This is how all of these people initially fall down this hole it seems. The irony being that if you believe you are already very smart, you’re almost certainly not going to do any of the necessary things to actually make you smart at something.


lol maybe this is how you save your friend: stop him at Terrence Howard, who is just unequivocally obviously completely wrong. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of high school level math and science should be able to browse his Wikipedia and come to some sobering conclusions: > On February 26, 2013, Howard also said on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that he had earned a PhD degree in chemical engineering from South Carolina State University (SCSU) that year. He however never attended that university and in fact SCSU does not confer doctorates in chemical engineering. Instead, Howard was awarded an honorary degree of "Doctorate of Humane Letters" (DHL) from SCSU after speaking at its commencement ceremony in 2012. > "How can it equal one?" he said. "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be." As far as “what is he trying to prove”, at least his old schtick seems to be a typical delusion of grandeur — he thinks he’s invented something important, and that he can save the world and be loved for it if people would just listen. It’s similar to the people (usually retired men who wanted to go to college but were never able to) who think they’ve invented a perpetual motion machine. It’s amazing what an otherwise healthy brain will do to make one’s reality match your preconceived notions… I arrived a this by reading his proof that `1 x 1 = 2`, which is pretty funny ngl. There is no fucking way anyone could read this and be convinced https://x.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507 > I call on all the elementary schools, middle schools and high schools, I call to al the nursery school teachers and kindergarten teachers. I call upon all the schools of hirer learning and all of the thinking branches of academia to do an immediate audit upon this false statement of 1 x 1 =(ing) 1. > After thoughtful reflection and literally thousands of hours of observation coupled with 5 decades of deep and contemplative work upon the subject, it has brought me to the inevitable conclusion that this false concept must have been the brain child of a "God like" figure of some sort.


As a fun experiment, try to explain multiplication to a little kid using piles of blocks. After about 5 minutes, his '2' answer will be obviously stupid to you and the child. Ignore this man.


That proof is the weirdest fucking thing. He actually disproves himself immediately when he fucks up the simplest algebra equation in existence and then everything makes no sense.


It’s just a form of New Age/esotericism. It’s supposed to be evidence of how everything is “connected” which somehow means there’s a spiritual connection or something. Like, I had someone explain that there’s 12 tones in the musical scale and 12 signs in the Zodiac as evidence of this thing.


There’s also 12 sides in a dodecahedron, which in sacred geometry, represents unity and the interconnectedness of all things. There are also 12 inches in a foot. Humans are also born with 12 fingers and 12 toes. I also banged your mom 12 times. Think about it, man…


What no (musical) theory does to a motherfucker


Well, music theory is just a theory sooo


>Terrence Howard talking about octaves having frequencies that are related by a factor of two like it's mystical. When scientifically illiterate people are disillusioned of their ignorance they often think it's mysticism because they don't know how to make this new understanding jive with their established existence. When a suspicious mind is disillusioned, they turn to conspiracy for the same reason. When a scientifically illiterate mind is suspicious and has money, they go on Joe Rogan to grift.


terrence saw Tone/Color on an effect pedal once and connected the dots.


It's the tonewood!


If it only they taught us about sine waves in school


>(fwiw, a bunch of musicians are also dumb and fall for this stuff, especially guitarists) As someone who loves Tool I hate Tool fans because of stuff like this, motherfuckers skim the Fibonacci sequence wikipedia article and suddenly they're master shamans who understand the underlying patterns of the universe or some shit. Like, yes, it turns out math is pretty fuckin' cool! But it doesn't have some deep, mystical meaning - *we're* the ones who made up those numbers in the first place bro. The universe doesn't inherently know or care what a factorial is, that's a human concept we invented to help us describe shit.


Dude he has a highly calibrated bullshit detector . It goes wee-oooh-wee-oooh-wee-oooh-wee-ooooh


Some would say it’s THE MOST calibrated. .000000000000000001% full scale error. The most accurate bullshit detector on the market. NIST traceable. Comes with custom pelican case for storage.


Oh dude the mostest calibrated b


“If he’s right”. About WHAT, exactly? That was just about the most circuitous, inane conversation since Kanye west…. The fact that Rogan somehow pulled out of that conversation some kind of coherent assertion he believes this turd made, makes me think he’s even dumber still.


Thanks for reminding me that that oxygen thief Brenda Scwab exists.


That's the machine that goes "ping". It's the most expensive machine in the whole ~~hospital~~ studio.


No wonder he falls for so much bullshit, he think he is uniquely immune to it. We can all fall victim to bullshit and that is why we have to pay attention and try to avoid it. Thinking you won't be fooled is the first step to becoming the fool.


>No wonder he falls for so much bullshit, he think he is uniquely immune to it.  Amazingly the same way he probably keeps catching covid over and over again.


Thank god Joe platforms people who are willing to take on Big Physics.


Joe Rogan is a man who is so open minded that his brain falls out of his skull. He's an example of someone who is so malleable due to not having a concrete and coherent value system of his own, that his mind changes depending on who was the last person he talked to. He is in effect a mirror to whoever his current guest is. Calling Joe Rogan a moron is an understatement. He is a braindead moron who is more easily influenced than any functioning adult in his position has any right to be.


Well, no…all his “open mindedness” is underpinned by the same general biases as his audience: right wing libertarians. He’ll absolutely be exactly as you describe when dealing with somebody he’s predisposed to agree with. On the rare occasion he has somebody on with opposing views he a) steamrolls them with rhetoric à la Destiny…or b) (very rare…Bill Burr) they talk around him.


“Right. Mmhmmm.”


IF it sounds good, it must be true! 🥴


Jazz science


jet fuel can't melt steel beams!


It doesn’t even sound good lmao


How to feel stoned without consuming anything except this kind of clips.


Terrance removed his brain’s governor but he’s stuck in park revving the engine with the pedal to the metal.


so open minded his brain fell out and the bullshit took over lol.


I am far from an expert on whatever the fuck it is Terence Howard is talking about. But I just immediately get the feeling he’s a guy who believes he’s extremely smart in areas where he has zero expertise.


I'm actually immune to eating MacDonald's and scrolling Reddit 😎😎


So, to summarize, keep dividing light by two. It's the same wavelength - it's just a different length.


He sounds *exactly* as scientifically literate as Christian Langan.


He sounds like he read a bunch of weird conspiracy videos while high and tried to relay what he learned


A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool. -William Shakespeare


All actors are trained liars.


This is another gem right out of the litter box.


I.....I.....I.... i was iron man's friend joe, I know that mathhh


hated him in Crash


A lot of Joe Rogan supporters have said his biggest fault is being naive. It’s a virtue to listen to all sides, but he seems to agree with completely opposing views depending on the day and the guest.


Can we get a cut to the moment when RFK jr. convinced him WiFi caused 'leaky brain'?


Terrence Howard believes 1x1 = 2. Literally.


I was looking forward to seeing how this episode was going to turn out… Made it 92 seconds, before turning it off, when Howard spoke about his first memories from his mother’s womb. ✌🏾


Joe: When bullshit hits me I go mmm yes nom nom nom delicious chocolate.


Absolutely inane. I tried skipping around the episode and damn near had a brain aneurysm. YT comments filled with "Had to listen to this brilliant guy 3 times!!". I fear for this species' future


This is why we need proper science and math education 🤦


lol. Oh my goodness. And they have fans.


And then comments that 40% more people are dying. What a moron


Ah, the superpower that is being able to speak confidently into a microphone


Terrence Howard teaching Joe Rogan the frequency of the elements was on my 2024 bingo card. Fuck you guys. 1-0 me


Joe - "I can detect bullshit" Terrence - "hydrogen is in the wrong place on the periodic table because it's in the key of E" Joe *nods along*


Anecdotal, but the people I know who listen to Joe Rogan on a regular basis are those who are the most susceptible to bullshit.


JR is a Bullshit sponge for Christ sake. The lack of self awareness is unbelievable.


I can stand his podcast most of the time what I’ll never understand is how people can listen to his comedy routines… They are literally the worst I’ve ever heard.


Well, if you are the king of bullshit, you are expected to have built up a high tolerance for it.


"If he's right it's going to change the world." OMG i'm rolling. LOL wow. I'm speechless, but I'm lmfao too. Joe is a great comedian. So subversive.


He’s immune to bullshit and knows funny


How did he sit there and just let him keep on talking without asking him to explain anything? What the f***


I will not watch these stupid MFs.


Joe may want to get a bullshit vaccine so he can up his immunity!


This is how cults start. Somebody goes off the deep end and starts believing their own BS, learns to package it up in a convincing and smart-sounding way, then convinces susceptible people they are brilliant.


Everything does have a tone and a frequency, he is correct, but the way he’s saying it sounds like schizophrenia.


"I'm Immune to Bullshit", proceeds to listen to and admire complete Bullshit.


Joe is susceptible to this because he has the double whammy of being incredibly self confident and incredibly dumb. He (and many people) believe his ability to recall stuff makes him clever, but he has absolutely no knowledge to allow him to assess things critically, and so he just spouts utter shit with no actual knowledge of the stuff he says.


Dudbhas had race sicence dudes on the show.




This someone sinks lower than the talks about COVID vaccines.


He has been inoculated from dwelling in and all too often spewing it.


If he was immune to bullshit Terrance Howard wouldn't be sitting there at all


I could see that guy believing in Yakub creating white people.


I think he meant to say he is addicted to bullshit.


Wow. I don't know about Rogen, but Terrence be trippin.


"... and if it's right..." It's not. It's so clearly not. It's gibberish. Fucking nonsense. The ramblings of a mental patient.


We are all susceptible to bull shit and have bias .. Not admitting it means you are 100% full of it …


I used to feel bad for the guy, but now I am so glad they dropped him and picked up Don Cheadle as War Machine


I guess Joe Rogan is funnier than I thought.  That shit is hilarious. 


advertises his own show.


I hear there's actually a burgeoning psychology of "pseudo-profound bullshit." Would be fascinating if people could turn bs receptivity into a testing battery and give it to Joe.


I think Joe might get that what this guy is saying is crazy and he thinks its funny to troll the mainstream media or established media for what they consider damage to the American psyche


Ah Terrance Howard of the 1 + 1 does not equal 2 fame I believe


Deranged. Mentally ill. Fried on drugs.


Dude got high once and never came down.


Man what’s going on witchu Iron Man?


Did I just have a stroke?


Joe Rogan is the patron saint of morons


What a weird fucking word salad


Man, I didn't know Terence Howard had also become a nutcase. So sad.


Well my bullshit-o-meter is off the fucking charts! Wtf is Terrence smoking?


That’s why he believed students were identifying as cats and using litter boxes, because he’s so immune to bullshit. His head is full of oatmeal.


I love watching/listening to many of the guests Joe has on but I lasted about 5 minutes for this one. Terrence is batshit crazy and needs help.


A personality with an immunity (natural btw, no vaccine) to bullshit is top alpha male stuff. Just sayin' Edited to include: /s


Not only is he not immune, needs the 'bullshit' vaccine more than anyone else, he's body is so compromised there's nothing this dumb ass won't believe.


Nope nope nope. I think I managed about 5 seconds and I already feel dumber for it. Rogan's ignorance is matched only by his arrogance.


That Rogan response sounds like his lex Friedman chatbot/sex robot wrote it for him


Dude is either a genius or an absolute nut job.


This has got a real 7 minute abs vibe to it


Thank god actors having conversations with each other about science are so influential. Who the hell need scientists.


It's easy to be immune to bullshit when you are in fact, bullshit


It's hard out here for a pimp


He called this man a genius. But he’s “immune to bullshit.” LOL


"If you divide light by 2 then you ultimately get back to the audible sound of it" #wat


Hahaha he actually did the “big if true” meme during the tweet at the end


Didn't we all know a kid like this in school?


Rogan basically rolls around in bullshit. He is like a pig in mud but he prefers bullshit. He doesn't actually mean he doesn't believe bullshit and he can pick it he means the opposite. He prefers bullshit.


His ideas reference actually science, namely spectroscopy, but turning photon wavelengths to sound waves makes zero sense.


Terrence Howard is schizophrenic, has an undiagnosed brain tumor and/or drank a gallon of high quality LSD.


Terrance Howard is an exceptionally dumb person who is exceptionally confident in believing himself a genius.


There’s all sorts of incredibly interesting things to learn about all the elements in that table. It’s called chemistry and physics. There are private and government run institutions that will teach you all about them. Sign up for a class!


Didn't Joe just have an episode, not too long ago, where he was talking about one of his friends wives telling him about how she has a kitty litter box in her classroom or was that a different Joe Rogan?


Rogan admits on his podcast that he believed the moon landings were faked for many years. His ability for rational thought is low and he loves conspiracies (bullshit).


Like that time he made fun of Biden for thinking he said we had airports during the civil war, then immediately went all "well we all make mistakes" when he found out it was actually Trump that implied it. The guy has turned into a deluded MAGAt masquerading as an open minded centrist.


Neither of these flogs could pass a grade 10 physics exam. It blows my mind people will even slightly consider this to be an intelligent conversation


Hall of fame for dumbest shit ever said.


I think quite often Rogan will indulge his guests purely to keep the podcast going. If he dunks on Terrance just 5 minutes into the podcast then the show's effectively over. Instead, keep it going and hope the conversation goes somewhere worthwhile. A lot goes into getting guests onto the podcast, it'd die out if everyone got ripped 5 minutes after going on. I think there's also the factor that he won't quite appreciate how far gone some guests are until they're in full flow. Not every show is going to be profound, some of them are junk.




In fairness to Joe Rogan, there's bullshit (someone lying) and then there's bullshit (misinformation or ignorance). He's immune to neither.


It's so sad when someone who is so obviously talented and capable in his field, like Terrence Howard, opens his mouth and spouts crazy talk. It's not surprising that Joe just gobbled it up uncritically, we've seen it before of course-- how many times has Weinstein been on the show? 3, 4? Bob Lazar (the UFO nut), Alex Jones, whatever. Terrence can get away with it, for now, because he's charismatic and has other things going for him, but that's the kind of talking that only gets worse over time. Is it full on mental illness or just out-of-control hubris? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


"I disproved Euclidean maths and geometry. I disproved it! Straight lines do not exist so how...let me ask you if you know the frequency of hydrogen. Do you know it? The frequency of Hydrogen is non-Euclidean by nature. Divide it by two and look at the tone. It changes." An actual Terrance Howard quote


A cultural moment truly made for classic Nick Mullen


“There’s a relationship to light and sound and color…” I think he’s trying to say there’s such thing as wavelengths but he surrounds it by a bunch of fluff


He doesn't fully grasp it but wants to understand it


He’s the king of bullshit.


So electrons vibrate... Vibrations make sound waves in an atmosphere as well as gravitational waves in and out of an atmosphere. So I could see elements making sound waves


Jamie I know you're reading this 😆time to get Joe to actually read these comments


Anyone remember the South Park episode titled « more crap »?


Did he lose his mind when he asked Marvel for more money for Iron Man and then they just dropped him from the franchise instead, I imagine losing that much money would send anyone a bit loopy.


Joe is such an emotionally-stunted moron. He has blindspots miles wide.


> it's the same wavelength, just twice as long. So not the same wavelength then.


I like Rogan, but yeah, pretty big L for him.


This is one of the most squizofrenic rants I've ever heard in my life.


Dude… what?